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20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio
by Joseph B. Doyle -
Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago -



  CHARLES I. WADDLE, manager and treasurer of the Wellsburg-Brilliant Bridge and Ferry Company, at Brilliant, O., is also engaged in the real estate and fire insurance business at this point and is one of the town's representative business men.  He was born on the farm of his maternal grandfather, Charles Oliver, in Wells Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, March 5, 1861, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Oliver) Waddle.
     Thomas Waddle
was born on the farm of his father, Isaac Waddle, who was one of the early settlers and extensive farmers near Smithfield, Jefferson County, Thomas Waddle engaged in agricultural pursuits until middle life and then moved to Brilliant and brought an interest in the ferry company.  He died at Wellsburg, W. Va., in 1902, at the age of seventy-seven years.  He was twice married, first to Elizabeth Oliver, who was born in Wells Township and died in 1867.  Her father, Charles Oliver,  was a native of Ireland.   Two sons of his first marriage survived.  Oliver M. and Charles I. Thomas Waddle was married second to Maria Patton of Wellsburg, who died in 1910, without issue.
     Charles I. Waddle was fourteen years of age when he left the farm and came to Brilliant.  Here he began work on the ferryboat "Diana" and became both pilot and engineer and has been identified with the ferry company every since.  He has numerous other important interests.  For some years he was engaged in the lumber business and dealt also in farm lands and now owns 700 acres in Wells Township, land that is well adapted to farming as well as being valuable on account of four production gas wells.  About 1900 he embarked in the real estate and insurance business and has been unusually prosperous along these lines.  He is a well balanced business man and his undertakings are unusually successful.  He has been one of the active and public-spirited men of Brilliant and at present is serving in the town council, having been elected on the Republican ticket.
     In October, 1883, Mr. Waddle was married to Miss Belle Wiggins, who is a daughter of John Wiggins, of Brooke County, West Virginia, and they have two children: George A., who is an attorney at Cleveland,, and Lida G., who resides at home.  George A. Waddle is a graduate of Bethany College and of the Western Reserve Law School.  He married Miss Bertha Dunbar.  Mr. Waddle and family are members of the Christian Church at Brilliant.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 828
  HENRY WALKER, merchant at Dillonvale, Jefferson County, Ohio, where he conducts a large department store, is proprietor also of a chain of stores, each being under capable managers, but each one being directed in its policy by the owner, who has made his home at Dillonvale since 1895.  Mr. Walker is one of the capitalists of this part of Eastern Ohio, but he is entirely a self made man, beginning life without any advantages contributed by family influence, ample means or collegiate training.  Simply through natural ability he has reached his present position of high financial standing and the recognition of his personal worth.  Mr. Walker was born in County Durham, England, Sept. 19, 1867 and his parents were John C. and Mary Ann (Porter) Walker.
     John C. Walker
brought his family to America in August, 1869, when Henry was a child of two years.  The other children were: Thomas, who is a prosperous merchant at Holloway, Ohio; Margaret, who lives with her parents; Jennie, who resides at Cleveland, Ohio; and Mary A., who is the wife of William Wilson  Both parents survive, the father being now in his seventy-first and the mother in her sixty-ninth year.  The father continued his work in the coal mines at Hammondsville, Tiltonville and Dillonvale, until 1900, since when he has lived retired.
     Henry Walker first attended school at Wellsville, Ohio, and later at Steubenville but for only a short period at either place, as he was only twelve years old when he started to work in the coal miles at Wellsville.  He remained there until he was eighteen years old, when he went into a pottery at Wheeling, W. Va.  Later he was employed at Steubenville and went from there to Martin's Ferry, where he worked in the Aetna and Standard mills for three years.  While there, in 1888, he was married to Miss Mary A. Honins, of Brilliant, Jefferson Co., Ohio.  She is a daughter of Richard and Annie Honnins, and is a most estimable lady, a capable and competent business woman, to whose discretion, judgment and ability, Mr. Walker generously attributes much of his unusual success.
     One year after his marriage, Mr. Walker moved to Brilliant, Ohio, where he opened a small grocery store.  In 1890, he moved his stock to Laurelville, where he started into the grocery business on a capital of $200, and remained there until 1895, when he came to Dillonvale.  Here he bought out the small general store of E. J. Vickers and opened up business in two small rooms on the site of his present large department store, where he has floor space of 10,000 feet, the structure being two stories and basement, with dimensions of 20 by 80 feet.  His business here amounts to about $250,000 annually, being entirely retail, and he is at the head of the largest mercantile combination in Eastern Ohio.  He has had to compete with older and more experienced merchants but has outran them all.  His business is conducted on a thorough system originated by Mr. Walker himself, and he has shown natural good judgment in selecting the right men with whom to surround himself.  The same underlying business principles are responsible for the success that he has attained in his chain of stores which radiate from the parent establishment at Dillonvale.  He owns the People's Store at Bradley, Ohio, which is under the management of D. W. Difford; the Ramsey Store, at Ramseyville, Ohio, its manager being John J. Aiglon the Conner's store at Connersville, Ohio, under D. W. Wyert; and the Henrick Store, at Henrick, Ohio, managed by Bonnie Batista. 
     During all the twenty years that Mr. Walker has been in the mercantile business.  Mr. Walker has had charge of his office business, and great credit is due this lady for the thoroughness with which she has performed the arduous task.  Through her hands have passed the enormous income and outlet representing the purchase and sale of the mammoth stock handled by Mr. Walker in all his stores, and not only that, but she also visits New York as a buyer and is recognized there as one of the shrewdest purchasers on the dry goods market.
     To Mr. and Mrs. Walker four daughters have born, the only survivor being Mary Elizabeth, a beautiful and talented maiden of now sixteen years.  She is a brilliant student at the Mary Baldwin Seminary, an exclusive educational institution under the supervision of the Presbyterian Church, located at Stanton, Va.  Miss Walker is making most creditable progress in German, elocution, Bible history, typewriting, shorthand and music, and has a general average of ninety-six in her studies, which is a gratifying showing to her teachers and her parents.
     Mr. Walker is a Thirty-Second Degree Mason and is identified with the Smithfield Blue Lodge; Steubenville Commandery; Cleveland Consistory; and Osiris Shrine at Wheeling.  He belongs also to the order of Knights of Pythias, being a member of Dillonvale Lodge No. 184.  In politics he has been a lifelong Republican and has always taken a hearty interest in party affairs.  For six years he served as a member of the Dillonvale town council and during a part of the time was president of this body and in that position used his influence to bring about much needed improvement in the place.  He has interests other than those connected with his large mercantile enterprise and for four years has been a member of the board or directors of the First National Bank of Dillonvale and is also a director of the Dillonvale Brick and Tile Company.  In the employing of a large number of people he has been the means of adding to the general prosperity of the town, while personally he has shown great public spirit and a broad-minded liberality when occasion has arisen where it has been needed.
     Both Mr. and Mrs. Walker were reared in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church and they are among the most active members of this church at Dillonvale. Mr. Walker is one of the stewards of the church and is a liberal contributor in support of all its benevolent agencies, but he has not confined his bequests to his own religious body by any means.  While he and the pastor of the Methodist Church raised and contributed the sum of $1,400, in very hard times, to pay a debt on the parsonage, he himself contributed one half the purchase price, $242.) of the elegant carpet for St. Adelbert's Roman Catholic Church at Dillonvale.  It is little wonder, therefore, that Mr. Walker is one of the town's most popular citizens.  His career is a notable industry, persistency and honesty combined with laudable ambition and the natural gifts which anyone who succeeds must possess in considerable degree.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 1134
  PHILIP A. WALKER, M. D., will long be remembered in Jefferson County, Ohio, as one whose life was full of beneficence, devoted as it was almost entirely to the science of Medicine in its practical application to the alleviation of suffering.  In 1880 he became a resident of Steubenville, and almost the whole period of his professional life was passed in this county.  He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1826, and his death occurred at Steubenville, in January, 1902.
     The parents of Dr. Walker came from Maryland to Ohio at an early date in the settlement of Tuscarawas County.  He was reared on his father's farma nd enjoyed better educational opportunities than many country-bred youths, as his father, Thomas Walker, was a schoolteacher.  From his father the young man received encouragement, and in 1849 he began the study of medicine, his reading being done according to the common practice of that day, in the office of a reputable physician, where he had access to a medical library.  He remained for three years with Dr. G. D. Hamilton, of Knoxville, Jefferson County, and then established himself on a farm in Island Creek Township and commenced practice among his neighbors.  During several winters following, he attended medical lectures at the Cleveland Medical College and then went to Toronto, Ohio, for several years.  In 1880, he opened his office at Steubenville, and in this wider field easily advanced to the front rank in his profession.  He possessed all the requirements of a successful man of medicine and his many years of practice enabled him to unerringly discover the ailments of his patients.  By them he was not only valued and respected but was universally beloved.  He was a life long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
     Dr. Walker was married in 1851, to Miss Amanda E. Robertson.  Her parents were Andrew and Julia (Alexander) Robertson people of Scotch extraction and old residents of Island Creek Townshp, where she was born in 1832.  Dr. and Mrs. Walker became the parents of nine children, namely: Julia A., Leonidas H., Andrew A., James, William S., Thomas W., Emma B., Eva R., and Ernest.  Among the survivors of this family are two very prominent citizens of Steubenville, William S., and Thomas W.  W. S. is engaged in a wholesale notion business in this city.
     Dr. Thomas W. Walker was graduated in 1889 from the medical department of the Western Reserve University at Cleveland, and later served as an interne at St. Vincent Hospital in that city, then one year in European hospitals, subsequently locating at Steubenville.  His office is at No. 121 North Fourth Street, and his home at No. 812 North Fifth Street, Steubenville.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 955
  W. S. WALKER, who for many years has been prominent in the commercial and financial circles of Steubenville, has been active in advancing the best interest of the city, from a moral, social and business standpoint.  He was born in Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1864, and is a son of Dr. Philip A. Walker, deceased, who came to the county as a young man and practiced medicine here for more than forty years.
     W. S. Walker was educated in the public schools of Steubenville and in early life worked for his brother in the retail grocery trade.  He then carried on a similar business for himself at Jeddo, O., for a brief period, after which he established a grocery at the corner of Fifth and Ross Streets, Steubenville.  In 1900 he sold out that enterprise and established a wholesale dry goods and notion store, which is represented on the road by three commercial travelers and has in its employ six men in Steubenville.  With Howard W. Morrow he forms the firm of Morrow and Walker, dealing in clothing and gentlemen's furnishings.  He is a director of the Commercial National Bank of Steubenville, a director and vice-president of the Miners and Mechanics Bank, and a director of the Jefferson Building and loan Association.  He has actively participated in the progress made by the local Y. M. C. A. and was chairman of the building committee which had in charge of construction of the Y. M. C. A. building, upon which the people look with pride.  He is a Republican i politics, and was active in the successful campaign made to close the saloons of Jefferson County.  He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and has served in the city council.
     In 1888 Mr. Walker was united in marriage with Miss Fannie T. Thompson, a daughter of Henry A. Thompson, and they have two daughters: Marian who is a graduate of Adrian College, of Adrian, Mich., and Eloise who is now in attendance at school. Mr. Walker is president of the board of trustees of the Methodist Protestant Church, of which he has long been a member, and was chairman of the building committee which had in charge the erection of the fine church edifice which now stands.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and belongs also to Steubenville Lodge, No. 1, K. P., of which he is past chancellor commander.   He is one of the trustees of the Union Cemetery Association.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 845
  CURTIS A. WELDAY, whose farm of 237 acres lies in Island Creek Township, is one of the well informed, enterprising and successful farmers and stockmen of this section.  He was born ni this township, July 10, 1878, and is a son of William H. and Mary (Wyant) Welday.
The late William H. Welday was born in Cross Creek township  and was a son of Alexander Welday, one of the early settlers there.  When William H. Welday was about five years old his parents moved into Island Creek Township and there his subsequent life was spent.  At one time he was a member of the Two Ridges' Presbyterian Church.  He was an extensive farmer and stock raiser for many years.  His widow survives and resides at Richmond, O.  In William H. Welday, Island Creek Township had a valuable citizen.  He was practically the founder of the Richmond Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company and from the time of its organization until his death he was its secretary.
     Curtis A. Welday was reared on his present farm and was educated in the public schools of Island Creek Township.  He is very generally recognized as one of the clear-headed, practical business men of this section and his enterprise has been shown in his manner of conducting his large agricultural operations.  The raising of registered Holstein cattle has been one of his main interests and as a dealer he is favorably known all through Ohio.
     On December 3, 1900, Mr. Welday was married to Miss Carlotta R. Rhinehart, a daughter of William Rhinehart, formerly of Island Creek Township but now a resident of Fayetteville, Ark.  Mr. and Mrs. Welday have one son, William S, who was born Dec. 12, 1907.  He is a Republican in his political views.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 576

David M. Welday
HARRY J. WELDAY, president of the Island Creek Township School Board, is one of the progressive farmers and stock raisers of this section, where he owns 347 acres of valuable land.  He was born in Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1872, and is a son of Hon. David M. and Pamelia (Johnson) Welday.
     Hon. David M. Welday
is one of Island Creek's best known citizens and he has long been prominent in public life, serving not only in many township offices with efficiency, but also in the Ohio State Senate.  His father was Alexander Welday, who was a pioneer in this section, his parents having been of German birth.  In old days, in Germany, the family name was written Velty, but later was changed to its English equivalent, WeldaySenator Welday still resides in Island Creek Township, being now in his sixty-fourth year.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wintersville, O., and was active in all that concerns the public welfare in his neighborhood.  He was married first in Pamelia Johnson, who died April 4, 1892.  She was a daughter of David Johnson, who came to Jefferson County from Washington County, Pennsylvania, in early days.  Mrs. Welday was a lady of many Christian virtues and was a valued member of Two Ridges Presbyterian Church, Senator Welday married secondly Mrs. Lillian H. Scott, widow of Dr. J. F. Scott.  Dr. Scott was a native of Cross Creek Township and later became a medical missionary and in that capacity went to China.
     Harry J. Welday
has devoted the larger part of his life to his interest in Island Creek Township.  After attending the public schools in his own township, he spent one year in the Steubenville High School, and three years at the Ohio State University at Columbus, where he paid particular attention to the scientific course.  He has carried on his agricultural operations carefully and systematically and has prospered.  It is not men like Mr. Welday who ever become discouraged or see visions of agriculture ever becoming an unproductive occupation; on the other hand, he sees this oldest world vocation becoming more profitable than ever before.  Mr. Welday is also interested as a director in the National Exchange Bank of Steubenville, a position his father formerly held.  He is an active citizen in relation to all public affairs and has been particularly concerned in the improvement of the public schools.  Mr. Welday was was married to Miss Blanche Winters, a daughter of John D. Winters, formerly a county commissioner of Jefferson County, and they have two children, David W. and Dorothy J.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 693
  JAMES P. WELDAY, who carries on a large general contracting business at Steubenville, O., is a native of Jefferson County, born in September, 1852, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza Jane (Parr) Welday.
     The venerable father of Mr. Welday was born in 1822 and is a resident of Smithfield, having been a farmer during all his active life.  He married Eliza Jane Parr, a daughter of John Parr, and they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary on Feb. 14, 1910.  They have two surviving children:  James P. and John L., the latter of whom lives on the old home farm.  Jacob Welday is a son of David Welday, who was one of the pioneers of Jefferson County.
     James P. Welday was reared on the home farm and obtained his education in the country schools.  In 1902 he came to Steubenville and since then has been engaged in carpenter work and contracting.  He has erected many fine residences and one of these is his own which is situated at No. 1149 Stanton Boulevard.  Mr. Welday was married Feb. 3, 1876, to Miss Margaret Lewis, who was born and reared near Oliver's Church, in Warren Township, Jefferson County, and is a daughter of William LewisMr. and Mrs. Welday have six children:  Gilmer L., who is associated with his father in building and contracting; Lulu M., who is the wife of William Carter; Mabel who is the wife of William W. Kennedy of Chicago; Chester A., who has a position in a bank in Boise City, Idaho; and Minnie and Mattie, both of whom are at home.  Mr. Welday and family are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Steubenville.  He is identified with the Carpenters' Union.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 877
  ROBERT TOLBERT WELLS, farmer and gardener, owns a finely cultivated farm of 186 acres which lies party in Section 20, Warren Township, and in Wells Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, about four miles northwest of Rayland.  He was born Sept. 30, 1841, in Brooke County, W. Va., and is a son of Bezeleel and Nancy (McIntire) Wells.
The father of Mr. Wells was a native of Maryland but the larger portion of his life was spent in West Virginia.  He acquired a farm in Brooke County and became a very extensive sheep grower, keeping about 1,800 in his flocks at one time.  His death occurred when he was about seventy-eight years old, he having survived his wife for some years.  They were parents of fourteen children: Absalom, Michael, Robert, Ezbai, Charlotte, Milton, Bezeleel, Anna, John, Richard T., William and three who died in infancy.  Of the above family there are but four survivors, Richard T., Michael, Anna and John.
     Richard T. Wells
grew to manhood in Brooke County and remained there until 1880, when he came to Jefferson County and bought his present land in Warren Township from William Baker.  He devotes it to sheep raising and to fruit and produce and operates a truck wagon to different towns in this vicinity.  Mr. Wells had a practical training in sheep growing and in his younger years was considered an expert shearer.
     Mr. Wells was married first to Elizabeth Stocks, who, at death, left five children: Mary, who married A. M. Hedges, and has three children - James, Charles and Samuel; Charlotte, who married Ressie Becket; Virginia, who married J. C. Beckett and has two children - Ray and John; and Ezbai, who married Cora Barnes and has six children - Mabel, Lila, Ezbai, Jessie, Daisy and GladysMr. Wells subsequently married Rebecca J. Long and they had the following children: Stella, now deceased, who married A. Seamahorn and had four children - Pearl, Fred, Carl and Clarence; Lulu, now deceased, who married William Shively and had two children - Henry and William W.; and Burt A., who married Mayme Sanderson, their three children being all deceased.  Mrs. Wells is a daughter of Lorenzo and Margaret (McGeary) Long, the former of whom was born in Ohio and the latter in Pennsylvania, both being now deceased.  They had four children, James, Rebecca, John and Alvin.  Mr. Wells casts his vote with the Republican party.  Two of his brothers served in the Civil War, one with the rank of colonel.  With his wife, Mr. Wells belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 927
  J. E. WHEATON, manager of the Petroleum Supply Company at Steubenville, Ohio, dealers in oil and gas well supplies, with business quarters at Nos. 218-220 Market Street, has been a resident of this city for three and one-half years.  He was born in Harrison County, Ohio, in 1870.
     Mr. Wheaton was reared and attended school in his native county.  His first opening in his native county.  His first opening in the line of business was as a milk dealer, in which he was interested for two years, at Dennison, Ohio.  Then he went into the oil business at McDonald, Pa., and ever since has been connected with the oil industry.  He has operated in all the oil fields throughout his section of Ohio and in Pennsylvania, and is well acquainted with every detail and demand of his business.  In June, 1906, he became manager of the Petroleum Supply Company at Steubenville, which has been developed in Steubenville, which has been developed into an important enterprise, the sale of its goods handled having been pushed into every oil and gas center in the above states.  Vigor and energy have marked the conduct of this business from the beginning.
     Mr. Wheaton was married in 1900, to Miss Annie Custer who died in 1902, leaving one child, Paul Custer.  Mr. Wheaton was married (second), in 1909, and has an infant son, Ambrose Elliott.
     Mr. Wheaton
is a Thirty-Second Degree Mason, belonging to Lake Erie Consistory; to the Knights of Pythias at Scio, Ohio, and to the Elks, at Steubenville.  He is an active member of the Steubenville Chamber of Commerce and is a member of its board of trustees.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Published by  Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 1075

Daniel M. White


Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Published by  Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 892

  JAMES WHITE, a member of the real estate and brokerage firm of Blackburn & White, of Steubenville, Ohio, was born in Marshall Co., County, W. Va., but was reared and educated in Jefferson County, having come here during his early childhood with his parents, who located on a farm.  Mr. White followed farming some years, and in 1891 came to Steubenville, where he operated an implement and feed store until 1902, when he located on a farm near Wintersville and carried on general farming until August, 1909, since which time he has been associated with A. C. Blackburn, of Steubenville, in the real estate and brokerage business.
     Mr. White served two terms, from 1903 until 1909, as clerk of the Courts of Jefferson County, Ohio.  He is fraternally a member of the Knights of Pythias, and his religious connection is with the Hamline M. E. Church of Steubenville.  In 1883, Mr. White was united in marriage with Ella J. Ford, and they have seven children living.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 1079

Timothy A. White
  TIMOTHY A. WHITE, postmaster at Irondale and a prominent citizen of the place, has been identified, in different capacities, with business enterprises here for more than a quarter of a century.  He was born in Brush Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, Sept. 30, 1859, and is a son of John V. and Eliza J. (Geary) White.
     John V. White
was born at Holiday's Cove., W. Va., Dec. 15, 1820, and moved to Ohio with his parents in 1834.  They settled in Brush Creek Township on a quarter section of land, the grant for which hears the signature of Andrew Jackson.  The father of John V. White was Timothy White and he died on this pioneer homestead.  He had married Anna Smith, a lineal descendant of John Smith, early Virginia hero.  The great-grandfather of John V. White was born in Ireland and was a participant in the battle of the Boyne.  Timothy White and wife had twenty-three children and John V. was the second in order of birth.  HE died Feb. 6, 1881.  He married Eliza J. Geary, who was born Mar. 16, 1825, and died in the fall of 1909 in her eighty-fifth year. Four sons were born to John V. White  and wife:  John G., Timothy A., James Calvin Russel and Charles A.
     John G. White
was accidentally killed by a railroad train, at Salinesville, Ohio, Mar. 27, 1883, when aged twenty-seven years, and was survived by a widow and one child.  James Calvin Russel White, who is a cement worker residing at Toronto, Ohio, married Helen Lacock, of New Orleans, and they have two children.  Henrietta and ReubenCharles A. White, one of Columbiana County's best known citizens, who resides at Lisbon, Ohio, retired from the office of county recorder in September, 1909, having served with the greatest efficiency for two terms, six years in all.  He married Dora Evans of Salineville, and they have two children, Henry and Ellie.  In his youth he learned the carpenter's trade but lost his hand accidentally, when eighteen years of age.  He was then prepared by his brother, Timothy A., for the profession of teaching and later taught school at Salineville, but subsequently returned to mill work and again met with an accident there that caused the loss of his arm.
     Timothy A. White attended school at Hopedale and when fifteen years old, learned the plasterer's trade.  For about nine years he taught school, being principal of the Irondale schools for three years, teaching one year at Hammondsville, and five years in Brush Creek Township.  In 1886, while teaching at Irondale, he married Miss Nettie E. Cope, a daughter of Levi and Nancy Cope, of Brush Creek Township.  Mrs. White was one of Mr. White's pupils.  She was a lady of most amiable character and not only her family, but the community were grieved by her death, which took place Jan. 22, 1906.  Their children were as follows:  Bertha E., who married Jesse Eagan, bookkeeper of the Beatty Clay Company, at Magnolia (they have one daughter, Jeanette A. Eagan); Arnold B., living at home, who is employed in the Pennsylvania Railroad offices at Irondale; Beulah M., who is attending school at Hudson, Ohio; A. Warren, aged ten years (born Feb. 8, 1900); and Emerson C., who died at the age of fifteen months.
    For twelve years Mr. White was manager of the tin mill office at Irondale, and for two years operated a coal mine with a Mr. Banfield.  He then went with the Eastern Ohio sewer Pipe Company, of which he was one of the incorporators, remaining four years in office.  Later he conducted a store at Irondale for two and a half years, and on Dec. 15, 1908, was appointed postmaster,  In politics he is in sympathy with the Republican party.  He was reared in the Presbyterian Church, but since his marriage has been identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Irondale, of which he is a trustee.  He is a member of the leading fraternal organizations, belonging to Jenkins Lodge No. 431 F. and A. M., Wellsville Chapter, No. 55, R. A. M.; Irondale Lodge No. 33, I. O. O. F., and Davidson Lodge, No. 562, K. of P.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 1178
  OBEDIAH J. WILLIAMS, who was one of the representative citizens and substantial farmers of Cross Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, form many years, and was well and widely known all through this section, being a member of one of the early families, was born on his father's farm in Cross Creek Township, in 1820, and died on his own farm here, May 26, 1897.
     The parents of Obediah J. Williams were John and Margaret (Crawford) Williams and the father came from Ireland when quite young.  He was a farmer in Cross Creek Township, where both be and wife died.  They had the following children: John; Margaret, wife of James Kendall; Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Charnock; Harriet, wife of William Winters; and Obediah J., all of whom are now deceased.
     Obediah J. Williams had but few school advantages, as the country was but sparsely settled and little organized in his youth.  The farm on which the larger part of his life was spent was left to him by an uncle, Thomas Williams, wise the proviso that he pay his brothers and sisters and other heirs their share of the estate, which duty he performed.  The farm contains 122 acres of excellent land, and after Mr. Williams became the owner of the property he made many improvements and built an addition to the brick residence, making of it a very comfortable home.  The main interests of his life were his farm, his cattle and his family.  He cast his political vote with the Republican party, but never sought public office, and he gave liberally to the First Presbyterian Church, of which his family are members.
     On March 6, 1862, Mr. Williams was married to Miss Margaret Elizabeth Decker, a daughter of Andrew and Sophia (Buchholz) Decker.  The parents of Mrs. Williams came from Germany and for a number of years resided on their farm in Cross Creek Township, but later moved to Steubenville, where both died, Mrs. Williams being their only child.  To Mr. and Mrs. Williams the following children were born: Margaret; Anna; Clarence, who married Elizabeth Bates and has four children - John, Harry, Jane and Robert; Minnie, who is the widow of Sheridan Lowery, and had four children - Margaret Elizabeth, Dore, E., and Andrew and Helen Virginia, both of whom are deceased; and John, who married Anna B. McConnell ad has three children - Edward, Grace and JohnMrs. Williams and her children own the farm in Cross Creek Township.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 583
  WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS, superintendent of the coal and clay mines for the Eastern Ohio Sewer Pipe Company, of Irondale, Ohio, was born in Wales, May 19, 1868, and is a son of William and Sarah
(Harris) Williams
     William Williams and wife were both born in Wales and they came to America in 1888 and settled first at Horatio, Jefferson County, Pa., where the mining industry was the leading business.  William Williams had charge of a coal mine there for two years and then was awarded a contract at Irondale, Ohio, in the clay mines for Captain Lacy, and he worked there until the time of his death, Feb. 19, 1892.  His widow survives and is now in her sixty-seventh year.  They had the following children: William, who is deceased; Seth, who is superintendent of the Russell coal mines at Tiltonsville, Ohio; William E., of Irondals; Ellen, who died when aged nine months; Maggie Jane, who died when aged twenty-eight years (was the wife of James Anderson); twin babes that died soon after birth; Thomas J. and Edward, twins, both of whom are in the employ of the Eastern Ohio Sewer Pipe Company (both married, the former to Agnes Armstrong and the latter first, to Gertrude Gibson and second, to G. Kathryn Lay); and a babe that died.
     William E. Williams came to the United States with his parents in 1888 and entered the coal mines in Pennsylvania with his father.  When he came to Irondale he found work in the coal and clay mines, first in the Lacy mines and then was employed in the wareroom of the tin mill department, then for one year worked for the Eastern Ohio Sewer Pipe Company before becoming superintendent of the same, in the mining department of both the clay and coal mines, an office he has filled for six years.
     Mr. Williams was married in 1893, to Miss Mollie McClane, a daughter of Richard McClane, of Irondale, and they have one son. Earl, who was born May 11, 1894.  He conducts a store owned by his father, at Cream City.  In politics, Mr. Williams and son are Republicans.  He is a Knight Templar Mason and is affiliated with the Blue Lodge at Irondale, the Chapter at Wellsville and the Council at East Liverpool, Ohio.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 944
  GEORGE WILSON, a brother of Peter, was a young physician of Philadelphia, and started for the West in 1800.  In coming down the river in a flatboat he was wrecked at Brown's Island and hospitably entertained by Colonel Brown.  Here he met Bezaleel Wells, who persuaded him to settle in the now city of Steubenville.  His daughter married Dr. Mason and afterward General Stokely, and the mother of Gen. John S. Mason, George Mason, the attorney; Mrs. E. S. Wood, Mrs. Colonel Lloyd and Mont. S. Stokely.  General Stokely purchased the Grove in 1832.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 423
  GEORGE P. WILSON, secretary, treasurer and manager of the Means Foundry and Machine Company at Steubenville, Ohio and interested in the Davis-Price Foundary and Machine Company of New Cumberland, W. Va., and also in oil development at different points, is a representative business man of this city where he has lived for twelve yeas.  He was born at New Cumberland, W. Va., September 25, 1872.
     After his school days were over at New Cumberland, Mr. Wilson took a business course at Duff's Commercial College, at Pittsburg, and then went into brick manufacturing at New Cumberland and remained there until he was twenty-five years of age.  After locating in Steubenville he became bookkeeper for the Means foundry and Machine Company, later was made vice-president and for more than two years has satisfactorily filled the offices of secretary, treasurer and manager.  In addition to his Steubenville interests.  Mr. Wilson devoted attention to those at other points and through the employment of rational methods and the exercise of business judgment has entered into middle life with success crowning his undertakings.
     In 1900, Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Margaret Davis, of Wellsville, Ohio, and they have three children:  George P., Jr., John D. and Robert M.  Mr. Wilson and wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church.  He is a Thirty-second Degree Mason and belongs to Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland, Ohio, and to the Scottish Rite in Steubenville.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 918
  HANS WILSON was the first storekeeper of whom we have any record.  He was said to have been a short, dark complexioned, round shouldered man, clean shaved, plainly dressed and economical to parsimony.  He came from Ireland when quite young, and threshed for a living until he secured money enough to follow the road with a pack so he was one of the pioneer peddlers.  As will be seen from the above sale, he purchased a lot No. 139, adjoining the public square on the north, for $100, and on this erected a small log storeroom.  His business growing, it was replaced by a substantial brick building, and at his death, about fifty years after, he had accumulated quite a large fortune.  He was an ardent Presbyterian, and after making provision for the support of his wife, the residue of his property was willed to the Home and Foreign Missionary Societies.  It is said that after his death diligent search was made through the attic and other out of the way places for money which he was supposed to have secreted, but we are not advised that the search was successful.  John Allen succeeded Mr. Wilson, and kept a dry goods store on the same lot, and remained there until the fall of 1869, when the property was purchased by the county, and a portion of the jail and sheriff's residence now stands thereon.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 363
  HENRY L. WILSON, a respected citizen of Steubenville, O., residing in his pleasant home which is located at No. 535 South Fourth Street, for many years lived on his farm in Steubenville Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, and also for a long period has been interested in the coal industry.  He was born on the old Wilson homestead, in Steubenville Township, in 1846, and is a son of John Wilson.
     John Wilson
and his uncle, Hans Wilson, were born in Ireland, and the latter was one of the earliest settlers in Jefferson County.  The Wilson homestead came to the family through Hans Wilson.  John Wilson settled on this farm in Steubenville Township, in 1818, and lived on it until his death, in 1851.  He married Susanna Lloyd, who was born in Cross Creek Township, and died in 1850.  They were survived by four children, all sons, namely: James, who died in 1863 while serving as a soldier in the Civil War; John, a merchant at Wilson's Corners, who served also in the Civil War, under General McCook, in the 100-day enlistment; Henry L.; and Isaac M. the last named dying in 1877.  The family was one of prominence in Steubenville Township.
     Henry L. Wilson was reared on the old family farm and attended the country schools.  To some extent he engaged in agricultural pursuits but a large part of his time was given to the development of coal, there being a valuable mine on his land. He has other interests and spent two years looking after them in London County, Tennessee.  In 1900 he retired to Steubenville and takes life much easier than formerly but still retains the management of his farm, his mine being under lease.
     Mr. Wilson was married in 1878 to Miss H. J. Adams, a daughter of Henry Adams, and they have three children: Stewart M., who is residing in Oklahoma; and Bertha and George H., who live at home.  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are members of the First Presbyterian Church at Steubenville.  He is an active member of the Odd Fellows at Steubenville and has been a member of this fraternal organization since 1870.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 852
  JOHN D. WILSON, whose well improved farm of 295 acres is situated in Ross Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, was born in Monroe County, Ohio, May 22, 1848, and is a son of James and Sarah (Shepherd) Wilson.
     Mr. Wilson
was married in Jefferson County, Ohio, to Miss Lucy Shepherd, who is a daughter of Thomas and Lucinda (Arbuckle) Shepherd.  Thomas Shepherd was born in Drumlane, County Cork, Ireland, and was nineteen years of age when, in 1812, he came to Steubenville, O., and from there to this farm.  He had brought his parents with him and their first experiences of pioneer life were very trying.  The first house was built of green logs, laid on a stump foundation and their beds were made of tree boughs with the feather mattresses laid over them, these latter comforts having been brought with them from Ireland.  They fashioned chairs and tables out of rough boards and thus supplied the necessities of life.  The time came, however, when ample means brought not only necessities but luxuries within their reach.  Thomas Shepherd married Lucinda Arbuckle, and they had the following children born to them: Sarah, who is the widow of George Crabb; William, who married Elizabeth Watt; James, residing in Iowa, who married Annie Grigg; George A., who died in Nevada; John R., who married Mary Jane Swickard; Thomas, who married Melissa Whitcomb, Eliza Ann, who married James Wycoff; Andrew, who married Netta McCollough; Hezekiah, who married Annie Adams; Martha, who is unmarried; Lucy E. S., who is the wife of Mr. Wilson and Mary, deceased, who was a school teacher all her mature life.  Mrs. Wilson is one of the best known, respected and admired ladies in Jefferson County, where she has been a leader in educational matters for a long period and for three years she served on the school board in Ross Township.  As a result of this unusual innovation, the schools of Ross Township are acknowledged to be of high grade, and more general interest is taken in their progress than in many other just as favorably located sections.  The father of Mrs. Wilson erected excellent buildings which have not had to be replaced but only repaired, owing to the ordinary deterioration caused by the weather.  His death occurred December 8, 1881, when aged eighty-nine years, and his widow survived until April 7, 1887, her age being eighty years.  They were valued members of the Bacon Ridge Presbyterian Church and they were interred in the Montgomery Cemetery in Ross Township.  The present farm was secured by the grandfather when James Madison  was President of the United States.
     Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have resided on the present place ever since marriage.  They have no children.  Mr. Wilson  is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his wife of the Presbyterian Church.  He has been a life long Republican but has never consented to accept office.
Source: 20th Century History of Steubenville & Jefferson Co., Ohio by Joseph B. Doyle - Publ Richmond-Arnold Publ. Co. - Chicago - 1910 - Page 736 



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