History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet
- Illustrated -
Vols. I & 2.
B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana -


JAMES E. PATTON Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P.
B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden
& Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 543 |
JAMES B. PETERS Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P.
B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden
& Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 952 |

Albert E. Pitt |
ALBERT E. PITT. One of the
successful and deserving young men of Cambridge, Guernsey
county, and a scion of an excellent and highly honored old
family is Albert E. Pitt. He has labored
persistently along legitimate lines in order to advance himself
and has never depended upon anyone for assistance, preferring to
hew his own way to success.
Mr. Pitt was born December, 4, 1879, in
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and is the son of Edward D. and
Margaret (Jarvis) Pitt, both born in England, where they
grew to maturity, were educated and married, soon afterward
coming to America. Mr. Pitt was a direct descendant
of the famous Sir William Pitt. Having learned the
trade of iron worker in his native country, Edward D. Pitt
followed the same after coming to America, being employed in the
iron mills at Pittsburg. In 1886 he moved his family to
New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where he worked in
the iron mills until 1890 when he moved to Cambridge at the
opening of the Cambridge Sheet Steel Company and he was one of
the first heaters employed in this mill. He was very
skilled in his line. His death occurred in November, 1909;
his widow is still living. The elder Pitt was an
extensive traveler and, being a close observer, he was a
well-informed man and took much more than a passing interest in
the affairs of his county, desiring to see better conditions for
all classes. He was a firm believer in the republican form
of government and he was an active worker in the ranks of the
Republican party, in its caucuses, conventions, etc., but he was
not an officer seeker himself. He was also active in labor
organizations, in fact, every movement having for its object the
betterment of the laboring classes and the general good.
Albert E. Pitt was educated in the public
schools of New Philadelphia and when seventeen years of age he
entered the iron mills of that city as an apprentice, learning
the trade of rougher. When the foundry was moved to
Cambridge he came here and was employed in the mills here and
has since resided at this place.
Mr. Pitt was married on November 26, 1900, to
Minnie May Williams, daughter of Charles and Catherine (Tregoweth)
Williams, of Youngstown, Ohio. Mr. Williams was
a brick contractor. For the past ten years he ahs been in
the Klondyke gold field in Alaska. His family still reside
in Youngstown. Mr. and Mrs. Pitt have no
Since their marriage Mr. Pitt was employed in
the mills of Cambridge until the summer of 1909, since which
time he has been employed at Martin's Ferry, Ohio, in the iron
mills there, but he still resides in Cambridge where he has a
very comfortable home. He is an expert in his special line
of work and his services are in demand wherever there is an iron
Politically, Mr. Pitt is a Republican and he has
long been active in the affairs of the party, his first
presidential vote being cast for Roosevelt in 1904,
having missed his vote for McKinley in 1900 by just one
month. He has frequently been a delegate to county,
district and state conventions. On June 28, 1910, his
party nominated him for state senator in the eighteenth and
nineteenth senatorial district of Ohio. His candidacy was
universally regarded as the most fortunate one, owing to his
general popularity with the party and his recognized ability and
genuine worth and his public spirit. He is well qualified
for any public trust that might be reposed in him, since his
integrity and sincerity cannot be questioned. Like his
honored father before him, he has always been active in labor
organizations and has always stood ready to do what he could in
bettering the condition of the laboring classes. He is a
member of the Iron and Steel Workers Union and has filled
several offices of the association. He was active in the
organization of the Trades and Labor Assembly of Guernsey county
and served for two terms as president of that organization.
He has always been active in every movement calculated to
promote the interests of labor. He was legislative
representative of the Ohio Federation of Labor in the
seventy-eighth General Assembly of Ohio. He very worthily
aspires to the position occupied by his father, who was
recognized as a world wide friend of organized labor. He
was presented with a very handsome loving cup by the Amalgamated
Association or Iron and Steel Workers of Etouria, England.
The father's family consisted of Harry E. Pitt,
of Cambridge; Albert E., of this review; William E.,
of Pittsburg, and M. Emmiluine, labor evangelist who
is also engaged in newspaper work in Pittsburg. In 1907
the father returned from Cambridge to Pittsburg to reside,
having retired from mill work, and his death occurred in the
latter city, among his early friends and associates and where he
had been a great factor in many public movements.
Albert E. Pitt is a worthy son of a worthy sire.
He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church
and are active in church work. Mrs. Pitt is a
cultured and refined woman. Mr. Pitt is a
nephew of Rev. Henry Pitt, vicar of St. Mary Magdalene's
church at Surrey Square, London, England. Rev. Henry
being a brother of Edward D. Pitt, father of the subject.
This is indeed a most distinguished family. A deceased
sister of Albert E. Pitt, Queen E., who died in August,
1904, at the family home in Pittsburg, was a great Sunday school
worker in the Baptist church and was a teacher of English among
the Chinese in the city of Pittsburg, and a young woman greatly
admired and beloved for her many commendable qualities of head
and heart.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P.
B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 816 |
BENJAMIN O. POTTS Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P.
B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden
& Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 677 |
Biographies should not be published unless there is something in
the life and character of the individual worthy of emulation or
imitation by others under like circumstances - certainly not for
self-aggrandizement; but sufficient has been drawn from the life
history of James Arthur Pryor, a well established and
progressive business man of Byesville, to show that there is
something in the inner life of this man worthy of more than
incidental mention. He began life practically at the
bottom of the ladder, but he has climbed to the top with no help
but a brave heart, industrious hands and an intelligent brain,
and he is a splendid example of what may be accomplished in this
country by thrift and perseverance, even under discouraging
circumstances. He is a very affable gentleman, keen,
far-sighted, energetic and he is held in highest esteem.
Mr. Pryor was born July 27, 1878, at Waterford,
Ohio, and is the son of James Alexander and Arminta (Davis)
Pryor. When he was six weeks old his mother died and
the father afterwards remarried, and James A. was left
with his sister at Waterford, in Washington county, Ohio, moving
to Ava at age four years. He lived with her until
nine years old, then went to Waterford to live with another
sister, with whom he remained about two years, after which he
spent two years with his brother, Walter Pryor, at
Chandlersville, then spent a year with E. A. Atchison, at
Spratt, Ohio, on a farm, as all his boyhood had been spent.
At the age of thirteen he worked for his board and clothes for a
time, then went to Pleasant City with a sister and attended
school there. A year later he went to work for R. O.
Knott, at Pleasant City, for the salary of six dollars a
month and boarded himself, in a clothing and gents' furnishings
store. He was with Mr. Knott for two years and nine
months, at the expiration of which time he went to Macksburg and
was overseer of a hotel, known as the Hamilton house.
Sickness compelled him to relinquish that position, much to the
regret of everyone there, and he returned to his sister at
Pleasant City, where he worked in the general store of C. J.
Kinsey for three years clerking. At the age of
twenty-one he was married to Carrie B. Scholl, of
Tuscarawas county, Ohio, the daughter of Charles and Emma
(Unger) Scholl. Her mother was a daughter of Josiah
Unger, who was a leader in the Civil war. The next
venture made by Mr. Pryor was to borrow one hundred
dollars of one Isaac Secrest, of Pleasant City, giving
his note therefore, and bought with this samples of merchandise,
from which he took orders, and filled them. Inside of six
months he had paid off the note. He continued in that way
for one year, then opened a small store in Pleasant City in a
room fifteen by thirty-one feet in size.
In 1903 Mr. Pryor moved to Byesville, Ohio, and
there bought a lot and built a store on Sixth street, of that
town. He carried on merchandising at this place for about
two years, at the end of which time, with undaunted courage, he
sold his little store and took over the property of "The Big
Store," owned by T. F. Slay. It was really a big
store, and it seemed to some that it was ridiculous for him to
think of buying it with his limited means.
Nothing daunted, however, he went to E. F. Meek,
who, though not a personal friend nor relative of Mr. Pryor,
endorsed his notes for three thousand, seven hundred and fifty
dollars, due in nine and eighteen months. By energy and
close application to business he persevered and the notes were
paid off in less than sixty days. He worked like a man
possessed, which is certainly great evidence of his thrift and
In February, 1908, Mr. Pryor was involved in a
deal in options for coal land. His partner withdrew
because of lack of capital to carry it through, leaving on
Mr. Pryor the burden of the whole deal. In this he
again showed his ability as a financier, by landing the deal in
less than three days, in a way most pleasing and gratifying to
himself. He left the deal in the hands of good reliable
and financially responsible people to continue the development
of one of the best blocks of coal in Guernsey county. He
next consummated a deal for buying the C. S. Gager Dry
Goods Company's store in Byesville. He then bought the lot
where his new store is now located on Depot street, one of the
best sites in Byesville, and erected the brick building he now
occupies, which ranks among the finest in Byesville.
September 24, 1908, the building was completed and the store in
its new quarters ready for business. The store occupies
two floors, each thirty-five by one hundred and twenty feet,
without a pier or a post, as large a clear floor space as can be
found in any store in this county. In 1908 and 1909 he
bought and sold ninety-four different pieces of real estate, in
Byesville. In 1910 he completed another handsome brick
business block, adjoining the one occupied by his store, the new
one being occupied by Eberle & McCormick's furniture
store, and Becket & Peter's pool room, both
establishments being of high grade and a credit to the city.
Besides the deals above mentioned, Mr. Pryor has been
interested in many other enterprises. Mr. Pryor
also owns several good business locations in Byesville, all on
paved streets and well kept up. His home is one of the
modern and attractive ones of Byesville. He seeks good
property as the basis of his investments. In addition to
his other business ventures, he has an establishment at
Byesville, where he sells buggies, wagons and farming
implements. On October 5, 1910, he purchased his old stand
opposite his large drygoods store, which he sold to the firm of
Gaskill & Froelich, general store, three and one-half
years ago, where he has an extensive and growing trade.
This, in connection with his other mercantile interests, is
probably the largest business of the kind in Guernsey county.
Mr. and Mrs. Pryor have one little daughter,
Pauline, a bright, winsome child. Mr. Pryor is
a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at
Pleasant City and the Knights of Pythias at Byesville. He
belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church and his wife to the
German Lutheran Church.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 820 |
U. C. PURDUM, D. D. S. We here mention
one of the citizens of Cambridge who can justly point with pride
to his ancestors as honorable men of true worth, who gained by
their many good qualities the esteem and respect of those who
knew them, and who has himself made such a success of life as to
be in every way a credit to his forefathers and to his city.
U. C. Purdum was born in Washington, Guernsey
county, Ohio, on April 28, 1871, the son of ZACHARY
A. and Mary E. (Colley) Purdum. Elisha G.
Purdum, his
grandfather, came at an early day from near Baltimore, Maryland,
to Center township, Guernsey county. He was a farmer and
lived until 1901, dying in Idaho, where he had moved some years
previously, most of his family having preceded him. Six
sons and four daughters were born to him: Ann Rebecca,
now Mrs. S. S. Sultzer, of Flushing, Ohio; Zachary A.,
deceased, father of U. C.; Rodolphus of Nampa,
Idaho; Christian R., deceased; Thomas, deceased;
William L., deceased; Mary E., now Mrs. Henry
Wilterding, of Nampa, Idaho; Della, now Mrs.
Melville Fordyce, of Cambridge; John A., in
government employ in the canal zone; and May, deceased.
Zachery A. Purdum was in the livery and stock
business for many years in Washington, Guernsey county, then was
three years in Idaho, returning to Cambridge, where he was
engaged in the livery business until his death, October 16,
1900. He was a man of influence and force, and had
accumulated quite an estate in land and property.
Archibald Shipley, of the father's maternal
ancestry, came to this county early from near Baltimore.
He became quite prominent and was a large land owner and tobacco
merchant. On account of his geniality and broad views on
public questions, he was very popular, and was active in
political affairs, but never held office. He died many
years ago, highly respected by all who knew him.
The Colley family came early from near
Baltimore. William Colley father of Mrs. Purdum,
was first a teamster over the National pike from Cumberland,
Maryland, west, but soon after coming to Guernsey county engaged
in the marble business in Washington, Adamsville and Zanesville.
He was a man of high standing whose counsel was often sought,
and who filled many of the important offices of the township
where he lived. Both Mr. Purdum and Mr. Colley
were Democrats in politics. Mr. Colley and his
family moved in the best circles. He died in January,
1891, and his widow on August 25, 1897. Both are buried in
Washington cemetery. They were the parents of six
children: Mary E., now Mrs. Zachary A. Purdum, of
Cambridge; John Oscar, of Cambridge; Rolland W.,
of Columbus, Ohio; Amanda V., of Cambridge; Jennie N.,
of Cambridge; Annie H., deceased, who was Mrs. Pearl
To Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Purdum one son was born,
U. C. Purdum the subject of this sketch. He
attended the public schools of Washington, and after graduating
from them attended the Ohio College of Dental Surgery at
Cincinnati, graduating in 1891. He practiced in
Nampa, Idaho, for two years before graduation. After
graduation he went to Pittsburg, where he remained one year.
In 1892 he went to Buffalo for two years, practicing in the
employ of other dentists. In 1894 he came to Cambridge and
opened an office for himself, and has since been here. His
office is finely equipped for the successful practice of
scientific dentistry, and he has all the modern appliances.
He has been more than ordinarily successful in his profession.
Mr. Purdum was married on
January 16, 1901, to Bertha May Shroyer, daughter of
Solomon H. and Eliza (Brannan) Shroyer. Mr. Shroyer is
a prominent man in Cambridge township, Guernsey county, and a
farmer of considerable means. His family of four consists
of Jennie T. now Mrs. J. W. Jacques, of Ft. Wayne,
Indiana; Henry C., of Cambridge; Howard S., of
Cambridge; and Bertha May, all of them living lives of
worth. To Mr. and Mrs. Purdum has been born one
son, Ralph E., a bright lad of seven years.
Doctor Purdum is a Democrat in politics, as were
all his ancestors, but is not active, though interested in
public affairs. He is a member of Cambridge lodge of Odd
Fellows, and was a charter member of the Odd Fellows lodge of
Nampa, Idaho, taking much interest in the order. He and
his family are members of the Methodist church, also his mother,
who now makes her home with her son. Mr. and Mrs.
Purdum are prominent in the social life of the city.
Mr. Purdum is a lover of a good horse and keeps a fine
family driver, also enjoys a day's hunting or fishing as a
relaxation from business. Being fond of athletics, he
delights in a good game of baseball or football. In all
respects he is a strong man, and he and his family stand high in
the community.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 546 |
THOMAS PYLES. One of the
well known and successful business men of Cambridge and one of
the most representative citizens of Guernsey county is Thomas
Pyles, a man of sound judgment, wise discretion and keen
business ability, as his rapid rise from the modest beginning to
his present high standing among the enterprising individuals of
this locality abundantly attests. By judiciously investing
his means and managing his various affairs, he has come into
possession of valuable property, and he is a man who takes much
pride in the growth and advancement of his county.
Mr. Pyles was born in Washington County,
Pennsylvania, in 1858, and he is the son of Thomas H. and
Nancy J. (Phillis) Pyles. About 1867 the family moved
to Guernsey county, Ohio, and located about three miles east of
Claysville, where the father bought a farm and established the
family home. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas H. Pyles, named as follows: Mrs. Rachel J.
Stewart; J. J.; Jacob P.; Thomas, of this review; M. C.;
Mrs. Ella Wilson and Mrs. Maggie Vessel; all but
Jacob P., who resides in the state of Washington, live in
Guernsey county. The father of these children, a man of
much sterling worth, was called to his reward in the fall of
1903. He was a stanch Democrat and took a lively interest
in public affairs, especially everything pertaining to his
community. He was twice land appraiser and also township
assessor. His widow, a woman who has a host of friends, is
still living in this county.
Thomas Pyles lived on the home farm until he was
about twenty-two years old. In 1880 he began learning the
trade of marble and granite cutting near Claysville, and later
worked under David K. Kyle in Cambridge, a veteran in
that line of work, and he continued with Mr. Kyle until
June, 1884, when he started a plant of his own in Cambridge.
About 1890 or soon thereafter he bought out the business of his
old employer, Mr. Kyle, and combined it with his own, and
he enjoys an extensive trade from the start. Five years
later he bought the marble and granite business of Jed
Williams and put his own plant and stock in with it.
He now has a large modern plant, equipped with all the latest
machinery pertaining to this line of work, pneumatic cutting
tools, gas engine for power, etc. He has by far the
largest business in Guernsey county of this kind, and, indeed,
his patronage is not limited by the boundaries of this county,
but extends to remote localities of eastern Ohio. Only
first-class material is used and only high grade workmanship is
allowed to go out, consequently the large and rapidly growing
prestige of this plant is well deserved.
In October, 1883, Mr. Pyles married Mary Crow,
daughter of Thompson and Isabel (Sherrard) Crow. Mrs.
Pyles was born in the north part of this county6 and was
reared and educated here, in fact, has lived here all her life.
Her father came from Washington county, Pennsylvania, about the
middle of the last century with his parents, who located near
Kimbolton, this county. The mother of Mrs. Pyles
was a native of Guernsey county and the grandparents were
natives of Ireland.
Mr. and Mrs. Pyles have no children living.
Roger T. died when four months old; they also had an
adopted daughter, whom they took at the age of two years, about
1888; her death occurred in March, 1907, at the age of nineteen
Mr. and Mrs. Pyles are both members of the
Second United Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Pyles is
an elder, a trustee and a liberal supporter, interested in all
phases of church work. He is a very successful business
man and besides his marble and granite works he is interested in
the Puritan Coal Company, and he has been very successful and
now has a nice home and has laid by a competency for his
declining years. Honesty and promptness are his watchwords
in business, and, in fact, all the relations of life.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 943 |