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Commemorative Biographical Records of Northwestern Ohio
including the counties of Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton.
Published at Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co. 1899.
ZACHRICK, William |
This gentleman, who as a skillful farmer and carpenter, and
contractor, has been actively identified with the business
interests of Highland township, Defiance county, for some
years, is a native of Medina county, Ohio, born February 6,
1850, whence when only two years old. he was taken to Henry
county, this State, by his parents, Henry and
Mary Zachrich. There the father died in April,
1895; the mother is still living. They reared a family of
seven children, of whom our subject is second in the order
of birth.
On the home farm in Pleasant township, Henry county,
William Zachrich grew to manhood, acquiring his
education in the local schools. On leaving home at the age
of eighteen he began learning the carpenter's trade in
Defiance, Ohio, and to that occupation he devoted his
attention exclusively until 1887, since which time he has
also engaged in farming. He was married in Highland
township, Defiance county, April 6, 1874, to Miss
Catherine Bouer, who was born in that township,
November 3, 1856. Nine children bless this union, whose
names and dates of birth are as follows: Henry,
February 11, 1875; Louise, March 17, 1877; Flora,
August 27, 1879; John, December 22, 1881; Kate,
August 20, 1884; George, May 13, 1887; William,
April 30, 1891; Martin, June 29, 1894; and Emma,
January 3, 1897.
For three years after his marriage Mr. Zachrich
continued to reside in Defiance, and then located on his
present farm of one hundred acre's in Highland township. He
is a progressive, energetic business man, and a
public-spirited citizen. In politics he is a Democrat, and
for several years has most capably served as township
trustee, being re-elected in the spring of 1895. In the
Lutheran Church he holds membership, and has been officially
connected with that organization, serving as trustee and
Source: Commemorative Biographical
Records of Northwestern Ohio including the counties of
Defiance, Henry, Williams & Fulton. - Published at Chicago:
J. H. Beers & Co. 1899 - Page 270 |