History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet
- Illustrated -
Vols. I & 2.
B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana -


History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 917 |
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 891 |
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 965 |
Naturally endowed with the capacities of the successful
practitioner of medicine. Dr. Elmer E. Vorhies, of
Cambridge, has won an eminent reputation among the people of
Guernsey and adjoining counties and he stands very high also
among his professional brethren, for he has shown what a man of
careful mental training, honesty of purpose and an abundance of
zeal and persistence can accomplish when directed along proper
Doctor Vorhies was born July 12, 1864, in
Sarahsville, Noble county, Ohio, and he is the son of Peter
and Mary (Williams) Vorhies, the father having been a farmer
in Noble county, never residing in Guernsey county. He was
a man of excellent characteristics, possessing a high sense of
honor and was highly respected for his industry, uprightness and
genuine worth. His death occurred on Jan. 18, 1910, at the
advanced age of eighty-one years. His widow, a woman of
many praiseworthy traits, still survives.
Doctor Vorhies spent his youth on the home farm,
where he was put to doing various forms of light work when he
became of proper age, attending the district schools during the
winter months. He remained on the farm until he was
twenty-four years of age, then began railroading as a messenger
for the Adams Express Company, following this for about four
years, during which time he spent his spare time reading
medicine, which profession he had from early boyhood had a
laudable desire to enter. He accordingly entered, in 1890,
the Starling Medical College, at Columbus, Ohio, from which
institution he was graduated with honors in the class of 1893.
Having made rapid advancement and shown special ability in
surgery, he became connected with Mt. Carmel Hospital, at
Columbus, as house surgeon, and for one year very faithfully
performed his duties in this connection. In 1894 he
located for practice in Cambridge and has since continued here,
enjoying a very lucrative patronage. He has made a
specialty of emergency cases and he has practically all the
business of the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company, the
Inter-State Iron and Steel Company, and the Midland Power and
Traction Company, all of Cambridge. Besides he enjoys a
large general practice, as already intimated, but as a surgeon
he stands second to none in this section of the Buckeye state.
Doctor Vorhies is a member of the Guernsey
County, the State and the American Medical associations, and he
is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Knights of Pythias,
the Improved Order of Red Men and the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
being the physician for the latter. Politically, he is a
Republican and is an active party worker. He has served as
a member of the Republican county central committee, and is
still a member. He has been a frequent delegate to county,
district and state conventions, and he has always been a
faithful party worker, and his counsel is frequently sought by
party leaders and candidates, his influence being very
pronounced in this connection. He was elected county
coroner in 1900, and served two terms, or four years, in a
manner that reflected much credit upon himself and to the entire
satisfaction of all concerned.
Doctor Vorhies has been twice married, first on
Jan. 29, 1884, to Minnie B. Cooper, of Stafford, Monroe
county, Ohio, daughter of Charles and Jane (Elliott) Cooper.
This union resulted in the birth of two children; Homer C.,
a pharmacist of Columbus, Ohio, and Clyde L.. a graduate
of Starling Medical University of Columbus, who is successfully
practicing with his father. The wife and mother was called
to her rest on Mar. 2, 1899.
The Doctor's second marriage was solemnized on Mar. 28,
1910. to Verna G. Foster, daughter of James and
Catherine Foster, of Lore City, Guernsey county, both of
whom are still living. The Doctor and his family are
members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and the Vorhies
home, at No. 430 North Fourth street, Cambridge, is a
modern, attractive and neatly kept one, where the many friends
of this popular family frequently gather.
History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 892 |