20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio
by Joseph B. Doyle -
Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago -
of the Van Meter Construction Company, an
important business concern of Steubenville, Ohio, is one of this city's
successful men, which he has become entirely through his own efforts.
He was born in the busy city of Pittsburg, in 1874, but was reared and
attended school at New Castle, Pa.
Mr. Van Meter's early life was
spent on a farm and he was familiar with its heavy duties until he was
fourteen years of age, when he began teaming and was engaged in that
business for two years. During the next two years he worked as
fireman for the Ashfelt Company, of Columbus, Ohio, and for two years
more was in the employ of James Schaffner, of Butler, Pa.,
at each place acquiring practical industrial knowledge; and during the
four years that he later spent with the contracting firm of J. B.
Sheets & Company, of Pittsburg, he acquired a very fair conception
of the line of work for which he felt himself best fitted.
Therefore, in 1902, he went into business for himself quite well
equipped, forming a partnership with D. J. Madigan, under the
style of D. J. Madigan & Company. The firm carried on a
general contracting business at Swissdale, Pa., for four years,when the
partnership was dissolved and Mr. Van Meter subsequently formed a
partnership with F. M. Craig, the general contracting business
being continued at the same place, under the firm name of J. H. Van
Meter & Company. In November, 1908, removal was made to
Steubenville, the firm name being kept as before until 1910, when the
style of The Van Meter Construction Company was adopted.
This company does all kinds of contracting, including
railroad work, paving and sewer building and its commercial rating is
In 1899, Mr. Van Meter was married
to Miss Catherine McElwee, of Butler, Pa., and they have five
children: Mary, John, Catherine, James and
Albert. Mr. Van Meter and family are members
of St. Peter's Catholic Church at Steubenville. He is identified
with the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville &
Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ. by
Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page
1108 |
one of the prosperous farmers and stock raisers of Island Creek
Township, in which his farm of 370 acres is located, has devoted the
whole of his mature life to these industries. He was born at
Wellsville, O., Feb. 13, 1846, and is a son of Samuel and Rebecca
(Walker) Vaughan.
Samuel Vauglian was a resident of Island
Creek Township for many years and was a son of James Vaughan,
who came from Pennsylvania and was an early settler in this township.
To Samuel and Rebecca Vaughan a large family was born and the
following members of it survive: James W. and George A.,
both of Island Creek Township; Benjamin F. and William, of
Steubenville; Ross, residing in New York City; Harry, a
resident of Steubenville; and Nevada, widow of Nesley Winters,
who lives in Colorado. Samuel Vaughan died in 1892.
He was a well known man and was engaged in farming and stock dealing.
George A. Vaughan was small when his parents
removed from Wellsville to Island Creek Township and he has resided here
ever since. He has carried on his large business operations,
incident to owning such a large body of land, with success and is one of
the financially independent men of this section. In his views on
public question he is broad minded and inclined to do his own thinking
which results in his casting his vote as his judgment dictates. He
has acquaintances and friends in all sections of the county.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville &
Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ. by
Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page
662 |