History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet
- Illustrated -
Vols. I & 2.
B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana -


The life of John Perry Mahaffey, one of Cambridge's
substantial and well liked citizens, has been replete with
success well earned, for he has always been a hard worker and
has sought to advance himself by no questionable methods, always
striving to live up to the Golden Rule and follow the example
set by his ancestors. He is the son of John and
Margaret Mahaffey and was born in Cambridge, Ohio, on Apr.
16, 1845, and practically his entire life ahs been spent in this
city. His father was born in Washington county,
Pennsylvania, Dec. 31, 1813. Coming to Cambridge at an
early age, he made this community his home until his death, on
Mar. 5, 1852. He was a man who took an interest in teh
affairs of his community, and was highly respected for his
integrity, and he established a very comfortable home here.
The mother of the subject, known in her maidenhood as
Margaret Newman, was born on the isle of Guernsey, Apr. 3,
1817, and there she grew to maturity, emigrating to America in
1834 and locating at Cambridge, Ohio, where she continued to
reside until her death, on Jan. 3, 1892.
John P. Mahaffey, of this review, after
receiving a common school education, learned the printer's
trade, and that has been his chief occupation ever since, being
very proficient in the "art preservative." He has always
been Democrat and an earnest and untiring advocate of the
party's principles and prominent in its conventions in the town,
county and state. He served one term as clerk of courts of
Guernsey county, from 1879 to 1882, and made a very commendable
record. He was candidate for presidential elector on the
Democratic ticket in 1900, and in 1904 he was the Democratic
candidate for clerk of the supreme court of Ohio, but went down
in defeat with the balance of the ticket. In 1905 he was
elected state senator from the eighteenth and nineteenth
districts, composed of Coshocton, Guernsey, Monroe, Tuscarawas
and part of Noble counties, and he made such a commendable
record and gained such universal favor that he was re-elected in
1908. He made his influence felt in that important body
and his record has been so praiseworthy i every respect that he
won the admiration of all fair minded citizens, irrespective of
party alignment.
During the war of the Rebellion Mr. Mahaffey
proved his patriotism and loyalty to the national government by
enlisting in the One Hundred and Seventy-second Ohio Volunteer
Infantry, in which he served in a very faithful manner.
Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic order, the Knights of
Pythias, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Benevolent
and Protective Order of Elks and he takes a great deal of
interest in these lodges. HE holds membership in the
Methodist Episcopal church and is faithful in his support of the
On Mar. 1, 1882, in connection with T. W. Ogier, Mr.
Mahaffey purchased the Cambridge Herald, which the
firm continued to publish until August 10, 1910, when the plant
was sold to other parties, since which time he has been leading
a retired life. He made this paper one of the leading
journals of its type in eastern Ohio and it was a success from a
financial standpoint under his judicious management, its
circulation having gradually increased and its value as a
advertising medium was made apparent; its columns teemed with
the best and brightest news of the day and with able and
convincing editorials, - in short, he rendered it an
indispensible molder of public opinion.
Mr. Mahaffey was married on Mar. 21, 1872, to
Sarah F. Scott, daughter of Thomas and Lydia (Langell)
Scott, natives of Nova Scotia, who came to Cambridge in
early life. Mrs. Mahaaffey's death occurred on Feb.
9, 1873. This union resulted in the birth of one son,
G. F. Mahaffey. After graduating from the
Cambridge high school the latter became a student at the college
at Delaware, Ohio, and he is at present secretary of the state
game and fish department.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 498 |

D. Dillon Marsh |
One of the representative citizens of Byesville, D. Dillon
Marsh, has won definite success in life because he has
persevered in the pursuit of a worthy purpose, gaining thereby a
satisfactory reward. He has never been found wanting in
the support of such measures as were calculated to make for the
general good in his locality and he bears a reputation for
square dealing among his fellow men.
Mr. Marsh was born on Aug. 31, 1850, on the farm
of Daniel Bichard, four miles north of Cambridge, Ohio.
He is the son of Abraham and Mary A. V. (Bichard) Marsh;
the father, it is believed, was born in Belmont count, Ohio, and
the marriage of these parents occurred on May 13, 1847.
Abraham Marsh was the son of Jonathan and Lavina (Jones)
Marsh. The later was of Welsh descent, while the
Marshes are of Irish descent, the father of Jonathan
Marsh having come to America from near Dublin, Ireland.
His father, Jonathan's grandfather, was an extensive land
owner near Dublin. He had a large number of men working
for him, one of whom imposed on him and in the melee Marsh
injured him so severely that the bully was apparently dead.
Fearing so, Mr. Marsh fled to America to escape answering
to the charge of murder; though the man recovered. Mr.
Marsh re4mained in America. Dillon Marsh, an
uncle of the subject, died in 1909 at Logansport, Indiana, and
it was for him that the subject was named. Abraham
Marsh was a farmer and shoemaker and he won quite a
reputation as a skilled maker of boots and shoes. In 1860
he moved to Cambridge, where he followed his trade until his
death, on Mar. 26, 1893. The death of his wife occurred on
Feb. 25, 1910, at the advanced age of eighty years; she had been
making her home with her daughter, Maggie, wife of
George Sarchet, at Byesville. Mary A. V. Bichard
was the daughter of Daniel and Mary (Ferbrache) Bichard.
The father was born in the isle of Guernsey, in1798, was left an
orphan and when about six years of age was brought to this
country by the Sarchet family. Mary Ferbrache was
four years old at that time and she was brought over on the same
ship on which sailed her future husband, having accompanied her
parents to the United States. She was the daughter of
Daniel and Judith (Sarchet) Ferbrache, and was one of five
children, born on the isle of Guernsey in the English channel.
The family came to America about 1806; they were of French
Huguenot descent and natives of the isle of Guernsey.
Three children were born to them after they came to America, one
of whom was Dr. David Ferbache.
Daniel Birchard grew to maturity in the
Sarchet family and his one hundred and sixty acres of land
four miles north of Cambridge was bought from the government at
one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. He was a
justice of the peace for a number of years, and he farmed on the
place mentioned above until his death, on May 4, 1872, at the
age of seventy-four years; his wife died on Feb. 9, 1879, when
seventy-six years old. Mary A. V. Birchard grew to
maturity on her father's farm and lived there until after her
marriage. Grandfather Birchard was a very religious
man, a class leader in the Methodist church. His wife, who
was known as a splendid cook and a good woman, delighted in
waiting on the subject when he was a boy and he spent much of
his time at the home of his grandparents. The subject's
parents were members of the Methodist Protestant church, the
father being a trustee in the same.
With the exception of two or three years Dillon
Marsh has lived in Guernsey county all his life. He
attended high school at Cambridge. In 1874 he was married
to Matilda Randles, of Jackson township, and his union
resulted in the birth of two children, William A. and
Rosa L.; the former resides in Cambridge, and the latter,
who married Joseph Creighton, deceased, is also living in
Cambridge, and has one son, Byron. Mr. Marsh was
again married to Emma A. Bonnell, of Adams township, this
county who died without issue about two years after her
marriage. The third marriage of Mr. Marsh was to
Mrs. Maranda J. (Dugan) Dawson, of Wheeling township, in
July, 889. She was the daughter of William and Hannah
Dugan. Her grandfather, Francis Dugan, was a
pioneer in this county, as was also her mother's father,
David Wolgamott. Francis and Nancy Dugan were natives
of Ireland and there they were married, emigrating to America in
an early day and taking up government land on Bird's Run, this
county. David Wolgamott was born in Germany and he
came to Wheeling township, where he entered land and had a good
farm. Mrs. Marsh's first husband was Thomas D.
Dawson, whose death occurred about 1887, leaving three
daughters: Sarah, wife of Roy Dallas, of
Cambridge; Emma, wife of Oscar Wigfield, lives in
Tuscarawas county; Bertha E. is the wife of George
Hilderbrand and lives in Byesville.
While a young man Mr. Marsh worked on the
railroad at civil engineering under Charles Gould and
later under William Carlisle. While working in the
engineering corps he took up the study of civil engineering and
followed the railroad branch of it. Later he took up the
study of civil engineering and followed the railroad branch of
it. Later he took up the study of mine engineering for the
coal miles near Byesville and for fifteen years was with the
Cambridge Fuel Company, also their successors, the Wills Creek
Coal Company, and he also worked for a number of other coal
companies, continuing with much success in that line of endeavor
until 1907 when failing heath compelled him to retire. He
has also done a great deal of surveying, especially laying off
towns and additions to cities. He has surveyed a very
large portion of the additions of Byesville.
In his younger days, Mr. Marsh was an ardent
Republican, but in late years he is more inclined to be
independent. He was mayor of Byesville for two years years
and gave the city a most praiseworthy administration.
Since becoming a mining engineer he has accumulated considerable
property in Byesville, business and residence, also coal lands.
Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, and he and his wife belong to the Methodist Protestant
church, as do his daughters, Sadie and Bertha. He
has served as superintendent of the Sunday school. He
takes an abiding interest in the material, moral, educational
and religious progress of the community and county and lends his
aid to all worthy movements. He is quiet, unassuming, but
friendly and generous, so is well liked by all who know him.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 640 |
One of the notable men of his day and generation in Guernsey
county is Judge Edward W. Mathews, Sr., a man who,
through a long and eminently commendable career in public and
private life, has won state-wide recognition and who stands
today an avowed leader of his fellowmen; a man who has done much
to mould public opinion in his locality and foster those
movements that make for ultimate success and advancement.
He is a man of the people in all the term implies, broad-minded,
of keen discernment and unswerving integrity. By a life
consistent in motive and action and because of his fine personal
qualities, he has earned the sincere regard of all who know him,
his ideas and ideals having always been high and his influence
salutary; so that his career might well be profitably studied by
the youth whose fortunes are yet to be determined in the
precarious vicissitudes of the coming years, for therein may be
found many a lesson.
Judge Mathews was born Feb. 7, 1832, at St.
Peters Port, on the isle of Guernsey and is the son of Edward
W. and Margaret (Blampied) Mathews. The father was a
victim of the cholera epidemic that visited that country in 1832
and the following year the mother, in company with relatives,
came to America and to Cambridge, then a small village of about
six hundred people. Here the subject of this sketch spent
his childhood and youth and here he has held his residence ever
since. He was educated in the schools of Cambridge and
also attended two different academies of the county. His
home for a time was with his brother-in-law, John Mahaffey,
who was a shoemaker, and while making his home here young
Mathews worked at the shoemaking trade for three or four
years. In 1850, when he was eighteen years of age, he went
with a company of good seekers to California by the overland
route and experienced the hardships and adventures of such a
trip in those early days. Shortly after reaching "the
diggings" he was taken with typhoid fever and lay sick for
several weeks. When able to go to work, he began labor in
the mines for gold, and continued this for about two and a half
years and was successful in accumulating considerable precious
metal. He returned to Cambridge by the Isthmus rout,
landing in New York thence by railroad and state to Cambridge.
Soon after returning to Cambridge he bought an interest in the
drug business with E. R. Nyce, in Cambridge. The
partners also bought a drug store in Cumberland, Guernsey
county, of which Mr. Matthews took charge and conducted
for two years. E. R. Nyce was also postmaster at
Cambridge, and after this business partnership had continued
several years Mr. Mathews also took charge of the
postoffice, in connection with the drug store, and continued to
manage the same until 1859. Having an ambition to enter
the law, he had for two years been reading in the office of
Mathew Gaston, at that time a prominent attorney of the
county. On leaving the postoffice and drug store, he
entered the Cincinnati Law School and graduated from that
institution in 1860, returning then to Cambridge where he began
the practice of his former preceptor Mathew Gaston.
Since that time he has been a member of the bar of
Guernsey county and southern Ohio. For some years he was
associated with Hon. J. W. White, who, during this
association was elected to Congress. Later he was
associated with W. S. Heade in the practice of law, the
partnership of Mathews & Heade continuing for about a
quarter of a century; and in 1898 his son, Edward W. Mathews,
Jr., became a member of the firm, the firm name then being
Mathews, Heade & Mathews. In 1894 Mr. Heade
retired from the firm, and since that time father and son have
continued in the practice of law, the firm name being Mathews
& Mathews. Judge Mathews has engaged in a large
practice in all the county and state courts and is an attorney
of recognized ability.
In 1884 Mr. Mathews was appointed by Governor
Hoadley, of Ohio, to fill the unexpired term of Judge
Frazier, of the common pleas court. He was recognized
as a judge of marked ability, but, being a Democrat in politics
and the judicial district four thousand Republican, Judge
Mathews was defeated for an election following this term,
though by a very greatly reduced Republican majority. He
is a Democrat of the old school and always loyal as a party
supporter. He has served as mayor of Cambridge and also as
a member of the school board for two terms. He was a
delegate to the Democratic national convention which met in St.
Louis and nominated Grover Cleveland for President in
1888, and has been prominent in the party councils of the state.
Judge Mathews has been very active in public
affairs. He was active with Gen. A. J. Warner in
promoting, building and operating the Cleveland & Marietta
railroad. From the organization of the company he was its
attorney and continued in this capacity with the original
company and its successors until 1909, when he severed his
He has also had extensive real estate interests and has
been enterprising and active in the improvements of the city of
Cambridge, in erecting substantial business blocks and residence
properties. At the organization of the Central National
Bank, some years ago, he became a member of the board of
directors and upon the death of Mr. Hutchinson he
succeeded to the presidency of the bank, which position he still
Judge Mathews has been twice married, first in
May, 1862, to Amelia Haynes, daughter of Dr. Vincent
and Sarah Haynes. To this union two children were
born, Edward W. Mathews, Jr., an attorney of Cambridge,
associated in the practice with his father, and Minnie L.,
who died in infancy.
Mrs. Mathews died in 1877. His second
marriage was solemnized on January 30, 1879, to Anna Means,
daughter of Benjamin and Margaret (Ackelson) Menas, of
Washington county, Pennsylvania. To this union were born
Margaret Amelia now Mrs. Verne D. Benedict, of
Massillon, Ohio, and Gertrude B., at home.
Judge Mathews and his family are members of the
Presbyterian church and he served as trustee for eighteen years.
He and his family have always been active in church and Sunday
school work. Mr. Mathews was made a Mason in 1853
and has advanced to the thirty-third degree, an honor and
distinction reached by but few men. He has led a busy
life, but always has time to be agreeable with all with whom he
comes in contact. A large, robust man, always full of
energy and good cheer; a splendid man, a splendid citizen, a
lover of home life, a devoted husband and an indulgent father.
As an attorney he ranks second to none in this section of the
state and has been very successful. He is earnest,
painstaking and persistent in his methods of procedure, a
forceful, eloquent speaker and a man who is profoundly versed in
all matters of jurisprudence.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. -
Publ: B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page
465 |
Alexander McCracken was the eldest child of William
and Margaret (McClarey) McCracken, and was born Nov. 22,
1814, in a log cabin on the back part of what is now known as
the Hoge lot.
When he was about six years old his father removed to
the farm one mile north of town. From there he came to
town to school on the corner where the Hub store is now, and
afterwards to a school held in the old Ogier house
opposite the National bank. In 1822 his father moved back
to town and engaged in blacksmithing and was afterwards in
the dry goods business on the corner now occupied by Sarchet’s
music store. After he was through .school he assisted his
father in the store and in a tannery in which his father was a
partner. After the death of John M. Allison, the
partner, Mr. McCracken took sole charge of the tannery
and later became the owner, continuing in the tanning business,
until 1858, when he and Joseph Thomas, of Cadiz,
became engaged in the banking business. In 1869 he went to
Philadelphia, and was interested in a commission business and
later in furniture manufacture.
He was married to Mrs. Sarah McFarren, of near
Florence, Pennsylvania, Nov. 14. 1839. To this union were
born four children: Dr. W. A. McCracken and John
McFarren, who died in young manhood, James Scott, who
is a prosperous business man in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and
Mrs. A. A. Taylor, widow of Capt. A. A. Taylor, of
Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken returned to
Cambridge in later years to make their home with their daughter
and here Mrs. McCracken died in December. 1899.
Mr. McCracken still continues to make his
home with his daughter, and is now in his ninety-seventh year,
in mental and physical vigor excepting lameness from a fall.
He takes a lively interest in current events, and is a constant
reader of the daily papers. He was the oldest voter in the
county in the November election of 1910 and cast his
seventy-fifth ballot for the Republican ticket.
Mr. McCracken in earlier years was one of
the active members of the Seceder, afterwards the First United
Presbyterian church, in Cambridge, of which his father was the
founder and sole charter member. He was a liberal
contributor to the present building, and was for many years
superintendent of the Sabbath school. He took an active
part in the “underground railway" in slavery days and helped
many a slave to freedom.
He was a member of the town council for many years and
was also president of the school board and took an interest in
all civic affairs at that time. He, with Samuel
Craig and Judge Nathan Evans, laid out
the South cemetery, reserving the square where the Woman's
Relief Corps have erected a soldiers monument. As his
health is now, he bids fair to reach the years of his
grandfather which were one hundred and two.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 868
1850 census - Cambridge, Guernsey Co., OH - Dwelling#1866
Family# 1878 - Alexander M Crackea 35, Sarah Crackea 36, William
A. Crackea 10, John M fenen Crackea 7, Olla Crackea 4, James S.
Crackea 1, Edward Anderson 13, Hamilton Pallock 21, John Reed
23, Lucinda Hulckisen 24.
Source Citation; Year, 1850, Census place, Cambridge, Guernsey,
OH; Roll: 684, Pagre 272A
1860 census - Cambridge, Guernsey Co., OH - Dwelling 718
Family #715 - Alexander McCracken 45 M, Master Tanner, $2500
$7000 b. MD
Sarah ", 45 F b. Pa; William A., 19 M b. PA; John M., 17 M b.
PA; Ellie McCracken, 15 F, b. O; James S. McCracken, 10 M, b. O;
Sarah A. Sullivan, 25 F, b. MD, William Armstrong 25 M, b. Eng.;
William H. McFarland 25 M, b O
Source Citation: Year, 1860; Census Place: Cambridge, Guernsey,
Ohio; Page 272;
1870 census Cambridge, Guernsey Co., OH - Dwelling 32
Family 32 - McCracken, Alex, 55 M W $8000 $200 b. O; Sarah, 55 F
W b. OH; Sarah ,55 F W, b. OH; John Clendenning, 11 M W, b. OH;
Alex A. Taylor, 36 M W $11750- $1184; b. OH; Ella M. 24 F W $--
$430, b. OH; Mary A. Flynn, 19 F W, b. OH; Alex A. and Ella M.
Taylor were married in July.
Death of child:
Name: James Scott McCracken - Male - White - Age 77 -
Born: Aug. 2, 1849, Ohio; died Dec. 28, 1926, Philadelphia,
Philadelphia Co., PA; Father: Alexander McCracken; Mother: Sarah
McFerren - Cert No. 120867; Cause of death: Cancer of
Stomach; Informant: R. T. McCracken, 1009 Westview Av., ;
Burial: Woodlands Cem., Dec. 30, 1926. |
Though young in years, Dr. James Hodge McCreary, of
Byesville, one of the best known of the younger dentists of
Guernsey county, has shown what energy, high purpose and proper
training can accomplish when coupled with sound judgment and an
altruistic impulse. He come of an excellent old family
whose honored name he has worthily upheld. He was born in
Center township, this county, Sept. 20, 1878, and he is the son
of Hugh and Martha (McKelvy) McCreary. For a more
complete record of the Doctor's parents and ancestry the reader
is referred to the sketch of his brother, John L. McCreary,
appearing herein.
Doctor McCreary grew to maturity on the home
farm and there built up a robust constitution by outdoor work,
which has stood him in good stead during his subsequent battle
of life. He attended the district schools in the
wintertime and later went to the normal school. He studied
dentistry at the Ohio Medical University, now Starling Medical
College, where he made an excellent record and from which he was
graduated in 1903, after which he began the practice of his
profession in Byesville where he has remained ever since,
enjoying a very liberal patronage, which is constantly growing,
for his reputation as a careful, painstaking and thoroughly
equipped dentist has become well established and he has kept
abreast of the times in everything pertaining to his profession.
Doctor McCreary was married on Dec. 28,
1905, to Mabel Frame, daughter of Roland S. Frame,
Sr., a highly respected and influential family. To the
Doctor and wife one son, Roland Alexander, has been born.
Besides his practice, Doctor McCreary is
interested in the C. L. Frame Dental Supply Company at
Chicago. He also owns various properties in Byesville.
Fraternally, he is a member of the Masonic order, having
attained the Knight Templar degree. He also belongs to the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He and his wife belong
to the Methodist Episcopal church at Byesville, and they stand
high in church and social circles.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by Col. Cyrus P. B.
Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B. F. Bowden &
Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 690 |

Among the truly valued and interesting characters of early days
in Guernsey county were the two Andrew Moores—father
and son. This memoir will treat especially of the son, who
was the father-in-law of Col. C. P. B. Sarchet, of
Cambridge. The father, Andrew Moore, Sr., was
descended from Scotch-Welsh ancestry, who settled at an early
day in New Castle county, Delaware. The first American
ancestor of this family established a “smithy”, blacksmith shop,
near New Castle, which trade was handed down from father to son.
It was there that Andrew, Sr., learned the trade.
At his majority he married Elizabeth Bines, by
whom nine children were born: Robert B., William, James B.,
Andrew, Thomas, Jacob, Maria, Harriet and Eliza.
Soon after his marriage he removed to Lancaster county,
Pennsylvania, where Gen. Robert B. Moore, late of
California, and William Moore, of this county, were born.
About 1797 he removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania, where
James B. Moore, of Cambridge, was born. Still
following the western tide of emigration. the year 1803
found him located at Wellsburg, West Virginia, where Andrew
was born, February 12th of that year. Mr. Moore the
following year removed to Newellstown, Belmont county, Ohio, and
in April, 1806, settled near what was then called “Smithton’’
(now the Lost town), and after the formation of Guernsey county
it was called Frankford on the Zane Trace, or old Wheeling•
road, and there opened up what became a notable place.
Moore’s Tavern, known far and near for its good cheer
and hospitality. To the hotel was attached the "smithy.”
where glowed brightly the blacksmith’s forge and sounded the
ringing anvil. Here young Andrew spent his youthful
days as the son of a pioneer backwoodsman, doing such labor on
the farm and about the tavern as one of his years could do.
He was apprenticed to learn the trade of a tanner, when sixteen
years of age, to a Mr. Erskine, at St. Clairsville.
When he had served his time and secured his freedom suit, three
months' schooling and his Bible, the last item in the agreement,
he set out for the East, where he spent several years in
Baltimore, Philadelphia and Wilmington as a "jour” tanner.
He was unsuccessful in his efforts and returned to his father's
place and in 1826 was united in marriage to Margaret Bines,
by which union he had one son, Robert B. Moore. He
commenced to work with his team on the National road, then being
constructed, and during the time there engaged obtained
sufficient money with which to purchase one hundred acres of
land in the Salt creek valley, west of Middleton. After
the completion of that great highway in 1829 he opened a tavern
in Middleton, which he owned until the death of his first wife.
In 1834 he married, for his second wife, Elizabeth Riggs,
and removed to the farm. By this marriage he had three
children, Mrs. C. P. B. Sarchet, Maj. James W. Moore
and Mrs. Henry L. Twining, all of Guernsey county and all
present at his funeral.
During the time of his keeping tavern,
Mr. Moore was largely engaged in driving horses,
cattle and hogs, with his brothers, and made many trips over the
far-away mountains. He thus formed a large acquaintance and knew
and was known by all the leading drovers over the National pike.
About 1845 commenced wagoning west from Wheeling, with the
old-fashioned white-covered broad tread wagon, removing again to
Middletown, and in 1848 to Cambridge, purchasing the old
homestead of Gen. Robert B. Moore and a part of the old
Chapman farm. He continued in the business of wagoning,
through cold and heat, year in and year out, until the
completion of the Central Ohio railroad in 1854, when he began
to haul coal from his own farm to Cambridge and was thus engaged
until about 1870, when he felt old age creeping on. Worn
out with the life of exposure, he retired and spent the
remainder of his days an almost helpless invalid, with his
children, enjoying the confidence and respect of the entire
community. He departed this life at the home of his
son-in-law. C. P. B. Sarchet, of Cambridge,
Thursday, Sept. 2, 1880, aged seventy-seven years and six
months, and was laid to rest in the Cambridge cemetery, where
repose so many of the old pioneers.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B.
F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 832 |
In any history of the progressive and representative citizens of
Guernsey county the name of Hiram K. Moore, the present
efficient and popular sheriff of the county, should be given
conspicuous mention, for he is one of those strong, sturdy
characters who has contributed largely to the material welfare
of this community, being a public-spirited man and conscientious
worker for his locality and the general good of his fellow men.
Mr. Moore was born on Oct. 10, 1855, in
Jefferson township, Guernsey county, Ohio, and is the son of
Hiram and Caroline (Linn) Moore. The father was born
in Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, and the mother in Guernsey
county, Ohio. The father’s people came to Tuscarawas
county, Ohio, about 1822, when the elder Hiram was but a
mere lad. Grandfather Burris Moore was a
pioneer farmer, deer and bear hunter of the then new country.
He was a man of courage and sterling integrity, fearless and a
typical early settler. He finally left Ohio and took up
his residence in Iowa with the pioneers of that state. He
lived a conservative life and reached the remarkable age of
ninety-seven years. His son, Hiram, accompanied his
parents to Iowa and when a young man he returned to Ohio, making
the long journey on horseback. He engaged in farming in
Jefferson township, and was married in February, 1843. He
reared a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters.
George L. died as a soldier during the Civil war;
Thomas lives in Guernsey county; Ira, of Wichita,
Kansas; Cyrus E., of Cambridge; Hattie married
Elijah Ferbrache, of Kansas; Hiram K., of this
review; Mary married Ellsworth Sunnafrank, of
Chillicothe, Ohio; Anna married John C. Hillman,
of Nevada; Nancy Augusta, of Cambridge, has
remained single. The father of these children was called
to his rest on Dec. 23, 1894, in the seventy-ninth year of his
age, his widow surviving until July 30, 1902, and they both are
buried in the Cambridge cemetery. The father was a
Republican in politics, but early in life he was a Whig, as were
all his people; so are all his sons Republicans. While not
an active man in public affairs, he was interested in the
general progress of his community, and was a pious and
influential man. He was not a church man, but he was
honest and upright in all his relations with his fellow men.
Hiram K. Moore spent his youth on the home farm
and attended the home schools. When a youth he learned the
blacksmith's trade, which he followed for a number of years at
different points in Guernsey county and became very skillful in
this line. On Feb. 13, 1886, he was married to Georgia
Huffman, daughter of Reason and Catherine (Keepers)
Huffman, of Guernsey county, in which both parents were
native and they were highly respected. The mother died
when Mrs. Moore was only one year old, and the
father’s death occurred on June 11, 1904. They are buried
at Winchester. Mr. Huffman was a tailor by
trade. To Mr. and Mrs. Huffman six daughters were
born, namely: Mary, deceased, married William
Hanna; Signora married Edward Burson,
of Winterset, this county; Mattie married Robert
Mills, of California; Emma married Nathan
Myers, both now deceased: Jessie married Simon
Wallace, of Cambridge. To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram K.
Moore two children have been born. Nettie and
Robert, both living at home.
Mr. Moore followed the blacksmith’s trade
until 1905, when he gave it up on account of impaired health.
He is a Republican in politics and has always been active in
public matters, and in 1906 he was the nominee of his party for
sheriff of Guernsey county, and was elected at the polls in
November following. He made such a commendable record,
performing his duties in such an able and conscientious manner,
that he was again elected to this important office in the fall
of 1908 and with the close of 1910 he served four years as
sheriff, and. according to the consensus of opinion, the county
never had a better sheriff, always popular with the people and
firm in the discharge of his duty as a public servant. He
is a man of highest integrity, broad-minded upon public
questions, and his official record is without a stain.
Mrs. Moore and daughter are members of the Methodist
Episcopal church, and while Mr. Moore is not a
member of the church, he is a faithful supporter of the same and
a man given to good works, charitable in his instincts and in
every respect a good citizen who is eminently deserving of his
honored position in the estimation of the public.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 896 |

James W. Moore

Mrs. Hannah Moore
It will always be a badge of honor in this country to have known
that a person’s father, or even his uncle, enlisted in defense
of the “Star Spangled Banner’’ when the greatest of rebellions
threatened to disrupt the Union in the early sixties, and
thereby not only did a great service in keeping the states
cemented together, but also in eradicating slavery from our soil
forever. Just as to this day we boast that our grandfather
or great-grandfather fought in the Revolution to gain
independence, or in the war of 1812 to protect our rights on the
ocean, so the descendants of the gallant soldiers who fought in
the Civil war to save the nation will boast through the coming
years of the bravery and self-sacrifice of their fathers or
their relatives. One of this historic horde was Major
James W. Moore, a prominent citizen of Wills township,
Guernsey county, who went forth to die on the field of battle or
in no less dangerous fever camp, if need be, for the salvation
of the country.
Major Moore was born on Aug. 25, 1838, in
Wills township, one-half mile west of Middleton, Oxford
township, the son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Riggs)
Moore, the father born at Wellsville, in Belmont county,
where the family stopped for a few years en route from Delaware
to their Ohio home in Guernsey county.
Grandfather Andrew Moore, the direct descendant
of his grandfather, William Moore, was the first
of the Moore family who came to America from
Scotland and settled in the state of Delaware. Andrew
Moore, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came to
America from Scotland and settled in Delaware. Eventually
he came to Pultney Ridge, Wills township, Guernsey county, Ohio,
and settled on what was known as the old Zane trace. He
huilt a hotel, blacksmith shop, store, wagon-making shop and
various other buildings, making a considerable settlement which
was called Frankfort and which was a commercial point of
considerable importance. Andrew Moore became
a large land owner and was a busy man of affairs and active in
every movement affecting the welfare of the early settlers,
being a man of sterling character and of broad influence.
He had a large family, his wife being Elizabeth Bines,
daughter of Robert and Sarah ( Ellexwell ) Bines, by whom
he had nine children, born along the way from Delaware to Ohio,
the journey covering several years, stops being made at various
places for a considerable time. He died in 1821.
Andrew Moore, the sixth child and father of the
subject of this sketch, was born in Wellsville, Ohio, in 1803.
He first married Elizabeth Bines, a second cousin
of his mother’s, and a son, Robert, was horn to this union.
Mrs. Moore did not live long. Mr.
Moore married a second time, this wife being Elizabeth
Riggs, daughter of James Riggs, of near
Barnesville, Ohio. They had three children, James W.,
Malvina (now Mrs. Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet), and
Anna, deceased. Andrew Moore was a farmer and
for years a wagoner on the National road between Cambridge and
Wheeling, during the days before the railroad came. He was
a large land owner. He died Sept. 2, 1880, and his wife
died in September, 1869; both are buried in the cemetery at
James W. Moore went with the family to Cambridge
in 1848, where most of his childhood and youth were spent.
He attended the public schools of Cambridge and the Miller
Academy at Washington, Guernsey county, for two years and
received a very liberal education for those days. He
became the captain of the first company recruited in Guernsey
county in April, 1861, for service in the Union army during the
Civil war, responding to the first call for troops by
President Lincoln. This was Company H,
Sixteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a month’s
enlistment, but the company served nearly four months. The
following year he was appointed major of the Ninety-seventh Ohio
Volunteer Infantry, by Governor Tod, of Ohio, and was the
youngest field officer in the Second Brigade, Second Division,
Fourth Army Corps, under General Wgoner. The
regiment served in the Army of the Cumberland at the battle of
Mission Ridge and he was wounded on the 25th of November, 1863.
The Ninety-seventh Regiment was the first regiment to enter
Chattanooga and take possession of the lower part of that city,
early in the morning, and planted their flag on Cameron Hill,
Major Moore being in command of the skirmish line.
He participated in all the hard-fought battles of the
Chattanooga and Atlanta campaign, and on June 22, 1864, he was
wounded at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, having command of the
Second Brigade’s skirmish line. He lost one hundred and
twenty-two men in killed and wounded in the one-half hour, but
established and held the Union lines. His wound in the
ankle proved serious and he was discharged from service Sept.
13, 1864, by war department orders from the hospital at
Cincinnati as being disabled from further service. He
returned to his home after his discharge.
On Aug. 17, 1865, Major Moore was married to
Hannah Margaret Carlisle, daughter of John and Elizabeth
(Kirkpatrick) Carlisle. She had been the wife of
John Carlisle prior to her marriage to Mr.
Patterson, and was a widow at the time of her second
marriage. To Mr. and Mrs. Moore four children were
born; an infant, deceased; Elmer, who died at the age of
thirty years, in 1898; Margaret Elizabeth, at
home, and Alice Malvina, also at home.
Soon after his marriage, in the spring of 1866, Mr.
Moore moved to his present home on the National pike,
three and one-half miles east of Washington and twelve miles
east of Cambridge. He has a fine farm of four hundred
acres, all well improved and under a high state of cultivation,
and makes a specialty of stock and has a fine grazing farm.
He is a Republican in politics and has always been a radical and
stalwart party man, always active in matters pertaining to the
party, but never an office seeker, and was never a candidate for
an elective office. He served on the soldiers relief
commission and for sixteen years has been a member of the board
of trustees of the Guernsey County Children's Home, and is now
president of the board. He is a member of the Cambridge
Post, Grand Army of the Republic. In church membership his
family is divided between the Presbyterian and the Methodist
Episcopal, the churches of both parental and maternal ancestry.
Mr. Moore has always been a progressive
citizen and his farm and its complete appointments bear strong
evidence of this. The broad, well-kept acres, the ample
and convenient barns and stock sheds, the modern home, thorough
in its appointments, exhibit this spirit. Located in the
Salt Creek valley, the home is so situated that it commands a
fine view of the beautiful and fertile landscape. Mr.
Moore gives especial attention to thoroughbred sheep and
cattle and all of his stock is the finest and always in the best
of condition. There is no more attractive country home in
Guernsey county, and in every walk of life Major Moore
is always found in the very front rank, willing to assist by his
influence and means every worthy proposition. His home is
presided over by his daughters, Margaret Elizabeth and
Alice Malvina, educated, capable and refined women, giving
the Moore home a very prominent place in the
social life of the county.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ: B.
F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 878 |
The long, eventful, useful and strenuous career of Robert B.
Moore, one of Guernsey county's honored and well known
citizens, has been fraught with much good to those with whom he
has come into contact, and is well worthy of detailed mention in
a work of this nature. He has lived to see, from his
infancy to his old age, and gradual development of this
community and has taken part in the same in a manner that has
proved him to be a man of progress. He was born in
Cambridge, this county, on Feb. 9, 1836, and he is the son of
James B. and Amanda (Abbott) Moore. This family is of
Scotch-Irish descent, the paternal grandparents, Andrew and
Margaret (Bins) Moore, having come to America sometime prior
to the Revolutionary war. The father, James B.
Moore, was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania.
The Abbotts were of high rank in England, and, like the
Moores, always ranked among the best families in their
communities. Amanda Abbott, mother of the
subject, was a guest at the inaugural ball of George
Washington, and her costume and jewels worn on that occasion
became the property of the son and are highly prized. Upon
coming to America the Moores first settled in Maryland
and the Abbotts in Virginia and were among the "F. F.
V.'s. The Moore family emigrated westward to
Guernsey county, Ohio, as early as 1806 and were among the
earliest pioneers of this section, being prominent and
influential in social, civic and business affairs here, and
played an important role in the development of the new country.
The father conducted a tannery for years, later engaging in the
hotel business, conducting the Eagle hotel, located on what is
now Wheeling avenue, between Sixth and Seventh streets,
Cambridge (on the north side of the street). He was a
popular host and well known to the traveling public, this town
being a prominent station on the old National state route.
He was a busy man and was successful. He was known as an
upright, genial gentleman, a man admired and respected by all.
His death occurred at the advanced age of eighty-five years, his
widow preceding him to the grave in 1873. These parents
had two sons, Robert B., of this review, and Charles
H., who is now deceased. During his life he was
prominent in the public life of the state. The parents
were adherents of the Presbyterian church, as the Moores
and Abbotts were before them, and James B. Moore
was a Republican in politics.
Robert B. Moore grew to maturity and was
educated in Cambridge, and later attended Madison College at
Antrim, Guernsey county, for two years, thus receiving a good
education for those early days. When seventeen years of
age he began work for himself in whatever way he could make an
honest dollar. For a time he drove a team, hauling coal
from the mines to the retail trade in Cambridge. When
eighteen years old he went to California, in the gold fever
days, having borrowed the money with which to go, making the
trip by way of the isthmus of Panama. He worked in the
gold mines of California for five years and met with much
success as a prospector. He returned to his old home in
1857 and soon afterwards went to Jackson, Tennessee, where he
remained until the beginning of the Civil war, when he sold out
and came back to Cambridge. He again went to California in
the winter of 1861, making the trip by vessel, as he had
previously done and he remained in the Golden state until 1873.
For several years he was again in the mines and he engaged in
the hotel business in Nevada City until his return to Cambridge,
Ohio, where he has since been engaged in the general insurance
business. For twenty-five years he was state agent for the
Phoenix Insurance Company of New York, having supervision of the
states of Ohio and West Virginia. He was regarded by the
company as one of its most trusted and valued employes and he
did much to increase its prestige in this territory.
Mr. Moore has been twice married, first in
California, in May, 1869, to Josephine C. Johnson, who
lived only about eighteen months after her marriage. His
second marriage was solemnized on June 21, 1873, to Tillie J.
Chauncy Abbott Moore a noted musician, who makes his home in
Paris, France, being a great success in grand opera. He
obtained his musical education in Chicago and Paris, under the
best music masters of the Old World, and he has since traveled
all over Europe and America, appearing in the principal cities
of both countries, and his company will tour America in the
season of 1910-11. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Moore
visited their son in Paris in 1907 and spent three months
on the continent. Mrs. Moore was called to
her reward in September, 1907, soon after her return from
Politically, Mr. Moore is a Democrat, and
is well informed on all public questions and issues and is a
strong partisan. He is a member of the Masonic order,
belonging to the Cambridge Commandery, Knights Templar; he is
also a member of the Cambridge Lodge of Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks. He is a member of the
Presbyterian church, the Moore family having been
Presbyterians from earliest records. Probably no man in
Ohio has a wider acquaintance among business men than Mr.
Moore. For a period of twenty-five years he has
traveled to all parts of the state in the capacity of state
agent for the insurance company mentioned above, and, owning to
his jovial disposition and his genteel demeanor, he is always a
most welcome guest wherever he goes. He is a man of
sterling integrity and has a high sense of honor. He is
now living practically retired, giving only supervision to his
general insurance business. He retains an active interest
in public matters and the growth and development of his home
city, where he has been a prominent factor for so many years.
He is a man of fine intellectual attainments, sterling integrity
and an optimist by nature.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 798 |
The subject of this sketch was born in Muskingum county, Ohio,
July 25, 1863. His parents, John and Martha (Ross)
Moore, came from Washington county, Pennsylvania, and
located in Muskingum county, Ohio, where the father brought a
farm and established their home. Ross grew up on
the farm, but when eighteen or nineteen years old he went to
Norwich and learned the carpenter's trade, then, after two years
spent in Norwich, he went to New Concord and acquired the
barber's trade. Three years later he came to Cambridge,
and after working one year as a journeyman barber he bought a
shop of his own, and there, since the fall of 1886, he has been
continuously in business. The 1st of August, 1904, he
established his present shop in the Central National Bank
building. It is easily the best-equipped and the best
patronized barber shop in Guernsey county, and as such deserves
especial mention here.
Mr. Moore was married
Sept. 22, 1887, to Mary Wall, daughter Dr.
Andrew Wall. Doctor Wall, a
sketch of whom appears herein, was the most eminent physician
that ever lived in Guernsey county.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore have two children, Fred
and Doris, both of whom are at home with their parents.
Fred has just completed a most unusual record in high
school having passed a grade of above ninety-eight for the
year's work and in his examination he led a class of forty-four.
Although only nineteen years of age, he was immediately given a
place as teacher in the Cambridge school.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore both belong to the United
Presbyterian church. They have a pleasant home, and they
are people whom it is a pleasure to meet. Mr.
Moore is a stead, substantial citizen.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 527 |
One of the oldest living residents of Valley township is
Thomas I. Moore, who enjoys the peculiar distinction of
having spent his entire life on the farm where he was born on
Oct. 20, 1827. He is the son of ISAAC
and Elizabeth (Hickle) Moore. Isaac Moore was
born in 1802, and about 1825 walked from his home on the Big
Capon river in West Virginia to Guernsey county to look at the
land, his brother Joseph accompanying him. He had
been married in Virginia to Elizabeth, the daughter of
Stephen and Susannah (Hoover) Hickle, both of whom were
natives of Hampshire county, Virginia, where Stephen Hickle
was born on Aug. 20, 1767, and Susannah Hoover on Jan.
19, 1779. They later came to Guernsey county, where they
spent the remainder of their lives on a farm along the Clay
pike. They were the parents of the following children:
John born on June 30, 1797; Jacob, on Feb. 8,
1799; Stephen, on June 21, 1801; Abrah, on May 29,
1803; Timothy on Oct. 7, 1805; Elizabeth, on Jan.
23, 1808; Rachel, on Apr. 4, 1810; Mary, on June
30, 1813; George, on Apr. 24, 1815; Sarah, July
30, 1817, and Isaac, on Dec. 27, 1821.
bought one hundred and sixty acres in what is now the
southwestern part of Valley township near Opperman, a portion of
the town of Opperman being built on that land There he
lived and reared his family. Within a year after they
came, their house was burned down, leaving them not even a
change of clothing. The neighbors came and helped build a
new house that was finished in a day, and were very kind in
assisting them to make a new start, after the pioneer fashion of
helping each other. Thomas I. Moore was the only
son of Isaac Moore, but he had nine sisters, namely:
Susan, born Aug. 1, 1829; Rebecca, Sept. 20, 1831;
Sarah, Nov. 30, 1833; Mahala, Jan. 16, 1835;
Mary, Dec. 6, 1836; Rachel, Dec. 25, 1839;
Elizabeth, Feb. 15, 1843; Harriet, Mar. 28, 1846;
Rhoda, May 16, 1848. Isaac Moore and his wife
were among the founders of the Bethel Methodist church and he
was active in church and school work, giving the ground on which
the school was built, where his son and grandson both attended.
He died in 1882, and was a man of considerable influence and
much esteemed in the community in which he lived, and which he
had helped to convert from a wilderness into a prosperous
farming district.
Thomas I. Moore has lived all his life on the
home farm. His recollections of early times are vivid,
when deer, wild turkey and other game abounded, and the family
lived in a log cabin with a puncheon floor, wore clothes
homespun and woven from home-grown flax, and had not even
andirons for the fireplace, but used stones instead. As an
infant he used to roll on the floor on a deer hide, and his
mother would sometimes give him a piece of venison to suck,
tying it by a string to his toe, so that he could not swallow it
and strangle. The first lumber floor which was put in the
cabin he remembers quite distinctly, as that was a great advance
in prosperity and luxury.
Mr. Moore served during the Civil war in Company
C, One Hundred and Seventy-second Ohio Regiment, with an
honorable record. On Dec. 5, 1850, he was married to
Margaret Gander, the sister of David C. Gander, whose
sketch see for her family. She was horn in 1830 on Salt
creek, near the Muskingum county line, and when she was seven
moved to Spencer township, where she grew to maturity.
Four children were born to them, Isaac W., a child who
died in infancy, Rebecca Elizabeth, who married
Fillmore Spaid, of Hartford, and Rachel
Alice, the wife of O. R. Taylor, of Pleasant City.
In the winter of 1853, Thomas I. Moore and his
brother-in-law. Jonathan Gander, went into
partnership in a saw-mill, and for twenty years continued in
partnership with saw-mills and threshing-machines. Except
for this, Thomas I. Moore’s interests have been confined
to farming. He and his wife are both members of the Bethel
Methodist church and are highly respected in their community.
Isaac W. Moore was born on July 22, 1852, and
grew up on his father's farm. While his father was gone to
war, Isaac W., then a boy of twelve, had to do a man’s
work on the farm, and he well remembers when Morgan’s
raiders passed their home. In 1874 he married Mary
Adeline Finley, the daughter of Joseph and Jane (Johnson)
Finley, who was reared near Oldham’s Station, north
of Cambridge. To this marriage three children were born,
Charles Albert, Marion Milton and Ida Olive. In 1885
he and his family moved to northwestern Kansas where he took up
a homestead and a tree claim of one hundred and sixty acres
each, and here lived for sixteen years. In 1890 his wife
died here. In 1901 Isaac W. Moore, who had by this
time accumulated a half section of farming land besides his tree
claim, sold his stock and implements, left the farm with his
sons, and himself returned to the old home farm in Guernsey
county, Ohio.
Charles Albert Moore married Minnnie Haseley,
and has a half section of land of his own three miles from
Colby, seven miles nearer that town than his father’s farm.
Marion M. Moore married Ethel Hutchinson, and lives
on his father’s farm, while he also owns one hundred and sixty
acres of his own.
On Aug. 3, 1904, after his return to his native county,
Isaac W. Moore was married to Harriett A. Larrick,
the daughter of Benjamin Larrick. Isaac W. Moore
is an active member of the Bethel Methodist church. He
lives with his father on the old farm, which Thomas Moore,
the father of Isaac and Joseph Moore, entered for them
from the government in 1825. Thomas Moore never
came to this county to live but he and his wife went to
Missouri, and there spent their days. Three generations of
Moores have owned that farm, and three generations were
born there, four generations lived together on it for some
years, and it has never been out of the family since it was
entered from the government.
Thomas I. Moore and his wife have had the very
exceptional privilege of passing sixty years of wedded life
together, the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding occurring on
Dec. 5, 1910, and all their children and grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren were present, except Ida O. Moore,
who was teaching in Leavenworth, Kansas. Their married
life has been a beautiful example of domestic felicity.
Both of them have very vivid recollections of pioneer days, and
can talk entertainingly of the early life of the county.
They have seen their children and grandchildren taking active
and useful places in the work of the world, and they themselves
in their later days are enjoying the deserved esteem of those
who know them.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio by
Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 708 |

W. O. Moore |
One of the leading young men of Guernsey county is Wiley
Oscar Moore, proprietor of the Cambridge Herald,
known throughout this locality as both a journalist and educator
of a high order of ability. United in his nature are so
many elements of a solid and practical nature, which during a
series of years have brought him into prominent notice and
earned for him a conspicuous place among the enterprising
citizens of the county of his residence, that it is but
just recognition of his worth to herein set forth conspicuously
a record of his life and achievements.
Mr. Moore was born Sept. 11, 1876, in Wood
county, West Virginia, and is the son of Joseph D. and Jane
C. (Johnson) Moore. The parents were residents of
Liberty township, Guernsey county, at that time, but the son was
born while his parents were on a visit to the maternal
grandparents at the old home in Wood county, West Virginia.
The parents moved to Noble county Ohio, in 1888, where they
remained until 1894, when they returned to Liberty township,
Guernsey county. The father has always been a farmer, and
he now resides two miles northwest of Cambridge, where he and
his faithful life companion are spending their declining years
in serenity and in the midst of all the comforts of life.
This family are faithful members of the United Presbyterian
church, and are active church and Sunday school workers.
Wiley O. Moore, of this review, grew to maturity
on the home farm, and was educated in the country district
schools. After spending two terms at Scio College he
entered Muskingum College at New Concord, Ohio. Thus well
equipped for his life work, he began teaching in 1896 in the
country district schools, and he continued very successfully for
fourteen years, becoming one of the best known educators in the
county. His services were always in great demand, for he
was popular with both patrons and pupils, being an entertainer
as well as an able instructor in the school room. He
always kept abreast of the times in his work, was progressive,
thorough and painstaking. Six of the fourteen years were
spent in the district schools and eight as superintendent of
schools, five years of the eight at Washington summer school,
which proved to be very popular and which he conducted with much
success for five summers. From Washington he went to
Senecaville and was superintendent of the schools there for
three years, closing with the school year 1909-1910. He
has both a common-school life certificate and a nigh-school life
certificate, a very unusual acquirement for one not a college
graduate. As a superintendent he is a splendid organizer,
soon having in operation a splendid system that works for the
general harmony and good results from both teachers and pupils.
Notwithstanding his very commendable services as an
educator. Mr. Moore believed a larger field
of usefulness existed for him as a journalist, and on Aug. 10,
1910, he purchased the Cambridge Herald, which he is very
ably and successfully conducting as a Republican organ,
advocating clean politics and upholding the basic principles of
his party, being himself an ardent Republican and always deeply
interested in public affairs, believing that an active interest
in all public matters is the duty of all good citizens, his
motto being "to do all the good one can to all the people
possible." He has never been an office seeker, but has
served the public as one of the county school examiners, being
first appointed in 1906, and reappointed for a second term of
three years in 1909. He has brightened the appearance of
the Herald very materially, not only in mechanical
appearance, but in the strength of its editorials and the
crispness of its new columns. Its circulation is
increasing and its value as an advertising medium rapidly
growing. Under his capable and judicious management, its
future success is assured and it is taking its place as one of
the important molders of public opinion in eastern Ohio.
Mr. Moore is a member of the Ohio State
Teachers' Association, the Eastern Ohio Teachers' Association,
and he is a member of the executive committee of the County
Teachers Institute, and a member of the executive committee of
the State Association of County School Examiners, and he has
been very active in all state and local educational
matters, his influence being generally recognized in all these
Mr. Moore was married on July 3, 1900, to Mary
E. Taylor, daughter of Thomas S. and Margaret (McWilliams)
Taylor, a farmer of Liberty township and a highly
respected family. Mrs. Moore grew to
maturity in her native community and has a good education. This
union has resulted in the birth of three children, Helen
Mabel F. and Wallace O. Mrs. Moore
was a teacher in the schools of Guernsey county prior to her
marriage, and, like her husband, was popular and progressive. Mr.
and Mrs. Moore are members of the First United Presbyterian
church of Cambridge and are active in church and Sunday school
work. Mr. Moore is an advocate of healthy,
sane athletics among students and young, advocating whatever is
for the general good of the youth.
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. - Publ:
B. F. Bowden & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 - Page 576 |
Prominently connected with the business affairs of Cambridge is
Alexander Robert Murray, of the National Bank of
Cambridge. He was born on Feb. 28, 1843, in Pictou county,
Nova Scotia, the son of James and Isabella (Reid) Murray.
The parents of James Murray were James and Isabella
(Shepherd) Murray, and his wife was the daughter of James
and Anna (Taylor) Reid. Both families were of Scotch
parentage, originally of Bauff county, Scotland.
Grandfather James Murray was a Baptist minister, and
after coming to Cambridge preached in the old Baptist Church.
The Murrays were formerly Presbyterians, and one of the
Murray great-grandfathers was a delegate to the
Presbyterian Reformation convention. The Shepherds
were farmers in Scotland and held one farm for over tow hundred
and fifty years, the record being broken by Henry Shepherd,
about 1890. Great-grandfather Shepherd was what
they called a progressive farmer and tried to keep up with the
advanced spirit of the times. He was the first man to
introduce what was called the "bobtailed thresher" in his
section of the country, a greatly improved piece of machinery of
its time for threshing grain. The Taylors were
merchants and professional men, and are today prominent in the
legal profession and in politics.
James Murray, the father of Alexander Robert,
was a ship-builder and ship launcher of prominence, and
came to Nova Scotia with his family about 1830, where he was
engaged in his work. While launching a large vessel he was
seriously injured, from which he never recovered and which
incapacitated him for his work. The family left Nova
Scotia in 1850, and came to Lowell, Massachusetts, where the
son, Alexander Robert, first attended school at Draket
schoolhouse, where Gen. Benjamin F. Butler once taught.
In 1851 they came to Cambridge, Ohio, coming by lake to
Cleveland, from Cleveland to Newcomerstown by canal, and from
Newcomerstown to Cambridge by wagon. They arrived at
Cambridge after dark on a cold and snowy day in November, cold
and hungry, and stopped at the Needham house, which was
located on the south side of Wheeling, between Eight and Ninth
streets, where the Orme and Hoge buildings now
stand. With the family came the grandfather, Rev. James
Murray, the grandmother having died before the family left
Scotland. In about 1840 three brothers of the father,
William, Alexander and Robert, with their families,
had come to Guernsey county, and were farmers and carpenters.
The father died on Feb. 1, 1852, as a result of injuries
sustained when launching a vessel in Nova Scotia. Both the
paternal and maternal ancestry were noted for their longevity,
many of them living to be pat eighty and ninety years of age.
James and Isabella (Reid) Murray, were the
parents of six children: Anna, who married
Samuel W. Moore; James, of Los Angeles, California;
Mary, who married George W. Gibbs, and, after his
death, John McKennie; John R., a brave soldier during the
Civil war, who married Susan White; Alexander Robert; and
Isabella, who is the wife of Jedediah Williams, of
Alexander Robert Murray for almost a year
following the arrival of the family in Cambridge was kept at
home by a severe sickness, following which he attended the
Cambridge public schools. When about fifteen years
of age he entered the general store of William Ramsay,
as a clerk, and was there employed for about ten years, when he
was offered an interest in the commission house of Robbins &
Company, of Baltimore, Maryland, which he accepted, and spent
about nine years in that business. In 1880 he returned to
Cambridge, and was tendered the cashiership of the First
National Bank of Cambridge, which he accepted. In 1883 the
bank was reorganized and took charter as the Old National Bank,
which expired in 1903. The bank was then reorganized as
the National Bank of Cambridge, and Mr. Murray was
elected vice-president, which position he yet holds, and is
recognized as a thorough banker and a high minded gentleman.
Mr. Murray has always been a Republican, but not
a politician, yet always manifesting a keen interest in public
matters and always a thoroughly informed and intelligent voter.
In Dec., 1891, because of his well known business qualifications
and high character, he was tendered unsolicited by William T.
Cope, who was about to assume the duties of state treasurer,
to which position he had been elected, the position of cashier
in the state treasurer's office at Columbus. This, because
of other business duties, Mr. Murray was obliged to
On November 5, 1890, Mr. Murray was married to
Lila Morton, the daughter of Hon. Isaac Morton, a
prominent citizen of Guernsey county, whose sketch appears
elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Murray is a refined
and home-loving woman and is active in many good works for the
betterment of the community in which she and her husband are
such prominent factors.
Mr. Murray is a public spirited citizen,
and actively interested in all movements having for their
purpose the improvement of conditions. He served fro a
time as treasurer of the town of Cambridge. He is a
thirty-second-degree Mason, and affiliates with the Methodist
church, of which his wife has been an active member since
girlhood. Mr. Murray is a man whom it is a pleasure
to know. High minded, intelligent and agreeable, he is a
most companionable gentleman, one in whom the pubic have
confidence, and for whom all have the highest regard.
Mr. Murray's mother was born in Aberdeen,
Scotland, on Oct. 31, 1815, and emigrated with her parents to
Nova Scotia in early childhood. She was married to
James Murray on June 30, 1833, who died in 1852 at the age
of forty seven. Left a widow, to fight the battle of life
alone with her little flock, she right bravely performed the
duty. A devoted mother and a genuinely Christian woman,
she lived and died in the full faith of her God, honoring the
memory of her departed helpmate with love and devotion to her
children. She was a member of the Baptist church, and
continued always faithful and contributed liberally of her time
and means to the support of the gospel - a most lovable
Source: History of Guernsey County, Ohio
by Col. Cyrus P. B. Sarchet - Illustrated - Vols. I & 2. -
Publ: B. F. Bowden & Company,
Indianapolis, Indiana - 1911 |