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Scioto County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |

History of Lower Scioto Valley
Together with Sketches of its Cities, Villages and Townships,
Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History, Portraits of Prominent
and Biographies of Representative Citizens
Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co.
was born of French parents in Haverhill, Scioto Co., Ohio, Feb. 24,
1833. His boyhood days were spent on his father’s farm, among
the hills of Southern Ohio. At the age of eighteen he entered
the preparatory department of the Ohio Wesleyan University,
remaining there, with the exception of a few months, for six years,
and was one of a class of twelve who graduated in 1857. He was
a member of the Athenian Society and was noted for his literary
productions. During his college life he read incessantly,
especially the early English poets. Chaucer and
Spencer were his favorite authors. He composed many
beautiful poems which were published in the Western.
Cincinnati Gazette and many of the local papers. So
general was his information that he wrote on almost every subject.
He was a. diligent and successful student. About a year after
he entered college a fire broke out one night not far from his room,
but instead of standing carelessly by and watching the fire, his
fellow-students were much amused at seeing him holding up his Greek
grammar in the light of the flames and committing a paradigm.
In the winter of 1857 he went to New Orleans, and for two years was
engaged in teaching. Coming in daily contact with French
people he improved his opportunities and paid much attention to the
French language and literature. He also wrote Latin letters to
his classmates and friends in the North, so great was his taste for
the languages. A short time before the war broke out he
returned North and was admitted on trial to the Ohio Conference and
preached three years. In 1863 he was elected tutor of modern
languages in the Ohio University. A year later he was made
assistant professor, and the following year went to Europe and
studied at Berlin and Halle. He returned in the fall of 1886
and was elected Professor of Modern Languages and History, which
chair he held till his death, Sept. 22, 1879. Although a man
of weak constitution, he performed a marvelous amount of labor.
Hot a day passed but he wrote something for publication. Many
of his articles were written before breakfast. He was a
constant contributor to the Western, Pittsburg, Northern, Central
and California Advocates, and wrote occasionally for the
College Transcript, Independent, Zion's Herald, Methodist
Recorder, etc. He wrote much in former years to the
Ladies' Repository. The Bibliotheca Sacra, Southern
Quarterly and Methodist Quarterly Review often contained
articles from his pen. He also reviewed French and German
books at great length. President Payne said of
him: “ He man ever wrote more or better. He was one of
the most productive writers of the day. I never met from his
pen a weak or a puerile sentence.” Among the books he
translated may be mentioned, Wuttke’s “Christian Ethics,”
Pressense’s “Religion and Reign of Terror,” Haville’s “Problem of
Evil,” and Abelon’s “William the Taciturn.” His last work was
the “Outlines of Christian Ethics ’’—ethics was his favorite study.
By his books and articles he gained not only a national but a
worldwide reputation, as his books were read not only by the great
of this land, but also by some of the leading thinkers of France and
Germany. He often had letters from such men as Naville,
Schoeberlein, Ulrici, and Riehm, thanking him for this or that
article. Let the following estimate of his character, by Dr.
Merrick, as nearly as his language can be reproduced, close
this article: “As a scholar his learning was various and correct; as
a thinker, he was independent and profound; as a writer, ready and
forcible; as a preacher, eminently instructive; as a teacher,
successful; as a Christian, profoundly devout and sincerely pious.
He believed the Bible to be God’s word—God’s teaching to him.
His religion was not a mere form, but a life; that life had its root
in God and was nourished by communion with God. His addresses
before God’s throne were peculiarly impressive. He was
remarkably conscientious. As a friend he was open and frank;
no scheming about him. He was what he seemed to be, perfectly
open, a friend, a true friend. Many of us found him such.”
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IRA M. LAMB was born in
Scioto County, in 1856, and is the youngest son of Reuben and
Lavina Lamb. His parents were natives of this county, and
were married in 1845. Reuben Lamb followed farming till
his death in 1854. He left six children - Mary J., Willard,
Phineas B., Persens L., Horace T. and Ira M. His
farm contains 160 acres and is now occupied by his widow. Our
subject has pursued farming through his life. His mother
resided on the homestead forty-three years. Willard Lamb,
eldest son of Reuben and Lavina (Chaffin) Lamb, was born June
28, 1844, in this county. He was educated at the district
schools and has followed farming pursuits all his life. He was
married in 1868 to Rebecca M., daughter of Jacob
Sturnbaugh, of Scioto County. They are parents of five
children - Emma M., Clara E., Lucinda, Hattie M. and
Reuben T. He has a good farm on the Ohio bottoms and is
one of the successful farmers of the Scioto Valley.
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born Feb. 22, 1831, near McArthur, Vinton County, a son of Aaron
and Leah (Claypool) Lantz, the former born in Athens County,
Ohio, in 1793, and the latter born in Greenbrier County, Va., in
1803. They were married in 1818 and settled in Jackson County,
where the father died in 1842. His wife is still residing in
McArthur. Our subject was married Dec. 21, 1852, to Lavina
H. Bennett, who was born Sept. 27, 1833, a daughter of Joseph
and Elizabeth (Mills) Bennett, natives of New York State.
After his marriage Henry Lantz engaged in milling in Vinton
County, Ohio, till 1860 when he moved to Harrison Township Scioto
County. Apr. 16, 1861, he enlisted in Company G, Twenty-second
Ohio Infantry, and was First Duty Sergeant of his company. He
was discharged at Athens, Ohio, Aug. 15, 1861, and remained at home
till Sept. 16, 1861, when he returned and helped organize Company F,
Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry, of which he was commissioned First
Lieutenant, Nov. 21, 1861. He remained with this company till
he re-enlisted as a veteran, Feb. 1, 1864, and was discharged at New
Orleans, Nov. 21, 1864. He then raised Company K, One Hundred
and Ninety-fourth Ohio Infantry, and was commissioned Captain, March
14, 1865. He participated in the battles of Fort Donelson,
Shiloh, Corinth, Holly Springs, Vicksburg, Chickasaw, Port Gibson,
Champion Hills, and a number o others, and was discharged Oct. 24,
1865, at Washington, D. C. He was taken prisoner at Brandon,
Miss., and about three months later was exchanged, and returned to
his regiment. He participated in the Red River expedition
under General Banks, and was on the streamer John A. Warner
when she surrendered. After the war he located at McArthur
about three years, and in 1869 he moved to Greenup County, Ky., and
since 1873 has resided in Harrisonville, Ohio. He is a member
of Scioto Post, No. 287, G. A. R., and of Delta Lodge, No. 207, F. &
A. M. He also belongs to McArthur Lodge, I. O. O. F.
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D. V. LARKIN, farmer,
postoffice Portsmouth, was born in Galena, Delaware Co., Ohio, Aug.
20, 1826, son of Stephen Van R. and Mary (Rosecrans) Larkin,
his father a native of Albany, N. Y., and his mother of Essex
County, N. J. Sept. 18, 1850, he married Margaret Johnson,
of Ross County. Twelve children have been born to them, but
seven now living —Alice, Lilly, Carey, Charles, Henry, Maggie and
Effie. Marshall A. died Sept. 27, 1854; Anna
Belle, Aug. 26, 1864; Jessie, Feb. 13, 1882, and two died
in infancy. In 1853 Mr. Larkin settled in Scioto
County. He has 160 acres of valuable land, with a fine
residence, overlooking the city of Portsmouth. He is a member
of the I. O. O. F., subordinate lodge I. O. O. F., No. 31, and
Orient Encampment, No. 28. In 1864 he enlisted in the One
Hundred and Fortieth Ohio National Guards and served four months.
He has served several terms as Township Trustee. Mr.
Larkin’s father came to Ohio when a young man and settled in
Delaware County. Afterward removed to Fairfield County, where
he died, Feb. 18, 1845, aged forty-eight years. His wife was a
daughter of Jacob Rosecrans—a brother of Crandall,
the father of General Rosecrans. She died June
27, 1871. They reared a family of six children —Joseph E.,
D. V., Amy, Sarah, William C. and James M. Joseph E.
enlisted in 1861 in Battery L, First Ohio Light Artillery, and was
captured at Warrenton Junction, Dec. 24, 1863. He was
imprisoned at Libby and afterward at Andersonville, where he
succumbed to the infamous treatment of the fiend Wirtz, and
died May 25, 1864. His remains rest in the National Cemetery,
Andersonville, Grave No. 1,364. He was born Jan. 26, 1825.
James M. enlisted in Company A, Thirtieth Ohio Infantry, in
the early part of the war; served as Orderly Sergeant. He was
wounded in July, 1864, at Atlanta, in the shoulder. He was
granted a furlough, but died at the home of his brother, D. V.,
Aug. 15, 1864. William C. enlisted in Company I, One
Hundred and Fortieth Ohio National Guards, and served four months,
and afterward re-enlisted in the One Hundred and Ninety-fourth Ohio
Infantry and served till the close of the war.
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F. LAUMAN, dealer in
general merchandise, Bear Creek, was born in Kentucky in 1840, and
came with his parents to Ohio when a mere boy. He began his
mercantile career at Waverly, as a salesman. He afterward
clerked in Jasper eight years, and in 1872 established his present
place of business. He carries a complete stock of groceries,
dry-goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes and notions. He buys and
sells country produce, and does an annual business of $15,000.
April 17, 1861, he enlisted in Company G, First Ohio Infantry, for
three months, being the first man enrolled from Pike County.
He was seriously wounded in the side and hand at Vienna, which
incapacitated him for further service, and he was discharged and
returned home. He has served several terms as Treasurer of
Morgan Township, and from 1875 till July 9, 1882, was Postmaster at
Bear Creek. He is a member of Waverly Lodge, A. F. & A. M.
Oct. 6, 1864, he was married to Mary L. Watkins.
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was born in Wythe County, Va., in 1842, a son of John S. and Jane
(Baker) Lavinder, natives of France. His early life was
spent in school. Later he attended college at Charlottesville
and Richmond, Va., and graduated at Lebanon, Pa. In 1862 he
enlisted in the Second West Virginia Cavalry, Company B; was in the
commands of Sheridan and Custer, participatingin the raids planned
by them. He was in the battles of Wytheville, Lewisburg, Cheat
Mountain, Lynchburg, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, Appomattox and many
others. At the battle of Five Forks he was wounded in the
right hip by a piece of shell. He had a horse
killed at Wytheville, one at Lynchburg, one at Bunker Hill and one
at Stanton. He was captured June 27, 1863, and taken to Libby
Prison; was paroled in August, and exchanged in December. At
Bunker Hill he and fifteen others were captured twice the same
night, but escaped both times. He was discharged June 30,
1865, and resumed teaching. He has taught in several States of
the Union and in 1875 came to Scioto County, where he is now a
teacher in the public schools of Friendship. Since 1882 he has
been Clerk of Nile Township. He was married June 28, 1873, to
Ameria F. Fry. They have four children —Sarah G.,
Wilford W., Jessie M., and Floyd
H. Mr. Lavinder was ordained a minister of the
Christian church in 1879, and for three years was regularly engaged
in the ministry. He is and has always been a Republican.
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was born June 2, 1830, on the farm where he now resides, and spent
his youth in working on the farm and attending this district
schools. He was married in 1853 to Abigail, daughter of
John s. Burke, one of the early settlers of the county.
They have eight children - Alonzo, Della, Addie, Burke, Agnes,
Lulu, Ernest and Floyd H. Mr. Lawson's farm
contains fifty-one acres of choice land. His grandfather,
William Lawson, emigrated from Virginia to Ohio in an early day,
and died about 1840. His children were - John, Manasseh,
Enoch, William, Madison, Thomas, Polly, Ruth, Tenie, Nancy and
Maria. Our subject's father, Manasseh, was born
in Scioto County, and died in 1847. His wife died in July,
1870. They reared a family of seven children, of whom four are
now living - William F., Thomas B., Benjamin F. and John
R., all living in Illinois except William F.
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FRED LEGLER (deceased)
was born June 27, 1832, in Baden, Germany, and in 1838 came to
America with his father, Joseph Legler, who died in
Portsmouth in 1870, aged over seventy years. Our subject came
to Portsmouth when twelve years of age, and spent his time in hotels
and driving dray for a flour milling company. He was married
Jan. 8, 1857, to Eva E. Eck, born Feb. 24, 1837, in
Darmstadt, Germany. Of their six children five are living -
Charles J., born Dec. 14, 1857, and married Oct. 5, 1882, to
Mary Schwarz, of Portsmouth; Fred L., born Dec. 20, 1859;
Frank J., Jan. 8, 1862, George A., April 3, 1864, and
Clara B., March 20, 1875. William R. was born
April 3, 1864, and died at the age of three years and eight months.
In 1855, Mr. Legler, in connection with Mr. Wolford,
opened the Eagle Hotel, and in 1856 bought out his partner's
interest and carried on the business alone till 1863. He then
ran the White Bear Hotel till 1866, when he moved to the hotel where
his widow and three eldest sons still carry on the business.
Mr. Legler ran this hotel from 1867 till 1880, when he died.
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wagon-maker, Webster, was born in Germany, Jan. 31, 1837. He
was educated in his native country, and when eighteen years of age,
May, 1855, came to the United States and located at Webster, Ohio.
He has the only wagon shop in Webster, and combines with it the
undertaking business. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he
enlisted in the three months’ service, and afterward enlisted in
Company B, Tenth Ohio Infantry, for three years. He was in
many severe battles, serving under General Rosecrans.
He was mustered out June 17, 1864, and returned to Webster, and soon
after married Mary Sudbrock, a native of Germany. They
have four children—Maggie, William, Harry and Lucy.
Mr. Leive is a member of I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 416,
Portsmouth. He is a member of the German Lutheran church.
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JOHN LEMON was born in
Jackson County, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1844, the eldest son of Lemuel and
Rebecca Lemon, his father a native of Ohio, and his
mother of Pennsylvania. When he was seven years of age his
parents removed to Scioto County, where he was reared and educated.
They now live in Bloom Township. Mr. Lemon now
has a farm of 126 acres, well improved, with a good dwelling and
farm buildings. He was married in 1866 to Mary S.,
daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Boren.
They have seven children—David F., Lewis F., Rebecca J., Amanda
A., Cora A., Mary E. and Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon
are members of the Christian church. David Lemon,
the youngest son of Lemuel and Rebecca Lemon,
was born in 1846. He was married in 1870 to Elizabeth,
daughter of Abraham and Susan Beekman.
They have six children—Clarence, George, Dallas, Floyd, Flora
and Clay. Mr. and Mrs. David Lemon are members
of the Christian church.
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born in Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1848, a son of Martin Lenhart, a
native of Germany, who came to America in 1846, and died in
Portsmouth in 1855, aged thirty-eight years. He learned the
trade of tinner when twelve years of age. He worked as a
journeyman till he established his present business in 1873.
He is located on Market street, between Second and Third streets,
and deals in stoves, copper, tin and sheet-iron ware. The
plumbing, gas and steam fitting is carried on in company with
George H. Graham. Outside work done to order. His
salesroom is 18 x 140 feet, and he employs five hands, with an
annual business of $14,000. Mr. Lenhart was married in
1868 to Catharine Urlich. They have three children -
Lucy, Rose and John P. Mr. Lenhart is a member of
several mutual-aid societies.
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born in Allegheny County, Pa., Dec. 12, 1840. He came to Ohio in
1864 and located at Scioto Furnace. In 1868 he was appointed
agent of the C., W. & B. Railroad—a position he still holds.
Mr. Leonard enlisted in the war of the Rebellion at
Pittsburg, in the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Infantry, and served three
months. He subsequently enlisted for three years in the One
Hundred and Second Pennsylvania Infantry. He served under
General McClellan, and at the battle of Williamsburg,
Va., was shot in the left arm, shattering the bone, for which he
draws a pension of $3 per month. He was mustered out in 1864.
Mr. Leonard is a brother of Mrs. George S. Williams,
widow of George S. Williams, the former manager of the Scioto
Furnace, who died April 30, 1881. He is a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic.
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JOHN W. LEWIS was born
in Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y., Dec. 25, 1841, a son of Robert W.
Lewis, who came with his family to Portsmouth in 1853. His
father and brother Frederick were killed at the blowing up of the
steamboat W. R. Carter, Feb. 21, 1866, and not an atom of
them or their clothing has ever been found. His mother is
still living, aged sixty-eight years, but has never been well since
the death of her husband and son, and for the past fourteen years
has been bedridden. John W. remained with his father
till 1860, and then worked for the Scioto and Hocking Valley
Railroad till 1862, when ho went into business with his father.
In 1864 he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Fortieth Ohio
Infantry, for 100 days. After his return home he was with his
father till February, 1865, when he went with his brother-in-law
John Fawn, to Vicksburg. Soon after his arrival in
Vicksburg, or about the first of April, 1865, he was employed by
W. B. McCormick as clerk of the steamboat Keoto, loaded with
goods and bound for Sunflower River to trade for cotton. They
arrived at Rolling Forks, Sunflower River, about the 8th of April,
and two days later were captured by the Confederates, in command of
Sergeant Likes, and were taken to Grenada, Miss. They arrived
there about the 18th, and first heard of the assassination of
President Lincoln and Lee’s surrender. They
were kept by the rebels about a week and then sent to Vicksburg.
After his return to Portsmouth he carried on a hat store five years.
In 1870 he was elected Sheriff of the county, serving till 1875. He
then dealt in horses a year, and in September, 1876, bought a half
interest in the City Livery Stables. In the spring of 1883 he
was elected City Marshall of Portsmouth. March 1, 1868, Mr.
Lewis married Lake Erie Hoomes. They have seven
children—Mattie W., Kate R., Jennie F., Fred W., Bessie H.,
Garnet A., Charlotte. Mr. Lewis is a member of the
I. O. O. F., G. A. R. and I. O. M.
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was born in Jackson County, Ohio, June 18, 1858, a son of James
and Cynthia (Smith) Littlejohn, his father a native of Porter
Township, Scioto Co., Ohio, born in 1820, and his mother a native of
Greenup Co., Ky., his parents are residents of this township.
They have raised a family of seven children, all now living.
Smith S. received a common-school education, and attended one
term at the National Normal School, Lebanon, Ohio, and when nineteen
years of age began to teach. He works on a farm in the summer
and teaches in the winter. He is one of the best
disciplinarians and instructors in the county. In 1881 he
married Amelia S. Ranshahous, a native of Portsmouth, Ohio.
They have one daughter - Addie A. Mr. Littlejohn is
Justice of the Peace of this township.
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born June 10, 1840, at Portsmouth, Ohio, and attended the public
schools of his native place till fifteen years old, after which he
attended the Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, for five years,
graduating from there in June, 1860. He then read law at
Portsmouth six months and in the spring of 1861 he went to Iowa, and
for three years was engaged in farming in Muscatine County. He
then returned to Portsmouth and engaged in the wholesale boot and
shoe business under the firm name of R. Lloyd & Sons, which
was afterward changed to Lloyd, Tracy & Co. He
finally sold out his business and in 1876 was elected Treasurer of
the Scioto Fire-Brick Company, and the following year was appointed
President and General Superintendent of that company, which position
he still holds. He was married Feb. 26, 1863, to Laura
J. Bentley, born at Hanging Rock, Ohio, Feb. 23, 1843.
This union has been blessed with two children - Richard
Bentley, born Dec. 13, 1863, and Genevieve, born Nov. 14, 1880.
Mr. Lloyd and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
He is also a member of the Aurora Lodge of Freemasons, No. 48, and a
Knight Templar, Commandery No. 13.
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millinery and notions, Chillicothe street, between Third and Fourth
streets, Portsmouth, is a daughter of William and Jane (Roberts)
Lloyd, natives of Monmouthshire, Wales, who came with a family
of eight children to the United States in 1847, arriving in
Portsmouth, Ohio, in July. In 1848 both parents died the same
day with cholera and were buried in the same grave. Their
children are—Thomas, a clothing merchant in Wales; William,
died in 1872; David; Robert; Ann; Maria,
wife of Judge J.C. Evans, of Jackson; Maggie
and Joseph. Miss Lloyd became established in
business in 1867. Her stock is full and complete and her aim
is to supply all the wants of the trade, and fill all orders
promptly and satisfactorily.
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farmer and Notary Public, postoffice Pond Run, was born in Jackson
County, W. Va., in 1829, a son of Isaac and Sarah (Sheppard)
Lockhart. When nineteen years of age he began to teach
school, an occupation he followed ten years. He was married in
1859 to Rebecca, daughter of Wm. S. Trickett, of West
Virginia, and settled on a farm in Wirt County; W. Va. In the
spring of 1865 he bought eighty acres in Scioto County, Ohio, which
he sold in 1869, purchasing his present place of 201 acres. He
was elected Justice of the Peace in 1867, and discharged the duties
of that office twelve years. He was Postmaster of Pond Run ten
years, receiving his appointment from President Grant.
In the floods of 1883 his farm was left completely bare. His
wife died April 10, 1875, aged thirty-seven years, leaving six
children—Cora B., Sarah F., William P., Samuel A., John H.
and Charles R; an infant is deceased.
Politically Mr. Lockhart is a Republican. He is
a member of Scioto Lodge, No. 31, I. O. O. F., Portsmouth.
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born Dec. 8, 1831, in Ashtabula County,
Ohio, and lived on the home farm till attaining his
majority, after which he engaged in teaching school. He was married
in 1859 to Martha J. Richart, a native of Scioto County.
They have had a family of seven children—Harry W., Benjamin F.,
Rockwell A., Charles R., Laura E., Jessie P., and Annie L. Mr.
Loomis has made farming his principal business during his life
and has at present a good farm of 120 acres. He studied law
early in life and was admitted to the bar in 1859, but has not
practiced much at his profession. He was elected Justice of
the Peace in 1860 and held the office till the following year.
He was re-elected in 1875 and served two terms. In politics he
is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Baptist
church, of which he is Deacon. His father, Harry W. Loomis,
was born June 16, 1791, in Connecticut, and was married Nov. 22,
1814, to Nancy, daughter of Judge Wright, of
Ashtabula County. The father died July, 1866, and the mother,
who was a native of Connecticut, died in May, 1859.
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merchant tailor, corner of Second and Court streets, Portsmouth, was
born in the kingdom of Hanover, Germany, Jan. 1, 1825, a son of
Frederick Lorberg. In 1846 he came alone to America,
landing in New York, June 2, In the fall of 1857 he
established his present business in Portsmouth. He keeps a
complete stock of woolens, cloths and cassimeres, and employs six
tailors, besides outside assistance. He does an annual
business of $12,000, having as his customers the first people of
Portsmouth. He was married in 1848 to Anna Shafer, of
Bavaria, Germany. They have five children - Samuel, Henry,
Charles, Rosa Ann, Nellie. They have been members of the
German Methodist Episcopal church since 1847.
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farmer, was born in Virginia in 1771. He came to Scioto
County, Ohio, in 1797, and settled in what is now Rush Township.
He was a member of the Legislature when the assembly met at
Chillicothe, and was on the judicial bench as Associate Judge.
He was an enterprising and energetic man, but only lived to the age
of thirty-seven years. He was married in 1792 to Hannah
Humphreys. To them were born —Rebecca, born Jan.
27, 1796, married March 3, 1814, Jacob Hibbs, Sr.;
William, born in 1799, married in 1821; Levisa, born
in 1802, married in 1828 John Brown, of Pike County;
Joseph, born in 1804, married Frances Brown in
1828; Samuel, born in 1807, married Nancy Hitchcock
in 1833; Elizabeth, born in 1809, died when seventeen years
of age. Rebecca,William and Elizabeth
were all residents of Scioto County. Joseph and Samuel
passed their later years near Muscatine, Iowa. Levisa
lived in Pike County. Her three children, Mrs. Hannah
Patterson, Samuel and Henry Brown, are well
known in Piketon, Ohio. Mr. Lucas was a member
of the Presbyterian church.
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farmer, was born in 1816, in Cumberland Co., N. J., and when about
twenty-one years of age, came to Hanging Rock, Ohio, where he
engaged as engineer for a Mr. Dempsey. He had
previously learned the trade of a machinist in the city of Wheeling.
He then took a position in a furnace in Tennessee, which did not
prove profitable, so he returned to Ohio and purchased property in
Portsmouth. He then went to Bloom Furnace, where he worked
twenty years. He has at present an excellent farm of
eighty-four acres adjoining the town of Webster. He was married to
Elizabeth Chaffin, daughter of Shadrach
Chaffin, an old and influential citizen of the county.
They have three children living—Sarah E., wife of Simeon
Evans, of Ironton; Shadrach C., a telegraph operator at
Ironton, and Jacob, on the farm with his father. Mrs.
Lummis died in March, 1883. The parents of Mr.
Lummis came from New Jersey, and settled in Zanesville, Ohio,
but afterward removed to the State of Iowa, where they lived till
their death.
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Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
photographer, of Portsmouth, Ohio, was born in Baden, Germany, in
1842. He came to America in 1855, locating in Portsmouth in
1873. He learned the art of photography with W. S. Porter, of
Cincinnati, Ohio, remaining with him five years, and is a perfect
master of the art, understanding all branches from a tin-type to an
oil or crayon portrait. He makes a specialty of views, having calls
from a distance of twenty miles for that work. In 1878 he was
burned out, losing his entire stock and building; valued at $2,500,
insured for $1,000. He immediately re-built, commencing Jan.
1, and was ready for work April 1. His work is first-class,
and he deserves the patronage of all who desire first-class work.
June 8, 1863, Mr. Lutz married Annie J., only daughter
of Wm. Justice, a printer, of Philadelphia, Pa. Mr.
Lutz, though a man far above the average in his profession, is
unassuming and extremely companionable.
~ Page 276 - History of Lower Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
was born in County Derry, Ireland, in July, 1833, and when fourteen
years of age came with his parents to the United States. He
worked five years at the tailor’s trade, in Pittsburg, Pa., but not
liking it came to Portsmouth and started a cook-stove, tin-ware and
notion wagon, supplying stores and families. In 1856 he opened a
livery and feed stable just east of his present place of business.
In 1871 he was burned out, losing about $1,500, with no insurance.
He immediately built his present stable. The old stable was
52% x 62 feet, two stories high. Mr. Lynn has
sold eleven and a half feet at $100 a foot, and on the remainder he
contemplates erecting a new building, 60x41, one half of the front
to be used as an office, the back part for horses, and the upper
floor for storing hacks. His present building is three-stories
high, 124 x 41 feet, with a capacity for forty-five horses. He
usually keeps twenty horses, all styles of wagons, buggies and
hacks, and boards from fifteen to twenty horses. He keeps four
hands down stairs and one washing buggies. His nephew,
Frank Lynn, is assistant superintendent of the business.
Mr. Lynn has some very valuable horses. Three of
his teams are worth $800 each. In 1861 he sold the noted
Dan Rice for $16,000. Mr. Lynn was married
June 14, 1859, to Susan Cockrill, a native of Scioto
County, Ohio. They have one daughter—Susan. Mr.
Lynn is a member of the Masonic fraternity.
~ Page 276 - History of Lower Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
T. M. LYNN ~ Page 357 - History of Lower Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |
firm of J. D. Clare & Co., of Bloom Furnace, was born in
Lehigh County, Pa., Dec. 24, 1839, remaining in his native State
till thirteen years of age. When nine years of age he went
over to Ireland, the native country of his parents. He came
with his parents to Steubenville, Ohio, where he attended school,
after which he went to Ætna
Furnace, where his parents had gone some time before. He was
employed at Ætna Furnace some
years when he he went to Vesuvius Furnace, where he was engaged as
engineer two and a half years. In 1861 he enlisted in the
Union army and soon after was employed by the Government as a
teamster, and was afterward promoted Superintendent of the
Government road from Charleston, Va., to Fayetteville. He then
returned to Vesuvius Furnace, where he was manager six months.
He was employed in different furnaces till 1879, when he became part
owner and manager of Bloom Furnace. He was married Sept. 25,
1869, to Sarah J. Songer, who has borne him six children.
Mr. Lyons belongs to Lawrence Lodge, No. 198, A. F. & A. M.
~ Page 385 - History of Lower Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. Chicago:
Inter-state Publishing Co. 1884 |

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