

A Part of
Genealogy Express
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History & Genealogy |

NOTE: If there are any biographies
in particular that you want transcribed, please contact me
and I will put it on here asap. -
Sharon Wick |

History of Shelby County, Ohio -
Publ. Philadelphia, PA:
R. Sutton & So.
Abbott Family |
388 |
Ackerly, George |
376 |
Ailes, Hezekiah S. |
372 |
Amann, Ferdinand |
390 |
Amos, James L.,
Gen. |
372 |
Anderson, George Crawford |
379 |
Bearnes, J. N. |
374 |
Benjamin, Charles R. |
387 |
Birch, Pem Brook |
390 |
Blake, Thomas |
384 |
Blake, Thomas |
384 |
Blue, John M. |
375 |
Buirley, Daniel K. |
387 |
Buirley, William |
386 |
Bulle, David |
374 |
Bunnelle, George H. |
376 |
Burch, Hiram |
379 |
Bush, D. L. |
371 |
Bush, George L. |
376 |
Carroll, Chas. W. |
374 |
Clauson, Abraham |
377 |
Conklin, H. S. |
374 |
Conklin, Jacob S. |
372 |
Conner, John |
386 |
Conover, Benjamin D. |
389 |
Crozier, James S. |
389 |
Davies, William D. |
379 |
Dickas, Christopher H. |
377 |
Dingman Family |
384 |
Dingman, Daniel V. |
384 |
Dingman, Daniel V., Jr. |
384 |
Doering, William |
389 |
Edgar, David |
378 |
Edgar, John B. |
377 |
English, Thomas Edwin |
384 |
Estabrook, John T. |
385 |
Fielding, William |
371 |
Foster, John |
386 |
Fry, William B. |
386 |
Gamble, Samuel |
384 |
Gamble, Samuel, Jr. |
385 |
Gartley, Hudson |
390 |
Geyer, James D. |
388 |
Goffena, Peter |
377 |
Goode, Patrick Gains, Hon. |
369 |
Goode, W. H. C. |
390 |
Graham, Thomas B. |
387 |
Guthrie, Harvey |
376 |
Hall, W. M. |
378 |
Heiser, John |
380 |
Hemm, George |
379 |
Henson, M. T. |
376 |
Hitchcock, Almon |
390 |
Honnell, Morris |
385 |
Huddle, Louis |
374 |
Hume, Hubbard |
387 |
Jackson, Edward |
387 |
Johnston, C. E. |
376 |
Johnston, James |
377 |
Johnston, William |
385 |
Joslin, Clay R. |
389 |
Joslin, Robinson |
378 |
Kelsey, Curtis (third) |
388 |
Kelsey, Guy C. |
388 |
King, Michael H. |
389 |
Kline, Charles M. |
388 |
Lamb, James A. |
376 |
Laughlin, Joseph S. |
388 |
Le Fevre, Benjamin |
369 |
Leckley, S. Alex |
390 |
Lehman, Henry M. |
385 |
Lovette, Isaac P. |
209 |
Marshall, George A. |
379 |
Maxwell, Benj. W. |
378 |
Maxwell, Samuel S. |
390 |
McCune, Samuel |
387 |
Mentges, Jacob |
380 |
Metcalf, William P. |
380 |
Monroe, W. H. |
390 |
Montanus, Philip |
377 |
Moore, Nathan |
379 |
Mumford, John A. |
389 |
Nutt Family |
380 |
Orbison, Charles B. |
375 |
Piper, Jacob |
377 |
Piper, William |
380 |
Reddish, George |
378 |
Robbins Family |
386 |
Robertson, A. J. |
370 |
Robinson, John S. |
389 |
Robinson, Susan, Mrs. |
378 |
Schenck, Edgar A. |
386 |
Schenck, Schuyler |
386 |
Sharp, B. M. |
374 |
Sheltzer, Adam |
384 |
Silver, D. R. |
374 |
Silver, Samuel |
378 |
Slusser,l Benjamin |
375 |
Stephenson, Thomas |
376 |
Stewart, Preston |
387 |
Stockstill, E. D. |
379 |
Taylor, O. J. |
377 |
Throckmorton, John Allen |
375 |
Timeus, Charles |
375 |
Toy, W. M. |
378 |
Van De Grivt, Cyrus W. |
390 |
Van Fossen, William M. |
390 |
Wagner, John |
385 |
Wagner, M. |
379 |
Wells Family ****** |
383 |
Whitmer, Daniel |
386 |
Wicoff, Samuel L. |
390 |
Wiengartner, Ignatius |
377 |
Wiengartner, Joseph |
379 |
Wikoff, B. D. |
375 |
Wilkinson, Joseph E. |
373 |
Wilson, Albert |
385 |
Wilson, Harrison |
373 |
Wolf, Charles |
389 |
Wyman, William C. |
370 |
Yager, Clark |
386 |
Yenney, G. F. |
375 |
Yohe, Daniel |
378 |
Zinn, Elijah |
389 |
Abbott, Eli |
244 |
Abbott, William H. |
244 |
Allen, Philemon B. |
243 |
Allen, Silas D. |
243 |
Blakeley, John |
241 |
Blakeley, Samuel |
241 |
Botkin, Richard |
242 |
Boyer, George W. |
244 |
Boyer, Samuel F. |
244 |
Brackney, Samuel |
248 |
Brideweeser, Philip |
245 |
Bridewesser, Philip |
242 |
Carson, J. M. |
241 |
Clinehens, George |
243 |
Clinehens, P. R. |
246 |
Davis, F. M. |
241 |
Davis, William P. |
247 |
Dill, Espy C. |
242 |
Dill Franklin |
242 |
Dill, James N. |
242 |
Dill, Richard C. |
241 |
Elliott, Alexander |
243 |
Elliott, Samuel |
243 |
Ellis, William H. |
247 |
Faler, John |
245 |
Fey, Ewalt |
246 |
Flesher, Samuel |
245 |
Flesher, William B. |
246 |
Fogt, Christian |
245 |
Fogt, John B. |
245 |
Fridley, John M. |
244 |
Fridley, John W. |
245 |
Gallimore, Mark |
248 |
Gallimore, Samuel |
248 |
Gerber, Peter |
245 |
Gibson, Elias |
248 |
Good, Benjamin |
246 |
Gutmann, Andrew |
241 |
Hagelberger, Balser |
246 |
Hagelberger, Peter |
246 |
Hasting, Robert |
248 |
Hunt, Phaunel |
241 |
Kah, Lewis |
248 |
Kraft, John J. |
247 |
Kraft, William R. |
247 |
LeFevre, L. D. |
241 |
Lemon, Hector |
243 |
---------- |
Linton, John C. |
246 |
Mede, Eber F. |
244 |
Metz, Philip |
246 |
Miller, J. H. |
241 |
Park, John H. |
242 |
Park, William R. |
242 |
Ragan, Philip Y. |
243 |
Ragan, Thomas |
242 |
Reynolds, George |
245 |
Schmitt, Simon |
248 |
Sheets, Philip, Jr. |
247 |
Sheets, Philip, Sr. |
247 |
Taylor, John |
243 |
Toland, Erasmus B. |
244 |
Turner, George |
243 |
Weller, W. H. |
241 |
Wenger, George |
247 |
Wical, John |
247 |
Wiford, George E. |
246 |
Young, Adam |
244 |
Zaenglein, Jacob W. |
242 |
Zimpfer, John |
245 |
Zimpfer, John Jacob |
245 |
---------- |
Applegate, Lewis |
328 |
Baker, David |
325 |
Bennett, Charles |
325 |
Bennett, Nehemiah |
323 |
Bulle, David T. |
325 |
Clancey, James W. |
323 |
Clancey, William |
323 |
Cole, Wesley |
328 |
Coleman, James H. |
324 |
Critton, Dennis |
324 |
Curtner, Daniel |
331 |
Dill, Russel B. |
328 |
Elliott, Joseph D. |
328 |
Fey, John C. |
325 |
Fogt, George |
328 |
Fogt, John |
328 |
Foot, Jacob |
327 |
Forrar, Jacob |
325 |
Forrar, John S. |
325 |
Fridley, George |
324 |
Hagelberger, John |
327 |
Hagelberger, Philip |
327 |
Hume, James |
326 |
Hume, James A. |
326 |
Hutchinson, George |
324 |
Hutchinson, Harvey |
324 |
Johnston, John |
323 |
Kelsey, John T. |
326 |
Knasel, Frederick |
327 |
Leapley, Jacob |
323 |
Leapley, Thomas C. |
328 |
Ludlum, Eliakim |
323 |
McClure, Andrew H. |
327 |
McClure, John F. |
327 |
McVay, Thomas |
325 |
Mede, Richard D. |
328 |
Minniear, Amos G. |
326 |
Moothart, Andrew |
327 |
Moothart, Peter |
327 |
---------- |
Murphy, William |
322 |
Russell, William |
324 |
Schilling, John J. |
327 |
Shaw, Thomas |
325 |
Shiff, Christian |
326 |
Shiff, John Michael |
326 |
Shiff, Michael |
326 |
Shiff, Philip J. |
327 |
Small, John L. |
325 |
Staley, Daniel |
331 |
Swander, James |
323 |
Swnader, David |
325 |
Wooddell, James H. |
328 |
Young, Adam |
323 |
Young, Philip |
324 |
Young, Philip W. |
328 |
Young, Silas D. |
327 |
Young, William |
324 |
Zedeker, John W. |
324 |
---------- |
Anderson, William B. |
208 |
Arbogast, Allen |
209 |
Arbogast, Cornelius |
209 |
Beezley, John |
202 |
Bird, Samuel |
204 |
Bird, Samuel |
204 |
Botkin, John |
204 |
Bowersock, David |
208 |
Branson, Wellington |
203 |
Brelsford, David |
207 |
Chrisman, David |
206 |
Conroy, Edward |
206 |
Cory, Albert J. |
209 |
Covault, Madison |
206 |
Crouse, Joseph H. |
206 |
Cunningham, Robert C. |
208 |
Denman, Moses |
203 |
Develis, Joshua |
208 |
Dickensheets, John |
203 |
Dormire, Christian |
209 |
Dormire, Jacob |
209 |
Dormire, Nicholas |
209 |
Dorsey, Charles M. |
207 |
Dorsey, Isaac C. |
208 |
Dorsey, John |
207 |
Dorsey, Snowden T. |
208 |
Duer, John |
203 |
Frazier, Perry L. |
205 |
Gray, Matthias |
207 |
Hageman, Jonathan P. |
203 |
Hageman, William |
205 |
Haney, Joseph |
204 |
Heath, Austin |
210 |
Hunt, Heman R. |
205 |
Johnson, Henry H. |
206 |
Johnston, Joseph |
202 |
Laughlin, John C. C. |
208 |
Leedom, John C. |
207 |
Lovett, Isaac P. |
209 |
Maloney, William |
203 |
Martin, Samuel M. |
203 |
Middleton, John H. |
206 |
Minniear, Thomas |
202 |
Niswanger, Jonathan |
207 |
Niswanger, William |
207 |
Pardington, Joseph |
208 |
Platt, John |
205 |
Platt, Thomas L. |
206 |
Prince, David N. |
205 |
Princehouse, Peter |
208 |
Randolph, Samuel |
205 |
Randolph, William |
204 |
Redenbo, Samuel |
203 |
Robinson, Henry |
203 |
Robinson, Samuel |
202 |
Rolfe, James |
208 |
Sanders, Cephas T. |
204 |
Sargeant, John |
207 |
Shank, Henry |
206 |
Shaw, William |
205 |
Sherwood, Peter V. |
205 |
Simes, Lanty G. |
205 |
Sleeter, Frederick H. |
203 |
Sturm, John |
204 |
Suber, John C. |
206 |
Thomas T. Platt |
206 |
Tuttle, Thaddeus |
206 |
Ulrick, Edward |
207 |
Verdier, Paul F. |
206 |
Wiles, David |
205 |
Williams, William B. |
204 |
Williams, William H. |
204 |
Woodmancy, John |
202 |
Woodward, Samuel |
204 |
Woolley, George H. |
206 |
Ailes, Alfred |
233 |
Akers, Brooks |
231 |
Babcock, Simeon |
230 |
Baker, Jefferson |
233 |
Baker, William C. |
233 |
Bonnorront, Jacob |
232 |
Brandenburg, Lewis W. |
231 |
Brandenburg, Samuel |
230 |
Cargill O. |
230 |
Carter, J. M. |
229 |
Claton, Henry N. |
232 |
Luther L. |
230 |
Davis, Luther S. |
230 |
Elliott, C. |
230 |
Elliott, John C. |
230 |
Foster, William S. |
230 |
Foster, William S. |
233 |
Fry, John |
232 |
Glick, Darius |
231 |
Glick, Joab |
233 |
Glick, Lewis B. |
233 |
Gross, Nicholas |
234 |
Hawver ,Christian |
231 |
Hawver, George |
237 |
Hawver, Peter |
234 |
Heintz, George |
234 |
Heintz, Jacob C. |
234 |
Hogan, William |
231 |
Howell, Jonathan |
232 |
Hughes, James A. |
234 |
Iseman, John |
230 |
Iseman, John |
233 |
Kauffield, Henry |
234 |
King, Michael A. |
234 |
Linker, John |
231 |
Littlejohn, George W. |
232 |
McCord, Benjamin |
231 |
McCormick, ,Thomas B. |
232 |
McVay, Daniel |
234 |
Meranda, John S. |
230 |
Metz, Jacob |
232 |
Metz, Jacob |
232 |
Moodie, John |
233 |
Sayrs, Solomon |
231 |
Staley, George W. |
233 |
Trandree, Solomon |
230 |
Adam, Hubert |
316 |
Akin, James W. |
314 |
Akin, Samuel |
314 |
Apple, Jacob S. |
315 |
Ashton, Napoleon B. |
314 |
Baumgarden, Edward C. |
317 |
Clark, David |
313 |
Clark, David,
a farmer |
313 |
Clark, James * |
313 |
Colby, Joseph |
315 |
Cox, Isaac S. |
318 |
Crone, Henry |
321 |
Delaet, Celestin |
318 |
Dickerson, James D. |
321 |
Didier, Nicholas |
316 |
Echman, Frank |
317 |
Edwards, Bryant |
316 |
Edwards, William C. |
316 |
Emert, Benjamin |
315 |
Emert, George M. |
315 |
Eshaman, Albert F. |
317 |
Fessler, John G. |
317 |
Flinn, William |
315 |
Gartley, John |
315 |
Ginn, Andrew H. |
314 |
Ginn, James |
314 |
Ginn, William W. |
314 |
Harmony, Christian |
316 |
Harper, James |
316 |
Harper, James, Jr. |
316 |
Hergenrather, Kilian |
318 |
Holbert, Luther C. |
318 |
Hollopeter, Isaac |
318 |
Johnston, John |
314 |
Johnston, Thomas |
314 |
Johnston, William |
314 |
Miller, Jeremiah |
318 |
Monnin, Ignace |
317 |
Monnin, John George |
317 |
Morrow, Thomas |
312 |
Moyer, George W. |
315 |
Patterson, Alexander |
313 |
Patterson, James |
313 |
Patterson, John |
313 |
Pell, John |
316 |
Peters, Samuel A. |
316 |
Prichard, Burl |
317 |
Rhoades, George |
315 |
Rhoades, John S. |
316 |
Ross, Charles P. |
318 |
Skillen, Thomas |
313 |
Skillen, William |
312 |
Stephen, Benjamin |
317 |
Thompson, Robert P. |
315 |
Whitmer, Abraham |
318 |
Wyatt, Joseph M. |
314 |
Zemer, George |
313 |
Zemer, Noah |
313 |
--------- |
Antony, Philip |
269 |
Arkenburgh, Ferdinand |
263 |
Arling, Henry |
263 |
Beancer, Benjamin |
263 |
Beaver, John W. |
263 |
Berning, Henry |
263 |
Berning, John G. |
263 |
Borchers, John B. |
263 |
Borhorst, Joseph |
263 |
Bovendick, Bernard |
263 |
Bramiga, John H. |
263 |
Brand, Frederick |
263 |
Brons, Frederick |
263 |
Broring, Herman F. |
263 |
Circher, Jarvis |
264 |
Clowson, Andrew |
263 |
Doncing, Williaml |
263 |
Drees, Bernard |
263 |
Dressman, Henry J. |
264 |
Farley, Patrick |
264 |
Farley, Philip |
265 |
Fisher, John |
265 |
Fortman, Henry |
265 |
Friemerring, Bernard |
263 |
Gaier, Ferdinand |
265 |
Gaier, Jacob |
265 |
Gausepohl, John B. |
265 |
Gudenkauf, Henry C. |
265 |
Gudorf, Henry |
265 |
Henka, Henry |
264 |
Hickey, Thomas |
265 |
Hilgeford, John Clemans |
265 |
Hinners, Richard |
265 |
Holscher, John Bernard |
265 |
Horstmann, Ferdinand |
265 |
Hoying, Clemance |
265 |
Inman, Benjamin Gregory |
265 |
Kenner, Stephen |
266 |
Klocker, Herman |
266 |
Knuver, John F. |
265 |
Leisner, Bernard |
266 |
Lowman, John H. |
266 |
Menke, Henry |
263 |
Meyer, Henry |
266 |
Meyer, Joseph |
266 |
Otteng, Frank |
266 |
Otteng, Frank |
266 |
Pelster, John H. |
266 |
Piening, Bernard |
266 |
Popperman, John B. |
266 |
Powell, Isaac |
266 |
Prenger, Bernard |
266 |
Quartman, J. H. |
266 |
Quartman, Joseph |
266 |
Raterman, Joseph |
269 |
Rieger, Joseph |
263 |
Roop, Henry |
266 |
Rottinghaus, J. H. |
269 |
Rottinghaus, John B. |
269 |
Schilmiller, John G. |
269 |
Schlater, Frederick |
266 |
Schlater, Henry |
266 |
Schulze, John H. |
269 |
Sherman, Henry |
266 |
Sherman, Henry B. |
269 |
Sherman John |
269 |
Sherman, Joseph |
269 |
Short, William J. |
269 |
Smith, Jacob |
266 |
Smithmyer, Everett Henry |
266 |
Sommers, Henry |
269 |
Sommers, John |
269 |
Sommers, Samuel |
269 |
Strickler, Henry |
269 |
Strickler, Henry |
269 |
Toller, John |
269 |
Ullerman, Jacob |
269 |
Vocke, Herman H. |
269 |
Vondrell, Joseph B. |
269 |
Wachsmuth, Frederick |
269 |
Walkup, John |
269 |
Watterkutter, Henry |
269 |
---------- |
Barkalow, James D. |
192 |
Barkalow, John |
192 |
Barkalow, Joseph T. |
192 |
Barkalow, Wm. P. |
191 |
Brown, John |
196 |
Bull Family |
189 |
Bull, Francis M. |
189 |
Bull, Hiram |
189 |
Bull, John M. |
189 |
Bush, John E. |
191 |
Carey Family |
188 |
Carey, William A. |
189 |
Carey, William F. |
189 |
Caven, James |
194 |
Cecil, William |
188 |
Cofield, Levi, Esq. |
196 |
Cornell, Harvey M. |
194 |
DeNise, James S. |
192 |
Duncan, Thomas |
192 |
Fergus, Joseph |
195 |
Fergus, Thomas H. |
188 |
Foster, Christian |
189 |
Francis, John B. |
191 |
Francis, Jonathan |
191 |
Fulton, Isaac |
192 |
Gillespie, David K. |
190 |
Gillespie, David Kirkwood |
190 |
Gillespie, William |
190 |
Green, William |
195 |
Hart, John |
189 |
Hetzler, Jacob |
195 |
Holmes, Thomas (Sen) |
193 |
Huddle, Benjamin |
194 |
Jackson, Edward |
196 |
Johnston, Henry P. |
192 |
Kiggens, John F. |
194 |
Layman, Jeremiah |
190 |
Layman, John M. |
195 |
Lefferson, William B. |
195 |
Lilienkamp, Frederick |
196 |
McCracken, James |
193 |
McKee, John L. |
193 |
Millhouse, Jacob J., Dr. |
193 |
Morrow, James |
196 |
Mott, John |
194 |
Patterson, James K. |
194 |
Proctor, William |
193 |
Redenbaugh, Jeremiah |
194 |
Rhinehart, Noah |
194 |
Sarver, Hiram |
192 |
Shaw, Samuel M. |
195 |
Simes, John C. |
193 |
Snodgrass, Alexander |
195 |
Valentine Family |
187 |
Valentine John H. |
188 |
Valentine, Milton |
188 |
Valentine, William C. |
188 |
Voorhees, Charles F. |
190 |
Voorhees, Joseph V. |
190 |
Voorhees, Reuben |
190 |
John F. |
190 |
Voress, Oakey |
190 |
Wead, Joseph |
194 |
Wirt, Benjamin |
193 |
Young, Thomas |
191 |
---------- |
Baker, William |
222 |
Barringer, Jacob L. |
219 |
Barringer, O. J. |
219 |
Cannon, Henry S. |
224 |
Crumbaugh, John |
222 |
DeWeese, Leonidas |
221 |
DeWeese, William |
221 |
Dillon, John |
223 |
Doren, Charlotte T., Mrs. |
223 |
Elliott, John H. |
219 |
Elliott, Leonard T. |
219 |
Ethrington, Thomas |
222 |
Ferree, Jeremiah D. |
217 |
Forsyth, Allen S. |
218 |
Gearhart, Anthony |
223 |
Gearhart, Lewis M. |
223 |
Gearheart, James F. |
223 |
Griep, Adam |
223 |
Harbour, Henry |
218 |
Henry, David |
218 |
Henry, E. F. |
217 |
Jackson, Joshua B. |
217 |
Jackson, Wm. R. |
217 |
Johnston, James |
220 |
Johnston, James F. |
221 |
Johnston, Thomas J. |
220 |
Kemp, Joseph L. |
216 |
Kerns, Jacob |
227 |
Key, John |
222 |
Key, John H. |
222 |
Key, Norman |
222 |
Kiser, Benjamin |
216 |
Kiser, Elisha |
217 |
Line Family |
224 |
Line, Abraham |
224 |
Line, David M. |
224 |
Line, Easton H. |
224 |
Line, John |
220 |
Line, Solomon |
224 |
Lippincott, G. W. |
219 |
Lippincott, G. W. |
221 |
Magie, Oliver |
220 |
Manning, Benjamin |
221 |
Marrs, Emery F. |
219 |
Marrs. William |
216 |
Maulick, John C. |
223 |
Maxwell, Abraham |
227 |
Medaris, Washington |
223 |
Miller, Henry R. |
224 |
--------- |
Miller, Newton |
218 |
Peckham, Philip |
223 |
Pence, Abraham I. |
217 |
Poling, Oliver |
227 |
Redinbaugh, David |
222 |
Ried, William R., Esq. |
222 |
Slagel, Charles |
223 |
Smith, Andrew H. |
224 |
Smoot, John H. |
222 |
Staley, Armstrong |
217 |
Staley, David |
217 |
Staley, Isaiah W. |
219 |
Staley, Nicholas |
221 |
Stephenson, Charles |
217 |
Stephenson, John |
218 |
Stiles, Uri M. |
219 |
Thompson, Smallwood |
224 |
Thompson, Thomas M. |
217 |
Valentine, John |
224 |
Vandemark, Daniel, Jr. |
220 |
Wilkinson, Isaac N. |
216 |
Wilkinson, Jacob P. |
216 |
Wilkinson, Joseph |
216 |
Wilson, Jacob V. |
218 |
--------- |
Allinger, Gottlieb E. |
339 |
Baker, George C. |
335 |
Baker, John |
335 |
Baker, John Conrad |
334 |
Billing, Frederick |
341 |
Bruner, John M. |
341 |
Burton, Shadrach C. |
341 |
Cargill, Andrew |
340 |
Cargill, Elbert |
340 |
Cargill, John |
340 |
Conklin, Robert B., Esq. |
342 |
Counts, J. C. |
339 |
Covill, William H. |
342 |
Crumbaugh, Samuel S., Dr. |
336 |
Dodds, Josephus |
341 |
Duvall, Elias L. |
336 |
Duvall, Jacob B. |
336 |
Duvall, Nimrod |
336 |
Earl, Ransom D. |
340 |
Epler Family |
336 |
Estey, William |
342 |
Gilfillen, James |
336 |
Haney, Robeson |
336 |
Harshbarger, Isaac |
339 |
Hilliard, James |
336 |
Hobby, David A. |
341 |
Honnell, Eli B. |
342 |
Horner, John |
340 |
Hussey, Allen, Dr. |
340 |
Kemp, Henry |
339 |
Kirtland, Elisha |
335 |
Kirtland, Wm. |
335 |
Kraft, Ernst L. |
339 |
Le Fevre, Elias, Esq. |
335 |
Le Fevre, Henry J. |
335 |
Le Fevre, Henry J., Jr. |
336 |
Le Fevre, Jacob M. |
336 |
Le Fevre, Morgan A. |
336 |
Line, William |
341 |
Louthain, Parker |
339 |
Lytle, Edmund |
341 |
Manning, Samuel L. |
334 |
McCashen, Jacob L. |
335 |
McCormick, Valentine |
339 |
Miller, J. F., Dr. |
336 |
Mitchell, George J., Esq. |
340 |
Pegg, James |
342 |
Putt, Levi F. |
339 |
Rike, Dayton |
339 |
Rike, Enoch |
340 |
Rike, Wm. E. |
339 |
Roberts, Andrew, Jr. |
334 |
Roberts, Henry C. |
334 |
Roberts, William, Jr. |
334 |
Roberts, Winfield S. |
334 |
Robinson, Benjamin R. |
340 |
Shinn, William, Esq. |
342 |
Staley, Jacob |
336 |
Staley, William
and Oliver C. |
341 |
Stewart, Luther |
336 |
Stockstill, Henry I. |
339 |
Stout, Jonathan |
341 |
Trapp, Peter |
341 |
Watkins, Joseph |
340 |
Winget, Milton J. |
339 |
Baker, Amos |
302 |
Baker, Martin |
303 |
Baldwin, John |
302 |
Bell, Edwin E. |
303 |
Bell, William |
303 |
Bell, William M. |
303 |
Blake, Oliver B. |
306 |
Burrous, William A. |
303 |
Bushman, David H. |
300 |
Campbell, John F. |
302 |
Campbell, Joseph |
299 |
Cannon, Richard M. |
297 |
Cannon, Richard M. |
297 |
Cecil, William W. |
305 |
Cole, Broad |
299 |
Cole, Joshua |
299 |
Coon, David |
298 |
Coon, John W. |
298 |
Cowan, Charles S., Dr. |
303 |
Cowan, Wilson V., Dr. |
302 |
Creegan, John H. |
303 |
Davis, William |
298 |
Ewing, John |
306 |
Ewing, Robert |
299 |
Graham, John W. |
298 |
Griffis, Stephen |
302 |
Hall, James |
300 |
Hall, Thomas M. |
300 |
Harshbarger, Samuel |
306 |
Herbert, William |
300 |
Heston, John E. |
302 |
Hunter, William |
300 |
Jelly, Thomas |
305 |
Leapley, Otho H. |
300 |
Lenox, John M. |
306 |
Lenox, Richard |
304 |
Markley, Jacob |
302 |
Markley, John |
302 |
McClure, Andrew S. |
299 |
McClure, William A. |
299 |
McCullough, Robert |
301 |
Moore, Charles H., Dr. |
304 |
Moore, William G. |
301 |
Morris, John |
304 |
Patten, Hugh T. |
306 |
Patten, Joseph |
305 |
Rauch, Noah |
303 |
Rinehart, Abraham |
304 |
Rinehart, David, Rev. |
305 |
Ritter, John C. |
300 |
Russell, Moses |
301 |
Russell, Moses |
301 |
Russell, William A. |
301 |
Savage, George P. |
304 |
Savage, Washington |
304 |
Schmidt, Wilhelm |
300 |
Sharp, James W. |
301 |
Shaw, Thomas |
301 |
Slaybaugh, John N. |
302 |
Steele, John A. |
300 |
Thomas, Bennett |
305 |
Thomas, William |
303 |
Wilson, Henry V. |
306 |
Wilson, Mark |
301 |
Wilson, Robert |
305 |
Young, Stephen M. |
303 |
Baker, Moses E. Esq. |
252 |
Baker, William M. |
253 |
Banning, John |
253 |
Becker, C. H. |
253 |
Blumenhorst, John H. |
253 |
Boesel, Christian |
253 |
Brandt, William |
254 |
Choolhoff, John S. |
253 |
Cochlin, Michael |
254 |
Collins, Isaac |
253 |
Cochlin, Michael |
254 |
Croning, William |
254 |
Custy, William |
254 |
Donelly, William |
253 |
Eversman, William |
253 |
Faul, Michael |
254 |
Fritz, Jacob |
253 |
Grothaus, Rudolf |
253 |
Jones, Edward A. |
253 |
Kettler, Julius - See
William Kettler |
253 |
Kettler, Julius W. C. |
858 |
Kettler, William |
252 |
Ludika, Henry William |
253 |
Maurer, Philip * |
252 |
Miller, August |
253 |
Morgan, Michael |
253 |
Paul, Adam |
254 |
Redman, A. N. |
253 |
Schnelle, John C. |
253 |
Schof, Benjamin |
254 |
Schroerluke, Henry H. |
253 |
Smart, Walter |
254 |
Soelman, Herman H. |
253 |
Unum, Samuel |
253 |
Vannate, James |
254 |
Woodruff, Alfred |
253 |
Young, Charles |
254 |
Alexander Family |
283 |
Althoff John C. |
286 |
Bailey, John T. |
282 |
Bailey, Thomas |
281 |
Bailey, William |
282 |
Bailey, William and Francis |
281 |
Betts, Isaac, Esq. |
285 |
Booher, George B. |
286 |
Booher, Samuel |
286 |
Botkins, The |
285 |
Bowlsby, David |
288 |
Boyle, Michael |
288 |
Burt, James |
288 |
Buxton, Jasper S. |
285 |
Cain Jacob |
288 |
Caldwell, Thomas |
289 |
Campbell & Monroe Families |
289 |
Davenport, Anthony S. Sr. |
289 |
Dinsmoore Family |
284 |
Dinsmoore, Robert |
284 |
Dunsmoore, Matthew |
284 |
Etherington, John |
289 |
Ewing, Samuel |
284 |
Fergus, Francis |
288 |
Gillespie, Hamilton S. |
289 |
Graham, Thomas |
288 |
Hardesty, Joseph |
288 |
Hardesty, Samuel |
288 |
Johnston ,John Esq. |
286 |
Johnston, Robert G. |
286 |
Johnston, Stephen |
286 |
Johnston, Stephen A. |
286 |
Lawrence, John |
286 |
Lenox, James |
282 |
Link, Elijah |
285 |
Marshall, William |
284 |
Marshalls, The |
284 |
McKee,, John |
286 |
Mellinger Family |
283 |
Monroe & Campbell Families |
289 |
Patterson, Robert |
285 |
Peck, John J. |
288 |
Pickering, Jacob H. |
286 |
Polhamus, Stephen L. |
286 |
Rasor, Daniel |
285 |
Rasor, Daniel, Jr. |
286 |
Rasor, Jacob |
286 |
Schenk, George W. |
289 |
Scott, John |
290 |
Stewart, Joseph |
285 |
Tabler, Samuel H. |
286 |
Thompson Davis J. |
286 |
Thompson, Freeborn |
285 |
Thompson, James |
286 |
Valentine, Samuel |
288 |
Vandemark Henry B. |
283 |
Wagner, Henry |
290 |
Walters, Reuben W. |
288 |
Weymer, Michael G. |
284 |
Wilson Henry C. |
283 |
Wilson, Jesse H. |
282 |
Wilson, John |
282 |
Wright ,Samuel H. |
285 |
Chambers, Jeremiah
Source3: Portrait and
Biographical Record of Auglaize, Logan and Shelby Counties,
Ohio - Publ. Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1892.
John Cartley
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