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Source: The Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated:  Oct. 19, 1838

hereby given, that at my instance, a writ of attachment, was this day issued, by W. T. Martin, a Justice of the Peace, of Montgomery township, Franklin county, Ohio, against the goods, chattles, monies and effects of E. P. & W. R. Pearmain, absconding debtors, and that further proceedings will be had thereon, according to law.
     Columbus, Aug. 15, 1838.  R. G. TRESCOTT.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source: Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, Ohio) Page: 1
Dated: Friday, Sept. 22, 1944
Civil Rights Case Against Cafe Is Won By Gillespie
     Using the HARRY C. SMITH'S OHIO CIVIL RIGHTS LAW as his guide, Atty, Chester K. Gillespie, member of the House of Representative from Cuyahoga County, won a civil rights case he had filed against the Marzetti restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, last week.  After more than a year of sustained wrankling, in and out of court, during which time at least three different judges heard portions of the case in the Franklin county common pleas court, Atty, Gillespie and his attorney finally settled the suit out of court.
     Rep. Gillespie and his attorney Joseph E. Bowman, refused to divulge details of the settlement or the amount involved but it is understood, from reliable sources that the sum was substantial.
     The suit was filed in February, 1943, charging that the complainant's civil rights had been violated when Marzetti's management refused to serve Gillespie and further charged that the denial was brought about upon a basis of color discrimination.
     Failing in the delaying tactics, the Marzetti company finally attacked the constitutionality of the Ohio civil rights law, contending that the statute was in violation of the 14th amendment of the federal constitution in that it invaded one's rights of freedom of contract.
     The court sustained Atty. Bowman when he pointed out that the Ohio civil rights law was not designed to protect property rights, but to protect personal or human rights.  The Cuyahoga county representative, who is now a candidate for the Ohio senate, said that he was satisfied with the settlement made by the restaurant management and that his sole purpose in filing the suit was TO GUARANTEE THAT THE OHIO CIVIL RIGHTS LAW DOES NOT BECOME A MOCKERY.
Source:  The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Page: 16
Dated Sept. 21, 1944
 - Annie
from Herbert Gillespie
 - Clara
from Thomas Cramblit.
 - Antonio
from Mary Chizzonitl.
 - Dorothy
from Robert Parkins
 - Mildred
from William Patterson
 - George
from Mary Carpenter
 - Mary
from Ralph Grove
 - Annie
from Joseph McKnight
 - Ida
from William Manning
 - Nancy
from Claude Hazlett
 - Edward
from Margaret Stiles
 - Edna
from Harry Willhide
 - John
from Ruby Martin
 - Elmer from Celeste Artis
 - James from Virginia Moore
 - Albert from Elizabeth

 - Mary
from Darold Poston
 - Charles
from Collen Stewart
 - Edith
Robert Floyd

 - Alberta
from Richard Myer
 - Ida
Milton Reed.

Source: The Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: Dec. 17, 1845

NOTICE: - All persons interested will take notice that Moses Beers, on the 17th day of November, A. D. 1845, sued out a writ of attachment from the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, in the state of Ohio, against Elijah Beers, for the sum of two hundred dollars damages, which writ has been served and returned.
     Attest:                L. STARLING Jr., Clerk
     L. H. Webster, Attorney for Plaintiff.
     Columbus, Dec. 16, 1845
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)


Source: Daily Ohio Statesman -
Dated June 27, 1849

THE unknown heirs and devisees of Archibald Cambridge are hereby notified that on the ninth day of April, A. D., 1849, a bill in chancery was filed against them and their heirs, in the court of common please of Franklin county, Ohio, the object and prayer of which bill is, that on the first hearing, the court will make partition of the following real estate, lying and said Franklin county to wit:  One hundred acres ofland, off the west side of the southwest quarter of section number twenth-eight, township twelve, range twenty-one, refugee land so called, which said quarter section was patented to the heirs of Edward Entill, and being all that portion of said quarter section that was owned by John Cambridge at the time of his death; or if it shall appear that said partition cannot be made without manifest injury, then that said premises may be sold, or other proper action be taken, pursuant to the statute in such case, made and provided, and in case of such sale or other disposition of said premises under the order of the court, that such order may be made in reference to the share or proceeds of the share of the said Archibald Cambridge, as the court may deem just and proper, &c.  And said unknown heirs and devisees are further notified that unless they shall appear and plead, answer or demur to said bill within sixty-days after the next term of this court, said complainants will, at the term of said court next after the expiration of said sixty days, apply to said court to take said bill as confessed, and to decree thereon accordingly.
                                                 SWAN & ANDREWS.
June 27, 1849. - 6w.w.                   Solic'rs for Compl'nt.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)

Source:   Patriot (Harrisburg, PA) Vol.: XI  Page: 1
Dated: Saturday, June 22, 1878
Executions in Maryland, Ohio, Illinois and Arkansas
CINCINNATI, June 21. - Perry Bowster, who murdered an aged tollgate keeper and his wife on the Circleville pike, a short distance from Chillicothe, Ohio, last October, was hung at Chillicothe at 11 o'clock this morning in the presence of a very large crowd.  Bowster went quietly to the scaffold.  He refused to permit any religious ceremonies, had nothing to say and maintained a defiant attitude to the last.  His neck was broken at the fall of the trap.  He never confessed his crime.





This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express  ©2008
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