History of Shelby County, Ohio
Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So.
Dinsmore Twp.
JOHN TAYLOR, an old and esteemed
citizen of Dinsmore Township, was born near Milton,
Pennsylvania, Feb. 18, 1810. When he had attained
the age of nine years, he came in company with his
parents to Ohio, and located in Bath Township, Greene
County. He is a son of David and Ann Taylor
who came to Shelby County in 1834, entered, made
improvements and settled on one hundred and sixty acres
of land in section 25, Dinsmore Township, where David
Taylor died in 1835. John Taylor,
subject of this sketch, came to Shelby County in
January, 1835, entered one hundred and twenty acres of
land in section 25, Dinsmore Township, on which he has
since resided. He has made other purchases, and
now owns a farm of one hundred and seventy acres of good
land, which is under a good state of cultivation, and
well improved. Dec. 10, 1835, he married Miss
Margaret Staley, daughter of Jacob and Margaret
Staley. Miss Staley was born in Montgomery
County, Ohio, May 3, 1810. She came to this county
with her parents in 1831, and settled in Salem Township.
They reared a family in seven children, viz.,
Elizabeth, Mary A., Margaret, David, Jacob, George,
and Amanda. Mr. Taylor filled the office of
trustee in Dinsmore Township one year.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 243 |
Clinton Twp. -
O. J. TAYLOR was born in Sidney,
Sept. 26, 1830, and after attending the Sidney schools
took a commercial course at Cincinnati He then
engaged in civil engineering a few yeas, and made the
preliminary survey of the Bee Line Railroad, and also
surveyed several months for the Pan Handle Company.
In 1854 he went into business in Sidney, which will be
found treated under business interests. He was
married in June, 1855, to Miss Sarah
Harrison. They have reared six children, named
Harrison J. May Belle, Jennie O., Willis R., Oliver
E. and Charles J.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 377 |
Twp. -
WILLIAM TAYLOR was born in
Pennsylvania in the year 1803, and was brought by his
parents to Montgomery County, Ohio, in 1806. In
1826 he married Ann M. Dota. They came to
Cynthian Township in March, 1832. He died in 1871.
His wife died in 1854. John Taylor, his
father, was born in Pennsylvania in 1778, and married
Rosanna Alexander in 1801. Three years later
(1806) they found a home in Montgomery County, Ohio, and
built the first frame house in Washington Township.
He died in 1843.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 276 |
Twp. -
William Taylor, was born in Montgomery County in
1830, and married Rachel Hughs, a daughter of
Joseph and Mary (Raines) Hughs, in 1857. Their
family of children were nine in number, as follows:
Ann M., Alexander, Margaret J., Ocea A., Lucinda
D., Mary A., Willie, Clara V., and Addie L.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 276 |
Loramie Twp. -
ROBERT P. THOMPSONSource: History of Shelby
County, Ohio - Publ. Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. -
1883 - Page 315 |
Twp. -
ERASMUS B. TOLAND was born in
Berkeley County, Virginia, Sept. 29, 1808. He is a
son of Andrew and Rachel (Montgomery) Toland.
When he had attained the age of thirteen years, or
in 1821, he moved with his parents to Morgan County,
Virginia, where, on the 9th of April, 1829, he married
Miss Sarah A., daughter of John Johnson,
of Morgan County, where she was born Jan. 25, 1809.
Mr. and Mrs. Toland came to Ohio in October 29,
and located in Miami County, where they remained about
four years, or until October, 1833, when they came to
Ohio in October, 1829, and located in Miami County,
where they remained about four years, or until October,
1833, when they came to this county, purchased eighty
acres of land in the south half of section 20, Dinsmore
Township, on which he resided about forty-nine years,
and has been a citizen of Dinsmore Township since 1833.
His companion died May 13, 1840, leaving him with five
small children, three of whom grew to years of maturity,
viz., Ann M., John W., and Nancy C. John
W. died at Memphis, Tennessee, while serving in the
late war. Nancy C. died in May, 1878.
Ann M. is now living in Sidney. On the 10th
of December, 1840, Mr. Toland married Nancy
Sheets, of Miami County, where she was born Sept.
23, 1819, by whom he reared seven children, Robert
M., Alfred E., Susannah, George B., James N., Charles
C., and Martha, all of whom are yet living.
Alfred E. and Robert M. served in the war
of 1861. Mrs. Toland departed this life
Apr. 28, 1856. On the 11th of October, 1857,
Mr. Toland married for his third wife Mary
Iiams. Miss Iiams was born in
Washington County, Pa., Dec. 11, 1811. She came to
Shelby County with her parents in 1835, and located in
Dinsmore Township.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 244 |
Twp. -
GEORGE TURNER was born in Greene
County, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1805. On the 28th of
January, 1830, he married Miss Catharine Munch,
daughter of John and Mary M. Munch, born in
Virginia Nov. 20, 1810, and came to Greene County, Ohio,
with her parents in 1816. In November, 1832,
Mr. and Mrs. Turner came to Shelby County, entered,
made improvements, and settled on forty acres of land in
the east half of the southeast quarter of section 28,
Dinsmore Township, on which they remained about ten
months in this county and moved back to Greene County,
where they remained four years, or until in August,
1837, when they returned to this county, entered, made
improvements, and settled on the west half of the
southwest quarter of section 22, Dinsmore Township, on
which they have since resided. They reared a
family of ten children, viz., John, Patience, Joseph,
George, Mercy, Charity, Robert, Mary, Catharine, and
Wesley. John and George are
now deceased. George served in the war of
1861, and died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Mar. 21, 1865.
Mr. Turner made farming his principal avocation
until a few years since, when he retired from all
business, and is now living a retired life, esteemed and
respected by all that known him, and is looked upon as
one of Dinsmore's early settlers.
Source: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 243 |
Twp. -
Henry F. Turner, the father of Francis, was
born in Hanover in the year 1805, and married Mary M.
Nelker in 1841. They came to the United States
the same year, and located in Delaware County, Ohio.
He was a farmer by occupation. In 1853 they
removed to Shelby County, where he died in 1858.
His widow still survives. She was born in 1803.
They had born to them two children, Elizabeth and
Francis. The latter was born in Delaware
County in 1844. In 1865 he married Miss Mary A.
Goffens, a daughter of Peter and Anna (Smith)
Goffens. They have reared a family of six
children, viz., Peter F., Mary E., Mary A., Frances
N., Tracy M., and Caroline M. On 1867
Esquire Turner bought a farm in this township where
he now resides. He has served as trustee of his
township, and at the present time is justice of the
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 274 |
Green Twp. -
THADDEUS TUTTLE, deceased, a pioneer of Green Township,
was born in Virginia, Nov. 8, 1790. He moved to
Ohio in 1811, and located in Clarke County, where he
married Miss Mary Ellsworth; who was born in
Virginia September 3, 1792, and came to Clarke County,
Ohio, with her parents.
In 1818 Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle came to Shelby
County, and settled in Green Township, where they made
improvements, and lived many years. Mr. Tuttle
died Aug. 1, 1852. His companion survived him
until October, 1852. They reared a family of nine
children, viz., Thomas, Charity, Dorcas, Polly, J.
B., John E., Phebe C., David S., Sylvanus.
Only four of the number are now living, Thomas,
Polly, David, and Dorcas. He filled the
office of treasurer of Green Township about five years.
Source 2: History of Shelby County, Ohio - Publ.
Philadelphia, PA: R. Sutton & So. - 1883 - Page 206 |