Twentieth Century History
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
By J. A. Kemmell, M. D.
"History is Philosophy Teaching by Example"
Published by
Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co.
F. J. Richmond, Pres.
C. R. Arnold, Sec'y and Treas.
Chicago, ILL

Hon. D. P. Hagerty |
HON. D. P. HAGERTY Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill.
1910 - Page 502 |

Mr. & Mrs.
Jasper F. Harry. |
one of the substantial farmers and much esteemed citizens of
Allen Township, who resides on a farm of 76 acres about four and
a half miles north of Findlay, has been living on this farm
since 1869. He was born Nov. 8, 1836, on a farm four miles
east of Van Buren in Cass Township, Hancock County, Ohio, and is
a son of Samuel and Rachel (Franks) Harry. His
parents were both born and reared in Pennsylvania, and after
their marriage located in Hancock County, where the father died
when our subject was very young. The mother subsequently
removed to Seneca County, Ohio, where she settled on a
farm, and many years later married William Myers, who
died about 1856. Our subject and mother then returned to
Hancock County and located for a time on a farm one mile
northwest of his present place. In 1869 they purchased the
farm on which Mr. Harry now resides, and the mother later
removed to Van Buren, where her death occurred.
Mr. Harry has made all of the improvements on
his place, and erected his fine frame residence in 1889.
When gas was first discovered in this locality, it was struck on
his farm, and he received $1,500 a year as royalty for it.
He now rents out his farm, and is taking a well earned rest
after yeas of unceasing activity.
In 1871 Mr. Harry married Sarah Jane Decker,
a daughter of Mahlon and Minerva (Dull) Decker, who in
their day were very prominent citizens of Allen Township.
To Mr. and Mrs. Harry were born the following children:
Lilly Adosia, died aged nineteen months; Maud Nora,
who is the wife of Burgett Murray of Findlay, and has two
children, Margaret and Caroline; Charles B., who
is engaged in agricultural pursuits on a farm three miles east
of Van Buren in Cass Township; Edith, who died aged two
weeks; and Augusta, who is the wife of Franklin
Saythe, of Akron, Ohio.
Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill.
1910 - Page 411 |
V. HARTMAN, M. D., physician and surgeon
at Findlay, Ohio, where he has been established since 1904, was
born on his father's farm in Allen Township, Hancock County,
Ohio, Mar. 10, 1877, and is a son of Jasper N. and Mary Ellen
(Skinner) Hartman.
Dr. Hartman had the undeniable advantage of a
childhood and boyhood on a farm and the family continued to live
there until the death of the mother, in 1885, when removal was
made to Findlay, where John V. was soon enrolled a
student in the grammar schools. For seven years after
leaving school he engaged in teaching and in the meanwhile did
his preparatory medical reading, subsequently entering the
Cleveland Homeopathic College, where he was graduated in the
class of 1904. During his last half year he filled the
position of resident physician at the Cleveland Maternity
Hospital, and from his period of graduation until he embarked in
practice, he served as interne in the Cleveland City Hospital.
Dr. Hartman not only possesses the knowledge to make
him successful in professional work, but also the enthusiasm and
the peculiar gifts and personality which belong to every man of
medicine who has reached any degree of eminence. He
probably has the largest and most substantial practice of any
physician in Hancock County. Every emergency finds him
ready and through his knowledge and skill he has effected some
remarkable victories over disease. He keeps thoroughly
abreast with the times and belongs to the Hancock County and the
Northwestern Ohio Medical Societies.
Dr. Hartman was married to
Miss Zoe Codding, who was formerly a teacher in the Findlay
High School. They have one daughter, Mary Ellen.
The father of Dr. Hartman died at Findlay in 1906.
His offices are in the Niles Building, where he occupies an
elegantly appointed suite of rooms. He is identified with
the fraternal order of Knights of Pythias.
Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold
Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill. - 1910 - Page 580 |

Edward G. Hersh, M.D. |
Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill.
1910 - Page 529 |

Don C. Hughes, M.D. |
Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill.
-1910 - Page 427 |
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