History of Franklin &
Pickaway Counties, Ohio
Published by Williams Bros.
Biographies will be transcribed on request by
Sharon Wick
Adams, Percival |
385 |
Adams, Percival |
391 |
Alder, Henry C. |
416 |
Alkire, Emanuel |
363 |
Armistead, William |
492 |
Armstrong, Henry |
380 |
Armstrong, R. H. |
379 |
Armstrong, William |
398 |
Family |
458 |
Atcheson, Windsor |
406 |
Aultman, David |
499 |
Avery, Daniel |
493 |
Babcock, Mr. |
370 |
Andrew |
587 |
Backus, Thomas
63 |
Bacon, Sadosa |
405 |
Bailey, KNowlton |
416 |
Baldwin, Isaac |
398 |
Barbee, Hawes |
386 |
Samuel |
454 |
Bassett, Alexander |
369 |
Baughman, Adam |
411 |
Baughman, George |
411 |
Baughman, Jesse
486 |
Baumgartner, Henry
386 |
Beach, Obil |
416 |
Isaac S. |
585 |
Beers, David |
402 |
William, Jr. |
548 |
Betts, Joshua |
393 |
James |
379 |
Bickett, John |
377 |
Biggart, John
433 |
Billingsly, Samuel |
379 |
Bishop, Iden |
371 |
Blackwood Family
450 |
Alonzo O. |
483 |
William H. |
396 |
Bonam, Reuben |
63 |
Family * |
390 |
Borror, Jacob * |
386 |
B. F. |
588 |
Bowers, Daniel |
377 |
Boyd, James |
415 |
Boyd, Robert |
376 |
Bradfield, James |
434 |
Breckenridge, Samuel |
385 |
Brown, Basil |
371 |
Brown, William |
385 |
J. P. |
542 |
S. |
520 |
Bull, Nathan T., Dr. |
404 |
Buck, John |
405 |
Bull, Thomas |
404 |
Family |
455 |
Butler, Ebenezer |
Byington, Jesse |
411 |
Campbell, Matthew & ?Geore |
411 |
Case, Daniel |
404 |
Harvey |
586 |
Champion, John Newton
584 |
Joseph, Sr. |
483 |
Cheney, H. L.
452 |
Cheney, John, Sr.
459 |
Chenoweth, Elijah
433 |
Chenoweth, Elijah
439 |
Chenoweth, Joseph
438 |
Cheoweth, Thomas
433 |
Clark, Jeremiah
390 |
Clark, Uriah |
376 |
Cline, Conrad |
363 |
Clover Family |
382 |
Coe, Denman |
402 |
Coe, Harvey |
403 |
Coffman, Henry |
370 |
Cole, Benjamin |
377 |
Cole, Nathan
586 |
Cook, David |
411 |
Cook, Roswell |
Philip William |
585 |
Cosgray, Joseph |
371 |
Courtright, Anthony |
377 |
Cromwell, Joseph |
363 |
Culbertson, Andrew |
498 |
Culbertson, James & Andrew |
392 |
Cummins, William
434 |
Curry, John
385 |
Cutler, Mr. |
492 |
Dague, Daniel |
399 |
Dague, Matthias |
411 |
Dalton, Isaac
528 |
Daniels, John & James |
411 |
Davenport, John |
387 |
Davidson, Isaac |
493 |
Davis, James |
betw. 376-377 |
Davis, John |
376 |
Dearduff, Paul |
376 |
Deems, Thomas |
364 |
Delashmutt, John K. |
380 |
Domigan, William, sr. |
362 |
Dominy, Jeremiah |
370 |
Donaldson, James Ewing |
370 |
Duff, William C.
385 |
Dunn, Asa |
392 |
Dyer, John
433 |
Earhart, Adam |
499 |
Ebey, George |
369 |
Ebey, George |
370 |
Edgar, John |
398 |
P. A. - Note: This is spelled
wrong in the index of the book. |
587 |
Edmiston, John M.
592 |
James |
466 |
Everett, Mr. |
492 |
Family |
464 |
Fanning, Richard J.
591 |
Ferris, N. E. |
416 |
Ferris, Joseph |
378 |
Field Family
409 |
Fields, Walter |
406 |
Filler, Joseph |
371 |
Firestone, Leander
590 |
Fisher, Ephraim |
492 |
Fisher, Michael |
362 |
Fisher, Michael |
391 |
Flenniken, Samuel G. |
406 |
Fogle, J. S. |
379 |
Joseph |
583 |
Foos, Joseph |
361 |
Foster, Benjamin
433 |
Foster, William L.
434 |
Frances, Jacob |
416 |
Francis, George
434 |
Francisco, Peter |
398 |
Frankenberg, Colonel |
499 |
Fulton, Hugh & Elijah |
402 |
Galbraith, Samuel |
380 |
Gale, Franklin
588 |
John T. |
586 |
Gantz, Andrew
386 |
Gardner, James |
382 |
Gardner, James
434 |
Goetchius, John |
363 |
Goodale, Lincoln
583 |
Goodrich, Elias |
396 |
Grace, Isaac |
491 |
Family |
467 |
Thomas |
383 |
Grant, Hugh |
384 |
Gray, Zebulon |
392 |
Gilbert |
466 |
Griswold, George H. |
426 |
Groom, Harmon |
492 |
Haines, John
386 |
Hamilton, Thomas |
498 |
Hamilton, William |
497 |
Hare, Jacob |
499 |
Harper, Samuel |
378 |
Harrington, Daniel |
383 |
Harrison, Alexander |
393 |
Harrison, Alexander, sr. |
393 |
Harrison, William |
363 |
Hart, Moses |
492 |
Havens, William |
399 |
Thomas |
420 |
Hayden, Joab |
369 |
Hayden, John |
415 |
Hays, George |
392 |
Hays, Richard |
371 |
Hays, Below |
371 |
Hays, Elisha |
370 |
Headley, William |
398 |
Henry |
555 |
Helser, John |
416 |
Samuel |
456 |
Henderson family |
402 |
Henry, Frederick |
412 |
Hibbs, Adin G. |
363 |
Hickman, Joseph |
382 |
Hiels, Lorin |
411 |
Hoey, James |
369 |
Hoffman, Henry |
411 |
Holmes, Charles A. |
416 |
Holton, John |
363 |
Hoover, John |
385 |
Hopper |
492 |
Horlocker, Christian |
411 |
Hornbacker, Henry |
392 |
Horsey, Mr. |
370 |
Houghn, John
387 |
Huff, John |
392 |
Huffman, John |
362 |
Huffman, Peter |
398 |
Huffman, Philip |
434 |
Hunter, Mr. |
370 |
Hunter, John |
402 |
Huston, Hugh |
371 |
Hutchison, Amaziah |
376 |
Ingham, Jordan |
404 |
Innis, Henry |
405 |
Innis, Robert |
406 |
Johnston, Thomas |
379 |
Kelso, John |
399 |
Kenney, John |
378 |
Kerr, Samuel
433 |
Kilgore, Thomas |
416 |
King, Samuel |
493 |
Kiner, Casper |
406 |
Klickenger, George |
393 |
Laird, John |
493 |
Lamberts, The |
392 |
Latimer, Ezekiel |
493 |
Latimer, Peter |
491 |
Elijah |
378 |
Thomas |
378 |
Lisle Family, The |
397 |
Lisle, John |
402 |
Litchford, Pleasant |
379 |
Little, J. P. |
406 |
Livingston, Colonel |
499 |
Livingston, Edward C. |
498 |
Lord |
377 |
Lloyd, John |
416 |
Lunn, Jesse |
399 |
McCan, John |
493 |
McCoy, John |
416 |
McCoy, R. W. |
363 |
Robert |
378 |
McCracken, Henry |
492 |
McElvain, Samuel |
403 |
McKinley, John |
434 |
Marsh, Benjamin |
378 |
Marsh, Zachariah
386a |
Marsh, Zachariah |
387 |
Martin, William |
382 |
Martino, John |
387 |
Mason, William D. |
383 |
Maynards, The |
405 |
Merion Family, The |
501 |
Merion, Elijah, sr. |
498 |
Merion, William, sr. |
498 |
Daniel |
377 |
Miller, Abraham |
386 |
Miller, Augustus |
369 |
Miller, Martin |
492 |
Miller, William |
363 |
Millington, Peter |
376 |
Mitchell, Charles |
372a |
Mitchell, John |
370 |
Mitchell, John
386 |
Mooberry, William |
498 |
Morehead, Fergusson |
391 |
Morrill, Moses |
498 |
Morris, Mr. |
377 |
Morris, Thomas |
391 |
Morrison, David |
412 |
Neff, John G.
386 |
Neiswender, Michael |
399 |
Nelson, David |
499 |
O'Harra, Arthur |
betw. 394-395 |
Ochs, Herman |
499 |
Ogden, Moses |
399 |
Orders, Jonas
384 |
Osborn, Ralph |
363 |
Parish, Orris |
66 |
Parish, Orris |
363 |
Park, Ezekiel |
412 |
Patterson, John |
415 |
Patterson, Thomas B. |
411 |
Pawpaw, Jacob |
379 |
Paxton, Samuel |
493 |
Payton, Charles |
493 |
Pearse, Harding |
376 |
Pegg, Joseph |
406 |
Pheneger, Rudolph |
379 |
Pinney Family |
370a |
Piper, Eleazur |
377 |
Plum, John |
392 |
Preston, Abraham |
378 |
Preston, Wesley |
387 |
Price, Adam H. |
371 |
Price, Foster |
434 |
Pursel, Samuel |
392 |
Quinn, David * |
betw. 412-413 |
Quinn, Peter |
412 |
Rager, George |
491 |
Ramseys, The |
391 |
Ranck, Samuel |
393 |
Reed, William |
498 |
Reece, Abram |
416 |
Renick, Joseph O. B. |
364 |
Ricketts, Edward |
399 |
Samuel |
482 |
Rigel, Samuel |
412 |
Rinier, James |
416 |
Roberts, Daniel |
493 |
Roberts, Thomas
433 |
Robinson, John |
412 |
Rogers, Mr. |
370 |
Rogers, Apollos |
493 |
Chandler |
376 |
Rogers, Emula
496 |
John, Jr.
457 |
William |
391 |
Clair, Johnston Elliott |
592 |
Sagar, Abram |
399 |
Sandusky, Samuel, sr |
362 |
457 |
Scott, David |
65 |
Seeds, James |
385 |
R. Z. |
495 |
Sells, Abraham |
493 |
Sells, Benjamin |
371 |
Sells, Ludwick |
369 |
Sells, Samuel |
369 |
Seltzer, Samuel V.
536 |
Sessions, Francis C.
584 |
Shade, Jacob |
363 |
Shattuc, Samuel S. |
376 |
Shaw, William |
497 |
Shepard, John |
377 |
Shattuc, Samuel S. |
376 |
Shattuck, Alexander |
405 |
Shinn, Levi |
392 |
Shoaf, John |
392 |
Shook, Jacob |
393 |
Shover, Valentine F.
386 |
Reuben |
378 |
Slyh, Jacob |
406 |
Joseph |
379 |
Smiley, David |
493 |
Smith, David |
375 jjjjjjj |
David |
377 |
Smith, Handy |
434 |
Smith, John |
376 |
Smith, John |
404 |
Smith, John |
411 |
Smith, John H. |
399 |
Joseph |
377 |
John |
428 |
W. T. |
428 |
Spangler, Adam
434 |
Spangler, David |
391 |
Horace |
483 |
Abraham |
398 |
Stambaugh, John |
391 |
Starling, Lyne
581 |
Stewart Family |
391 |
Stewart, John |
380 |
Stimmel, Jacob |
362 |
Thomas, Judge |
540 |
Stombaugh, Frederick |
393 |
J. W. |
Story, Marmar Duke
434 |
Jacob |
393 |
Dennis B. |
585 |
Stewart, Francis
592 |
Stimmel, Jacob |
363 |
Stimmel, Michael |
392 |
Stoel, Stephen |
399 |
Stoutzenbarger, Jacob |
betw. 392-393 |
Strait, Christian |
399 |
Stanley, Edward, sr. |
405 |
Strait, Abraham A. |
412 |
Family |
397 |
Sullivants, The |
392 |
Joseph |
581 |
Lucas |
579 |
Michael L. |
580 |
William S. |
580 |
Swan, Gustavus
64 |
Swisher, Henry C.
457 |
David |
507 |
Taylor, Anthony Wayne |
412 |
Tharp, Jacob |
398 |
Thomas, David |
493 |
Thomas, William |
392 |
Thompson, John G. |
593 |
Tipton, Thomas
434 |
Triplett, Daniel |
412 |
Triplett, George W.
414 |
Tuller, Ezekiel |
405 |
Flavel |
424 |
Turner, George |
497 |
George |
380 |
Z. |
458 |
Vincent, Lauretta
C. |
482 |
Vincent, Nathan S.
482 |
Wagner, Jacob |
412 |
Walcott, William |
376 |
Charles |
552 |
Walcutt, Jacob |
362 |
Walcutt, Robert |
362 |
Wallace, John |
499 |
Walton, Gideon
435 |
Warren, Edmund |
493 |
Waters, Gilbert & Philip |
411 |
Watkins, Aldridge |
Watkins, Aldridge |
393 |
Watts, William |
493 |
Weatheerington, John |
392 |
Weber, Federick |
406 |
Family |
409 |
Webster, Philologus |
405 |
Wethrill, Joseph |
380 |
Wetmore, Charles Henry
409 |
J. W. |
432 |
White, John |
498 |
White, Samuel |
362 |
Wilcox, Mr. |
370 |
Wilcox, Asa |
492 |
Wilcox, Francis |
492 |
P. B. ? |
66 |
Wilcox, Roswell |
404 |
Williams, Abram |
412 |
Williams, David |
392 |
Williams, George W. |
391 |
Williams, Isaac |
412 |
Wilson, John |
403 |
John & Ezekiel |
380 |
Winegardner, William |
416 |
Frederick |
377 |
Family |
466 |
Wolf, Jacob |
392 |
Wolf, Mathias |
393 |
Woodruff, Brace |
399 |
Solomon Jackson |
416 |
Worthington, R. M.
434a |
Worthington, R. M. |
438 |
Horace W. |
432 |
Horace W. |
432 |
Young, Cade |
383 |
NOTE: Some of these go to Pickaway County, Ohio
Page |
The Ohio State Capital |
facing 1 |
Outline Maps of Franklin & Pickaway
Counties |
betw. 6, 7 |
Early Indian Map |
25 |
Portrait of P.
B. Wilcox |
facing 66 |
Bird's Eye View of Circleville in 1836 |
174 |
Pickaway County Court House |
facing 175 |
Residence of George W. Gregg |
facing 181 |
Portrait of Aaron R. Van Cleaf |
betw. 186, 187 |
Portrait of Samuel Marfield, Jr. |
betw. 186, 187 |
Portrait of H. N. Hedges, Sr. |
facing 191 |
Portrait of David B. Wagner |
betw. 192, 193 |
Portrait of George Hitler |
betw. 192, 193 |
Portrait of Elizabeth C. Darst |
facing 194 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. James McCoy |
facing 196 |
Portraits of Matthew and Adam
McCrea |
facing 204 |
Portrait of A. W. Thompson, M.D. |
facing 210 |
Portrait of W. B. Thrall (steel) |
facing 218 |
Portrait of S. D. Turney (steel) |
facing 226 |
Portrait of Martin Dreisbach (steel) |
facing 229 |
Portrait of William Renick (steel) |
facing 230 |
Portrait of Jacob Ludwig (steel) |
betw. 232, 233 |
Residence of Jacob Ludwig (steel) |
betw. 232, 233 |
Portrait of John Gross (steel) |
facing 233 |
Portrait of T. C. Smith (steel) |
facing 234 |
Residence of Edward Smith |
betw. 234, 235 |
Residence of Joseph P. Smith |
betw. 234, 235 |
Portraits of Dr. Kingsley Ray and
wife |
236 |
Portrait of Dr. Marcus Brown (steel) |
facing 239 |
Portrait of Nelson J. Turney (steel) |
facing 241 |
Portrait of Samuel H. Ruggles
(steel) |
248 |
Portrait of Samuel Lutz |
facing 249 |
Residence of George S. Hosler |
facign 253 |
Portrait of Otis Ballard, M. D.
(steel) |
betw. 256, 257 |
Residence of J. and W. H. Ballard |
betw. 256, 257 |
Residence of Sol. D. Riegel |
betw. 258, 259 |
Residence and Factory of H. D.
Riegel |
betw. 258, 259 |
Residence and Portrait of William
Dreisbach |
facing 261 |
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mowery |
betw. 262, 263 |
Residence and Mill Property of D. Strous |
betw. 262, 263 |
Residence of Joseph Shoemaker |
betw. 264, 265 |
Residence of Nursury and Apiary of
Samuel D. Riegel |
betw. 264, 265 |
Portrait of Major John Boggs |
betw. 266, 267 |
Residence of Lemuel Boggs (Elmwood) |
betw. 266, 267 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Shelby |
facing 269 |
Residence of W. W. Entrekin (Bellevue) |
facing 271 |
Residence of John Caldwell, with
Portraits of self and wife |
facing 272 |
Residence of John Courtright, with
Portraits of self and wife |
facing 281 |
Portraits of T. J. and Mrs. Ruth
Dunnuck |
facing 282 |
Residence of H. B. Swearingen (Bedinger) |
facing 286 |
Residence of Joseph Davis, with
Portraits |
facing 291 |
Portrait of T. C. Tipton (steel) |
facing 298 |
Residence of David R. Yates |
facing 299 |
Pickaway County Infirmary |
facing 300 |
Portrait of Jacob Hitler (steel) |
facing 304 |
Portraits of Edward and Eliza Dresbach |
305 |
Residence of Samuel W. Dunlap |
facing 306 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanton Adkins |
betw. 308, 309 |
Residence, with portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Van Buskir, |
facing 309 |
Residence, with portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. Mouser |
facing 310 |
Portrait of S. P. Thomas |
facing 312 |
Portrait of Jesse Hays |
facing 316 |
Portrait of James F. Wilson, M. D. |
facing 317 |
Residence of George Dungan |
facing 322 |
Residence of Eli Harsh |
betw. 322, 323 |
Residence of S. M. Owens |
betw. 322, 323 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mundell |
facing 327 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Stiverson |
facing 328 |
Residence of J. M. Lane |
facing 332 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John
McKinley |
betw. 338, 339 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
McKinley |
betw. 338, 339 |
Portrait and Col. Elias Florence |
facing 341 |
Portraits of Dr. J. C. and Mrs.
Emily Thompson |
facing 342 |
Portrait of John Cochran |
facing 34__ |
Portraits of Adam and Mrs. Nancy L.
Millar |
facing 346 |
Residence of the late Wm. Millar,
property of Adam Millar |
facing 346 |
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. James I. Vause |
facing 349 |
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Miller |
facing 357 |
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Teegardin |
facing 358 |
Portrait of E. M. Pinney |
facing 370 |
Portraits of Charles and Eliza Mitchell |
facing 372 |
Portraits of Samuel S. and Matilda Davis |
facing 376 |
of Absalom Borror, with portraits |
facing 384 |
of Zachariah Marsh |
betw. 386, 387 |
Residence of
Louis Bunn |
betw. 386, 387 |
Residence of John Linebaugh, with portrait |
facing 389 |
Portrait of Dr. Jeremiah Clark |
facing 390 |
Portrait of William Rohr |
facing 391 |
Portrait of Jacob Stoutzenbarger |
betw. 392, 393 |
Residence of Jacob Stoutzenbarger |
betw. 392, 393 |
Residence of John Lisle, with portraits |
facing 394 |
Portrait of
Arthur O'Harra |
facing 395 |
Portrait of W.
H. Blake |
betw. 396, 397 |
of Frederick Stombaugh |
facing 397 |
Portraits of Allen Orders and wife |
facing 397 |
Page |
Portraits of John, Walter and Mary
Field |
betw. 408, 409 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Amason
Webster |
betw. 408, 409 |
Portraits of C. L. and J. T. Webster |
betw. 408, 409 |
Portrait of Mrs. Orrell E. Legg |
betw. 408, 409 |
Portrait of David Quinn |
facing 413 |
Portraits of George W. Triplett and
wife |
betw. 414, 415 |
Residence of George W. Triplett |
betw. 414, 415 |
Portrait of S. J. Woolley (steel) |
betw. 416, 417 |
Portrait of Mrs. S. J. Woolley
(steel) |
betw. 416, 417 |
Residence of S. J. Woolley |
betw. 416, 419 |
Portrait of Flavel Tuller |
facing 424 |
Portrait of George H. Griswold |
betw. 426, 427 |
Portrait of Milla T. Griswold |
betw. 426, 427 |
Portraits of W. T. Snow and wife |
betw. 428, 429 |
Portrait of John Snow |
betw. 428, 429 |
Residence of H. W. Wright |
facing 431 |
Portrait of J. W. White (steel) |
betw. 432, 433 |
Portraits of Thomas and Mrs. Elizabeth Tipton |
betw. 434, 435 |
Residence of Robert M. Worthington, with portraits |
betw. 434, 435 |
Portraits of J. W. Story and Margaret Story |
437 |
Portraits of Joseph and Margaret
Chenoweth |
438 |
Portraits of Elijah and Nancy
Chenoweth |
439 |
Portrait of John Cheney, Jr. |
facing 440 |
Residence of Z. Vezey, with
portraits |
facing 443 |
Residence of Henry C. Swisher, with
portraits |
facing 444 |
Portrait of
George Needels (steel) |
facing 449 |
Portraits of John and Pamalia
McGiffey |
betw. 450, 451 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John
Blackwood |
betw. 450, 451 |
Portrait of H. L. Chaney |
betw. 452, 453 |
Portraits of Charles Pontius and
wife |
betw. 452, 453 |
Portrait of Samuel Bartlit (steel) |
betw. 454, 455 |
Portrait of Elizabeth Pollay (steel) |
betw. 454, 455 |
Portraits of Frederick and Charlotte
Bunn |
455 |
Portraits of Jeremiah Kalb, and
Mahala Kalb |
betw. 456, 457 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Hempy |
betw. 456, 457 |
Portrait of Sam'l. O. Hendren |
betw. 456, 457 |
of J. P. and Mrs. J. P. Arnold |
betw. 456, 457 |
Portraits of Jas. Sandy and Geo. W.
Needels |
betw. 456, 457 |
Portrait of
John Rohr, Jr. |
456, 457 |
Portrait of J. B. Potter (steel) |
facing 458 |
Portraits of David and Mrs. David
Leigh |
460 |
Portraits of J. B. and Mrs. M. S.
Powell |
facing 464 |
Portraits of James and Mary A.
Enlows |
betw. 466, 467 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lunn |
betw. 466, 467 |
Portraits of W. Noe, and John Wolf |
betw. 466, 467 |
Portraits of Gilbert and Susan Green |
betw. 466, 467 |
Residence and Portraits of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Schrock |
facing 472 |
Otterbein University |
facing 480 |
Portraits of Jos. and Mrs. Chapham,
and A. O. Blair |
betw. 482, 483 |
Portraits of N. S. and Lauretta C.
Vincent |
betw. 482, 483 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Spring |
betw. 482, 483 |
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Rigal |
betw. 482, 483 |
of Jesse Baughman |
486 |
St. Mary's of the Springs |
488 |
Portrait of R.
Z. Seeds |
facing 495 |
Portraits of Mrs. Emula Rogers, and
William Merion |
facing 496 |
Portrait of S. L. Quinn |
facing 496 |
Engraving, Showing the Public
Buildings of Columbus |
facing 503 |
Portrait of David Taylor |
facing 507 |
Portrait of John Noble |
facing 512 |
Portrait of S. Brush |
facing 520 |
Portrait of Col. Isaac Dalton |
facing 528 |
Portrait of Hon. Thomas Miller |
facing 533 |
Portrait of Dr. Samuel Z. Seltzer |
betw. 536, 537 |
Portrait of Judge Thomas Stitt |
facing 540 |
Portrait of J. P. Bruck |
betw. 542, 543 |
Portrait of Michael Reinhard |
betw. 542, 543 |
Portrait of Wm. Bell, Jr. |
facing 548 |
Portrait of Charles C. Walcott |
facing 552 |
Portrait of Henry Heinmiller |
facing 555 |
Portrait of Louis Lindermann |
betw. 560, 561 |
Portrait of Christian Engeroff |
betw. 560, 561 |
Residence, with Portraits, of
Theodore Leonard |
facing 564 |
Portrait of Francis C. Sessions
(steel) |
betw. 584, 585 |
Residence of Francis C. Sessions |
betw. 584, 585 |
Portrait of Orange Johnson |
betw. 584, 585 |
Portraits of Isaac S. Beekey, and
Dennis B. Strait |
facing 585 |
Portrait of Daniel Matheney |
facing 585 |
Portraits of P. W. Corzilius, and
Henry Cashatt |
betw. 586, 587 |
Portraits of Nathan Cole, and E.
Kiesewetter |
betw. 586, 587 |
Portraits of Jno. T. Gale, and J.
Kinnear |
betw. 586, 587 |
Portraits of P. A. Eagan, and B. F.
Bowen |
betw. 586, 587 |
Portraits of Andrew Backus |
facing 587 |
Portrait of Franklin Gale |
facing 588 |
Portrait of Jno. U. Rickenbacher |
betw. 588, 589 |
Residence of Peter Ambos |
betw. 588, 589 |
Portrait of Peter E. Ambos (steel) |
betw. 588, 589 |
Portrait of Christian Jaeger (steel) |
facing 590 |
Portrait of Dr. L. Firestone (steel) |
betw. 590, 591 |
Portrait of R. J. Fanning (steel) |
betw. 590, 591 |
Portrait of John M. Pugh (steel) |
facing 591 |
Portrait of Francis Stewart (steel) |
betw. 592, 593 |
Portrait of James Kooken |
betw. 592, 593 |
Portrait of John G. Thompson (steel) |
facing 593 |