A Part of Genealogy
Welcome to
Greene County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |
together with
Historic Notes on the Northwest
The State of Ohio.
Gleaned From Early Authors, Old Maps and Manuscripts,
Private and Official Correspondence and
all other Authentic Sources, Ohio - Publ. 1881
By R. S. Dills
Dayton, Ohio
ODell & Mayer, Publishers.
Caesar's Creek Twp.
STACY MASON is the son of John and
Mary (Beven) Mason; the former was born Jan. 15, 1795.
They were married in the same county in which they were
born, in the year 1816, and lived in the same two years,
then moved to Belmont County, Ohio, and located in a small
town called Flushing, where he carried on Wagonmaking for
about sixteen years. Also held the office of Justice
of the peace for nine yeas, at the same time trading in
horses, hogs and cattle, and butchering. Eight
children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mason, five boys and
three girls: Owen, Stacy, David, Lydia Ann,
Catharine, Gideon, John and Susanna, all born in
Belmont County, except Owen, who was born in
Virginia. In 1834 the family removed to this county,
locating ten miles south of Xenia, and carried on farming
until the old gentleman's death, in 1879, his wife having
previously died, in 1877. Stacy, the subject of
this sketch, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, Dec. 25,
1818. After his father moved to this county, he hired
to work in a grist-mill on Todd's Fork, in Clinton County,
owned by Mr. H. Lewis. After remaining about a
year, he drove a team for Mr. K. Sweney on Caesar's
Creek for about two years, at two hundred dollars per
year; then ran a huckster wagon three years; after which he
purchased a general dry goods and grocery store in
Paintersville, Greene County, which he operated about ten
years; when he traded this to Mahlon Fawcett for a
farm in Caesar's Creek Township, one mile south of
Paintersville; rented the farm out, and bought a dry goods
store of G. R. Dawson, at Bloomington, Clinton
County, Ohio; remained there two yeas, sold the store to
John Bason and Son, and moved on the farm which
he operated nine years, trading meanwhile in all kinds of
stock; then moved to Paintersville where he now resides.
Mr. Mason has, during his life, bought and sold three
farms, and now owns six acres near Paintersville. He
was married Nov. 7, 1841, to Elizabeth Bruce, who
bore his three children, all girls: Mary K.,
Catherine J., and Ann E. Mary and Ann
married two brothers, S. P., and S. U. Elis
and Catherine married Joseph Wilson; all
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
891 |
Cedarville Twp. -
JAMES S. McCOLLUM, farmer, born in
Butler County, Ohio, August, 1832, was raised a farmer, and
received the rudiments of his education in the common
district schools. Was a member of the One Hundred and
Fifty-Sixty Regiment, Ohio National Guards, stationed near
Cumberland, where he remained as a soldier four months.
Was married, Jan. 1, 1868, to Miss Priscilla Elliott.
She departed this life Mar. 17, 1871. Oct. 5, 1876, he
married Sarah Creswell, daughter of Samuel and
Eliza Creswell, whose names appear in another part of
his work. James and his wife are members of the
Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 561 |
Miami Twp. -
SAMUEL McCULLOCH, undertaker, Yellow
Springs, was born in Clarke County, four miles east of
Yellow Springs, in the year 1824, of Scotch-Irish parents,
who came to Ohio that year. About the year 1836, our
subject went with his parents to the farm, one mile east of
Yellow Springs, which he helped clear and improve;
then learned the trade of house carpenter, at which he
worked until about 1850; then bought property at Yellow
Springs, and worked at cabinet making and undertaking.
About the year 1855, he built a residence and business
house, which he till occupies. In that year he married
Hannah Herick Blaisdell, who was born in the State of
Maine. They have three children living: Samuel H.,
aged twenty-four, who has been in the employ of the Adams
Express Company for seven years, as messenger, and at
present running from Kansas City to Puebla, Colorado;
Archie, aged seventeen; and Mary, aged twelve.
In 1857 our subject commenced, in connection with furniture,
the sale of clothing, hats, caps, etc., which he continued
until called to go with the One Hundred Forty-Fourth Ohio,
one hundred day men. Leaving the store to take care of
itself, he marched with the boys to defend his state.
At the expiration of his one hundred days, he was drafted,
but furnished a substitute. In 1867, he invented and
patented the removable, auxiliary rifle-barrel, for single
and breech-loading guns, which has met with great favor with
deer hunters, and sportsmen generally. In politics, he
is a Republican; in religion, he and his ancestors, as far
back as can be traced, have been Presbyterians.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 703 |
Xenia Twp. -
JAMES McDONALD, conductor, Xenia, was
born in Cincinnati, in the year 1856. Is a son of
Oliver and Catherine McDonald. His father is a
native of Scotland, and his mother of Ireland. They
immigrated to this country about the year 1840, with a
family of five children, Mary, Katie, Bridget, Julia,
and James, the subject of our sketch, who is now a
conductor on the narrow-gauge railroad, from Dayton to
Chillicothe. He has been in the railroad business a
great portion of his life, and is one of the favorite
conductors of the road, always gentlemanly, and willing to
accommodate his passengers, and is so well adapted to his
position, that all with whom the writer has conversed say he
has, or ought to have, a life lease on the road.
Received his education in this city, where the principal
portion of his life has been spent, and where all who know
him wish to spend the remainder of it.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio -
Publ. 1881 - Page 512 |
Xenia Twp. -
WILFORD McDONALD, farmer, was born in
Tennessee, Mar. 9, 1798, and is a son of Isaiah and Edith
McDonald, who immigrated to this state in 1801. He
was educated in this county, where he has passed the greater
portion of his life. In 1831 he was married to his
first wife, Miss Martha Lyon, who presented him with
eight children, all of whom are living but two. Three
of his sons, Franklin H. Mills S., and Columbus, were
in the Union army, and all were honorably discharged.
Melville and John H. are now in Nevada seeking
their fortune among the hills. These, with Americus
Jane, are all living. The other two, Sarah E.
and Mary E., are dead. Mr. McDonald was
married to his second wife, Miss Elizabeth A. McCorter,
of Clinton County, Ohio, in 1854., She has borne him
no children. He is one of the old settlers and
successful farmers of the county, and any one going over his
farm would not have to be told that he understands his
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio
- Publ. 1881 - Page 515 |
Cedarville Twp. -
J. W. McFARLAND, farmer, Cedarville,
was born on the farm where he now lives, Jan. 15, 1846.
Is the son of G. C. and Evaline (Hicks) McFarland.
Received an early education in the district schools, and
remained at home with his parents until July 1, 1863, when
he enlisted in the naval service, and was a seaman on the
gunboats Victory and Benton, plying the Ohio, Mississippi,
Cumberland, Red Rivers, and was engaged in a number of
skirmishes. He was mustered out of the service, Aug.
28, 1865. Dec. 20, 1877, was married to Mattie
Marshall, daughter of Hugh H. McFarland,
deceased, and brother of our subject, was born in this
township, Sept. 10, 1843, and was much beloved by all who
knew him, as a model young man. He enlisted in the
Seventieth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was in the
service but three months, when he returned home on furlough,
and died shortly after, Jan. 26, 1862, of typhoid fever.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 567 |
Xenia Twp. -
A. B. McINTOSH, plasterer, Xenia, was
born in Boone County, Kentucky, Mar. 22, 1846. Is the
son of William R. and Ann C. McIntosh, his father
being a native of Ohio, and his mother of Pennsylvania.
The subject of our sketch was married, Sept. 7, 1864, to
Miss Kate Cochern, daughter of Samuel and Lucinda
Cochern, of this city. They have had three
children, Gliscoe G., who died young, Cyrus W.,
and John P., who are still living. He enlisted
in the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, Jan. 8, 1864, and was wounded at the battle of
Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and was transferred to
Washington, after which he reported to the regiment at
Danville, and after going through all the bloody and
hard-fought battles participated in by that noble old
regiment, received an honorable discharge in 1865.
Received his education in this city, where he ahs spent the
greater portion of his life, and is now engaged at his trade
of plastering, doing a business second to none.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 510 |
Xenia Twp. -
A. McKAY, engineer and surveyor, Xenia, was born in
this county, Dec. 25, 1850, and is a son of Samuel F. and
Angeline A. McKay. His mother is a Virginian by
birth, and came to Ohio when she was but seven years of age.
His father was born in Ohio, and was married in the year
1850 to Miss Angeline A. Moore, daughter of
Persley Moore, of this county. He lost his life by
a tree falling on him, and left a family of five children,
George A., Maria L., Oscar F., Sarah J., and
Irving F. George A., our subject, was married
Sept. 25, 1873, to Miss Ada I. Peterson daughter of
Jacob S. and Sarah C. Peterson, of Clinton County,
Ohio. They have a family of two children, Werter
P., and Mable. He commenced
engineering when but sixteen years old, and now holds the
position of civil engineer of the Miami Valley and Columbus
Railroad, where he has been for the last two years, and
where he is likely to remain as long as he wishes. He
was raised on a farm, but being of an active mind and an
aspiring nature, he left it and engaged in his present
profession. He received a common school education in
this county, and afterwards graduated in mathematics at
Antioch College, Yellow Springs.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 509 |
Caesar's Creek Twp. -
F. McKAY, farmer, is a native of Clinton County,
Ohio; was born May 8, 1825, reared and educated there.
Was married, Mar. 17, 1850, to Angeline A. Moore of
this county, a native of Virginia; five children is the
result of this union: George A., M. Louisa, Oscar
F., Sarah J., and Irving F., all of whom are
living, and three married. Irving and Sarah
are yet at home with their parents. Mr. McKay
has a farm of three hundred and forty acres left, after
giving his children one hundred and eighty acres. He
inherited ninety acres of land on which there were no
buildings, except a log house 14 x 18 feet, and a log pen
without a roof; to which he has added four hundred and
thirty acres, and his farm well improved. Has a good,
large house, and a barn. Most of his money was
made by raising wheat and hogs. At one time, he sold
sixty-two hogs for twenty-four hundred and fifteen dollars.
Mr. McKay's parents (George and Mary) were
members of the Baptist Church. Mr. McKay died
Jun. 11, 1850, and Mrs. McKay Sept. 25, 1878.
She met death submissively.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 890 |
Spring Valley
Twp. -
WILLIAM McPHERSON, farmer and stock
raiser, was born in Xenia, Ohio, Feb. 16, 1816, of John
H., and Margaret (Hivling) McPherson, who came
from near Hagerstown, Maryland, and settled in Xenia when it
was but a clearing in the wilderness. His grandparents
on his father's side were from Scotland, and his grandfather
was the first sheriff in this county. On his mother's
side, his grandparents came from Germany. In his
youth, Mr. McPherson had few educational advantages,
but as he grew older, he attended school for some time under
Prof. Thomas Steel, and later under the Rev. Mr.
Hugh McMillan, except one year's absence in Dayton to
commence the trade of saddler, and was at home until his
marriage. He learned his trade, and worked at it until
the spring of 1840, when he went to farming and raising
stock, at which business he has since continued. His
first farming venture, was on land rented from his
grandfather, but his uncle, John Ankeney, notice the
shrewdness of young William, and purchased him the
farm on which he now resides. He was married in the
autumn of 1839, to Miss Mary A. Rader, by whom he has
had nine children, six living: John H., Adam R., Willie,
Ann Eliza, Sophia, and Georgiana; of these, three
are married. Adam to Ellen Hapman, and
living near DesMoines, Iowa; John to Lizzie Given,
and living in Xenia Township; and Eliza to E. S.
Barrett, who lives on his father's farm in this
township. Those deceased, are Robert E., Joshua
and an infant. Mrs. McPherson is a member, and
has been for more than forty years, of the German Reformed
Church of Xenia. Mr. McPherson has been school
director for nine years, and has been a director in Greene
County Agricultural Society for more than twenty years, and
was this year again elected to serve two years. For
over twelve years, he has been superintendent in the cattle
department of the Ohio State Agricultural Society. He
is a member of the Xenia Lodge No. 52, Odd-fellows, is also
Master of Walnut Grange No. 25, P. of H., of Spring Valley
Township, and has always been a Republican, but cast his
first vote for General Harrison, in 1840. Two of his
sons participated in the late war. John was
in Company C, Seventy-Fourth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, and served all through the war, and was honorably
discharged and without a scratch. His son Joshua,
was also a member of the Seventy-fourth Regiment, but he
died in Nashville, Tennessee, from a sickness contracted
while on his way to join the regiment. Mr.
McPherson has one hundred and eighty-three acres of land
in Spring Valley Township, with about twenty acres of
woodland included. His buildings are all in good
order, and his stock shows the care that denotes the thrifty
farmer. Aside from this, he is a half owner in one
hundred and sixty acres of land in Indiana, which lies about
four miles form Muncie, and about one hundred acres of which
is under cultivation. Mr. McPherson is a man
well spoken of by his neighbors, and enjoys the confidence
of all with whom he comes in contact.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
872 |
Beaver Creek Twp. -
DAVID MERRICK, farmer, Alpha, was born
in this township in the year 1820. Is a son of
Joseph and Susana Merrick; his father was born in
Delaware, Oct. 9, 1779, and Susana Boston, his wife,
in Maryland Dec. 25, 1793. They were married in
Maryland in 1814, and the following year immigrated to Ohio,
locating on land now known as the Boroff farm, where
they resided some years, and afterward lived in various
places in the township. Mr. Merrick was raised
a Methodist, his father, John Merrick being a
minister of that church. Mrs. Merrick was a
member of the Lutheran Church, until the day of her death.
They were parents of five children, four living: John,
Elizabeth, Israel, and David; Mary Ann, deceased,
Mar. 10, 1831. Mr. Merrick died Mar. 3, 1857,
aged seventy-seven years. Mrs. Merrick departed
this life Jan. 10, 1873, aged eighty years. She was a
great sufferer during a portion of her life, being troubled
with a spinal affection which crippled her to a great
extent, yet her energy and iron will buoyed her up, and
carried her to a remarkable age. The boyhood of our
subject was passed on the farm, and he received the
rudiments of his education in the common schools, which was
afterwards developed in the schools of Dayton, by study at
home, by which he fitted himself to teach, a profession he
followed for twelve years in the schools of the township.
In 1859 he was married to Ann R. Kable, daughter of
Samuel Kable, by whom he has had nine children, seven
living: Sarah E., William K., Joseph S., Emma M.,
Ellen C., Mattie J., and Benjamin D.; the
deceased are Anna R., and an infant. After
marriage he located near Shakertown, where he resided till
1865, when he purchased the land on which he now lives.
He owns one hundred and twenty-five acres, which are well
improved. Mrs. Merrick is a member of the
German Reformed Church. David Merrick is one of
our self-made men, having begun life without a dollar, and
by hard work and good management has built up a good
property. Politically he is a Republican, having
always given his influence to that party upon all questions
at issue. Mrs. Merrick was born in Osborne,
Greene County, Apr. 21, 1837.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio -
Publ. 1881 - Page 616 |
Creek Twp. -
native of this county; born Aug. 4, 1834, and was reared and
educated here. Was married to Margaret Devoe,
of the same county, a native of Virginia, December, 1868;
eight children were the result of this union: Emma
J., John H., Susan, Mary F., Ella B., Loratta, Thomas L.,
and Lizzie, all of whom are living save Susan
who died at the early age of ten months. Mr.
Middleton has a farm of one hundred and twenty-acres,
well improved, on which he lives. His farm is a very
desirable one, and worth about one hundred dollars per acre.
He is what we might properly call a "self-made man," as he
inherited but little of his wealth, the remainder being the
result of his industry and good management. Mr. and
Mrs. Middleton are members of the Methodist Church.
Mr. Middleton's parents, John and Susan (Mussetter)
Middleton, were natives of Virginia. Mr.
Middleton, sr., was one of the pioneers of this
county, coming here in 1826, and died Sept. 7, 1864.
Mrs. Middleton died Aug. 5, 1852. They were
parents of ten children.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
892 |
MILLER, farmer, Dayton, was born in Frederick County,
Maryland, Aug. 8, 1820. Is a son of Jacob and
Judith Miller, who were born in the same county, in
which they resided till their removal to Ohio, in 1834.
They located seven miles northwest of Dayton, where they
lived a few years, then came to this county, where they
lived many years, and until Mrs. Miller's death,
which occurred Feb. 5, 1850, aged fifty-three years.
Frederick's father survived his life, and while on a visit
to a daughter in Futon County, Illinois, in 1879, was taken
sick and died in the eighty-third year of his age.
They were parents of nine children, seven still living:
Frederick, Mary, Margaret, Daniel, John, and
Susan' the deceased are Elizabeth and Joseph
the latter was a member of Company E, Ninety-fourth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted in 1862, and in the
battle of Perryville, Kentucky, Oct. 8, 1863, was shot dead
instantly; he fell with his rifle in the hands and his face
to the foe. His remains were brought home and interred
in the family cemetery. A wife and three children were
left to mourn his said death. The boyhood of
Frederick was passed in a manner usual to youth, i. e.,
attending school and performing old jobs until old enough to
do a man's work. About 1844 he was married to Lydia Aley,
who has borne him eight children, seven living: Anna,
David, Edwin A., Charles, William, Burton, and
Oscar.; Emma, deceased. He owns one hundred and
three acres of land, which is in a high state of cultivation
and well improved. Frederick's mother was a
member of the Lutheran Church, and his wife is a member of
the United Brethren Church. He has been trustee of the
township one term, besides holding other local offices.
Is a Republican in politics.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
617 |
Cedarville Twp. -
JACOB MILLER, farmer, Cedarville, is,
we are pleased to record, one of the oldest settlers now
living in Cedarville Township. He was born Jan. 9,
1799, not far from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and immigrated
to this county, with his mother, in 1809, a part of the
journey being made with one small horse, which carried the
greater portion of their goods. They found this county
a wild and desolate wilderness. He has seen the vast
forests disappear, and beautiful fields of grain take their
place. His mother was a poor widow, with seven small
children, and the hardships they endured for the first few
years were simply heartrending. The younger children
were compelled to hunt and trap small game, while the older
ones endeavored to break the ground as best they could, to
raise small lots of potatoes, corn, and pumpkins, and thus
they toiled on for some years. At the age of thirteen,
Jacob left home, and went to live with one of the
neighbors until he reached the age of twenty-one, in
consideration of which he received one hundred dollars, and
a horse, saddle, and bridle, after which he rented the same
farm on which he had remained for eight years, and cared for
the family until he was married, about the year 1825, to
Margaret McClellan. Three children were born to
them. William died at the age of fourteen, and
the other two are now living. After forty years of
married life had been spent, his wife died, and again, Oct.
15, 1874, he married Eliza Rodgers. She is a
member of the United Presbyterian Church, and he is a
Baptist, and a strict temperance man all his life.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
568 |
Beaver Creek Twp. -
J. MILLER, farmer, Beaver Station was born in Beaver
Creek Township in the year 1834, and is the son of James
and Sarah Miller. His father was born in
Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1807; his mother,
Sarah Harner, in this township, and was a daughter of
John Harner, whose district appears in this work.
Mr. Miller, when a young man came with old Mr.
Harbein to this county, and followed carpentering.
After his marriage with Sarah Harner, he labored on
the Harner farm for several years, when he purchased
the property on which his son William now lives,
making a permanent home here till his death, which occurred
in September, 1874, aged sixty-seven years; his wife
departed this life Mar. 20, 1870. They were parents of
two children, both living, William J. and Sarah J. (now
Mrs. Davis). They were members of the Lutheran
church throughout their entire lives. Mrs. Miller
having been a member for many years, and her husband for
several years before his death. Our subject was reared
on the farm, laboring thereon for his father till he was
twenty-one years of age. Received but a common
education in the district schools, as advantages in his time
were meagre. His first marriage was celebrated May 19,
1864, with Ann E. Price, by whom he had one child,
John G. Mrs. Miller departed this life Oct. 31,
1865, aged twenty-one years. The second marriage was
consummated with Sarah E. Steele, Aug. 18, 1868, by
whom he has had six children, five living: Jessie
F., William L., Clarence O., James A., and
Sarah E.; Annie, deceased. Mr. Miller came
to the place on which he now resides some forty years ago,
and since has had no other place of abode. He owns
seventy acres of land, mostly in cultivation and
well-improved. Mr. Miller and wife are members
of Christian churches, he belonging to the Lutheran Church,
she to the German Reformed Church, both having been members
of their respective churches for many years. His
deceased wife was a member of the United Brethren Church.
Politically he is a Republican, having always given his
influence and ballot to that party upon all questions at
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
617 |
Miami Twp. -
J. J. MITCHELL, lumber dealer, Yellow
Springs, was born on Clark's Run, six miles north of Xenia,
in this county, Jan. 11, 1844, and is a son of S. K. and
E. A. Mitchell, both natives of this county; our subject
and his father being born in the same house. In 1877,
he was married to Miss Sarah B. Beedle, daughter of
Abraham and Elizabeth Beedle, of Troy, Ohio, one of
Miami County's wealthy and most influential farmers, and one
of the first families of the county. In 1862, he
enlisted in the Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and
was assigned to Company D; afterwards enlisted as a veteran
in the Eighth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, where he served until
the close of the war, and received an honorable discharge in
April, 1865. He was captured at Beverly, West
Virginia, on his twenty-first birthday, and marched by a
circuitous route, over mountains and streams, in order to
avoid the enemy, and arrived at Staunton on the 18th day of
January, after a march of seven days; was kept a prisoner in
an old log cabin, and the cold was so intense that he and
his comrades were almost frozen. February 14th, he was
paroled, and came home. He received his education in
Xenia, and has spent nearly all his life in this county, and
spent some six years as clerk of the "Indiana House."
Mr. Mitchell and was wife are members of the
Presbyterian Church. They have one child, Harry
Kyle, a babe, the idol of his parents; and Lottie,
Mrs. Mitchell's child by her first husband. Mr.
Mitchell and his father are engaged in the lumber
business, having one of the finest saw-mills in the state,
and keeping on hand nearly a million feet of every
description called for.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
704 |
Cedarville Twp. -
SAMUEL K. MITCHELL, lumber dealer,
Cedarville, was born in Xenia Township, June 20, 1822, and
is the thirteenth son of James and Martha (Espy) Mitchell,
who were born in Pennsylvania, and when yet young, went with
their parents to Kentucky in a very early day.
Grandfather David Mitchell erected the first cabin on
the present site of Lexington, Kentucky. They remained
here some years, when, on account of slavery, he sold out
about the year 1800, came to this county, and settled near
Bellbrook, where they resided some years, being one of the
first settlers in that locality. From here he removed
to Clark's Run, north of Xenia, where he made a permanent
home, and died in 1848, his wife dying in Xenia, Sept. 1,
1865, aged eighty-eight years. Mr. Mitchell, sen.,
was a soldier in the war of 812, in which he contracted
sciatic pains, which made him a great sufferer, and
incapacitated him from doing manual labor. They were
parents of thirteen children, four of whom are living:
Margaret, Thomas, Robert, and our subject. The
deceased were David, James E., Eliza, Ann, Josiah,
Martha, Sarah, Francis P., and Maria. They
all grew to manhood and womanhood. Francis P.
was a physician, and died of yellow fever, in New Orleans.
Mr. Mitchell and his wife were members of the United
Presbyterian Church, in which he was an active and zealous
worker. Politically, he was an Abolitionist, and in
the exciting times of 1844,was one of the three or four men
in Xenia Township who voted for James G. Birney,
anti-slavery candidate for the presidency. Mr.
Mitchell was reared on the farm, on which he lived till
thirty-one years of age. In 1842 he was married to
Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob McFarland, who has
borne him three children, James J., Anna, and
William M. In the spring of 1854 he abandoned the
farm, went to Cincinnati, and engaged in the grocery
business for three years, when, in the fall of 1857, he came
to Cedarville, and soon after embarked in the lumber
business, in which he is yet engaged, having a branch yard
at Yellow Springs, in which he is yet engaged, having a
branch yard at Yellow Springs, which is under the management
of his son James. Mr. Mitchell and his wife are
members of the United Presbyterian Church, in which they
were raised. He is a ruling elder in the church, an
office he has held since 1855.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
567 |
Bath Twp. -
PETER MITMAN, retired, is a native of
York County, Pennsylvania, born Feb. 12, 1810, and is a son
of Jacob, and Magdalena (Herring) Mitman, of
Pennsylvania. He was a farmer, and removed to this
state, in 1838, locating near Fairfield, where he spent the
remainder of his life. They were parents of ten
children, four of whom are now living. He died about
the year 1859, at an advanced age. His wife preceded
him to her last resting place some five years. Our
subject was reared on the farm, and received his education
in the common schools of that age, which, though limited, he
afterward developed by careful study, fitting himself for
successful business operations. In 1833, while a
single man, allured by the glowing reports of the west, he,
in company with two other men started on a pedestrian tour
through Ohio. Coming to Pittsburg, thence down the
Ohio River to Cincinnati, then again on foot by way of
Dayton through this sanction, stopping over night at
Fairfield, thence to Columbus, Wooster and Canton, to
Trumbull County, intending to call on an acquaintance who
had gone there sometimes previous; not finding him, they
continued their journey through Columbiana County, back to
Pittsburg and home again, making the round trip in five
weeks, his entire expenditures amounting to $24.00. In
1837, the times being hard in Pennsylvania, and remembering
the beautiful valleys of Ohio and had seen four years
before, he again started for Ohio, this time having his wife
and child, and his entire effects on a one horse wagon.
He came over mountains, through unbroken forests, with
untiring energy till he reached this county and located near
Fairfield. The following spring he rented a large farm
in Montgomery County, as his father was coming with five
head of horses. Here they worked together one year,
after which his father bought the farm where Lewis C.
Mitman now lives, which he sold to Peter, and he
in turn to his son. Starting in life poor, Mr.
Mitman labored hard with marked success to gain an
independence in this world. At the same time, he has
always devoted a portion of his means to the building up
churches and other institutions, for bettering the condition
of society. He and his wife are members of the
Lutheran Church. He is the father of four children,
Rebecca, Sarah, Lewis C. and Ann Maria, living:
and William O., deceased. Mr. Mitman
has filled the office of trustee for many years, and in 1870
was land appraiser for his precinct.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
732 |
Xenia Twp. -
MONGOLD, clerk, Xenia, was born in Hardy County, West
Virginia, March 17, 1859. Is the son of George and
Caroline Mongold, who immigrated to this county, in
1863, with seven children, John W., Charles H., Cary,
Jacob F., Harvey W., Virginia, and Scott.
The subject of this sketch worked on a farm for John
Levally for about eight years after he came to Ohio, and
then lived with David Davis until 1880, when he came
to this city and took the clerkship of the Burnett House,
where he still remains. Is a young man of promise,
pleasant ways, and accommodating disposition. His
father, during the war, or at the commencement of it, was
living in Virginia, but, true to his country, he took up
arms for the side of right, and fought for the Union, and
when at home on furlough, was captured, taken South, and
imprisoned, first at Wheeling, and from there to Libby.
Watching an opportunity, with some others he broke guard,
came to this city, and wrote to his wife and son Scott
to meet him here, which they did at once.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 507 |
Xenia Twp. -
dealer in notions, and son of George and Lila Morris,
of Maryland, was born in this county in the year 1842.
Was married, July 27, 1865, to Martha E. Harshman,
daughter of George and Nancy Harshman, of Spring
Valley, and has a family of six children, John W., Mary
E., Rilla E., Pearly M., James B. and Charles,
all living. He enlisted in the Eighty-First Ohio, and
remained with it one year, and was discharged on account of
disability. Afterward he joined the One Hundred and
Tenth Ohio, with which he remained eleven months, and was
engaged in all the bloody and hard-fought battles through
which the old veteran regiment passed, receiving an
honorable discharge on the 3rd day of July, 1865, when he
returned to the bosom of his family. Received his
education in Allen County, and has spent the greater portion
of his life in this county, now residing in Xenia.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ.
1881 - Page 508 |
Creek Twp. -
WILLIAM S. MORRIS, surveyor and
farmer, Bellbrook, was born in Warren County, Feb. 11, 1811,
and is a son of Benjamin and Mary P. (Spinning) Morris
They were both from New Jersey, and came to Ohio in 1790.
Mr. Morris at the age of sixteen helped to build the
fort at Round Bottom, where he remained for about five
years, farming, as did most of the inmates of the fort;
working in the day time and doing guard duty at night.
At the age of twenty he was married to his first wife, who
bore him one child, and shortly after its birth both died of
the small-pox. He afterwards married Mary Spinning,
by whom he had ten children, only three of whom are now
living: Isaac, Phoebe (wife of John Herd, now
living in Champaign County), and William S. The
greater part of Mr. Morris' married life was spent in
Unionville, near Shakertown, Warren County, where he reared
and educated his family. He died while on a visit to
his son William, at the advanced age of eighty-eight.
Our subject was reared on the farm, where he received the
rudiments of his education, which was afterwards developed
by a course in Lebanon College. He then began
teaching school, which he followed for about four years.
At the end of that time, he engaged in engineering on the
Warren County canal, where he remained for three years, when
he again turned his attention to teaching, but this time for
about seven years. He then married, and turned his
whole attention to farming and surveying acres of land, well
improved. Dec. 31, 1845, he united his fortunes with
those of Mary Pence. To them were born twelve
children, seven of whom are now living: Olive A., a
graduate of the medical department of the State University
of Iowa, and is the first and only female graduate in Greene
County; Wickliff C., Mattie, wife of S. E. Raper,
of Bellbrook; Alice, Lucy B., Clara, and William
S. The deceased are Clara, Lucy, Benjamin,
and two who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs.
Morris are members of the Christian Church.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 653-654 |
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