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Source: Connecticut Herald (New Haven, Ct.) Vol. XXV Issue 24 Page 1
Dated: Tuesday, March 11, 1828
Extract of a letter, dated Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio, January 30.
Love, Larceny and Suicide - A tragical circumstance took place near this town yesterday.  A short time since a man by the n ame of Hardy, an overseer for the gentleman of  the name of Stephens, living in S. Carolina, came from that state into Ohio - bringing with him two of the negroes of said Stephens, one of which was a young female.  They crossed the Ohio near this place, and as report states, came into the county of Sciota, and resided for a short time in Clay township, in the neighborhood of one Wm. Roby.  Stephens the owner of the negroes, with another gentlemen, pursued after the runaways, apprehended and took the said Hardy into custody.  After having arrested his negroes, he on his return came to Burlington to get irons.  At Burlington, Stephens and the gentleman who accompanied him, and one of our neighbors, were arrested under the act to prevent kidnapping, but were acquitted - it appearing that they had pursued the proper method for recovering their slaves - and having proved their property they were allowed to depart with them.  Hardy in the mean time was set at liberty; the company then departed in three bodies, all going the same road; Hardy proceeded with the first company - on coming into a piece of woods, unperceived by any one, he got into a tree, tied a small grape vine about his neck, made the other end fast to the tree, tied his hands behind him, and let himself fall.  On the arrival of the second part of the company at the place, Hardy was dead.  The female slave seeing Hardy in this situation, sprang towards him, drew a razor from her bosom, and by two desperate cuts, cut her own throat almost from ear to ear, then threw the razor on the ground, clasped her arms around the dead body of Hardy, said he had died for her and she would die for him.  But fortunately, the girl in her trepidation, turned the razor so upright that the main blood vessels were uninjured, and there are hopes of her recovery.  She states that Hardy and herself entered into an engagement, that if they were separated they would die for each other.  It is said that Hardy  was well dressed, and his connexions respectable.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source: Cincinnati Post (Cincinnati, OH) Page 1
Dated: June 2, 1904
David Sinton Made a Fortune at Hanging Rock
     Hanging Rock, the scene of the present labor difficulties, produced a large part of the fortune of David Sinton, the late millionaire.  When Sinton was working at Washington C. H. for $25 a month and board, he received a better offer, and went to Hanging Rock to manage an iron firm at $400 a year and board.  This concern developed into the one in which Sinton made the bulk of his fortune.
     At the age of 22 Sinton, who had been there four years, obtained a lease on the plan.  During the war he handled iron skilfully, and with great financial success, holding it until the boom came and selling for many times the cost of production.
     The village of Hanging Rock is in the center of the Hanging Rock iron region which for many years produced the finest iron in the world, and which is now quoted at the highest price in the market.  It was pronounced by experts as the only iron in America suitable for the manufacture of Krupp guns.  In this section the Means family, of which ex-Mayor William Means, of Cincinnati, was a member, also made an immense fortune in the iron business.

Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) Page 1
Dated: Jun. 7, 1904
No More Trouble Expected at Hanging Rock, Although Strike is Still On.
     IRONTON, O., June 6 - The village of Hanging Rock is resting peacefully tonight.  No trouble threatens, although no soldiers are on guard.  The order for the removal of the troops was received shortly after 9 o'clock this morning, after Sheriff Payne had informed Adjutant General Critchfield that they might be removed.  The same dispatch in movement characterized the withdrawal that did their mobilization.  By 3 o'clock no vistige of the troops remained.
     Fearing their might be some trouble, Sheriff Payne swore in six deputies.  The officials have every confidence in the assurances of both sides that order will be maintained.  Work on the repair of the furnace is being pushed rapidly but it will be be impossible to get it ready for operation in sixty days.
    No settlement of the strike was attempted at the removal of the troops.  That will be an after consideration.  Manager Jeffreys said:  "The furnace will be run as an open shop.  Every man will be hired as an individual.  Some of the strikers will be taken back if they so desire as individuals and others will never be taken back.  Their union will not be recognized."

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