History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet
- Illustrated -
Vols. I & 2.
B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana -


EDWARD HALL. The history
of Quaker City and vicinity and that of the career of Edward
Hall is pretty much one and the same, for here he has lived
and labored for three quarters of a century, has seen the
development of this locality from the primeval forest to the
present time and has taken a leading part in the same. It
is interesting to hear him recount reminiscences of those early
times. He was born May 12, 1834, in the same neighborhood
where he lives, having, as before intimated, spent his entire
life here, and he is a son of Cyrus and Ellen (Strahl) Hall.
The father was born in what is now Millwood township, then a
part of Oxford, he having the distinction of being the first
white child born in the township. His father, John Hall,
came to Millwood township in August, 1896, and entered raw land.
The great-grandfather, Isaac Hall, and his family came to
Ohio from North Carolina, the ancestry originally coming form
England and settling in that sate. In 1805 the family came
to Ohio and settled in Belmont county, which was then a dense
forest, infested by wild game. The year following John
Hall came to Millwood township, and in 1807 the family of
John and Phebe Hall came to this township, and John
Webster entered eight hundred acres of land, eighty acres
for each member of this family of ten children. John
Hall was a young man at that time and soon afterwards he
married Phoebe Webster, and they began keeping house in
the log cabin home that John Hall had already erected on
the land, one hundred and sixty acres, which he had entered from
the government when coming here. He developed a large
tract of land. His family consisted of eight children, six
sons and two daughters, namely: Cyrus, Isaac W., Thomas, John
P., Eli, Jesse, Hanna Ann and Eliza W., all of whom
are deceased, dying many years ago, and are buried in the
friends' cemetery, just east of Quaker City, the Halls,
the Websters, and most of the early settlers of this
locality having been Quakers. Cyrus Hall, the
father of the subject, was a prosperous farmer and a man
much interested i the welfare, progress and development of the
community, and he was a faithful adherent of the Quaker church.
His family consisted of four sons and one daughter. One
son and the daughter died in childhood; Edward, of this
review, Joel and Thomas C. are living, all three
being over seventy years of age, and they make their residence
in Millwood township and live adjoining each other. The
death of Cyrus Hall occurred on June 16, 1884, his widow
following him to the grave in the fall of 1889, aged nearly
eighty-one years, and they are buried in the Friends' cemetery
at Quaker City, where most of the Halls are buried.
Edward Hall grew to maturity on his father's
farm and obtained his education in the log cabin school house
near his father's home. He worked on the farm during all
the months that work as possible, and being the oldest child in
the family he was put to work in the fields very early in life.
His schooling was limited to a few weeks during the winter,
though by later observation, study and reading at home he became
fairly well educated, and he is well informed on all public
questions and issues that concern the best interests of the
Mr. Hall was married on Mar. 27, 1861, to
Phoebe Hollingshead, daughter of Thomas and Mary
(Hartley) Hollingsworth. Both the Hollingsheads
and the Hartleys were prominent families here in pioneer
days. To Mr. and Mrs. Hall two children have been born,
Laura, who was left a widow and is now living at home
with her parents, Isaac A., who is married and
resides on the home farm. These parents are living on the
farm where they have resided ever since their marriage.
Mr. Hall erected a fine, modern brick residence in 1886 on
an elevation in a grove and overlooking a beautiful expanse of
country, and it is an ideal home.
Politically, Mr. Hall is a Republican, as all
the Halls have been, and he is always interested in
public matters. He has served as a member of the township
school board and has always been interested in educational
matters. He and his family adhere to the Friends church.
The Hall family have been a most potent factor in the
development and advancement of Millwood township and surrounding
townships, both in business and farming, society, schools,
churches, etc. Mr. Hall has a fine farm of one
hundred and fifty-three acres, well improved and under a high
state of cultivation. No family has stood higher in this
locality from the early days to the present than the
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 911 |
- See John R. Hall
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 586 |
JOHN R. HALL. Specific
mention is made of many of the worthy citizens of Guernsey
county within the pages of this work, citizens who have figured
in the growth and development of this favored locality and whose
interests have been identified with every phase of progress,
each contributing in his sphere of action to the well-being of
the community in which he resides and to the advancement of its
normal and legitimate growth. Among this number is he
whose name appears above, peculiar interest attaching to his
career from the fact that his entire life has been spent within
the borders of this county.
John R. Hall was born Jan. 2, 1854, in Quaker
City, which at that time was known as Millwood, Guernsey county,
and is a son of Isaac W. and Elizabeth (Vail) Hall.
the father was married three times, Elizabeth Vail being
his second wife. His first union was with Margaret
Thomas, to which union was born a daughter, Phoebe,
now deceased. To the second union were born two children,
the daughter dying in infancy, and the son being the subject of
this sketch. The third marriage was to Sarah Gomery
of Harrison county, this state, and one son was born to this
union, dying in infancy. Isaac W. Hall was a son of
John Hall, who came from North Carolina to what is now
Millwood township, this county, in 1806, with his parents.
They entered land near Spencers Station, the woods roundabout
being peopled by Indians, and alive with wild animals of all
kinds. John Hall became an extensive land owner and
engaged in the mercantile business, in which he was quite
successful. He was a heavy buyer of tobacco, which at that
time was an important crop in this county, and he made a
gratifying profit in this line. He was enterprising and
able, both in private and public affairs and attained to a
position of relative distinction in the community. His
death occurred in May, 1854. His family consisted of six
sons, Cyrus, Isaac W., Thomas, John P., Eli and Jesse,
and two daughters, Hannah and Eliza W. The
sons, with the exception of Thomas, all married and
reared families, and all became prominent in the affairs of the
community, all spending their lives in the vicinity of Quaker
City. The daughter Eliza was an invalid and never
married, but she lived to old age, surviving the other members
of the family.
ISAAC W. HALL, became a prominent
and successful business man, being possessed of extraordinary
qualities, John Hall had been influential and active in
securing the location and building of the Central Ohio railroad
(now the Baltimore & Ohio) west from Wheeling to Columbus,
through Quaker City, and he became a director of the company, as
was the son Isaac W. afterwards, the latter being
succeeded subsequently by his son, the subject of this sketch.
In young manhood Isaac W. Hall engaged in mercantile
business, from 1843 to 1872, and he also engaged extensively in
buying tobacco. In those early days it was the custom for
a team to haul a load of tobacco to Baltimore, a load of
merchandise being hauled on the return trip, this custom
prevailing until the advent of railroads. In 1872 Mr.
Hall took an active part i the organization of the Quaker
City National Bank, one of the solid and influential monetary
institutions of Guernsey county. Mr. Hall, who was
the heaviest stockholder, was chosen president of the
institution and held this office up to the time of his death, in
1886, when he was succeeded by his son, John R. Hall, who
still holds the position. The capital stock of this bank
was originally fifty thousand dollars, but a few years later it
was increased to ne hundred thousand dollars. From its
very beginning the bank's management has been noted for its
conservatism and has enjoyed the confidence of the people to an
extent rarely enjoyed by any bank in the country. The bank
is now installed in its elegant new home on the corner of
Broadway and South streets, into which it moved in February,
1909. The present officers of this bank are as follows:
John R. Hall, president; I. P. Steele, cashier;
H. S. Hartley, assistant cashier; directors, T. M.
Johnson, T. C. Hall, Joel Hall, D. C. Goodhart, H. S.
Hartley, I. P. Steele, John R. Hall. The bank enjoys a
wonderful prosperity, its deposits and loans being now in excess
of that of any other bank in Guernsey county.
When Isaac W. Hall became identified with the
bank he relinquished his other active business affairs and
devoted himself entirely to the bank, its success being mainly
attributable to his persona influence and efforts. This
good man and honored citizen died on May 28, 1886, and is
buried, with other deceased members of his family, in the
burying ground near the Friends church, a short distance east of
Quaker City. Religiously he was a stanch member of the
Quaker denomination and remained true to his faith throughout
John R. Hall received his elementary education
in the public schools of Quaker City and, because of the fact
that his health was not rugged, he could not pursue his studies
further. His first business experience was as assistant
cashier of the Quaker City National Bank, returning this
position until 1884, when he was advanced to the cashiership.
In 1886, on the death of his father, he became president of the
institution, in which position he has since remained. He
is also a stockholder and director in the Central National Bank,
of Cambridge, and is also a director in the old Central Ohio
railway organization. He owns and operates the Quaker City
Flours Mills, a modern mill, with complete roller process,
having a capacity of fifty barrels a day. This mill was
built in 1854 by Isaac W. Hall and associates and has
ever since remained the property of the Hall family.
Mr. Hall also owns farm lands and other real estate
interests. In all his business affairs, Mr. Hall
has exhibited the same eminent business qualities which
characterized his father and grandfather and today he is
numbered among the foremost citizens of his city. He takes
a keen interest in the welfare of the community and has
materially contributed to the advancement and prosperity of
Quaker City, as well as to the county.
Politically, Mr. Hall is affiliated with the
Republican party and is deeply interested in public affairs,
though in no sense has he ever been an office seeker. He
still regains his allegiance to the church of his father, the
Friends, to the support of which he contributed generously.
Mr. Hall is unmarried and resides in Quaker City, where
he moves in the best social circles and enjoys the companionship
of his many friends.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 585 |
The Hartley family, of which the principal subject of
this sketch was a member, has been identified with Guernsey
county since its beginning and for many years has had a part in
its commercial development. Noah Hartley and his
wife, Milla (Hall) Hartley, came from Lebanon valley,
Pennsylvania, about 1806 or 1807, entered government land in
Millwood township, and there established their home. Their
son, William H., father of Milton L., went to
Quaker City in 1853 and learned the blacksmith trade. He
went into mercantile business in that place in 1868 and is still
there. His wife, Mary J. McClellan Hartley, was a
sister of Mrs. Mattie McClellan Brown, the well known
lecturer, formerly of this county.
The children of William H. Hartley were five
hoys and three girls. McClellan, who died Mar. 21,
1907, was one of the best-known business men in the eastern part
of Guernsey county. He was an active member of the firm of
William H. Hartley & Sons, a large house dealing in
general hardware, building material, implements, wagons and
carriages. He was secretary of the Building and Loan
Association about thirty years, and also, for about thirty-five
years, secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school.
His home paper, commenting at the time of his death, said:
"He was such a careful, thorough, clear-headed and
judicious business man that every local enterprise sought for
his official and executive relation to help carry forward the
organization to success. From town executive down through
all the local planes of material interests and moral progress,
McClellan Hartley was always regarded as a safe
counsellor and a trusted executive and financier. Not only
in public affairs, but also in private undertakings men sought
his advice, his help, his co-operation for personal success and
family betterment, insomuch that a real grief for personal loss
was felt by many whose close confidence had been a sacred
matter, revealed only at the obsequies of their devoted friend."
On the day of Mr. Hartley’s funeral
business in the city was practically suspended, while a thousand
people followed the remains to their last resting place.
He left a wife and two children, Gilbert and Marie.
also deceased, was the fifth son of the family. He was
born Mar. 29, 1871, and was married Oct. 27. 1904, to Mary
Hill. He was always industrious, bright and
cheerful. From his boyhood he was a great lover of music, for
six years was leader of the Quaker City Band, and was prominent
in musical circles, in the church choir and at public meetings.
It was said of him, “We never saw him out of patience or angry."
At his death memorials of high tribute were adopted by various
organizations of which he was an active and influential member,
and also by the Epworth League, the Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school and the Knights of Pythias. He was of the strictest
honesty. Punctual in the discharge of all duties, pure and
patient in spirit, faithful and earnest in every good work, a
worthy and upright citizen. He died Dec. 5, 1895.
Other sons besides Milton L. are Homer S. and
Orvon G. The former is assistant cashier of the Quaker
City Bank, and the latter is with his father in the hardware,
paint, roofing and furnace business at Quaker City. The
daughters living are, Laura and Hallie. The
first-named is the wife of Mr. A. Lingo, a tobacco
merchant of Quaker City, who died in 1909. She, with three
sons and three daughters, live at Qtuaker City. Hallie
is the wife of Ross Bundy, who is associated with
her father in business. They live at Quaker City.
Milton L. Hartley was born in
1858 at Quaker City, where he lived until 1893. In
February of that year he came to Cambridge and went into the
roofing business with his father and brother. In this
business he still remains. Probably no city has a greater
percentage of slate roofs than Cambridge, and Mr. Hartley
put on a very large proportion of them. The firm was also
in the furnace business and in 1908 added the paint business.
It now is doing a large trade in all three lines besides a
general business in sheet metal work.
Mr. Hartley was married in 1881 to Dora I.
Carnal, daughter of Edward and Phoebe (Marsh) Carnal
She was born in Quaker City, but was reared in Vinton county,
Ohio. Her mother lives at Newark, her father having died
at Wellston several years ago. The mother is a daughter of
Joseph and Delilah (Dillon) Marsh. The Dillons
and Marshes were both pioneer families near Quaker City.
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley have two sons, M. Revere
and William H. Revere married Helen P. Herrberg and
lives on North Seventh street, in Cambridge. William H.
is at home with his father in Cambridge. Before coming to
Cambridge Mr. Hartley was mayor of Quaker City and
was also a councilman there. Since coming here he has been
on the water works board and also a member of the city council.
In 1897 he erected the Hartley building on Wheeling
avenue, and also has other property in Cambridge. In
Masonry he is a Knight Templar and also a Scottish rite Mason of
the thirty-second degree. He is vice-president of the
Central Bank of Cambridge, director of the Home Telephone
Company and director of the Home Building and Loan Company of
Cambridge. He is also interested in slate quarries
in Vermont. Mr. Hartley is active in lodge
work. In character he is a quiet, unassuming man, fond of
his family, and steady and substantial in both domestic and
public life.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ.: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 929 |
JAMES F. HAWES. Among the
men of influence, and who is deserving of a large success he has
attained and of the respect and esteem which all who know him
freely give, is J. F. HAWES, of Jackson township, who was
born in 1867 in the southwestern part of this township, Guernsey
county, where the Buckeye mine is now located. He is the
son of Joseph and Mary (Mullen) Hawes, the
former born in Maryland. He was the son of John Hawes
and wife, and during his youth the family came to Guernsey
county and located in the northeast corner of Spencer township.
There John Hawes became owner of a farm, probably
entering it direct from the government, for it was all new land.
This is about the oldest family still represented in that
locality. There John Hawes lived the balance of his
life and prospered, becoming the owner of a large tract of
valuable land, probably four hundred acres. He and his
wife assisted in organizing the Disciple church in that locality
and he remained a faithful ember of the same the rest of his
life. In later years his hearing failed, and it was
necessary for him to have his chair placed near the preacher in
order to hear the sermon. When it was possible for him to
do so, he was in his accustomed place. He was a good and
useful man and honored by all who knew him.
Joseph Hawes was one of a family of eight
children, an equal number of boys and girls, named as follows:
Joseph; John died in Valley township about 1902, leaving
a wife and two sons, who are now living in Indiana; Frank
went to Boise, Idaho, when the gold excitement drew men West and
he lived there until his death in 1909; Fletcher was
killed by the Indians in Idaho about 1880; Michael, who
was a physician and was a surgeon in the Union army during the
Civil war. He died in Claysville, Guernsey county, Ohio,
in 1905; the sisters were, Mrs. Catherine Collins,
now living at Columbus; another sister married a Mr. Heskett
and lived in Belmont county; another married a Mr. Hickison
and lived in the West.
Joseph Hawes married Mary Mullen, who was
born and reared in the same neighborhood as Mr. Hawes.
He became a prosperous farmer in the southwestern part of
Jackson, buying several tracts of land at different times,
aggregating three hundred acres, all of which he owned at the
time of his death. He was trustee of the township and was
a man of good standing in the community. He was a member
and a liberal supporter of the Disciples church, of which his
wife was also a member. They were the parents of the
following children: Oliver F. lives at Pleasant City;
John L. died in Butte, Montana, about 1885; Lilla
Anderson lives in Spencer township on the old Dennis farm;
Olive Belle is the wife of J. B. Neeland, of
Valley township, and is now living at Hartford; Sadie Ann
is the wife of A. S. Secrest, of Hartford; James
Franklin, of this review; Clarence Glenroy lives in
Claysville and owns the old home farm, where Joseph Hawes,
his father, first settled after his marriage, at Buck's
mines; Maggie Elizabeth, who died when about twenty-one
years of age, was teh wife of Charles Barton.
James F. Hawes, of this review, grew to maturity on
the home place in the southwest part of Jackson township and
there worked on the farm. In 1889 he was married to
Villetta F. Beckett, of Spencer township, the daughter of
John and Lottie (Lyons) Beckett, both natives of Noble
county, Ohio. They came to Spencer township, this county,
about 1872 and lived on a farm there until about 1909, then
moved into Cumberland, where they now live. In 1890 Mr.
Hawes built a substantial and attractive residence, near
that of his father, and lived there until 1908, then built the
cozy home where he now lives, near harmony, in Jackson township.
It is a commodious and nicely furnished home, and is well kept.
Mr. Hawes is trustee of Jackson township, and fraternally
he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows,
Cambridge Lodge No. 301.
Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. James
F. Hawes: one died in infancy; one son and one daughter are
living, Rominie R. and Lottie M.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 779 |
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 780
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 682
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 521

John Heaume |
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet -
Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 528 |
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet -
Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 796 |
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 858 |
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 750? |
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 756 |
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet -
Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 757 |

William H. Hoopman |
Having possessed a pleasing personality, a rare force of
character and executive ability of a high order, it is no wonder
that William H. Hoppman, now a pilgrim to "that
undiscovered bounce from whence no traveler e'er returns,"
should be well remembered and his name revered by the people of
Guernsey county. He was a public spirited citizen,
withholding his support from no movement which had for its
object the general good. What he achieved in a long and
brilliant career illustrated his force of individuality and
steadfastness of purpose, and he advanced to a position of
credit and honor in the business and social circles of this
county, becoming a man of affluence as a result of his own
indomitable energy and worthy labors.
Mr. Hoopman was born Feb. 2, 1829, in Hartford
county, Maryland, the son of Isaac and Lucidna Ann (Rogers)
Hoopman. On Oct. 3, 1837, the family started west when
William was eight years of age. They came in a
wagon, the trip requiring about two weeks, arriving here on Nov.
7th and located one and one-half miles southeast of where
Byesville is now. There they bought a farm and took up
their abode in a log house, starting life in true pioneer
fashion; their place was practically covered with first-growth
timber when they settled on it, but by dint of hard work,
economy and good management they developed a good farm and
established a comfortable home. Their family consisted of
seven children, namely: Roland, who lives in Zanesville;
William H., of this review; Isaac Wesley, now
deceased; lived at Bunker Hill,
Kansas; Elijah was the father of J. A. Hoopman,
whose sketch appears elsewhere herein; Catherine died in
1853, when seventeen years of age; Elizabeth married
Ebenezer Johnston, deceased, and she now lives in
Pleasant city; Christian died when twenty seven years of age, in
William H. Hoopman, of this review, grew up on the
home farm, and remained there until 1902. On Oct. 11,
1877, he was married to Catherine Rogers Grant, daughter
of William Merriman and Catherine Washington (Rogers) Grant,
whose record appears herein, in the sketch of
John Roland Grant, of Byesville. Mrs.
Hoopman was born in Hartford county, Maryland, and came to
Byesville with her parents in April, 1856. Mrs. Hoopman's
parents continued to spend the balance of their lives on the
farm they bought southeast of Byesville, the father dying on May
30, 1885, and the mother on Mar. 18, 1878. They were
excellent people, highly respected, and they belonged to the
Methodist Protestant church.
Before his marriage Mr. Hoopman and his four
brothers had been farming in partnership and were quite
successful, becoming known especially as sheep raisers, and they
bought several farms. After the marriage of William H.
Hoopman, all the brothers, except Elijah and himself,
moved away, selling their interests in the home place to
William H. and Elijah who, within a year or two, divided
their holdings and each worked separately. William H.
and his wife continued on the home farm and were quite
successful in general farming and stock raising, and kept a neat
and comfortable home.
Besides farming, Mr. Hoopman was one of the
heaviest stockholders of the First National Bank of Byesville
and a member of the board of directors from its organization.
He was an active member of the Methodist Protestant church, of
which Mrs. Hoopman is also a member. He was a large
contributor to the Methodist Protestant College at Adrian,
Michigan, and also the one at West Lafayette, Ohio, and he
assisted in building churches in the bounds of the Muskingum
conference, and also in foreign fields.
The death of this excellent citizen, true friend and
genial companion occurred on Feb. 26, 1910, at the advanced age
of eighty-one years and twenty-four days, having spent a useful,
industrious and satisfactory life, a life that was unselfish and
fraught with much good to others. He was a man of sterling
character, temperate in all his habits, a high-minded Christian
gentleman, and a business man of unusual accomplishments.
He was known through life as a man who could be trusted at all
times, whose word was as good if not better than the bond of
many men. In early life he identified himself with the
Methodist Protestant church, then known as Bethlehem
church, near Trail run, and there he retained his membership
until the organization of the church at Byesville, when he
transferred his membership here. He remained a valued and
consistent member of the church until his death. For many
years he held the office of trustee, and he was a member of the
building committee in the present building, being its heaviest
contributor. Mrs. Hoopman now resides in Byesville
in the home which Mr. Hoopman built for them about 1902,
in which year they moved here. It is a very pleasant,
attractive, convenient and desirable home, and here her many
warm friends and admirers gather frequently.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vol. I. B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 512 |
One of the successful business men of the younger generation of
Cambridge and one of the representative citizens of Guernsey
county is William Alonzo Hunt, who has been successful in
whatever he has turned his attention to because he is endowed
with proper business principles, and is persistent in whatever
he undertakes. By a life consistent in motive and because
of his many fine qualities, he has earned the sincere regard of
all who know him and his success bespeaks for him continued
advancements and a higher plane of usefulness in the industrial
Mr. Hunt was born on Oct. 19, 1872, near
Fairview, Guernsey county, and he is the son of Andrew
Jackson and Margaret (Stevens) Hunt. The father was
born in John and Sarah Hunt. When he was five years
old they moved to Londonderry township, this county.
Andrew J. Hunt was one of fourteen children and he spent
most of his life in Londonderry township, coming in later life
to Wills township and finally to Cambridge, where his death
occurred on May 31, 1899; his widow is still living in
Cambridge. Nora Hunt married Steven Decker,
of Washington township; James I.; Clara is the widow of
H. F. Claggett, deceased; George S.; William A.,
of this review; Andrew J., Jr.; Mrs. Ettie E.
Sheer, who died July 29, 1909; Dulcie M., wife of
Frank J. Wilkin; Henry and Mary died in infancy.
Andrew J. Hunt was a soldier in the Civil war, having
enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Eight-fifth Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. J. G. Bell, and he was an
excellent soldier, serving until the close of the war.
William A. Hunt, of this review, grew up on the
farm in Londonderry township, where he assisted with the general
work. He enjoyed the advantages of a liberal education,
having attended the common schools of his community in 1897,
taking the degree of Bachelor of Science. During his
college days he had begun teaching in 1890 in the public schools
of Guernsey county and for a period of seventeen years he
continued to teach, becoming one of the best known and popular
educators of the county. He was superintendent of schools
at Pleasant City; about 1899 he was appointed principal of the
South side school in Cambridge, which position he continued
to hold for a period of eight years, being popular with both
pupil and patron. He is both an instructor and entertainer
in the school room and his services were always in great demand.
He kept fully abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to
his profession and never allowed himself to grow narrow or
pedantic, like so many of his colleagues are prone to do.
Finally tiring of the school room, Mr. Hunt
entered the real estate business, buying vacant tracts of land,
platting and selling them on easy payments. He has been
very successful in this line of endeavor and has developed three
different additions to Cambridge, Hunt's addition
consisting of sixty lots; next was the John M. Ogier
addition of twenty-four lots, which had already been platted and
one lot sold; the third was Orchard Grove addition, consisting
of fifty-five lots. He has also handled a number of other
small tracts, buildings on them and selling the houses. He
has been instrumental in building more homes in Cambridge than
any other man and he has done much to develop the city in which
he takes a great pride and he ever stands ready to assist in any
worthy movement looking to the upbuilding and general good of
the same.
In 1909 he bought the Oliver & Shawber Planing
Mill, which he tore down and moved the machinery to the Crossing
machine Works on Woodlawn avenue, Cambridge, and he has made an
up-to-date, modern and well equipped mill of it, which has been
a successful venture.
Politically Mr. Hunt is a Republican and he
takes much more than a passing interest in public matters.
He was elected a member of the city council of Cambridge in the
fall of 1908 and served two years in a very acceptable manner.
Fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias.
Mr. Hunt was married on Aug. 10, 1898, to
Bertha Ford, one of his former pupils at College Hill
School. She was a young lady of talent and culture.
She was born near Cambridge and is the daughter of James P.
and Isabelle (LePage) Ford. Her parents were both born
and reared near Cambridge, each representing excellent old
families, her mother being the daughter of Thomas LePage,
whose parents came from the isle of Guernsey in the early days.
The Ford family was also early settlers in Guernsey
Two sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hunt,
Robert and William. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are
members of the Methodist Protestant church.
Mr. Hunt is regarded as one of the leading men
of Cambridge, popular obliging, public-spirited, honest and
upright in all his dealings with the public and of pleasing
address, winning friends wherever he goes and always retaining
their esteem, and he and his wife are admired by a wide circle
of acquaintances for their congeniality and many praiseworthy
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vol. I. B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 789 |