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Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909  Source:
Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens -
by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio
Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago.



  AUGUST LIEBER, treasurer of "Sandusky County, Ohio, from 1901 until 1905, is at the present time engaged in the real estate and insurance business in Fremont.  He has a wide, acquaintance through the county and has twit up an extensive business.  He was born in Huron County, Ohio, near Bellevue, August 20, 1861, and is a son of William, and Catherine (Heyman) Lieber, both natives of Germany.
     Although born on a farm, Mr. Lieber was reared in Bellevue where he attended the grade schools and one year in high school.  He then worked at farming several years before learning the trade of a blacksmith and carriage maker.  From the time he was twenty-one he spent ten years in traveling about in the United States, working at his trade at various places.  He was at Van Wert, Ohio, several months, then went to Michigan, and later to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. From there he went to Atlanta, Georgia, thence to New Orleans during the exposition in the winter of 1884-1885.  He crossed the Gulf of Mexico to Tampa, Florida, and worked at his trade at Jacksonville.  After two years in the south, he visited at his old home a short time, and from there went to Chicago, Illinois. Returning to Ohio, he spent one season working in the J. P. Moore Carriage Works at Fremont, and the following spring, 1888, went to Tacoma, Washington.  He was in the west five years, working at his trade about the mines.  He returned to Bellevue, Ohio, in 1893, and, his father having died in the meantime, took up the latter's real estate and insurance business at that place.  He became active in Democratic politics and in 1898 was elected mayor of Bellevue.  He was re-elected to that office, and while serving his second term was elected on the Democratic ticket to the office of treasurer of Sandusky County, and moved to Fremont in August, 1901, to assume the duties of said office, where he has lived ever since.  He served two terms as treasurer and his efficiency in office gained him many friends in both parties and won the commendation of the general public.
     In 1897 Mr. Lieber was united in marriage with Miss Emma Schwan a daughter of George Schwan of Ballville Township, Sandusky County, and they have three children:  George Martin, Gertrude and Irene.  They reside in a fine new home on Birchard Avenue which he recently built.  Religiously, they are members of the Grace Lutheran Church.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 459
  MICHAEL E. LONG, a prominent citizen of Gibsonburg, Sandusky County, Ohio, is a retired farmer and oil producer.  He was born in Madison Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1852, and is a son of REV. JOHN B. and Lydia (Fry) Long.
REV. JOHN B. LONG was born in Pennsylvania, probably Bedford County, whence he moved to Sandusky County, Ohio.  Here he preached in the United Brethren Church in Scott Township, where he farmed as well.  Some five or six years before his death he moved to Wood County, but later returned to Gibsonburg.  He at one time had thirty-six appointments, riding back and forth through the woods on horseback and oftentimes fording dangerous swollen streams to reach his destination.  The people of the present generation little realize the difficulties encountered by the country ministers in times gone by.  Riding day and night, it was possible for him to reach some of his charges but once a month.  He was a quiet and reserved man, greatly devoted to the work in which he was engaged, and was honored throughout this part of the country.  His first marriage was with Miss Lydia Fry, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Fry, and they became the parents of the following children:  Louisa, Samuel, Jacob, Daniel, Rebecca, William, Wesley, Arcanus, Michael E. and Samantha E.  Mrs. Long died while they lived in Wood County, and was buried at Bowling Green.  He formed a second marital union with Betsy Marshall, who lives with her children at Bowling Green.
     Michael E. Long spent most of his school days where the village of Gibsonburg now stands and attended the district schools.  He remained at the home of his parents until he was twenty years of age, then worked around the neighborhood as a farm hand.  After his marriage in 1875, he rented a farm of his father-in-law in Wood County, near Pemberville, and later the farm of Dudley Lumbas for one year.  He then purchased a farm of Dudley Lumbas for one year.  He then purchased a farm of 120 acres near Prairie Depot, a fine farm which he greatly improved and lived upon for four years.  He disposed of that farm to good advantage and purchased the quarter section of land he now owns south of Gibsonburg, in Madison Township.  He remodeled the buildings, laid about 1,200 rods of drain tile, and otherwise improved the place, which is one of the bet in the township.  He followed general farming with much success and later was favored with the production of oil on his farm, which yields him handsome returns.  He has eighteen wells which produced about 1,500 barrellls per month when first drilled in.  He is the owner of some 415 acres of land, including the farm above mentioned, and three farms in Fulton County.  In August, 1902, he retired from business activity and moved to Gibsonburg, where he owns a fine residence on West Madison Street.
     Dec. 17, 1875, Mr. Long was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Fish, a daughter of John and Margaret Fish of Wood County, and they have three children: B. M., who married Ethel McMillan, a daughter of Samuel McMillan; Ethel, wife of Harry Klotz; and William, who is freight agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad at Gibsonburg.  Politically Mr. Long is a Republican, but takes no active part in political affairs.
Source: Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. 1909 Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago. - Page 777

JAMES LONGANBACH, president of the board of trustees of Sandusky Township and one of the county commissioners of Sandusky County, resides on his valuable farm of seventy acres, which is situated in section 32 and is devoted to general agriculture.  He was born May 15, 1870, in Rice Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, and is a son of Martin and Rosa (Engler) Longanback, natives of Baden, Germany.
     Martin Longanbach was thirteen years old when his parents brought him to America.  After a short stay in New York, they came to Sandusky County, and were among the early settlers of Rice Township.  Martin Longanbach was a solid, reliable citizen of Rice Township, serving in many public offices and for six years was a county commissioner, elected on the Democratic ticket.  He died in December, 1893.  He was married in Ohio to Rosa Engler and the following members of their family survive: Elizabeth, wife of John Otermat, of Rice Township; Caroline, wife of Frederick Smith, of Los Angeles; Amelia, wife of Obediah Kerns, of Washington Township; John M., of Fremont; Irvin B., of Fremont; Clara wife of Frederick Thurn, of Sandusky Township; and James.
     James Longanbach
was two years old when his parents moved to Sandusky Township and his interests have been mainly centered here ever since.  He obtained a good, common school education and ever since has devoted himself to agricultural pursuits, but now, however, to the exclusion of public matters, for he has been an unusually active citizen.  He enjoys to a large extent, the confidence of his fellow citizens and has frequently been called on to accept offices of trust and responsibility.  He has served as township assessor and for a number of hears has been trustee, as mentioned above, being the president of the board, and in the fall of 1908 was elected a county commissioner, an important office for which he is well qualified.
     On Jan. 18, 1893, Mr. Longanbach was married to Miss Edith Schiemon, who was born in Germany, a daughter of August Schiemon, later of Fremont.  Mr. and Mrs. Longanbach are members of Grace Lutheran Church at Fremont, of which he has been a trustee for many years.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 559

Hon. Edward Loudensleger


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 608

Jonathan D. Loveberry


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 596

Dr. J. W. Luse


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 518

Capt. Matthew T. Lutz

Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 902
  JOHN LYON, a representative citizen of Townsend Township, residing on his farm of forty acres, on which he carries on a general line of agriculture, was born June 15, 1848, in Cambridgeshire, England, and is a son of William and Mary (Alcock) Lyon.
The parents of Mr. Lyon came to America in 1858.  For two years thereafter William Lyon engaged in farming three miles from Tonawanda, Erie County, New York, later came to Erie County, Ohio, and subsequently to Sandusky County, where he settled on the farm which is now owned by Elisha Haff.  In 1866 he bought forty acres in Townsend Township, from James Temple, to which he added eighty acres on the west, which he purchased at a good price, and he continued to live on and develop his 160 acres during the remainder of his active life.  His life was prolonged far beyond the average, his death occurring in June, 1906, when he was ninety-five years old.  In England he married Mary Ann Alcock, who died in 1901, aged eighty-seven years.  They had a family of nine children born to them, six sons and three daughters, namely: William, residing at North Baltimore; Ann, wife of Nelson Winters, residing at Clyde; John, living in Townsend Township; Christopher, living in Riley Township; Samuel, residing in Townsend Township; Fanny, wife of Fred Mapes, of Ballville Township; Robert, living near Sandusky; George, residing at Sherwood, Defiance County, Ohio; and Alma, wife of Charles Green Cleveland, of Rosedale, Ohio.  John Lyon was ten years old when he accompanied his parents to America.  He has devoted himself to agricultural pursuits and resides on the forty-acre tract which was his father's first
purchase of land in Townsend Township.  Mr. Lyon is a Democrat in politics.  He is a director of the Sandusky County Fair Association.  His parents were members of the United Brethren Church at Vickery, and in this faith he was reared.  Mr. Lyon has never married.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 758





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