History of Madison County, Ohio
Its People, Industries and Institutions
Chester E. Bryan, Supervising Editor
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Francis M. Chenoweth |
CHENOWETH, who died in 1904, was a man well known and
his memory still remains in the hearts of many of his fellow
citizens. As a business man, he contributed to
London's economic prosperity; as a loyal citizen, he
contributed to its general welfare; ass a man, he
contributed to the happiness of his family, friends and
acquaintances. Mr. Chenoweth was a native of
this county, having been born on Deer creek, in Fairfield
township, in 1833. His parents were the Hon. John
F. and Margaret (Ferguson) Chenoweth, who were
Kentuckians by birth.
Elijah Chenoweth, the paternal grandfather of
the subject, and his wife, who was a Foster, were
born in Kentucky and came to this state in 1796, making
their home in Franklin county, near Harrisburg, when this
place consisted of only a dozen houses. Here this
patriarch lived and died at a ripe old age.
Hon. John F. Chenoweth was one of the foremost
men of this county in his day, having a wide acquaintance as
a result of his extensive business and public life. HE
was a large landholder, owning over three thousand acres of
real estate, besides being a prominent stock dealer.
He often told stories of experiences of his youth, when it
was his task to drive cattle over the mountains to the
markets in Pennsylvania. For over thirty years he was
a justice of the peace, and later was representative of his
district in the state legislature. London was
honored by his spending the latter part of his life within
its borders. He and his wife were the parents of
fifteen children.
Francis Marion Chenoweth
was educated in the local public schools, but remained with
his parents until his marriage. After this event he
settled in Oak Run township, on a farm of three hundred
acres, to which he afterwards added seventeen hundred acres,
a part of which was in Fairfield township. In the
latter township he lived fourteen years during which time he
was engaged in forming and cattle breeding and selling, the
previous fifteen eyars having been spent in Oak Run
township. In 1885 he left the farm and, like so many
professional farmers of his time, came to London and built a
modern home. This home was on Elm street. From
that time until his death the subject was identified with
many of the important business enterprises of the city,
notably as one of the organizers of the Central Bank of
In 1856 Mr. Chenoweth took as his life partner
Margaret Rea, daughter of Mathew and Ann (Amos)
Rea, who were born in Virginia and Maryland
respectively. They came to this county with their
parents, who were brave enough to endure the hardships of
pioneer life. Mr. Rea was one of the wealthy
farmers and stockmen of the county, and was widely known.
He was prominent in local Democratic circles, in the
activities of which he took keen interest. He and his
wife were the parents of seven children.
Francis M. Chenoweth was twice married, his
first wife dying in April, 1893. By her he was the
father of eight children, of whom only Rea, the
seventh born, is living. The others were Robert F.,
Emma A., Ada, Annie E., Myrtle, Ella and an infant.
The second Mrs. Chenoweth was Mrs. Leslie, of
Upper Sandusky, Ohio, and after their marriage Mr. and
MRs. Chenoweth moved to a farm in Wyandot county, Ohio.
Mr. Chenoweth died on Oct. 24, 1904, at Upper
During his lifetime Mr. Chenoweth was
public-spirited and capable of valuable service. He
was a member of the board of education and held various
other public offices. Politically, he was a Democrat
and, in religious life, a Presbyterian. He was a loyal
to the obligations of family and civic life, and did all in
his power to further the best interests of the community.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio - Illustrated -
Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc., Indianapolis,
Indiana - 1915 - Page 848 |

Dennis Clark |
second son and fifth child of Raphael and Mary (Rose)
Clark, was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, Apr. 8, 1827.
His father was a native of Maryland. at the age of
eighteen he marched through Ohio in the War of 1812.
After his marriage to Mary Rose,
also of Maryland, he returned to
the land made familiar by his campaign and settled near
Lancaster, Ohio, where he lived until the subject of this
sketch was about one year old., at which time the family
removed to the "Sandusky Plains" near Upper Sandusky.
The playfellows of the Clark children at that
time were the little Indians on the Wyandot
reservation nearby, and many and interesting were the
stories Dennis Clark told his own children in a later
time, of the intimate home life of the famous chiefs,
Lump-on-the-Head and Between-the-Logs. this
childish playtime was brief, however, for, in accord with
the idea of the times. Raphael Clark removed his
family to Clifton, Green county, that his children might be
put to work on the cotton mills at that place and so become
bread winners for the family. Dennis was but
ten years old at that time, but his life work was begun, as
he pursued the manufacturing business, first of cotton,
later of woolen goods, all the rest of his life. At
the age of seventeen, he had charge of the spinning
department of a large cotton factory at Dayton, and such was
his dignity, tact and self-control, that he handled the
rough gang of men under him with entire satisfaction,
despite their previous discontent as they had objected to
having a boy made "boss" over them.
In 1850 Dennis Clark took charge of a
woolen-mill owned by C. K. Single and situated one
mile north of London at the Slagle homestead.
He married Virginia Frances, the eldest child of
Mr. Slagle, on Feb. 8, 1852, and shortly after
purchased the mill, which he operated with great financial
success until it burned down in July, 1864. A story
told of this occurrence is illuminative of Mr.
Clark's character. When all had been forced by the
intense heat to desist from their efforts to save the goods,
Mr. Clark had retreated to the top of the hill
and was silently gazing on the destruction of his property,
when a friend ventured to express his sympathy. To his
surprise, Mr. Clark said, “Well, maybe it's
all for the best. I was getting rich very fast and it
might have made a mean man of me. I never wanted to be
a mean man."
Mr. Clark then purchased a part interest in a
woolen-mill at Washington C. H., and resided there about a
year, at the end of which time a stock company was formed
and a large four and one-half story factory was erected in
London. Mr. Clark was recalled to be
superintendent and stockholder in the company. This
mill was operated from 1866 till December, 1871, when it was
robbed and burned. The memory of that spectacular fire
on that desperately cold winter night is vivid to all of the
older inhabitants of Madison county. The building had
been erected with infinite pains to make it fire proof, but
it had been set on fire from within. The integrity of
the outer walls, however, can be vouched for, as they are
now a part of the building known as the London Flouring
Mills. The loss, estimated at sixty thousand dollars,
was almost entire, as owing to an oversight of a secretary,
most of the insurance had lapsed a few days previously.
As Mr. Clark had by this time bought up
most of the stock, the loss fell most heavily on him and he
became again a man possessing scarcely more than his two
hands. He possessed that quality of courage, however,
which confronts seemingly overwhelming trouble with a
dauntless front, and the ashes were scarcely cooled before
he, with his eldest son, set about rebuilding, this time
only a small wooden building, a factory containing only one
set of machines. Such, however, was Mr. Clark’s
business acumen that he was fast regaining his place as a
man of importance in the financial world, when his death
occurred on July 20, 1886.
Dennis Clark was a man of immense importance in
the world of human interest. He was ever a leader in
what pertained to the good of man in his community and the
world at large, though he was ever on the unpopular side,
because he lived ahead of his time; but he had the great joy
of seeing, in many instances, the rear guard of the army of
human progress camping where only the vanguard had ventured.
The political life of Dennis Clark was lived
along the lines of succor to the oppressed. He voted
the Abolition ticket when he had to write it himself.
A political party to him was merely an instrument by which
some reform was brought about. When it no longer had a
living issue, he was not at all reluctant to fare him forth
into another that was working for some high principle.
Therefore, he came from the Whig through the Republican to
the Prohibition party, for which latter great principle he
was working when he died.
Dennis Clark was an optimistic man, with
great control of temper and sweetness of disposition,
thoroughly honest in his dealings with other men, with
himself and with his God. His personality gave his
principles many a hearing in unfriendly quarters.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark had a
family of eleven children, five of whom died in infancy.
Their youngest son, Albert Slagle, principal
musician with the rank of sergeant in the regular army, died
of cholera at Vigan, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Aug. 2,
1902, aged thirty-five years. Of the remaining
children, W. Floyd married Jennie Blizzard.
They reside with their four children in Columbus, Ohio.
Alice M. is the wife of J. R. Manning.
They, also, live in Columbus, Ohio, with a family of six
children. George W. served many years in the
recorder’s and auditor’s office of Madison county; was
engaged in the grocery business and at present is on the
staff of the Madison County Democrat. Mary F.
has been for many years a teacher in the public schools of
Chicago, Illinois. Nellie M. is married to
Dr. Virgil Newell and has two sons.
They reside at Stafford, Kansas. Mrs. Clark
died on Feb. 17, 1915, aged eighty-two years.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 656 |
EVERETT COLE. The late Edward Everett Cole,
farmer and scholar, was born on Mar. 17, 1853, at
Marysville, Ohio, and died on Feb. 7, 1909. Mr.
Cole was a son of Judge Philander Blakesley and
Dorothy (Winter) Cole, both of whom were natives of
Union county, Ohio. Judge Philander B. Cole was
a practicing attorney and judge of the district court.
He practiced his profession until the time of his death.
Edward Everett Cole spent his early life at
Marysville, Ohio, attending the public schools of that
place, later becoming a student at Oxford University for two
years, and was graduated in 1873 from Ohio Wesleyan
University, at Delaware, Ohio. He read law in the
office of his father, was admitted to the bar about 1877,
and began the active practice of his profession at
After practicing law until 1899, Mr. Cole's
health failed, and he was compelled to spend a year in
Europe. He and his wife during this period visited
many interesting places, including the leading art galleries
of the Old World, and the prominent points of interest.
Both were well informed in advance, and was therefore well
equipped to get the most of their European tour.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole were always much interested in various
forms of art, and had Mr. Cole been trained in that
direction he might have become a great artist. He had
the happy faculty of seeing the humorous side of things, and
he also saw the serious side as well, and was strong,
well-balanced and learned man.
Although the European tour was helpful, Mr. Cole
did not resume the practice of law upon his return but after
one winter spent in New Orleans, came to the farm the next
spring and entered upon the details of farm work and
out-door life. He was busily occupied in the
management of the nine-hundred-acre farm, and continued its
management as long as he lived. He kept abreast of
modern farming and was familiar with all the latest
processes, devices and methods of agriculture. The
Cole home was erected in 1904, under his supervision,
and is a model of comfort and convenience, and modern
Even while engaged in farming Edward E. Cole
kept up his interest in classical learning and read Latin a
great deal. He had also studied French and kept
well informed with regard to old-world politics. In
all his life his health was never very strong, but in the
years that he was engaged in the practice of law he proved
conclusively what he might have done if he had been
possessed of a stronger body. As it was he became a
very successful attorney.
Throughout his life the late Edward Everett Cole
was an active campaigner in behalf of the Republican party,
and on one occasion was the nominee of his party for the
Legislature. He was much sought after as a speaker on
Decoration Day. His arguments were clear, his logic
convincing and his delivery pleasing. No doubt he
would have been a very successful teacher had he turned his
talents in that direction. At college he had been a
member of the Chi Phi fraternity. Later in life he
became a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the
Free and Accepted Masons and the Knights of Pythias.
He passed all the chairs in the subordinate lodge of Odd
One of the distinctive features of the career of
Edward E. Cole, was his humanitarianism. He could
not bear to take the life of any living creature, and was
frequently heard to say, "Live and let live." Upon one
occasion he killed a bird by accident, and the incident made
him sick at heart, and he frequently said in describing it
that he would not have killed a bird for any consideration.
He was a popular and well-liked man, but not a "hail fellow
well met." He was ever known as "mister," and in all
his life was never known to have told a salacious story.
On Jan. 29, 1887, Edward Everett Cole was
married to Mary Beach, the only daughter and child of
Doctor Morrow and Lucy Beach. There were
no children born to this marriage. Their married life
was very congenial, as they enjoyed the same things and from
the same point of view.
A member of the Presbyterian church, Edward E. Cole
was not tied to any creed. He was a man of tolerant
religious belief, and broad-minded to a marked degree.
He died on Feb. 7, 1909, and his remains were buried in the
Deer Creek cemetery, on a Beach family lot.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio
- Illustrated -
Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 845 |