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Union County, Ohio
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History Union County, Ohio
Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883




  Dover Twp. -
SAMUEL GAMBLE, farmer P. O. New Dover, a native of Clark County, Ohio, was born Oct. 10, 1819.  He is a son of Robert and Catharine (Bennett) Gamble.  His father emigrated from Ireland with his parents when eighteen years old, and settled in Pennsylvania, where he married and subsequently removed to Kentucky, thence to Clark County, Ohio, before the war of 1812.  Mr. Gamble enlisted and served in the war of 1812, and in 1832 removed with his family to Leesburg Township, this county, where he purchased 100 acres of land.  He died in 1839, aged fifty; his wife died in 1833.  They had nine children, of whom our subject is the second son.  He was reared to manhood on a farm and educated in schools held in log cabins.  Sept. 15, 1839, he married Mary, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Lyman.  Mrs. Elmer E.; Robert, William, Mary A., Harriet and Phebe are deceased.  Robert and William enlisted in 1862 in Company E, Eighteenth Regiment of regular troops.  They participated in battle of Perryville, when they were taken prisoners.  After one year they were released, and joined their regiment and were engaged in the battle of Chickamauga, where William was captured and confined in Libby Prison one month, and while being taken to Andersonville took sick at Danville, and died in December, 1863.  Robert was slightly wounded at Lookout Mountain, and discharged August, 1864.  He died in Kosciusko County, Ind., in May, 1866.  Mr. Gamble moved to his farm in Dover Township in 1856.  He owned at one time 400 acres, but has divided with his children till his farm now contains but 240 acres.  He has made all his property by industry and economy, and has been a successful man.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 373

B. P. Glascoe
Taylor Twp. -

Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page
Portrait on Pg. 560

  Claibourne Twp. -
I. H. GRAHAM, farmer, P. O. Richwood, was born in Union County, Ohio, April 26, 1842; he is son of J. P. and Eliza (Healey) Graham, natives of Washington County, Penn., who were among the early settlers of Claibourne Township.  Our subject was raised on his father's farm and received a good English education.  He learned the trade of a tanner, which he followed for seven years, during early life, but since that lime he has devoted his time exclusively to farming.  He owns a good farm of 106 acres, on which stands a nice brick residence and other improvements, all of which he has accumulated by his own industry. He is a cultivated gentleman of pleasing manners and a good farmer. In 1862, he married Emma Lowe, a native of Virginia, of English descent, by whom he has three children, viz.: Isaac E., Eliza B. and Emery E.   The parents are members of the Disciples Church, in which Mr. Graham is a Deacon. During the war, he was a volunteer to assist in repelling Morgan in his raid through Ohio.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 623
  Washington Twp. -
JEHU GRAY, farmer, P. O. Byhalia, was born Mar. 11, 1827, in Champaign County, Ohio.  His parents were John and Ellen Gray, natives of Virginia, and early settlers of Champaign County.  Of his father's family of six children two are now living - Jehu and Louisa.  In his youth, Jehu received a fair English education, by means of which he was enabled for several years to teach school.  On June 25, 1849, in Champaign County, he married Lydia Miller, daughter of John and Margaret Miller, of Champaign County.  By her he had three children - John L., Aaron E. and Emma, the latter two of whom are deceased.  Mrs. Gray died Jan. 16, 1866, and on Mar. 21, 1867, he married Miss Johanna Stalder, daughter of Casper and Mary Stalder, of York Township, this county.  To them have been born one child - Howard E.  In the spring of 1852, Mr. Gray came to Union County, and settled in Washington Township.  For nine years he has served as a Commissioner of Union County, and for many years as Clerk of Washinton Township.  He discharged the duties of said offices faithfully and creditably.  He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M. societies, and the owner of 343 acres of land.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 668
  Leesburg Twp. -
D. GREEN,  farmer, P. O. Pharisburg, was born in Virginia August 13, 1833, and is a son of William and Matilda (Harden) Green.  He emigrated to Ohio in 1854, and located in Guernsey County, where he remained one year, after which he lived in Licking County seventeen years and then came to Union County, which has since been his place of residence.  He was married Oct. 2, 1856, to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Lydia (Stoolfire) Deeds. She was born in Pennsylvania Dec. 13, 1839, and emigrated to Ohio with her father when twelve years of age.  By their union eight children were born, viz.: William A., deceased; Margaret E., deceased; L. A., A. L., R. C, George B., deceased; A. B. and B. S. Mr. Green is a farmer and stock-raiser by occupation, and owns 151 acres of land.  He is a Democrat in politics, a member of the Grange and Odd Fellows Societies, and with his wife, a member of the Methodist Protestant Church.  Mrs. Green and one daughter are members of Lodge No. 118 Daughters of Rebekah, at Pharisburg.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 437
  Washington Twp. -
HENRY H. GREEN (deceased) was born May 21, 1814.  He was reared to man's estate on a farm, and received a common school education, and for perhaps twelve years taught school.  For his first wife he married Sarah Ellis, by whom he had one child (deceased).  He was again married, on Nov. 4, 1851, to Miss Lydia F. Lukens, an estimable lady and daughter of Jesse and Beulah Lukens, of Logan County, Ohio.  By this union there was an issue of seven children, six of whom are now living - John L., Henry S., Ellis, William B., Sylvia A. and Angeline.  About the year 1850, he settled in Washington Township, this county, where his widow now resides.  He served as Trustee of Washington Township, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  He was a kind and loving father and an indulgent husband, and departed this life Jan. 28, 1870.  He left to his widow 161 acres of land.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 668

Allen Twp. -
B. H. B. GRISWOLD, farmer, P. O. Milford Center, an old and respected pioneer of Union County, was born in Goshen Township, Champaign County, Apr. 19, 1816.  He was a son of James and Polly (Beal) Griswold, and a grandson of Obadiah Beal, a Revolutionary patriot, who served from beginning to end in the Revolution.  He migrated to Champaign County, Ohio, some time during the war of 1812, and died in that county.  Mr. Griswold's patents were married in Rutland, Vt., and removed to Champaign County about 1814.  They survived the scourge of typhoid fever of 1822-24.  Mr. Griswold subsequently removed to Union County, where he died.  Our subject is the eldest son and third child of seven children.  He passed his boyhood and early manhood on his father's farm, and received such an education as the common schools of the day afforded.  When nineteen years of age, he assumed the payment of twenty-three acres of land, thus furnishing a home for his parents.  In 1850, he purchased his present farm and settled on it the same spring.  Mr. Griswold has cleared and improved his present farm and has always followed its pursuits.  Oct. 30, 1837, he was joined in marriage with Amanda Melvina Peck, a daughter of Thomas Peck.  Mrs. Griswold was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, May 3, 1814.  They were blest with two children - Cynthia J., wife of E. C. Marsh, and Serepta J.  Mrs. Griswold departed this life Feb., 1874.  Mr. Griswold is a member of the First Universalist Church of Woodstock, and in politics is a Republican.  He has been prominently identified with the Grange since its organization in the county, having served as Master, Lecturer and Chaplain.  He was Justice of the Peace of Allen Township two terms and Trustee twelve years, besides other local offices.  Mr. Griswold has been a useful and active citizen.  He owns a good farm, containing 150 acres.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 475



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