History of Madison County, Ohio
Its People, Industries and Institutions
Chester E. Bryan, Supervising Editor
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Manasses Miller is a successful farmer of Darby township,
Madison county, Ohio, and the proprietor of “Darby Plains
Farm” of fifty-three acres. He is a native of Holmes
county, Ohio, born on Aug. 17, 1856, two miles south of Mt.
Hope. He is a son of Isaac and Polly (Fry) Miller,
both of whom were natives of Ohio. They grew to
maturity and married in Holmes county, Ohio, where they
spent the remainder of their lives. They were the
parents of eight children, of whom there were three sons and
five daughters: Catherine, deceased; Emanuel,
a farmer of LaGrange county, Indiana; Elizabeth,
deceased; Frena, the wife of Philip D. Miller,
of Goshen Indiana; Daniel, living on the old home
farm in Holmes county, Ohio; Manasses, the immediate
subject of this review; Magdalena, the wife of
Jacob D. Saubaugh; Lena, the wife of Christ
Manasses Miller received his education in
the public schools of Holmes county, and was reared there on
his father’s farm. During the winters he attended
school and during the summer seasons he worked on the farm,
until he reached the age of twenty-three years.
On Sept. 26, 1878, Manasses Miller was
married to Amanda Yoder, of Farmerstown, Ohio.
Mrs. Miller was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 22,
1857, and came to Holmes county, Ohio. at the age of fifteen
years. She received her early education in the schools
of her native state, completing her school training in the
schools of Ohio after coming here with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller are _the parents of four children,
three of whom are living: Mary, the wife of John
N. Miller, lives in Holmes county, Ohio; Jonas
married Magdalena Miller, and lives in Madison
county, Ohio; Emanuel went west and was drowned; and
Samuel, who is unmarried and lives at home.
At the time of Mr. Miller’s marriage he
had nothing of his own. They lived in Holmes county,
Ohio, for some time, during which period they rented land
for two years. Later they bought a half interest in
one hundred acres of land, and still later the other half
interest. Mr. Miller sold this farm and
came to Madison county, Nov. 23, 1898, and purchased the
farm where he is now living. He has been very
successful since coming to this county.
Although Manasses Miller was reared in
the faith of the Mennonite church, he no longer affiliates
with that denomination. He votes the Democratic
ticket, and is a progressive, up-to-date citizen and an
honorable resident of Darby township.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 749 |
While the man who has taken advantage
fo opportunity is ever a source of emulation and pride, his
success grows dim when compared with that of the one who,
without early advantages, has wrested victory from apparent
failure through sheer force of character. For this
reason, the man whose life forms the subject matter of this
sketch is well worthy of the commendation which a study of
his career must call forth. Thomas Montgomery,
a well known farmer of this county, was born on July 15,
1855, on the farm which is still his home. He is the
son of Robert and Sarah (Horrell) Montgomery.
Robert Montgomery was born on Feb. 6, 1825, in
Madison county, Ohio, near Newport, and was reared on the
farm of his father, Hugh Montgomery, a native of
Pennsylvania. HE remained a farmer in this county
until his retirement in 1900, when he made his home with his
son, Thomas, until the time of his death on Mar. 19,
1915. When he passed away he had lived more than the
allotted four score and ten, for he was ninety years, one
month and nineteen days old. His wife, who was born in
Madison county, died when her son, Thomas, was only
four years of age. The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Montgomery were born in the order named, as follow:
John, a farmer in Mahaska county, Iowa; Christopher,
deceased; Thomas; a fourth child who died in infancy;
and Jane, who died single.
Having attended the district schools only, Thomas
Montgomery has had to be content with a meager
education. During vacations and after school hours he
worked on his father's farm, of which he began to take
entire charge in 1885. Mr. Montgomery has
always been progressive in his ideas on agricultural
subjects, and has from time to time placed on his property
valuable improvements. He is now the owner of two
hundred and twenty acre of land on which are located modern
buildings. Besides his farming interests, Mr.
Montgomery is an owner of stock in the First National
Bank of Mt. Sterling.
In 1886 Thomas Montgomery was married to
Carrie Lane, who was born in Fairfield township on Oct.
2, 1864, and reared in Pleasant township. Mrs.
Montgomery is the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Morain)
Lane of Madison county. The two children born to
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are Elda, deceased,
and Mrs. Edna Reay of Pleasant township.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are members of the
Christian church, in which they have been very active.
Mr. Montgomery is a Republican, and has served this
county by his membership on the school board, which duty he
has performed conscientiously.
By his industry, his genial nature and his honesty
Mr. Montgomery has long enjoyed the esteem of all who
know him, and is regarded as one of Madison county's most
worthy citizens.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 817 |
John M. Morse, although a young man in the medical
profession, has established and now enjoys a splendid
practice at Resaca, Ohio. He has built up a reputation
as a skillful physician and surgeon, and his list of
patients is not confined to his home town. They come
from far beyond the township limits, in order to have the
satisfaction of knowing they will receive a scientific
diagnosis, followed by the best treatment to be obtained in
that district.
John M. Morse was born on
May 4, 1882, in Monroe township, Ohio, and is a son of
John P. and Mary J. (Mitchell) Morse. He was
reared in the township of his birth on a farm, attending at
first the public schools and later entered the Milford high
school, from which he graduated in the class of 1901.
He then entered the Starling Medical College, at Columbus,
from which he was graduated after a four-year course, with
the degree of Doctor of Medicine. The day of his
graduation occurred on his twenty-third birthday, May 4,
1905, and the same year he located at Resaca, where he has
since been in active practice. Doctor Morse
was the youngest member of his class who passed the state
board. Doctor Morse is a strong believer
in the principles of the Republican party. His
fraternal alliance is with Urania Lodge No. 311, Free and
Accepted Masons. He took a competitive examination for
physician in the Sioux Indian reservation schools, of Lower
Broule Indian Reservation, and was one of the few to get an
appointment as inspector on the reservations as to sanitary
conditions. He is a member of the Madison County, Ohio
State and American Medical Associations, and occupied the
position of health officer for several years.
John P. Morse, father of the subject of this
sketch, was born on Dec. 28, 1839, in Union county, Ohio,
and was a son of Ray G. and Sarah (Parthmore) Morse.
He was reared in Monroe township. and was a man who was well
liked on account of his cheerful disposition. He
always looked on the bright side of everything. He
went to the Civil War, June 22, 1863, in Company B.
Eighty-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served
until the close of the war. On Nov. 29, 1871.
John P. Morse was united in marriage with Mary J.
Mitchell, daughter of David and Elizabeth Mitchell.
This union was blest with six children, George N., a
high school graduate, was married to Mabel Guyer,
and follows farming in Union county, Ohio; Renna, a
graduate of the Milford Center high school, was a teacher
for a number of years, but is now the wife of Fred
Burns; John Millard, the subject of this
sketch; Ruby A., who was graduated from the Milford
Center high school, became the wife of Thomas Kreamer,
a farmer in Union county, Ohio; William C., attended
the public schools and then entered the high school at
Milford Center, from where he went to Ada, Ohio, was married
to Esther Kezerta, and lives in Union county,
Ohio; Sarah E. died in infancy. John
P. Morse died on Jan. 20, 1913. He was a stanch
Republican, and was a member of the Grand Army of the
Dr. John M. Morse was united in
marriage on June 26, 1905, with Vaughan C. Ziegler,
daughter of Dr. A. M. Ziegler, of Mingo, Ohio.
She was born on Apr. 7, 1885, and was reared and educated in
the public schools of Champaign county, Ohio, finishing her
course at the university at Ada, Ohio.
Dr. A. M. Ziegler was born at Fultonham,
Muskingum county, Ohio, and married Mary Rettberg,
of King's Creek, Ohio. He was educated at the public
schools and taught school several years afterward. He
was graduated in 1881 from Starling Medical College, at
Columbus. and took up his practice at Urbana, Ohio.
One year later he moved to Mingo, Ohio. He is a member
of the Free and Accepted Masons, the Junior Order of
American Mechanics, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and
the American Medical Association. He is a member of
the Lutheran church. Doctor and Mrs. Ziegler
were the parents of four children, Vaughn C., Naomi H.,
Ruth and John A. Mrs. Morse's mother
was first married to David Winter, an attorney
of Wooster, Ohio, and one child was born to this union,
Florence Estella.
Doctor Morse, like his father, is an
affable man. He is a great hunter, and an expert with
the pole and line.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 659 |
Being a man of active temperament and untiring industry,
Wallace C. Morse, by his sound methods and strict
attention to duties as they were presented to him, has won
the admiration and high praise of his fellow farmers in Pike
township, where he has always resided.
Wallace C. Morse, farmer, Irwin, Pike township,
Madison county, Ohio, was born in the township where he now
resides, Nov. 7, 1857, and is a son of William A. and
Caroline (Kimble) Morse. He was reared on the farm
on which he now lives, and received his education at the
district schools. After leaving school he remained
with his parents until he was twenty-one years old, and then
took entire charge of the farm, which he has improved at
great expense, including a fine modern residence. built in
1911, which is equipped with hot and cold water service
throughout the entire house, also with an acetylene gas
lighting system. Politically, he has been actively
interested in the Republican party, serving as trustee,
assessor and was a member of the school board of Pike
township and now a member of the school board of the
Chuckery schools. Mr. Morse has been very
successfully interested in the breeding of fine Duroc hogs.
William A. Morse, father of Wallace C.,
was born on Sept. 17, 1831, in Milford Center, Ohio, and was
a son of Ray G. and Sarah (Pathamoor) Morse, and his
wife was Caroline (Kimble) Morse. He was reared
among farm scenes and attended the public schools of Union
county. Mr. Morse was married in 1857, to which
union four children were born, three of whom died in
Ray G. Morse, the paternal grandfather, was born
on Nov. 16, 1808, at Providence, Rhode Island, and his wife,
Sarah (Pathamoor) Morse, was a native of
Pennsylvania. They were the parents of six children,
William A., George N., Clara, Joseph,
John P., and Ray J. Ray G.
Morse came to Ohio from Rhode Island with a party of
immigrants who traveled overland by ox-team. The wagon
broke down near Milford Center and while stopping for
repairs Mr. Morse was persuaded to settle in this
neighborhood. The men in the party walked most of the
way and were forty-nine days on the road, encountering many
hardships. In that party were a number of persons
whose descendants still live here.
The maternal grandparents were Archibald McAdams and
Amanda (Kimble) McAdams. The former was born in
Champaign county, Ohio. His parents were natives of Veront.
They emigrated to Ohio and located in Champaign county.
Wallace C. Morse was united in marriage, Sept.
28, 1887, with Ella Rice, daughter of Elias and
Janie (Mitchell) Rice. She was born on Apr.
20, 1866, in Union county, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs.
Morse have been born two children, as follow:
Harry R., born on Mar. 7, 1890, a graduate of the Bliss
Business School, of Columbus, Ohio, now has charge of his
father’s farm; Helen C., July 23, 1895, is a student
at the Plain City high school.
Through his agricultural pursuits, Mr. Morse has
amassed a comfortable fortune, of which he is duly
appreciative. His home place is situated about nine
miles west of Plain City, on rural route No. 1, and consists
of one hundred and seven acres of land, all in a fine state
of cultivation.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 717 |
Literally "born to the law," Judge Murray, one of the
best known and most popular figures on the bench in this
section of Ohio, has fulfilled every expectation his early
career created and there are many in this county who
confidently predict for him much greater things in the
pursuit of his honored profession. Son of one of the
most scholarly and dignified members of the bar of Madison
county, Judge Murray was bred in an atmosphere that
inclined him to the law even from the days of his earliest
conception of things, and his arduous course of studies was
based from the first on the expectation of taking his place
in due time at the bar which his father so long had honored.
These studies were completed in 1910, and in that same year
he was admitted to the bar by the supreme court, entering
practice in the office with his father, head of the
distinguished firm of Murray & Emery.
The young attorney at once found favor, both at the bar of
the court and at that higher bar of public opinion, and
immediately his friends began to predict that he would go
far in the practice of his chosen profession. An early
realization of these predictions came in 1912, when the
young attorney was elected to the important position of
probate judge for Madison county, an office upon which he
entered in February following his election, since which time
he has been executing the exacting duties of that office
with the utmost fidelity to the public weal and the most
scrupulous regard for the high trust reposed in him.
On another page in this volume, in the biographical
sketch relating to Judge Murray's father, the
Hon. Michael S. Murray, of London, there is set out
in full a history of the Murray family in
Madison county, to which the reader is respectfully referred
for details regarding the genesis of the subject of this
sketch, it being sufficient to say here, in that connection,
that Frank J. Murray is the second child and
first son of Michael S. and Anna (Gallagher) Murray,
the former of whom is the son of Martin and Bridget (Roddy)
Murray, natives of County Mayo, Ireland, who emigrated
to America and in 1854 settled in Madison county, locating
on a farm near the village of Solon, in Stokes township,
where they remained until 1890, in which year they retired
from the farm and moved into the city of London, where they
spent the remainder of their days, the death of the
grandmother occurring in 1910 and that of the grandfather in
1911. They were the parents of eleven children, seven
of whom are still living, of whom one, Michael S. Murray,
of the firm of Murray & Emery, attorneys at London,
this county, for years has been regarded as one of the
leaders of the bar in this section of Ohio.
Frank J. Murray, son of Michael S. and Anna
(Gallagher) Murray, was born in the city of London,
county seat of Madison county, Ohio, on Oct. 19, 1884, and
was graduated from the London high school in 1904. He
then entered Ohio State University, taking the classical
course, and was graduated from that excellent old
institution with the class of 1908. In his senior year
at the university, Mr. Murray received the high
honor, coveted by all scholars, of election to Phi Beta
Kappa, the honorary fraternity, membership in which is based
exclusively upon scholarship. Following his course in
the university, Mr. Murray spent the term of 1908-09 at the
University of Minnesota Law School, at Minneapolis, after
which he entered the law school of Ohio State University,
from which he was graduated in 1910. In June of that
year he was admitted to practice at the bar of the Madison
circuit court and entered upon the practice of his chosen
profession, in association with his father, in the office of
Murray & Emery, at London. He continued
thus in practice until his election as probate judge of
Madison county on Nov. 5, 1912. Judge Murray
entered upon the duties of this office on Apr. 23, 1913, and
since that time has been devoting his full energies to the
service of the public.
On Apr. 23, 1913, Frank J. Murray was united in
marriage to Florence Weisz, of Columbus, Ohio,
daughter of F. B. Weisz, a prominent coal merchant of
that city, and to this union one child has been born, a
daughter, Elizabeth Ann, born on June 28, 1914.
Judge and Mrs. Murray are devout members of the
Catholic church, in the various beneficences of which they
are deeply interested, as well as in all good works
hereabout. They take an active and prominent part in
the social affairs of their home city and are extremely
popular among their large circle of friends and
acquaintances. Judge Murray is a Democrat and
has taken his place very rightfully as one of the leaders of
that party in this county. He is a member of the
influential London Club and a member of the Knights of
Columbus, in the affairs of both of which organizations he
takes an active interest, his genial ways and cordial manner
in his relations with his fellowmen making him a prime
favorite with his associates.
Scholarly diligent and industrious; a tine student of
the law, observing with the utmost nicety full regard for
the high traditions of his honorable calling and
scrupulously attentive to his duty to the public.
Judge Murray is doing well the part to which the
community has called him.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 477 |
A man of distinct ability who has eminently merited the high
regard and confidence in which he is held in his community,
and whose progressive qualities and inherent traits of
honesty and thrift have made for him a prominent place in
the agricultural world of Madison county, is J. Clark
Murray, for many years manager of the “Lower Gwynne
Farms.” His knowledge of all branches of farming and
his wide acquaintance throughout the rural district of Ohio,
have given him a commanding standing both in the town of Mt.
Sterling and the surrounding country. He is a man of
alert and well
matured mentality, who from his earliest years has been
interested in the problems of the occupation which became
his life work.
J. Clark Murray was born on the 19th of October,
1870, in Union township, Madison county, Ohio, and is the
son of Maxwell and Elizabeth (Leach) Murray.
His father was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, on
the 3rd of February, 1865, and moved to Ross county, Ohio,
with his parents when he was only three years old.
Three years later the father died and Maxwell was
taken by the McCreary family of Ross county
and reared by them. In 1826 he came to Madison county,
and soon after married the daughter of Judge
Armstrong. The first wife of Maxwell
Murray was the widow of James Gibson.
She had three children who are now deceased. They were
Creighton, Mrs. Jane Rayburn and
Elizabeth. By her second marriage she became
the mother of Armstrong, Alexander, Robert
and Mrs. Josephine Creath, all
After the death of Mrs. Jane (Armstrong) Murray,
which occurred on the 6th of August, 1863, her husband,
Maxwell Murray, married again. His second
wife was Elizabeth (Leach) Timmons, a widow, who was
a native of Fayette county, Ohio, having been born near Mt.
Sterling on the 19th of June, 1838. She died on the
18th of January, 1904. The children by her first
marriage were Benjamin, Othello and Owen,
who are deceased; Layton, manager and superintendent
of transportation for Mandel Brothers,
Chicago; Mrs. Susie Hewitt, who is
deceased, and Mrs. Sallie Ford, of
Champaign county, Ohio. After her marriage with Mr.
Murray she became the mother of three children,
Mrs. Belle Linson, who is superintendent
and matron of the County Children's Home of Madison county;
Helen, who makes her home with her brother in
Pleasant township, and J. C., the subject of this
sketch. Maxwell Murray reared and
educated all of these children, giving them the educational
advantages of the locality in which they lived. He
farmed in Union township, Madison county, until 1875, when
he moved to Midway, Ohio, now known as Sedalia, where he
died. Elizabeth Leach was the daughter
of Benjamin and Sarah (Bostwick) Leach, the former a
native of Maryland and the latter a native of Virginia.
Sedalia, Ohio, furnished the background for the boyhood
days of J. C. Murray. Here, after learning what
he could in the district school, where the common branches
scarcely outnumbered three, he began to take part in the
rugged occupations about the farm, and when only fourteen
years old rented a farm on his own account in Range township
and began what might be called an independent life.
The enthusiasm and love of hard work which were so prominent
in his character as a boy clung to him throughout his life,
so that there is little to wonder at in reviewing his
achievements when the fact that they were laid on such early
and strong foundations, is considered. When he was
just twenty-two years of age he become manager of a large
tract of land in Monroe township, Madison county, which
proved to be a very successful venture.
In October, 1894, he came to the farm where he now
lives, and acts as manager of the farm land belonging to
Mrs. Maria (Gwynne) Crotti, of Columbus, Ohio.
Aside from the direct management of the farm he is general
attorney for the four thousand and twenty acres of land.
He is a breeder of purebred stock, consisting of Shorthorn
cattle, Belgian horses, Hampshire sheep and Duroc-Jersey
hogs. The farm is given over to general stock and
agriculture. The Gwynne farms have been
under the management of the Murray family for
about sixty years. With his brother, Layton,
Mr. Murray owns two hundred and sixteen acres of
land in Range township. Although his duties are
anything but light, Mr. Murray has found time
to show his interest outside the scope of agricultural
pursuits, and is active in the affairs of Mt. Sterling,
where he is a shareholder and director of the Citizens Bank.
In 1909, he was nominated for the office of county
commissioner, but resigned in favor of E. E. Breyfogel,
of Mt. Sterling.
J. C. Murray has been married twice, his first
wife, who was Ella C. Stout, was born on the 10th day
of July, 1875, in Pleasant township, Madison county, Ohio,
and died on the 12th of April, 1909. Their marriage
took place on the 6th of March, 1899, and to the union one
son, William F., who is now attending school, was
born. On the 19th of October, 1910, Mr.
Murray married his former wife’s sister, Anna B.
Stout, who was born in Pleasant township on the 6th of
April, 1874. To this union one son, Robert C.,
was born. She is the daughter of Abraham and Lydia
(Graham) Stout, one of the pioneer families of Madison
county, and long identified with the activities of the
Christian church. Her father was well known as a
political leader and held many offices of public trust.
Mr. Murray is a member of the Knights of
Pythias and the Free and Accepted Masons. He and his
wife are devoted members of the Christian church and have
contributed liberally in every instance of church building
in Madison county.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 931 |

Michael S. Murray |
That there are enormous differences in the casual power
exerted by different minds, depending on their place of
vantage in the social system, is, of course, true.
Most men merely echo the prevailing opinion or swell the
general tide of passion. Even so, such men in the
aggregate give to opinion its tendency to prevail, and to
passion its tidal and overwhelming power. But the
contribution of a single member of the mass is not
comparable with that of the individual who occupies a place
of prominence or authority. Such a mind operates at a
source, coloring all that springs from it, or at a crucial
point, where every slight deflection is enormously magnified
in the consequence. There are not a few such men of
initiative in Madison county, one of the best known of whom
is Michael S. Murray, the subject of this interesting
biographical review, one of the most prominent and
influential personages in this section of Ohio.
Michael S. Murray was born on a farm in Stokes
township, this county, on Jan. 1, 1856, son of Martin and
Bridget (Roddy) Murray, both natives of County Mayo,
Ireland, the former of whom was born near Castlebar, the
chief town of Mayo, and the latter near the town of Ballina.
Martin Murray emigrated to America in 1847,
locating at Springfield, this state, near which city he
engaged in farming. In July 1853, Martin
Murray was united in marriage to Bridget Roddy,
who had come to America in 1850, locating also at
Springfield. In 1854, they came to Madison county,
locating on a farm near the village of Solon, in Stokes
township, where they remained until the year 1860, at which
time they removed to a farm near Jeffersonville, in Fayette
county. In 1866, they moved to the farm in Union
township, Madison county, where they lived until 1892,
in which year they retired from the farm and moved into the
city of London, where their last days were spent, Mrs.
Murray’s death occur ring in March, 1910, and Mr.
Murray dying in December, 1911. They were the
parents of eleven children, seven of whom are still living;
the others, besides the subject of this sketch, being
John, of West Jefferson, this county; James,
Martin, Mary and Margaret, of Columbus.
this state, and Katherine, who is a nun in a convent
in Kentucky.
Michael S. Murray was reared on the paternal
farm, receiving his elementary education in the common
schools of his home township, which was supplemented by a
course in a select school at Springfield and at the National
Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio. For several years then
he taught school in this county, meantime reading law, and
in 1884 was admitted to practice law at the bar of the
Madison circuit court, in which year he moved to London, the
county seat, which ever since has been his home. For
more than twenty years Mr. Murray practiced
law alone; in January, 1904, he formed his present effective
and mutually agreeable partnership with P. R. Emery.
From the very start Mr. Murray has occupied a
prominent position at the bar of the Madison county courts
and at the bars of the courts of adjacent counties, and few
lawyers in this section of the state have a wider reputation
than he. Vigorous,
forceful, a master of the law, skilled in practice and
possessed of a singularly engaging personality, Mr.
Murray has made for himself a name to conjure with in
the courts of this district and he possesses the utmost
confidence and the highest respect of bench and bar alike.
The firm of Murray & Emery has charge of the
legal business of many important interests in Madison and
adjoining counties, to all of which the most careful
attention is given, among the firm’s clients being the
Madison National Bank and the extensive Houstonian
On Nov. 22, 1881, Michael S. Murray was united
in marriage to Anna Gallagher, of South
Charleston, Clark county, this state, to which union three
children have been born, namely: Mayme, who is at
home with her parents; Frank J., who is probate judge
of Madison county, and John Emmet, an attorney
of Chehalis, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Murray
are members of the Catholic church and their children have
been reared in that faith. They are earnestly
interested in the good works of their home
city and are held in the highest esteem by the entire
community, their many fine qualities, both of head and
heart, attracting to them a large circle of very warm
Mr. Murray is a Democrat an his voice for
years has been an influential one in, the deliberations of
the party managers of this district. He never has held
office, though he was candidate, in 1908, for Judge of the
common pleas court of this district. Though he carried
his own county and two others of the five counties in the
district, he was defeated, the Republican “land slide" in
the two counties that went against him being sufficient to
turn the tide of popular favor against him. Mr.
Murray is an active, energetic, public-spirited
citizen and for many years has been regarded as one of the
foremost leaders in the business and professional life of
this section. He is a director in the London Exchange
Bank and also holds other important connections, his
position in business and financial circles being as firmly
established as is his exalted position in legal circles.
Source: History of Madison County, Ohio -
Illustrated - Published by B. F. Bowden & Company, Inc.,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1915 - Page 536 |