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Mercer County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)


and Representative Citizens
Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio
Published by Biographical Publishing Co.
Chicago, Illinois



  JEREMIAH ALLEN, a .representative citizen and successful farmer, residing on his well-improved farm of 80 acres, which is situated in section 20, Union township, is also an honored survivor of the great Civil War, in which he spent over three years. Mr. Allen bears a distinguished name and comes from the same stock as did Gen. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary fame. He was born in the Dominion of Canada, just opposite Oswego, New York, and is a son of Enos and Eliza (Van Meere) Allen.
     Nicholas Allen, the paternal grandfather, was a native of Vermont. He married Annie Gear and they reared a family of children. After her death, Nicholas, with two of his sons, Hiram and Simon, went West and these sons participated in the battle of Lake Champlain, in the War of 1812. Two sons and a daughter of Nicholas Allen remained in Vermont. The latter became the wife of Nathan Harvey. One of the sons was Enos, the father of our subject.
     Enos Allen was born July 5, 1805, and died May 26, 1893, aged 87 years, 11 months and 10 days. He lived in the vicinity of Middlebury, Vermont, until manhood, when he moved to the northern part of New York and settled on the shore of Lake Champlain. Subsequently he crossed over to Canada and resided there for almost 20 years. He then moved to Ohio and settled in Dublin township, Mercer County, near where the present Perry homestead is located. He married Eliza Van Meere, who was born in Canada,. March 19, 1811, and died December 22, 1875, aged 64 years, 9 months and 3 days. She was a daughter of John and Hannah (Harrington) Van Meere. The former was a native of Pennsylvania, of Dutch descent. The latter was a native of New York. Eight children were born to Enos Allen and wife, as follows: Jeremiah, our subject, who was the eldest; Justin S., born January 27, 1835, who married Almira Moore and resided two and one-fourth miles from his older brother, in Union township, where he died July 17, 1907; aged 61 years and 18 days; Diana, born January 25, 1837, deceased March .24, 1876, aged 38 years and 2 months, who was the wife of John M. Drake, of Union township; Phoebe, born June 11, 1839, deceased August 3, 1899, who was the wife of Joseph B. Drake, of Union township, who still survives; Eliza Jane, born September 6, 1841, deceased November 1, 1879, aged 38 years, 1 month and 25 days, who married Elias Pritchard, of Union township; Deborah, born April 5, 1844, who is the widow of James Vance and lives on the old home place; and Samantha, born November 1, 1864, and Harriet, born September 19, 1868, who died unmarried.
     Jeremiah Allen obtained his education in Canadian schools and grew to man's estate a practical farmer. In 1855 he moved to Mercer County, Ohio, followed by his father in the following year. He settled where he now lives, when the whole surrounding country was covered with timber. A cabin of logs had been commenced, which Mr. Allen was obliged to finish before it was habitable and when it was completed it had a loose board floor, one window and one door, which the greater part of the time stood hospitably open. He immediately began clearing his land with a view to cultivating it, but had made only reasonable headway when the Civil War broke out. Although born in Canada, he was a true and loyal American at heart, the blood of brave military ancestors coursing through his veins, and he soon resolved to enter the army and defend the liberties for which his family had fought in times past.
    After making arrangements for the comfort of his family during his absence, Mr. Allen enlisted on September 10, 1861, in Company A, 46th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., under Capt. J. W. Heath and Col. Thomas Worthington, and was mustered in at Camp Lincoln, near Columbus, by John R. Eady,
mustering officer. In February, 1862, the regiment took the train for Cincinnati, went from there to Paducah, Kentucky, thence to Savannah and on March 20, 1862, reached Pittsburg Landing. On the following day the regiment moved to Shiloh, pitched tents and was then drilled until it went into battle on April 6th and 7th, both Company A and the regiment giving good account of themselves and losing heavily. The regiment reached Corinth on April 30, 1862, where Mr. Allen fell sick and was furloughed home on May 3rd. As soon as he was able to get about, he returned to his regiment, reaching it on June 19th at Lagrange, Tennessee. The next move of the regiment was to Lafayette, in the same State, where Mr. Allen was in a skirmish on June 30th, on the picket line, in which John Harper, of Mercer County, was wounded and subsequently died from its effects, and Captain Heath and a number of others were taken prisoners, Mr. Allen and Eli Heath being the only ones of the detachment to escape.
     The 46th Ohio fought and won laurels at Vicksburg, Black River, Jackson, and Lookout Mountain and the severe battling at Mission Ridge decimated the ranks. The survivors went on to Knoxville, raising the siege there, then marched back to Scottsboro, Alabama, where the weary and footsore soldiers went into winter quarters. On May 1, 1864, the 46th Ohio, in marching trim, started on the Atlanta campaign, which included participation in the battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Peach Tree Creek. Mr. Allen took part in the battle of Atlanta on July 22nd, when Captain Heath; was killed as was also General McPherson. John Hicknell, of Union township, also fell in this battle. History tells of the fierce second battle of Atlanta on the 28th of July, of the repelled charge on August 3rd and of the second charge when the 46th Ohio, with other invincible regiments, made a successful capture and held the works for 20 days. From Atlanta, Mr. Allen's regiment was sent to Jonesboro, where an attack was made on the enemy in the rear, subsequently falling back from Lovejoy Station to East Point, where final preparations were made for the great "March to the Sea." After a faithful service of three years and 10 days, Mr. Allen received his honorable discharge on September 20, 1864, and reached his Ohio home on the last day of that month.
     Mr. Allen resumed the clearing of his land, which he speedily accomplished, and soon proved himself as good a farmer as he had been a courageous soldier. He now has a very valuable property and all the excellent improvements have been placed here by himself. He is no longer very actively engaged in the operation of his farm, but still overlooks and advises those who do the actual work.
     Mr. Allen was married (first) to Alma Bloomer, whose father had died and whose mother was married (second) to Smith Allen, who was an uncle of our subject. Mrs. Allen was born August 4, 1839, and died December 10, 1876, aged 37 years, 4 months and 6 days. Seven children were born to this marriage, as follows: Jehiel, born May 21, 1858, residing at Spencerville, Ohio, who married Laura Stettler—two of their three children survive; Lucy, wife of Thomas Miller, residing near Mendon; Norma, wife of Milo Miller, residing at Cary, Ohio; Lydia Ann, born September 25, 1865, who died October 25, 1882, aged 17 years and 1 month; Alia, born August 30, 1868, who married C. M. Tomlinson and resides in Mendon—their one child is deceased; Ella, born October 23, 1870, who died April 3, 1890, aged 19 years, 5 months and 10 days; and Eliza R., born August 1, 1874, who died April 21, 1876, aged 1 year, 8 months and 21 days.
     Mr. Allen was married (second) to Mrs. Cynthia Heath, who died February 12, 1889, aged 50 years, 3 months and 24 days. Mr. Allen was married (third), on May 3, 1898, to Annie Magoogan, who was born January 28, 1848, and is a daughter of Aquilla Magoogan, of Marion County, Ohio. The Magoogan family is of Irish extraction.
     Mr. Allen is a stanch Republican. He is a valued member of McKendree-Murlin Post, No. 319, G. A. R., at Mendon. For many years he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 726
  JOHN ALT, who is one of the leading citizens of Liberty township, and a representative agriculturalist, resides on his excellent farm of 160 acres which he has occupied since 1864.  He was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 29, 1838, and is a son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Keller) Alt.
Although Mr. Alt was born in Germany, he has lived in his adopted country since he was 15 years of age.  When he reached this country, he was almost without resources, but he found farm work, first near Detroit, Michigan, and later, in Mercer County, Ohio.  He was engaged in farming when the Civil War broke out and in 1862 he decided to enter the Union Army.  On August 12th of that year, he enlisted in Company F, 99th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., and served in the Army of the Cumberland under those great generals of the war, Buell and Rosecrans.  He participated in a number of very heavy engagements, the greatest battle being that at Stone River.  He was honorably discharged on account of disability, on November 17, 1863.  He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic post at Rockford, Ohio.
     In the year following his return from the army, Mr. Alt settled on the farm where he now lives.  It seemed very far from civilization at that time, woods covering the present fertile fields and no roads leading through the forests.  After clearing his land, he gradually put it under cultivation and now has a valuable farm.  He was one of the main movers in the project which resulted in the building of the good road which now runs east and west through the township, passing his residence.  It has proved a great convenience to him but has also been of equal value to his neighbors.  He has served as a trustee of the township for a number of years.
     Mr. Alt was married (first) to Louisa Kable, who was born in Prussia and was a daughter of Christian Kable, a resident of Liberty township at the time.  There were seven children born to that marriage and three of these still live, as follows:  Sophia, wife of Valentine Brehm, of Liberty township; John, of Liberty township; and Phebe, wife of Michael Burger, of Liberty Township.  Mr. Alt was married (second) to Rachel Hoenie, who was born near Celina, Ohio, and they have one son, Henry F., who lives at home.
     Although Mr. Alt favors the Democratic party, he is- a thoughtful man and has opinions of his own and occasionally prefers the man for the office before the party. He has always liberally supported public-spirited enterprises and has cast his influence in favor of the public schools. He is a worthy member of the German Evangelical Church and is much esteemed in St. Paul's congregation. As one of the old settlers and as a survivor of the Civil War, Mr. Alt is entitled to consideration, but he also commands respect for the example of industry and integrity he has set. Dependent entirely upon himself, from boyhood, he has reason to feel some pride in what he has accomplished.
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907  - Page 528
  PETER ALT, one of Liberty township's most substantial citizens and extensive farmers, resides in section 15, his home farm comprising 80 acres, while the whole extent of the land he owns sums up to 280 acres.  Mr. Alt while the whole extent of the land he owns sums up to 280 acres. Mr. Alt was born in Oberalben, Kusel, Rheinpfalz, Bavaria, Germany.  The father is deceased, but the mother survives and lives with her son Peter.
     Peter Alt
began his military service in the German Army in 1874, at teh age of 20 years, and so continued for two years.  In 1877 he emigrated to America in company with other members of his family and they settled on the farm where he has lived ever since.  This property he has brought to a fine state of cultivation and carries on general farming.
     Mr. Alt married Hermina German, who was also born in Germany and they have had six children, the four survivors being: Mary, wife of Jacob Gehm, of Liberty township; Caroline, wife of Valentin Deitsch, of Liberty township; and Annie and William P., who live at home.  Mr. Alt has given his children many advantages and has reared them to be industrious and respected members of the community.
     In politics he is a Democrat.  He has served as a school director of District No. 5, one of the best regulated districts in the township.  For almost all his life he has been a member of the German Evangelical Church, belonging to St. Paul's congregation.  He is a man who commands the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens.
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 556
      JOSEPH W. ARCHER, who was engaged in general farming on a well-improved and highly cultivated farm of 140 acres located in section 17, Union township, was born August 6, 1849, in Hancock County, Ohio.  He came with his parents to Mercer County, when nine months of age.  His father was a native of Richland County, Ohio, and the mother of Wayne County.  His father, when he came to Mercer County, located in Union township on the Van Wert County Line.  The following children were born to the parents of our subject;  James Marion, deceased; Ruth, who married Benton Thomas and resides in Hancock County, Ohio; Nancy, who married Daniel Kuhl and resides near Ohio City in Van Wert County; Louisa, deceased, who was the wife of George Frysinger; Minerva, who married David Krugh and recently moved to Michigan; William Americus, who resides in Union township; Joseph W., subject of this sketch; John, who resides in Union township near the Van Wert County line; Alonzo, who resides at the home place in Union township; and David, a carpenter by trade, who resides at Rockford.  Mr. Arthur's father was 79 years old at the time of his death, which occurred over 20 years ago, and was the first death in the family.  Our subject's mother survived her husband until 1905, being past 84 years of age at her death.
     Joseph W. Archer was reared and educated in Union township.  In 1880 he purchased his farm of 140 acres, when he has resided since 1881 and been engaged in general farming.  He rebuilt the house, built a new barn and made many other important changes, so that the farm is now very well improved.
     Mr. Archer was married Feb. 18, 1880, to Eliza Caldwell, a daughter of Rev. John and Ann Caldwell, both of whom are now deceased; the former was a local preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Mr. and Mrs. Archer have never had any children of their own, but reared and educated a boy, Harry Stevens, who is now married and resides in Michigan, where he owns a farm of 300 acres.  A portrait of Mr. Stevens accompanies this sketch; also views of the residence and farm buildings of Mr. Archer.  Our subject is a Republican in politics.
(Transcribed by Tracy Clark from
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907  - Pages 717-718)
  WILLIAM ROBERT ARMENTROUT a prominent farmer of Recovery township, residing on his 115-acre farm in section 18, and also owning 40 acres of land in section 23, Noble Township, Jay County, Indiana, which he uses principally for pasture, was born in August 1861, on the farm where he now resides. He is a son of Nelson and Mary Ann (Anderson) Armantrout and a grandson of James Armantrout, who moved from Champaign County, Ohio, to Jay County, Indiana, where he purchased a farm, in Noble Township, and lived until his death.
     Nelson Armantrout was born in Champaign County, Ohio, and when still a small child accompanied his father to Jay County, Indiana, where he was reared and educated, remaining on the farm until after his marriage. He married Mary Ann Anderson, a daughter of David Anderson, and a granddaughter, on her mother's side, of Alexander Scott. Alexander Scott and David Anderson, his son-in-law, together entered 80 acres of land, which is part of the farm in Recovery township now owned by our subject. Both are now deceased and buried on this farm in the old family graveyard. Nelson Armantrout and his wife were the parents of three children; William Robert; Zerilda Edith, who married Robert Adney and died in March, 1907, leaving two children - Lola Dell and William Nelson; and Jane Adell, who married Robert Adney after the death of her sister, and lives in Noble township, Jay County, Indiana. Mr. Armantrout died in May 1902, and his wife in 1898.
     William Robert Armantrout was reared and educated in Recovery township and has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married December 25, 1902, To Elizabeth DeHays, a daughter of John DeHays, on of the pioneers of Mercer County, who is a resident of Recovery Township.
(Transcribed by Tracy Clark from
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907  - Pages 427-428)
  HON. STEPHEN A. ARMSTRONG, now serving his second term as judge of the Court of Common Please for Mercer County, was formerly the senior member of the prominent law firm of Armstrong & Johnson, at Celina.  He was born December 18, 1848, at Montezuma, Mercer County, Ohio, and is a son of WILLIAM and Martha (Livingston) ARMSTRONG. 
     The father of Judge Armstrong was born in Ireland and came of Scotch-Irish ancestry.  His mother, born in 1812, a native of Dublin, Ireland, was of English extraction.  In 1832 William Armstrong and wife came to America and joined relatives already well established at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  The father of Judge Armstrong was skilled machinist.  After working as such in Philadelphia, he removed to the vicinity of Montreal, Canada, where he lived until 1847, when he came to the rapidly growing village of Montezuma, in Mercer County, Ohio.  The family was visited here by heavy calamity, four sons dying in one month in 1849, from an epidemic of scarlet fever, and in March, 1850, the father died and the bereaved widow was left with the care of three surviving children, our subject being then an infant.  To her wisdom and good management, Stephen A. Armstrong attributes much of his success in life.  She was a woman of intellectual capacity and when she found herself left with but little capital and the care of three small children, she became a teacher and not only succeeded in rearing her little ones to honorable maturity but educated them as well.  This devoted mother passed out of life on December 13, 1857.
     Stephen A Armstrong attended the schools of Montezuma and Celina, his mother having removed to the latter place in 1852.  Prior to completing his education he served three years in a printing office at Celina, after which he successfully passed through the Celina High School.  Naturally taking up teaching as a profession, he taught four terms in Mercer County and was then appointed superintendent of the schools of Celina, in which position he served with efficiency for one year, resigning in order to enter the University of Michigan, for which he had prepared himself.  For five years prior to this he had been reading law as his duties permitted, and in 1873 he was graduated from the law department, at Ann Arbor, with his degree of LL. B.  In April of the same year he was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan, then sitting at Detroit, and shortly afterward was admitted to practice in the State and Federal courts of Ohio.  On July 7, 1873, he located at Celina and here he has been one of the leading members of the bar for years.  In the fall of 1875 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Mercer County, and was reelected two years later.
     In 1898 Stephen A Armstrong was elected to the common please bench, an honor justified by the eminent position he had held as attorney.  Five years later he was reelected.  He possesses all the qualifications demanded in his judicial position and occupies a high place among the jurists of Ohio.
     On December 28, 1879, Judge Armstrong was married to Alice Jane Shipley, a native of Ohio, daughter of Samuel B. ShipleyMr. And Mrs. Armstrong have had seven children, five of whom survive: Russell L., an attorney of Lima, who is a graduate of the Celina schools and the law department of Ohio State University; Samuel Floyd, who conducts a restaurant at Mendon; Stephen A Jr., court stenographer of Mercer County; Alice May, living at home, who graduated from the Celina schools, also attended school for a time at Oxford and is a fine musician; and John Richard, who graduated from the Celina schools and is now a student of the law department of the Ohio State University.  Russell and Samuel Floyd Armstrong served in the Spanish-American War.  Of the two children, deceased, William B. died at the age of 32 years, leaving a widow, Bertha (Keller) Armstrong; and Edward died in infancy.
Transcribed by Tracy Clark from
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Pgs 329-333
  ORVILLE S. ASHCRAFT, a trustee of Washington township and one of the township's progressive citizens, who is engaged in agricultural pursuits on a well-developed farm situated in section 23, was born in Jay County, Indiana, December 25, 1870, and is a son of Joseph and Julia Ann (Adney) Ashcraft.
     Joseph Ashcraft was born on a farm in Jay County, Indiana, and is a son of Daniel Ashcraft, who was born and reared in Coshocton County, Ohio, whence he removed to Jay County, Indiana, when a young man. Joseph Ashcraft, who is now living in retirement, is the father of seven children: William, who is married and resides at Eaton, Indiana; John, who lives near Lansing, Michigan; Orville S., the subject of this sketch; Stella, who married Isaac Hassen and lives in North Dakota; Olive, wife of Henry Borrell, living in Chesterton, Indiana; Jennie, wife of Arthur Stout, living in Portland, Indiana; and Zelina, unmarried, who lives at home in Jay County, Indiana.
     Orville S. Ashcraft was reared on his father's farm in Jay County, and has been engaged in farming all his life with the exception of four years, when he was a rig builder in the oil fields. The summer previous to his marriage, he worked in a large peach orchard on Catawba Island, Lake Erie. Since his marriage he has lived in Washington township, Mercer County, in 1900 moving upon his present farm, which is owned by his father-in-law, J. C. Snyder.
     Mr. Ashcraft was married August 19, 1907, to Florence Snyder, a daughter of J. C. Snyder, a full sketch of whom will be found in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft are the parents of three children: Forrest Merle; Tereva Eulali; and Elsia Winona. In politics Mr. Ashcraft is identified with the Democratic party and in the spring of 1902 was elected township trustee on the Democratic ticket. He is still serving in this office. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Murphysburg, of which he is also a steward.
Source: HISTORY OF MERCER COUNTY, OHIO and Representative Citizens - Published by Biographical Publishing Co. - Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 631




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