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History of Franklin & Pickaway Counties, Ohio

Published by Williams Bros.

Biographies will be transcribed on request by Sharon Wick




Adams, Percival 385
Adams, Percival 391
Alder, Henry C. 416
Alkire, Emanuel 363
Armistead, William 492
Armstrong, Henry 380
Armstrong, R. H. 379
Armstrong, William 398
Arnold Family 458
Atcheson, Windsor 406
Aultman, David 499
Avery, Daniel 493
Babcock, Mr. 370
Backus, Andrew 587
Backus, Thomas 63
Bacon, Sadosa 405
Bailey, KNowlton 416
Baldwin, Isaac 398
Barbee, Hawes 386
Bartlit, Samuel 454
Bassett, Alexander 369
Baughman, Adam 411
Baughman, George 411
Baughman, Jesse 486
Baumgartner, Henry 386
Beach, Obil 416
Beekey, Isaac S. 585
Beers, David 402
Bell, William, Jr. 548
Betts, Joshua 393
Bickett, James 379
Bickett, John 377
Biggart, John 433
Billingsly, Samuel 379
Bishop, Iden 371
Blackwood Family 450
Blair, Alonzo O. 483
Blake, William H. 396
Bonam, Reuben 63
Borror Family * 390
Borror, Jacob * 386
Bowen, B. F. 588
Bowers, Daniel 377
Boyd, James 415
Boyd, Robert 376
Bradfield, James 434
Breckenridge, Samuel 385
Brown, Basil 371
Brown, William 385
Bruck, J. P. 542
Brush, S. 520
Bull, Nathan T., Dr. 404
Buck, John 405
Bull, Thomas 404
Bunn Family 455
Butler, Ebenezer  
Byington, Jesse 411
Campbell, Matthew & ?Geore 411
Case, Daniel 404
Cashatt, Harvey 586
Champion, John Newton 584
Chapham, Joseph, Sr. 483
Cheney, H. L. 452
Cheney, John, Sr. 459
Chenoweth, Elijah 433
Chenoweth, Elijah 439
Chenoweth, Joseph 438
Cheoweth, Thomas 433
Clark, Jeremiah 390
Clark, Uriah 376
Cline, Conrad 363
Clover Family 382
Coe, Denman 402
Coe, Harvey 403
Coffman, Henry 370
Cole, Benjamin 377
Cole, Nathan 586
Cook, David 411
Cook, Roswell  
Corzilius, Philip William 585
Cosgray, Joseph 371
Courtright, Anthony 377
Cromwell, Joseph 363
Culbertson, Andrew 498
Culbertson, James & Andrew 392
Cummins, William 434
Curry, John 385
Cutler, Mr. 492
Dague, Daniel 399
Dague, Matthias 411
Dalton, Isaac 528
Daniels, John & James 411
Davenport, John 387
Davidson, Isaac 493
Davis, James betw. 376-377
Davis, John 376
Dearduff, Paul 376
Deems, Thomas 364
Delashmutt, John K. 380
Domigan, William, sr. 362
Dominy, Jeremiah 370
Donaldson, James Ewing 370
Duff, William C. 385
Dunn, Asa 392
Dyer, John 433
Earhart, Adam 499
Ebey, George 369
Ebey, George 370
Edgar, John 398
Egan, P. A. - Note:  This is spelled wrong in the index of the book. 587
Edmiston, John M. 592
Enlows, James 466
Everett, Mr. 492
Fancher Family 464
Fanning, Richard J. 591
Ferris, N. E. 416
Ferris, Joseph 378
Field Family 409
Fields, Walter 406
Filler, Joseph 371
Firestone, Leander 590
Fisher, Ephraim 492
Fisher, Michael 362
Fisher, Michael 391
Flenniken, Samuel G. 406
Fogle, J. S. 379
Foos, Joseph 583
Foos, Joseph 361
Foster, Benjamin 433
Foster, William L.   434
Frances, Jacob 416
Francis, George 434
Francisco, Peter 398
Frankenberg, Colonel 499
Fulton, Hugh & Elijah 402
Galbraith, Samuel 380

Gale, Franklin

Gale, John T. 586
Gantz, Andrew 386
Gardner, James 382
Gardner, James 434
Goetchius, John 363
Goodale, Lincoln 583
Goodrich, Elias 396
Grace, Isaac 491
Graham Family 467
Graham, Thomas 383
Grant, Hugh 384
Gray, Zebulon 392
Green, Gilbert 466
Griswold, George H. 426
Groom, Harmon 492
Haines, John 386
Hamilton, Thomas 498
Hamilton, William 497

Hare, Jacob

Harper, Samuel 378
Harrington, Daniel 383
Harrison, Alexander 393
Harrison, Alexander, sr. 393
Harrison, William 363
Hart, Moses 492
Havens, William 399
Harward, Thomas 420
Hayden, Joab 369
Hayden, John 415
Hays, George 392
Hays, Richard 371
Hays, Below 371
Hays, Elisha 370
Headley, William 398
Heinmiller, Henry 555
Helser, John 416
Hempy, Samuel 456
Henderson family 402
Henry, Frederick 412
Hibbs, Adin G. 363
Hickman, Joseph 382
Hiels, Lorin 411
Hoey, James 369
Hoffman, Henry 411
Holmes, Charles A. 416
Holton, John 363
Hoover, John 385
Hopper 492
Horlocker, Christian 411
Hornbacker, Henry 392
Horsey, Mr. 370
Houghn, John 387
Huff, John 392
Huffman, John 362
Huffman, Peter 398
Huffman, Philip 434
Hunter, Mr. 370
Hunter, John 402
Huston, Hugh 371
Hutchison, Amaziah 376
Ingham, Jordan 404
Innis, Henry 405
Innis, Robert 406
Johnston, Thomas 379
Kelso, John 399
Kenney, John 378
Kerr, Samuel 433
Kilgore, Thomas 416
King, Samuel 493
Kiner, Casper 406
Klickenger, George 393
Laird, John 493
Lamberts, The 392
Latimer, Ezekiel 493
Latimer, Peter 491
Legg, Elijah 378
Legg, Thomas 378
Lisle Family, The 397
Lisle, John 402
Litchford, Pleasant 379
Little, J. P. 406
Livingston, Colonel 499
Livingston, Edward C. 498
Lord 377
Lloyd, John 416
Lunn, Jesse 399
McCan, John 493
McCoy, John 416
McCoy, R. W. 363
McCoy, Robert 378
McCracken, Henry 492
McElvain, Samuel 403
McKinley, John 434
Marsh, Benjamin 378
Marsh, Zachariah 386a
Marsh, Zachariah 387
Martin, William 382
Martino, John 387
Mason, William D. 383
Maynards, The 405
Merion Family, The 501
Merion, Elijah, sr. 498
Merion, William, sr. 498
Mickey, Daniel 377
Miller, Abraham 386
Miller, Augustus 369
Miller, Martin 492
Miller, William 363
Millington, Peter 376
Mitchell, Charles 372a
Mitchell, John 370
Mitchell, John 386
Mooberry, William 498
Morehead, Fergusson 391
Morrill, Moses 498
Morris, Mr. 377
Morris, Thomas 391
Morrison, David 412
Neff, John G. 386
Neiswender, Michael 399
Nelson, David 499
O'Harra, Arthur betw. 394-395
Ochs, Herman 499
Ogden, Moses 399
Orders, Jonas 384
Osborn, Ralph 363
Parish, Orris 66
Parish, Orris 363
Park, Ezekiel 412
Patterson, John 415
Patterson, Thomas B. 411
Pawpaw, Jacob 379
Paxton, Samuel 493
Payton, Charles 493
Pearse, Harding 376
Pegg, Joseph 406
Pheneger, Rudolph 379
Pinney Family 370a
Piper, Eleazur 377
Plum, John 392
Preston, Abraham 378
Preston, Wesley 387
Price, Adam H. 371
Price, Foster 434
Pursel, Samuel 392
Quinn, David * betw. 412-413
Quinn, Peter 412
Rager, George 491
Ramseys, The 391
Ranck, Samuel 393
Reed, William 498
Reece, Abram 416
Renick, Joseph O. B. 364
Ricketts, Edward 399
Rigal, Samuel 482
Rigel, Samuel 412
Rinier, James 416
Roberts, Daniel 493
Roberts, Thomas 433
Robinson, John 412
Rogers, Mr. 370
Rogers, Apollos 493
Rogers, Chandler 376
Rogers, Emula 496
Rohr, John, Jr. 457
Rohr, William 391
St. Clair, Johnston Elliott 592
Sagar, Abram 399
Sandusky, Samuel, sr 362
Sandy, James 457
Scott, David 65
Seeds, James 385
Seeds, R. Z. 495
Sells, Abraham 493
Sells, Benjamin 371
Sells, Ludwick 369
Sells, Samuel 369
Seltzer, Samuel V. 536
Sessions, Francis C. 584
Shade, Jacob 363
Shattuc, Samuel S. 376
Shaw, William 497
Shepard, John 377
Shattuc, Samuel S. 376
Shattuck, Alexander 405
Shinn, Levi 392
Shoaf, John 392
Shook, Jacob 393
Shover, Valentine F. 386
Skeels, Reuben 378
Slyh, Jacob 406
Slyh, Joseph 379
Smiley, David 493
Smith, David 375 jjjjjjj
Smith, David 377
Smith, Handy 434
Smith, John 376
Smith, John 404
Smith, John 411
Smith, John H. 399
Smith, Joseph 377
Snow, John 428
Snow, W. T. 428
Spangler, Adam 434
Spangler, David 391
Spring, Horace 483
Stagg, Abraham 398
Stambaugh, John 391
Starling, Lyne 581
Stewart Family 391
Stewart, John 380
Stimmel, Jacob 362
Stitt, Thomas, Judge 540
Stombaugh, Frederick 393
Story, J. W.  
Story, Marmar Duke 434
Stoutzenbarger, Jacob 393
Strait, Dennis B. 585
Stewart, Francis 592
Stimmel, Jacob 363
Stimmel, Michael 392
Stoel, Stephen 399
Stoutzenbarger, Jacob betw. 392-393
Strait, Christian 399
Stanley, Edward, sr. 405
Strait, Abraham A. 412
Strombaugh Family 397
Sullivants, The 392
Sullivant, Joseph 581
Sullivant, Lucas 579
Sullivant, Michael L. 580
Sullivant, William S. 580
Swan, Gustavus 64
Swisher, Henry C. 457
Taylor, David 507
Taylor, Anthony Wayne 412
Tharp, Jacob 398
Thomas, David 493
Thomas, William 392
Thompson, John G. 593
Tipton, Thomas 434
Triplett, Daniel 412
Triplett, George W. 414
Tuller, Ezekiel 405
Tuller, Flavel 424
Turner, George 497
Umbaugh, George 380
Vezey, Z. 458
Vincent, Lauretta C. 482
Vincent, Nathan S. 482
Wagner, Jacob 412
Walcott, William 376
Walcutt, Charles 552
Walcutt, Jacob 362
Walcutt, Robert 362
Wallace, John 499
Walton, Gideon 435
Warren, Edmund 493
Waters, Gilbert & Philip 411
Watkins, Aldridge  
Watkins, Aldridge 393
Watts, William 493
Weatheerington, John 392
Weber, Federick 406
Webster Family 409
Webster, Philologus 405
Wethrill, Joseph 380
Wetmore, Charles Henry  409
White, J. W. 432
White, John 498
White, Samuel 362
Wilcox, Mr. 370
Wilcox, Asa 492
Wilcox, Francis 492
Wilcox, P. B. ? 66
Wilcox, Roswell 404
Williams, Abram 412
Williams, David 392
Williams, George W. 391
Williams, Isaac 412
Wilson, John 403
Wilson, John & Ezekiel 380
Winegardner, William 416
Wiser, Frederick 377
Wolf Family 466
Wolf, Jacob 392
Wolf, Mathias 393
Woodruff, Brace 399
Woolley, Solomon Jackson 416
Worthington, R. M. 434a
Worthington, R. M. 438
Wright, Horace W. 432
Wright, Horace W. 432
Young, Cade 383

NOTE:  Some of these go to Pickaway County, Ohio

The Ohio State Capital facing 1
Outline Maps of Franklin & Pickaway Counties betw. 6, 7
Early Indian Map 25
Portrait of P. B. Wilcox facing 66
Bird's Eye View of Circleville in 1836 174
Pickaway County Court House facing 175
Residence of George W. Gregg facing 181
Portrait of Aaron R. Van Cleaf betw. 186, 187
Portrait of Samuel Marfield, Jr. betw. 186, 187
Portrait of H. N. Hedges, Sr. facing 191
Portrait of David B. Wagner betw. 192, 193
Portrait of George Hitler betw. 192, 193
Portrait of Elizabeth C. Darst facing 194
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. James McCoy facing 196
Portraits of Matthew and Adam McCrea facing 204
Portrait of A. W. Thompson, M.D. facing 210
Portrait of W. B. Thrall (steel) facing 218
Portrait of S. D. Turney (steel) facing 226
Portrait of Martin Dreisbach (steel) facing 229
Portrait of William Renick (steel) facing 230
Portrait of Jacob Ludwig (steel) betw. 232, 233
Residence of Jacob Ludwig (steel) betw. 232, 233
Portrait of John Gross (steel) facing 233
Portrait of T. C. Smith (steel) facing 234
Residence of Edward Smith betw. 234, 235
Residence of Joseph P. Smith betw. 234, 235
Portraits of Dr. Kingsley Ray and wife 236
Portrait of Dr. Marcus Brown (steel) facing 239
Portrait of Nelson J. Turney (steel) facing 241
Portrait of Samuel H. Ruggles (steel) 248
Portrait of Samuel Lutz facing 249
Residence of George S. Hosler facign 253
Portrait of Otis Ballard, M. D. (steel) betw. 256, 257
Residence of J. and W. H. Ballard betw. 256, 257
Residence of Sol. D. Riegel betw. 258, 259
Residence and Factory of H. D. Riegel betw. 258, 259
Residence and Portrait of William Dreisbach facing 261
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John Mowery betw. 262, 263
Residence and Mill Property of D. Strous betw. 262, 263
Residence of Joseph Shoemaker betw. 264, 265
Residence of Nursury and Apiary of Samuel D. Riegel betw. 264, 265
Portrait of Major John Boggs betw. 266, 267
Residence of Lemuel Boggs (Elmwood) betw. 266, 267
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shelby facing 269
Residence of W. W. Entrekin (Bellevue) facing 271
Residence of John Caldwell, with Portraits of self and wife facing 272
Residence of John Courtright, with Portraits of self and wife facing 281
Portraits of T. J. and Mrs. Ruth Dunnuck facing 282
Residence of H. B. Swearingen (Bedinger) facing 286
Residence of Joseph Davis, with Portraits facing 291
Portrait of T. C. Tipton (steel) facing 298
Residence of David R. Yates facing 299
Pickaway County Infirmary facing 300
Portrait of Jacob Hitler (steel) facing 304
Portraits of Edward and Eliza Dresbach 305
Residence of Samuel W. Dunlap facing 306
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Adkins betw. 308, 309
Residence, with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Buskir, facing 309
Residence, with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Mouser facing 310
Portrait of S. P. Thomas facing 312
Portrait of Jesse Hays facing 316
Portrait of James F. Wilson, M. D. facing 317
Residence of George Dungan facing 322
Residence of Eli Harsh betw. 322, 323
Residence of S. M. Owens betw. 322, 323
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John Mundell facing 327
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stiverson facing 328
Residence of J. M. Lane facing 332
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley betw. 338, 339
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McKinley betw. 338, 339
Portrait and Col. Elias Florence facing 341
Portraits of Dr. J. C. and Mrs. Emily Thompson facing 342
Portrait of John Cochran facing 34__
Portraits of Adam and Mrs. Nancy L. Millar facing 346
Residence of the late Wm. Millar, property of Adam Millar facing 346
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. James I. Vause facing 349
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller facing 357
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Teegardin facing 358
Portrait of E. M. Pinney facing 370
Portraits of Charles and Eliza Mitchell facing 372
Portraits of Samuel S. and Matilda Davis facing 376
Residence of Absalom Borror, with portraits facing 384
Portrait of Zachariah Marsh betw. 386, 387
Residence of Louis Bunn betw. 386, 387
Residence of John Linebaugh, with portrait facing 389
Portrait of Dr. Jeremiah Clark facing 390
Portrait of William Rohr facing 391
Portrait of Jacob Stoutzenbarger betw. 392, 393
Residence of Jacob Stoutzenbarger betw. 392, 393
Residence of John Lisle, with portraits facing 394
Portrait of Arthur O'Harra facing 395
Portrait of W. H. Blake betw. 396, 397
Portrait of Frederick Stombaugh facing 397
Portraits of Allen Orders and wife facing 397
Portraits of John, Walter and Mary Field betw. 408, 409
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Amason Webster betw. 408, 409
Portraits of C. L. and J. T. Webster betw. 408, 409
Portrait of Mrs. Orrell E. Legg betw. 408, 409
Portrait of David Quinn facing 413
Portraits of George W. Triplett and wife betw. 414, 415
Residence of George W. Triplett betw. 414, 415
Portrait of S. J. Woolley (steel) betw. 416, 417
Portrait of Mrs. S. J. Woolley (steel) betw. 416, 417
Residence of S. J. Woolley betw. 416, 419
Portrait of Flavel Tuller facing 424
Portrait of George H. Griswold betw. 426, 427
Portrait of Milla T. Griswold betw. 426, 427
Portraits of W. T. Snow and wife betw. 428, 429
Portrait of John Snow betw. 428, 429
Residence of H. W. Wright facing 431
Portrait of J. W. White (steel) betw. 432, 433
Portraits of Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Tipton betw. 434, 435
Residence of Robert M. Worthington, with portraits betw. 434, 435
Portraits of J. W. Story and Margaret Story 437
Portraits of Joseph and Margaret Chenoweth 438
Portraits of Elijah and Nancy Chenoweth 439
Portrait of John Cheney, Jr. facing 440
Residence of Z. Vezey, with portraits facing 443
Residence of Henry C. Swisher, with portraits facing 444
Portrait of George Needels (steel) facing 449
Portraits of John and Pamalia McGiffey betw. 450, 451
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John Blackwood betw. 450, 451
Portrait of H. L. Chaney betw. 452, 453
Portraits of Charles Pontius and wife betw. 452, 453
Portrait of Samuel Bartlit (steel) betw. 454, 455
Portrait of Elizabeth Pollay (steel) betw. 454, 455
Portraits of Frederick and Charlotte Bunn 455
Portraits of Jeremiah Kalb, and Mahala Kalb betw. 456, 457
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hempy betw. 456, 457
Portrait of Sam'l. O. Hendren betw. 456, 457
Portraits of J. P. and Mrs. J. P. Arnold betw. 456, 457
Portraits of Jas. Sandy and Geo. W. Needels betw. 456, 457
Portrait of John Rohr, Jr. 456, 457
Portrait of J. B. Potter (steel) facing 458
Portraits of David and Mrs. David Leigh 460
Portraits of J. B. and Mrs. M. S. Powell facing 464
Portraits of James and Mary A. Enlows betw. 466, 467
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lunn betw. 466, 467
Portraits of W. Noe, and John Wolf betw. 466, 467
Portraits of Gilbert and Susan Green betw. 466, 467
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Schrock facing 472
Otterbein University facing 480
Portraits of Jos. and Mrs. Chapham, and A. O. Blair betw. 482, 483
Portraits of N. S. and Lauretta C. Vincent betw. 482, 483
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Spring betw. 482, 483
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rigal betw. 482, 483
Portrait of Jesse Baughman 486
St. Mary's of the Springs 488
Portrait of R. Z. Seeds facing 495
Portraits of Mrs. Emula Rogers, and William Merion facing 496
Portrait of S. L. Quinn facing 496
Engraving, Showing the Public Buildings of Columbus facing 503
Portrait of David Taylor facing 507
Portrait of John Noble facing 512
Portrait of S. Brush facing 520
Portrait of Col. Isaac Dalton facing 528
Portrait of Hon. Thomas Miller facing 533
Portrait of Dr. Samuel Z. Seltzer betw. 536, 537
Portrait of Judge Thomas Stitt facing 540
Portrait of J. P. Bruck betw. 542, 543
Portrait of Michael Reinhard betw. 542, 543
Portrait of Wm. Bell, Jr. facing 548
Portrait of Charles C. Walcott facing 552
Portrait of Henry Heinmiller facing 555
Portrait of Louis Lindermann betw. 560, 561
Portrait of Christian Engeroff betw. 560, 561
Residence, with Portraits, of Theodore Leonard facing 564
Portrait of Francis C. Sessions (steel) betw. 584, 585
Residence of Francis C. Sessions betw. 584, 585
Portrait of Orange Johnson betw. 584, 585
Portraits of Isaac S. Beekey, and Dennis B. Strait facing 585
Portrait of Daniel Matheney facing 585
Portraits of P. W. Corzilius, and Henry Cashatt betw. 586, 587
Portraits of Nathan Cole, and E. Kiesewetter betw. 586, 587
Portraits of Jno. T. Gale, and J. Kinnear betw. 586, 587
Portraits of P. A. Eagan, and B. F. Bowen betw. 586, 587
Portraits of Andrew Backus facing 587
Portrait of Franklin Gale facing 588
Portrait of Jno. U. Rickenbacher betw. 588, 589
Residence of Peter Ambos betw. 588, 589
Portrait of Peter E. Ambos (steel) betw. 588, 589
Portrait of Christian Jaeger (steel) facing 590
Portrait of Dr. L. Firestone (steel) betw. 590, 591
Portrait of R. J. Fanning (steel) betw. 590, 591
Portrait of John M. Pugh (steel) facing 591
Portrait of Francis Stewart (steel) betw. 592, 593
Portrait of James Kooken betw. 592, 593
Portrait of John G. Thompson (steel) facing 593





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express  ©2008
Submitters retain all copyrights