Twentieth Century History
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio
and Representative Citizens.
By J. A. Kemmell, M. D.
"History is Philosophy Teaching by Example"
Published by
Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co.
F. J. Richmond, Pres.
C. R. Arnold, Sec'y and Treas.
Chicago, ILL

August Neuman |
president of the Board of Infirmary Directors of Hancock County,
Ohio, and member of the Agricultural Board of the county, was
born Feb. 13, 1856, in Mecklenberg, Germany, a son of John
and Louisa Neuman.
August Neuman was fourteen years old when he
journeyed to this country with his parents, who came to once to
Hancock County, Ohio. The family lived a short time with
Rudolph Neuman, an uncle of our subject's father,
but later settled on a farm in Portage Township, where our
subject grew to manhood. He worked as a farm hand until
1879 and after his marriage rented his father-in-law's farm in
Pleasant Township until 1881. He then bought part of the
farm, but later sold it back to his father-in-law, and purchased
a farm of eighty-three acres in Portage Township, where he
followed general farming until locating in Findlay, on Mar. 24,
1910. He then sold the farm and bought a tract of 167
acres in Portage Township, just one mile east of the old farm.
In the fall of 1908 Mr. Neuman was elected a member of
the Infirmary Board on the Democratic ticket and assumed the
responsibilities of that office Jan. 4, 1909. At the first
meeting of that body he was elected its president, and is now
serving his second term, as a member of the Board of Agriculture
of Hancock County, having been elected a member of the same in
Mr. Neuman was first united in marriage with
Sarah Brickman, who was born in Hancock County, Ohio, a
daughter of Frederick Brickman, and their union were born
three children: Anna, who is the wife of E. W.
Bonham, of Oklahoma, and has two children, Sara Janet,
and Harold Neuman; J. Fred, who lives on our
subject's farm in Portage Township, and married Beatrice
Moorehead; and Clara Elizabeth, living at home.
Mrs. Neuman died in 1892 and he subsequently married
Lucinda Collingwood who died in 1895. He then married
Angeline Montgomery, who was born in Portage Township,
Hancock County, Ohio, and is a daughter of George and Dorothy
Montgomery. Mr. Neuman is fraternally a member
of the Maccabees, and has served as a member of the school board
and as trustee of Portage Township.
GEORGE MONTGOMERY was born in Wayne County,
Ohio, Oct. 11, 1823, and was the only child born to John and
Nancy (Helmick) Montgomery, the former being killed by a
falling tree, when George was but one year old.
George Montgomery was reared by his maternal grandfather,
Nicholas Helmick, who came to Hancock County, Ohio, in 1832,
and settled in Cass Township. His grandfather served in
the War of 1812. Mr. Montgomery took up
auctioneering and became one of the best known auctioneers in
this part of the country. He also became a large land
owner and at one time owned a tract of 1,400 acres. Mr.
Montgomery was first married in 1844 to Mary Chase, a
daughter of George Clause, who was one of the pioneers of
Hancock County. She died in 1861, and he later married
Dorothy A. Culp, who was the mother of Mrs. Neuman,
and a daughter of Benoni Culp. Mr. Montgomery
served as the first postmaster of Portage Center, which was the
second postoffice opened in Hancock County. His death
occurred in 1895.
Source: Twentieth Century History of
Findlay and Hancock County, Ohio - Published by Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - Ill.
1910 - Page 621 |
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