OHIO GENEALOGY EXPRESS ![]() A Part of Genealogy Express |
Welcome to Marion County, Ohio History & Genealogy |
† Source:
Portrait &
Biographical Records
of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio
Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent
and Representative Citizens of the Counties
Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents
of the United States
Chapman Publishing Co.
SLAGLE is one of the old settlers of Marion
County, where he has made his home for fifty-five years. In
1840 he moved to the portion of the farm which he yet cultivates,
and which is situated on section 17, Scott Township. He has
been a witness of vast changes in this section, and has assisted not
a little in its prosperity and development. Jacob Slagle was born in Maryland, near Ft. Cumberland, Apr. 8, 1811, and is a son of Joseph and Margaret Slagle, who were of German and French descent, respectively. The latter died at the home of our subject, Sept. 12, 1863, aged eighty- one years, one month and seven days. With his four brothers and three sisters our subject passed his happy childhood days on his father’s farm, and when he was a lad of ten years he emigrated with his parents to Pickaway County, Ohio, where he dwelt for the next five years. He then went to Hocking County, where he grew to man’s estate. On reaching his majority he began to "paddle his own canoe" by working as a firm hand, and the very first month of his labor in this direction he received his board and $10, this being a large sum for those days. He was so well liked by his employer that he remained in his sendee until 1840, when he left of his own accord. His first purchase of land was a farm of sixty acres, part of his present homestead of one hundred and sixty-five acres. On this place, which is one of the most valuable in this section, he has made all of the improvements himself. As was the custom of the pioneers, his first home was constructed of logs, the cabin being 18x20 feet in size and comprising only one room. This was his dwelling for several years, but in time it was supplanted by a more modern and convenient residence. Mr. Slagle has been twice married, his first union occurring in 1835, and the lady of his choice being a Miss Annie Linten, by whom he had three children, Isaac B., Andrew and Jacob Andrew is a well-to-do farmer of Morrow County, Ohio. The lady who now bears our subject’s name became his wife Oct. 17, 1841. She was a Miss Dina Zuck, and was born Aug. 26, 1818, in Ross County, Ohio. When fourteen years of age she removed with her parents to this county, where her father had purchased a piece of Government land and placed thereon a log cabin. Eight children came to bless Mr. Slagle’s second marriage, namely: John, Joseph, Thomas, Margaret, Wesley, Lydia J., and two who died in infancy. Lydia J. is the wife of John Owings, and now resides on the old homestead. Their family numbers five living children, two having died in infancy. Those living are, Eva Idell, Lula Edith, Blanche Elizabeth, Alonzo Milo and Harley Elma, and all but the youngest are attending school. Joseph and Wesley are also deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Slagle have always been kind and affectionate parents to their children, and good neighbors in the community, having the respect and esteem of all who know them. They have long been earnest and zealous workers in the Methodist Church, to which they belong. Politically the former was first a Whig and is now a Republican. His first ballot was in favor of Henry Clay. He obtained his education in the old-fashioned subscription schools, and often had to walk a distance of three and a-half miles to and from school each day. He is a gentleman who possesses a large fund of general information and his anecdotes of pioneer life make him a very entertaining conversationalist. Source: Portrait & Biographical Records of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio - 1895 - Page 1002 |
![]() John J. Sloan |
SLOAN, the leading architect of Marion, is one of the
city's active and most public spirited citizens, promoting her
best interests in every way. He is a man of unusually good
judgment, and has any amount of push and energy. He was
born near Kenton, Hardin County, Mar. 23, 1854, while his
father, Thomas Sloan, was a native of Ireland, the
latter's father having emigrated to that country from Scotland
at a very early day. Thomas Sloan made the trip to America in 1832, and engaging in railroad work, in time became an extensive contractor. He built what was known as the Mad River Road, running from Forest to Bellefontaine, and which is now a part of the Big Four System. He invested his money from time to time in land, and when advancing years warned him that he must cease from arduous labor, he retired to a valuable estate, which he left to his family at the time of his decease, in 1881. The lady whom Thomas Sloan married in 1852 was Eliza Sloan, a native of the North of Ireland, who although bearing the same name was not a relative. They became the parents of five sons, of whom John J., of this sketch, is the eldest. His brothers are Robert, William, Thomas and George. His boyhood days were passed on the home farm and in attendance at the public schools. He early manifested great genius in the art of building, and, choosing this for his vocation in life, made a study of his business, and has supplemented his knowledge by extensive traveling. In order that he might have better advantages for obtaining knowledge in this particular line, he removed to Marion, and after beginning in business for himself it was not long before his services were in great demand. To him is given the credit of erecting many of the first large buildings of he city, besides numerous residences of later architectural design. Aside from this business, he has large real-estate interests in Hardin County, and is also one of the heirs to his father's valuable property, which is now under the management of his mother. J. J. Sloan and Miss Mabel Walter were married in Rushsylvania, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1880. The lady was the daughter of Capt. J. C. and Eliza (Carson) Walter. The only son born to them, a lad of nine years, bears the name of Thomas Walter. Our subject is a member of the Order of Elks, the National Union, Junior Order United American Mechanics, and of the Commandery of that order. He is also a member of the order of Ben Hur. Mr. Sloan is a strong Republican in politics, and as a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church contributes liberally of his means towards its support. He is a pleasant, affable and courteous gentleman, and no worthy movement in the city is allowed to fail for want of support on his part. Source: Portrait & Biographical Records of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio - 1895 - Page 439 |
EPHRAIM E. SMITH, an enterprising and
prosperous business man of Hepburn, holds the responsible position
of manager of the elevator of this place, which is owned by the
M. E. Burke Milling Company. He is a man of push, and
besides owning an interest in the elevator, has stock in four mills
located in other parts of this and Marion Counties. To him is
given the credit of establishing the elevator at this place, for it
was under his instructions and guidance that it was erected in 1891.
He soon thereafter sold stock in the enterprise, when it was
organized as the M. E. Burke Milling Company. Our subject is a native of this county, and was born Jan. 19, 1846, to Nathan and Mary K. (McLean) Smith, natives of Muskingum County, this state. The former was the son of Edward and Jane (Shafer) Smith, natives of Virginia. The grandfather, after attaining man’s estate, came to Ohio, and became the owner of the land now occupied by the city of Zanesville. He was one of the most prosperous agriculturists in the locality, and contributed liberally of his means toward the furtherance of all good measures. The maternal grandparents of our subject were Ephraim C. and Nancy (Craig) McLean, natives of Pennsylvania. Grandfather McLean came to Ohio in 1825, and was at that time one of the first to make a location near Zanesville. He made his home in that locality until 1842, when he made his advent into Hardin County, and lived here until his decease, several years thereafter. Ephraim C. McLean was an influential member of this community, and very popular with rich and poor. For seventeen years he discharged acceptably the duties of Justice of the Peace, and for two terms was County Commissioner. Our subject remained on his father’s farm for the first seventeen years of his life, and when he left home, in August, 1863, it was to enter the service of his country. He enlisted as a member of Company I, Thirty-fifth Ohio Infantry, and fought faithfully and well until the close of hostilities. He participated during that long period in many of the noted battles of the war, among them being that of Nashville. He was mustered out without ever having been wounded or taken prisoner. On his return home from the war, young Smith remained with his parents for a time and then went West, spending two years. On again coming to Hardin County, he engaged in farming for one year, after which he established in the mercantile business at Larue, and for four years was the proprietor of a thriving business. At the end of that time he returned to this locality and invested his surplus capital in a farm in Dudley Township. This he occupied for a period of eight years, and then bought another tract, lying in the same township, on which he now resides. He also owns a tract of one hundred acres in the state of Washington. As before stated, Mr. Smith built the elevator at Hepburn in 1891, and since its organization as a stock company has an interest in the same and is its general manager. This corporation owns mills in four other places, in which Mr. Smith is also interested. In addition to this enterprise he is carrying on a good livery business at Hepburn, where he erected large stables in 1892. Jan. 1, 1871, Ephraim E. Smith was united in marriage with Miss Mary J. Outland, of this county, and to them have been born two children, Warren H. and Jennie C. The son gives his attention to superintending the operation of his father’s farm, on which the family resides, and which is one of the most valuable pieces of property in Hardin County. Politically our subject is a stanch supporter of Republican principles. Socially he belongs to Hopkins Lodge No. 619, K. of P., at Heburn, and Latham Lodge No. 154, F. & A. M., at Kenton, in which latter place he meets with the chapter. He is also connected with Cantwell Post, G. A. R., at Kenton. He is a man of sterling worth and strict integrity, and in every way possible manifests his interest; in the welfare and progress of his community. Source: Portrait & Biographical Records of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio - 1895 - Page 375 |
K. SMITH is engaged in general farming and
stock-raising on section 22, Big Island Township, Marion County.
Few men in this locality are held in more favorable esteem by one
and all than it is his good fortune to be. After being elected
on the Republican ticket several years ago, he served acceptably for
six years as Township Trustee, and, whether in public or private
position, has ever had the welfare of his neighbors at heart. The above-named gentleman is a son of John and Naomi (Mouser) Smith, natives of Virginia and of German descent. In 1829 they located on a farm in Marion Township, this county, where the father entered a piece of land. Beginning with little or nothing, he afterwards was quite wealthy as the result of his earnest toil. He was born Sept. 13, 1803, and his wife was born May 31 of the same year. Their family numbered eight children, viz.: William and Mary, deceased; Jacob, a resident of Marion; Mrs. Martha Lawrence, who is living on the farm entered by her father, and who has seven children; Mrs. Martha Hamilton, of Hardin county, and the mother of eight children; George W., who went to Iowa in 1884 and is yet living there with his wife and three children; Isaac, who owns a farm in Marion Township and is living alone, his wife having died Oct. 17, 1890; and James, who completes the family. John Smith was Republican, and religiously a Baptist. A native of Marion County, James K. Smith was born July 26, 1842, and his education was such as could be obtained in the district school. On arriving at man's estate he rented land for a while, but in 1870 he bought one hundred and nine acres of Prairie Township. In 1876 he became the owner of his present place of two hundred and forty acres, which is very fertile and well adapted to general agriculture. Sept. 25, 1867, Mr. Smith married Mary, daughter of William and Marian (McNeal) Beaver, who were of English and Scotch birth, respectively. About 1852 her parents settled in Cleveland, Ohio, remaining there nearly a year, after which they moved to a farm in this county. In 1868 they emigrated to a farm in Kansas, buying the place on which they made their home the rest of their days. The father died in 1876 and the mother in 1887. Their two eldest sons, John and James, are farmers of this county; William lives in Kansas; George is deceased, as is also Margaret and Alice is the wife of Joseph Fowler of Kansas. Mrs. Smith was born July 27, 1848, near Glasgow, Scotland. By her marriage with our subject she has become the mother of five children. Harry was born July 10, 1868; Ralph W., July 22, 1871; Clarence J., born June 9, is a telegraph operator at Murdock, Minn.; Florence I. was born Aug. 12, 1876; and Zora A., Apr. 1, 1884. The Smith family all attend the Baptist Church, though not members of the same. Mr. Smith is a stanch Republican and is a good citizen. As a man he is honorable and upright in all his dealings and well deserves special mention in the record of the best and representative men of this county. Source: Portrait & Biographical Records of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio - 1895 - Page 414 |
SMITH, of Claridon Township, was born and
reared in Marion County, and has passed the greater portion of his
life within its limits. The farm which he now owns on section
21, and which he makes his home, comprised ninety-eight acres of
forestland. Few improvements had been made on the place,
though a small log house had been erected. This has all been
changed, and the well kept fields and farm yards bear little
resemblance to the wild tract which it was when Mr. Smith
became the owner of the homestead. Born Feb. 17, 1821, Samuel Smith is the son of David and Katherine (Willey) Smith, the former of whom was born Mar. 12, 1799, and the latter October 17 of the same year. They were the parents of thirteen children, but the only survivors of the family are Samuel, David, Almira and Catherine. The father of the above-named children was reared in Connecticut until about 1810, when he came to Ohio with a team, and in this state he grew to manhood. He was married in the year 1817 and later came to this locality, settling in Waldo Township. He rented land for three or four years and then purchased a place, which was covered with heavy timber. He put up a log cabin and devoted his energies to cultivating and clearing the farm. His death occurred there Sept. 28, 1870. He was a member of the United Brethren Church, and helped to organize the first schools of the district. He held a number of township offices, helped to lay out the roads, and in other ways assisted in developing the county. His wife died in October, 1885, being then in the eighty-seventh year. Until he was fourteen years of age, Samuel Smith’s life passed uneventfully, and in the usual manner of farmers’ boys. He lent his services to his father in clearing the farm and early knew what hard work meant. In his fifteenth year he started forth to make his own living, and for the next three years was employed at $75 a year. He then went to Delaware, Ohio, and began serving a three-years apprenticeship at cabinet-making, receiving only his board and clothes. For a few months he was then employed at Cardington, after which he came to this county, and for sixteen years worked industriously at his trade in Waldo. He then sold out his business and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. In this calling he has been very successful, for he is thoroughly competent and practical in the management of his farm. Oct. 16, 1842, Samuel Smith, wedded Miss Mary G. McWilliams, who was born Aug. 22, 1821. Two children came to bless their home; Noah N., born Aug. 7, 1843; and David, Jan.28, 1845. The latter married Catherine Livingstone, Feb. 20, 1868, and had five children: Mary E., born Mar. 25, 1869; Francis M., Oct. 29, 1870; Ella R., Sept. 7, 1872; Samuel D., Jan. 24, 1875; and Harry W., Mar. 16, 1878. The devoted wife of our subject was called to the silent land Jan. 4, 1887. She was a faithful member of the Baptist Church and remained steadfast in her belief to the last. She was a most worthy Christian woman, who readily won the affection of all with whom she was thrown in contact. Mr. Smith holds membership with the Baptist Church of Claridon, with which he has long been identified. In politics he uses his right of franchise in favor of the Democratic party. Source: Portrait & Biographical Records of Marion & Hardin Counties, Ohio - 1895 - Page 544 |
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