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Scioto County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |

History of Lower Scioto Valley
Together with Sketches of its Cities, Villages and Townships,
Religious, Civil, Military, and Political History, Portraits of Prominent
and Biographies of Representative Citizens
Chicago: Inter-State
Publishing Co.
ANDREW RASE was born in
Germany, Jan. 14, 1845, a son of John and Martha A. Rase, and
came with his parents to the United States in 1855, landing in New
York City, after a voyage of thirty-three days. They came to
Ohio and his father purchased a farm on Pine Creek, where he died in
1880. There was a family of six children, five now living.
Andrew Rase enlisted in the late war in the Fourteenth
Kentucky Cavalry, and served eighteen months. He participated
in many important battles, among others, Mills Springs and
Chattanooga. He was mustered out in 1864 and returned home and
worked at the furnaces some years. He is now engaged in
farming, owning 137 acres of well-improved land. He was
married in 1871 to Margaret, daughter of George
Gleim. They have four children—George, John,
Jacob, and Bernhardt.
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in Strasburg, Germany, Dec. 29, 1829, and came to the United States
with his father, Abraham Rauch, in 1852. They located
in Pittsburg, Pa., and afterward in Lawrence County, Ohio, where the
father is still living, aged eighty-six years. The
mother died in 1872, aged seventy-two years. They had a family
of three children - Caroline, wife of Charles Stempfer;
Charles and Margaret, wife of Lawrence Schmitt.
Charles Rauch came to Junior Furnace in 1853, and in 1854
to Portsmouth, where he has since resided, carrying on a meat
market. He is the third oldest market man in Portsmouth.
He was married in September, 1853, to Martha Elizabeth Brawdan.
The have had seven children - Elizabeth, wife of Jacob
Zattman; Charles; Louisa, died in 1872, aged fourteen; Anna,
wife of Jacob Rinert; Emma Mary, died in infancy;
William and Ella. Mr. and Mrs. Rauch are members of
the Lutheran church.
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H. L. REAGAN, proprietor
of St. Nicholas Hotel, Front street, was born in Derry County,
Ireland, in 1835. He came to America in 1855, locating in
Richmond, Va., where he put up Henry Clay's statue,
President Monroe's tomb, the new theater, Trinity Church besides
many other buildings. About 1866 he went to Stanton, Va.,
where he owns some property. He also owns a large farm near
Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Va., and has made that his place of
residence. In 1869 he left Stanton for Kentucky, and was
contractor on the Chesapeake & Ohio, Cincinnati Southern, Eastern
Kentucky and Scioto Valley railroads. He has just completed a
contract on the Cincinnati & Eastern Railroad. He bought the
St. Nicholas Hotel in 1879, which contains fifty rooms. The
terms are $2.00 per day, and $1.00 per day for railroad and river
men. Mr. Reagan was married in 1866 to Mary Ann
Sanford, a native of Virginia. Their children are -
Mollie, Jane, Elizabeth, Susan, Hugh and Rose.
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County Recorder of Scioto County, Ohio, was born in Madison, Va.,
Oct. 30, 1835, a son of John J. and Mary (Wilson) Reddish.
When he was a year old his parents removed to Fayette County,
Ohio. When he was nine years of age his father died. He
lived with his mother till manhood, and on leaving home was employed
in the store of Wilson & Durnell, at East Monroe, and
afterward by their successor, Louis Harris, several months.
In 1858 he became established in business himself, carrying on a
mercantile business till 1860. In 1862 he commenced to learn
telegraphy, and at intervals till 1864 he was employed by the M. &
C. R. R. In 1864 he was employed as station agent at Leesburg,
remaining there till the fall of 1868, when he went West, returning
in the spring of 1869. He was then appointed station agent at
Mineral City, and the following December transferred to Zaleski.
In August, 1872, he was transferred to Scott's Landing, and Jan. 1,
1873, to Sciotoville. In December, 1882, he resigned to accept
the position to County Recorder. In 1868 he served as
Treasurer of Porter Township. Mr. Reddish is a
member of Orient Lodge, No. 337, Wheelersburg, and Orient
Encampment, NO. 26, Portsmouth, I. O. O. F.
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was born in Germany, Feb. 2, 1826, and in 1840 came to the
United States with his aunt, Eva Redenger, and located in
Bedford County, Pa., where he remained four years. He learned
the shoemaker's trade, and spent several years in different places,
working at his trade. In 1861 he came to Portsmouth and worked
two years and a half at his trade. In 1853 he opened a saloon,
and is the only man in Portsmouth who has been in the business there
for thirty years. He built the Eurapia Hotel, on Second
street, in 1871, and runs a hotel and restaurant, having a fine bar.
It is a three-story building, 64 x 41˝
feet. Mr. Redenger was married Aug. 1, 1882, to
Eliza Samories, a native of Portsmouth.
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proprietor of the Reed Sign Works, was born Apr. 30, 1859.
His natural talent as a letter artist was early developed, and in
1878 he opened his place of business, 90 West Second street,
Portsmouth. He is a complete master of the art, and a visit to
his office will convince one of his artistic skill. He makes a
specialty of lettering on glass, and has already a large trade with
manufacturers and wholesale dealers in fancy and ornamental
framed glass advertising cards. Mr. Reed was married
May 17, 1882, to May Wilson, of Portsmouth. They have
one child - Earl G.
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of Christopher and Margaret (Young) Reilly, was born in
Philadelphia, Aug. 5, 1825. In 1839 he came to Portsmouth and
remained until 1842, working in the first book store for Eli
Glover, and the first wholesale dry-goods hose for Stuart
Jones & Co. In 1842 he went to Pittsburg; from thence to
Philadelphia, remaining until 1846. From 1846 till 1848 he was
in Mexico in the New Jersey Battalion. In 1849 he returned to
Pittsburg and married Anna Margaret Young in 1850. He
went to Cincinnati in 1851, and twelve months later to Dayton,
remaining until 1853, engaged in the grocery business with Samuel
B. Brown, McGhee and Harshman. He then returned to
Cincinnati, and with others published the first Ohio State Business
Directory, under the firm name of W. W. Reilly & Co., and in
the spring of 1853 went East to solicit advertisements and
subscriptions for the work. He then returned to Dayton, and
was with L. F. Claffin & Co. until March, 1854, when he went
to Chillicothe, Ohio, and assisted the Rev. H. H. Johnson to
open a book store. Six weeks later he returned to Dayton with
More, Clark & Co. in the book business, where he remained
until 1857, when he came to Portsmouth and opened the Valley Book
Store as an agent for E. A. & T. T. More and in 1859 bought
the stock. In July, 1861, he raised Company A, Thirteenth Ohio
Infantry. Sept. 1 he joined Rosecrans, and was with him
at Carnifax Ferry and through the campaign until they went into the
winter quarters at Fayetteville, W. Va. In December, his
health failing, he offered his resignation, taking effect in April,
1862, when he again resumed business in Portsmouth. In May,
1864, he was ordered out by General Brough as Captain of
Company G, One Hundred and Forty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and
was in command of post at Guyandotte, W. Va., with companies C. and
G. of his regiment, until September, 1864. The regiment
mustered out, he resumed his business, in which he remained until
1878. In November, 1878, he formed a partnership with his
son-in-law, H. C. Murfin, in his old business under the
name of W. W. Reilly & Co., which continued until May, 1882,
when Mr. Murfin retired. He still continues the
business under the same name. He is a member of the Masonic,
Knights Templar and Odd Fellows fraternities, and at present is
Commander of Baily Post, No. 1864, G. A. R.
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REITZ was born in Germany, Feb. 4, 1845. His father,
John Reitz, was born in 1812, and in 1847 came with his family
to the United States. He was by trade a stone mason. He
built the stone saw-mill of Portsmouth in 1865, but only ran it a
year, when he died, at the age of fifty-three years. His widow
is still living, aged seventy-two years. Ignatius Reitz
was married in 1874 to Mary Balmert, of Portsmouth.
They have four children - Albert J., Elnora, Simon P. and
Mary Amelia.
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born in Ireland in 1825, and came to the United States in 1847,
locating in Troy, N. Y. In 1853 he came to Portsmouth, and
from that time till 1875 was engaged in the grocery business on
Chillicothe street. In 1875 he built the building now occupied
by Brushart & Co. He now owns three stores in
Portsmouth, and two fine farms adjoining the city. Since going
out of business he has turned his attention to farming. He has
been twice elected Director of the county infirmary. He was
married in Ireland in 1847 to Margaret Simmons, who died in
1860, leaving one child - Belle. The latter died in
1863, aged eighteen years. In 1864 Mr. Richardson
married Mary Jane Ormsby They have five children -
James, Anna, Florence, William and Alfred. Mr.
Richardson is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is a
member of A. F. & A. M.
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born in Ireland in 1847, and came to America in the winter of 1863.
He worked in a brush factory nearly a year at Lansingburg, on the
Hudson River, and in 1865 came to Portsmouth, where he ahs been in
the grocery business most of the time since coming here, with
several different parties. He is a present not engaged in any
special business, but is speculating in grain, etc. He was
married in Portsmouth in June, 1869, to Phylura Orm, a native
of Scioto County, and a daughter of John Orm. They have
two children - Robert Orm and Essie. Robert
Richardson, father of our subject, is still living in Ireland,
in the house where he was born about fifty-five years ago, and is a
farmer by occupation.
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a native of Bloom Township, Scioto County, was born Apr. 14, 1813.
His parents, Richard and Elizabeth Richart, were natives of
Pennsylvania, who emigrated to this State in 1807. They lived
on different farms in Scioto County and engaged in agricultural
pursuits. Their family consisted of eleven children of whom
only three survive. Our subject received a limited education
at the common school. He was reared on his father's farm and
has made farming his principal business. He was married in
1834 to Paulina West, who died in 1875, leaving two children
- Henry F. and Martha J., wife of Henry W. Loomis.
Mr. Richart was again married in 1877 to Electa Suly, who
was born near Pittsburg. She died in eighteen months after her
marriage. Mr. Richart has belonged to the Baptist
church over thirty years.
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was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1834, a son of Nathan Richman,
a farmer by occupation. When fifteen years of age he came to
America, and the first two years worked in a store in New York.
He then went to Cumberland County, Pa., and worked in a woolen mill
as an apprentice two years, and then worked two years for wages.
He then went to Adams County, Pa., and worked as a journeyman and
traveling salesman about four years, when he was taken into the firm
as a junior partner, and commenced business for himself in Virginia.
When the war broke out he was taken prisoner by the rebels, but in
less than twenty-four hours escaped and went to Maryland and joined
Company C, First Maryland Cavalry. He rose from private to
First Lieutenant. At Manassas Gap, in 1863, he was wounded and
lay in the hospital three months, and was afterward sent to
Baltimore. He did not fully recover for three years, although
he engaged in business. He was first employed as salesman at
Wilmington, Del. In 1866 he removed to Portsmouth but remained
only six months when he went to Green Bay, Wis., and remained ten
months. In 1876 he returned to Portsmouth, and has since been
engaged in the clothing and merchant tailoring business at 127 West
Front street. For the past three and a half years he has been
a member of the City Council. He is a member of the Masonic,
Odd Fellows and Mechanics' orders. Although the war swept from
him his first accumulations he is one of the most prosperous
business men in Portsmouth.
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J. B. RICKEY, merchant
and farmer, was born Sept. 13, 1835, in Madison Township, Scioto
County, a son of Isaac and Mary Ann (Beck) Rickey, of Madison
Township, the former being a native of New York and the latter of
Pike County, Ohio. He was married May 25, 1858, to Abigail
Kelly, who was born June 7, 1840. They have had five
children—Oscar, born June 7, 1859; William, Sept. 13, 1862;
Emory, Dec. 1, 1864; Armina, June 16, 1871, and Cora,
June 27, 1875. Mr. Rickey enlisted May 1, 1864,
in Company F, One Hundred and Fortieth Ohio National Guards, and was
discharged at Gallipolis, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1864. He then
returned home and engaged in farming in Madison Township, and for
the past twelve years has, in connection with his farming pursuits,
been engaged in the general mercantile business. He has been
Postmaster of Nairn P. O., Scioto County, since 1871; has served as
Township Clerk nine years, and for the past fifteen years has been
Justice of the Peace, his present term expiring in 1886. He
owns a well-improved farm of 140 acres on Blue Run. In
politics he affiliates with the Republican party, and he is a member
of Scioto Post, No. 287, G. A. R. Mrs. Rickey
has since childhood been a member of the Methodist Protestant
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D., was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, May 18, 1853, a son of
Dr. G. R. and Rachel (McLaughlin) Ricketts, now of
Proctorville, Ohio. He entered the State Normal School in West
Virginia, in 1868, graduating in 1871. He then engaged in the
drug business with his father until 1874, in the meantime studying
medicine under his father's preceptorship. He graduated from
the Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, in March, 1877, and
immediately located in Portsmouth, and began the practice of his
profession. From 1879 to 1881 he was Secretary of the Scioto
County Medical Society, now the Hempstead Memorial Academy of
Medicine, and in April, 1883, was elected Vice-President. He
is also a member of the Ohio State Medical Society and of the
American Medical Association. In the fall of 1877 he became a
member of the Ohio Valley Medical Association. In 1882 he was
elected a member of the Board of Health, of Portsmouth, for a term
of three years. Oct. 31, 1877, he married Romaine McCormick,
of Gallipolis, Ohio. They are both members of the Bigelow
Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. Ricketts is a member of
the I. O. M., of Portsmouth. He belongs to a family of doctors
- his father, a brother, and several ancestors belonging to the
medical fraternity.
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farmer, was born in Scioto County, O., July 17, 1845, where he was
educated, and followed farming till his marriage with Caroline
Duis, Mar. 12, 1867. She was born in Lawrence County,
Ohio, Feb. 9, 1850, and is a daughter of H. and Louisa (Todrant)
Duis, natives of Germany. The former was born Nov. 29
1825, and the latter Sept. 24, 1829, and at present are living in
Ironton, Ohio. Mr. Rife lived on his farm on section 9,
Porter Township, until the fall of 1880, when he moved to his
present residence on Section 9, Porter Township, until the fall of
1880, when he moved to his present residence on section 9, which is
known as the H. Duis place, consisting of 116 acres of fine
land. He and his wife are members of the German Methodist
church. Their family consists of six children - Willie W.,
born July 27,1869; Rosa E., Dec. 25, 1871; Frank, Oct.
2, 1874; Clara B., Apr. 9, 1877; Louisa H., Mar. 16,
1880; Maggie M., Aug. 3, 1883. Michael and Barbara
(Messer) Rife, parents of our subject, are natives of Germany,
and are living at present in Wheelersburg, Ohio. Elizabeth
Messer, our subject's grandmother, was born in Germany, Sept. 9,
1801. She came to America in 1830, and has resided in Porter
Township about fifty-three years. She is a member of the
German Methodist church, and is one of the oldest emigrant citizens
of the Scioto Valley.
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born near Madison, Ind., Feb. 26, 1824, a son of William P.
Ripley, who moved with his family to Portsmouth in 1833, where
he died in 1845. Captain Ripley commenced life by
selling fruit, etc., at the wharfs, when boats landed. He then
worked on the canal about four years, and when thirteen years of age
was engaged as cabin-boy on the river. He worked in that
capacity two years, and then was in a grocery and saloon with his
brother-in-law, William Sickles, about nine years. He
was subsequently employed on the river boats till 1860, when he
bought an interest in a steamboat. In 1861 he was Captain of
the Moses McClellan. In 1865 he went into the wholesale
liquor business, but in 1870 sold out and returned to the river.
He built the Jim Fisk, Jr., in 1870, but sold it the next year.
He afterward bought an interest in the Kanawha Belle, and in 1873
was Captain of the Fannie Dugan. He then had an interest in
the Mountain Belle and was Captain six months. He owned a
tugboat that was commanded by his brother. He sold this boat
but afterward bought it again at a United States Marshal's sale, and
of it made the Iron Duke, which he sold sold. Since then he
has been dealing in real estate. In 1857 he was Captain of the
Reliance, and in 1858 of the Swallow, Captain Ripley has been
an energetic business man, one who makes a success of his
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was born in Valley Township, Scioto Co., Ohio, Dec. 10, 1816, a son
of William and Mary (Collins) Robey. William Robey
was born in Maryland, Nov. 15, 1777, and when a child his parents
removed to Kentucky. His father, with several of his
neighbors, was murdered by the Indians while locating a homestead
near Louisville. His mother afterward married Philip Moore
and about 1781 or 1782 removed to Pennsylvania and settled near
Harrisburg, and in 1797 came to Ohio, locating in Nile Township.
Our subject's grandfather, John Collins, and John and
Amos Moore, brothers of Philip, came about the same
time. To the latter and wife were born four children -
John, Philip, Levi and Elinor. William Robey
married Mary Collins, and to them were born eleven children -
Levi, Jemima, William H., Cynthia, John C., William W., Mary,
Thomas L., Elizabeth, Francis A. and Mary J. Jemima,
William H. and Mary died in Ohio; Thomas L. and
Mary J. in Texas. In April, 1834, they moved to Illinois
and rented a farm, near Hennepin, and raised a crop of corn.
In the fall they sold their corn and moved by wagons to what was
then Jo Daviess County, forty miles east of Galena. They lived
there thirteen years, and then in April, 1847, set out with wagons
for Texas, and located in Travis County, thirteen miles from Austin,
where William Robey died in 1875, aged nearly
ninety-eight years, and his wife in 1869, aged seventy-nine years.
J. C. Robey was married Jan. 6, 1840, in Freeport, Ill., to
Maria Wait, by Rev. Asa Balinger. He went with his
father to Travis County, Texas, where Mrs. Robey died
Mar. 19, 1864. To them were born four daughters - Fidelia
Frances, now Mrs. J. M. King, residing in Texas, has a
family of seven children; Hester Ann, died in Illinois;
Emily Amelia and Mary L., died in Texas. In 1870
Mr. Robey returned to Ohio, and Feb. 14, 1871, married Mrs.
Angeline Brouse, widow of Andrew Brouse, of Sugar Grove,
Scioto County. To them have been born three children - John
W., Ida M. and William the latter, born Sept. 11, 1876,
was named for his grandfather.
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born near Harrisonville, Scioto County, Nov. 22, 1847. His
parents, Charles and Elizabeth (Norris) Rockwell, were
natives of Ohio, and the latter died in 1869. His grandfather,
Joseph Rockwell, settled in Madison Township about 1800.
At the age of seventeen our subject began to work on the farm of
James D. Thomas, with whom he remained till 1870. He was
married in 1869 to Mary Field, who has borne him four boys
and two girls. In 1870 Mr. Rockwell moved to the farm
of James D. Thomas, where he has since been engaged in
farming. He has served some time as Trustee of his township.
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H. ROETTCHER was born in
Prussia Germany, in 1841, and in 1856 came to the United States,
landing the 17th of May. He located in Cincinnati, and worked
in a bakery till Jan. 1, 1882, when he came to Portsmouth and formed
a partnership with H. R. Maier, in the brewery.
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was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, in 1842, and when he was two
months old his parents, Hugh and Janet (Martin) Rose, came to
Scioto County, and located on a farm near Lucasville. His
father died in 1880. His mother is now living in Piatt County,
Ill. She is a sister of Alexander Martin, President of
Asbury University, Ind. James was reared on a farm and
received his education in the district schools. In 1871 he
married Cecelia W., eldest daughter of Alexander and
Rebecca Lacroix. They have five children - Mary E.,
Forrest, Bertha, Raymond and Rudolph. They have
a farm of 105 acres, a part of the French Grant, and one of
sixty-six acres, lying two miles up the river.
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son of William and Nancy (Dillon) Rowley, both of whom were
born in 1801 and died in 1880, the former a native of New York.
They had a family of four boys and eight girls, our subject being
the sixth child. He was born Mar. 11, 1829, on section 9,
Porter Township, Scioto County, Ohio, where he resides. He
followed flat-boating in his younger days and also worked at
brick-making four acres, which is worth at least $3,000. He
was married Jan. 18, 1857, to Elizabeth Ann Deaver, born in
Kentucky, Feb. 23, 1838. To them were born ten children -
Hugh, Virginia, Hannah, Jennetta, Elizabeth, Edward, Frankling,
Ernest, William and Harry. George Deaver, father of
Mrs. Rowley, was born in Maryland in 1811 and died in 1869.
Her mother, Jenetta (Thomas) Deaver, was born in
Kentucky in 1812 and is still living. Mrs. Rowley was
the third child of a family of four boys and three girls.
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was born in 1852, a son of Frederic Ruhlman. In
1853 his father formed the transfer company, dealing also in coal,
coke, etc., and since a child Philip has been at work with
him. He owns eight teams and carts, and two floats, their
place of business being at the lower landing. For the past
three years he has furnished the coal for the Burgess Steel and Iron
Works. He transfers and furnishes about 500,000 bushels of
coal yearly. Mr. Ruhlman was married in 1875 to
Amelia Getz, of Delaware, Ohio. They have three children -
Ida E. E., born October, 1876; Charles Robert, born
May 30, 1879, and Frederic August, Feb. 22, 1882.
Mr. Ruhlman is a member of the Odd Fellow's Lodge, No. 52, and
the Delaware Encampment, No. 53.
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a son of Hon. William Russell, was born in Adams County,
Ohio, Mar. 12, 1821. He was married Oct. 8, 1845, to Nancy
J. Grimes, and settled in Union Township on a farm. In
1856 he removed to Portsmouth and engaged in merchandising. In
December, 1860, he removed to Washington County, Ill., and in 1864
returned to Ohio. In 1870 he purchased 140 acres of land and
located where he now lives. Eleven children have been born to
him, eight now living - Harriet Ann, Alice Rhoda, James M.,
Edward L. and Emma W. (twins), Albert L. and
Ella May. William H., Charles and an infant son are
deceased. Mr. Russell and family are members of the
Methodist church.
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deceased, was born in Ireland in 1782. He was left an orphan
in childhood, and when fourteen years of age came alone to the
United States, and for a short time lived in Philadelphia, when he
continued his journey and located in Maysville, Ky. He began
learning the hatter's trade in Philadelphia, and continued to work
at it in Maysville. While living in Kentucky he was married to
Sarah Tribbey. They had one child, but wife and child
both died soon after the latter's birth. Leaving Maysville he
located in West Union, Adams Co., Ohio, and followed merchandising a
number of years, in the meantime representing his county in the
Legislature a number of times. In 1828 he was elected to
Congress on the Democratic ticket. He served two terms, but
was defeated by his opponent the third term. In 1833 he
removed to Scioto County and located in what is now Rush Township,
and engaged in forging bar iron, but in this was unsuccessful,
losing ultimately $30,000. In 1840 he was elected to Congress
on the Whig ticket. After the expiration of his term he
retired to the quiet of his farm at the mouth of Brush Creek.
Mr. Russell was in many ways a remarkable man. He had
no educational advantages except what he received in his native
land, but by perseverance and industry became a good scholar in the
common branches. He was a good speaker, and had great
conversational powers. He was conscientious in all his
dealings with his fellow-men, and enjoyed a popularity that was the
envy of both friends and foes. He joined the Methodist church
when quite young, and was always a firm adherent to its principles.
In 1808 he married Nancy Wood. But three of their seven
children are living - William B., Sarah Ann wife of W. D.
Gale, Louisville, Ky., and Henry W. Joseph H., James,
Robert and Albert L. are deceased. The latter
enlisted in the late war in Company F, Forty-fourth Illinois
Infantry, and died in prison at Atlanta in 1863. Mr.
Russell died Sept. 25, 1845. His wife died Feb. 4, 1857,
aged seventy-two years. He was a Class-Leader in the church
many years, and while in Congress was leader of a class composed
chiefly of Ohio Congressman.
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DANIEL RUTH was born in
Lawrence County, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1838. His parents came from Germany
to the United States and located in Ohio, near Marietta, in an early
day. They finally settled in Scioto County, near Clinton
Furnace, where they still reside. Daniel’s early life
was spent at the furnaces, driving oxen till he was twenty years of
age. In 1868 he bought the farm where he now resides, which
consists of eighty-one acres of well-improved land. He was
married in 1862 to Mary M., daughter of Francis and
Mary Duteil. They have five children—Jacob,
Daniel, Rosa G., Francis and James. Mr.
and Mrs. Ruth are members of the Free-Will Baptist church, of
which he is a liberal supporter.
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born in Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 24, 1833, and was reared and educated
in the log-cabin schools in Ohio. At the age of sixteen he
began teaming for the furnaces in Lawrence and Scioto counties, and
was thus engaged for seventeen years. He then, in 1865, bought
eighty-five acres of land from his father, and has since followed
farming. He was married in 1856 to his cousin Elizabeth,
daughter of Adam and Catherine Hobstetter. She
died in 1864, leaving three children—Mary A., John A. and
Catherine E. In 1865 Mr. Ruth married
Martha A., daughter of George Portlow, of Jackson County.
They have three children—Hannah C., Clara L. and Frederick
W. In politics Mr. Ruth is a Democrat, having voted
that ticket twenty-nine years.
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was born in 1801 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, Germany, and at the age
of twenty-five years was married to Eva Hobstetter. He
came to the United States in 1833, landing at Baltimore, Md.
He crossed the Alleghany Mountains and stopped at Wheeling, W. Va.,
eight months, then came to Ohio and located near Chester, in Meigs
County, where he was engaged in farming and shoemaking until 1842,
when he removed to Center Furnace, in Lawrence County, Ohio, where
he was occupied in driving an ox team, hauling ore and pig-iron,
until 1854. He then bought the Peter Andre
farm, where he now resides, containing about 200 acres, from
Glidden, Crawford & Co. The farm is situated half a mile below
the Clinton Furnace, on the west side of Pine Creek, in Vernon
Township, Scioto County. Mr. and Mrs. Ruth have been
married fifty-seven years and have had twelve children, ten still
living — Catherine, born in Germany; Theobold,
commonly called David, was born in Wheeling, W. Va. ;
George, Caroline, Daniel, Margaret and
Jacob, born in Meigs County, Ohio; Michael, Hannah
and John, born at Center Furnace, Lawrence Co., Ohio.
They have forty-five grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren
living. Although rather infirm Mr. Ruth still
superintends seventy-one acres of land, having disposed of the rest
of his land. Mr. Ruth’s children are all married
except Michael, and have families. Catherine is
fifty-six years old and has two sons married. Theobold,
Jr., has one son and one daughter married; Caroline
has two daughters and Margaret one daughter married.
Mr. Ruth has voted the Democratic ticket since 1840, when
he voted for General Harrison.
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Publishing Co. 1884 |
DAN J. RYAN, attorney at
law, was born in Cincinnati, Jan. 1, 1855, the eldest of three
children, and only living child of John and Nora (Ryan) Ryan.
When seven years of age his parents came to Portsmouth, where his
father died ten years later. He received his education in the
public schools, graduating fro the Portsmouth High School in the
class of 1875. While in school he commenced the study of law
under Hon. J. W. Bannon. He studied with him until
February, 1877, when he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme
Court, at Columbus, Ohio, and began to practice at Portsmouth.
In April, 1877, he was elected City Solicitor of Portsmouth, and
re-elected in 1879. In June, 1883, he was nominated, without
opposition, in the Republican convention of Scioto County, to the
Lower House in the State Legislature. At the election in
October, 1883, he was elected, and is now a member of the House of
Representatives from Scioto County.
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Publishing Co. 1884 |

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