A Biographical History
Preble County, Ohio.
Compendium of National Biography
The Lewis Publishing Company

The prosperity, upbuilding and progress of a community depends
upon its enterprising business men whose keen judgment and close
application enable them to carry forward to successful
completion whatever they undertake. One of the most
prominent representatives of the financial, commercial and
industrial interests of Eaton is Mr. Farr, who is now
engaged in the insurance business, and is known as a capitalist
whose creditable place in business circles has been obtained by
his own efforts. He was born in Franklin county, Indiana,
May I, 1846. His father, Price Farr, was a
native of New Jersey and a son of Elias Farr, who
removed to Oxford, Indiana, where he died in 1859. He was
a tailor by trade, and also followed agricultural pursuits.
In early life Price Farr engaged in teaching
school, and was also connected with a store. Later he
turned his attention to the farm and engaged in the operation of
a valuable tract of land until 1861, when he retired from the
farm and active business affairs. His efforts were crowned
with a high degree of success, and at the same time he won that
good name which is rather to be chosen than great riches, for
his career was characterized by the strictest fidelity to duty
and honesty. Pie died in 1896, highly respected by all who
knew him. He married Elizabeth Bake, a daughter of
William Bake, who was one of the early settlers of
Franklin county, Indiana. She died in 1894. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Farr were liberal supporters of the
Universalist church, and earnest Christian people, charitable in
thought and action. They had two children, the elder being
William L., a resident of Liberty, Indiana.
Henry H. Farr, the youngest son, pursued his
education in the common schools of Oxford and in the Miami
University, where he was graduated in the class of 1867.
He afterward engaged in teaching in Union county, Indiana, for
six months, and in July, 1868, he came to Eaton, where in
connection with his brother he opened a drug store which they
conducted for one year. At the expiration of that period
Mr. Farr, of this review, purchased another drug store
and continued as its proprietor until 1871, when he sold out,
for the close confinement of the store did not agree with him.
He then turned his attention to the insurance business, and in
1873 went to Decatur, Alabama, where he conducted a sawmill for
three years. Returning to Eaton in 1876, he once more
entered the insurance business and was a representative of
leading old-line companies until 1886, when he sold out and
established a grocery and queensware store which he conducted
for five years. On the expiration of that period, however,
he returned to his insurance agency and is now representing a
number of the leading fire insurance companies of the country.
He is a man of resourceful business ability whose efforts are by
no means limited to one line, and with a number of paying
enterprises he is now connected. He is operating a stone
quarry near Eaton in connection with M. W. Nation, taking
out limestone. He holds an interest in the Eaton Canning
Company; is also interested in an incandescent light plant of
Cincinnati; and is treasurer of the Eaton Loan & Building
Association. He became one of the charter members on its
organization, and since that time has been in charge of
financial, affairs. He has also been secretary of the
Preble County Agricultural Association for twenty years.
He carries forward to successful completion whatever he
undertakes. The development of the west is due to such men
whose indomitable energy and progressive spirit have overcome
all obstacles and reached the goal of success. He is not
so abnormally developed as to be called a genius, but is one of
the strongest because one of the best balanced, the most even
and self-masterful of men, and he has acted so well his part in
both public and private life that Eaton has been enriched by his
example, his character and his labor.
On the 18th of November, 1869, Mr. Farr was
united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Minor, a daughter of
W. H. H. B. Minor, a very successful practicing physician
of Eaton. They now have three children Elizabeth,
wife of Lee R. Kinnear, of Henry, Illinois; and Minor
and Loring, at home. Since attaining his majority
Mr. Farr has been a member of the Masonic
fraternity, and has held a number of offices in his lodge.
He is most true and faithful to the principles of Masonry,
exemplifying in his life its beneficent teachings. As a
man of business his ability has been constantly manifest in one
phase or another, showing excellent power and executive
strength, and today he stands among the capitalists of his
adopted city—a position which he well merits. His life has
indeed been a commendable one, and be enjoys the good will and
respect of those with whom business and social relations have
brought him in contact.
Source: A Biographical History of
Preble County, Ohio - Illustrated - Published 1900 - Page 465 |