20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio
by Joseph B. Doyle -
Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago -
excellent farm of 125 acres lies in Cross Creek Township,
Jefferson Co., Ohio, where he is a well known and
respected citizen, is a native of Jefferson Co., Ohio,
born in Mar. 1841, and is a son of James and
Elizabeth (Simonson) (Meyers) Daily.
The mother of Mr. Daily was a daughter of
Henry and Martha Simonson and she was
married (first) to Jacob Meyers. He
was a miller by trade and lost his life in an accident in
his mill. He left six children: Susan,
Martha, Rachel, Eliza, George and Jacob.
Later, Mrs. Meyers was married to
James Daily, who was a basket maker by trade.
It was his custom to leave home to sell his wares and from
one journey he never returned and the family lost trace of
him. Mr. and Mrs. Daily had three
sons: James, David and John.
Of these, David Daily died while serving
as a soldier in the Civil War. The mother of these
children was a member of the Presbyterian Church and at
death was interred in the Presbyterian cemetery at Cross
Creek. James Daily
is a self made man and from the age of sixteen years has
been self supporting. He went to school during
boyhood but as soon as old enough for hard work, found
employment, digging coal and performing other duties
whenever an opportunity could be found, in this way
gradually adding to the fifty cent piece which was his
sole capital when he started out. Finally he engaged
with William White, in Cross Creek
Township, to work for him at farming on shares and
remained for seventeen years, after which he bought a
small place of 18¼ acres, on which he remained for
fourteen years and when he sold that tract bought his
present farm on which he has lived ever since.
On Oct. 26, 1865, Mr. Daily was married
to Miss Eliza Jane Foster, who was born
in Ireland, Oct. 7, 1841, and was brought to America by
her mother when eight years of age. Her parents were
Robert and Martha Matilda (Marshal) Foster,
the former of whom died in Ireland. The mother then
brought her four children - Robert Marshal, Eliza
Jane, John and William - to
America, where she subsequently married Edward
Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Rouse
had four children: Sarah, Thomas, John
and Mary. Mr. and Mrs.
Daily have the following children:
Robert Franklin; Adeline Elizabeth; Matilda Jane,
who married John Hardwick, and has one
daughter, Mary Jane; William J., who
married Sarah H. Barricklow; John
Thomas; Mary Catherine; Anna May, who is the wife
of J. R. Stone and the mother of two
children - George Wesley and Eva
Maria; Edward E., who married Blanche
Ohler, and has two children - George A.
and Ethel May; and Florence Nancy,
who married Joseph Scott, and has one
daughter, Emily Marie. Mr. Daily
and family are members of the Presbyterian Church.
In politics he is a Democrat and he has served one term as
road supervisor.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph
B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 -
Page 724 |
one of Cross Creek Township's substantial and
representative citizens, resides on his valuable and
well improved farm of 195 acres, and was born in
Harrison County, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1854. He is a son
of George W. And Esther A. (Irons) Dawson.
George W. Dawson was a son of Nathaniel and
Amelia (Howard) Dawson. In addition to
operating a farm, George W. Dawson was a
carpenter and followed that trade for many years.
His death occurred Aug. 11, 1891. He married
Esther A. Irons, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah
(Moore) Irons, and she still survives and makes her
home with her children. These were four in number:
Herman I.; Carrie E., deceased, who was the wife
of Robert F. Arthurs; Howard, who is a resident
of Pittsburgh; and Effie, deceased, who was
married first to S. P. George and second to J.
S. Garvin.
Herman I. Dawson attended school with more or less
regularity until he was about twenty years of age, in
the meanwhile also working at farming and teaming, and
after his school days were entirely over he entered into
farming as his life work, renting land at first from his
father and after the latter's death, bought out the
other heirs and now owns the homestead with the
exception of his mother's dower right.
On Mar. 6, 1884, Mr. Dawson was married to
Miss Mary V. Gamble, a daughter of Capt. Thomas
and Matilda (Morrison) Gamble. Mrs. Dawson was
born and reared at Steubenville and is the eldest of her
parents' children, the others being: Anderson;
William; Logan; Lola, who is the wife of Edward
Brown and lives in Kansas; Daniel W. and
Mason. To Mr. and Mrs. Dawson the
following children have been born: Dwight L., Anna
B., Edward L., Forrest H., Harry E., Georgia L., Herman
McKinley, Ellwood L. and Gladys. Death
has entered this happy family on three occasions -
Edward L., Forrest H. and Harry E., all
having passed away, the first named in his twenty-first
year. Mr. Dawson and family belongs to the
Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a
Republican and he has served three terms as a member of
the township school board.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville &
Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ
Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 -
Page 746 |

John B. Doyle |
20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson
Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold
Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 548 |