Newspaper Excerpts
includes births, deaths, marriages, and all other types of
for the Stark County, Ohio Area
(Submitted by Sharon Wick)
Source: Canton Repository -
Canton, Stark Co., OH
Dated: Jan. 8, 1819
DIED - On Tuesday last, at his residence in Sugar creek
township, Edward Oswalt son of Michael Oswalt,
Esq. aged 28 years. |
Source: Liberator - Massachusetts
Dated: September 13, 1844
Death by Lightning -
On the 22d ult. in Monroe Township, Preble county, Ohio, two
daughters of Mr. Daniel Dashers, aged 10 and 13
years, when returning home from the orchard with a basket of
apples, were instantly killed by a flash of lightning.
A younger brother was with them, but escaped without
material injury.
On the same day, and within two hours of the above calamity,
the house of Mr. George Walker of Twin Township,
Starke county, Ohio, was struck by lightning, and one of
his sons aged four years was instantly killed; the arm of a
younger brother was broken and he was otherwise so seriously
injured that little hopes were entertained of his recovery.
Several other members of the family were more or less
injured, but not dangerously. |
Source: Worcester Daily Spy -
Dated: Jan. 29, 1891
JOSEPH AKINS, who died in Stark county, Ohio, a
few days ago, was an old soldier of Napoleon's army.
He saw service at Austerlitz, but his division arrived too
late at Waterloo to be of use to the emperor |
Source: Repository (Canton, Ohio) Page: 4
Dated: Jan. 30, 1891
The Remains of Mrs. Moody Brought to Canton for Burial.
Mrs. Pauline Moody, aged thirty-two years, died of
consumption at Mingo Junction Thursday. The remains will
arrive in this city on the 5:30 train on the Ft. Wayne road.
The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock, services at 144 East
Tuscarawas street. Interment will be in
Westlawn cemetery.
The deceased was a sister of the Kanneberg
brothers of this city. A husband and daughter and many
friends mourn her death. |
Source: Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH - Page 2
Dated: Sept. 22, 1897
Death of Mrs. Thomas R. Morgan.
Special to the Plain Dealer
ALLIANCE, Sept. 21. - Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan,
wife of the late Hon. Thomas R. Morgan, sr., died at her
residence on South Liberty avenue this evening after an Illness of
several months. She was sixty-two years of age. |
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Page: 13
Dated: May 14, 1912
Had Been Resident of City During Entire Life.
Mrs. Emma J. Lehman, 56, wife of John
H. Lehman, died at her home, 1506 North Cleveland avenue, early
Tuesday morning after an illness extending through a period of
nearly two years. Death was caused by arterio sclerosis.
Mrs. Lehman was born near Canton and was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Oberlin. She had resided
all her life in and near Canton. She is survived by her
husband, John H. Lehman insurance agent and president of the
board of education, one daughter, Miss Eva E. Lehman,
supervisor of music in the public schools, and one son, Fred H.
Lehman of Canton. Two sisters, Mrs. Katherine Lehman,
of Bellevue, O., and Mrs. John Luiz, of Canton, also survive.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the home. Dr. J. A. Hall, of Mansfield,
former pastor of Trinity Lutheran church here, will conduct the
services. The pallbearers will be B. T. Steiner, L. H.
Koch, Charles Kilgore, J. K. Baxter, Elmer Mack and W. B.
Shanafelt. Burial will be in Westlawn
Word has been received here of the death at her
home in Cleveland of Mrs. Kate Bockius, 70, wife of A. R.
Bockius. Both Mrs. Bockius and her husband were
former residents of Canton. Mrs. P. H. Barr and Mrs.
A. J. Underhill, of Canton, are sisters. Mrs. F. E.
Dussel, of 'Alliance, is a daughter.
Funeral services will be held here Friday morning at
the home of Mrs. P. H. Barr. Complete arrangements have
not been made. |
Source: Welsh-American (Pittsburgh, PA) Page: 5
Dated Jan. 15, 1916
Two Deaths in Cymric Circles - Premier Welsh Tenor Coming.
Alliance, Ohio, Jan. 7. - After a protracted illness of many
weeks, Mrs. Mary Thomas of College street died at her home on
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1915. She was born in Palmyra, Ohio,
sixty-eight years ago, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Davies. In 1870 she was united in marriage to W. W.
Thomas, of Alliance. They resided in Palmyra for many
years, but several years ago came back to Alliance, where they
resided permanently. Besides her husband, she is
survived by the following children: Ivor Thomas, of
Cleveland, Ohio; Gomer Thomas, of Rice street, Alliance, and
Luella and Elizabeth Thomas who reside with their father
at home here. Since childhood Mrs. Thomas was a
consistent and a faithful worker in the Lord's vineyard. One
of hte old Welsh hymns she learned when a child was about the last
words she spoke before her soul took its flight into the presence of
Him who rewardeth the faithful. Although born in this country.
Mrs. Thoams could talk the Welsh language as though she had
just come from Tregaron. We extend to the family our sympathy,
and pray that the exemplary life of this good mother in Israel will
be the means of awakening our Welsh friends, and others that knew
her, to a more earnest endeavor to follow her, as she followed the
Master. The funeral took place from her late home on the
following Thursday, the Rev. O. R. Williams, of the Welsh
Presbyterian church, officiating, assisted by the Rev. F. J.
Brysom, of the First Presbyterian church, and the Rev. Mr.
Humphries, of Lowellville, Ohio, an old friend of the family.
Interment took place in the Alliance
We have also to record the death of an old Welsh
character by the name of Daniel Jones, which occurred a few
days ago. He was known only to a few people. He came
here a few years ago from Sharon, Pa. Soon after coming here
he was taken sick and was partly paralyzed; hence he did not get out
much. He was born in Merthyr Tydfil eighty years ago, and was
a puddler by occupation. He lived he most of his time since
coming to this country in Sharon. The body was taken to Sharon
for burial. The Rev. Mr. Williams, of our Welsh church,
having charge of the services, both here and at Sharon.
We are sorry to record that our friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Evan Jones, and their brother, John Jones, of South
Street, received the sad news from Wales of the death of their
brother, Henry Jones, Mochras View, Lanbedr,
Meirionethshire. Mr. Jones was a gardener, and
leaves a widow and six children. May all these people dwell in
the shadow of the Almighty.
On Monday evening, January 17, the world-renowed Welsh
tenor, Evan Williams, will be in our city. He has many
admirers in our city, and it is believed a capacity house will greet
In the third week of this month the Rev. R. J.
Williams, of Venedocia, is here and in Palmyra for a series of
meetings. On Sunday, January 16, he will be in Palmyra,
remaining there until Thursday, when he comes to Alliance, tarrying
here until after Sunday, January 22. Mr. Williams will
preach in the English language, except on Saturday night and Sunday
morning. May the Lord come with His servant, is our prayer.
It is a pleasure to record that three men of Welsh
blood were elected last November for city offices. We refer to
A. W. Morris who was re-elected city solicitor; Harry
Roderick, city treasurer, and R. E. Jones, justice
of the peace. Mr. Morris was born in Marlboro, this
county, and Mr. Roderick in Kentucky, while Mr. Jones
is a native of Tredegar.
W. J. M. |
Source: Elkhart Truth - Elkhart, Indiana - Page 2
Dated Mar. 22, 1922
Former Service Man Ends Life With Bullet
Word was received today by relatives here of the
suicide yesterday of Edward Oswalt, about 32 years of age,,
who resided on a farm a mile west of Hastings, 22 miles south of
Elkhart. Despondency is ascribed as the motive for the deed.
No particulars were stated except that death was caused by shooting.
Oswalt was in service for two years during the
World War, serving a part of the time in France, where he took part
in some of the big battles. Upon his return four years ago, he
was married, the young couple taking up their residence in Leesburg,
where Mr. Oswalt owned a meat market. About two years
ago he sold the business and moved to the farm.
Surviving Oswalt are his wife; three
daughters, the oldest of whom is about three years of age; his
mother, Mrs. Sarah Oswalt, and three sisters, all of
Constantine; four brothers, Jesse Oswalt of Elkhart and
John, Claude and Percy Oswalt, all of Constantine; five
cousins, Mrs. Verne Shriver, Mrs. A. E. Doering, Mrs. Alex
Hoover, Serman Swan and Owen Oswalt, all of Elkhart, and
three uncles, Frank, Edward and Charles Fields, all of
Elkhart. His father, Michael Oswalt, died a year ago in
The funeral will be held tomorrow with service and
burial at Stony Point church. |
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Page: 1
Dated: Sept. 7, 1924
JOHN H. LEHMAN, 78, for many years a prominent
leader in Canton public schools and one of the City's oldest
insurance men, died in his home, 1506 Cleveland ave NW, Saturday
night from a complication of diseases.
Mr. Lehman had been in poor health for the last
year, but had been confined to his bed only since last Sunday.
He was born in Lancaster, Pa., May 17, 1846, and moved
to Stark county with his parents when only a boy. At the age
of 16 he came to Canton, where he had since resided.
When only a young man he entered the educational
field and was appointed principal of the old North Cherry school.
After a short term in this office he was elevated to the position of
superintendent of the city schools. After more than 12 years
of service at the head of the schools he tendered his resignation in
1888 to enter the insurance business.
Long On School Board.
After years of successful endeavor in
the insurance field, still being greatly interested in the
development of the city schools he entered the race for member of
the board of education and was elected. He served as a member
of president of the board for more than 12 years.
While a member of the school body he was one of the
principal leaders for better schools for the city, and it was during
his tenure in office that the present site of the McKinley high
school was purchased. The first contracts for the new building
also were let before he retired from the work.School Bears
The extensive building program which was recently
completed by the board was outlined during his administration.
Following his retirement the board of education named the new junior
high school at 14th st and Oxford ave in his honor.
Mr. Leman was always greatly interested in
agriculture and served for 12 years as secretary of the Stark County
Agricultural Society, filling this position at the time when the
organization moved to the present fair grounds.
Besides his interest in educational and agricultural
developments Mr. Lehman was prominent in many of the larger
civic movements, having been a leader in the campaign for the
erection of the present city auditorium and active in many other
civic projects.
Mr. Lehman was prominent in church work, having
been a member of the Trinity Lutheran church for the past 50 years,
serving as elder for many years.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sarah A. Lehman
and two children, Eva E. Lehman and Fred H. Lehman.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed. |
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Page: 11
Dated: Oct. 31, 1931
SCHWARTZ, Adam William, 74, a life resident of
Stark county, died early today in Mercy hospital following an
operation. He was born in Mapleton and lived in that vicinity
and in Canton all his life. He was a member of First Reformed
Surviving are, a daughter, Mrs. Alma O. Mong of
East Canton-Waynesburg road, and a son, Charles G. Schwartz
of Canton. His wife, Mrs. Emma L. Schwartz, died more
than three years ago.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 p.m. at the
home on East Canton-Waynesburg road and 2 p. m. at First Reformed
church, Canton. The body will be removed from the Weirich
funeral parlors at East Canton to the home, Sunday noon.
HUBER, Mrs. Mary, 62, died in her home at 1415
Llutz place NE, after an illness of 10 days from a stroke of
paralysis. She is survived by her husband, Frank Huber;
a son Alexander H. STanecki of Youngstown; four grandchildren
and two great-grandchildren. The body is the E. Jay Welch
DOWNING, Dennis, 66, of 2306 14th
street NE, died Friday night in his home after a long illness.
He had lived in Canton for 15 years. He is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Nettie Downing; five stepchildren, Mrs.
Flossie Truby of Kittanning, Pa., Mrs. R. Haidet of the
home, MRs. Peter Herr of Canton, J. J. Bollman of Los
Angeles, Calif, and J. D. Bollman of Canton; 13
grandchildren, his mother, three sisters and a brother living in
Ireland; two brothers in NEw York City, and a sister, in
Mr. Downing was a member of St. John's Catholic
church. The body is at the Jacobs parlors.
GARCIA, John, 42, of 1819
Hammond avenue SW, died Friday night in his home from a complication
of diseases. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Helen Garcia; a
sister, Mrs. Mary Gravil of Canton; two brothers and two
sisters, living in Europe. The body is at the Whitticar
HAMMOND, Robert, 2, son of Mrs.
Lane Hammond, of 1115 Liberty avenue SE, died Friday afternoon
in Mercy hospital after an illness of one week. Beside the
mother he leaves a brother, James Hammond. Services
will be held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the Matthews parlors.
Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.
SHIVELY, H. A. (Pete) - Services
will be held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Seesholtz funeral home, in
charge of Rev. W. E. Bridge. Burial will be in
cemetery. The Eagles will hold a memorial service Sunday at 8
p. m.
Mr. Shively died Friday in Aultman hospital from
PENN, William - Funeral services will be held
Monday at 1 p. m. at the Baker Parlors. Burial will be in
Forest Hill Cemetery.
WOLFE, Mrs. Charlotte - Funeral services will be held
tonight at 7:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Moore
in 32nd street NW. Rev. W. E. Bridge will be in charge.
The body will be taken to Ironton after the services.
Additional services will be held there Monday morning.
WITMER, Franklin P. - Services will be conducted
Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home in East Sparta in charge of Rev. G.
H. Klotz. Burial will be in the East Sparta cemetery.
Mr. Witmer died Friday after a long illness.
Nearby Deaths.
MASSILLON - Conners, Thomas Joseph,
50, employed as a carpenter for the last nine years at Massillon
State hospital, died Friday. He was a member of the
Carpenters' Local, No. 881, and of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Effie Laher Conners; a
stepdaughter, Rose Mary Laher of Massillon; and a stepson,
Charles J. Laher, stationed at Fort Warren, Cheyenne, Wyo., with
the First infantry. Funeral services will be held Monday at 9
a. m. at Heitger's funeral home here and burial will be in the
cemetery of St. Joseph's Catholic church.
MASSILLON - Doll, George W., 71, died Friday
shortly before noon at his home, 802 Wellman avenue SE. He was
a member of the Jr. O. U. A. M., the Knights of Pythias and the
Protected Home circle. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Minnie
C. Doll; a daughter, Mrs. Grace Blacet; and a son,
Howard G. Doll, all of Massillon; one brother, John Doll
of Spencerville, Ind; and a sister, Mrs. Charles Hammer of
Canton. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2:30 p. m. at
the home in charge of Rev. Isaac B. Harper of the First
Methodist Episcopal church and burial will be in
Massillon cemetery.
ALLIANCE - Pearsol, Mrs. Mary E., 73, of 213
East Milner street, died at her home late Friday afternoon after an
illness of two months. She was born at Mount Union and was the
daughter of Rev. George W. Golmore, pioneer Mount Union
resident. She was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal
church, the W. C. T. U. and Roundtable club. She was active in
Women's church affairs. Surviving are her husband, Charles
F. Pearsol, two sons, John G. of El Paso, Tex., and
Howard, at home, and five grandchildren. Funeral services
will be held at the Cassaday & Turkle funeral home
Monday at 2:30 p. m. with Rev. E. R. Romig in charge.
Burial in Mount Union cemetery. Friends may call at the
funeral home Sunday from 7 to 9 p. m.
MALVERN - Buck, Mrs. Laura, 58 died late Friday night
at her home in Malvern after a long illness. She graduated
from Malvern High school in 1892 and taught school in Dellroy for
three years. Surviving are a son, Charles W. Buck of
Malvern; a brother, Charles W. Reed of Denver, Colo.; three
sisters, Mrs. J. E. Wagner of Paris, Mrs. W. Dieringer
of Malvern and Miss Marjorie Reed of Malvern. Funeral
services will beheld Monday at 1:30 P. m. at the and 2 p. m. at the
Lutheran church with Rev. P. P. Wilt in charge. Burial
will be made in Bethlehem cemetery.
NEW PHILADELPHIA - Hykes, Roletta M., 79, widow of the
late John D. Hykes, lifelong resident of this city, died
Friday at the home of her son, Charles Hykes of Navarre while
visiting there. Diabetes caused death after a week's serious
illness. Surviving are three sons, Charles at whose
home she died; L. Franklin Hykes of Pittsburgh; five
daughters, Mrs. Ida Swinehart of this city, Mrs. Paul Van
Fossen and Mrs. E. J. Borphy of Cincinnati, Mrs. R. P.
Dalrymple of Bryan, O., and Mrs. Rinda Neal of Ft. Myers,
Fla.; and one brother, Orlando Buckius of Detroit, Mich.
Private funeral services were held at the Linn-Hert funeral home
here Saturday at 10 a. m. with Rev. R. B. Van Fossen
officiating. Burial in East Avenue Cemetery. |
Source: Repository (Canton, OH) Page: 17
Dated: Feb. 22, 1938
GEORGE S. BRIGGLE, 87 died early this morning in his home, 179
Wertz ave NW, after a brief illness. A native of Plain twp.
Mr. Briggle had resided in Canton for more than 35 years.
He was building contractor and was an employe of the Northern Ohio
Traction & Light Co., until his retirement.
Mr. Briggle was a member of the First United
Brethren Church and a charter member of the Ben Hur Life
association. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Bertha
Clarke of Detroit and Miss Flora Briggle of the home,
three grandsons and one great-granddaughter. His wife, Mrs.
Emma Briggle, died six years ago.
The body is at the Orville Smith parlors and
will be taken to the home Wednesday afternoon at 2.
JESSE BARROW, 61, died this morning in his home, 816 3rd st.
SW, from a complication of diseases. He leaves his sister,
Mrs. Ida Hamilton; three nieces, Mrs. Daisy
George, Mrs. Maud Pruitt and Mrs. Ella Louise Welch, all
of the home, and a nephew, Frank Johnson of Youngstown.
The body has been taken to the Webster parlors.
RALPH FERRY, 86, died Monday night at his home, 1611 2nd st NE,
from infirmities of age. He was a native of Italy, and a
member of St. Anthony's Catholic church.
Surviving are four sons, Henry of Akron,
Victor, John and Patsy; two daughters, Mrs. Mary
Scarpucci and Mrs. Justine Rohrbaugh; a brother,
Morris Ferry; 22 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, all
of Canton.
EDWARD M. HILL, 80, of 707 10th of NW, a retired cigar
maker, died Monday night in his home. Mr. Hill resided
in Massillon for many years, coming to Canton 10 years ago.
He was a veteran of the Spanish American war and a
member of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Cleveland. Surviving
are his widow, Mrs. Alberta Hill, and a sister, Mrs.
Josephine Washburn of Washington, D. C. The body has been
taken to the C. D. Spiker parlors.
MRS. HATTIE V. CALDWELL, 71, died today at noon at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Bernhardt, of 1616
Cleveland ave NW after a long illness. She was a native of
Jacksonville, O., and had been a resident of Byesville.
Surviving besides Mrs. Bernhardt are five other
daughters, Mrs. Nellie Wilson, Mrs. Susie
Moryer and Mrs. Ida Watson, all of south west of
Canton, and Mrs. Margaret Knott and Mrs. Florence Davis
of Byesville; three sons, John and Clarence Caldwell
of Canton and William Caldwell of Cleveland; one brother,
Benjamin Valentine of Cambridge; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Gill
of Bethesda and Mrs. Emma Keith of Zanesville, and 17
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The body will be taken to the Herman funeral home at
Byesville where services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
MRS. M. G. KAIL. Rev. L. R. Akers will have
charge of funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Seesholtz
Memorial for Mrs. Rebecca Kail, wife of M. G. Kail.
Burial will be in Warstler
cemetery. Friends may call at the
Memorial until the hour of the service.
Mrs. Kail died Sunday night in her home, 511
Dryden ave NW.
MRS. BONZOLA DAWSON. Funeral service for Mrs.
Bonzola Dawson will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Antioch Baptist
church with Rev. R. T. Harris in charge of the service.
Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery. The body will remain
at the Matthews parlors until the hour of the service.
Mrs. Dawson, who resided at 728 Cherry ave SE,
died Saturday in Massillon State hospital after a brief illness.
KARL M. STEITZ. Waynesville - Karl M.
Steitz, 32, an employe of the Republic Steel Corp. plant at
Canton, died unexpectedly Monday at his home here. Service
will be at 2 p. m. Thursday in the M. E. church, and interment will
be in Sandy Valley cemetery. Rev. T. A. Keiser will
officiate, assisted by Rev. Ernest Howell of Canton and
Rev. D. A. Springer of Dennison. The body will be taken to
the home Wednesday from the Finefrock funeral parlors.
Surviving are his widow, Virginia Hostetler Steitz;
his father Louis Steitz of Waynesburg; a sister, Mrs.
Thomas Colley of Waynesburg, and three half-sisters, Mrs.
Henry Brown of Waynesburg, Mrs. Harry Kimbel and Miss
Jessie Miller of Canton.
Local Doctors Will Attend Rites for City's Oldest Practicing
Members of the Canton Medical - Library society,
composed of Canton physicians, will meet Wednesday at 2:45 p.m. at
I. O. O. F. temple to walk to the home of the late Dr. E. J.
March at 717 14th st NW where funeral rites will be held at 3.
Rev. E. C. Herman of Trinity Lutheran church and
Rev. P. H. Welshimer of First Christian church will conduct
the rites and burial will be in Westlawn
Pallbearers will include Dr. Joseph E. McNalley,
Dr. J. R. Brandon, Dr. Floyd C. Hendrickson, Paul Hartung, Roger
Kelley and Thomas Saxton.
Dr. March, 80, was the oldest practicing
physician in Canton and had been engaged in the practice of medicine
for 54 years, of which 52 was spent in Canton. His death
Sunday night followed an illness of two weeks resulting from
coronary thrombosis. He had been a member of the medical staff
at Aultman hospital since 1891 and at the time of his death was head
consulting surgeon.
Members of the medical profession, meeting Monday night
in the medical library rooms, drafted a resolution on the death of
Dr. March. It reads as follows:
"It was with the deepest regret that the medical
profession in Canton learned of the death of Dr. E. J. March.
"His intellectual capacity, his honesty with his
patients, and his devotion to duty were major influences on the
medical profession in Canton for half a century. As a citizen
his influence spread beyond his profession due to his friendliness
and his genuine interest in the welfare of the community. The
medical profession has lost a leader and the people have lost a
"The Canton Medical-Library society extends its deepest
sympathy to his family.
Word has been received here of the death Saturday
at Huntington, Ind., of Mrs. Anna Welch Young, wife of
Weston W. Young, formerly of East Sparta. Funeral services
were held today at Huntington.
Mrs. Welch is survived by two daughters, Mrs.
Emma Harmey of Indianapolis and Miss Pearl Young of
Huntington; one sister, Mrs. Maude Watson of Waterman,
Calif.; two brothers, John Welch of Huntington and Elmer
E. Welch of East Sparta; also one grandchild.
Funeral services for Fred. H. Lehman were to
be held at 2 p.m. today at the home, 1000 23rd st NW, in charge of
Rev. E. C. Herman and Rev. W. H. Lehman Burial
was to be in Westlawn cemetery.
Mr. Lehman, 58, employed at the Timken Roller
Bearing Co., died Sunday in Mercy hospital. Death resulted
from a heart malady.
Mr. Lehman was the son of the late John H.
Lehman, former superintendent of Canton schools.
Mrs. Ellen Clapham sister of Mrs. Emily B.
Martin, formerly of Canton, died Sunday in St. Elizabeth's
hospital, Danville, Ill., following a long illness.
Mrs. Clapham had a wide circle of friends in
Canton. Mrs. George C. Reiter of 2226 Harvard ave NW,
Mrs. Brooke Martin of 1221 Cleveland ave NW and Mrs. Ann
MacKenzie of 1308 Cleveland ave NW left Monday night to attend
the funeral services which will be held Wednesday afternoon at
Attica, Ind. |
Source: Dallas Morning News (Dallas, TX) Section: 1
Page: Seven
Dated: Aug. 8, 1940
Frank Gamble Rites Held at Alliance, Ohio
Furnace services for Frank Gamble,
75, 2834 Birmingham, who died Sunday in North Canton, Ohio, were
held in Alliance, Ohio, Wednesday. Burial was in the
City Cemetery.
Mr. Gamble had been ill for the last six months.
He had arrived in North Canton last Friday and was at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Brick there when he died.
Born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, in 1865, Mr.
Gambel lived in Alliance from 1899 to 1927, coming to Dallas
thirteen years ago. He was a carpenter and for the last ten
years had been retired.
He belonged to the Scofield Memorial Church here.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ella Gamble; two
daughters, Mrs. Floyd Brick, of Dallas and Mrs. Earl Barr
of Akron, Ohio; a son, Nesley Gamble of Alliance; a sister,
Mrs. Minnie Harper of Coraopolis, Pa.; a brother,
Elmer Gamble of Wellsville, Ohio, and eight grandchildren and
one great-grandchild. |
Source: Repository (Canton, Ohio) Page 18
Dated June 13, 1947DEATHS and FUNERALS
Mrs. Adney Ream
Mrs. Charlotte Ann Ream,
formerly of North Canton, died this morning in her home on Freshley
road, RD 1, Alliance, following a heart seizure. She was 51.
Mrs. Ream leaves her husband Adney Ream;
one daughter, Mary Catherine, and one son, Joseph A. Ream
of the home; two brothers, Cyril Pierson of Pomeroy and
Peter Pierson of Clinton, and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes
Schislerof Carrollton and Mrs. Agnes Schisler of
Carrollton and Mrs. Elsie Ward of Canton.
Funeral services will be Monday at 9:30 a. m. in St.
Pal's Catholic Church in North Canton with Rev. Fr. Raymond
Steiger singing the requiem High Mass. Burial will be in
the church cemetery. The body is at the Lewis funeral home
where friends may call Saturday from 7 to 9 and Sunday after
2:30 p.m.
Mrs. LeRoy S. Pfouts.
Mrs. Sarah J. Pfouts of 601 Newton ave NW, widow
of LeRoy S. Pfouts, died Thursday night in the Fairview
Convalescent Home after an illness of several months.
A life resident of Canton, Mrs. Pfouts, who was
74, had resided at the home address 53 years. A daughter of
the late Emanuel and Christiana Killian, she was a member of
Trinity Lutheran Church.
Mrs. Pfouts leaves two sons Paul L. Pfouts
of Cuyahoga Falls and A. L. Pfouts of Canton; two sisters,
Mrs. E. A. Vivian of Duluth, Minn., and Mrs. James Roof
of Canton.
Funeral services will be Monday at 3 p.m. in the
Schneeburger funeral home, conducted by Rev. Willard I.
Hackenberg. Burial will be in Northlawn
Friends may call Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Eli Zalick
Eli Zalick, a native of Yugoslavia, died this
morning in the Stark County Home. He was 56 and had been a
Canton resident 25 years. The body is at the Rossi
funeral home.
Miss Margaret Nohilly
Eight Canton nurses will serve as
honorary pallbearers at funeral services for Miss Margaret
Nohilly Saturday at 9 a. m. in St. Peter's Catholic Church.
They include Mrs. Stella Sizek, Miss Anna Keffler, Miss Abbie
Sullivan, Miss Irene Westerh, Miss Christiana Frank, Mrs. Clyde
Stutzman, Mrs. Frances Paumier and Mrs. Esther Plero.
The active bearers will be John
Guilliam, Glen Ferrell, Herman Bambeck, Robert Schissler, Charles
Snyder and Edward Schrum. Miss Nohilly, who died
Wednesday morning in Mercy Hospital, was a member of the 1914 class
of Mercy Hospital Nursing School.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. George N. Habig will sing the
requiem High Mass and burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Welch funeral home today from 2 to 4 and 7
to 9 p.m.
Vice President of Climalene Was Early Salesman
Harry R. Ickes, vice
president of the Climalene Co. and one of its earliest
salesmen, died this morning in Aultman Hospital where he had
been a patient since Aug. 22. He was 67.
In 1911 Mr. Ickes joined the sales staff of the
Climalene Co. and was associated at that time with the late
Calvin E. Ball, one of the company organizers.
Within a very short time Mr. Ickes developed into an
outstanding salesman and was responsible for the sale of the
first carload of the product during the Cleveland area he
was sent to Indianapolis. Mr. Ickes, an
advocate of sample distribution, often went to the
Indianapolis interurban terminal where he personally handed
out samples to persons boarding street cars and buses.
Mr. Ickes went from Indianapolis to Chicago
where he was in charge of the office and in 1930 was called
to Canton and elected a vice president in charge of sales.
He held these offices until his retirement.
As a result of his sales ability the grocery industry
named him a member of the merchandising committee of the
Grocers Manufacturers Association.
During his Canton residence Mr. Ickes was an
active member of Trinity Lutheran Church, having served
several years as a trustee. He was a native of
Sandyville, Pa.
Mr. Ickes leaves his widow, Mrs. Nellie
Ickes of the residence at 121 Bellflower ave. NW; one
daughter, Mrs. John Howenstine, and one son, Dr.
Howard Ickes, both of Canton, and three grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Willard
I. Hackenberg Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the Spiker
funeral home. Burial will be in
Forest Hill Cemetery.
Friends may call after 2 p.m. Sunday. |
John Gibson
John Gibson of 1470 Hoskins pl SE died Thrusday
afternoon in Molly Stark Sanatorium. He leaves his
stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Twine Randell of the
home. The body is at the Matthews funeral home.
Mrs. W. F. Kienzel
Funeral services for Mrs.
.Carrie L. Kienzle, long time secretary at First
Christian Church, will be Saturday at 2 p.m. in the church.
Rev. P. H. Welshimer, for whom Mrs. Keinzle
has been secretary for more than 40 years, will conduct the
services. Six members of the official board of
the church who will serve as pallbearers are Milo Dunbar,
Fred Hayden, C. J. Hunt, S. F. Bowman, A. R. Arnold and
Kramer Early. Burial will be in
Mrs. Kienzle, who was 62, died Thursday morning
in the home at 1209 15th st. NW, following an illness of
several months. In addiiton to her husband, w. F.
Kienzle of the home, she leaves one sister, Mrs.
Ralph Roudebush of Canton; one stepdaughter, Mrs.
Donald Comin of Wooster, and two grandchildren.
The body is at the Whittiear funeral home and will be
taken to the church an hour before the service. |
Miss Anna J. Heinzer
MASSILLON - Miss Anna J. Heinzer, t9, of
2778 Lincoln way W, died Thursday in her home. She leaves one
brother, Joseph Helnzer of Massillon. The body is at
the Heltger funeral home. Funeral arrangements are
Pedro DeHaro
MASSILLON - Pedro DeHaro, 65, a chipper at
the Massilon Steel Castings Co., died Thruday in Massillon City
Hospital. Mr. DeHaro resided at 679 Griffith ave SW.
He leaves his widow and three daughters in Spain, and a nephew,
Diego Snez of Massillon. Burial will be held Saturday at
11 a.m. in Massillon City Cemetery. Friends may call at the
Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home tonight form 7 to 8.
Mrs. Jake Hartman
MASSILLON - Services and burial for Mrs. Lelia
Hartman, 41, former Massillon resident, were held Thursday
afternoon at Rocklin, Calif.
Mrs. Hartman died Tuesday in her home at Rocklin
after an Illness of one year. She resided in Massillon many
years before moving to California 11 years ago.
She leaves her husband, Jake Hartman; two sons,
Clyde of Roseville, Calif., and Jack of the home; two
daughters, Peggy of San Francisco and Jeanne of the
home; her mother, Mrs. Charles Carson of Hopedale; her
father, L. C. Dunn of Navarre; two brothers, Harry Dunn of
Canal Fulton and James Dunn of Port Huron, Mich.; a sister,
Mrs. Mary Rose of Massillon; her stepfather, Charles
Carson of Hopedale; three stepbrothers, Clarence and Lawrence
Carson, both of Jewett and John Carson of
Hopedale, and a stepsister, Mrs. Isabelle Thompson of
Washington, D. C.
NOTE: Other obituaries in this issue:
Mrs. Lena Saurer
Mrs. Tilley E. Underwood
Mrs. John Shaffer
- Service Schedule -
Mrs. Mark A. Rodgers - Saturday 2 p.m. Arnold
parlors. Rev. Herman S. Sidener officiating.
Mrs. Henry Stiffler - Saturday 1
p.m., Schneeberger parlors. Burial
Forest Hill
Homer Barnes - Saturday 2:30 p.m. Macedonia Baptist Church,
Waynesburg. Burial Sandy Valley Cemetery. Body to be
taken to the home in Waynesburg today from the Webster parlors.
John W. Randolph - Saturday 3:30
p.m. Cassaday & Turklefuneral home, Alliance. Burial
Union Cemetery. Friends call funeral home.
Louis B. Mapel - Saturday 2 p.m. residence
Salineville. Burial Woodlawn Cemetery. Friends
call residence.
Mrs. Frank Haynam - Saturday 2 p.m. Rutledge -
Jackson funeral home, Minerva. Burial
Eastlawn Cemetery.
Friends call funeral home Friday.
Mrs. Zold Morgan - Saturday 1:30 p.m.
Morgan funeral home, Shreve. Burial Fairview Cemetery.
Friends call funeral home.
Frank Burchfiel- Saturday 1:30 p.m. Ulrich & Son
funeral home, Uhrichsville.
Mis. Elsie Puckett - Saturday afternoon at
Buford. Burial Buford.
Mrs. Anna Barrett - Saturday 2 p.m. Gintz
funeral home, New Philadelphia. Burial
East Fair at Cemetery.
Friends call funeral home.
Rev. Fr. O'Donnell Headed University Six Years.
By The Associated Press
SOUTH BEND, Ind., June 13 -
Rev. Fr. J. Hugh O'Donnell, C. S. C., who served as
president of the University of Notre Dame for six years,
died yesterday at the age of 52.
Father O'Donnell, who has been ill with cancer
and several months ago had undergone an operation, retired
as president a year ago and was succeeded by Rev. Fr.
John J. Cavanaugh. He became president in 1940.
He was born June 2, 1895, in Grand Rapids, Mich., and
entered Notre Dame in 1912. He was an honor student
and center on the football team in 1915. He was
ordained to the priesthood at Grand Rapids Dec. 28, 1921,
and was named rector at Badin Hall at Notre Dame in 1923.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed. |
Funeral services will be held at Bridgeport, O.,
Saturday at 2 p.m. for Howard H. Groves, 52, brother of
Arthur J. Groves of 500 17th st. NW and brother-in-law of
Mrs. J. A. Maxwell of 2521 11th st NW, A. J. Groves is
associated with the Canton office of the Ohio Power Co.
Mr. Groves died in Martins Ferry hospital
Wednesday afternoon after a brief illness. He is survived, in
addition to his brother, by his widow, Mrs. Ruth Groves, and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Groves of Bridgeport.
Clement Harple
HARTVILLE - Services for Clement Harple,
82, of Hartville, will be Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Emanuel Lutheran
Church, of which he was a member. Rev. H. C. Rochner
will be in charge. Burial will be in Mt. Peace Cemetery.
Friends may call at the residence.
Mr. Harple died Wednesday in Altman Hospital,
Canton, after a long illness. He leaves his widow, Mrs.
Darcyetta Harlpe; a son, Arthur Harple of Canton; a
daughter, Mrs. Frank Tessmer of Hartville; a niece, Mrs.
Clarence Albrecht of Canton, whom he raised; nine grandchildren,
and six great-grandchildren.