History of Madison County, Ohio
Its People, Industries and Institutions
Chester E. Bryan, Supervising Editor
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana
S. Prominent
in the civic and social life of the pleasant village of West
Jefferson, this county, few residents of that part of the
county have a wider acquaintance, or enjoy a greater
personal popularity than Dr. H. F. Jackson, the
well-known dentist, who, for the past twenty years, has been
so useful a member of society thereabout. Though not a
native of Madison county, Doctor Jackson takes as
hearty an interest in the affairs of this county as does any
of its native sons, and his earnest efforts on behalf of the
common good during his residence here have caused him to be
known as one of the most public-spirited citizens in his
part of the county. Professionally, Doctor Jackson
stands very high in the estimation of the people, and for
years he has enjoyed a practice which attests unmistakably
the confidence which the people repose in his abilities as a
dental surgeon. As a member of the West Jefferson
school board, Doctor Jackson's earnest efforts
in behalf of the cause of education in his home town have
been productive of excellent results, and his unselfish
devotion to the public good has endeared him to the whole
H. F. Jackson was born in the village of Cadiz,
Harrison county, Ohio, on Nov. 2, 1870, son of W. P. and
Susan N. (Strickler) Jackson, both of whom were natives
of Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, in which county they were
reared and married. W. P. Jackson was a
millwright and shortly after his marriage located in Cadiz,
where he eventually became engaged in the woolen-mill
business, and for years was one of the proprietors of a
large woolen-mill at that place. His wife died on Aug.
25, 1896, and he is now living retired at New Castle,
Pennsylvania. He and his wife were the parents of
seven children, all of whom are still living, those besides
the subject of this sketch being as follow: Charles M.,
a traveling salesman, living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
Dr. W. E., a dentist at New Castle, Pennsylvania;
Madge, who married Dr. H. W. Geissinger, of Gross
City, Ohio; Minnie M., who keeps house for her father
at New Castle; Jennie C., who married J. C.
McMillin, chief clerk for the Carnegie corporation at
New Castle, and Daisy, wife of H. B. Pruden,
of Chicago, Illinois.
Receiving his elementary education
in the excellent public schools of New Castle, Pennsylvania,
H. F. Jackson was graduated from the high school in
that city and then took up the study of dental surgery in
the Pennsylvania Dental College at Philadelphia, finishing
his professional course at the Ohio Medical College at
Columbus. Receiving his diploma in 1896, he
immediately located at West Jefferson, this county, and has
ever since been engaged in the practice of his chosen
profession in that pleasant village, with marked success.
On Nov. 9, 1897, Dr. H. F. Jackson was united in
marriage to Jessie Conklin, who was born and reared
in this county, and to this happy union three children have
been born. Conklin, born on Aug. 12, 1898, a
senior in the west Jefferson high school; Ellis, May
16, 1900, a sophomore in the same excellent school, and
Harry, Mar. 11, 1911. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson
are deeply interested in the social and moral development of
the community, of which they are so vital a part and take a
prominent part in the promotion of all good works in and
about West Jefferson. Among the leaders in the social
life of the town, they are held in the highest esteem by
their large circle of friends and are popular among all.
Doctor Jackson is a Republican, and ever since
his location in West Jefferson has taken a good citizen's
interest in the political affairs of Madison county, his
devotion to the cause of good government causing him to give
his most earnest attention to all measures designed to
advance the same. For Some time he has been a member
of the West Jefferson school board and is tireless in his
efforts continually to increase the efficiency of the
already excellent schools in that little city. He is a
thirty-second degree Mason, his fraternal affiliations being
with Madison Lodge No. 221, Free and Accepted Masons, at
West Jefferson; Enoch Lodge of Perfection; Franklin Council,
Princes of Jerusalem; Columbus Chapter, Rose Croix; Scioto
Consistory of the Scottish Rite, at Columbus, and Aladdin
Temple, Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic shrine,
at Columbus. He is also a member of the local, state
and National dental societies.
A skilled practitioner in the art
of his helpful profession. Studiously attentive to the
latest advances in the science of dental surgery, Doctor
Jackson is widely known hereabout as a dentist of
high attainments and enjoys a flourishing practice.
Enterprising and public spirited, he is recognized as a good
citizen in all this term implies and enjoys in the highest
degree the confidence and respect of his home community.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 553 |
Two of the most highly respected citizens of Darby township,
Madison county, Ohio, are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Newton
Jones, both of whom are descended from pioneers of the
great Buckeye state, and both of whom are well known in
Madison county. Mr. Jones is the proprietor of
“Oakwood Farm,” a tract of sixty acres situated one and
one-half miles southwest of Plain City, and Mrs. Jones
owns two hundred acres of land in Canaan township, a tract
known as the David Herrington farm. They
are interested in every phase of farm life and both are
leaders in the community where they live.
Albert N. Jones was born in Union county, Ohio,
Nov. 2, 1858, and is a son of Thomas and Marian (Newton)
Jones, the former of whom was born in South Wales, July
29, 1820, and who died Feb. 19, 1908. Thomas Jones
came to America with his parents in 1834, and located with
them in Columbus, Ohio, where he grew to manhood.
Later he engaged in the saddlery business in Madison county.
He was married to Marian Newton, the daughter of
Albert Newton, who helped to give him a start in life.
Albert Newton was one of the early settlers on the
Darby Plains, having come to Ohio from the state of Vermont
in 1814. A wheelwright and chair manufacturer by trade
and business, Albert Newton was a prosperous man and
made a great deal of money during his active life. He
was a large landowner on the Darby Plains, progressive in
all movements for the welfare of his community, a zealous
worker in the Methodist church, and an all around useful
citizen. Albert Newton and his wife were the
parents of one child, now Marian Newton. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Jones are the parents of six children,
as follow: Albert N., the subject of this sketch;
Charles M., a prominent farmer and stockman of Jerome
township, Union county, Ohio, married Ida Snyder,
of Mt. Gilead, Ohio; Elmer E. is a shoe dealer of Los
Angeles, California; Harriet became the wife of J.
D. Jones, the latter of whom was a native of Wales, now
living in Cleveland, Ohio; Winfred is deceased, and
Ann died at the age of ten years.
Albert Newton Jones was reared on
a farm in Jerome township, Union county, Ohio, and received
his 'education in the district schools of his home township.
He attended school until he was eighteen years of age, but
remained at home until he reached the age of twenty-five
years. His father had been one of the first breeders
of Percheron horses in the state of Ohio, and Albert N.,
naturally became interested in horses and has made a
commendable success of this line.
Albert N. Jones was married to Flora
Price on Apr. 30, 1884. She is a daughter of
John and Sarah (Wilson) Price, and was born on Feb. 27,
1861, the eldest child of her father's family. She was
reared on a farm in Canaan township and educated in the
district Schools and is a graduate of Shepherdson College,
of Granville, Ohio. having finished the course in that
excellent institution in 1882.
Mrs. Jones is a member of the
Presbyterian church at Plain City. Mr. Jones
is an adherent of the Democratic party, although not taking
an active part in political affairs, preferring to devote
his time and . attention to his extensive agricultural inter
ests. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have traveled
considerably and are enjoying life in full measure, having
fine farms, which are well managed and very productive.
They are honored and respected residents of their community,
thoroughly in sympathy with the spirit of the times in which
they live. Mrs. Jones is a member of the
Daughters of the American Revolution and is prominent in
this order. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents
of one child, who died in infancy.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 602 |

Cary Jones |
For more than a quarter of a century, Cary Jones,
attorney-at-law, has been practicing his profession at
London, county seat of Madison county. For a period of
six years, Mr. Jones served this county as
prosecuting attorney, during which time he was called on to
prosecute numerous cases of more than ordinary importance,
and has made a name as a lawyer that is known far beyond the
confines of his home county.
Cary Jones was born on a farm one mile
east of Jeffersonville, in Fayette county, Ohio, on Sept.
10, 1862, son of Dr. William H. and Olivia (Hidy) Jones,
the former a native of Wales and the latter, of Fayette
county, her father having been one of the first settlers of
that county, having arrived there from Virginia on horse
back and settling on Paint creek at a very early day in the
settlement of that section. Dr. William H. Jones
was the son of William and Jane
Jones, natives of Wales, where the father followed
farming and milling and there spent his entire life.
Upon his death, his widow, with two of her children, started
for the United States, following her son William, who
was already established here. The brave mother died at
sea, however, and the orphaned children were compelled to
continue their journey alone. They safely reached
Cincinnati, where their brother, William, tenderly
cared for them until they reached years of maturity. These
children were David and Jane, later Mrs.
Burnham. Two other children remained in Wales.
On the maternal side, Cary Jones is descended from
Joseph and Mary (Carr) Hidy, the former a native of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the latter of Virginia, he
of German descent and she of Irish extraction, who located
in Fayette county, Ohio, at an early day, becoming extensive
landowners. Both Joseph Hidy and his wife died
in Fayette county, both having lived to advanced ages, she
having been eighty-seven years of age at the time of her
death and he, ninety-seven. They were the parents of
ten children, Joseph, Humphrey, Urban,
Isaac, William, Mrs. Olivia
Jones, Mrs. Margaret Beatty,
Mrs. Louisa Tway, Mrs. Sidney Brock
and Mrs. Clarissa Wendel.
Dr. William H. Jones for many years was one of
the best-known physicians in Fayette county, he having
continued his practice there until he was near the three
score-and-ten stage of his career, after which he retired to
his farm, where he died at the age of seventy-eight, his
widow surviving him but a year or two. They were the
parents of six children, namely: Mrs. Mary J. Irwin,
wife of Luther M. Irwin, who lives on the old home
farm near Jeflersonville, this state; William Hidy,
who lives near the town of Merom, in Sullivan county.
Indiana; Humphrey, a well-known attorney, banker and farmer,
of Bloomingburg, Ohio, with offices at Washington C. H.;
Dr. Emma O. McCormack, a physician, wife of Richard
McCormack, of Columbus, Ohio; Cary, the immediate
subject of this sketch, and Mrs. Minnie Reading, wife
of Dallas Reading, living near Jeffersonville,
this state.
Upon completing the course in the public schools at
Jeffersonville, Cary Jones supplemented the
same by a comprehensive course at Buchtel College. now known
as Akron University, Akron, Ohio, from which excellent
institution he was graduated with the class of 1887.
Thus equipped by preparatory study, he entered the
Cincinnati Law School. with a view to preparing himself for
the practice of the profession to which he had decided to
devote his life, and was graduated from that institution in
1889. Upon receiving his diploma, he came to Madison
county and on July 1, 1889, opened an office for the
practice of law in London, the county seat, and has been in
continuous practice there ever since. Not long after
locating in London, Mr. Jones was elected city
solicitor, but did not complete the term for which he was
elected, being compelled to resign the same to take up the
duties connected with the office of prosecuting attorney, to
which he was elected on the Republican ticket in 1892.
Mr. Jones was re-elected in the next county
campaign and served two terms, a period of six years.
During his incumbency of the prosecutor's office, Mr.
Jones was called on to represent the state in the
trial of several homicide cases, including the noted
Parnell case, one of the most celebrated trials in the
history of the Madison courts.
On Oct. 27, 1897, Cary Jones was united
in marriage to Bessie Gamlin, who was born and
reared in London, this county, daughter of William
Gamlin, a prominent resident of that city, and to this
union five children have been born, Catherine Olivia,
William Humphrey, Norman Carl,
Marian Virginia, and Helen Eloise.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones take a warm interest in the good
works of this community and are among the most active
promoters of the same, their influence being felt in many
helpful ways hereabout.
Mr. Jones is a Mason of high degree, having
attained to the rank of Knight Templar, and takes much
interest in that order. He also is a member of the
Knights of Pythias lodge at London. As indicated
above, he is a Republican and for years has been regarded as
one of the leaders in that party in Madison county. Mr.
Jones owns a fine farm in Range township, this county,
and also looks after several farms for clients He has
an extensive practice and is generally looked upon as one of
the county’s most substantial citizens.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 548 |
Frank Jones was born in London, Ohio, Feb. 26,
1847 a son of John and Jane Hendricks (Melvin) Jones.
John Jones and his wife were the parents of six
children: Mary Eliza, born on Feb. 2,
1843, married on May 1, 1861, to Alvard Stutson,
and died on Nov. 3, 1863 leaving one child. Harry
A., born on July 19, 1862. and died on Sept. 28, 1913;
Lucien Bonaparte. born on Oct. 2, 1844,
married on Sept. 15, 1870. to Alice Kinney,
and died on May 24, 1876, leaving three children,
Kinney, Nora and Lucien; Frank, the
immediate subject of this review; Horace Greeley,
of London, born on Sept. 6, 1853, married on Sept. 10, 1879,
to Lizzie Houston; Emma, born on Aug.
2. 1855, married on Dec. 22, 1881, to Harvey F. Chandler,
of London; Dolly Ripley, married V. H.
Wilson, of Lafayette, Madison county, Ohio, Mrs. Jane
Jones (deceased), the mother of these six children, was
the daughter of John and Sarah Melvin, and was born
on Feb. 2, 1819.
John Jones was one of twelve children born to
William and Elizabeth (Droke) Jones, the others being
Job K., Sarah, Isaac, Mary Eliza,
Margaret, Rachel, William, James
St. Clair, Lydia, Elizabeth and
Martha Jane. The father of these
children died on Apr. 19, 1857, and the mother on Sept. 29,
1866. John Jones. the fourth child, was
born on Oct. 31, 1818, in London, Ohio. and was reared to
manhood in the town of his birth. After receiving such
education as the public schools afforded he began to assist
his father in the mercantile business in London. Later
he became a clerk in the store of William Warner.
His genial manner soon won him the respect of all who knew
him and led to his appointment as deputy sheriff of Madison
county in the fall of 1848 by William Warner,
then sheriff of the county. After serving in this
capacity for four years he was elected sheriff on the Whig
ticket and served two years, refusing a second nomination.
John Jones was a charter member of the London
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, joining the lodge on Sept.
18, 1846. He died on Apr. 11, 1900.
William Jones, the father of John
and the grandfather of Frank Jones, was
familiarly known by the whole county as “Dad”
Jones. He was one of the pioneer merchants of
London, a philanthropist and a Christian gentleman in every
sense of the word. By trade he was a blacksmith, and
did some work at his trade after coming to London. He
devoted his long and useful career to merchandizing and the
buying and selling of real estate throughout the county. William
Jones was born near Knoxville, Tennessee, May
18, 1789, and removed with his father to London, Ohio, in
November, 1814. He was one of four sons born to
Solomon and Lydia (Sill) Jones, the other three sons
being Isaac N., Zachariah and Samuel.
William Jones was married on Aug. 9, 1810, to
Elizabeth Droke, who was born on Oct. 18, 1793.
Frank Jones was educated in the public schools
of London and then worked on one of his father's farms for a
time. Later he clerked in his father's store in London
and then went to Illinois and farmed for one year. In
1874 he and his brother. Lucien, purchased
their father's store and the brothers continued in
partnership until the death of Lucien in 1876.
At that time Horace G. Jones, the brother of Frank,
became his partner, the firm name continuing as Jones
Brothers. The two brothers were in business
until 1911. when they disposed of their store, but continued
their coal business until June, 1913.
Frank Jones was married on Sept. 30, 1874, to
Lizzie H. Koogler, who was born at Marion, Indiana, May
22, 1852. She was a daughter of Samuel and Lucy Ann
(Van Tilburg) Koogler. Samuel Koogler
was born on Feb. 24, 1825, and died on Aug. 23, 1914.
His wife was born on Dec. 14, 1827, and died on Dec. 28,
1865. Samuel Koogler and wife were
married on Oct. 24, 1848, and were the parents of four
children: Helen B., Lizzie, William and
Oella Jane. Mr. Koogler
became a large landowner in Champaign county, Illinois, and
at the time of his death owned nine hundred acres of land in
Scott township, also six hundred acres in Mississippi.
Frank Jones and wife are the parents of one
child, Nina K., who was born on June 29, 1875.
She graduated from the London schools and then went to
Columbus to continue her education. She then went to
New York where she attended Rutgers College one year,
after which she attended the Peebles & Thompson
school for three years, graduating form that institution
with honors on June 4, 1896. She then studied for two
years in the Lambert School of Music, in New York,
and later became a upil of Albert Mildenburg, a
famous music teacher of that city, after which she taught
music in New York one year, her health failing, when she
spent one year at home, then joined a Miss Huggins in
an art studio in New York, where they remained one year when
they went to Europe for one summer.
Nina K. Jones was a most talented woman along
many different lines and her sympathies were as broad and
generous as her education. She always assisted those
in need of help and her cheering and encouraging words
endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. Her
sense of justice was one of her distinguishing
characteristics and she never failed to extend a helping
hand to the unfortunate. Among the mission schools and
the East side poor of New York City she was known as the
angel of mercy. For four years she was associated with
the Park Presbyterian church of New York city and during
this time taught the infant class in the Sunday school.
She never ceased to take the most lively interest in
everything that affected the welfare of her home community.
However, her life of usefulness and self-sacrificing service
was cut short by her death on Dec. 19, 1914.
Frank Jones has now retired from active pursuits
and is spending his declining years in the town where he ahs
lived practically his whole life. He has given his
support to the Republican party during his career, but has
never been an aspirant for political preferment. He is
a member of the local lodge of Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. For many years he has been a stockholder in
and a director of the Madison National Bank.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 588 |
One of the leading banks of Madison county and of London is
the Central National Bank, of which Horace Greeley
Jones is president. Not only is he president of
this bank, but he is heavily interested in various business
enterprises in London and owns a magnificent farm of two
hundred and sixty acres opposite the prison farm.
Horace Greeley Jones was born in London on Sept.
6, 1852. He received his education in the public
schools of London and in the high school under Professor
McClintick. His parents were John and Jane H.
(Melvin) Jones, the former of whom was reared in London
and who, although he attended school not more than two
years, became a well-informed man and a prominent factor in
his father’s store, in which he clerked as a boy, John
Jones, also clerked in the store of William
Warner for two years, and, in February, 1841, was
married to Jane H. Melvin. She was the daughter
of John and Sarah Melvin,
natives of Madison county. In the fall of 1841,
John Jones became deputy sheriff under William
Warner. He served in this position for four
years. Later he was elected sheriff for one term and
served two years. Still later he served twelve years
as justice of the peace. He also served one term as
mayor of London. in the meantime. he had purchased a grocery
store. which he conducted a great many years, and upon his
retirement he sold to his two sons, Lucien and Frank.
His younger brother, an attorney at Champaign,
Illinois, was partly reared and educated by him. At
the time of the organization of the Odd Fellows lodge, in
1846, he became a charter member. Six children were
born to John and Jane H. (Melvin) Jones, as follow:
Mary, Lucien, Frank. Dollie, Horace and Emma.
Horace is the subject of this sketch. Dollie
is the widow of Valentine Wilson.
Emma is the wife of Harvey Chandler,
Mary and Lucien are deceased.
The late John Jones, who was born at
London, Oct. 21, 1818, was the son of William
Jones, who was born and reared near Knoxville,
Tennessee, and who came with his father, Solomon
Jones, to Ohio. William was a blacksmith by
trade. He settled at London in 1814, and for a time
dealt in property, grain and other merchandise. He
became wealthy but. nevertheless, was a liberal man and
extended financial assistance to many of his neighbors and
friends. In the financial panic of 1837, he suffered
severely as a consequence of having secured the debts of
others. Still later, he removed to a farm. He
died at London a few years “fter the panic of 1837.
Horace Greeley Jones, after finishing
his education, clerked for his two brothers, Lucien
and Frank, in the general store established by their
father. At the death of his brother, Lucien
Jones, in 1876, after having spent six years in the
store. Horace Greeley Jones succeeded to
his brother’s interests. The firm was continued as
Jones Brothers until 1912. In the meantime,
about 1903. Horace Greeley and Frank
Jones had organized the London Coal. Company on West
High street. This company did no retail business and
was very successful. On June 1, 1915, the company was
sold to the Pierce Lumber Company. Mr. Jones
was manager of the coal company. and did all the buying for
the firm. In 1913, the Central Bank, of which he had
acted as president for a number of years, became the Central
National Bank. Mr. Jones continued as
president. He is at present one of the liquor
commissioners of Madison county.
On Sept. 10, 1879, Horace Greeley
Jones was married to Lizzie Houston, the
daughter of Doctor James and M. J. Houston.
Mrs. Jones's father was a fine physician, who
also owned a drug store at Jamestown. He finally sold
the store and spent his later years with his daughter,
passing away at the age of eighty-one. Not only was he
a successful physician, but he was a brilliant man
personally and a man who was always well informed in regard
to current history. He liked to argue political and
religious questions. He, himself, was an ardent
devotee of the Universalist faith.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones spent a year in Europe,
taking a very extensive tour of the principal points of
interest. They also spent three winters in Florida and
one in California. Likewise, they visited Cuba and
Nassau, and were in the Northwest on two occasions.
About the same time, they visited the Grand Canyon.
Mr. Jones is a man who believes in seeing America
first. Mrs. Horace Greeley
Jones is prominent in all the clubs of London, and has
been president of most of the clubs. She is a member
of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Houston
ancestry dating from Revolutionary stock.
Although Horace Greeley Jones is a
Republican, he is not a political worker, and is not
especially interested in politics. Fraternally, he is
a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, a life member of
the consistory, a life member of Mt. Vernon Commandery No.
1, at Columbus, a life member of Syrian Temple Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of Columbus Lodge
Lodge No. 37, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Formerly, he
was a member of Mystic Lodge No. 36, Knights of Pythias.
Mr. Jones is interested in the Young Men’s
Christian Association, and in all such religious influences.
He was reared in the Methodist Episcopal church, but is not
now a member of any church. Mr. Jones is
a member of the London Club of this city.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 526 |
In a biographical sketch presented elsewhere in this volume,
relating to the life and the public services of the late
Hon. William M. Jones, of London, this county, there is
set out at some length the history of this well-known family
in Madison county. It will, not be necessary,
therefore, in this connection to review the genealogy of the
gentleman, whose name is noted at the head of this brief
biography, the reader being respectfully referred to the
sketch above mentioned for further essential details.
Omer E. Jones, a worthy son of his distinguished and
lamented father, is doing well his part in the life of this
community and it is but fitting that there should be set out
here some brief and modest mention of his active career.
Having been a resident of the city of London, county seat of
Madison county, since he was three years of age, Mr.
Jones has been a most interested witness of the later
development of that thriving little city, and it properly
enough may be said that he has been a no small factor in
that development. Identified with the banking
interests of the city since he was twenty years old, Mr.
Jones has acquired an acquaintance with the business
interests of the county which gives to his service in the
bank with which he is connected, as well as to the community
at large, a special value, and it is not too much to say
that he is regarded as one of the leaders among the younger
set of enterprising business men who have done so much in
recent years to bring about better conditions hereabout.
Omer E. Jones, teller of the London Exchange
Bank, of London, this county, was born on a farm in Fayette
county, Ohio, on Sept. 4, 1879, son of the late Hon.
William M. and Lucy A. (Pancoast) Jones, proper
mention of whom is made elsewhere in this volume.
Being but three years of age at the time his parents moved
to London, in 1882, Mr. Jones has spent
practically his whole life in that city. Receiving his
early education in the excellent public schools of London,
he entered Duff's Mercantile College, a high-grade
commercial School at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was
graduated from that institution. Upon receiving his
diploma, Mr. Jones returned home and at once
entered upon his business career as a bookkeeper in the
London Exchange Bank, with which his late father at that
time was prominently connected. That was on Sept. 1,
1899, and Mr. Jones ever since then has been
connected with this bank. He rapidly rose to the
position of teller in the bank, which position he now is
holding, much to the satisfaction of the customers of the
bank, with whom, it is not improper to say, he is
exceedingly popular, as he is with his business and personal
associates generally throughout the county. In
addition to his connection with the above bank, he also is
secretary of the Citizens' Loan and Savings Company, of
On Nov. 2, 1904, Omer E. Jones was united in
marriage to Carrie W. Warrington, of South
Charleston, Ohio, daughter of William O. Warrington,
a prominent citizen of that place, and to this union one
child has been born, a daughter, Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Methodist church
and are earnestly interested in the various good works of
the community. They are prominently identified with
the social life of the town, and their many friends are
pleased to regard them as among the leaders in London’s
pleasant social activities.
Mr. Jones is a Republican, as was his honored
father before him, and takes a good citizen's interest in
the political affairs of the county, though never having
been included in the office-seeking class. He is a
Mason of high degree, being a member of the chapter and of
the council of that ancient order in London, as well as a
Knight Templar and a member of the Ancient Arabic Order,
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, being affiliated with
Aladdin Temple of the latter order at Columbus.
He also is a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at
London and is treasurer of the three Masonic bodies at
London. In addition to his banking interests, Mr.
Jones owns a fine farm in Oak Run township, this
county, to which he gives considerable personal attention,
he being much interested in the wonderful developments
recently made in the science of agriculture.
Enterprising, energetic and public spirited, Mr.
Jones is performing admirably his part in the complex
life of his home city and very properly enjoys the utmost
confidence and the high regard of all with whom he comes in
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 493 |
“In Memoriam.” No two words
combine in more meaningful expression than these. How
much of respectful consideration; how much of tender
devotion, and how much of sincere regard for the memory of
one who has gone before, is implied in the use of the term
with which this paragraph is introduced. In a
monumental work of the character contemplated by the
compilers of this extraordinary volume, it seems eminently
fitting that there should. here and there throughout these
pages, he presented for the consideration, not only of the
present generation, but for those who, perchance, shall have
occasion to review these pages in generations yet to come, a
brief and modest summary of the lives of those departed
fathers of the commonwealth who long since have passed from
the scenes of present worldly activity. In following
this design. the biographer surely would be remiss in his
duty to the people of Madison county if this book were
permitted to go forth without an epitome of the life and of
the works of the gentleman whose name heads this particular
chapter of the biographical section of the history of the
county, a name which has the power to recall many pleasant
memories on the part of those now surviving. who, in his day
here, knew so well and respected so highly the subject of
this respectful memoir.
The late Hon. William M. Jones. for years one of
the best-known and most prominent citizens of Madison
county, was a man eminently qualified for the important
position he, so long occupied in the civic life of this
community and the value of his service to the public never
can be properly estimated, for such service does not end
with the life of him who renders it, but goes on. gathering
weight as it goes, enriching the lives of future
generations. Faithful in all his relations in life, a
tried and trusted public servant and a good citizen, Mr.
Jones was found to be worthy of high rewards and he
became a man of large substance. Rich as he was,
however, in worldly possessions, he was far richer in those
more valuable possessions, the esteem and confidence of his
fellowmen, and his passing, in 1907, was widely mourned
throughout this section of the state, where he was so well
known and where he had labored so intelligently and so
William M. Jones was born on a farm near the
village of Yankeetown, Fayette county, Ohio, on Dec. 5,
1850, son of James and Sarah (White) Jones, pioneer
residents of that county, the former of whom was born there
in the year 1813. Reared on the farm,
William M. Jones attended the common Schools of his home
township until he had acquired sufficient education to
matriculate at the old Bloomingdale Academy, from which he
later was graduated. He then entered Ohio Wesleyan
University at Delaware, Ohio, and was graduated from that
excellent old institution in 1872, with the degree of
Bachelor of Arts. The extensive farming interests of
his father requiring his attention, he returned to the farm
upon receiving his diploma and was thus engaged at the old
home in Fayette county until 1880, in which year he came to
Madison county, locating at Mt. Sterling, where he lived for
two years, at the end of which time, in 1882, he moved to
the county seat and made his home in London the rest of his
Upon his arrival in London, Mr. Jones
engaged in the grain business and until the day of his death
was thus engaged. His enterprise and energy were
exerted most successfully in this business, and he prospered
largely, owning, at the time of his death, in addition to
his extensive elevator interests at London, partnership
interests in grain elevators at Mt. Sterling, Denby and
Orient. This form of endeavor was but one outlet for
Mr. Jones' boundless energy, however, for he was
interested largely in various other enterprises. In
addition to his extensive farming interests, for he was the
owner of a farm of nearly one thousand acres of fine land in
Fayette and Pickaway Counties, he was prominently identified
with the affairs of the Madison National Bank and the London
Exchange Bank, of London, for nine years prior to his death,
having been president of the former institution and for many
years one of the most influential directors of the latter.
Ever deeply interested in enterprises which had as their
object the advancement of the general interests of the
community, he was also president of the London Home
Telephone Company and director in numerous other
enterprises. When London’s beautiful new library was
completed he was chosen a member of the board and for
several years served as president of this useful public
service body, his service in that connection having proved
of large benefit to the library.
In his public services the Hon. William M. Jones
brought to the commonwealth a most valuable equipment, his
large business experience and training admirably fitting him
for the important public duties to which his admiring fellow
citizens repeatedly called him, and it is undoubted that he
performed a very great service in this community. It
was not long after his arrival in London that Mr. Jones
was called to serve as a member of the city council, and he
was kept there several years, his service in that connection
being of large benefit to the city at large. He also
was called to act on the city board of education, and in
that capacity performed equally meritorious public service,
his interest in the school system and his well-trained mind
giving to his duties in that connection unusual value.
In 1886 Mr. Jones was elected county
treasurer, his manner of administering the affairs of that
office commending him so highly to the public that he was
re-elected in 1888. In 1895 he was elected, by a
plurality of more than four thousand votes, to represent the
senatorial district of Madison, Clark and Champaign counties
in the seventy-second Ohio General Assembly, and he was
regarded as one of the foremost members of the upper house
during that session of the Assembly, his sound judgment and
clear thinking, coupled with his acute and comprehensive
knowledge of public affairs, giving to his counsels in that
body a weight and solidity that his confreres soon learned
to rely on and he exerted a wide influence upon the
deliberations of the Senate in that memorable session.. Upon
completing this term of service, Mr. Jones declined
further political honors and devoted himself thereafter to
his large and growing business interests.
On Feb. 22, 1877, William M. Jones was united in
marriage to Lucy Pancoast, of Pancoastburg, Ohio, and
to this union five children were born. Mr. Jones‘
death occurred on Wednesday, Apr. 17, 1907, after an illness
of eleven weeks, and was widely mourned, for he was a good
man, who had done well his part in life. Mrs.
Jones is still living in her beautiful home on North
Main street, in the city of London, and enjoys countless
evidences of the esteem and affection of many friends.
The Hon. William M. Jones was a progressive,
enterprising and public-spirited citizen, faithful in the
performance of manifold duties, and his memory long will be
cherished in this community. He was a kindly man, a
true neighbor, whose genial, ever-ready smile greeted one
and all, and few men in this county ever enjoyed a larger
measure of public popularity than he, his gentle spirit
making him literally a friend of all the world.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 478 |
It is said that “a nation’s civilization is the outgrowth of
the literature produced by its writers,” but greater power
than even a nation’s literature is that gained through the
integrity of the individual and the proper individual
adjustment to the needs of the community. The record
of each attainment, when the result of earnest endeavor,
should he given the public, for the men and women of today
find much that is helpful to themselves in the perusal of
the battles fought and won by others. The name of
Willis Jones, of Mt. Sterling, Madison county, Ohio, may
well be listed among those men of integrity who have
realized their responsibility toward the community. He
was born on Feb. 14, 1865, in Monroe township, Pickaway
county. At the early age of seventeen he rented land
and began farming for himself. He followed this
occupation for five years and, at the age of twenty-two,
removed to Derby, Pickaway county, Ohio, where he engaged in
the grain business. He continued in the grain business
until 1902, when he returned to Mt. Sterling, succeeding his
father, who owned a grain elevator there, and now deals in
the selling of grain, coal and seed. In addition to
this business he owns an elevator in Derby, Pickaway county,
and one in Orient, in the same county. He is also the
owner of eight hundred and ninety acres of land in the three
counties of Madison, Pickaway and Fayette, the greater part
of which is in Fayette and Pickaway counties, only
twenty-five acres being located in Madison county.
James Jones, the father of Willis, was
born in Fayette county, Ohio, in 1836. At an early age
he began investing in land and at the time of his death, in
1901, was the owner of eight hundred acres. James
Jones was married to Annette Bostwick,
who was born in Fayette county, Aug. 26, 1840, and to this
union six children were born, five of whom are living,
namely; Mrs. E. C. Breyfogle, Willis, Mrs.
S. W. Beal, Mrs. Charles H. Clark and Mrs.
John O’Day. Mrs Jones’ death occurred on
Dec. 18, 1908. After farming for several years, Mr.
Jones removed to Mt. Sterling at the time the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad was being built, and entered the grain
business, which he conducted for many years. He became
president of the old Farmers Bank of Mt. Sterling, gaining a
reputation for justice and honesty. His parents,
Isaac and Unity (Graham) Jones, were also natives
of Fayette county.
This short review of the principal events in their
lives of the parents and grandparents of Willis Jones
is necessary that the reader may better judge of the
sterling worth of this energetic citizen. Mr. Jones
is a stockholder of the Citizens Bank of Mt. Sterling, in
which he is also a director. Mr. Jones has
always been a stanch Republican, devoting his enthusiasm and
time to the interests of that party and to the election of
its nominees.
In 1895 Willis Jones was married to Lora E.
McKinley, who was born on Feb. 14, 1877, in Pickaway
county, Ohio. She is the daughter of William F. and
Elizaeth (Sherman) McKinley, both natives of Ohio.
To Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been born two children,
Harold C., a graduate of Mt. Sterling high school, and
now attending the Ohio State University, and
Elizabeth Annette, who is still living at home with her
parents. Mr. Jones is a member of the Knights
of Pythias, the Free and Accepted Masons, and the order of
the Mystic Shrine. He is a Christian gentleman,
finding his religious inspiration in the creed of the
Methodist church, of which he is a member of the board of
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 861 |