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Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania)
Wednesday, October 23, 1822 Page 1
A letter dated September 29, from a gentleman in
Columbus, Ohio, to his friend in Baltimore, states that
there never had been more sickness in that state than
during the present fall. In that small town there have
been three buried in one day. Forty to fifty were then
lying sick. The inhabitants on the Ohio and Muskingum
rivers have the yellow fever to an alarming degree. The
report was, that there are more than three hundred cases
of yellow fever in the neighborhood of Marietta; they
are dying fast; numbers are removing from the water
coursed to the highlands. The crops were abundant, but
the squirrels had been very destructive to the corn.
The inhabitants had associated for the purpose of
destroying the animals. On the first of September they
formed themselves into two parties, and, on counting,
nineteen thousand six hundred and sixty scalps were
produced, besides about 500 which were not taken into
the account. – American.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania)
Dated: November 13 1822 Page 2
A letter from Chillicothe, gives the following account
of the damage sustained by those little animals, the
quantity of which almost exceeds belief: “As we passed
thro’ the country, from Dayton to Zanesville, it is
impossible to describe the havoc and destruction made by
the gray and black squirrels. Whole field of corn, from
5 to 10 acres, are said to be wholly destroyed – not an
ear left. During a squirrel hut of about a week in the
neighboring towns about Columbus, the first part of this
month nearly 20,000 were killed.
The exact number, I think was 19,626. Hundreds were
seen every day swimming the Great Miami, Mad River,
Scioto, and other streams. Children, from 6 to 10 years
of age, would wade into into the shallow water, before
the squirrels reached the shore, and kill them with
sticks. Many of them are fat and fine eating – many
families almost live upon them.
We saw many little boys and some men, with from ten to
thirty or forty on their backs. They seem to be almost
as destructive as the locusts formerly were in Egypt.
They have never before been known so numerous in this
section of the country. It is supposed that swim in to
find mast, as the nuts are scarce in this quarter, and
then attack the corn-fields. They will, probably,
occasion a scarcity in many places.” Nat. Intel.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Dated: April 5, 1830
Francis, Davies, was drowned at Columbus,
Ohio 19 Mar. He was one of the Acting Justices of the
Peace of this town and leaves a wife and 2 small
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: November 6, 1837
Say what the opposition may, there is certainly a
strong tincture of aristocracy in their composition; and
any man may perceive it. There is, perhaps, no man
in the country upon whom they olavish more abuse than
upon Amos Kendall. They cannot speak
of him with any thing like complacency, and they very
frequently travel out of their way for the mere purpose
of assailing him. He is a very stench in their
delicate nostrils. He taints the very atmosphere
which is breathed by these sprigs of nobility. -
(Witness the Patriot's Washington letter of Wednesday
last.) That he is an efficient officer, none will
deny. That he possesses an extraordinary degree of
ability, all will admit. That he is untiring in
his industry, is a matter of notoriety. That his
integrity is strict, none will dispute. That he
has brought order out of confusion, and placed the
affairs of the Post office Department on the best
possible footing, is a fact known to the whole country.
Yet he is constantly assailed by the opposition.
And why is all this? The answer is to be found in
the fact that he is a self made man. He cannot
trace is descent through a long line of distinguished
ancestors. He has risen from obscurity; and
therefore is, in their estimation, unworthy to be
classed among those who compose "good society."
This is the very head and front of his offending, and
for this he cannot be forgiven.
Baltimore Republican. |
Source: The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio)
Page: 16
Dated Sept. 21, 1944
- XENIA - Pfc. Henry Eshbaugh, France
- FINDLAY - Pvt. Joseph A. Gazarek,
Southwest Pacific
- CENTERBURG - 1st Lt. John W. Rank, Saipan
Sea. 1c William
Saylor, Jr.
- WESTPORT CONN. - 2nd Lt. Robert F. Dustman, 25, formerly of Columbus
off Florida coast.
- COLUMBUS - Pvt. Amos Ginnicks, 30, 436 Columbian Av., Saipan;
Pfc. Robert E. Hoskinson, 3660 Cleveland Av.,
European area.
- LEWIS ENTER - Marine Pfc. Oliver P. Rogers, Jr.
- MORRAL - Marine Cpl. Earl O. Southard
- DOVER - Marine Pfc Thomas L. Stauffer
- ZANESVILLE - Marine Pfc. Manford U. Thomas, Pfc. Robert D. Seevers,
- OSBORN - Pfs. Clarence L. Null, Asia
- MARIETTA - Pfc. Richard C. West, Central Pacific;
- Pfc. Lawrence W. Burkhart, Europe; Pvt. Donald M.
Caldwell, Europe
- GREENVILLE - Pfc. Tom D. Arnett, Europe
- LIMA - Pvt. Michael J. Benedict, Europe; Sgt. Landis McBride, Europe
- DUNKIRK - Pfc. Kenneth A. Bowers, Europe
- SHELBY - Pfc. Byron M. Burdge, Europe
- NEW PHILADELPHIA - Sgt. Russell Edwards,
- LIMA - Pfc. Robert A. Fletcher, Europe
- DENNISON - Pfc. Frank L. Fondriest, Europe
- MARION - Pfc. Joseph P. Galati, Europe; S/Sgt. Clarence
E. Primmer; Europe; Pvt. Darrell Roseberry,
- BARNESVILLE - Pfc. Robert D. Grubb, Europe
- WILLIAMSPORT, T/5 Gerald R. Hillenbrand, Europe
- SHAWNEE - Pfc. Clifford A. Leaver, Europe
- LONDON - Sgt. robert L. Long, Sr., Europe
- PROCTORVILLE - Sgt. Wilbert O. Newman, Europe
- BOWERSTOWN - Pfc. Harry H. Slentz, Europe
- ROSEVILLE - Pfc. Jay Walters, Europe
- MANSFIELD - 2nd Lt. Earl J. Deems, Southwest Pacific; Pfc. Albin
T. Draus.
- FREMONT - T/4 Henry V. Kadluboski, Southwest Pacific
- MT. STERLING - Pfc. John H. Kuhn, Southwest Pacific
- CAMBRIDGE - Pvt. Herbert L. Somers, Southwest Pacific
- BELLEFONTAINE - T/5 George Miranda, France
- CROOKSVILLE - S.Sgt. Frank C. Dillehay, second time, France
- CROOKSVILLE - Pvt. Stanley Brummage, Camp Famin, Tex.
- CENTERBURG - S/Sgt. Dwight Perkins, Germany
CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO, SEPT. 21 - Innocent pleas were
entered by C. J. Sanders and Floyd Sanders when
they were arraigned in Common Pleas Court on charges of
embezzlement and obtaining money under false pretense in
connection with alleged irregularities at the Container
Corporation of America plant here.
Ten Franklin County
soldiers have been honored with decorations for
gallantry, the War Department has announced, and have
received separately a legion of honor, two distinguished
flying crosses, two bronze stars, four air medals and an
oak leaf cluster to the air medal.
1st Sgt. CHARLES J.
WILSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wilson,
Canal Winchester, received the legion of merit in Italy.
He has been stationed at an evacuation hospital since
Nov. 14, 1842. A graduate of Canal Winchester High
School, he was employed by the Moores & Ross Co.
prior to entering the Army.
A distinguished flying
cross has been awarded to S/Sgt. THOMAS L. GEHEGAN,
husband of Mrs. Elsie Gehegan, 2608
Johnstown Rd. He is a waist gunner on a B-24
Liberator bomber, with the 8th AAF based in England.
Sgt. Gehegan, who attended St. Charles School, was
employed in Cincinnati before entering the AAF Oct. 19,
Col. JOE L. MASON, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Burton B. Mason, 1609 Doone Rd., received a second
oak leaf cluster to the DFC. He commands a P-51
Mustang group which has more than 425 enemy plane to its
credit, with the 8th AAF in England. Col.
Mason also wears the distinguished service cross,
the silver star and the air medal with three clusters.
LINKHORN, son of Mrs. Mary E. Linkhorn, 171
Chittenden Av. was awarded the bronze star for heroic
achievement in Normandy, in connection with the Allied
landings. He is with the engineer corps. A
graduate of North High School and Ohio State University,
he entered the Army Sept. 1, 1941.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schneider, 623 Seymour
Av. received the bronze star for his services as
operations chief in charge of a field artillery fire
direction center with the 37th Division throughout the
Bougainville campaign. He is a graduate of St.
Charles High School and was employed by the W. M.
Ritter Lumber Co. before going into service.
He ahs been overseas 26 months.
Other awards went to these
husband of Mrs. Alice G. Maughan, 561 Belvidere
Av., an air medal. He is with the 12th
AAF, based on Corsica, and is bombardier of a B-25
Mitchell bomber.
McFARLAND, 135 W. Kenworth Rd., an air medal.
He is a B-25 radio operator with the 12th AAF based on
Sgt. BILLY M. WILMER, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.
M. Wilmer, 586 HIlltonia Ave., an air medal.
Source: Daily Ohio Statesman
Dated: Dec. 3, 1852
The Whig Organ encouraging the Whig Police to Shoot
Irish Democrats.
The true character of the following article, from the
Ohio State Journal of this morning, cannot be justly
described, and we publish in entire, that each reader
may see what it is for himself.
So far as anything in this article is intended to
create doubt as to the reckless and unnecessary murder
of Peter Giblin by a whig police, from political
motives, its falsehood is known by every intelligent
whig or Democrat in Columbus. The attempt to
justify the killing of Giblin, by putting forth a charge
of rowdyism against any portion of the Democracy, on the
evening when the foul murder was committed, is a
miserable lie, intended and known to be such when
But when the Journal undertakes to defend the whit
police, by charging that the Irish Democrats etc etc
etc.[This is a long article. If anyone wants to
read it, please contact me at
ohiogenealogyexpress@yahoo.com ~ S. Wick] |
. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: Jan. 1, 1880
The ladies have been quite negligent in deciding
whether or not to receive to-day, and those who have
decided so to do are opposed to the idea of having their
names published. The number who will keep open
house are but few. The majority of the ladies,
however, will be at home. The following is a list
of those who are to keep open house and be at home:
Mrs. M. Scott Cook and sister, Miss Tiffin and
Mrs. Cook's daughters, Miss Thea and Miss Margaret; Mrs.
H. W. Biggs, Mrs. J. A. Nipgen, Mrs. Wm. Carson, MRs. T.
W> Woodrow, Jr., Mrs. Geo. M. Bould, Mrs. Amos Smith and
daughter, Miss Bettie, assisted by Miss Mame Schmidt, of
York, Pa., and Miss Lucy Waddle; Mrs. W. V. Lawrence,
Mrs. W. C. Patterson, Mrs. A. S. Nye and daughters, Mrs
Isaac Cook and Miss endora Nye; Mrs. R. B. Smarth, Mts.
A. C. Ireland and daughters, Mrs. C. M. Staunton, of
Springfield, Ill., and Miss Nellie Ireland; Mrs. Chas.
Lewis, assisted by Mrs. P. M. Munier; Mrs. R. H.
Petterson; Mrs. M. K. assisted by Miss Stella
Winchester, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Capt. E. R. McKee;
Misses Nellie and Jennie Waddle, Misses Ida and Bessie
McCoy, Kate Floyd, assisted by Lizzie
Christopher, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Cora Rehwinkle,
Misses Etta and Ella Lord, Jennie Bartlett,
Misses Nannie, Jerome and Cynthia Clark, Mollie Reed,
assisted by Bertha Miller, of Greenfield, O.;
Laura Higby, Lizzie Nichols, Jennie and Libbie Clough,
Clara March
(Transcribed from Genealogy Bank by Sharon Wick on
6/7/2009) |
. |
Source: Cincinnati Daily Gazette - Ohio
Dated: July 14, 1882
James Harper, a
Columbus, O., laborer, was seriously injured yesterday
by the falling of a heavy bucket used in raising the
earth from the bottom of the sewer in which he was at
work. At Columbus, O.,
George Shafer, the young man arrested on the charge
of having procured an abortion on Mahala Jane Miller,
was arraigned yesterday and pleaded not guilty.
Mrs. Place, the proprietress of the boarding house
at which the unfortunate girl staid while here, was
Hon. John G. Thompson
left Columbus yesterday for Washington, presumably for
the purpose of having a conference with Senator
George H. Pendleton, whom he desires to make
permanent Chairman of the coming State Convention. |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland, OH - Page 3
Dated: Sept. 17, 1890
His Was a Tough Neck.
Charles Miller, a conductor on the Ohio Southern,
had a miraculous escape from death near Jackson, O.
He was down on his knees examining the track when steam
was suddenly turned into the engine and the connecting
rod descended on his neck with awful force, causing it
to sound like a pistol shot. The horrified
onlookers supposed the conductor's neck had been
instantly broken. A surgeon was called at once.
A large lump resembling bone projected from the vertebra
and was simply pushed back into place by the surgeon.
Miller has resumed his run.
He Claims to be Innocent.
SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 16. -
[Special.] - In consequence of the failure of the school
board to act on the Ballentine-Legonda school scandal
case Mr. Ballentine was at his post at school
today. A report from Lagonda states that some of
the pupils, about twenty in all, left school when they
learned that Ballentine had been reinstated.
The matter is laid over for two weeks and Ballentine
will teach during that time. He protests to be
innocent of the charges brought against him as
already fully published in the press.
Failures at Tiffin
TIFFIN, Sept. 16. -
[Special] - Sheriff Hepp this moning at 3
o'clock took charge of the store of Godman & Co.,
to secure certain outstanding claims, and at 9 o'clock
the firm filed a deed of assignment to James A.
Norton. Under the hometead act the deed
of assignment included 640 acres of land, in Vinton
county, 107 acres in Pike county, two frame store
buildings at Azleski, Vinton county, and the stores in
Lima and in this city. The liabilites are not
known, but are supposed to be large.
Daniel Hart, a well known farmer residing near
Attica, dropped dead of heart disease in his barn today.
STEUBENVILLE, Sept. 16. - At Mingo jnction, three miles
below here, Mrs. William Frazier, wife of a
laborer, threw hot mortar into her husband's eyes
last evening, burining them both out. Frazier
has been putting up a new house and his wife had been
hauling dirt out of the cellar. During the
afternoon, while doing this, Frazier came home
drunk and abused his wife. She turned to a box of
hot mortar near by and dashed a shovelful of it into
face. Frazier suffered intense pain and
lost his eyesight in a short time.
Newark Jottings.
NEWARK, Sept. 16 -
[Special.] - John Robertson, an employe of the
Balimore and Ohio, while engaged in letting off brakes
on a car in the yard today was accidentally knocked
under the train, He saved his life by hanging to a
step but his legs were broken and several toes were cut
off. He is a married man about 25 yearsold and
will recover.
The tailors of this city have made a demand for an
increase in prices and have decided that unless their
terms are granted by Oct. 1, they will go out on a
People of That Town indignantly Deny a Sensational
CARROLLTON, Sept. 16 -
[Special] - The people of this town are indignant at the
correspondents who have started a cholera and typhoid
fever scare all over the county. Telegrams from
all over the states are pouring in asking questions
about the case of Asiatic cholera reported from here and
offering advice and recipes. In reality no cholera
exists here and no more typhoid fever in the county than
is usual at this time of year everywhere. There
were three deaths in Washington township in seven days
and not "six deaths in two days," as reported.
There are no new cases and the two or three old ones are
convalescing. Dr. Williams denies the
cholera story and the other physicians consider it
equally absurd, while the business men are very angry.
John Toot, the man who it is alleged died with
the cholera, died with cramps, which he was subject to.
His wife and friends say that his death was unexpected
because he had often been worse with similar attacks and
recovered. There is not in Carrollton today a
single person sick with disease of any kind. This
is an encouraging state of affairs which does not exist
in many towns of 1,800 people.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer - Cleveland
Dated: Jul. 15, 1892
Attempt to Kill the Guards
Columbus, July 14 - (Special) - Mike Moran,
a Franklin county convict, rebelled at the penitentiary
this afternoon and attempted to kill Guards Gumph
and Short with a razor. He was overpowered
in the nick of time and given an introduction to both
the "humming bird" and ducking tub. |
Source: Cleveland Leader (Cleveland, OH) Page: 6
Dated: Nov. 23, 1892
Lizzie Dean et al. vs. Casper Lowenstein et
al., Error to Circuit Court of Franklin county.
Dismissed by consent of parties. |
Source: St. Louis Republic - Missouri
Dated: July 26, 1895
WILLIAM TAYLOR Executed Died at Midnight in the
Ohio Penitentiary
Columbus, O, July 26 - William Taylor,
colored, was executed shortly after midnight in the
annex of the Ohio penitentiary for the murder of
Isaac Yoakam, an aged farmer of Franklin County.
He died game.
When Warden James read the death warrant to him
the murderer laughed and chatted lightly about it.
On the scaffold the murderer remained quiet while the
officials adjusted the noose. He bade his
attorney, Mr. Jackson, good-by, but made no other
statement. The trip was sprung at 12:00 o'clock
and he was pronounced dead in 11 minutes. His neck
was not broken, and he was convulsive dying hard.
Taylor murdered Isaac Yoakam, aged 60?
years, who lived on a farm 10 miles north of Columbus.
As the old farmer was returning from milking cows on the
evening of December 20 last. Taylor brained
him with a big hickory club and then robbed him of about
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: New Haven Register (Conn.)
Dated: Jan. 27, 1898
Source: Trenton State Gazette
Dated Jan. 28, 1898
Henry Starr, Noted Desperado, Landed in the Ohio
Captured at Colorado Springs With Ten Thousand Dollars
in Gold on His Person, All of the Famous Dalton Gang Now
Behind Prison Bars.
Columbus, O., Jan. 21 -
Henry Starr, leader of the daring gang of train and
bank robbers which has been terrorizing the citizens of
the southwestern states for the past 10 years, has been
received at the Ohio penitentiary to serve eight years
for robbery and one for manslaughter.
Starr led the gang that robbed the bank at
Bentonville, Ark., of $30,000 five years ago. When
captured at Colorado Springs he had $10,000 in gold in
his clothes.
Starr was once a member of the famous Dalton
gang of outlaws, the surviving members of which all are
in the Ohio penitentiary. When the news of
Starr's arrival was heard at the prison, a score of
old time desperadoes applied for special permission to
see the retired chief.
Unusual as these requests were, they were granted and
one by one the man who once terrorized the people of
Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas filed in.
The prisoners talked over old times and inquired after
former comrades. |
Source: Idaho Statesman
Dated: Feb. 4, 1898
A strange scene was
witnessed at the Ohio penitentiary at Columbus a short
time ago. Henry Starr, the notorious train
robber, was brought in to serve a sentence. A
number of his old gang were already sojourning in the
institution. When they heard he was coming they
asked permission to see him and this was granted.
The result was a reunion of bandits within the walls.
If a dime novelist had been present he could no doubt
have secured enough matter to supply several volumes. |
St. Louis Republic
Dated: Nov. 11, 1898
Died and Was Buried before His Wife Knew.
Franklin Eastburn of First Ohio Volunteers A.
Cruel Manner in Which the Soldier's Wife Was Notified of
Her Widowhood.
Mrs. Franklin Eastburn, living with her mother at
2620 Rutger street, this city, has just learned in a
cruel way that her husband, a member of the First Ohio
Volunteers, died four weeks ago in a Toledo hospital.
The following letter explains the manner in which
Mrs. Eastburn learned of her husband's untimely
Postmaster Wallace, Columbus, O:
St. Louis, Mo. Nov. 7, 1898 - Postmaster. Dear
Sir - Just received a letter I wrote to Franklin
Eastburn, October 27. It was returned to me
unopened and was inscribed in blue pencil: "Return
to sender, Eastburn dead' Please inform me
who wrote that, and if he is really dead, where and when
he died, and what was the casue, and if not too great a
trouble, please send the paper with his death notice.
By so doing you will greatly oblige his wife.
MRS. F. EASTBURN, 2_20 Rutger street.
Acting upon the suggestions in this letter,
Postmaster Wallace learned that Eastburn
had returned from Chickamauga sick with typhoid fever in
September. He was sent to the Toledo Hospital,
where he died October 7. Dr. Flowers of
that institution attended him, adn the hospital
authorities said that the body of the dead soldier had
been shipped to Germantown, Pa., in accordance with his
A reporter for The Republic called on Mrs. Eastburn
at 2630 Rutger street yesterday to learn more of the
singular circumstances attending her husband a death.
Mrs. Eastburn herself came to the door. She
expressed aversion to discussing her affairs or to
answering any question bearing upon the fact that she
had not been notified of her husband's death in the
usual way.
"I was here visiting my mother," she said.
"Mr. Eastburn formerly worked for an insurance
company in Columbus, O. When I came home to mother
he thought he'd go into the army, I suppose. I
heard about his joining the army, but I didn't know
anything about his sickness. The story was right
in The Republic. That's all there is to
She refused to reply to further questions but admitted
that she had written to the War Department and the
Toledo health officers for certificates of his
enlistment and death. She does not doubt the
information sent her by the Columbus Postmaster, and
realizes that her husband is dead and buried.
Franklin Eastburn's home was at Germantown, Pa.
and his relatives there had charge of his funeral.
(Source: Genealogy Bank)(Transcribed by Sharon Wick) |
Source: Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) Page 9
Dated: Friday, Dec. 10, 1971
Old Columbus Restaurant Gets New French Flavor
By Mairy Jayn Woge, Staff Writer
COLUMBUS - There is an oven full of French cuisine
across Broad Street from Ohio's State House.
Ameritel Enterprises, Inc., of Cambridge, which bought
the 75 year reputation of Marzetti Restaurant,
operating at 16 E. Broad, kept the address but changed
the favor to continental.
The new name is "Sixteen East."
The Maitre d' and general manager, Leon A.
Koster, is a Maitre de Gastronomie, a recognition
conferred by other outstanding French chefs.
A NATIVE of Luxembourg,
where his mother was a famous cook in her village,
Koster emerged from the World War II French Underground
to globe-hop in the restaurant trade.
He has previously manage dining rooms in Paris;
Bogota, Columbia; Dakar, Senegal, Africa, and in Beverly
Hills, Cincinnati, and Lexington, KY.
He speaks four languages, but the red-jacketed menu at
Sixteen East is written in French with English
The $125,000 remodeling of
the former high-ceilinged, brocaded Marzetti's attracted
many sidewalk architects before Sixteen East opened
under the all-Ohio Ameritel management earlier last
CEILINGS were dropped, doorways arched and walls
made interesting with rough white plaster and rugs
imported from Scandinavia.
One partition is a series
of cradles for wine bottles. Rural Ohioans have
compared it to the box system at a village post office.
In the front window is a
250 year old brass lantern with smoky glass panels that
had been in a French castle before it fell into the
hands of antique dealers. Koster had it wired for
When he arrived in Columbus
in March last year, he modernized the restaurant
kitchen, his first love, at once.
His son is here with him.
He is a trainee in hotel management at the Columbus
KOSTER IS trainer and
supervisor for a staff of 50, among them waitresses in
hot pants who learned that serving Le Tournedos takes
more finesse, flair and silverware than when the dish is
simply labeled tenderloin steak at an eatery along the
Ohio Turnpike.
To Koster, food is a creation to be enjoyed like an art
Sixteen East's capacity now
is 195 eaters at tables covered with white clothes,
black napkins and a tinkling array of glittering
By March, 1972, the second floor of the restaurant will
be open. It will hold 175 additional patrons.
Koster said it will be more
French and more for parties.
Here for pictures of the Marzetti's Restaurant
before Koster took over) |
Source: Augusta Chronical (Augusta, Georgia)
Section: T Page: 6
Dated: Sunday, Nov. 4, 2001
More than a great slaw dressing
We will start a new place
and serve good food. At a profit if we can, at a
loss if we must, but we will serve good food. With
this short notation on a scrap of paper Teresa
Marzetti arrived in the United States from Florence,
Italy, and started her small Italian restaurant in
Columbus, Ohio. Marzetti's became a local
favorite especially among Ohio State University
students, and grew to became a four star restaurant and
one of the finest dining experiences in the Midwest.
Customers particularly enjoyed Teresa's Creamy
Coleslaw and French dressings, and were often seen
leaving the restaurant with bottles of their freshly
made favorites. By 1955, the dressings had become
so renowned that the dressings had become so renowned
that the upstairs kitchen of the restaurant became a
full-scale factory. Thus the Marzetti brand
of salad dressings found its way into grocery stores
throughout Ohio.
After Teresa Marzetti's death in1972, the
restaurant closed forever, but her passion for quality
still lives in Marzetti's many salad dressings
and other specialty food products. Each reflects
Teresa Marzetti's original, handwritten pledge of
excellence and "good food."
Marzettie Slaw Dressing is one of the original
dressings created for the T. Marzetti Restaurant.
Today it is available in five great varieties: The
Original Lite, Low Fat, Southern Recipe, and Potato
Salad Dressing. Although Marzetti is best
known for being America's number one Slaw Dressing, it
is more than just an easy way to make coleslaw.
It's a dressing that adds exceptional flavor to a wide
variety of dishes from potato salad to avocado dip.
If you're looking for creative and tasty dishes for your
family or for entertaining friends, you'll want to
check out our new recipe booklet. We have compiled
delicious ways to use Marzetti Slaw Dressing for
salads, entrees and even desserts. |

This Webpage has been created by Sharon Wick
exclusively for Ohio Genealogy Express
Submitters retain all copyrights |