(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source :
and Representative Citizens
Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio
Published by Biographical Publishing Co.
Chicago, Illinois
is the beloved pastor of St. Paul’s German Evangelical
Church, which is situated in Liberty township, near
Chattanooga. He was born in Monroe County, Ohio, Mar.
11, 1857, and is a son of Samuel and Magdalena (Christman)
The parents of Mr. Egger were early settlers in
Monroe County, where they were well known. The father,
who was a native of New Jersey, had enjoyed educational
advantages in the East.
Samuel Egger secured his primary education in
the public schools of Monroe County. After deciding to
enter upon a life of religious work, he entered the Elmhurst
Theological Seminary, which institution is located some 16
miles west of Chicago, Illinois, where he continued under
theological instruction for the subsequent four years.
He next attended Eden College of the German Evangelical
Synod of North America, which is located in St. Louis,
Missouri, where he was graduated in 1882, after a course of
close study covering three years.
In the year of his graduation, Mr. Egger
accepted the pastorate of St. Paul's German Evangelical
Church, and remained in charge for six years, when he was
transferred to St. Paul's Evangelical Church at Woodsfield,
Monroe County. He remained there almost six years, but
in 1894 he returned to Liberty township and resumed his old
pleasant relations with the congregation of St. Paul's.
To some extent, Mr. Egger is interested also in
agriculture, as he owns a good farm of 80 acres in this
Mr. Egger was married on Oct. 26, 1882, to
Mary Buckio who was born in Monroe County, Ohio.
Of their eight children, six survive, as follows:
Eeivis S., Freda B., Simeon S., Frank T., Lovina A. and
Mr. Egger is one of the leading ministers of his
church in Mercer County. He possesses the power to
make the truth known and it is largely due to his influence
that so many of the younger generation still cling to the
church of their forefathers. In every walk of life he
has friends and to all he is loyal in time of trouble,
ministering as becomes a pious Christian leader.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton,
Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co.,
Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 650 |
a member of the board of trustees of Hopewell township,
where he is a respected and prominent citizen, resides on
his finely cultivated farm in this township, although his
400 acres of land extend also into Dublin township. He
was born Feb. 3, 1842, in Hopewell township, Mercer County,
Ohio, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Buck) Eichar.
Jacob Eichar was born in Pennsylvania and
accompanied his father to Hopewell township when the country
was practically a wilderness. The Eichars were
truely pioneer settlers. Jacob Eichar
was a man of sturdy strength and great industry and he was
also a man in whom his fellow-citizens placed the highest
confidence. He faithfully served the township as a
trustee and in other offices and during his active life was
a leading man of his section. He died in 1898 and the
three survivors of his family of children are:
William, Lafayette and Peter, all
residents of Hopewell township.
William Eichar was reared in Hopewell
township, which has always been his home. His
education was obtained in the district schools and his
attention has been given to general farming and
On May 2, 1861, William Eichar married
Altha Rutledge, who was born in Perry County,
Ohio, June 23, 1838, and is a daughter of John and Altha
(Matthews) Rutledge, the former of whom was bom in
Maryland and the latter in Virginia. She accompanied
her parents in 1852 from Perry to Mercer County, where they
passed the rest of their lives, dying in Hopewell township.
Mrs. Eichar has one surviving sister and two
brothers, namely: Jehu, living in Minnesota; Mary,
widow of David McChristy, now resides in Black
Creek township; and John, a resident of Rockford,
Mr. and Mrs. Eichar have four children living,
namely: Leonora, wife of Martin Weisenborn,
of Hopewell township; John A. and Joseph E.,
of Hopewell township; and George, of Dublin township.
Mary J. is deceased. Mr. and Mrs.
Eichar are consistent members of the Society of Friends.
In political sentiment, Mr. Eichar is a
Republican. He has served as township trustee for a
number of years. Both he and his wife are well known
among the old settlers of the township and enjoy universal
respect and esteem.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton,
Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co.,
Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 306 |
EICHENAUER, a well-known agriculturist of Hopewell
township, who resides upon a fine farm of 130 acres, situated
in section 20, has lived here some 32 years. He was born in
Hesse Cassel, Germany, December 30, 1850, and is a son of
Frederick and Aiina C. (Rodiger) Eichenauer.
Mr. Eichenauer was 17 years of age when he came
to America, leaving his parents in the old country. He lived
for a time in Lorain County, Ohio, but in 1874 he came to
Mercer County and has become one of the most successful
farmers and stock-raisers of this locality. His land is well
cultivated and the improvements he has put on it have cost
considerable money.
On February 24, 1874, Mr. Eichenauer was
married to Elizabeth Schmidt, a daughter of the
late John E. Schmidt, who was born in Germany and was
an early settler in Hopewell township, having established his
home here in 1848. Mr. and Mrs. Eichenauer
have had 10 children and seven of these still survive, as
follows: Frank W. and William H., both of
Hopewell township, the latter being a popular teacher;
Daniel W., a farmer in Hopewell township; and Roy T.,
Benjamin H., Nora M. and Richard R., all at home.
Mr. Eichenauer has given his children every
advantage in his power and has seen them develop into bright,
intelligent and respected young people.
In politics, Mr. Eichenauer is a
Republican, but he has never been willing to accept any office
except that of school director of District No. 4, which he has
faithfully served in this capacity. He is a valued member of
the Evangelical Association and takes a very active part in
church and Sunday-school work. He is a very highly respected
citizen, one who has prospered through his own industry and
one who can number many friends among his neighbors.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton,
Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co.,
Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 743 |