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Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909  Source:
Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens -
by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio
Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago.



  JOHN W. ZILLES, who came to his present farm in Riley Township, Sandusky County, in 1905, was born in Rice Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, Feb. 8, 1873. His parents are Peter and Christina (Kline ) Zilles.
     The first member of the Zilles family to settle in Sandusky County was the grandfather of John W., Casper Zilles.  He was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and settled as a pioneer in Rice Township, where he subsequently married and reared a family.  Peter Zilles was born in the little log cabin home of his parents in Rice Township and he continued to live there until the spring of 1908, when he moved to a place in Sandusky Township, near Fremont.  He and wife are members of the Lutheran Church.  The following members of their family survive: John W.; Frank, of Fremont; Herman, of Toledo; Edward, of Ottawa County; Ralph, of Fremont; Emma, wife of Edward Engler, of Rice Township; Catherine, wife of Josiah Hetrick, of Fremont; Lulu, wife of Charles Berner, of Fremont; and Clara, who lives with her parents.
     John W. Zilles has been a farmer ever since he reached man's estate and is a very practical and successful one.  He moved from Rice Township to Riley Township in 1897, and located on the Henry House farm.  Two years later he moved to the Louis Zeigler farm, where he remained five years.  He then purchased his present farm of forty acres, on which he has since lived.
     On Sept. 28. 1893. ne was married to Miss Louisa Hetrick, a daughter of Jacob Hetrick. who once was a prominent farmer in Rice Township, and they have a family of six children, as follows: Wilbur. Edna, Elizabeth, Orville, George and HildaMr. Zilles and family belong to Grace Lutheran Church at Fremont.  In politics he is a Democrat and at present he is serving in the office of constable of Riley Township.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago -  1909 - Page 625
  JACOB H. ZWEILY, a well known citizen and successful agriculturist of Sandusky Township, who has resided on his excellent farm of eighty-two acres, situated in Section 22, since 1885, was born in Sandusky Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1862, and is a son of Benedict and Ann (Bauman) Zweily.
     The parents of Mr. Zweily were born in Switzerland.  The father, Benedict Zweily, accompanied by his brother, John Zweily, emigrated to America and came to Fremont a short time before the first Roman Catholic Church edifice was built.  The brothers secured work here, Benedict being a stone mason by trade.  The brother, John, was accidentally killed while at work on this structure.  Benedict continued to labor as a mason for a number of years, after which he secured land in Sandusky Township and cleared up a farm from the forest.  He survived until 1892.  Of his children, the following are living: Mary, who is the wife of Joel Waitman, of Sandusky Township; Louise, who is the wife of Charles Kiser, of Sandusky Township; Jacob H. Charles W., who resides at Clyde, Illinois; and George, who lives in Sandusky Township.
     Jacob H. Zweily attended the country school near his father's farm when he was a boy and, with his brothers, had duties to perform on the home place, the same that usually fall to the lot of the sons of farmers, and thus from youth he has been accustomed to an agricultural life.  About the time of his marriage he settled on his present farm, and to the cultivating of the same and the improving of his property he has devoted the larger part of his time ever since.
     On Oct. 8, 1885, Mr. Zweily was married to Miss. Sarah R. Crowell, a daughter of the late George Crowell, of Sandusky Township, and six children have been born to this union: Earl R., Reuben L., Frank E., Clara E., Gaude W. and Hattie EMr. Zweily is interested in having his children well educated and he supports the public schools and lends his influence to aid all measures which promise to bring about better conditions, realizing his responsibility as a leading man.  In politics he is a Democrat.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago -  1909 - Page 760
  GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, who has now retired from active farm life, resides in Section 7, Scott Township, Sandusky County, owning 208 acres in Sections 7 and 18, comprising cultivated and under-drained land, timber tracts and thirty-two oil wells.  Mr. Zimmerman was a son of Jacob and Magdalena (Bowe) Zimmerman.
JACOB ZIMMERMAN was born in Germany and was seventeen years old when he came to America and was at first employed on a farm in the State of New York, where he remained for some time after he was married.  When he came to Scott Township, Sandusky County, he brought eighty acres of land, to which he added 120 acres and of this he cleared 140 acres.  He then returned to New York and lived there for a few years and followed farming, but later came back to his farm in Scott Township and resided here until his death, which occurred in April, 1881.  His burial was in Minkler Cemetery.  He married Magdalena Bowe, a daughter of George Bowe.  She survived until December, 1893.  They were worthy members of the Evangelical Church. Jacob Zimmerman voted with the Republican party, but he was never willing to serve in office.
     George Zimmerman obtained his education in the district schools of Scott Township, and grew to manhood on his father's farm.  He is a member of the lodge of Odd Fellows at that place and there has many friends of years' acquaintance.  Mr. Zimmerman has two sets of buildings on his property and erected one of the dwellings and has repaired all the structures.  He also set out the orchard, which in season, gives a bountiful yield.
     In September, 1873, Mr. Zimmerman was married to Miss Barbara Moser, who died in March, 1877, leaving two children: Minnie, who married James Horner and has three children, Bernice, Nellie and ClarenceMr. Zimmerman was married (second) to Miss Sarah Jane Baird, a daughter of Shelman Baird, and the following children were born to them:  Mertie, who married John Immel; May, who married Charles Fritz, has two children, Naomi and Laura; Blanche and George S., both of whom are at home; and Christie and two infants, all three of whom are now deceased.  In politics Mr. Zimmerman is a Republican.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago -  1909 - Page 726

Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago -  1909 - Page 726

  S. A. ZIMMERMAN, a representative citizen of Scott Township, of which he has been a trustee since 1904, resides on his farm of twenty-eight acres situated in Section 34, but devotes a large part of his time to working at his trade of mason and plasterer.  He was born in Scott Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, June 5, 1863, and is a son of Adam and Maria (Mathias) Zimmerman.
     S. A. Zimmerman
obtained his education in the schools of Scott Township.  His first work was a saw-mill and he lived at home the greater part of the time until he was twenty-four years old.  For one year before his marriage he worked at Rising Sun and afterward moved to a farm of eight acres, which he purchased before he bought his present farm.  This place formerly belonged to his father, who cleared it and put up all the buildings.  Mr. Zimmerman cultivate his land, but he has a reputation as a fine worker at his trade and hence devotes the larger part of his time to filing contracts all over the country.  He is a stockholder in the Rising Sun Bell Telephone Company.
     On an. 26, 1896, Mr. Zimmerman was married to Miss Zella Dalton, a daughter of John Dalton, and they have five children, Bernice, Cecil, Galland, Fern and Haven.  Mr. Zimmerman and family are members of the Evangelical Church.  In politics he is an active Republican and he enjoys the confidence of his fellow citizens to a large degree.  They have elected him to numerous township offices, the duties of which he has filled most satisfactorily. He served four years as township trustee.  He is a member of the lodge of Odd Fellows at Rising Sun, and of the Knights of Pythias at Kansas, Seneca County.

Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago -  1909 - Page 798





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