History of Shelby County, Ohio
Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So.
Dinsmore Twp. -
JOHN FALER, Retired Farmer.
Mr. Faler was born in Lebanon County, Pa., Jan.
14, 1807. When he had attained the age of sixteen
years, or in 1823, he came with his parents, George
and Eva Faler, to Ohio, and located in Perry County.
In 1830 he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of
Daniel and Susannah Berket, of Perry County, where
she was born in July, 1812. In June, 1836, Mr.
and Mrs. Faler came to Shelby County, purchased,
made improvements, and settled on the east half of the
N. W. quarter of section 27, Dinsmore Township, on which
he has since resided. His companion died Mar. 10,
1879. He reared a family of seven children:
Christopher, George, John, Susannah, Mary, Elizabeth,
and Catharine. John Faler died
Nov. 27, 1874.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 245 |
Van Buren Twp.
MICHAEL FAUL was born in Ireland
in 1820, and settled in this county in 18657. He
was married in New Hampshire in 1846. When he came
here he located in a forty-acre lot in section 26, but
afterwards purchased another farm of forty acres.
His only son, John, now occupies the old
homestead, and Mr. F. makes his home with him.
His son's family consists of wife and two children,
named Mary C. and John, one child,
Joseph M., being dead.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 254 |
Twp. -
FRANCIS FERGUS was born in Shelby
on the farm on which he now lives in the year 1824.
He, together with his brothers, cleared the home farm,
their father having died when they were young.
When twenty years of age Francis went to learn
the carpenter trade with his brother Joseph,
since which time he has worked at his trade the most of
his life. In 1855 he married Emily Monroe.
They have by this marriage five children, as follows:
Laura J., Sarah A., Ella, Samuel S., and John
W. Mrs. Fergus was born in Virginia in 1834.
Her parents were Henson and Eliza (Campbell)
Monroe, who settled in Shelby County in 1834.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 288 |
Orange Twp. -
early as the middle of the eighteenth century Fergus,
with his son Francis, came from Ireland to
America, and located in Virginia. Francis
remained in Virginia, and married there. When he
married, or to whom he was married, or the number of his
family, to us is not known; but we find that he had one
son, John Fergus, born in 1794. He
remained in Virginia until he grew to manhood, when he
was married to Nancy Guthrie, with whom he
lived less than a year, when she died. The time of
his marriage and death of his wife is not known.
In 1819 he came
to Miami County, Ohio, where, in 1820, he married
Margaret Stafford. Through misfortune
Mr. F. lost all his property, and in 1823 he
removed to Shelby County, and bought land in Washington
Township. Here he stuck some stakes in the ground,
put up some poles, and covered it with his wagon cover.
This was in July. In August, Joseph
Fergus, the subject of this sketch, was born in this
cloth tent. He lived at home until the death of
his father in 1837, not having the advantage of a single
day’s schooling. In 1839 he went to learn the
carpenter trade, at which he served an apprenticeship of
three years. During this apprenticeship he
received five months’ schooling, all he ever got in his
life. In 1847 he married Barbary Ullery. By this
marriage they raised a family of eleven children, viz.,
Caroline E., Richard H., Sarah C., John S., Wm. A.,
Mary M., Joseph L., Winfield S., Charles E., Wealthy E.,
and Laura A. Mr. F. worked at his
trade until 1855, when he bought a farm and sawmill in
Orange Township, where he now lives.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 195 |
Orange Twp.
THOMAS H. FERGUS, a son of
Samuel M. and Eliza A. (Hull) Fergus, was born in
Shelby County in 1854. Married Mary A.
Valentine, a daughter of Richard W. Valentine,
in 1876. They have three children, Frank P.,
Lottie E., and Leonard C. They
reside on section 23, near Kirkwood, on part of the
Valentine farm.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 188 |
Dinsmore Twp. -
EWALT FEY, Retired Farmer, was
born in Germany Apr. 27, 1813. He is a son of
Henry and Margaret Fey. He is a stonemason by
trade, which, in connection with farming, has been a
business through life. In 1838 he married Miss
Anna C. Aberhardt, of Germany, born Sept. 25, 1803.
Mr. and Mrs. Fey remained in their native country
until in 1847, when they, with two children emigrated to
America and located in Buffalo, N. Y., remaining until
1848, when they came to Shelby County, Ohio, and settled
in Dinsmore Township. Since his settlement in this
township he has given the greater part of his time to
farming, which he has conducted with success, and now
owns a good farm of 140 acres, in section 21, on which
he has resided since Mar. 29, 1866. His companion
died Dec. 13, 1876. He reared a family of two
children, viz., Henry and Christian. He
served two years in the German army.
Henry Fey was born in Germany, Oct. 11, 1839.
He came to America with his parents in 1847. On
the 1st of June, 1865, he married Miss Adaline
Bohlender, then of Dayton, Ohio, but a native of
Germany, where she was born Nov. 25, 1840. Mr.
and Mrs. Fey settled on the home farm with his
father, where they have since resided. They have
three children, Anna M., Elizabeth, and
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 246 |
Twp. -
son of Daniel Fielding and Elizabeth Henderson
Fielding, and was born in Canonsburg, Washington
County, Pa., on May 1, 1796. Mrs. Fielding
was the daughter of Daniel Henderson. Daniel
Fielding removed with his family to Cynthiana,
Harrison County, Ky. There his son William
received his scientific education, which qualified him
to commence the study of medicine under Dr. Burnet
at Falmouth, twenty miles from Cynthiana. After a
full medical course he commenced the practice of
medicine in 1816 in Madison County, Ohio. He was
in the war of 1812, and served six months under Col.
In 1818 Dr. Fielding
married Miss Elizabeth Vail, and they have born
to them five sons and seven daughters, eleven of whom
reached maturity. In the same year he settled in
Franklin, and remained there, engaged in his profession,
until 1824, when great inducements were proffered him,
and he settled in Sidney Shelby County, Ohio.
In 1825, the date of the organization of the
Presbyterian Church, he was elected one of the ruling
elders, the church being under the pastorate of the
Rev. Joseph Stephenson.
Dr. Fielding was one of the original petitioners of
Temperance Lodge No. 73, in 1825, whose history is given
at length in this work. Had the honor of naming
the Temperance Lodge, because he did not only practised
but taught the cardinal virtue, and was honored with
being its first Worshipful Master, which position he held during his life at
different times for twenty-seven years. The
brethren of the lodge to this day annually on his
birthday assemble in the lodge room, and pay their
fraternal visit to his beloved and aged widow, now in
the eighty-second year of her age.
Dr. Fielding had the honor of representing this
county in the Legislature for seven years.
In order to educate his children he removed to Clinton
County, and after those duties had been performed he
returned to Sidney, and again resumed a laborious
practice. But age was telling upon his
constitution, and he and his friends deemed it prudent
for him to settle on his farm one mile from the
courthouse, which he named Evergreen. But even
this removal did not free him entirely from the labors
of the medical profession, and to his death he
administered relief to a few families, especially those
of his early associates when he first settled in Sidney.
We may truthfully state that to his death, which
occurred on the 17th day of Feb. 1873, he enjoyed the
confidence of the whole community. His moral
deportment and his high intellectual attainments,
combined with his Christian character, not only made him
a welcome visitor at every fireside, but a dear and
cherished friend among his fellow-citizens.
Truthfully may we say with the poet -
Mature for Heaven - the fatal mandate
With it a chariot of ethereal flame;
In which, Elijah like, he passed the spheres,
Bright joy to Heaven, but left the world in tears.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 371 |
Twp. -
SAMUEL FLESHER was born in Hanover
County, Virginia, Dec. 21, 1834, where he passed his
minority days. He is a son of John and Mary
Flesher. He is a millwright and
house-carpenter by trade, which, in connection with
farming, has been his avocation. In 1870 he
retired from his trade, and has since given his
attention to farming, which he has conducted with
success, and now owns a good farm in Dinsmore Township.
On the 24th of September, 1864, he enlisted in Company
H, 29th O. V. V. I., 2d division, 20th Army Corps.
He was with Sherman on his march to the sea.
He was discharged at Washington D. C., June 5, 1865, and
returned to his home. In 1847 he came to Shelby
County, and made his home with Daniel Flesher in
Dinsmore Township. Jan. 20, 1850 he married
Miss Delila Slagle, then of Champaign County, but a
native of Virginia, where she was born Mar. 18, 1827.
Mr. and Mrs. Flesher settled on the east half of
the southwest quarter of section 57, Dinsmore Township,
remained three years, when they moved to Champaign
County, Ohio; remained three years, moved to Logan
County, but 1857 again found them located in Dinsmore
Township, this county, where they lived until 1858, when
they moved back to Logan County, remained two years,
when they returned to this county, and settled in
Dinsmore Township, where he has since resided. His
companion departed this life June 18, 1881. He
reared one child, viz., Elizabeth, now Mrs.
Wilson Dill, who resides in Dinsmore Township, with
whom Mr. Flesher is now making his home.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 245 |
Twp. -
WILLIAM B. FLESHER, deceased, was
born in Greene County, Ohio, July 10, 1843. He was
a son of Daniel and Elizabeth Flesher who came to
Shelby County in 1847, and settled on the east half of
the southwest quarter of section 27, where they passed
the remainder of their days. Mrs. Flesher
died Sept. 28, 1856. Mr. Flesher died Sept.
15, 1856.
William B. Flesher, subject of this sketch, came
with his parents to Dinsmore Township, this county, in
1847. On the 31st of July, 1862, he enlisted in
Company C, 99th O. V. I., served his country faithfully
until after the close of the war, and was honorably
discharged from the service May 18, 1865. On the
1st of January, 1866, he married Miss Caroline,
daughter of Lewis and Sarah Kah.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Flesher, settled in his
father's home farm, remained about two years, when he
purchased and moved on the farm in section 21, Dinsmore
Township, on which he died Apr. 1, 1877, leaving his
companion with three small children, viz., Ida M.,
Lula S., and Clara, and many friends to mourn
the loss of a kind husband, an indulgent father, and a
good citizen.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 245 |
Loramie Twp.
WILLIAM FLINN was born in Loramie
Township, this county, July 18, 1836. He is a son
of William N. and Mary Flinn, who were among the
early settlers of Loramie Township. He was reared
on a farm, and he made farming his principal business
until 1877, when he engaged in the manufacturing of tile
at North Houston, which business he has since been
conducting. On the 3d of December, 1856, he
married Miss Charlotte Harmoney, daughter of
Christian and Elizabeth Harmoney. Miss Harmoney
was born in Franklin County, Pa., July 5, 1836, and came
to Shelby County with her parents in 1848. By this
union he has four children, viz, Hudson, Mary E.,
Edward C., and Effie M. On the 1st of
August, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, 50th O. V. I.,
served three years, and was honorably discharged from
the service August 1st, 1865. He was in the Army
of the Tennessee under Gen. Sherman.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 315
Flinn Bible Records |
Twp. -
CHRISTIAN E. FOGT, deceased, was
born in Baden Germany, Dec. 14, 1809. He emigrated
to America in 1833, adn located in Shelby County, O.
On the 23d of Dec. 1839, he married Miss Mary Boyer,
then of Shelby County, but a native of Berks County,
Pa., where she was born Dec. 14, 1821. Mr. and
Mrs. Fogt settled on the farm in section 34,
Franklin Township, now owned and occupied by their son,
C. Fogt, Jr., on which they lived until the
spring of 1881, when they moved to Anna, where he
died Mar. 18, 1882. They reared a family of seven
children, viz., Christina A., John B., Lucinda,
George W., Mary A., Christian E. and Samuel F.
all of whom are now living except Mary A., who
died in February, 1879.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 245 |
Franklin Twp. -
GEORGE FOGT, deceased, was a
native of Germany, where he was born in 1805. He
married Miss Julia A. Hofbearer, born in Germany
Feb. 10, 1810. In 1844 they emigrated to America
in company with Michael Shiff and family, and
located in Shelby County on 160 acres of land, on which
he lived many years, and followed farming as his
vocation. They reared a family of eight children,
Sarah, Jacob, Rachel, Catharine, Julia, George, John,
and Frederick. In June, 1868, Mr. and
Mrs. Fogt left their farm and moved to Sidney, where
he died May 24, 1873. Mrs. Fogt then moved
to Anna in the fall of 1873, where she died Jan. 20,
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 328 |
Franklin Twp. -
JOHN FOGT, son of George and
Julia Fogt, was born in Franklin Township, on the
farm where he now resides Oct. 14, 1846. Jan. 9,
1869, he married Miss Lydia A.., daughter of
John M. and Leanda Shiff, born in Franklin Township,
Shelby County, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1848. Mr. and
Mrs. Fogt settled on part of his father's home farm,
where they now reside They have three children,
one son and two daughters. In 1878 he began the
erection of his fine brick residence, which he completed
in 1879.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 328 |
Dinsmore Twp. -
JOHN B. FOGT, son of Christian
E. and Mary Fogt, was born in Franklin Township,
this county, Apr. 30, 1842. He received a common
school education. He has made farming his
principal vocation, and now owns a good farm of one
hundred acres in Dinsmore Township. In 1879 he
invented the Hay Rake, known as the Automatic
Sulky Rake (or self-dumping rake). He received the
patent on his invention Feb. 24, 1880; since that time a
number of the rakes have been manufactured by The Sidney
Agricultural Works and sold to farmers in different
parts of Shelby and adjoining counties, which is giving
entire satisfaction to the parties using them.
Jan. 5, 1865, he married Miss Harriet, daughter
of Thomas and Elizabeth Ragan, born May 6, 1849.
Mr. and Mrs. Fogt settled on a farm in Dinsmore
Township, and have since been citizens of the township.
In 1876 he purchased a farm in section 29, on which they
have since resided. They have six children - two
sons and four daughters.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 245 |
Twp. -
JOHN H. FRIDLEY, son of George
and Eliza Fridley, was born in Franklin Township,
Shelby County, Mar. 31, 1835, where he passed his
minority days. He has made farming his vocation,
and now owns a good farm in section 24, Dinsmore Townshi,
on which he has resided since 1863. Dec. 16, 1856,
he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of John
and Margaret Taylor who was born in Dinsmore
Township, this county, Sept. 3, 1836. By this
union he has ten children, three sons and seven
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 244 |
Green Twp.
General Merchandise, Plattsville, Ohio.
Mr. Frazier, a son of George W. and Mary
Frazier, was born in Green Township, Shelby County,
Ohio, June 16, 1837. The early part of his life
was spent as a workman at the stone and brick mason
trade until in 1858, when he began teaching school,
which he followed a few years. In 1862 he enlisted
in Company C, 99th O. V. I., and served as a private
until Mar. 24, 1865, when he was discharged from the
service, and returned home. In February, 1873, he
engaged in the mercantile business in Plattsville, which
he has since been conducting successfully. Nov.
23, 1865, he married Miss Louisa Woodmancy,
daughter of John Woodmancy, by whom he has five
children, two son and three daughters.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 205 |
Dinsmore Twp. -
JOHN W. FRIDLEY, son of Lewis
and Susannah Fridley, was born in Pickaway County,
O., Feb. 14, 1822, where his boyhood days were spent on
a farm. In the spring of 1847 he came to Shelby
County and made his home with his brother George
Fridley, in Franklin Township. About three
years prior to his coming to this county, or in 1844, he
purchased the S. E. quarter of section 23, Dinsmore
Township. During the summer of 1847 he erected a
dwelling on his land, and made some other improvements.
Oct. 10, 1847, he married Miss Martha J.,
daughter of Adam and Sarah Young. Miss
Young was born in Pickaway County, O., Sept. 8,
1824, and came to this county with her parents in 1830
or '31. Mr. and Mrs. Fridley settled on his
land in Dinsmore Township, on which they have resided.
They reared a family of five children, viz., Adam,
Sarah L., Jason B. F., John W. A., and Eliza L.
Mr. Fridley has made farming his principal vocation,
and now owns a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres,
which he is conducting with success.
Source 2: History of Shelby County,
Ohio - Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 -
Page 245 |
Van Buren Twp.
JACOB FRITZ, a native of Germany,
came to this county in 1861, and settled on sections 6
and 7, where he purchased 120 acres of land, which he
still owns, as also a ninety acre farm in section 21.
In 1853 he married Barbara Hiel, who was also a
native of Germany. Their children are Jacob,
Adam, Lena, Charles, Phillip, Lizzie, Meanna, August,
Emma, Flora.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio and
representative citizens - Evansville, Ind. - 1913 - Page
253 |
Cynthian Twp. -
The Ancestors of the Fulkersons are from Holland
and England, but who they were, or when they came, we
cannot learn. The first we know of them was in the
person of Joseph Farling Fulkersonb, the father of
the above. He was born in New Jersey in the
year 1796. When a young man he went to
Pennsylvania. It was here, in the year 1822, that
he married Margaret A. Messinger. They
resided in Easton, Pa. About the year 1826 they
removed to the city of New York, where Dr. Fulkerson
was born in 1828. In 1839 they emigrated to Monroe
County, Ohio. From there they removed to Crawford
County, Ohio, where he died in 1875. His wife died
at the same place in 1874. They reared a family of
nine children. Dr. G. W. was the fourth of
the children. He lived with his parents until he
had arrived at his majority, at which time he commenced
the study of medicine under Dr. Joel Johnston of
Bucyrus. He remained there but a short time, when
he and his preceptor went to Bellefontaine, and engaged
in the drug trade until 1855, when they dissolved
partnership, and Dr. Fulkerson went to Pleasant
Hill, Ohio, and associated himself with Dr. Cable
in the practice of medicine. In 1857 he married
Elizabeth Nishwitz, of West Milton, Miami
County, and the same year came to Newport, Shelby
County, Ohio. He took his medical course, and
graduated at the Eclectic Medical Institute of
Cincinnati in 1859. He has been for a number of
years a member of the Eclectic Medical Society of Ohio.
His wife died in 1858. In 1876 he married Miss
Maggie Mills, a daughter of D. C. Mills, one
of the pioneers of Cynthian Township. Mrs.
Fulkerson was born near Newport in 1852. By
this union they have two children, John Medaris,
born 1878 and Walter Roy, born 1880. The
doctor is engaged in the drug trade in connection with
the practice of medicine, at which he has been engaged
for the past twenty-five years. He has been one of
the leading spirits in starting and building up the M.
E. Church of his town. Although not a member of
the church at the time of its erection, he was made one
of the trustees and building committee. He has
given much of his time and means to the public
interests of his town and township.
Source: History of Shelby
County, Ohio - Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. -
1883 - Page 273 |
Orange Twp. -
ISAAC FULTON was born in Shelby
County in the year 1842. He is a son of Robert
and Rebecca Bigham Fulton, who settled in Shelby
County in 1839. In 1866 he married Nancy
Barkalow a daughter of John Barkalow.
They have one child, Wm. B., born 1867.
They are located on part of the Barkalow homestead
in Orange Township.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 195 |