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Scioto County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |

History of Lower Scioto Valley
Together with Sketches of its Cities, Villages and Townships,
Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History, Portraits of Prominent
and Biographies of Representative Citizens
Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co.
born Aug. 23, 1820, in Germany, and at the age of eight years came
with his parents, Peter and Mary Gabel, to America. His
father bought a farm near Buffalo, N. Y., where he remained till his
death, at the age of ninety-eight years. His wife died at the
age of ninety-two years. Our subject came to Chillicothe,
Ohio, when sixteen years of age. While working on the canal he
was buried under an embankment, which caved in on him, and after
being taken out was unconscious for fifteen hours. He was
badly lacerated and was unable to work for some time. In 1833
he came to Portsmouth and worked at the mason's trade. During
the following winter he went to the farm, where he remained four
years, after which he followed boating on the Ohio River. In
1845 he married Mary De Gear by whom he has had ten children,
of whom five are living- Mary, Catherine, George W., Frank
and Nicholas. He purchased his present farm in 1845,
which contains 270 acres of good land, part of which is owned by
another. He has been very successful in all his undertakings,
and from a poor man has become very comfortably situated.
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eldest son of Frederick and Christena Gabler, was born in
Scioto County, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1849. He was reared on a farm
and received a common-school education, and after attaining his
majority purchased his farm, which now contains ninety-six acres of
well-cultivated land. He was married in 1872 to Mary,
daughter of Peter and Anna Bowers, of Scioto County.
They have had five children - Anna C., John F., Katie M. Rosa S.
and William W. Mr. and Mrs. Gabler are members of
Zion Methodist Episcopal Church.
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born in Ireland, Oct. 9, 1848, and was a son of James Galvin,
who came to the United States with his family in January, 1851,
locating at Nashua, N. H., where he remained till his death, which
occurred in 1869, at the age of forty-five years. His widow
still lives in Nashua, N. H., at the age of fifty-seven years.
There were seven children in the family - Patrick, John, Thomas,
Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Joseph, and Jennie Ellen. Our
subject first worked in the forge shop of the Nashua Machine Works,
where he remained twelve and a half years. He then went to
Harrisburg, Pa., where he made steel three years. In August,
1876, he was sent by the Pennsylvania Steel Company to Europe, where
he spent some time traveling through France, Wales and England.
He afterward went to Chattanooga, Tenn., where he worked thirteen
months for a Rolling Iron Company, and in 1878 came to Portsmouth,
where he has since been engaged in melting steel for Burgess Iron
and Steel Works. He was married at Nashua, N. H., Sept. 2,
1875, to Lizzie Murray. They have four children -
Katie Ellen, John J., Mary Elizabeth and Anna Maria.
Mr. Galvin and wife are members of the Holy Redeemer Catholic
Church of Portsmouth.
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& CODY, horse-shoers, on the corner of Chillicothe and Third
streets, which business was established about fifteen years ago by
Thomas Purcell. Shortly after it was purchased by Mr. Seth
Gardanier, who ran it alone a year, when Mr. Cody became
a partner. The keep themselves well informed as to the latest
and improved modes of shoemaking by taking all books and papers
alluding to the subject. Seth Gardanier was born Sept.
25, 1841, in New Orleans, a native of France. When fifteen
years old he learned the blacksmith's trade, after which he was
connected with horsemen for ten years. In 1875 he came to
Portsmouth, where he has since been engaged in the blacksmith's
business, and has at the same time handled many fine horses.
He was married in 1878 to Mary Kaler, a native of Portsmouth.
They had one son, Clay, who died Mar. 24, 1883, at the age of
three and one-half years. John Cody, son of William
Cody, was born in Ohio, in 1848. He was left an orphan at
the age of five years, and when fifteen years old went to Covington,
Ky., where he learned the blacksmith's trade, remaining there four
years. He then worked in Cincinnati and Chicago from 1864 till
1874, when he came to Portsmouth. He worked the first four
years for Mr. Purcell and since then has been running a shop.
He was married in June, 1874, to Fannie Roach, a native of
Ireland. They have four children living and one deceased -
Katie, John, (Fannie who died in 1881, aged three
years), William and Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. Cody are
members of the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church.
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was born May
8, 1844, in Scioto County, and is the son of Sebastian Geis,
who died in 1863. He has pursued farming through life and at
present owns a good farm of 160 acres in Nebraska, besides forty
acres where he resides. He was married in 1870 to Mary,
daughter of Lawrence Carl, of Scioto County. They have
had four children - John J., Frank L., Rosa M. and Henry
Edward. Mr. Geis has served as Township Assessor
two terms, besides having held several other minor offices.
His parents were natives of Germany, who emigrated to America in an
early day and settled in Scioto County on the farm now occupied by
our subject. His mother died in 1872.
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J. G. GERLACH, grocer
and dealer in glass, tin, and queen's ware, was born in Green
Township, Scioto, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1850, a son of Conrad Gerlach.
He has made the grocery business his avocation since working for
himself, and has been very successful. He owns the property
where he does business. His store room is 20 x 60 feet,
ceiling thirteen feet high. He occupies the caller and first
and second floors; usually employs two clerks, and delivers goods to
any part of the city free of charge. He was married in 1871 to
Carrie E. Litvogt, of Cincinnati, Ohio. They are
members of the German Presbyterian church. Mr. Gerlach's
father came to America in 1847, and settled in Greene Township,
where he lived till 1865. He then moved to Portsmouth, where
he died in April, 1868.
- History of Lower Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago: Inter-state
Publishing Co. 1884 |
was born May
17, 1813, in Alexandria, Scioto Co., Ohio, and the following year
came to Portsmouth with his father. He went to Cincinnati at
the age of eighteen years and spent six months at the carpenter’s
trade, when he returned to Portsmouth and worked at his trade four
years. In 1834 he built the canal-boat Shakspere, and was
Captain of her one year on the Ohio Canal. In 1840 he was appointed
Wharf-master of Portsmouth, and served one year. In 1843,
while Captain and owner of the canal-boat Laurel, he projected, and,
in connection with others, put in operation a line of three boats,
each making regular weekly trips between Portsmouth and Columbus,
which was in successful operation five years. In 1847 he bought the
steamboat American, and commanded her two years, making one trip up
the Scioto River (the first ever made by steamboat), to the State
dam, six miles below Chillicothe, in February, 1848. In 1850
he was appointed Canal Collector, and served about two years.
Sept. 20, 1852, he was married to Martha E. Oldfield, a
native of Portsmouth. They have had five children—George
H., Jr., who died in 1875, at the age of twenty-two years;
Jennie L.; Sarah Elizabeth, who died when three years of
age; Marinette I., and William David. After his
marriage he was in the shoe business one year in partnership with
T. G. Lloyd, and in 1854 was elected Auditor, serving one term.
He then clerked in the auditor’s office at different times until
1860, and in 1863 served as Deputy Treasurer, after which he was
bookkeeper at the First National Bank for four years. In 1873
he was appointed Clerk of the city of Portsmouth, and served two
years. In 1877 he was appointed Deputy Auditor, and served one
year. Since then he has been variously engaged. His
father, David Gharky, was born Feb. 13, 1775, in
Stargard, Poinerenia, Germany, and came to America in 1796, and
first resided in Philadelphia two years, when he settled in
Alexandria, Scioto County. In 1814 he moved to Portsmouth, and
was engaged in carpentering and cabinet-making for many years.
From 1822 until 1828 he served as Auditor of the county. From
1829 until 1833 he was in Indiana. He then returned to
Portsmouth; was elected Treasurer of the county in 1833, and served
one term. In 1840 he went to Missouri, being there and in
Indiana until 1850. He died in Portsmouth, Aug. 9, 1850, aged
seventy-five years. His wife died in 1834 at the age of
fifty-five years. They had a family of ten children, of whom
only four survive—John, in Memphis, Mo.; Frederica R.,
married to Thomas Wildbahn and residing in St. Joseph, Mo.;
Sarah Ann, wife of A. W. Williamson, of Portsmouth,
and our subject.
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born near Parkersburg, Wood Co., W. Va., Feb. 1, 1799, and was
married Apr. 16, 1819, to Hannah Kittle, who was born in
Randolph County, Va., Dec. 25, 1797. In the spring of 1821
they came to Ohio and settled on a farm near Wheelersburg, where he
farmed three years. He is a house-joiner by trade, and has
followed that occupation most of his life. He has held
township offices for many years, and he was ordained Deacon of the
Free-Will Baptist church about 1835, to which church he has belonged
over fifty years. His wife is also a member of the same
church. They were blessed with a family of eleven children, of
whom six grew to maturity. Two of his sons were volunteers in
the late war - Cyrus H., who was killed at the battle
of Atlanta by the explosion of a shell, and Randolph, who
went South in 1860, and is supposed to be dead. Mr. Gibbons
held the position of Deacon till within the last six years, when he
resigned. He is in his eighty-fifth year, and they are the
oldest couple living in Scioto County.
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Portsmouth Ohio, was born at Troy, N. Y., July 5, 1854. In
June, 1864, he moved with his parents to Portsmouth. He
completed his education in the high schools of the city, afterward
taking private instruction in languages at the Portsmouth Seminary.
He graduated in medicine from the Ohio Medical College at
Cincinnati, in the spring of 1876. By a severe competitive
examination he obtained the position of Resident Physician in the
Cincinnati Hospital, remaining there one year, when he returned to
Portsmouth to accept a partnership with his former preceptor, Dr.
C. M. Finch. The partnership was dissolved at the end of
two years, and the Doctor then engaged in business for himself.
His office, on the corner of Fourth and Washington streets, is the
most commodious and finest arranged of any office in the city.
He is member of the American Medical Association, Ohio State Medical
Society, Cincinnati Hospital Medical Association, Ohio Valley
Medical Society, and the Hempstead Academy of Medicine. He is
a member of the First Presbyterian Church. His parents,
George and Isabella Gibson, are natives of Scotland. His
father was born near Edinburgh, and his mother near Glasgow.
His father came to America in June, 1830, and was married at Troy,
N. Y., to Isabella McQueen, in April, 1845. Of a family
of five children, four are living, two sons and two daughters.
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was born in Scioto County, Ohio, in 1835, a son of Bonom
and Martha Gifford, his father a native of Virginia and his
mother of Gallia County, Ohio. His father died in 1880 and his
mother in 1882. They reared a family of nine children, seven
of whom are still living. George W. was reared in his
native county, and when twelve years of age began to work at the
furnaces. In 1861 he bought a farm and has added to it from
time to time till he now has 160 acres. He is engaged in
farming and stock-raising. He kills annually from fifty to one
hundred head of cattle for the markets of Portsmouth. He was
married in 1856 to Maria, daughter of William
Triggs. They have nine children, two sons and seven
daughters. Mr. Gifford enlisted in 1862 in the
First Ohio Heavy Artillery, and participated in many sharp
skirmishes. He was mustered out in 1865.
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son of Jacob and Mary (Baker) Gilliland, was born in Harrison
Township, Scioto County, Nov. 7, 1859. He received a good
common-school education, and has taken a prominent position as a
teacher, in which profession he first engaged in 1880 in Madison
Township, and for the past two years taught in Harrison Township.
He was elected Clerk of Harrison Township in 1882, and still holds
that position, having been re-elected in 1883. He owns a fine
farm, stocked with blooded cattle, and may be classed among the
well-to-do young men of this township. In politics he
affiliates with the Republican party. His father was born Apr.
28, 1827, at Jackson Furnace, Jackson County, and was first married
Apr. 3, 1851, to Lusetta White, who is now deceased. He
was again married Aug. 31, 1856, to Mary Baker, who bore him
two children - Jackson H. and our subject. She was
first married an. 23, 1844, to Joshua Welch, who died Feb. 1,
1855. To this union were given four children - Elizabeth,
Louisa, William and George, all living. Our subject
resides with his mother, her husband having died Feb. 27, 1875.
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was born in Jackson County, Ohio, in 1836, a son of Jesse
and Elizabeth (Colman) Gillilan. His mother
died in 1850, and his father in 1864. He was reared on a farm,
attending the common schools, and subsequently the academy at
Ewington. He then taught school several years, and
clerked for John Culbertson, at Lawrence Furnace five
years. In 1868 he formed a partnership with R. T. Collins,
in the general mercantile business, in Webster. In 1870 they
became members of the Webster Fire-Brick Company, and since then he
has been General Superintendent of the business. He was
married in 187fto Martha E., daughter of William M. Walls,
of Webster. They have two sons and three daughters.
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born in Scioto County, Ohio, Mar. 3, 1830, a son of William and
Rebecca (Austin) Gilruth, his father a native of Scioto County,
and his mother of Virginia. His parents were married in 1822
and had a family of thirteen children; eleven grew to maturity and
nine are still living - Irwin M., Thomas, James, Mina (now
Mrs. T. D. Kelley), John William (born 1834 or '5, deceased),
Austin, Isaac N., Mary, Henry C. (died in the army in 1865),
Archibald (a missionary in India), Rebecca A. (now
Mrs. M. S. Pixley). James lived at home till
manhood and then took a trip to California, remaining there eight
years. He returned to Ohio in 1859, but has spent considerable
time in traveling West and South. He resides on the old
homestead with his sister Mary, who was married in 1876 to
A. E. Goddard, native of Norwich, Vt., born Jan. 25, 1843, and
came to Ohio in 1873. They have one son - Archibald H.
The farm contains 217 acres, and is one of the original French lots.
Rev. James Gilruth was born at Belleville, Wood Co., Va.,
eighteen miles below the mouth of Little Kanawha River, Jan. 29,
1793, and died in his eighty-first year near Davenport, June 2,
1873; and died in his eighty-first year near Davenport, June 2,
1873; came to Ohio Apr. 8, 1797; for fifty-three years a Methodist
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is a
native of Scioto County, Ohio, born Nov. 5, 1827, the second son of
William and Rebecca Gilruth. He was reared on a farm,
attending a subscription school three months in the winter season.
After reaching manhood he began to work for himself as a farmer, and
has always made that his life-work. He owns 220 acres of fine,
well-cultivated land. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he
enlisted in Battery F, First Ohio Light Artillery, and served three
years and three months; participated in the battles of Stone River,
Perryville, Mission Ridge, Lookout Mountain and many others.
He was wounded in the right hand by a piece of shell; was mustered
out in the fall of 1864. In 1866 he married Nancy,
daughter of Strander and Sophia Coe. Four children have
been born to them, but two now living - Hattie and Addie
Bell. Two died in infancy. Politically Mr.
Gilruth is a Republican.
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grandfather of the members of that family now in Scioto County, was
born in Perthshire, Scotland. He came to the United States in
1783, and in 1797 located in Adams County, now Scioto County, Ohio.
He died Mar. 19, 1826. His wife, Marion (Ingels) Gilruth,
was a daughter of William and Grace Ingels, and was born in
Edinburg, Scotland, Feb. 14, 1776. She was a descendant of the
royal family. Colonel Lowe of South Carolina, was her
uncle, and Dr. Witherspoon, ex-President of Princeton
College, was her cousin. She was reared in the Presbyterian
faith, but after coming to Ohio her house was the home of the
Methodist itinerant, and for many years was used for all religious
services. She died Apr. 14, 1847, having been a widow over
twenty years. Of their children James was the
eldest, and was born in Wood County, Va., in January, 1793. He
married Hannah, daughter of Christian and Ann Kountz.
She was born Sept. 8, 1799, and died Nov. 28, 1818, leaving a
daughter, Helen H., now the wife of Frederick Duduit.
He afterward married Mary Westlake, who is still living.
To them were born eight children - Harriet, Naomi, Matilda, Mary,
Pauline, Christina, James H. and Thomas. Of the
above Mary died in infancy; Harriet died in 1851,
unmarried; Naomi was twice married, first to a Mr. Hayes,
and the second time to Dr. Griffin; Pauline
married A. J. Kynett, D. D., Corresponding Secretary of the
Church Extension Society of the Methodist Church Extension Society
of the Methodist Church; Matilda married Rev. George
Carpenter, a Presbyterian minister; Christina married
Mr. Logan; Thomas married Althea Stinson; James H.
married Addie Collin. James Gilruth, Sr., died June 1,
1873. [For a more extended sketch refer to The Battlefield
Reviewed.] Mary, daughter of Thomas and Marion
Gilruth, married William S. Thomas, who died in 1830,
leaving four children - Adeliza, married Wesley
Sayre; Marion, married Joseph Mears; Oratha,
married William Smith; Ann, married John McMullen.
Adeliza is the only one now living. She afterward married
George Tosser, and to them was born one daughter - Mary
Ann, now Mrs. Levi Kennedy. William, son of
Thomas and Marion Gilruth, was born May 24, 1_99, in Adams
County (now Scioto), Ohio, and was married in 1822 to Rebecca
Austin, who was born in Shenandoah County, Va., in 1805, and
died Apr. 3, 1860. Thirteen children were born to them - two
died in early childhood; Irwin M., Thomas, James, Minerva, John
Wm. (died in his fifteenth year), Austin, Isaac Newton, Mary,
Henry Clay (died in his twenty-first year, Jan. 23, 1865, and
fills a soldier's grave), Archibald, Rebecca Alice. Irwin
M. married S. A. Fuller in 1874; Thomas married
Nancy Coe; Minerva married T. D. Kelly, and has three
children - Ada Estelle, Jennette Alice and Grace; Isaac
Newton married Julia Devlin, of Winona, Miss., and
has four children - Pauline William, Georgiana, and Isaac
Newton, Jr. His eldest and youngest, Alice and
Mary Edna, are deceased. He was Lieutenant-Colonel of the
Twenty-seventh Ohio Regiment in the late civil war, and for the past
fifteen years has been a resident of Yazoo City, Miss. Mary
married A. E. Goddard, and has one child - Archibald
Henry. Archibald was educated in the Ohio Wesleyan
University, Delaware, and has been a missionary to South India
nearly seven years. Alice married Dr. M. S. Pixley,
of Portsmouth, and has had three children - Earl Gilruth, Bessie
Ann, and Charles Austin, the latter deceased.
William Gilruth, father of the above children, died June 1,
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J. B. GILSON was born in
Columbiana County, Ohio, in 1834, a son of Richard Gilson,
who is still living, at the age of seventy-three years. His
education was received in the district schools and at Wellsville
Academy. At the age of sixteen he began teaching school, and
taught in Jefferson, Columbiana, Carroll, Scioto, Pike and Jackson
counties. He came to Scioto County in 1855, and was employed
four years in a ship-yard in Portsmouth. While teaching he had
also carried on farming to a limited extent. He followed
contracting and building from the time he left the ship-yard till
1875, and since then has been engaged in manufacturing building
material, employing several hands, and doing a large and
satisfactory business. In 1878 he was elected Justice of the
Peace. He is a man well calculated for the position. His
knowledge of law and keen sense of justice, together with his wide
experience with men, enables him to render justice to all; and he is
often able to influence parties to adjust their claims amicably
without resorting to law. He holds a high position in the
Order of Mechanics. He was married in 1860 to Sarah A.
Williams, a native of Columbiana County, Ohio.
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was born in Germany Sept. 27, 1839, a son of Windel and Sophia
(Hoffman) Ginhiemer. His parents were married in 1826, and
in 1843 came with their family, to the United States. They
came direct to Portsmouth, Ohio, where his father was employed at
the Mt. Vernon Furnace over twenty years. He then bought a
farm of 123 acres, moving his family to it in the fall of 1865.
It is now well improved, with good and substantial farm buildings.
There is a family of four children - Frederick, Francis,
Elizabeth and Catherine. Mr. and
Mrs. Ginhiemer are both members of the Methodist
church. Frederick received a good English education in
the district school, and when about sixteen years of age began
working at the furnace. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B, West
Virginia Cavalry, and served till the close of the war. He
participated in the battles of Lynchburg, Winchester, and many other
severe battles. He was captured by the rebels, but soon after
escaped. After his return home he began work at the furnace,
but removed to the farm with his parents, still residing there.
He was married in 1866 to Sarah Cotle, a native of Scioto
County. They have five children - Eli T., William F., John,
Sophia A. and Nora.
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born in Jackson County, Ohio, in 1820, the sixth son of William
Givens. When seven years of age his parents settled in
Scioto County, where he was reared and educated, remaining at home
till he became of age. He was married in 1811 to Mary,
daughter of James Smith, and settled on the farm where
he still resides. He owns 212 acres of valuable land, 132
acres being bottom land. He has by his own industry been
successful in life and has given his children good homes. Nine
children have been born to him, but five now living—John W.,
Rachel, Mary E., Rilla F. and Victoria. James H., Allen
and two infants are deceased. During the war Mr.
Givens was a liberal supporter of the Union cause. He and
wife are members of the Methodist church, and take an active
interest in all that pertains to Christianity and the good of
mankind. Mr. Givens has held the office of
Trustee for a number of terms and was Real-estate Appraiser in 1881.
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born in Jackson County, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1818, a son of William
Givens, and accompanied his parents to Scioto County, in 1826.
He was married May 4, 1847, to Margaret R., daughter of
Henry Burress, and settled on the farm where his son
William now resides. He was a public-spirited man but
devoid of political aspirations. He was a devoted member of
the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Givens had a family
of five children, three now living — J. W., Charles F. and Thomas
E. Ella and Robert are deceased. Mrs.
Givens died Feb. 20, 1871. She was born July 28, 1824.
April 20, 1872, Mr. Givens married Mrs. Elizabeth
(Royce) Teeters. Mr. Givens died Jan.
10,1877. His son J. W. was born Sept. 19, 1857, and was
married Dec. 14, 1881, to Susan, daughter of Charles
Wortman. They have one child—Jessie. Charles
F. was born Sept. 10, 1859, and was married Oct. 5, 1878, to
Elizabeth, daughter of George Hinkle, who was
killed during the war by guerrillas. They had two children,
both deceased. His wife died, and Feb. 12, 18S3, he married
Drusilla Barber. He resides in Kansas.
Thomas E. was born Sept. 10, 1861, and was married Oct. 3, 1881,
to Retta, daughter of David McCall.
Politically Mr. Givens was a Republican.
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born in Jackson County, Ohio, July 31, 1811, the eldest son of
William and Rachel (Stockham) Givens. When sixteen years
of age his parents settled in Nile Township. In early life he
assisted his father in the various kinds of labor to be performed in
a new country, receiving but a limited education. He was
married Oct. 14, 1834, to Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin
and Isabella Elliott, and since then, with the exception of two
years, has lived on the place where he now resides. He has 102
acres of good land, fifty of it lying in the Ohio bottoms.
During the war he did all in his power to suppress the Rebellion;
was Township Trustee at the time. Politically is now a
Republican. He has been a member of the Methodist church since
twenty-one years of age, his wife being also a member of that
denomination. Nine children have been born to him, but six now
living—Cynthia Ann, wife of W. Cross; Sarah Ellen,
wife of R. A. Bryan; Mary Jane, wife of M.
Herdman; Eliza Catherine, wife of George Williamson;
David Creighton and William Alexander.
Martha Susan, wife of Rev. S. M. Donahue, Margaret
Belle and an infant are deceased. Mr. Givens’s
father was a native of Pennsylvania and removed to Kentucky with his
maternal ancestors when but ten years of age. He subsequently
removed to Scioto County and then to Ross, now Jackson, County,
Ohio. He was married Oct. 23, 1810, to Rachel, daughter
of William and Susan (Paine) Stockham. In 1826 he
removed to Nile Township, near the place where his son William
now lives. He died June 26,1863, aged eighty years nine months
and eight days. His wife died Feb. 18, 1865, aged seventy
years, nine months and fifteen days. They had a family of
eleven children, but three now living—William, Allen, and
Thomas J. David, John, Samuel, George, Cynthia, Mary, Jane and
James H. are deceased. Mr. Givens was an
Associate Judge of the county, on the bench with Judge
Moore. He served several terms as Justice of the Peace of
Jackson County, and represented that county in the Legislature.
He was an officer in the war of 1812. Politically he was an
old-line Whig, and one of the party’s earnest supporters. In
later life he became a member of the Methodist church.
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was born in Wood County, Va., June 22, 1817, and in 1830 came to
Ohio, and soon after located in Morgan Township, Scioto County.
He married Eva Glaze. To them were born eleven
children, but five now living - Rose Ann, wife of
Eugene Peck; Irene, wife of W. F. Peck; John W.;
Lillie, wife of George Watkins, and William. Cynthia,
wife of James Blackburn; Mary wife of C. D. Pearce;
Rachel, Rhoda, Malinda and Sarah are deceased.
Mr. Glaze was a member of the United Brethren church. He
was very successful in his business operations, and at his death
left 850 acres of land. He died Oct. 2, 1875. His wife
died Apr. 17, 1881. She was born June 22, 1820. Mr.
Glaze was treasurer of Morgan Township twenty-one years.
Politically he was a Republican. John W., son of
Jonathan Glaze, was born in 1857, and in November, 1881, married
Lena Emery. He owns thirty-five acres of the home farm
and 104 acres elsewhere in the township. He and wife are
members of the United Brethren church and, like his parents, are
interested in all that pertains to Christianity.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
in Germany, Jan. 11, 1819. In 1844 he married Anna Wittig,
and in 1852 they came to the United States; landed in New York
City, and came, via Buffalo and Cincinnati, to Ohio.
They went to Powellsville, where he obtained employment at the
Howard Furnace. In 1856 he purchased the farm where he now
resides. He has 173 acres of good land, and is engaged in
grain and stock raising. Mr. and Mrs. Gleim had a
family of five sons and two daughters, the daughters now deceased.
The sons are - John, Adam F., George, Peter and Andrew.
George is now carrying on the farm. He was born near
Empire Furnace in 1854. Oct. 19, 1880, he married Sophia M.
Kuehner. They have one son - George W.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
born in Scioto County, Ohio, in March, 1850, a son of O. H. and
Lyncha (Blair) Glidden, his father a native of New Hampshire,
born Dec. 25, 1814, and his mother of Kentucky, born in January,
1821. Frank M. has charge of his father's farm.
It contains 161 acres of fine land, a large part of it lying in the
Ohio bottoms. His father came to Ohio with twenty others, and
formed a colony near Wheelersburg. He for several years was
engaged in teaming for the furnaces. In 1838 he, with others,
established the Junior Furnace, and in 1847 built the Empire
Furnace, but in 1865 sold his interest and purchased a farm.
He died in 1879, and his wife Jan. 7, 1880. They reared a
family of five children - Laura A., John M., Ruth H., Frank M.
and Jesse B. Laura married W. L. Sickles, a
steamboat captain, in 1863. He died Jan. 6, 1872, leaving four
children - Perl R., Bertha H., Cora G. and W. L., Jr.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
was born in Windsor County, Vt., May 25, 1841. In 1861 he
enlisted in the Sixth Vermont Infantry, and served three years.
He participated in all the battles of the Army of the Potomac, from
Bull Run to the Wilderness. At the latter battle he was shot
twice, the first time by a bullet in the neck, and the second in the
left ankle, completely shattering the bone. He was mustered
out in November, 1864. In January, 1866, he came to Ohio and
purchased a farm in Union Township, Lawrence County. In March,
1872, he came to Scioto County and bought the Junior
Furnace farm, containing 407 acres. It is one of the
finest farms in the county, with a large brick residence and two
fine barns. He gives his attention to the raising of grain and
stock. Politically Mr. Goddard is a Republican.
He was Assessor of Greene Township in 1880, and since 1881 has been
County Commissioner. He was married in 1871 to Eureka
Kimball, daughter of A. H. Kimball. They have four
children - Charles A., Henry, Arthur and Minnie.
Mrs. Goddard is a member of the Methodist church.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
ORIN B. GOULD was born
in New Hampshire, Nov. 20, 1818, and in 1820 came with his parents,
Samuel and Hannah (Young) Gould, to the Scioto Valley. His
father was born June 5, 1782, in Maine, and his mother was a native
of New Hampshire. They moved to Wheelersburg, Scioto County,
where they resided some years. In 1827 they moved to Franklin
Furnace, where the father followed the trade of house joiner here
and at different furnaces for some years, and died in 1864, at
Franklin Furnace, aged eighty-two years. He was Justice of the
Peace a great many years, and also served as Township Trustee.
He was a staunch Union man. He was a member of the Portsmouth
Lodge, A. F. & A. M. His wife died August, 1846. They
were blessed with three children - John F. and Ruby,
deceased, and Orin B.
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Publishing Co. 1884 |
AARON GRADY was born
Aug. 30, 1848, in Benton Township, Pike Co., Ohio. His parents
were Americans, of Irish and English descent on his father's side,
and German on his mother's. They were poor, but by industry
and economy managed to make a good living and send their children to
the district schools during the winter months, though the schools
often lasted but two or three months. He studied hard during
the long winter evenings and rainy days throughout the year, and
when nineteen years old commenced teaching, and has continued in the
business ever since. He is now regarded as one of the most
successful teachers of the county. He is Superintendent of the
Wheelersburg graded schools, and has filled the same position for
the past five years with marked success, and to the entire
satisfaction of all. He is also a member of the Board of
County School Examiners, which position he has filled for nine
years. During the summer of 1870 he attended the Normal
University, at Lebanon, Ohio, a school well calculated to fit young
men and women for teaching. While there is desire for learning
increased, and since that time he has been a faithful student, and
by industry and undergoing many privations, on account of his
poverty, he has become quite well acquainted with the higher
mathematics, philosophy, physiology, rhetoric, and has read Latin
some. He has taught graded schools since 1876, and during that
time has taught three large select schools, composed for the most
part of young lady and gentlemen school-teachers. As a result
of early pious training, he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal
church, and Superintendent of the Sabbath-school of the Methodist
Episcopal church, of Wheelersburg, Ohio. In September, 1876,
he took charge of the Sciotoville schools, and while there made the
acquaintance of Miss Hattie, daughter of Captain William
and Frances Allard, and married her July 3, 1877. They
have three children - George Otto, born May 26, 1878;
William Earl, born Dec. 6, 1879, and Clare, born Feb. 11,
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
was born Sept. 5, 1851, in Portsmouth, Ohio, a son of James and
Mary A. (Tobin) Grimes, his father a native of Birmingham,
England, born in 1805, and his mother a native of Pittsburg, Pa.
His maternal grandfather died at the age of seventy-three, and his
paternal grandfather at the age of ninety-seven years and four
months. His father came to the United States in the year 1832,
and located in Philadelphia, Pa.; afterward went to New Orleans,
La., and subsequently returned to Pittsburg, Pa., where he commenced
business and was married. He was a man of great inventive
genius, and for many years was engaged in the iron foundry business.
He came to Portsmouth in 1837, and was very active and enterprising
in business. He built many fine structures and did much to
improve the city. He died Sept. 27, 1877. His wife is
still living. They had a family of five sons and five
daughters, all still living. Our subject is the youngest son.
With the exception of one year spent in Dakota and the Sioux country
he has always lived in Portsmouth, where he was educated.
Being of a business turn of mind his education was confined to the
limits of a practical course. When seventeen years of age he
began traveling, and when twenty engaged in the commission business,
the firm being Gibbs & Grimes, Portsmouth, Ohio.
He is at present in the grain and agricultural implement business at
109 West Front street. In the spring of 1883 he was elected a
member of the City Council from the Fifth Ward. He is City
Auctioneer and a member of the Board of Trade of Portsmouth. Dec. 9,
1873, Mr. Grimes was married to Mary C. Vaughters,
of Friendship, Scioto County. They have three children
Shirley V., Leah Pauline and John Alexander. Mr. Grimes
is a Vestryman in Christ Episcopal Church.
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a native of Germany, born in 1820, and when a young man came to the
United States. He located at Pine Grove Furnace, where he was
employed twenty-five years. He then bought a farm, moving his
family to it in 1863. It is now a well-cultivated productive
farm, containing 160 acres. He was married at Hanging Rock to
Sophia Ranchahouse. Eleven children were born to them,
only nine now living. Mr. Griver died in 1875. He
was an enterprising and industrious man, and was universally
esteemed. He was a member of Zion Methodist Episcopal Church.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
eldest son of Leonard and Susannah Groninger, was born in
Scioto County, Aug. 22, 1832. He was reared on a farm and has
always followed the avocation of a farmer. He has 100 acres on
the home farm besides a farm lying south of Lucasville containing
ninety acres. In February, 1863, he was married to Rachel
A., daughter of Benjamin Thomas, of this county.
They have a family of six boys and two girls. Mr. Groninger
has served ten years as Township Clerk. Catherine Thomas,
daughter of John McVey, and grandmother of Mrs. Groninger,
was born Mar. 16, 1793, in Greenbrier County, Va. She was
married to James Thomas in 1814 and reared a family of eight
children, of whom four are living. They came from Kentucky to
Scioto Valley, Ohio, about 1827. She has made her home with
Mr. Groninger for many years. She is now ninety years of
age and is very smart for her age.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
GRONINGER was born Aug. 9, 1804, in Scioto County, and has
followed farming the greater part of his life. He was married
in 1831 to Susan Clark, grand-daughter of Captain William
Lucas. Of their five children three are living - John
J., Abram L. and Abigail L. His wife died in 1854.
In 1833 he was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Regiment Ohio
Militia and belong to the Second Brigade adn Second Division
commanded by General William Kendall. In politics he is
a staunch Republican. His father, Jacob Groninger, was
born in Northumberland County, Pa., and married Mary Bates,
who was born in Reading, Pa. They came to Ohio in 1796 and
settled in a place called Lucas Ferry, where they remained till
1804. They then moved to what was then Jefferson Township, but
now Valley Township, where he followed the weaver's trade. He
died in 1814 and his wife in August, 1830.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |

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