Allen Twp. -
JACOB LEONARD, farmer, P. O.
Marysville, a native of Allen Township, was born
Mar. 6, 1838. His parents were Abraham and
Elizabeth (Paver) Leonard. Mr. Leonard was
born in 1772, and when a young man came to Pickaway
County, Ohio, and followed driving cattle over the
mountain to Eastern markets till 1801, when he came
to Union County and settled in the North Fork of
Buck Run, where he was among the first settlers.
He purchased a farm of 200 acres for which he gave a
horse worth $80, and $120 in gold. He served
in the war of 1812, and died May 7, 1853. His
widow survived him until Jan. 14, 1850, when she
died at the age of fifty-three years. Jacob,
our subject is the second son and fifth child of
seven children, four of whom are living, viz.:
James, Susannah, Rachel and Jacob.
Jacob was brought up on the old homestead, and
with his brother aided in clearing a large portion
of it. He owns a farm of 214 acres of land;
besides his agricultural pursuits, he is engaged in
keeping Norman and Clydesdale horses,
which are among his exhibits at the annual fairs.
Nov. 18, 1869, he was married to Miss Jane McGill,
a daughter of Eli and Millie McGill, and a
native of Preston County, Va. She was born
Mar. 1, 1852. They have four children -
Susie B., Millie D., Effie and Cora.
Maudie and Carrie are deceased.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ.
Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 477 |
Claibourne Twp. -
JOHN LAKE, farmer, P. O.
Richwood, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, Sept.
10, 1848; he is the son of Lewis and Hannah (Hurd)
Lake, the former a native of New York and the
latter of Vermont, both of English descent.
The father was a merchant in Delaware and Richwood,
and a farmer. Our subject was reared on a farm
and educated in the common schools of Delaware
County. He early chose the occupation of a
farmer and in it has been very successful, now
owning 110 acres of good and well-improved land.
He was married Oct. 18, 1873, to Ella M. Biddle,
daughter of Richard Biddle, her parents being
natives of Wales. By this union three children
were born, viz.: Charles F., Mary E. and
Lewis J. Mr. Lake is a Republican in
politics, and he and his wife are members of the
Christian Church. He is also a member of the
K. P. and I. O. O. F. societies. In 1861, he
enlisted in Company I, Eighty-second Ohio Volunteer
infantry, and served until the close of the war.
He was wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., and was
also made prisoner, but paroled. He came to
Union County in 1881, and settled one and
one-quarter miles north of Richwood.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 638 |
Mill Creek Twp. -
ABNER LIGGETT, farmer, P. O.
Ostrander, Delaware County, was born in Mill Creek
Township, Apr. 17, 1850; he is a son of James and
Sarah Ann (Richards) Liggett, of Virginia and
New York respectively. His father was born
Nov. 14, 1817, and his mother Apr. 20, 1819.
They were married in Delaware County Oct. 1, 1840,
and had eight children - Arthur, married
Clarinda Freshwater; Marinda, wife of Calvin
Felkner; Abner (our subject); Joab,
married Rose Honeter, and since Estelle
Thompson; Gideon; Minerva, wife of Hiram
Penny; William and Amelia. Mr. and Mrs.
Liggett came to Union County in 1844, where they
both died; the former Aug. 29, 1882, and the latter
Mar. 28, 1870. Abner was married Apr.
7, 1870, to Cassie, daughter of George and
Margaret (Moore) Swank, and a native of Darby
Township, Union County, where she was born June 17,
1851. They have two children - James Ray,
born May 10, 1872; and Mona S., born Oct. 5,
1880, and died Nov. 24, 1881. Mr. Liggett
owns the old homestead, which contains 164 acres,
and is engaged in farming and rearing short-horned
cattle. He is serving his second term as
Trustee of Mill Creek, and in politics is a
Democrat. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 347 |
Jerome Twp. -
JOHN LIGGETT, farmer, P. O.
New California. The subject of this sketch was
born in Warren County, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1813. He
is a son of John and Mary (McCormick) Liggett,
and a grandson of William Liggett, a
Revolutionary soldier. The parents were
married in Rockbridge County, Va., and about 1806-7
removed to Ross County, Ohio; thence to Warren
County; and in 1825, to Greene County, where Mr.
Liggett died Mar. 19, 1862, and Mrs. L.
Dec. 5, 1852. Mr. Liggett, our
subject, is the third son and fourth child of nine
children. He spent his early life on a farm
near Xenia, Ohio, where he resided till 1839, when
he came to Union County. He purchased 189
acres of his present farm. All of it was in
its timbered state, and in 1841 he cleared a site
and erected a log house. After his marriage,
he removed on his new farm, which he cleared and
improved. Mr. Liggett has
devoted many years of hard labor in making for
himself and family a competence ; and his industry
has been well rewarded. His farm now contains
222 acres of well-improved and highly cultivated
land, all of which is the fruit of his own
exertions. His avocation has always been that
of farming and stock-raising, and he has enjoyed
reasonable success. Nov. 12, 1841, he was married to
Miss Mary Lamme, a daughter of
Josiah and Nancy (Carman) Lamme.
Mrs. Liggett, a native of Greene County,
Ohio, was born Nov. 24, 1819. Of seven
children born to this union, five are living, viz.:
Lovina, wife of I. G. Stall, of Union
City, Ind.; Robert A., Clerk of Wayne County,
Mich.; William M., Treasurer of Union County;
John W. and Edward G.; Esma L.
and Charlie F., are deceased. Mr.
and Mrs. Liggett are members of the United
Presbyterian Church. Mr. L., although
not an office aspirant, served on the Board of
Trustees of Jerome Township for ten years.
Politically, he is a Republican.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 317 |
Mill Creek Twp. -
Watkins, was born in this township Oct. 11, 1836,
and is a son of Absalom and Millie (Carr)
Liggett. He (Absalom) was born in
Ross County, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1810, and was a son of
James Liggett, who was born in Hardy County,
Va., in 1778. He settled in Ross County, Ohio,
in 1810, and in 1817 removed to Delaware County,
Ohio, and settled at what is now Ostrander, where he
died in 1864. The father of our subject was
the fourth child of a family of ten children, viz.:
Job, Joab, Abner, Absalom, William, Millie,
Coonrod, Susan, James and Gideon - all
deceased but Abner. Absalom was
married, in 1833, to Millie Carr, who bore
him ten children, of whom eight lived to maturity,
Luther being the eldest child. He was
married, in 1857, to Maria, daughter of
James W. and Laura R. (Kinney) Wilkinson, by
whom he has had seven children, six of whom are
living, viz.: Newton E., James A., Louisa
A. L., Wayne, Clara M. and Henry C.
An infant daughter deceased. After his
marriage he lived on a rented farm till 1862, at
which time he purchased ninety-six acres of land.
At present he owns 300 acres of valuable land.
He deals extensively in short-horned cattle, some of
which he has exhibited at the World's Fair. He
is now serving his fourth term as a member of the
Agricultural Board, two years of which time he has
been Vice President of the society. He has
also served as Township Trustee, Township Clerk and
Treasurer. In October, 1882, he was elected a
member of the Board of County Commissioners.
Politically, he is a Democrat, and has been
delegated to various State and county conventions.
Mrs. Liggett was born in Marysville, Dec. 17,
1836. Her parents came to the above place in
1836, where they resided till 1857, and moved to
Butler County, Neb., where they both died - the
former, Mar. 25, 1882, and the latter Mar. 7, 1875.
Mr. Wilkinson served as Probate Judge of
Butler County two years, and, while a resident of
Marysville, filled the office of Justice of the
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 347 |
Allen Twp. -
OLIVER E. LINCOLN, farmer and
fine stock dealer, P. O. Milford Center, was born in
Champaign County, Ohio, July 4, 1848. He is
the third son of Charles Lincoln, for many
years a prominent fine stock breeder and dealer of
Champaign County. He was raised on his
father's farm and educated in the common schools.
Feb. 20, 1871, he was united in marriage to Sarah
Coolidge, daughter of G. W. and Paulina.
Mrs. Lincoln was born in Union County Jan. 6,
1849. Five children were born to this union,
viz.: Dwight, Ora E., Mary B., Oliver E. and
an infant son. In the fall of 1875, Mr.
Lincoln located on the farm he now occupies,
which contains 192 acres of well-improved land.
Mr. Lincoln has been engaged in keeping
thoroughbred short-horn cattle. His father was
one of the prominent fine cattle breeders of the
State. Mr. Lincoln is a member of the
importing company of O. E. Lincoln & Co.,
engaged in importing French horses and French Merino
sheep. He was the prime mover in the
organization of this company and is one of its chief
supporters. He is a man of enterprise and has
been an exhibitor of his fine stock at the Union
County fairs. Politically, he is identified
with the Republican party.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ.
Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 478 |
Washington Twp. -
Byhalia. The subject of this sketch was born
in Logan County, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1825, and is a son
of Jeremiah Langrel (deceased) and Eleanor
Lingrel; his father was a native of Virginia,
and his mother of Pennsylvania. In 1837, with
them he came to Washington Township, this county.
On Mar. 21, 1850, in Marion County, he was united in
marriage to Miss Martha Essex, a daughter of
James and Ellen Essex, of ____on County; to
them have been born eight children, of whom five are
yet living, viz.: Louis M., John H., Newton
H. and Reed. For twelve years, he has
served as Justice of the Peace in Washington
Township; he has also served Clerk and Trustee of
the township. Mr. Lingrel is one
of the self-made men of whom Union County may well
be proud, for, according to his own statements, he
commenced life with but comparatively little, and he
is at present the owner of a fine farm of 370 acres.
He is a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge, and resides
at his home in Byhalia.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 669 |
York Twp. -
ABEL LINSLEY, farmer, P. O.
Bokes Creek, was born in Vermont Mar. 31, 1816; his
parents were Simeon and Utilla Linsley who
came to Delaware County, Ohio, at quite an early
day. He was reared to a farm and received but
a limited education. By his first wife,
Nancy (Carr) Linsley, he had three children, two
of whom are now living, viz., Alice and Henry
Linsley is a life-long farmer by occupation, and
resides on his farm near Summersville.
Source: History
Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers &
Co. 1883 - Page 544 |
farmer, P. O. New Dover, eldest son of James and
Sarah A. Liggett, was born in Delaware County,
Ohio, Dec. 12, 1839. He came to Union County
with his parents when a boy. He was reared on
the farm and educated in the district schools.
Aug. 26, 1860, he was joined in marriage to Miss
Clarinda Freshwater, daughter of George
and Sarah Freshwater. Mrs. Liggett
was born in Delaware County, Ohio, Oct. 21,
1841. They have two children - Calvin,
born Jul. 18, 1863, and Davvid Elmer, born
Oct. 26, 1867. Oren, born Sept. 13,
1861, and died Sept. 28, 1863. In 1869, Mr.
Liggett located on his farm, and has since
followed its pursuits in connection with
stock-raising. His farm contains 150 acres.
He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and politics is
Democratic. He served as Assessor of Dover
Township two terms.
Source: History Union County, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 374 |
Paris Twp. -
manufacturer, Marysville, one of the city's oldest
and most respected citizens, was born in Warren
County, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1818, and is a son of John
and Mary (McCormick) Liggett, natives of
Rockbridge County, Va., who were among the early
pioneers of Xenia, Greene Co., Ohio, where they both
died. The subject of this sketch came to this
county of 1849; he became engaged in the lumber
trade and erected the first steam saw-mill in Union
County, below California, in Jerome Township.
Here he was engaged for ten years, and removed to
the Ohio White Sulphur Springs. Returning in
1874, he opened a steam saw-mill in this city, and
in the summer of 1882 moved to his present quarters,
and is engaged in the manufacture of furniture,
turning and job-work, his being the only turning
shop in the city. He served as Justice of the
Peace three years, and is widely known as Squire
Liggett. His marriage to Miss Rebecca,
daughter of Alex Patterson, occurred Dec. 31,
1849. She was a native of Logan County, Ohio,
born Aug. 26, 1828. Four children born to this
union are all living, viz., Laurla A., Celina,
William K., who is connected with his father in
business, and Mattie. The parents and
one of the children are members of the
Congregational Church.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 118 |
Paris Twp. -
W. M. LIGGETT, County
Treasurer, Marysville. The family of
Liggetts were among the hardy pioneers of Warren
County, Ohio, where John, the father of our
subject, was born. His wife, whose maiden name
was Mary Lamme, was a native of Greene
County, Ohio, The parents joined in the early
settlement of Jerome Township, Union County, where
the subject of this sketch was born Nov. 4, 1846.
He was reared on the homestead farm, and, receiving
a common school education, passed a course of
studies in the University at Urbana, Ohio. He
gave his service to his country's flag and joined
the boys in blue Feb. 29, 1864, in Company K,
Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served in
the fortunes of that regiment until after the close
of the war. He participated in the battles of
Cane River, La., Apr. 24, 1864; Pleasant Hill, La.,
Apr. 9, 1864; Fort Gaines, Ala., Aug. 2 to 8, 1864;
Fort Morgan, Ala., Aug. 8 to 23, 1864; Fort Spanish,
and all other battles in which the regiment was
engaged. In July, 1865, he was transferred, by
order of the War Department, to the Seventy-seventh
Ohio Volunteer Infantry, from which he was
discharged as Sergeant at Brownsville, Tex. He
was mustered out of service at Columbus, Ohio, Mar.
26, 1866. Returning to peaceful pursuits, he
became associated with C. L. Robinson in the
livery business. In the spring of 1873, he
disposed of his interest to accept a call as
Assistant Casher of the Marysville Bank, which
position he occupied until called upon to perform
the duties of County Treasurer in September, 1880.
He was re-elected in 1882, and in this official
trust has rendered faithful and efficient service to
his constituents. Mr. Liggett is
Colonel of the Fourteenth Ohio National Guards, and
Adjutant of the Post G. A. R. He was married
July 3, 1876, to Miss Matilda R., daughter of
ex-Probate Judge Brown, of this city,
where she was born. Two children, Madaline
and Robert, are the issue of this union, both
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 118 |

Matthew Lingrel |
Washington Twp. -
Source: History Union County, Ohio -
Publ. Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 669
(Portrait on Page 400) |
Taylor Twp. -
ELISHA LISTEN (deceased).
The subject of this sketch was a resident of Taylor
Township, Union Co., Ohio, and was born in 1831.
He was a son of Jacob and Lethia Listen.
He was united in marriage with Maria Sevrens,
who was born in Adams County, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1836.
He was engaged in farming during life, and was
killed in the last battle of the rebellion Mr.
and Mrs. Listen were the parents of four
children, of whom two survive - James, born
Mar. 24, 1857, and Marsha Jane, born Mar. 3,
1862. James was united in marriage
Sept. 25, 1881, with Martha Davis, who was
born in York Center Jan. 19, 1862. After the
death of his father, James began the
management of the farm, and has thus been engaged
ever since.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 689 |
Mill Creek Twp. -
The subject of this sketch, for many years pastor of
the Christian Churches of the eastern part of Union
County, was born in Alleghany County, Md., Aug. 9,
1789. He was a son of Rosamond and Margaret
(Devault) Long, the settled in Maryland prior to
the war of the Revolution; he was the youngest of
nine children. About the time of the war of
1812, he came to Mill Creek Township, Union County,
and served during the latter part of that war; he
traveled over the southern part of the State on his
Gospel mission and organized churches. He
founded the first Christian Church in the county,
and the first church of that order in Mill Creek
Township, over which he presided as pastor till his
death, which occurred Nov. 26, 1873, aged
eighty-four years, while conducting a series of
revival meetings at Mill Creek Chapel. His
marriage with Nancy Kelley, which occurred
Apr. 22, 1813, was blest with one child - Thomas
W., who was born June 3, 1819; he was reared on
a farm, and educated in the Worthington Schools.
When nineteen years of age he engaged in teaching,
which he followed till 1860, and was one of the most
efficient teachers in the county. Jan. 30,
1846, he was married to Miss Nancy, daughter
of Stephen Latimer. Mrs. Long was born
in Franklin County, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1820. Three
sons were born to this union - Daniel, born
June 26, 1850; married Laura B. Bodley and
have three children - Nancy B., Alice and
Lou. Stephen, born Jan. 28, 1852; and
George W., born Dec. 25, 1853, and married
Sarah Freshwater. Mr. Long died Oct. 25,
1865, while serving as Township Treasurer. He
left an estate of 275 acres of land, of which
Stephen now owns 121 acres, embracing that
portion which has the residence erected in 1861.
Mrs. Long resides with Stephen.
He is engaged in farming and stock-raising. In
April, 1876, he was erected Justice of the Peace,
and re-elected in 1879; he is a member of the Grange
and I. O. O. F., and in politics possesses the
Democratic views of his father.
History Union County, Ohio - Publ. Chicago - W. H.
Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 348 |
Dover Twp. -
P. O. New Dover, was born in Delaware County, Ohio,
May 10, 1840. He is a son of John and Susan
(Said) Loveless, the former a native of Prince
George County, Md., and the latter of Delaware
County, Ohio. The parents of the former
removed to Delaware County, Ohio, when he was twelve
years of age. He was married in 1833, to
Susan Said, and had twelve children.. He
removed with his family to Effingham County, Ill.,
in 1864, and died Feb. 14, 1878. Mrs. L.
resides on the homestead in Effingham County.
William is the third of a family of twelve
children. When ten years of age his parents
moved to Dover Township, where he was reared to
manhood. Nov. 15, 1861, he enlisted in the
ranks of the Union army, as a member of Company F,
Sixty-sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, to
serve three years. Jun. 9, 1862 he
participated in the battle of Port Republic, when he
received a gunshot wound in the left foot. He
was finally discharged, Aug. 1, 1862, on account of
his wounds. Recovering from his disabilities,
May 1, 1864, he enlisted in Company D, One Hundred
and Thirty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
He was chosen First Lieutenant, and served in that
capacity till his discharge, Aug. 1, 1864.
Nov. 26, 1863, he was united in marriage to Miss
Mary, daughter of Joseph K. and Nancy Richey.
Mrs. L. was born in Dover Township, Sept. 15,
1851. Their union was blest with five
children, viz.: Carrie, Nancy L., Charlie,
William and Lydia. They also have a
niece, Wattie Sharp, whom they have reared.
Mrs. Loveless is a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Mr. L. is identified
with the Masonic fraternity, and G. A. R.
Politically, he is of Republican principal. He
owns 210 acres of fine land. It is adorned
with a substantial brick residence, erected in 1880m
at a cost of $3,000. Mr. Loveless is
engaged in agriculture and rearing Clydesdale
horses, which he exhibits at the annual fairs.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ.
Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 374 |
Dover Twp. -
CHARK LOW, farmer, P. O. New
Dover, was born in Ulster County, N. Y., Mar. 11,
1817. His parents, John and Maylin (Felkner)
Low, were natives of the same county. They
were married, and in 1818 removed to Ross County,
Ohio, thence to Pickaway County, and in 1825 to
Madison County. The following year they came
to Jerome Township, Union County, locating on the
present site of Plain City. In 1827, Mr.
Lowe made a trip to York State and died on the
return. He left a widow and five children.
She moved to the farm now owned by George M.
Rickard. They lived on different farms in
Jerome till the death of Mrs. Low, in March,
1843. The children were as follows:
Luke, John, Peggy, Poly, Chark and Eliza.
In 1844, the subject of this sketch removed to his
present farm, which he had bought some years before.
In 1813, he was married to Charlotte McClung,
daughter of Joseph and Peggy McClung, by whom
he had two children - Levi, who married
Anna Leard; and Mary, wife of Isaac
Conklin. Mrs. Low departed this
life Nov. 26, 1852. Mr. Low again
married to Phebe, daughter of Abraham and
Mary J. Beck. Mrs. Low was born in
Dover Township July 15, 1837. Of eight
children by this marriage, six are living -
Sylvester, now deceased, Sarah E., John,
Flora B., Elmer C. and Martha J. Samuel
H. and Almena are deceased. Mr.
Low and family are members of the Christian
Church. He owns a farm of 200 acres, well
improved and cultivated, and is engaged in farming
and stock-raising.
Source: History Union County, Ohio - Publ.
Chicago - W. H. Beers & Co. 1883 - Page 374 |