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Dated: April 5, 1830

Francis, Davies, was drowned at Columbus, Ohio 19 Mar. He was one of the Acting Justices of the Peace of this town and leaves a wife and 2 small children.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)

Source:  Baltimore Patriot - Massachusetts
Dated: June 28, 1830
DEATH BY DROWNING. - The Columbus (Ohio) Gazette mentions that MARTIN BEHRINGER, of that place, was drowned in the Scioto river on the 17th inst.  He had crossed the river on horseback the previous day, and found on his return that it has risen several feet; he however ventured in- but had proceeded only a few yards, when his horse got entangled and threw him -
He might then have reached back to the shore without any difficulty; but seeing his hat drifting down the current, he swam after it for some distance, when, from some unknown cause, he sunk to rise no more.  His remains were taken out of the water, and interred on the following Sunday.
Dated: Mar. 25, 1831
KILBOURN, John, author of the Ohio Gazetteer, formerly a Representative of Congress from Ohio, died lately at Columbus, Ohio.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Found in
April 5, 1830

Francis, Davies, was drowned at Columbus, Ohio 19 Mar. He was one of the Acting Justices of the Peace of this town and leaves a wife and 2 small children.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)

Source:  Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: Nov. 6, 1837

DIED, At his residence in this city, on Saturday evening last, Col. Robert Brotherton, an old citizen and for many years Sheriff of this county.
Source: Daily Ohio Statesman - Columbus
Dated: Aug. 31, 1842
DIED, On Monday, the 22d inst., Mrs. Anastasia Nadenbousch, consort of Mr. Henry Nadenbousch, of Franklin township, aged 64 years.
Source:  The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Page: 16
Dated Sept. 21, 1944
, managers of the Ohio and West Virginia Inspection Bureaus and widely known in the national fire insurance scene by virtue of his 46 years of service, died Thursday morning in Mt. Carmel Hospital.  He was 74 years old and lived at 1614 Richmond Av.
     He had been associated with the Ohio bureau since 1898 and its manager since 1902.  He also was manager of the West Virginia Bureau at the time of his death.
     His wife, Mrs. Daisy M. Sellers, one of the founders of Children's Hospital, preceded him in death two years ago.
     Born in Lebanon, Ohio, Mr. Sellers was educated in Cincinnati and Covington, Ky., and entered the business world as a messenger for the First National Bank of Covington, becoming an assistant cashier within four years.
     In 1898 he moved to Columbus and became associated with J. W. Cochran, who was operating the newly established Ohio Inspection Bureau.  Under his management, beginning in 1902, the bureau grew in importance and membership and today serves 360 fire insurance companies in Ohio, being recognized as one of the outstanding bureaus in the country.
     A member of the Columbus Club, Scioto Country Club and the Rocky Fork Country Club, he was active in the administration of all of them.
     Surviving are one brother, E. M. Sellers, manager of the Indiana Inspection Bureau, Indianapolis, and three sisters, Miss Sarah M. Sellers,  at home; Miss Helen G. Sellers and Mrs. Edward W. Tinsley, both of Cincinnati.
     Funeral Services will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. in the Schoedinger Co. chapel with interment in Green Lawn Cemetery.

     Formerly a dispatcher for the Pennsylvania Railroad for 48 years, Frank Whitmer Barks, 69, of 88 Highland Av. died at St. Francis Hospital Wednesday night.  He had not worked for the last four years.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nettie Barks; a son, Frank H. Barks, Zanesville, and three grand-children.  Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Spears Funeral Home.

Funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in Our Lady of Victory Church for Miss Mary Rose Enright, 59 of 1696 Cambridge Blvd., who died at her home Wednesday.
     A lifelong resident of Columbus, Miss Enright was a charter member and a past president of the Catholic Women's League; a member of the board of directors, of the Gladden Community House.  She was an accountant and secretary for the A. W. Burns Construction Co.
     Two sisters, Miss Anna A. Enright and Mrs. Frank Noles, with whom she resided, and six nieces and 11 nephews survive her.
     Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery by the Egan-Ryan Co.  Friends may call at the residence.

     Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Ann Wise, 93, who died in Harrisburg, Pa., Wednesday, will be held at 2 p.m.Saturday in the Schoedinger Chapel.  Interment will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Schoedinger Chapel.  Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Mrs. Wise is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Charles Englar, Harrisburg, and three sons, R. M., Wilbur W. and A. F. Wise, all of Columbus; also a sister.  Mrs. Wise was a former Columbus resident and the wife of the late Oliver P. Wise.

     William Scanlon
, Newark, formerly an employe of the A. H. Heisey Co., Newark, died at his home Thursday morning.  Surviving is a brother, Charles Scanlon, of Columbus.  Arrangements are being completed by the Householder Funeral Home, Newark.

     Russell Miller Williams
, 50, a conductor for the N. & W. Railroad for 23 years, died at his home, 798 Leona Av., Wednesday.  Death was attributed to coronary thrombosis.
     Mr. Williams was a member of the Ralph Rickley Lodge of Masons, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
     Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Matilda Gertrude Williams; daughter, Isabell Frances; a brother and four sisters.
     Services will be conducted 3 p.m. Saturday in the Wyley S. Shroyer Chapel, 278 W. Broad St.  Burial will be in Union Cemetery.

     Miss Frances Berhorst, 70, formerly superintendent of nurses at the old Radium Hospital (now Doctors Hospital), died early Wednesday in White Cross Hospital, after a short illness.  Miss Berhorst lived at the Normandie Hotel.  She is survived by one sister,  Mrs. Katherine Massecattee.
Friends may call at the Egan-Ryan parlors.  Services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday in St. Joseph's Cathedral and burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery.

     Mrs. Florence Creviston
, 75, active in church work in Columbus for more than 50 years, died Wednesday night at her home, 747 Reinhard Ave.  She was a charter member of Ohio Av Evangelical Church, had formerly been associated with the old Third St. Methodist Church and also Haig's Mission.
     Mrs. Creviston was the wife of William H. Creviston and is survived also by four daughters, Mrs. Ruth Metcalf, Mrs. Florence Truxall, Mrs. Margaret Martin of Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. Madeline Kilbourne; a son, W. Paul Creviston, Los Angeles, Calif.; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, Thomas J. Marshallof Stanford, Conn., and John Marshall, Columbus, and two sisters, Miss Madeline Marshall and Mrs. Ella Dall, both of Columbus.
     Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday in the Schoedinger Chapel.  Interment will be in Green Lawn.

     Funeral services for Miss Mary Alice Ryan, 266 E. Rich St., who died in Grant Hospital Tuesday after a year's illness, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday in Holy Cross Church and interment will be in Calvary Cemetery.  Friends may call at the Egan-Ryan parlors.  Miss Ryan was a graduate of St. Joseph's Academy and had been prominent in Catholic activities all her life, particularly in Holy Cross parish, where she was a member of the Altar Society and other organizations.

Word has been received in Columbus of the death Wednesday of George Tackermann of Ypsilanti, Mich., a former resident of Columbus who until two years ago lived at 310 E. Columbus St.  He is survived by his wife and three sons, George, Jr., James and Albert Tackermann.

Sheriff's deputies reported Thursday that wile working at 2375 McCoy Rd. Wednesday afternoon Leroy Wright, 44, of 450 Rhoads Ave., became ill and died on route to University Hospital.
     A member of the West Gate Lodge of Masons, he was a former inspector for the Curtiss-Wright Corp.  Surviving are his wife, Ethel Greiser Wright; his mother, Mrs. Callie S. Wright, 2425
½ W. Broad St.' two brothers, Harold E., of Kentucky, and Floyd O. Wright, Columbus.
     Services will be conducted at the Wylie S. Shroyer Chapel, 2553 W. Broad St. 1:30 p.m., Saturday, with burial in Green Lawn.

assistant secretary of state, received word Thursday of the death of his father, Joseph F. Dugan 81, at his home in Pennsville, Morgan County, Wednesday night.
     Mr. Dugan was Republican County Chairman for approximately 20 years and was Postmaster for 43 years and was Postmaster for 43 years retiring two years ago.
     He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Dana Syphers, of Peebles, Ohio, and six sons, Earl, of the Army Service Command; Don, associated with the Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Co.; Robley, who is serving with the Military Police overseas; Russell, associated with Wright Field at Dayton; Raymond, of Marietta and Leland.
Funeral arrangement are not complete but burial will be made at Pennsville

Funeral services for Mrs. Myalmia Richardson of Cincinnati, mother of Mrs. F. P. Meyer, Columbus, who died in Needles, Calif., will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Schoedinger Chapel and burial will be made in Green Lawn.  Mrs. Richardson, wife of the late Harvey Allen Richardson, wife of the late Harvey Allen Richardson, is survived also by three other daughters, Mrs. W. E. Crowell of Cincinnati, Mrs. J. L. Stamp, Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Anna Bowman, Detroit, Mich.; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  The body will be received in Columbus Friday evening.

- ASHVILLE - Lester C. Coey,
35, Sept. 19
- BELLEFONTAINE - Mrs. Chester Harris, 56, teacher in the Logan County rural schools for the past 30 years, Sept. 19, at her home in DeGraff
- CHILLICOTHE - Luther J. Barnhart, 76, Setp. 20; Silas Young, 77, Sept. 19.
- DELAWARE - Arthur Dennis, 70, Sept. 19
- GREENFIELD - John Grimes,
78, Sept. 19
- JUNCTION CITY - Thomas W. Henry, 73, Sept. 19
- MARION - Mrs. Ora E. Drake, 65, Sept. 19
- MT. VERNON - Mrs. Margaret Isabelle Hearn, 74, Sept. 19
- NEWARK - Mrs. Cathrerine Davis, 87, Sept. 20; Mrs. Catherine Davis, 87, Sept. 20; Mrs. Norman C. Ayers, 52, Sept. 19; Samuel Ayers, 79, in Newark City Hospital, Sept. 19
- RICHWOOD - Mrs. Viola Longberry, 34, Sept. 19
- ZANESVILLE - Luma Geyer, 71, of Norwich, and Mrs. Ella King, 86, Sept. 20.

Source:  Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Feb. 27, 1852
RICHARD DOUGLAS died in Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 14th inst., in the 67th year of his age.  The deceased was one of the pioneers in the State, generally known and highly esteemed.  He was a native of New London, Ct., and in the early part of his life a sailor, but he quit the sea, read law, and at his death was the oldest lawyer in the Scioto Valley, except JUDGE THOMAS SCOTT.
Source:  Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: Nov. 5, 1852
Coroner's Inquest.  Held on the Dead Body of Peter Giblin, at the House of Dennis Dailey, in Columbus
Wm. Field
, a justice of the peace acted as Coroner, the Coroner of the county being absent.
     After the Jury had been empannelled and sworn, and before testimony was taken, Drs. C. C. Parker and William McMillen made a post mortem examination of the deceased.
     The Jury then proceeded to take the testimony of witnesses as follows:
     Joseph Hollinbeck being first duly sworne, stated that he went down to this Mr. Daley's by the order of the captain of the watch, with Mr. Berry, to take Daley.  Mr. Berry knocked at the door.   Mr. Daley came and asked who was there.  He told him it was a friend, then Daley said if he was a friend he could come in, and he opened the door and we sent in.  The first thing said was to me, and the compliments of the evening passed between Daley and myself.
     Mr. Berry then came up and tapped him on the shoulder and told him he was going to lock him up in the calaboose.  Daley asked, what for?  He replied because he (Daley) had abused him on High street. - Daley asked why it would not do as well to take him in the morning as tonight.  Berry said that would not suit him, - he had come after him and he was going to have him.  Daley asked for hsi authority.  Berry stuck out his hand and said, "here it is"  Don't now whether his fist was shut or open.  Then Giblin, who was shot, came up and asked why it would not do as well to take him up in the morning, as to lock him up in the calaboose all night.  Berry said he had come after him, and he was going to have him that night, and lock him up, and then took hold of Daley, and Daley took hold of Berry at the same time by the coller.  Then Giblin, the deceased, took hold of both I think.  Am not certain whether it was both or one.  A tustle then commenced, and I took hold of the man that was shot, and said, "this will not do - it is no way to do business," and in that way we went round the room two or three times, all clinched together.  Finally I got Giblin loose.
     At that time Berry struck Daley with his club.  Then they broke their holds and Daley went into another room.  Giblin followed him.  They fastened the door and would not let us in.  Berry said then he would have him.  I told him to hold on, I thought I could get him myself.  I was well acquainted with Daley, and I thought he would listen to me.  I then knocked at the door and it was opened to me.  I then took a a candle from the bar-room and went in and searched for him, and could not find him.  I came back into bar-room where we had a scuffle.  I set my candle down on the end of the counter.  I then went to a door on the west side of the bar-room.  I opened the door and found Mr. Daley and his lady standing in the middle of the room.  I told him I wanted him to listen to me.  He said he would.  I told him Berry was after him and would have him, and he had better go with me.  He said he had always taken me to be a gentleman, and said he would go with me - go with Berry he would not.  He said if he went with me he did not want me to lock him up in the calaboose.  I said there was once chance I would give him to keep from being locked up.  I told him he might get some good responsible friend to go with him to Mr. English, the Mayor of the City, to give bail for his appearance on tomorrow or any other day.  He asked me if Mr. John Early  or Mr. Prior would do.  I told him I thought Mr. English would take either one.  He then agreed to go, and we were standing at the end of his counter, in the front room.  He told me to wait till he got his coat and he'd go along.
     Just at that time I heard a vice from the door say, "stand out of the way Joe, I am going to shoot;" and a pistol or gun went off; I was standing with my back to the door, waiting for this gentleman to get his coat; I turned my face towards the door and looked back, I saw Mrs. Daley about half bent, squatted down in behind the door; I then spoke and said there is a woman shot - at that she raised to her feet, says she, here is a man shot; by that he he was taken off into another room.  I then went into the room where he was lying on the bed - I lifted up his short to satisfy myself if he was shot, and I found a hole supposed to be made by a ball, about an inch and a half to the right of his navel.  Mr. Daley then said, "Mr. Hollinbeck, I want you to go for a physician."  I went up to Dr. Smith's at the corner of State and 4th streets.
     At the the time the gun or pistol went off I immediately said to Daley, get behind the counter, stand out of the way or some of us may be shot.  Have been well acquainted with John Turney since a year ago last spring.  Have been acquainted with James Berry since last spring.  I can't say whose voice it was that said "get out of the way, I am going to shoot."  The first time I saw Turney was in the scoffle when we were going round the bar-room.  When we were at Mr. Daley's door, I saw John Turney coming up from the corner.  There was no necessity for the use of deadly weapons at the time the shot was fired in order to effect the arrest of Mr. Daley.
     The Jury then adjourned
until half past eight-o'clock on to-morrow morning.
                                                               FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1852.}
                                                                        8 1/2 o'clock, A.M

     The Jury and Coroner, having met, the examination of witnesses was resumed.
     Marquis S. Hess, being first duly sworn, deposed as follows:   I saw Mr. Hollinback first, and then James Berry, go up to the house of Mr. Daley on the morning after the election, between one and two o'clock - Mr. Hollinback knocked and the door was opened, and Mr. Hollinback and Mr. Berry went in.  I, and also Mr. John Turney walked up to go in too.
     Mr. Hollinbeck asked for Mr. Daley.  Mr. Daley came forward, and Berry told him he wanted to arrest him.  Daley asked him what it was for - Mr. Daley spoke very civilly at first, and said he did not think Jim Berry would do it.  Berry said he came there to do it, and he was going to take him.  Daley then asked Berry where his order was for him.  Mr. Berry threw out his hand, and said, I am an officer, and this is my order.  Peter Giblin, the deceased, was standing by and said that Daley should not go.  Then Daley said he would not go.  Then Mr. Berry put his hand on Daley's right shoulder, and said he should go.
     By this Mr. Giblin run between them and broke Berry's hold  Then Mr. Hollinback said John Turney came to assist Berry.  These were the whole five, Berry Turney and Hollinback (the officers) and Daley and Gilbin, all clinched together in one lump.  Then I saw Mr. Berry strike Mr. Daley on the head two or three times, and the whole five fell against the window and broke it.  Turney was the one who fell against the window and broke it.  Turney was the one who fell against it.  Then they kept fighting until they get next to the door which went into the room north.  The door was open and Mr. Daley and Mr. Giblin closed the door and left the officers in the other room.  Berry and Hollinback went up to the door and tried to open it, but could not.  Then Mr. Hollinback put his knee against one of the panels and his hands upon the latch, and the pannel broke.
     Then I saw Mr. Turney standing with one foot at outside of the door, leaning his left shoulder against the door frame of the house.  There I saw Mr. Turney for the first time pull out his pistol and said he would shoot.
     Then I saw him taking out the pistol.  I asked him to give it to me, and tried to get it away from him for two or three minutes; but he would not do it.  Twas then I heard a voice through the b_ken panel of the north room door, Exclaiming, "don't shout."  I stepped away.  Heard Michael McArdle, a bar keeper at the Neil House, telling of Mr. Turney "not to shoot." - Then the door of the north room was opened.   Mr. Hollinbeck took a light and went into it by looking for Daley.  Then there was a knocking heard on the door that goes out of the bar-room west.  Mr. Berry told Hollinbeck to come back with the light, that there was somebody knocking on the west door.  Mr. Hollinbeck came back with the light and put it on the bar,  and went and opened the door west.  I saw Mr. Daley come in followed by Mrs. Daley - he looked very bloody in the face all the time.  Mr. Berry was then standing near the front door, and Mrs. Daley stepped up to him and said something to him about her husband that I didn't understand, and hit him in the face.  Mr. Berry took her by her arms, put her one side, and said he would not hurt her.  Then I saw Mr. Berry and Mr. Turney rather push out of the door like; I could not tell whether there was any one behind it, but thought there was from appearances.   Then I heard a voice say "stand back, Joe, and I'll shoot him.  It was Mr. Berry that spoke.  I then looked up and saw Mr. Berry holding a pistol in his hand very high over the head of the man that was shot, pointing in the direction of Mr. Daley.  I ran up to Mr. Berry and caught the arm of the hand he held the pistol in, and said "Berry, don't shoot the pistol, for God's sake,"  Berry dropped his arm and said he believed he would not.
     It was then I saw Turney standing against the south jam of the door, on the pavement, leaning against it with his left shoulder, his left foot seemed to be higher than his right, I think it was on the door step, having his pistol right in front of him, holding it with both hands - stooping a little I think, but am not positive.  I also saw the man that was shot standing in the door then.  I walked back then to the place where I was first standing, by the window south of the door.  I saw Mr. Berry have his pistol in his hand, hanging down like to the ground.  It was then I heard another pistol go off, and saw the flash.  It was the report of a pistol I heard.  The sound and flash were right between Turney and Berry.  It was nearer Turney than Berry.  A moment before this I heard Turney say to Berry "don't shoot."  After the shot was fired I walked back by the lamp post, as I thought it was rather dangerous there to stand.  It was then somebody came to me, I don't recollect who, and asked me if I would not be so kind as to go after the captain of the watch.  I went up to the American and did not find the captain; I went back, and the captain of the watch was there, and was in company with Michael Farley, and two or three others, and Mr. Turney came up - one asked Turney (I don't know who it was) who shot.  Turney said, I believe "I shot."  I walked away from the corner I saw Martin McGuire, Berry, and John Fleming, standing talking, and Mr. Berry took the pistol I had seen him have before and gave it up to Mr. McGuire, and told him to save it for him.  I then went home along with Mr. Berry.  That is all I know about it.
Cross-Examined -
     The pistol I saw Mr. Turney have, appeared to me like a six shooter with but one barrel to it.  I think it was a revolver, with one barrel.  I take it one myself to say that Mr. Berry did not fire his pistol, for I was looking at it when the shot was fired.  Michael McCordle, James Gardiner and Patrick Corren were present when Turney was asked the question, Who shot?  I don't know whether Mr. Weider was present of not; and further - deponent with not; and further-deposed with not.
     Michael McCardle also being sworn stated:  I known nothing about the shooting part.  I was not there at the time.  Between three and five minutes after the shot was fired, I heard some one ask in the crowd, Who sot?  I heard the voice reply, " I shot."  I don't know if the person who made a reply.  I heard in the report of the pistol when it was fired.  I was on Township street.
     Isaac Weider, also being duly sworn, stated: I suppose about one o'clock of the morning of the 3d of November, I came to the corner of Town and Fourth streets.  There was a crowd there.  They were talking about a man having been shot.  I inquired where the man was, who had been shot.  It was replied, there, in that small house by the corner.  I was standing by the side of John Turney, looking him in the face.  I inquired who shot the man?  He replied, "I reckon I did, for I shot.  If there was no other shot, I shot him." Some one standing by whom I did not see, said there was no other shot - there was but one shot.  I then went into the house and saw the man that was shot, and they showed me the hole where the bell entered.  It was a little to the left of his navel.  A woman was standing by, and two or three other persons.  I asked the man, who shot him?  He made no reply, but a woman spoke up and said it was Berry.  She said she would go before a magistrate and swear that Berry shot him.  The man at the time was laying on his side, with his back towards me.  He turned over the looked me in the face and said, "It was not Berry that shot me; it was the man that was with him with the white coat on."  He contended that it was not Berry that shot him; while the woman and the others contended that it was.  He would not at any time agree that it was Berry who shot him; but the others persisted it was.  While I was there, he sent for the doctor and for the priest; and said he did not believe he should live to see the priest.  Martin McGuire and three doctors came in while I was in the house.  I knew none of the doctors.  I asked them what they thought of him.  They said they did not think him dangerous.  They did not think he would die.  The man stuck to it that he could not live.  We heard a noise out doors, and Martin McGuire and I went out and pacified the people.  I left Martin with them and went home.  I did not pay much attention to the color of John Turney's coat, but think it was light colored.
     Martin McGuire - Next being duly sworn, stated, Soon after Mr. Giblin was shot, I went in and saw him.  He was calling for the Priest.  In 20 or 30 minutes the Priest came. Before the Priest came, the Doctors were probing to find the ball.  They had found one ball, and from its size I asked if there might not be another.  They examined, and could not find another, and said there was none, unless it had taken a downward direction.  During this time the man was continually calling for the Priest, and insisting that he must die, and calling for the Priest, and insisting that he must die, and calling for some one to kill him to put him out of his pain.  After the Priest came, the room was cleared, and the man was left alone with the Priest, and he had some private conversation a few minutes, I can't say how many.  The Priest came to the door and enquired for me; I went in, and the door was closed -  The Priest, the wounded man, and myself being all there, were in the room, he (the Priest) called me up to the head of the bed.  The man's face was turned towards the front of the bed.  The Priest asked the man who shot him, (and called my attention to the words at the time.)  He replied, "The man who stood beside Mr. Berry, shot me."  The Priest  administered the rites of the Church to the wounded man, after which the door was opened and the people came in.  I am informed the man is dead now, and in my opinion, died of the wound.
     Dr. O. Johnson next being duly sworn, deposed as follows:  I was present at the examination of the wounded man; he is dead; the cause of his death was that pistol shot.  I am a practising physician.
     The jury then adjourned until 2'o'clock P.M.

Source:  Ohio Statesman - Columbus, OH
Dated: July 21, 1941
In Pittsburg, Pa., on Friday, July 16, Mrs. MARIA PRESTON, consort of Rev. William Preston, late of this city.  The intelligence of the death of this amiable lady, truly an ornament to her sex, and a ministering angel at the couch of the sic, and the hearth of the distressed, comes with deeply painful and saddening influences upon the hearts of those who lately bade her an affectionate farewell, on her departure from this city, where all who knew her best loved her most, and followed her with warmest and fondest blessings, and well wishes, both for her, her highly esteemed husband, and her interesting family.  There are many here who most deeply and sincerely sympathize with the bereaved and affected family.

In this City, Friday, July 16, MARTHA JANE, aged about two years, daughter of Wm. Harrison.

In Dublin, on Sunday afternoon, June 20, JOHN SELLS, Esq., aged 67 years and 3 months, after a severe illness of five weeks.
     The relatives and friends of the deceased are requested to attend his Funeral on Sunday, 25th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M.  Funeral Sermon by Rev. I. N. Walter.

On Friday last, JOHN W. McCOY, son of Mr. Adams Stewart, of this city, aged about 12 years. - The deceased came to his death by being thrown from a horse on Friday morning.  He was taken up insensible, and lingered in that state about 8 hours. - Journal.

On Sunday, 18th inst., MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of James W. and Elizabeth Berry, aged 23 months and 19 days.

On the 12th inst., at his residence, Canaan township, Madison County, Mr. PATRICK CONNER, aged about 70.  The deceased was a democrat, and at the last April election, was elected a Justice of the Peace, in a township, by a majority of 21, over the combined vote of three federal candidates, which last fall gave a majority for Harrison of thirty odd votes. - Communicated.

Source: Daily Ohio Statesman - Columbus
Dated: Aug. 31, 1842
DIED, On Monday, the 22d inst., Mrs. Anastasia Nadenbousch, consort of Mr. Henry Nadenbousch, of Franklin township, aged 64 years.
Source:  Times Picayune - Louisiana
Dated: Feb. 27, 1852
RICHARD DOUGLAS died in Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 14th inst., in the 67th year of his age.  The deceased was one of the pioneers in the State, generally known and highly esteemed.  He was a native of New London, Ct., and in the early part of his life a sailor, but he quit the sea, read law, and at his death was the oldest lawyer in the Scioto Valley, except JUDGE THOMAS SCOTT.
Source:  Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: Nov. 6, 1852
Held on the Dead Body of Peter Giblin, at the House of Dennis Daley, in Columbus.
Reported expressly for the Ohio Statesman.
                                                                        FRIDAY, Nov. 5, 1852}
                                                                         2 o'clock, P.M.            }

(More testimony)

     The testimony having been concluded, and the jury having retired for deliberation, returned the following verdict.  (The formal commencement and ending are omitted):
     "After having heard the evidence and examined said body, we do find that the deceased came to his death by a pistol shot, discharged at him on the morning of the third of November, 1852, which pistol is supposed by us to have been discharged by John H. Turney.



Source: New Hampshire Patriot
Dated: Dec. 22, 1875
A HARD DEATH.  A workman at Columbus, O., a few days ago endeavored to pass over the Scioto river "hand over hand", on the wire of an unfinished bridge.  He had proceeded a short distance when the wire began to cut his hands, and though he made desperate efforts to return, the pain in his hands was such that he was forced to let go his hold and was dashed to pieces on the rocks, fifty feet below.
Source:  Columbus Daily Enquirer - Ohio
Dated: Feb. 11, 1887

The friends and acquaintances of Mr. And Mrs. J. S. Harrison are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Clarence Alexander, from their residence THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock.

Funeal of Mr. F. M. Dennis
The funeral of Mr. Frank M. Dennis took place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock from his late residence in the Northern Liberties. The services were conducted by Rev. J. B. K. Smith. A large number of friends and acquaintances followed the remains to the cemetery.

Funeral of Mr. Fletcher Johnston.
The funeral of Mr. Fletcher Johnston took place from the residence of his mother on Fourth avenue yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. Walker Lewis, and quite a number of friends were present to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the deceased.

Death of an Infant.
Clarence Alexander, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harrison, died yesterday afternoon after a brief illness of pneumonia. In the loss of their little darling the grief-stricken parents have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends. Death is sad at all times, but when it deprives us of those whom we love most dearly, it comes with double sadness. The funeral will take place from the residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Funeral of Mrs. Dr. A. F. Robinson
The remains of Mrs. Dr. A. F. Robinson, who died last Sunday at Austin, Texas, arrived here yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Freeman. A large number of sorrowing friends met the remains at the union depot to pay a last tribute to this most estimable lady. The services were conducted by Rev. R. H. Harris, pastor of the Baptist church, of which Mrs. Robinson was a consistent member. The following gentlemen were the pall bearers: Capt. Charles Brockway, Grigsby E. Thomas, jr., J. M. Russell, Esq., col. W. A. McDoubald, Col. F. G. Wilkins, Judge J. F. Pou, Messrs. J. H. Bass and J. S. Acee.
(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Dated: Feb. 2 1890

Deliberate Suicide of a Young Recruit Who Had made a Mistake.
Columbus, O., Feb. 1. - At fifteen minutes past ten o'clock Thursday night Recruit Thomas Mulrooney of the Depot Detachment deliberately committed suicide at the barracks by shooting himself through the heart. He has been at the garrison only about three months, and was employed as a clerk at head-quarters, where his genial and gentlemanly manner caused him to be respected by his associates. The cause of his taking his own life is ascribed by his comrades to have been a morbid feeling that he had made a mistake in enlisting in the United States army, and had thereby become dissatisfied with his surroundings. He enlisted at Milwaukee, at the same time that Edward J. Drexel, the nephew of the Philadelphia banker, enlisted, but he chose the infantry, whereas Drexel joined the cavalry. Mulrooney was also known to have been an intimate friend of young Drexel before they enlisted, and the name which Mulrooney took upon enlisting is known to have been incorrect, as he soon got tired of being called Mulrooney, and asked his comrades to call him "Mull." His real name is believed to be _anna, and his father is said to be a large dry goods merchant of Chicago. The act of suicide on the part of the deceased must have been a very deliberate one, as he unbuttoned his coat and vest and while feeling for his heart with the forefinger of his left hand, he placed the revolver close to his breast with the right hand and fired, the ball passing through his heart and shattering the forefinger, and he fell to the ground, in which position he was found by Assistant Librarian Craig. Craig immediately secured the assistance of Sergeants Needham and Roberts and they together carried the body to the post hospital where it was found that death must have been instantaneous.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source:  Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH - Page 3
Dated: Sept. 17, 1890
A Somnambulist Falls From the Fourth Story of a Columbus Hotel
     COLUMBUS, Sept. 16. - [Special.] - Oscar Williams, aged 26, and a brother of Steward Williams of the Central insane asylum, in some manner fell from the fourth story of the American hotel and lay in the court several hours in an unconscious condition.  As young Williams was a somnambulist it is supposed he walked out of the window while asleep.  At 4:30 this morning Joseph Umbergagt, a cook at the American house, noticed a man lying in the narrow court at the rear of the hotel.  He was unconscious and investigation showed that it was Oscar Williams and that he had fallen from his room above.  His right leg was gladly broken, his jaw was fractured and there were several severe cuts about the head.  It is very doubtful whether he will recover.  He was employed as collector for Armour & Co.
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated:  Jul. 15, 1892
Killed in a Ball Game.
     Columbus, July 14, - (Special) - Delbert Forbes, the twelve year old son of Mrs. Florence Forbes, a widow, was instantly killed by a wild throw to third base at an amateur ball game this afternoon.  The ball was thrown by the catcher with terrific speed to head off a runner at third.  It struck young Forbes in the forehead crushing his skull and causing instant death.
Source: Grand Forks Herald - North Dakota
Dated: May 18, 1904
JUMPED TO DEATH. Columbus, Ohio, Mother Tied Her Little Daughter to Her Arm and Jumped in River.
     Columbus, May 17. - Having tied her five-year-old daughter to her left arm and waist, Mrs. M. B. Copeland today jumped from the north rail of the Rich street bridge over Scioto river and both were downed in 12 feet of water.
Source: Dallas Morning News - Texas
Dated: Aug. 22, 1931
Newspaper Publisher Dies
TOLEDO, Ohio, Aug. 21 (AP). - Charles F. Fischer, 65, president of Columbus, Ohio Citizen, a Scripps-Howard Newspaper, died suddenly in Community Hospital, Perrysburg, Ohio, Friday of injuries received Aug. 11 in an automobile accident.





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