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Greene County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |
together with
Historic Notes on the Northwest
The State of Ohio.
Gleaned From Early Authors, Old Maps and Manuscripts,
Private and Official Correspondence and
all other Authentic Sources, Ohio - Publ. 1881
By R. S. Dills
Dayton, Ohio
ODell & Mayer, Publishers.
Cedarville Twp. -
JOHN ORR, retired, Cedarville.
The above gentleman is one of the oldest living settlers in
this township. He was born in South Carolina Apr. 6,
1795. He is a son of John and Rosana Orr, who
were born in Ireland, where they were married, and in 1783
emigrated to America, settling in Chester County, South
Carolina, in which they lived forty years, when they moved
to Gibson County, Indiana, - he walking the entire distance
when he was in the eighty-first year of his age. Here
they lived till their decease: he in 1833, aged
eighty-three years; she in 1838, eighty-four years.
They were parents of five sons and three daughters of whom
only our subject survives. The boyhood of our subject
was passed in South Carolina, on the farm where he was born,
living thereon until thirty-five years of age. He
received his education through the teaching of his father,
who was a highly educated man. In his native state he
was married to Genet B., daughter of John McMillan,
and after two children were born to them, emigrated to
Indiana, where he built a log house of his father, after
which he visited Illinois, and upon his return, came to
Greene County in 1831, locating in Xenia. In March,
1833, he came to Cedarville and erected the first frame
house ever built on a town lot in the village. He
cleared most of the ground on which the town now stands.
He kept the first store in the place, having a stock of
goods in his dwelling, from which he supplied wants of
the settlers. In 1840 he built the house which he and
his son occupied as a dry goods and clothing store.
His fair dealing and popular business habits, have always
won the confidence and esteem of the people. He has
never been a political aspirant. a Republican in
politics, a lover of his country, a respecter of human
rights, and a champion of any cause that tends to develop
the happiness and well-being of humanity. In the war
of 1812 he served six months in Captain Chestnut's
company of Colonel Meens' regular South
Carolina militia, and is on the pension rolls of the
Government as open of the survivors of that war. To
Mr. and Mrs. Orr nine
children were born, five of whom are living - Martha,
Rosana, Elizabeth, Adassa, and James; the
deceased are Genet, Mary A., John R., and Cammeron.
He has been a member of the United Presbyterian Church
during a great portion of his life, and a ruling elder since
1822. He is the author of a book entitled, "Some
Thoughts on the Book of Revelations," which was edited in
~ Page 568 - History of Green County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 |
Beaver Creek Twp. -
IRA S. OWENS was born Mar. 1, 1830, in
Greene County, Ohio, two and one-half miles south of Xenia.
Was married to Miss Malinda Middleton, Dec. 13, 1855.
Enlisted in the Seventy-Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Oct.
7, 1861; was finally discharged from service July 18, 1865.
The following October he removed, with his family, to Putnam
County, Indiana, and remained there until Oct. 1869; but his
wife dying October, 1869, he moved back to Yellow Springs,
Ohio, and there wrote "Greene County in the War," which was
published in Xenia, by the Torchlight Company, Mar. 21,
1872. Was married to Miss Catherine Beal, and
soon after removed to the farm on which he now resides, in
the southwest corner of Beaver Creek Township. Four
children were born to him by his first wife, two boys and
two girls. Present address, Dayton, Ohio.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio -
Publ. 1881 - Page 618 |
B. PENNINGTON, (Ross Twp.) farmer, Selma, Clarke
County, was born May 12, 1843, and reared in Chester County,
Penn. Came to Ohio in 1865, and located in Champaign
County, remaining until 1878, when he came to this county.
Was married to Ann Atkinson, Oct. 3, 1877. They have
one child, Mary Laura, aged 19 months. Mr.
Pennington farms chiefly to grain, and has a farm of one
hundred and sixty-four and a half acres, well improved, on
which he lives. Mr. and Mrs. Pennington are
members of the Friends' Church. Mr. Pennington was
educated in that church in Pennsylvania, and was then a
member of the "Hicksites." After he came to Ohio, he
became converted to the faith of orthodox Friends, and
united with them. He is a strictly temperate man;
never chewed or smoked tobacco, or tasted intoxicating
liquors, and never took the name of God in vain. His
Christian life has been one of great satisfaction to him.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pennington, Charles' parents,
were natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Pennington
died Feb. 14, 1877, aged seventy-two years.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 762 |
Jefferson Twp. -
GEORGE PERRILL, farmer, a native of Fayette County,
Ohio, was born Aug. 11, 1856, is a son of John and
Margaret (Sparks) Perrill, who were married in 1855.
He is a native of Pike County, Ohio, she of Kentucky.
There were eleven children of this family, nine of whom are
living, George being the oldest. He is also the
oldest of eighty-four great grandchildren. He is
married in this county, Mar. 14, 1878, to Miss Elizabeth
Vanniman, a daughter of Stephen and Rebecca J.
Vanniman whose biographies appear in this work.
One child is the result of this marriage; Edith May,
who was born Nov. 17, 1879. They have a farm of one
hundred and eighty-nine acres well improved, farms chiefly
to grain. Mr. Perrill is a member of the
Odd-fellows of Bowersville Lodge, No. 559, joining
September, 1880. Mrs. Perrill is a member
of the Methodist Protestant Church of Bowersville.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 843 |
Caesar's Creek Twp.
ABEL PETERSON, farmer, is a son of
Jacob and Hannah (Stookey) Peterson, and was born Oct.
18, 1811, in Hardy County, Virginia, the natives place of
his parents. They died in Ohio; Mr. Peterson,
Jan. 3, 1867, aged about eighty-two years, and Mrs.
Peterson, Dec. 13, 1857, aged seventy-one years. They
were parents of ten children, eight of whom are living.
Abel, our subject, is the second child, and was
married, Sept.2 6, 1844, to Alivia E. Weaver, of this
county. Four children is the result of this union:
Mary E., Martha J., Hannah C., and Clarissa A.,
three of whom are married. Hannah C. and her
husband, Charles E. Harrison, are living in the house
with her parents. Mary and Martha reside
in Hill County, Nebraska. Clarissa is yet
single, and at home. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson are
members of the Reformed Church, he uniting about the year
1833, and his wife about 1854. He has a farm of one
hundred and thirty-five acres, and farms chiefly to grain.
He came to Ohio in the fall of 1817, and has been a resident
of the state ever since.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 892 |
Caesar's Creek Twp. -
ABEL F. PETERSON, farmer, is a native
of this county, and was born July 27, 1841, and was also
reared and educated in this county. He was married to
Eliza J. St. John, of this county, Oct. 13, 1868, and
five children is the result of the union: Mary E.,
Clarissa A., Orie I., Carrie B., and Cyrus, all
of whom are at home with their parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Peterson are members of the Reformed Church, he
uniting at the age of sixteen years. His wife was
formerly a member of the Methodist Church, she having united
with the Reformed Church after marriage. Mr.
Peterson was a member of Company D, One Hundred and
Tenth Ohio Volunteers, enlisting Aug. 22, 1862, and
discharged Oct. 2, 1862. He was in several heavy
battles, among which were the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, and
Spottsylvania, and came home without a wound.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 592 |
Cedarville Twp. -
JAMES W. POLLOCK, farmer, Cedarville,
born in Logan County, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1841, is the son of
John and Jane (Elder) Pollock. James, subject of
this sketch, spent the earlier part of his life at home with
his parents. July, 1862, he enlisted in the
Forty-Fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and the
hardship of an unusual career of a soldier's life commenced;
was mustered in the service at Columbus. Soon after
his enlistment his regiment chased John Morgan on his
raid, until he was captured, after which he had his horse, a
great favorite, shot from under him, near Knoxville,
Tennessee, and taken prisoner, with a number of his
comrades, on the 19th of October, 1863. He was
incarcerated in the following prisons: Atlanta,
Georgia; Bell Island, Libby and Andersonville; in the latter
place he remained for six months, suffering, all the horrors
of a prison life. He also had experiences in Millen,
Charleston, and Florence prisons. Sixteen of his
comrades, that were taken prisoners with him, perished in
Andersonville, he being the only one that survived the
hardships of that awful place. He witnessed the
hanging of six Union soldiers, in prison, by their one men,
for murdering and robbing their own comrades. He
weighed one hundred and seventy pounds when captured, and
has not weighed to exceed one hundred and forty any time
since; still, Mr. Pollock does not draw a pension,
and has not asked for one. Nov. 4, 1870, the subject
of this sketch married Miss Nettie Anderson, daughter
of Samuel and Jane Anderson, by which union
three children are now living - Edith, Jennie, and
Junia. The family are members of the United
Presbyterian Church.
~ Page 569 - History of Green County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 |
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