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Birth Records of Dr. Salathiel Williams
Defiance Co., Ohio
Publ. 1900

Note Book of Dr. S. T. Williams 1865, Brunersville, Defiance Co., Ohio
1866 - 1869 
1884 - 1891  1892 - 1895    1896 - 1901 1902 - 1907 1908 - 1913


Wife's name, Mary E. Williams
Father's name, Dr. N. Williams
P. Office of each, same as above.

Jan. 23, Monday.
     Bid goodby to my wife, child and parents & sisters.
     Started for Nashville, Tenn. to resume my duties as Medical officer in Hosptl. no. 14 Nashville, Tenn.
     Left Defiance, Ohio at 4:30 P.M. - Arrived at Peru, Ind. at 9 o'clock P.M. & as no train left till morning rent to bed?

Tuesday 24,
     At 5 a.m. started for Indianapolis, Ind.  Arrived there at 9 a.m.  The car being very cold I took a severe cold, which affected my throat severely.  Stopped at the Mason House.  Started for Jeffersonville, Ind. at 10 p.m.  Took sleeping car - throat painful - had bad cough. Arrived at Jeffersonville, Ind. at 5 a.m. - crossed the river to Louisville, Ky.  Stopped at Louisville Hotel.  Went to Asst. Surg. Genl's office and renewed my contrast and was assigned to duty in Nashville, Tenn. - Started for Nashville, Tenn., at one o'clock p.m. - Weather cool.

Thursday 26
     Arrived in Nashville, Tenn. at 1 o'clock a.m.  Went to Hospitl No. 14 & went to bed very tired.  Throat better.  Arose at 7 a.m. got breakfast.  Reported to J. N. Brinton Surg.   ___ Su___ Dir. Hosplts - by whom I was re-assigned to duty at Hosptl. no. 14.
Resumed my duties as Executive Officer this morning - Very little to do - made one set discharge papers.  Am very hoarse-throat not very painful - Remained in my room in consequence of a very bad cough which renders one unfit for the duties of my office.

Sunday 29.
     Much better but still kept my room. Occupied myself in reading a late work.

Monday 30.
     Am able to attend to my office though I have very little to do - weather pleasant - made one set of discharge papers for Hugh a. Hook whose thigh I amputated last September, Friday 12, May 1865.
     About one (1) o'clock a.m. where near Waynesville & about ten (10) miles north of Seymour (both in the state of Indiana) the sleeping car attached of a train on the Jeffersonville & Indianapolis R.R. in the state of Indiana & in which I was sleeping, was thrown from the track and fell violently on its side thereby throwing me out and seriously injuring sensible for a short time.  I was on the upper side and fell perpendicularly the width of the car, a distance of about five or six feet, the man occupying the bunk above me falling upon my body.  The bunk in which he slept also became detached and fell upon me.
     My Hip was pressed in between two bunks.  A young lady was nearly killed outright.  A young man named costs had his head and face severely bruised.  J. B. Park, late a Lieut. Coe of the 4th Mich. Cavalry was also seriously injured.  About twenty (20) persons were injured.  Some seriously, others but slightly.  Water ran into the car from a ditch beside the road into which the car fell.  My surgical instruments were badly damaged by water - nearly ruining the case & ousting the instruments.
     Here Dr. S. T. Williams diary ends.

The remainder of the book is given of to accounts of patients in Kendallville, Ind.

     Among the names are Glates? Jeff Dunbar, C. N. Wagner, Ch. Franks, N. Franks, Frank Wolf, Al. Vannimonon?, J. Reyber, P. Bushong, R. Miller, T. S. Doke?, T. L. Graves, A. B. Park, S. C. Miller, O. J. Gregger

     In a Diary book for 1866 he has written on the fly leaf the name S. T. Williams, M. D., Kendallville, Ind., A stamp of L___ F. Abel,  M. D. appears on fly leaf, advertisings, Medicines Books, Stationary, Albums, Paints, OIls, etc., Main St., Kendallville, Ind.

Born Parents  
1866 Feb. 1, Wakeman, S. A., Mrs., delivered a male child.  Mother and child doing well.
1866 Feb. 28 Railroad accident occurred this morning between 30 & 40 persons injured - visited & prescribed for 16 of the sufferers.
1866 Apr. 10 Brace, Theodora, Mrs., delivered of a healthy female child.  This mother & child doing well.  (Nathan
1866 Apr. 24 Krueger, H., Mrs., delivered a healthy male child.  Mother & child doing well (D T. W.)
  Binn, Mrs., was this morning delivered of a healthy child.  N. W.)
1866 Apr. 26 Cole, E., Mrs., delivered of a healthy female child.  Mother and child doing well (N. W.)
1866 May 30 Broward, M. J., Mrs., safely delivered of a healthy male child.  Mother & child doing well.
1866 June 4 Hopkins, A. B., Mrs., safely delivered of a healthy female child.  Mother & child doing well.
1866 Jun. 9 Engle, Chas., Mrs. delivered of a healthy female child.  Mother & child doing well.
1866 Aug. 26 Tharp, Cath., Mrs., safely delivered of a healthy female child.  Mother & child doing well.
1866 Aug. 30 Wilson, Mary, Mrs., male child.  Child named Chester.
1866 Sep. 4 Avery, Mrs., male child.
1866 Sep. 6 Hollis, Sarah J., Mrs., male child named "Collin Baldwin".
1866 Sep. 7 Tryon, Cath. Mrs., male child
1866 Sep. 8 Whitcomb, Mrs., female child
1866 Sep. 28 Taber, Locia, Mrs., age 30, male child
1866 Oct. 1 Miller, Sarah, Mrs., age 22, female child
1866 Oct. 2 Grey, Amelia, Mrs., age 36 yr,  
1866 Oct. 27 Baker, Mollie, Mrs.  
1866 Nov. 7 Baker, Addie, Mrs., female child.  Name "Jessie"
1866 Nov. 26 Cannon, A. L., Mrs., male child
1871 Jan. 26 Jacobs, Anna, Mrs., age 38, wife of Moses Jacobs, age 46, boy
(1871) Jan. 8 Toman, Emanuel, Mr. and Mrs., male born.  Emanuel Toman aged 22 - wife Anna 22 yr.
1871 Jan. 31 Rolof, John Mr., wife Ricky, boy.  Mr. Roloff 35.  Mrs. Rolof 29.  4 children previous.
1871 Feb. 9 Acker, Cyrus, Mr., wife Sarah, female (dead)
1871 Mar. 14 Rockford, James, Mr. age 38, Wife Clara, age 33.  Male.
1871 Mar. 16 Broward, Michael, Mr., wife, Mary, Mr. Broward, aged 37.  Wife aged 32.  Female child.
1871 Jun. 14 Engle Jonas, aged 30, wife Amelia, aged 27.  Parents, female
1871 Apr. 24 Kisber, Jno. G., aged 47, wife Katherine, aged 28, parents, girl
1871 May 1 Detering, A., age 31, Wife Louisa W., age 33, twin girls.  Children 6 living 8 dead.
1871 Apr. 28 Shultz, C. E., age 33, wife, M. G., age 33, boy
1871 Apr. 16 Reyner, R., age 43, wife, Rebecca J., age 35, boy
1871 Apr. 2 Shulge, Emanl C., age 22, wife Rilla A., age 20 girl
1871 Apr. 28 Brouse, C., age 61, wife Mary, age 36, girl
1871 Apr. 10 Bernes, Peter O., age 38, wife Anna, age 21, girl
1871 May 22 Springer, Isaac, age 29, wife Hattie, age 28, boy
1871 Jun. 26 Long, H. J., age 24, wife Louisa, age 22, girl
1871 Jun. 18 Beal, Harry, Mr., age __ wife ___, girl
1871 Jul. 13 Foster, Alvin D., age 24, wife Emily P?, age 20, son
1871 Aug. 17 Lehr, W. C., age 27, wife Catherine D., age 23, boy
1871 Aug. 2 Bittikoffer, Jno., wife Catherine, boy
1871 Aug. 23 Berryman, Jno., wife Nilla, daughter
1871 Aug. 24 Ch. Richie, wife Na_ni? son
1871 Oct. 6 Chas. Breidert, age 40, wife Dora, age 30, son
1871 Oct. 20 Deible, John, age 31, wife Hannah, age 29, daughter
1871 Nov. 7 Graetz(y), Frank, age 39, wife Ida B., age 19, daughter
____ Arnold, Edward, age 29, wife Clara, age 24  
1871 Dec. 24 Adams, Geo., wife Lutetia, son
1871 Dec. 3 Schaefer, Henry W. & wife, daughter
1871 Dec. 6 Fredk. Meirs, age 35, wife Mena, age 21, daughter

Obstetrical Record
S. T. Williams, M. D.

1859 Oct. 18 Williams, Mary E., Mrs., age 21 yrs., wife of Dr. S. T. Williams, a daughter named Effie
1862 Jan. 1st Williams, S. T., Dr., wife Mary age 24 yrs. son named Warren
1862 Mar. 23 Hatfield, John, Mrs., Mother son
1863 Nov. 14 Meeks, John, Mrs., mother son
1864 Jan. 27 Hall, Ferraby, Mrs., mother daughter
1864 Apr. 3 Iford, John, Mrs., mother daughter
1864 Apr. 8 Moon, Lydia, Mrs., mother son
1865 Dec. 14 Gee, Hattie, Mrs., mother son
1866 Jan. 23 Gilbert, Mrs. __, mother daughter
1866 Feb. 1st Wakeman, S. A., Mrs., mother son
1866 Apr. 10 Brace, Theodora, Mrs., mother daughter
1866 Apr. 24 Krueger, H., Mrs., mother, age 23 yrs., son
1866 May 19 Wycoff, Mrs., mother, aged 26 yrs. son
1866 May 30 Broward, M. J., Mrs., mother son
1866 Jun. 1st Hopkins, A. B., Mrs., mother daughter
1866 Jul. 23 Pepple, ___, Mrs., mother son
1866 Aug. 26 Thorp, Catherine, Mrs., mother daughter
1866 Aug. 30 Wilson, Mary, Mrs., mother son
1866 Sep. 4 Avery, Myra, Mrs., mother son
1866 Sep. 6 Hollis, Sarah J., Mrs., mother son named Collin Baldwin
1866 Sep. 7 Tryon, aterine, Mrs., mother son
1866 Sep. 8 Whitcomb, Mrs. ___, mother daughter
1866 Sep. 28 Taber, Lucia, Mrs., mother son
1866 Oct. 1st Miller, Sarah, Mrs., mother, father John W. Miller dau
1866 Oct. 2nd Grey, Amelia, Mrs., mother, aged 36 yrs. son
1866 Oct. 27 Baker, Mollie, Mrs., mother  
1866 Nov. 7 Baker, Addie, Mrs., mother, aged 29 yrs. daughter
1866 Nov. 26 Carmon, A. L., Mrs., mother, 31 yrs. son
1867 Feb. 11 Kelsey, Serepta M., Mrs., mother, aged 25 yrs., dau
1867 Feb. 20 Williams, Mary E., Mrs., mother, aged 29 yrs. daughter named Allie
1867 Mar. 11 Weston, Matilda, Mrs., mother, aged 22 yrs. son
1867 Mar. 26 Palmitter, Harriet, Mrs., mother, aged 34 yr. son
1867 Mar. 28 Smoke, Catherine, Mrs., mother, age 25 yrs, daughter
1867 May 30 Daniels, Kate, Mrs., mother, age 20 yr (blank)
1867 June 9th (blank) (blank)
1867 Jun. 16 Harding, Mrs., mother, aged 25 yrs. daughter
1867 Jul. 25 Huston, Edna, Mrs., mother, aged 37 yrs. son
1867 Aug. 14 Lower, Mrs., mother, daughter
1867 Sep. 28 Schute, Mrs., mother, aged 34 yr. son
1867 Sep. 30 Walling, Frances, Mrs., mother, daughter
1867 Oct. 3rd Smith, Melissa, Mrs., mother, aged 22 yr., daughter
1867 Oct. 20 Dodge, Augusta, Mrs., mother, aged 22 yrs. son.  Those present: Mrs. Dodge, Sen., Mrs. Duell & Ch. Dodge.
1867 Nov. 7 Kinsie, Harriett, Mrs., mother, aged 25 yr., daughter.  Present: Mrs. Lamore & Mrs. John Kime & Mr. Kinsie's mother.
1867 Nov. 12 Rawson, Lucy A., Mrs., mother, aged 24 yrs. daughter.  Present: Mrs. J. Avery & Mr. Rawson
1867 Dec. 6th Fresehe, Henrietta, Mrs., mother, aged 19 yrs. son.  Present: Mrs. Casbaum, Mrs. Smoke & Mr. Fresche.
1867 Dec. 11 Krueger, Mrs. N., mother, aged 25 yr. daughter.  Present: Mr. Krueger
1867 Dec. 19 Troub, Susan, Mrs., mother, aged 32 yrs. daughter.  Present: Mrs. Stephen Sawyer, Mrs. Hall, Miss Troub & Mr. Troub.
1867 Dec. 23 Smith, Jennie, Mrs., mother, aged 23 yr. son.  Present: Mrs. Brundridge, sen., Mrs. John Brundridge, Miss Fannie Holm & Mr. Jesse Smith.
1867 Dec. 30 Green, Alson, Mrs., mother son.  Present: Mrs. Robinson and Alson Green.
1868 Jan. 5 Steele, Mary Ann, Mrs., mother, aged 43 yrs. daughter.  Present:  Mrs. John Foster & ___ Steele.
1868 Feb. 9 Thomas, Ella B., Mrs., mother, aged 34 yrs. daughter.  Present: Mrs. Caswell & Mrs. Colgrove & Z. C. Thomas.
1868 Mar. 13 Bichoff, Hermina, Mrs., mother, aged 26 yrs. son.
1868 Apr. 20 Ely, Margaret, Mrs., mother son.  Present: Mrs. Adams,  Mrs. Risdon & Mr. Ely.
1868 Apr. 22 Roberts, Tabitha, Mrs., mother, aged 38 yrs. daughter.  Present: Mrs. Broward, Mrs. Geo. Green & Mr. Roberts.
1868 Apr. 26 Whitford, Naomi, Mrs., mother, aged 29 yrs. tripletts, two girls & one boy.  Present: Mrs. Whitford, Sen., & Mrs. Bissell & Mr. Whitford.
1868 May 7 Sheffer, Mary, Mrs., mother, aged 32 yrs. daughter.  Present:  Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Shearer &  Mr. Sheffer.
1868 May 8 Northam, Mary, Mrs., mother, aged 25 yrs. daughter.  Present:  Mrs. Billman, Mrs. Larrimore & Mr. Northam.
1867 Aug. 25 Nerhood, Lydia, Mrs., mother, age 22 yr. daughter
1867 Apr. 19 Ackerman, Mrs., mother twins.  son & daughter.  Present: Bogner, Mrs. Bodenhafer & Mr. Ackerman.
1867 Aug. 16 Wetherford, Mrs., mother daughter.  Present: Mrs. Sayles, Mrs. Caswell, Ms. Brace & Mrs. Larenburg. (Lavenburg?)
1868 May 17 Brillhart, Almira, Mrs., mother, daughter.  Present:  Mrs. J. Brillhart, Mrs. Knour & A. Brillhart.
1868 May 31 Parker, John, Mrs.,  mother, daughter.  Present: Mrs. John Foster & Mr. John Parker.
1868 Jun. 1st Rock, Mrs., mother, daughter.  Present: Mrs. L. H. Johnson & Mr. Rock.
1868 May 13 Sctair?, M. Agnes, Mrs., mother, age 27 yr. son.  Present:  Mrs. Platz, Mrs. Minnie Cole & Mrs. Vanness.
1868 Jun. 21 Lash?, Mrs.  
1868 Jun. 26 Totten, Minnie, Mrs., mother, dau.  Present: Mrs. Collier & A. Totten
1868 Jul. 1 Franks, Catherine, Mrs., mother, age 39 yr. dau.  Present: Mrs. Vanness, Mrs. Mesing & Mr. Franks.
1868 Jul. 4 Cole, Hannah, Mrs., mother, son named Nelson Bethuel.  Present:  Mrs. Geo. Sayles, Mrs. Minerva Cole.
1868 Jul. 20 Broward, Jacob., Mrs., mother dau.  Present: Mrs. Jacox, Mrs. Harper
1868 Jul. 20 Gettings, A., Mrs., mother, dau.  Present: Mrs. T. M. Dyer, Mrs. Chas. McCool.
1868 Jul. 27 Baker, Mollie, Mrs., mother dau.  Present: Mrs. Bakers mother & Mrs. Annie Hopkins
1868 Aug. 4 Friend, Maria, Mrs. mother dau.  Present: Mrs. H. Roberts, Mrs. H. Stone, Mrs. Knight.
1868 Aug. 10 Shanklin, Louisa, Mrs., mother, age 29 yr. dau.  Present: Mrs. Chamberlain & Mrs. Trobridge.
1868 Aug. 16 Engle, Jonas, Mrs., mother, son
1868 Aug. 17 Bixler, J. W., Mrs., mother dau
1868 Aug. 20 Benthin, ___, Mrs., mother, dau.
1868 Aug. 25 Taylor, Sim., Mrs., mother. son.  Mother died.
1868 Aug. 28 Grub, Henry, Mrs., mother dau.
1868 Sept. 2 Webber, Alf., Mrs., mother son
1868 Oct. 6 Broward, Mary., Mrs., mother son
1868 Oct. 10 Richie, Naomi, Mrs., mother son
1868 Oct. 11 Lask, Wm., Mrs. (blank)
1868 Oct. 16 Babcock, Mrs., mother son
1868 Oct. 18 Gretzinger, Andrew, Mrs., mother dau
1868 Nov. 2 Miller, John B., Mrs., mother son
1868 Nov. 11 Schute, Mr., sister of, a widow dau
1868 Nov. 13 Leander, Wm., Mrs., mother dau.
1868 Nov. 17 Bisby, Phil, Mrs., mother dau
1868 Nov. 20 Isbell, Addie, Mrs., mother son (father Elijas, Named Charles
1868 Nov. 22 Ross, Geo., Mrs., mother dau
1868 Nov. 27 Johnson, Enoch, Mrs., mother dau.
1868 Dec. 7 Fryer, Isaac, Mrs., mother son
1868 Dec. 12 Misselhorn, Henry, Mrs., mother, aged 35 yr. dau
1868 Dec. 18 Lash, Rosa, Mrs., mother, age 25 yrs. dau
1868 Dec. 22 Broach, Isabella, Mrs., mother, age 28 yr dau
1869 Jan. 9 Slarin, Bridget, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Jan. 20 Rockford, ____, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Jan. 30 Platt, Laura, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Feb. 3 Linch, Anna B., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Feb. 20 Crerits?, Ricka, Mrs., mother, son (Krimitz?)
1869 Mar. 6 Williams, Tryphena, Mrs., mother, age 24 yr. son
1869 Mar. 12 Allison, John, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Mar. 16 Miller, Eliza, Mrs, mother son
1869 Mar. 16 Thorp, A., Mrs., mother dau
1868 Mar. 24 Moon, Ch., Mrs., mother child sex not stated
1868 Apr. 2 Walling, Frances, Mrs., mother son
1869 Jun. 19 Clarey, Mrs., mother son
1869 Jul. 6 Raynor, Richard, Mrs., mother dau.
1869 Aug. 8 Whitcomb, Moses, Mrs., mother son
1869 Aug. 14 Keller, E. B., Mrs., mother son
1869 Aug. 21 Ordstott, John, Mrs., mother son
1869 Sept. 2 Haines, Harvey, Mrs., mother dau.
1869 Sept. 3 (blank) (blank)
1869 Sep. 5 Rawson, O. P., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Sept. 5 Forker, John, Mrs., mother son
1869 Sep. 10 Nestle, M., Mrs., mother son
1869 Sep. 12 Sprackien, Dora, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Sep. 12 Bittikoffer, Jno., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Sep. 15 Lewis, Geo., Mrs., mother son
1869 Sep. 25 McGregor, R. P., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Oct. 7 Straab, Geo., Mrs., mother son
1869 Oct. 16 Keller, Jacob, Mrs., mother son
1869 Oct. 30 Holtzer, Fredk., Mrs., mother twins, one son & one dau.
1859 Nov. 3 Shearer, asael, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Nov. 14 Easley, Wm., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Nov. 15 Seeley, S. M., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Nov. 17 Hayward, John, Mrs., mother dau
1869 Dec. 5 Daniels, Thom., Mrs., mother dau
1869 Dec. 13 Baird, Rufus, Mrs., mother son
1869 Dec. 15 Reynolds, John, Mrs., mother son
1869 Dec. 23 Beight, Saml. Mrs., mother dau




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