Page XIII - The Gallia Academy - continued -
two in coarse upper and
sole-leather; Peter Ferrard, three in liquor or cattle;
Charles Clendinen, one in pork or cash; John Entsminger,
two in labor, salt and pork; Andrew Johnson, two in salt;
V. Bureau, six in salt and beef cattle; Spencer E. Gibson,
one in whisky; W. Clendinen, one in pork and hemp; David
Ridgeway, one in beef; C. Etienne, one in peach brandy
and salt; Samuel Logue, one in hemp; Joseph
Fletcher, one in salt. The balance were in cash, David
Rees taking six shares; Robert Safford, three; David
Irvin, twelve; Nathaniel Gates, ten; Alonzo Cushing,
three; Andrew Johnson, eight; John B. Ferrard, three;
Lewis Summers, two; Henry Cushing, one; Junius
Newsom, one; Augustin Le Clercq, one; Madelaine
Bureau, one; John Kerr, two; Peter Steenberger,
two; N. S. Cushing, four; John Hannan, one; Matthew
Buell, one; Thomas Rodgers, six; A. Hutsinpiller,
one; S. F. Vinton, one. The foregoing are all remembered as
being the progenitors of many of the present old citizens of
The next meeting of which there is any record occurred
March 6th, 1811, at which Nathaniel Gates was made collector
of the corporation, to serve until the next May, or until his
successor be elected and qualified; Lewis Newsom, treasurer
for same term, and both bound by one or more securities; J P. R.
Bureau, clerk. The treasurer was ordered to pay over, as
fast as he received, $150 to John Gabriel Gervais and demand
and receive from him a deed for the lot on which the house was to be
March 19, 1811, the trustees again met. Present,
Andrew Lewis, William Clendinen, Edward W. Tupper and J.
P. R. Bureau. It was made to appear that John Savary
and Lewis Vimont of Kentucky, had offered to convey to the
corporation three town lots, to adjoin the one on which the building
was to be erected, on the condition that they be allowed to hold six
shares in said corporation. It was ordered that their
proposition be accepted, and the lots taken for the six shares; that
the lots remain an appendage to the academy, and not be disposed of
separately, but if ever, with the lot on which the building is
On the first Monday in May, 1811, an election was held
for trustees which resulted in Edward W. Tupper, Lewis Summers,
Andrew Lewis, John Savary, Francis le Clercq, Christoper Etienne
and J. P. R. Bureau being chosen. June 7th, following,
they were qualified and proceeded to organize. J. P r.
Bureau was elected president; Nathaniel Gates, collector,
with bond $1,500; Lewis Newsom, treasurer, with bond $1,500;
Dr. Matthew Buell, secretary. Ordered that the
president call on Thomas Rodgers, Adam
Morrow, Peter H. Steenbergen, John Henderson,
and Matthew Buell, or any three of them, to examine the
building erected by Calvin H. and Luther Shepard,
and to report their opinion thereon after comparing the same with
the contract. At a meeting of the trustees, Aug. 9th, 1811,
the above committee reported in substance, that they had found the
building to contain 80,512 brick, which, at $10 per thousand,
amounted to $805.12, which was allowed, together with extras,
amounting to $117, making the whole cost of erection $922.12.
At a meeting of the board, Mar. 30th, 1812, it was
resolved that Edward W. Tupper, Lewis Summers and Dr.
Jonas Safford be appointed a committee, on behalf of the board,
to make contracts and superintend the completion of the academy, so
far as the funds would warrant.
The board met Apr. 28th, 1812, at which time John S.
Miller conveyed the lot on which the building was erected to the
corporation, and was given five shares, to be deducted from the
purchase money. Henry Safford was elected
secretary. May 4th, 1812, Lewis Newsom, Peter Steenbergen,
John Savary, J. P. R. Bureau, C. Etienne, L. Summers and E. W.
Tupper were elected trustees. Mr. Bureau was made
president, which position he held until a meeting of the board, July
6th, 1815, when Edward W. Tupper was elected president;
Wm. Preston, secretary, and Lewis Newsom,
treasurer. At this meeting a letter was read from Claudius
J. Menager, proposing to furnish, gratis, a seventy-five pound
bell, so soon as the institution was completed and furnished.
This was highly complimented by the board as an act of great
liberality. The lodge of Masons also made application for a
portion of the building, in which to hold their meetings.
In 1816 it was resolved to open a subscription paper
for a loan not exceeding $200. Also decided to allow the
"Morning Dawn" lodge of Masons to use a portion of the building, and
accept from them a loan of $100.
In August, 1818, steps were taken to ascertain what a
permanent support would be given a teacher of desirable
qualifications, to take charge of the academy at a salary not
exceeding $600. The price of teaching the dead languages not
to exceed $30 per year, nor be less than $20; the number of students
in that branch not to exceed thirty, and a committee to be appointed
to take subscriptions and get the work started.
In October, 1818, the committee reported the following
First - One or more rooms to be opened as the "Senior
School" in which not more than thirty students would be allowed,
unless by order of trustees; the tuition to be not less than $25, or
more than $30; one instructed in any branch of English education
shall pay not less than $20, or more than $25 per annum; the teacher
of this school to be paid exclusively from funds accumulating
therefrom, and his pay shall not exceed $600 per year.
Second - There shall be a "Junior Class," kept in a
separate room, placed under the immediate charge of another teacher,
employed by the trustees, and whose qualifications shall be
sufficient to teach reading, writing, English grammar and
arithmetic; the manner of classing and instructing the school to be
determined by the senior teacher; the price for teaching in this
school to be not less than $250 per year, and if any funds should
accumulate, without increase of tuition, it should be applied to
repairs and improvements; all moneys for tuition, etc., to be paid
to the trustees quarterly, who were to become bound for payment of
teachers and all other obligations. About $400 was subscribed
to this plan, and the first session was opened May 24th, 1819, the
senior school under charge of Samuel Burrill, and the junior
school under charge of Rev. Wm. R. Gould, the former (a
graduate of Cambridge College), at a salary of $500, and the latter
at $300.
July 3d, 1820, Peter Menager was appointed
collector of the funds due the institution. Oct. 7th, 1820,
Edward W. Tupper was elected President, and the upper room of
the academy was rented to the "Morning Dawn" lodge.
July 2d, 1821, the academy opened under Rev. Wm. R.
Gould, as principal teacher, being the commencement of the fifth
session, and rates of tuition as follows: Reading and writing,
for session of five months, $4.00; same, with arithmetic and
grammar, $5.00; same with arithmetic, grammar and geography, $7.50;
Latin scholars, $10.00. June 22d, 1822, leave was given Mr.
Preston to teach a common school in the academy.
Mar. 26th, 1823, S. F. Vinton was elected
president, and N. S. Cushing, secretary. At this
meeting a committee on behalf of the "First Religious Society of
Gallipolis," made application for a least of land belonging to the
institution, for the purpose of erecting a place of worship.
The board decided to let them have one-half of lot one hundred and
twenty, on State street, the improvements reverting to the
July 2d, 1824, the last mentioned president and
secretary were re-elected and Miss Howard was permitted to
open a school for young ladies in one of the rooms. May 12th,
1827, Lewis Newsom received the appointment of trustee,
vice Nathaniel S. Cushing, deceased. At the same
meeting of the board the application of the First Religious Society,
signed by Luther Shepard, Solomon Hayward and John Cating
was presented. The board, in reply, agreed to sell lot No. 119
to the society for $100, in order to obtain money to repair the
June 14th, 1828, S. F. Vinton was again made
president and Nathaniel Gates, secretary. June 18th,
1829, Charles Damarin was made secretary, and C. Etienne,
treasurer. At this meeting it was resolved that it was
expedient to proceed to carry out the law respecting escheated
lands, and Mr. Gates was appointed a committee to wait upon
Messrs. Vinton and Brazee to engage them as counsel for
the board. In October, 1830, it was resolved to begin suit
immediately to obtain possession of escheated lands. The suit
seems to have been successful, for May 27th, 1833, Lewis Newsom
and Thomas Rodgers made a report to the board of the sale of
escheated lands, which took place one week previous to this meeting
of the board. Charles Creuzet was the auctioneer of the
lots. The following bought lots at this sale: Matthew
Walker, Lewis Menager, Nicholas Mahew, Luther Shepard, Edward
Reynolds, Levi Booth, Wm. Shane, Isaac Browner, John Cating, Peter
Menager, Elisha Barnes, John Givens, Robert Worth, John Miller,
George House, Henry MIller, Moses Gates and James Sprague.
The proceeds amounted to above $800.
May 4th, 1835, a deed was ordered given to the First
Religious Society, and teh two academy lots adjacent to the Public
Square divided into four or more lots and sold. May 15, 1835,
it was ordered that the principal and interest of the academy fund
arising from the sale of escheated lands, amounting to $1,235, be
loaned to the corporation of Gallipolis, at the rate of six per
cent., for a term of fifteen years.
May 15th, 1837, lots number 117 and 118 were ordered
divided into six equal parts and sold. Lot number six was the
only one sold, Wm. H. Langley, purchaser, at $600.
Alexander Vance was allowed $1.87 for advertising a notice of
the sale four weeks in the Gallipolis Journal. Jan.
23d, 1838, Joseph Fletcher was employed to survey academy
lots one and five, which were ordered sold, the former at not less
than $1,000, and the latter at not less than $600. Apr. 26th,
183_, Lewis Newsom and Lewis B. Menager were employed
to change the academy building so that the two lower rooms could e
used for business purposes.
Sept. 19th, 1838, Benjamin Gould, a graduate of
the University of Vermont, made application for use of academy, and
such other aid as the board could give, to establish a regular
academy. It was leased to him at $75 per year. Oct.
31st, 1838, Franklin Carel now living, was made treasurer,
which position he retained for over thirty years. Nov. 4th,
1838, Benjamin Gould rented for another year, and his sister
Lydia Gould, and Miss Gould was to have what she could
make, although in 1841 the board gave her $25 additional, and one
room for twenty-two weeks, free of charge. Feb. 15th, 1843,
J. c. Robinson, then teacher, leased the academy for another
year on the same terms as the preceding year. In July, 1843,
John H. Pratt was given all the room in the building not
already occupied by said Robinson. In September, 1843,
Julius Regnier bought lot number five for $600, and John
H. Pratt took entire charge of the school.
Sept. 25th, 1846,
Charles J. Menager and J. C. Robinson were employed to
take charge of the academy for one year. Sometime this year
the academy was burned down. There is no record, but at a
meeting Sept. 28th, 1847, the brick and stone which composed the
building were ordered to be sold on the public square, at not less
than $125. Alexander Shepard afterwards bought the same
for $80, and James Mullineaux bought two iron mantles for
$1.45. This year E. S. Menager was appointed to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Nathaniel Gates, as a
member of the board.
Simeon Nash was made
president, Dec. 20th, 1852. At this meeting it was resolved to
sell the academy lots on the square. Regnier and
Hutsinpiller were made a committee to superintend the
sale. S. Nash was instructed to correspond with J.
V. Cushing, concerning the purchase
See Page XIV -