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Greene County, Ohio
History & Genealogy |
together with
Historic Notes on the Northwest
The State of Ohio.
Gleaned From Early Authors, Old Maps and Manuscripts,
Private and Official Correspondence and
all other Authentic Sources, Ohio - Publ. 1881
By R. S. Dills
Dayton, Ohio
ODell & Mayer, Publishers.
Jefferson Twp. -
CALVIN VANAMAN, farmer, Bowersville,
is a son of Benjamin and Sophia. His father was
born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 17, 1795; his mother in this
county, in 1802, and died November, 1846; he died Aug. 9,
1879. They were married in this county in 1817.
There were thirteen children of this marriage, of whom five
are living; two died in infancy, and the others lived to be
married and have families. Mr. Vanaman married
Miss Sophia, daughter of Christopher Hussey,
whose father was the first settler in this township.
The subject of this sketch was born in this township,
September, 1837, where he was reared, educated, and married
to Mary A. Ellis, of this county. They are
members of the Methodist Protestant Children of Bowersville.
He has a farm of four hundred and three acres, well
improved, on which he lives, and which brings him an annual
income of about $2,000. He has never voted any but the
Republican ticket when a national question was in view.
Benjamin Vanaman owned, at one time, about one
thousand two hundred acres of land in this county. He hauled
his grain and drove his stock to Cincinnati to market.
He would haul oats to Cincinnati and sell them for fifteen
cents per bushel. The nearest mill was at Oldtown, to
reach which it would take two days.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 - Page
848 |
Jefferson Twp. -
MARY J. VANAMAN, Bowersville, is a
native of this county; born Oct. 26, 1845, and reared and
educated here. Is a daughter of Iradell and Ann
Cheney. Was married to William H. Vanaman
Sept. 15, 1865, who was a son of Benjamin and Sophia
Vanaman Three children were the result of this
union: Cora L. Sherman H., and Esta J.,
all of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Vanaman
were members of the Methodist Protestant Church, she uniting
with this denomination Feb. 4, 1879 - was formerly a member
of the Christian Church, which she joined when about the age
of fifteen years; Mr. Vanaman joined the Methodist
Protestant Church when sixteen years of age, at which time
he was happily converted to God. For convenience, he
moved his membership, and united with the Christian Church
soon after their marriage. This society having become
extinct, he and wife returned to the Methodist Protestant
Church, Feb. 4, 1879, in which church he died triumphantly
on June 26, 1880, and is evidently reaping the reward of his
earthly labor. Mrs. Vanaman has a farm of one
hundred and thirty-one acres, located about one mile west of
the village of Bowersville, where her husband died.
She has a home consisting of a house and three lots in the
village. Mr. Vanaman was converted at home,
where she sought religion, in 1873.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ.
1881 - Page 847 |
Jefferson Twp.
REBECCA J. VANNIMAN, is a daughter of Solomon and
Rebecca Early, and a native of Clinton County, Ohio,
where she was reared and educated, and was married to Mr.
Stephen Vanniman of this County, Oct. 4, 1849; five
children is the result of this marriage, Mattie A.,
Libbie C., Emma C., Nora D., and Eva L., all of
whom are living save Mattie, who died at the early
age of twenty years. Of the surviving ones, two are
married. Libbie married Mr. George Perrill;
Emma, a Mr. Carroll Ellis. Mattie
was married to a Mr. J. W. Sparks; she died Mar. 11,
1872. Mr. and Mrs. Vanniman, and all the
children were members of the Methodist Protestant Church of
Bowersville. He died Dec. 6, 1871. Mrs.
Vanniman has a farm of one hundred and three acres, well
improved, where she lives.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio - Publ. 1881 -
Page 848 |
Beaver Creek Twp. -
HERMAN VOLKENAND, farmer, Alpha, was
born in Hesse-Cassel, Germany, Jan. 26, 1826, and is a son
of George and Elizabeth (Hayes) Volkenand, who were
born in the same state, in which they were married, lived
and died. They were the parents of five children, of
whom only Herman came to America. The others,
John, Henry, George, and Elizabeth, live in
the fatherland. Our subject was reared on the farm,
his father being a large land-holder and extensive
farmer. Received a good education in his native
language, attending school from the time he was six until
fourteen years old. Left his native land Mar. 1, 1851,
and landed in New York in April, after a five weeks' voyage,
and then took a trip through the West, visiting Missouri,
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and in the fall of the
same year came to this county, and located at Alpha, working
on a farm, until he eventually bought a small farm.
Chopped wood for forty cents a cord, and boarded himself,
and also worked for eight dollars per month, in this way
making a start in the world. In 1852, he was married
to Elizabeth Brod, since which he has been very
successful, now owning one hundred and forty-three acres of
fine land, well improved, a good property in Alpha, and a
property in Dayton, for which he paid $7,000. They are
parents of seven children, Leonard, Anna, George, Harmon,
John, Martha and Elizabeth, the latter dying at
the age of eighteen. They are both members of the
German Reformed Church, joining thirty years ago, he serving
as a deacon for two years. In politics he is a
Democrat. Mrs. Volkenand was born in
Hesse-Cassel, in 1828.
Source: History of Greene County, Ohio
- Publ. 1881 - Page 624 |
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