History of Clinton County, Ohio
Its People, Industries and Institutions
Albert J. Brown, A.M.
Supervising Editor
With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and
Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families
B.F. Bowen & Co., Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Contrib. by Sharon Wick
EPHRAIM H. URTON, a former commissioner of Clinton county, who is now the
proprietor of "Clover Nook Stock Farm" in this county, is one of the
best-known citizens of this section of the state. He was born on
July 19, 1856, in Warren county, Ohio, the son of Daniel and Nancy A.
(Brown) Urton, the former of whom was born, Oct. 20, 1819, in
Virginia, and the latter, Nov. 3, 1823, in Ohio. Mr. Urton's
paternal grandparents were John and Nancy A. (Brown) Urton, the
former of whom was born, Oct. 20, 1819, in Virginia, and the latter,
Nov. 3, 1823, in Ohio. Mr. Urton's paternal grandparents
were John and Lucy (Weaver) Urton, both of whom were born in
Virginia and who, in 1820, came to Ohio and took up land in Washington
township, Warren county, where both died. The maternal
grandparents of Mr. Urton were Alexander and Lydia (Hanks)
Brown, pioneers of Warren county, where both lived and died.
The late Daniel Urton was reared on a farm and
was educated in the public schools. Starting life a poor boy, he
accumulated land from time to time until he owned, at the time of his
death, Dec. 16, 1895, five hundred acres of land. He had located
in Vernon township, Clinton county, in 1860, and there he lived until
his death. He was a Republican in politics, but never aspired to
office. His wife was a member of the Baptist church. They
were the parents of eight children, Lucy, Lydia, Amanda, John
(deceased), Mary Elizabeth, Ephraim H., the subject of this
sketch, Barbara Ellen (deceased), and Emma Louisa.
Ephraim H. Urton was reared on the old homestead
farm and was educated in the public schools and in Wilmington College.
The old district school was located on his father's farm. After
farming for about four years, early in life he moved to Clarksville,
where he engaged in the mercantile business for about twenty-five years.
Mr. Urton still owns property in Clarksville. In 1909 he
was elected county commissioner of Clinton county and at that time,
retired to the farm and built his present residence. He owns one
hundred and five acres, a part of the old homestead and is an extensive
breeder of thoroughbred registered Percheron horses and Jersey cattle.
In 1879 Ephraim H. Urton was married to Viola
Lewis, who was born in 1960 in Cincinnati, the daughter of Robert and
Sarah Janeok." Mr. Urton's farm is known as the Clover
Nook Stock Farm." To Mr. and Mrs. Urton have been
born three children, Sherman Garfield, a farmer in Partnership
with his father, who married Louise Hadley,of Clinton county;
Virgil, who died at the age of four months, and Edith May,
the wife of William Greathouse, of Warren county, Ohio, who lives
on the Charley Hadley farm, and has four children, Virginia
Meredith, Viola Josephine, Ruby Thelma and Ruth Evelyn.
Mr. Urton votes the Republican ticket. He has
held, besides the office of county commissioner, several other position
s of trust and responsibility. He is a member of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows at Clarksville and also at the Knights of Pythias
at the same place.
Source: History of Clinton County, Ohio - Publ. 1915 by B. F.
Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. - Page 926 |