(Transcribed by Sharon Wick)
Source :
and Representative Citizens
Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton, Celina, Ohio
Published by Biographical Publishing Co.
Chicago, Illinois
who is engaged in operating his 80-acre farm in Union
township, was born on the old Upton farm, just 60 rods from
where he now resides, March 11, 1856. He is a son of John
and Martha A. (Hussey) Upton, grandson of Edward
Upton and great-grandson of Edward Upton, Sr.
Edward Upton, Sr., lived and died in Hardin
County, Kentucky, where many of the Uptons still
reside and where is a town named after the family.
Edward Upton, the grandfather of our subject, was
born in Hardin County, Kentucky, in 1800, and came to Mercer
County in 1834. In the early ’50's he moved to
Richland County, Illinois, and settled on the line of Jasper
County, where lie died in the period of the Civil War.
He married Annie Murlin, a sister of Daniel
Murlin, and 10 children were born to them, eight
of whom grew to maturity and moved West, with the exception
of John Upton, the father of our subject.
These eight were as follows: Margaret, who married
Thomas Perry and lived in Richland County,
Illinois; John; Isaac, who married Cynthia
Malick, a daughter of Uriah Malick;
Mary, who married Ebert Trainor and lived
and died in Illinois; Sarah, who married John
Pope and died in Illinois; Jane, who married
William Redmond; Thomas, who married
Maria Trainor; and George Washington,
who is married and resides in Brookhaven, Mississippi, being
the only surviving member of the family. Daniel
died at the age of 17 years.
John Upton was born in Hardin County,
Kentucky, May 17, 1824, and in 1834 came with his parents to
Mercer County, where they settled on a farm now occupied by
Hugh L. Hamilton, and where they subsequently bought
160 acres of land. He was married to Martha A.
Hussey, a daughter of William and Jane Hussey.
She was born July 25, 1829, in Highland County, Ohio, near
New Vienna, and when 10 years old came to Union township,
Mercer County, with her parents, who settled on what is now
known as the Gallman farm, where they passed
the remainder of their lives, Mr. Hussey dying
in 1865 and his wife, in 1890, in her 82nd year. Martha
A. Hussey (Mrs. John Upton) was one of a large
family of children, as follows: Mary and Sarah,
who died in infancy; John M. and Martha A. (twins),
both of whom are living at the age of 77 years; Eunice,
who died in young womanhood; Lydia, who married
Simon Miller, of St. Marys, Ohio, and has been
deceased for 20 years past; Henry, who married
Sarah Shepherd and was killed by a team in 1882;
Alfred, deceased in 1904, who married Mrs.
Riblet, a daughter of Abram Miller;
Rachel, who married George G. Parrott —both
deceased for many years; William H., who married
Marjorie Nelson—he was a lieutenant in the Union
Army in the Civil War; Etta, who married Philo
Nottingham and after his death in the Civil War, when
a member of the Union Army, married his half-brother,
Matthew Nottingham, and subsequently died in
Michigan; and Jennie, residing at Boulder, Colorado,
who is the widow of Isam Brewer Robbins,
a captain in the Union Army in the Civil War, deceased in
the spring of 1890.
Ten children were born to the parents of our subject,
namely: Viola J., who married George Groce
and resides at South Park, Indiana, near Indianapolis;
Athelia, who died aged two years; Elmore Green;
Ida M., who married J. S. Smith and resides at
South Lima, Ohio; Etta L., who married John N.
Jones and resides in Willshire township, Van Wert
County; Minnie, deceased in 1890; Emma E., who
married George Monroe, a resident of
Spencerville, Ohio; William E., a resident of Van
Wert County, who married Mrs. Mina Robinson,
whose maiden name was Williams; Thomas E., who
married Gladys Donart and resides at Mendon;
and Winnie Lee, who married John
Sidney Winney and resides in Ohio City, Van Wert
County, Ohio. Our subject’s mother is living with her
daughter, Mrs. John Sidney Winney,
at Ohio City.
Elmore Green Upton was reared and
educated in Union township, attending the district schools
during the winter months and assisting with the work on the
farm. He has always been engaged in farming and is
recognized as one of the most prosperous and enterprising
farmers of his township. He was married Jan. 18, 1882,
to Lettie A. Green, a daughter of William and
Louisa (McEvoy) Green, the former of whom, a soldier in
the Civil War, lost his life while serving on the “Sultana,”
which was blown up on the
Mississippi River. A daughter, Daisy L., was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Upton, Dec. 12, 1882.
Mrs. Upton died 11 months from the late of her
marriage. Mr. Upton’s second marriage
occurred in February, 1885, to Mrs. Amelia
McLaurin, a daughter of Jesse and Calista A. (Hurd)
Beale, the latter a native of Maryland. Mrs.
Upton had one daughter by her first marriage, Edith
McLaurin, who married Z. M. Watts, of Mendon,
Ohio, and has two children, Walter Wiley and
Stanley. Both the daughters are graduates of
the Mendon High School, graduating with the class of 1901.
Mr. Upton is a Democrat in politics and
has served his party in various capacities. He is centeral
committeeman from Union township, served as delegate
from Mercer County to the recent State convention at
Columbus and supported the local option plank at the
convention. He has frequently served
as delegate to county conventions. He was a member of
the School Board for a number of years, being a member of
the board when the joint High School was organized. He
is now president of the School Board. He is a member
of Mendon Lodge, No. 586, F. & A. M., and is a liberal
supporter and member of the Baptist Church.
Source: History of Mercer County, Ohio and Representative
Citizens - Edited and compiled by Hon. S. S. Scranton,
Celina, Ohio - Publ. by Biographical Publishing Co.,
Chicago, Illinois - 1907 - Page 703 |