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OBITUARIES(Contributed by Sheryl McClure)
Jan. 1922 -
Feb. 1922 -
Mar. 1922
- Apr. 1922 -
May. 1922
April 4, 1922
Lock, April 3--Mrs.
Elizabeth Douglass,
aged 31 years, wife of
of this place, died at 5:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon after two weeks' illness of uraemic
poisoning following an attack of influenza.
Adam Williams,
aged 87 years, a life-long resident of Miller
township, died at 9 o'clock Friday evening at his
home in Brandon of diseases incident to advanced
age. The deceased was a Civil war veteran, being a
member of the 42nd Div., O. V. L., and of Fry Post,
G. A. R. He was also a member of Sycamore Valley
lodge, I. O. O. F., Brandon, and was connected with
the Brandon M. E. church for years. The deceased
leaves one son, Elmer, residing in Brandon, and one
daughter, Mrs. Peter Easterday, of Mt. Vernon.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Monday at
the M. E. church in Brandon, Rev. Wheeler of Homer
Mrs. Mary McManis
of South Catherine street received a telegram today
announcing the death of her brother, Charles B.
Tilton, which occurred at 10:30 o'clock Thursday
evening at his home in Seattle, Washington, after a
brief illness. Mr. Tilton was born in Knox county
where he taught school for a number of years before
going to Seattle.
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth McKay,
widow of W. W. McKay, died at her home on the
Gambier road Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. Mrs.
McKay had been a lifelong resident of Knox county,
having lived at her home east of the city for 50
years. She was 60 years of age and is survived by
the following children: Robert S., of Columbus;
Clifford of McConnellsville; Dwight of Tulsa, Okla.;
Mrs. George Groshan of Canton; Mrs. D. J. Corcoran,
Charles Clyde and Miss Nora McKay, all of this city.
She is also survived by 12 grandchildren. The
funeral services will be held at the Vine street
Church of Christ Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Burial in Mound View cemetery.
and Mrs. Bert Jackson
of Elyria were called here by the unexpected death
of the former's mother, Mrs. Warner Davis. The
bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire
community in their affliction.
April 7, 1922
Mr. Austin Neely
died at his home east of town Saturday morning, age
78, of kidney trouble. The deceased leaves two
daughters and two sisters. His wife predeceased him
in death ten days ago. He was member of Ohio lodge,
No. 199, F. & a. M. The funeral was held Tuesday at
the Presbyterian church, Rev. Carr officiating.
Burial in the Martinsburg cemetery.
George Washington Calkins,
aged 62, well known merchant of Mt. Vernon, died at
11:30 o'clock last night at his home 700 West
Chestnut street of a complication of diseases. He
had been ill for a period of three weeks. Mr.
Calkins was born in Boylston, N. Y., and removed to
Ohio early in life. He is survived by his wife and
the following children: Mrs. Charles Gray of
Delaware, O., Edgar H. Calkins, Frank C. Calkins of
Mt. Vernon, Mrs. A. P. Reed, Asa L. Calkins of Deer
Park, Alabama, and Arthur C. Calkins of Mt. Vernon.
He also is survived by thirteen grandchildren. The
funeral will occur Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the late residence, 700 West Chestnut street.
Rev. D. C. Coburn of the M. P. church officiating.
Interment in Mound View cemetery.
The bodies of
Leon Lamiotte, Sr.,
Leon Lambiotte, Jr.,
will arrive in Mt. Vernon for Wednesday for
interment in Calvary cemetery. The elder Mr.
Lambiotte died last week in Mishawaka, Indiana,
while the son's death occurred last October. Both
men were former well known residents of this city,
having been connected with the glass industry. Mrs.
Lambiotte and son, Oscar, will accompany the bodies.
Mrs. Lambiotte is a sister of Mr. Joseph Mayer, Jr.,
the south Main grocer.
Word was received here yesterday of the death of
Mrs. Wiley Wallace
which occurred in Columbus on Monday evening. Mrs.
Wallace was well known in the city having lived near
Brandon for a number of years. Mrs. Dwight Rhodes of
Hunt Station is a niece. The body was taken to Utica
today for burial.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Esely
of East Burgess street on Monday afternoon received
word of the death of Mrs. Esely's mother, Mrs. A. J.
Owens, which occurred at noon at the family home in
Bluffton. Mrs. Owens had been ill since last June,
at which time she suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Surviving her are Mr. Owens, also two sons and four
daughters. The funeral will be held Wednesday
morning from St. Mary's church, Bluffton. Mrs. Esely,
who has been ill for some time, is improved, but not
sufficiently enough to attend the funeral. Mr. Esely
will attend, however.
April 11, 1922
aged 78 years, died at 12:00 this afternoon at his
home, 206 West Walnut street. Death was due to a
complication of diseases. The deceased was born in
West Moreland county, Penna., but a greater part of
his life was spent in Mt. Vernon. He is survived by
eleven children, four brothers and two sisters. Mrs.
Hoar's death occurred on January 14, while she was
riding in a taxicab on South Main street. Funeral
arrangements have not been completed.
GAMBIER, O., April 10 --
James B. Thompson,
aged 64 years, well known resident of this place,
died at 5:10 o'clock this morning at his home here
after two weeks illness of cancer. The deceased, who
was a resident of this place for twenty-three years,
was engaged in the milling business and previous to
that time, operated a mill in Brink Haven. The
deceased leaves one son, Arthur Thompson of Mt.
Vernon and five daughters, Mrs. Cliff Brentlinger of
Mt. Vernon, Mrs. Eric Tasman of Bucyrus, Mrs. Carrol
Wellman of Akron, Misses Ruth and Leah Thompson, at
home; also one brother, Samuel Thompson and one
sister, Miss Malona Thompson, both of Brink Haven.
April 14, 1922
CENTERBURG, April 13 --
David McKay,
a well known retired farmer of this place, died at
12:30 o'clock today at his home here, following two
weeks' illness of influenza. Mr. McKay is survived
by his widow and one son, Lyman, residing at home.
DANVILLE, April 13 --
Charles P. Rice,
well known merchant engaged in the implement
business, died at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning at his
home near here, of a complication of diseases. He
leaves one son, Roy Rice, and one daughter, Mrs.
Gladys McNeal, of Flushing. Funeral services will
occur Friday morning at the M. E. church. Burial
will remain the Workman cemetery. Funeral services
will be private, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the home, Rev. Horace Woods, rector of the Church of
Holy Spirit officiating. Burial will be made in
Mrs. Jennie Bryant,
aged 80 years, died at 7 o'clock this morning at her
home four miles west of here, after three months'
illness of a complication of diabetes. The deceased
leaves one son, William Bryant, with whom she
resided, and one sister, Mrs. W. E. Denman of
Marion. Funeral services, will be held at 2 o'clock
Saturday afternoon at the late home. Rev. Stockdale
officiating. Burial will be made in Forest
Noble Snow,
aged 3 days, died Wednesday afternoon at the home of
the parents on the Green Valley road. Interment
Thursday afternoon in the Friendship cemetery.
BUCKEYE CITY, April 11 --
Charles Shultz,
aged 52 years, died at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at
his home here following several weeks illness of
pneumonia. The deceased leaves his wife and four
sons, also his mother, Mrs. Nora Shultz of Danville,
six brothers and three sisters. Funeral service will
occur at 9:00 o'clock, Wednesday morning at St.
Luke's Catholic church, Rev. Telpe officiating.
Burial will be made in St. Luke's cemetery.
The body of
Mrs. Mary Ann Young,
who died in Columbus on Monday afternoon, will be
shipped to this city Thursday morning for burial.
The remains will be taken from the train to the
cemetery. There will be no services here. Mrs.
Young, who was 73 years of age, died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Alice Butcher, 658 East Star
avenue. One son and one daughter survive.
W. A. Hammer,
a resident of St. Louisville, died at his home
Tuesday morning. He leaves a wife, one daughter,
Mrs. Alph Clutter, one grandchild, Harold Eugene,
three sisters and one brother. The funeral services
will be held at the Owl Creek church Thursday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Fretts of
Michael Nixon,
long a well known and highly respected resident of
Mt. Vernon, died Monday night at 11:20 at his home,
No. 403, East Ohio avenue. He had been failing in
health through a period of two months past. He had
been confined to his bed only during the past two
weeks, such was the vigor of this constitution with
which he withstood the inroads of disease and other
natural infirmities incident to advanced age. Except
for the first 10 years of his childhood, practically
all of his life had been passed here in Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Nixon was born December 15, 1840, at Mt Hope,
Holmes county. His mother died when he was but two,
years old. An aunt became a second mother to the
motherless child, bringing him safely through all
the sicknesses and troubles incident to childhood
and seeing him well into manhood's estate. When Mr.
Nixon was a boy 10 years old his father removed from
Holmes, county to Knox county. When he was 17 years
old Michael Nixon secured a teacher's certificate
and taught the school now known as the Walnut Hill
school, near Ankenytown. This period of his life was
one that ever after afforded him great pleasure. In
subsequent years it gave him much satisfaction to
attend the annual reunions of this school. At the
annual meeting last year he had the distinction of
being the oldest former teacher present. For a
period of 30 years and 30 days. ho gave his time and
his efforts to the dry goods business in Mt. Vernon.
He, was first with Browning & Sperry and H. C.
Swetland, both firms of an earlier day that will be
remembered, by many of our older residents. Mr.
Nixon was married September 15, 1870, to Miss Clara
Beaty. It was the happy privilege of Mr. and Mrs.
Nixon in 1920 to celebrate their golden wedding
anniversary. This anniversary was celebrated in the
same house in which they had been married 50 years
before and which had been their home all through the
years. Mrs. Nixon survives her husband with one
daughter, Dr. Isabella Nixon. During the ministry in
Mt. Vernon of the Rev. R. T. Hull Mr. Nixon united
with the Congregational church. Thereafter he
continued steadfastly a faithful, humble and zealous
member of this church. He served the congregation
from time to time in many capacities, as deacon,
trustee and for many years as superintendent of the
Sunday school. The funeral will be held Thursday
afternoon at 6 o'clock at the home, 403 East Ohio
avenue. Burial will be in Mound View cemetery.
April 18, 1922
While visiting with her niece,
Mrs. Maggie Hogle
of near Bladensburg, Knox county, Mrs. Rachael
Thompson, aged 78 years, widow of John B. Thompson
of Newark, O., died quite suddenly Wednesday night.
Mrs. Thompson lived at 87 South Second street,
Newark, and had made her home in that city most of
her life. She was a member of the Presbyterian
church. The remains have been removed to Newark to
await funeral arrangements.
Stewart Demick Roberts,
aged 72 years, for many years a resident of South
Vernon, died at 11:30 o'clock Friday night as a
result of complications arising from an injury which
he sustained last fall when he was run down by an
automobile on the viaduct. For a number of years Mr.
Roberts was engaged in the lumber business in Mt.
Vernon and constructed a large number of houses. The
deceased is survived by his wife, Mrs. Daisy
Roberts, and the following children: Mrs. Edwin
Wingerbauch, Mrs. Edith Snyder, Mrs. Mabel Cowen all
of Cleveland, and S. Jay Robert and E. Emer Roberts
of South Vernon. The funeral services will occur at
the home, Granville road, Monday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, Rev. D. C. Coburn officiating. Interment in
Mound View cemetery.
WATERFORD, O., April 15 --
Mr. A. S. Kirby,
a resident of Fredericktown for many years, and
father of Mr. Frank E. Kirby of Mt. Vernon, died at
2:30 this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Lee B. Stlllwell of this place. Mr. Kirby had been
in ill health for several weeks. The deceased was 81
years of age and is survived by his wife, six sons
and three daughters, namely: Bert Kirby of
Wadsworth, Frank E. Kirby of Mt. Vernon, Scott Kirby
of Blue Island, Ill., Chancy and C. H. Kirby of
Fredericktown, and Bunn Kirby, Mrs. L. B. Stillwell
of Waterford, Mrs. Hoy Levering of Fredericktown and
Mrs. Mary S. Boulton of Flint, Mich. He also is
survived by one brother, Arthur, of Richland county.
Mr. Kirby was a veteran of the Civil war, serving
for four years. He was a member of the G. A. R. The
funeral service will occur Monday afternoon from the
home of L. B. Stlllwell of Waterford. Interment In
the Fredericktown cemetery.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah Maria Appleton,
wife of Major William Appleton, died at 10 o'clock
Monday morning at the family residence, 104 South
Catherine street, the result of a stroke of apoplexy
sustained last Saturday at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Appleton
was in her usual good health Saturday and spent most
of the day in sewing. About 1 o'clock in the
afternoon she was found at her home by a neighbor. A
physician, who was immediately called, announced
that she had sustained a stroke of apoplexy. She
never regained consciousness. Mrs. Appleton was born
in Boston, Mass., on July 25, 1850. A greater
portion of her life was spent in Mt. Vernon. She is
survived by her husband and three children: Mrs.
Edward H. Cureton of Richmond, Ind., William C.
Appleton and Charles H. Appleton, both of Mt.
Vernon. For many years Mrs. Appleton was a member of
St. Paul's Episcopal church and was an active worker
in the various church organizations. She was also a
member of Knox Chapter No. 236 Order of the Eastern
Star and the Pythian Sisters.
Mrs. Sara Celesta Hartman,
wife of Joseph Hartman, died Sunday at. 10:00 in at
her home, 113 West Gambier street, after a long
illness following paralysis. The deceased was 48
years of age and is survived by her husband. The
funeral will be held at Bunker Hill church Tuesday
at 10:.10 a. m. Burial in Bunker Hill cemetery.
April 21, 1922
CHESTERVILLE, April 20 -- Milton Hart, aged 90
years, a well known resident of this place, died
very suddenly at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of
heart trouble. Funeral services will be held at 11
o'clock Saturday at the North Fork church, Rev.
Julian officiating. Burial in the North Fork
The body of
Lawrence J. Brannigan,
who died in Portsmouth on Tuesday, was removed this
afternoon from the McCormick chapel on South Main
street to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
McCormick, West High street. The deceased was 54
years of age and made his home in Mt. Vernon for
many years, removing to Toledo about a year ago. He
is survived by his wife and two children, Mrs. Doris
Jones of Newark and Bernard Brannigan residing in
Titusville, Pa. He also is survived by one brother,
Thomas Brannigan, of Bowling Green, and one sister,
Mrs. William McCormick of Mt. Vernon. Two
grandchildren also survive. The funeral services
will be held Saturday at 9 o'clock at St. Vincent de
Paul's Catholic church, Rev. L W. Mulhane
officiating. Burial in Calvary cemetery.
widow of the late N. W. Buxton of Mt. Vernon, died
at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Bell, Columbus, O. Mrs.
Buxton's death resulted from a stroke of paralysis
sustained some days ago. The deceased was 75 years
of age and is survived by the following children:
William T. Buxton of Mt. Vernon, Mrs. Gertrude Bell
and Mrs. W. C. Mills of Columbus, Dr. J. W. Buxton
of Howard and James O. Buxton ot Columbus. She also
is survived by two sisters: Miss Frank Buxton and
Mrs. Leone Wheeland, both of Walhonding, O. Mr,
Buxton's death occurred fifteen years ago. The
funeral services will occur Friday morning at 10:30
o'clock from the Gay street M. E. church, Rev. A. D.
Mink officiating. Interment in Mound View cemetery.
CENTERBURG, April 19 --
aged 86 years, died at 11 o'clock this morning at
the home of his niece, Mrs. Harry Willy with whom he
resided. The deceased, who was a lifelong resident
of this place, had been in failing health for the
past year. [and on another page of the same paper>]
CENTERBURG, April 20 -- The funeral services of
James Henry, who died yesterday at his home here,
will be at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning at the
residence of H. B. Willy, Rev. Crawford and Rev.
Taylor officiating. Burial will be made in the
Centerburg cemetery. The services will be in charge
of the G. A. R. and the Charles Andrews post of the
American Legion.
Death came very suddenly to
Noah A. Ernest,
aged 72 years, a well known resident of Mt. Vernon,
at his home, 608 East Chestnut street, at 12:30 this
afternoon. Mr. Ernest was doing some work in the
cellar when he dropped dead from heart disease. His
body was found by a niece. Coroner C. L. Harmer, who
was called in the case, pronounced the man's death
due to heart disease. Mr. Ernest formerly resided at
Millwood, but has been a resident of Mt. Vernon for
many years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Elizabeth Ernest, and the following children: Mrs.
Leroy Shaw of Mt. Vernon, P. O. Ernest of Mt. Vernon
and Mrs. Lola Kirkpatrick of Green Valley. He also
is survived by the following brothers and sisters:
George Ernest of Cavallo, Samuel Ernest of North
Liberty, Mrs. Ella Frederick of Coshocton Mrs. Mary
Rogers of Warsaw, O. Fourteen grand children also
survive. The deceased was a member of the Odd Fellow
lodge of Amity and of the Bigelow M. E. church. No
funeral arrangements have been made.
aged 60 years, a former resident of Mt. Vernon, died
Wednesday at his home in Newark, O., after a few
days' illness. Mr. Warell was employed at the plant
of the American Bottle company for many years. He is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. J. S. Branne of Mt.
Vernon, N. Y., who was formerly Miss Nita Warell of
Mt. Vernon, O. A sister also survives. Funeral
arrangements have not been confirmed.
Mrs. Hannah M. Palmantier,
aged 84 years, died at the home of her nephew,
Charles Baldwin, Columbus road, at 3 a. m Tuesday,
following a three months' illness of a complication
of diseases, The deceased is survived by two
children, Abe Palmantier of Linesville, Pa and Mrs.
Joseph Dickol of Springboro, Pa.; also by one
brother, George Baldwin of Liberal, Mo., and one
sister, Mrs. William Morris of Aurora, Ill. Nine
grandchildren survive. The body will be shipped to
Linesville, Pa., on Thursday morning, where funeral
services will be held. Interment in the Linesville
April 25, 1922
The funeral of the late
Mrs. Edythe Tucker,
wife of O. Ray Tucker, will occur Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Tucker's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Iams, East Gambier street.
Rev. Donald Wonders, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, will officiate. Interment in Mound View
cemetery. The remains of Mrs. Tucker arrived in the
city this morning from Gainesville, Florida,
accompanied by Mr. Tucker, Mrs. Iams and Mrs.
Tucker's three children, Mrs. George Crumley of
Columbus, Ohio, and Charles and Margaret of Gaines
ville. Mrs. Tucker was 37 years of age. Mr. and Mrs.
Tucker were residents ot Mt. Vernon until about two
years ago, when they removed to Gainesville.
CROTON, April 24 --
Mrs. George Davidson,
aged 72 years, a resident of this place, died
Saturday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Bertha Ashbrooke of Alexandria, with whom she had
been visiting for several weeks. Death was due to a
complication of diseases. The deceased leaves her
husband, one daughter and one son, Otis Davidson, of
this place. Funeral services and burial occurred
Sunday afternoon in the Croton cemetery.
Mrs. Albina Belden,
mother of E L. Belden of this city, died at 1:00
o'clock Thursday morning at her home in Buffalo, N.
Y following a stroke of paralysis sustained over a
month ago. Besides Mr. Belden, the deceased leaves
three daughters, Mrs. Herbert Smith of Oklahoma,
Mrs. C. W. Green and Mrs. Grover Brink of Buffalo.
Funeral services and burial occurred this afternoon
in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Belden left Wednesday
afternoon for Buffalo, but did not arrive until
after Mrs. Belden had passed away.
April 28, 1922
W. S. Russell
of East Gambier street on Monday evening received a
message announcing the death of her sister, Mrs. A.
T. Armstrong, which occurred at her home in San
Francisco, Calif, yesterday. The deceased, formerly
Miss Kell Smith of this city, is well known in Mt.
Vernon, where she has frequently visited. The cause
of death was heart trouble. Funeral will probably
occur in Chicago, Ill., in which city Mrs. Armstrong
resided until three years ago.
Mrs. Mary Ann Wilgus,
aged 81 years, died at her home in Monroe township
this morning at 1:50 o'clock following a seven weeks
illness of cancer. The deceased is survived by four
children, E. W. Wilgus of this city, O. A. Wilgus of
Crawford, Neb., H. A. Wilgus of Columbus and Mrs.
Mary E. Shaffer of Bellville. The funeral services
will be held at the home on Thursday at 2 o'clock
Rev. Calfee officiating. Burial in Mound View
colored, aged 51 years, of Mt. Vernon, died on
Monday afternoon in Columbus following a short
illness of a complication of diseases. The deceased
is survived by his wife, Mrs. Belle Miller, a son,
Leon Miller, and three brothers, William and James
Miller of Columbus and Charles Miller of Pittsville,
Va. The funeral services will be held on Wednesday
at 2 o'clock at the Calvary Baptist church, Rev
Walker officiating. Burial In Mound View cemetery.
aged 82 years, died at his home in Homer this
morning at 10 o'clock following on extended illness
of a complication of diseases. The deceased is
survived by his wife, Lurinda Gregg, a sister, Mrs.
Collin Barnes, of Homer. Mrs. Calvin Hunt of this
city is a sister-in-law. Mr. Gregg was a Civil War
veteran, being a member of the 20th Ohio Regiment.
No funeral arrangements have been made.
Mrs. Jennie Estella Bort,
wife of James E. Bort, Fairview addition, died at
Mercy hospital this morning at 6:45 o'clock
following an operation. The deceased was 46 years of
age and is survived by her husband, three children:
Mrs. James Heighton, Thelma and Martina Bort, a
grandson James Heighton, also by two sisters, Mrs.
Ella Halloway of Topeka, Kansas, Mrs. Rose Curren of
Cincinnati and a brother William Myers of Elkland,
Pa. The funeral services will be held on Thursday at
1 o'clock at the home. Burial in Mound View
Ila Jean,
the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dana Beatty of
Newark died early this morning at the home there
after a brief illness of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs.
William Beatty of East Hamtramck street, this city,
are grandparents of the child. Burial will occur
Thursday in the Martinsburg cemetery.
HOWARD, O., April 26 --
Miss Ann V. Johnson,
aged 71 years, 8 months and 7 days, died at her home
here, last night at 11:30 after an illness of over
two years from complications. Miss Johnson is
survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Buxton of Howard
and Mrs. Mary Yoakum of Homer, and by two brothers,
Joseph of Dayton and Manley of Hunts Station. The
funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:00
o'clock at the M. E. church here, Rev. French
Gilmore, officiating. Friends who desire to view the
remains are requested to call at the home Thursday
morning between 10:00 and 12:00.

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