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Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909  Source:
Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens -
by Basil Meek, Fremont, Ohio
Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publ. Co., Chicago.




ALEXANDER SMITH, formerly proprietor of a hardware store, and until recently postmaster of Millersville, but who is now traveling salesman for the Merrell Company, of Toledo, was born on his maternal grandfather's farm in Jackson Township, this county, and is a son of W. H. and Marcella (Moomey) Smith.
     Jacob Smith, grandfather of Alvin C., was an early settler in Seneca County, Ohio,
to which place he went from Pennsylvania.  He subsequently came to Sandusky County, Ohio, purchasing a small farm in Jackson Township.  At the time of the Civil War he enlisted in the Seventy-second Regiment, O. V. I., and served until the close of the struggle, but died on his way home from smallpox contracted while in the service.  His remains were interred in the National Cemetery at Washington, District of Columbia.  His widow, who still survives, resides at Burgoon and is now in her eighty-first year, having been born Jan. 1, 1829.

     W. H. SMITH, father of the subject of this sketch, was born Dec. 31, 1849, in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, and was there reared to maturity.  On Jan. 21, 1869, he married Marcella Moomey, a daughter of Adam and Margaret Ann (Grubb) Moomey, and a native of this county, of which her father was one of the early settlers.  Adam Moomey's parents came to Sandusky County, Ohio, in 1830; his wife's parents came here when she was 10 years old.  Adam Moomey and Margaret Ann Grubb were married in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Dec. 28, 1851, in the old log house near Jackson Center, the ceremony being performed by Oscar Betts, a justice of the peace.  They continued to reside in this county until Nov. 25, 1902, when they removed to the state of Michigan.  Their family consisted of four children, namely: Marcella, born Oct. 20, 1852, who became the wife of W. H. Smith, as already noted; Charles, born Mar. 23, 1858; Harriet, born Sept. 28, 1860; and Austin, who is deceased.
     W. H. and Marcella (Moomey) Smith became the parents of children as follows: Alvin, whose name appears at the head of this article; Adelcia, who married Joe Willhelm, a native of Jackson Township but now residing in Michigan, and whose children are Henry, Alvin, Walter, Hattie, Lester, Mabel Mayola, and an infant daughter; Sadie, who married F. J. Kennett, of Ashley, Michigan, and has two children, Dayton and Harry; Hattie, who is the wife of Ernest Deny, of Ashley, Michigan, and the mother of two children—Lewis and an infant as yet unnamed; and Essie B., who died when 4 days old.

     ALVIN C. SMITH has resided since birth in his native township and county.  During his boyhood days he attended the district schools and assisted his father on the farm.  Subsequently he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked for a number of years, carrying on a general contracting business.  About 1906 he went into the hardware business, forming a partnership with P. H. Daub, of Helena, Ohio, in which he continued until recently, the firm also dealing in coal and lumber.  The more recent change in his business connections has been already noticed in the beginning of this article.  Mr. Smith was appointed postmaster of Millersville, Aug. 15, 1908, but resigned the office when he accepted his present position. He had made a competent and satisfactory official.  He has long taken a more or less active interest in politics and has always ranged himself on the side of progress and good government. 
     Mr. Smith was married June 25, 1896, to Miss Effie Alstadt, a daughter of John and Isabel (Maurer) Aldstadt, who were the arents of eight children—Clara, Ardella, Jessie, Effie (Mrs. Smith), Nevada, John (deceased), Ruby and RhoidyMr. and Mrs. Smith have had three children—Dawn, Alvin (deceased), and Wayne.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 717


ALVIN C. SMITH, formerly proprietor of a hardware store, and until recently postmaster of Millersville, but who is now traveling salesman for the Merrell Company, of Toledo, was born on his maternal grandfather's farm in Jackson Township, this county, and is a son of W. H. and Marcella (Moomey) Smith.
     Jacob Smith, grandfather of Alvin C., was an early settler in Seneca County, Ohio, to which place he went from Pennsylvania.  He subsequently came to Sandusky County, Ohio, purchasing a small farm in Jackson Township.  At the time of the Civil War he enlisted in the Seventy-second Regiment, O. V. I., and served until the close of the struggle, but died on his way home from smallpox contracted while in the service.  His remains were interred in the National Cemetery at Washington, District of Columbia.  His widow, who still survives, resides at Burgoon and is now in her eighty-first year, having been born Jan. 1, 1829.
     W. H. Smith, father of the subject of this sketch, was born Dec. 31, 1849, in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, and was there reared to maturity.  On Jan. 21, 1869, he married Marcella Moomey, a daughter of Adam and Margaret Ann
(Grubb) Moomey
, and a native of this county, of which her father was one of the early settlers.  Adam Moomey's parents came to Sandusky County, Ohio, in 1830; his wife's parents came here when she was 10 years old.  Adam Moomey and Margaret Ann Grubb were married in Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Dec. 28, 1851, in the old log house near Jackson Center, the ceremony being performed by Oscar Betts, a justice of the peace.  They continued to reside in this county until Nov. 25, 1902, when they removed to the state of Michigan.  Their family .consisted of four children, namely: Marcella, born Oct. 20, 1852, who became the wife of W. H. Smith, as already noted; Charles, born Mar. 23, 1858; Harriet, born Sept. 28, 1860; and Austin, who is deceased.
     W. H. and Marcella (Moomey) Smith became the parents of children as follows: Alvin, whose name appears at the head of this article; Adelcia, who married Joe Willhelm, a native of Jackson Township but now residing in Michigan, and whose children are Henry, Alvin, Walter, Hattie, Lester, Mabel Mayola, and an infant daughter; Sadie, who married F. J. Kennett, of Ashley, Michigan, and has two children, Dayton and Harry; Hattie, who is the wife of Ernest Deny, of Ashley, Michigan, and the mother of two children—Lewis and an infant as yet unnamed; and Essie B., who died when 4 days old.
     Alvin C. Smith has resided since birth in his native township and county.  During his boyhood days he attended the district schools and assisted his father on the farm.  Subsequently he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked for a number of years, carrying on a general contracting business.  About 1906 he went into the hardware business, forming a partnership with P. H. Daub, of Helena, Ohio, in which he continued until recently, the firm also dealing in coal and lumber.  The more recent change in his business connections has been already noticed in the beginning of this article.  Mr. Smith was appointed postmaster of Millersville, Aug. 15, 1908, but resigned the office when he accepted his present position.  He had made a competent and satisfactory official.  He has long taken a more or less active interest in politics and has always ranged himself on the side of progress and good government.
     Mr. Smith was married June 25, 1896, to Miss Effie Alstadt, a daughter of John and Isabel Maurer) Aldstadt, who were the parents of eight children—Clara, Ardella, Jessie, Effie (Mrs. Smith), Nevada, John (deceased), Ruby and RhoidyMr. and Mrs. Smith have had three children—Dawn, Alvin (deceased), and Wayne.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 599


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 667


B. B. SMITH, who is engaged in a drug business at No. no South Front Street, Fremont, also conducts a store in the Elk Block, which is devoted mainly to cigars, tobacco, candies and soda water.  Mr. Smith is a representative business man of this city.  He was born here.  Jan. 9, 1877, and is a son of Olen Rozell and Linda (Burgoon) Smith.
     Mr. Smith is the fourth born in a family of nine children, the others being as follows: Margaret; Clara, now the wife of John Walters, formerly principal of the State Street School, Fremont; Laura Gertrude, who also was a teacher, married George P. Hafford; Eva, who died aged sixteen years; Ralph P., who is in the U. S. Navy; Jessie, who died in 1908, was the wife of Walter T. Childs; Frank R., married, who assists his brother B. B.; and Eula, who lives at home.
     B. B. Smith completed the common and High School course at Fremont and then entered the University of Michigan and was graduated there in chemistry and pharmacy, in the class of 1899.  Previous to this he had been in the employ of the late R. P. Buckland, who, at that time owned the store Mr. Smith now conducts.  Upon his return from college he had a year of experience at Elyria and one at Norwalk and then bought the present business from Mr. Buckland, and has brought it to a high state of efficiency, making it thoroughly reliable in every particular, and conducting it along modern lines.
     Mr. Smith was married Aug. 10, 1904, to Alice Norton, who is a daughter of Charles A. NortonMr. Smith is identified with the Masons, the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 738


CHARLES LEWIS SMITH, whose well improved farm of seventy acres lies near Four Mile House, in Sandusky County, Ohio, is one of the experienced agriculturists and well known citizens of Sandusky Township.  He was born Nov. 22, 1859, in Sandusky County, Ohio, and is a son of Dominick and Barbara (Rearick) Smith.
     DOMINICK SMITH was born in Germany and remained in his own land until he was twenty-five years of age, when he came to America and located in Sandusky County.  He had little capital at that time and at first worked for his daily bread on the construction of the Lake Erie and Western Railroad and later acquired land at Four Mile House and became a useful pioneer of what was then a wild part of the county.  He was a man of excellent parts, industrious and honest and upright in all his dealings. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a liberal contributor to its support, and at all times did his full duty in advancing the various interests of the section in which he had found the chance to establish a home.  He died on the home place in March, 1903.  He married Barbara Rearick, who died in December, 1893.  She was a native of Pennsylvania.  They had two sons born to them: Charles Lewis and John F. The latter is superintendent of the public schools of Findlay, Ohio.
     Charles Lewis Smith grew to manhood in Sandusky Township and obtained his education in the public schools.  Ever since reaching man's estate he has been actively engaged in agricultural pursuits.  He was married Dec. 25, 1888, to Miss Emma Hyatt, who was born in Sandusky County, Ohio, and is a daughter of George Hyatt, late of Jackson Township.  They have one son, Ralph W., who was born Sept. 4, 1891, and is a promising student in the Fremont High School.  Mr. Smith and family are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Fremont, and he is a member of the board of trustees.  In politics he is a Republican and fraternally he is an Odd Fellow, belonging to McPherson Lodge, No. 637, Fremont.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 563

Claude A. Smith

CLAUDE A. SMITH is a prosperous farmer of Ballville Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, and is the owner of two valuable farms, one of 105 acres where he lives and another of forty acres located two miles south of his home place.  He was born in this township, Oct. 1, 1877, and is a son of Hugh and Martha (Maurer) Smith.
     HUGH SMITH, father of the subject of this record, was born in Winchester, Virginia, Apr. 3, 1851, and came to Sandusky County, Ohio, during the Civil War.  He located first at Old Fort and later purchased the old Isaac Maurer farm in Ballville Township; he made most of the improvements now on the place and cultivated it until his death, which occurred on May 13, 1905.  He was a representative of the highest type of citizenship, honest and straight-forward in his business dealings, adn of great force of character.  He was united in marriage with Miss Martha Maurer, who was born in Ballville Township, Aug. 9, 1853, and was a daughter of Isaac and Martha Maurer, early settlers of the township.  The following children blessed this union:  Myrtle; Nellie, who married Lester Hampsher of Ballville Township and has four children - Howard, Mary, Irene and Charles; Fay, deceased wife of Clarence Babione and Grace, Ruth and Claude.
     Claude Smith
received a superior educational training in the public schools of his native township and in Fremont High School, from which he was graduated with the class of 1897.  Upon leaving school he turned to agricultural pursuits, which he has always followed and as a general farmer has attained a high degree of success.
    On Apr. 9, 1902, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Laura North, who was born in Bellevue, Ohio, and is a daughter of Guy and Celeste (Harris) North.  Three children have been born to them:  Margaret, Myrtle and Hugh.  Fraternally, he is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Fremont.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 820


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 793


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 563


FRANK P. SMITH, the efficient superintendent of the Sandusky County Infirmary, has served in this difficult and responsible public office since his appointment in 1896. giving to the board of directors and the people at large an administration entirely satisfactory in every particular.  Mr. Smith was born in Ballville Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, July 27, 1855, and is a son of John and Eleanor (Bowland) Smith.
     Mr. Smith
grew to manhood on his father's farm and from the township schools went to Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, enjoying a year of instruction there.  He also was a student for a time at the Ohio Normal University at Ada.  He then engaged in farming in Ballville Township, and continued agricultural pursuits until he was appointed to his present office.  The Sandusky County Infirmary has the following prominent citizens on its board of directors: D. E. Dieffenbach, president; John Hilt, vice-president, and Peter Stepniak, clerk.  There are 270 acres here and the property is farmed under Mr. Smith's superintendence.
     On Dec. 28, 1876, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Laura A. Spayde, born in Ballville Township, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Armstrong) Spayde, and two children have been born this marriage, Homer L. and Cleve FMr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Mt. Lebanon United Brethren Church at East Ballville, Ohio, of which he is a trustee.  In politics, Mr. Smith is a Democrat and prior to accepting his present office, served three years as a trustee of Ballville Township.  He is well known all over the county and has a wide circle of appreciative friends both in official and private life.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 587


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 563


FREDERICK SMITH, one of Sandusky Township's most respected German-American citizens and old settlers of Sandusky County, resides on his farm of forty-eight and one-half acres, situated in Section 22, and also owns two farms, in Rice Township, one of 160 acres, and another of nearly forty acres.  He was born in Baden, Germany, June 2, 1829, and is a son of John and Catherine (Ernst) Smith.
     In 1833, when Frederick Smith was 4 years old, his parents emigrated to America.  They came as did others, with the hope of bettering their condition, although John Smith possessed some capital and was able to enter 150 acres of Government land, in Rice Township.  It was heavily wooded at the time and years went by before it was entirely cleared and under cultivation and Frederick did a large amount of pioneer work, both for his father and for others and later for himself.  The parents died in Rice Township and of their seven children, Frederick is the sole survivor.  He had few early advantages, the country was too little settled at that time to afford them, and in large measure he is self taught.  He continued to live in Rice Township until 1877, becoming a man of consequence there, one of the leading Democrats and was frequently elected to offices of trust and responsibility.  He served some years as a trustee of Rice Township and for six years was township treasurer. He then came to Sandusky Township and settled on his present farm and here he was also chosen for the responsible office of treasurer and served in it for eleven years.
     On Feb. 22, 1852, Mr. Smith was married to Miss Elizabeth Kiser, who was born in Lorraine, Germany, a daughter of Christian Kiser, who came to Sandusky County in the fifties, Mrs. Smith being 22 years old when she accompanied her brother, Carl Kiser, to this section.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith have seven children, namely: Frederick, who lives at Los Angeles, California; Caroline, who is the wife of Louis Nichols, of Rice Township; Elizabeth, who lives in Sandusky Township; William J., who resides in Rice Township; Clara C., who is the wife of E. H. Ganz, county commissioner of Sandusky County; Amelia, who resides at home; and Edward, who lives at Erie, Pennsylvania.  Mr. Smith and wife are members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Fremont.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 594


GEORGE B. SMITH, D. D. S., who, for the past twenty-one years has been engaged in the practice of dental surgery at Freemont, commands a large amount of the bet practice of the city, as he is numbered with the most expert practitioners in this section.  Dr. Smith was born in Ballville Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, May 5, 1864, and is a son of John C. and Elnora (Bowland) Smith.
     Dr. Smith comes of Dutch ancestry and of Revolutionary stock.  His great-grandfather, Peter Smith, was born in Holland and was a member of one of the colonies that came to New Jersey from Holland and have left traces of their thrift and homely virtues, in many parts of the Atlantic State.  Peter Smith served in the Patriot Army under George Washington and then returned to his former settlement and there reared a family of sons and daughters.
     William Smith, son of Peter and grandfather of Dr. Smith, was born in New Jersey, where he continued to live until 1859, when he came to Ohio.  He located in Perry County, where he remained until 1847, when he moved into Sandusky County and secured his farm in Ballville Township, where he lived to be an old man.
     John C. Smith, son of William and father of Dr. Smith, was born in Warren County, New Jersey, July 9, 1828, and was .nineteen years old when he accompanied his father to Sandusky County.  In the course of years he came into possession of the home farm in Ballville Township.  In 1850 he married Elnora Bowland, and they had the following children Susan, who married Judge Kelley; Frank P., who married Laura Spade; Amanda, and George B.
     George B. Smith was educated in the Fremont schools.  He entered upon the study of dentistry with Dr. Cregar, at Fremont, and later took a regular course in the science at the Philadelphia Dental College, where he was graduated in 1887, when he entered into practice at Fremont.  Dr. Smith's office at No. 112˝ Front street is well equipped with all the modern appliances which, have, in the past few years, assisted very materially in lessening the former torture of the dental chair.  Dental science has made as many strides forward as has medical science, and they have, more or less, traveled hand in hand, for there are no skilled and reliable dental surgeons of the present day, who are not. to a large degree, also physicians.  Dr. Smith has kept thoroughly abreast of the times, being a member of the Ohio State Dental Society, the Northern Ohio Dental Society, the Toledo Dental Society and the Sandusky County Dental Society.
     On May 1, 1893, Dr. Smith was married to Miss Iva M. Fitch, a native of Indiana, a daughter of the late Dr. John Fitch, who served in the Civil War, where he received a bullet from a Confederate musket, which pierced the lung and which injury subsequently caused his death.  Dr. and Mrs. Smith have two sons: Robert F., and J. Towner.  They have a pleasant home at No. 1200 Garrison Street, Fremont.  They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and interested in the Epworth League.  In politics he is a Republican, is fraternally connected with the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Woodmen of the World.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 425

  DR. GEO. E. SMITH - See Page 208 in Chapter XIII

Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 208


GEORGE W. SMITH, who has devoted the larger part of his life to agricultural pursuits and is numbered with the successful farmers and representative citizens of Green Creek Township, Sandusky County, where his fine farm of seventy-seven acres is located, was born in Pleasant Township. Seneca County, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1856.  His parents were Andrew Jackson and Ann (Cummons) Smith.
     ANDREW JACKSON SMITH was born in Seneca County, New York, in 1828, and came to Ohio with his parents, Stephen and Susan Smith.  They settled in the deep woods of Seneca County about 1833 and entered a farm in Pleasant Township, where they spent the remainder of their lives.  Their remains lie in the old Salem churchyard, in Ballville Township, Sandusky County. They had the following children: Martin, Andrew J. and Albert, all deceased ;Stephen Marion, residing in Michigan; Susan, Fannie and Ellen, all deceased, and Jonas and Ann, both of whom were children of a prior marriage.  Jonas Smith was a prominent man in the county serving both as county commissioner and sheriff, previous to the Civil War.  Andrew Jackson Smith married Ann Cummons, who was born in Mercer County, and they had the following children born to them: Ellen, who is now deceased, was the wife of John Stephen; Stephen, who lives in Indiana; George William; Miles, who lives in Michigan; Susan, who lives at Jackson, Michigan; Fannie, who married a Mr. Stephens, lives at Flint, Michigan; Rachel, who is the wife of James Webber, of Michigan; Jessie, who is now deceased, was the wife of John King; Leaffy, who is the wife of Amos Turner; and Blanche E., who is the wife of William Hildebridle, of Lansing, Michigan.
     Andrew J. Smith engaged in farming for about four years following his marriage, in Seneca County, and then moved to Clinton County, Michigan, and there he died in 1891, when aged sixty-three years.  His widow survived until 1908, her death occurring at the age of seventy-six years. 
     George W. Smith was three years old when the family moved to Michigan and when seven, he returned to Ohio and went to live with his uncle, Jonas Smith, who resided in Ballville Township.  He was made a member of his uncle's family and received kind treatment and was afforded educational advantages.  For fifteen years before he bought his present farm, in 1893. he had operated his uncle's farm.  He was married in April, 1877, to Miss Martha Sachs, a daughter of Henry and Barbara (Favor) Sachs, old settlers in Ballville Township, to which section they came from Germany.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith have one child, Ollie, who is the wife of Herman Kowalk, residing in Sandusky Township.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of Trinity Evangelical Church, at Fremont, where he has taught the Old Ladies' Bible Gass for twenty-two years.  In politics he is a Democrat.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 656


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 820


JOHN C. SMITH, who owns and resides upon a farm of 100 acres located about forty rods south of the corporation line of Fremont, in Ballville Township, has been a resident of Sandusky County, Ohio, for a period of more than sixty years.  He was born in New Jersey.  July 9, 1828, and is a son of William and Nancy (Trimmer) Smith, and a grandson of Peter Smith who was an officer in the Patriot Army during the Revolution.
     WILLIAM SMITH moved from New Jersey with his family to Perry County, Ohio, in 1839, and lived there until 1847, the year in which he moved to Sandusky County.  He settled in Ballville Township at the time of his arrival and continued to live there until his death.  He was married to Nancy Trimmer in New Jersey, and they became parents of the following children: Henry S., who was born Nov. 15, 1814.  and died Oct. 23, 1865; Sarah (wife of Jacob Cole), who was born Apr. 8, 1816, and died July 3, 1858; Jacob, who was born Apr. 9, 1821, and died Nov. 24, 1823; William, who was born Feb. 23, 1824, and died Oct. 23, 1865; George, who was born Mar. 23, 1826; John, subject of this record; and Anna M., who was born June 5, 1834, and died at the age of 11 years.
     John C. Smith received a limited schooling in his native state and in Perry County, Ohio, after which he turned his attention to farming, an occupation he has always followed.  He was 19 years of age when he accompanied his parents to Ballville Township, and here he has since resided.  His first purchase of land was a tract adjoining the one on which he now lives; he cleared that place and lived there until 1865, when he erected a house on his present farm.  He has 100 acres of valuable land, all of which he cleared, and has a finely improved property.  He is a man of pleasing personality and enjoys the warm friendship of a large circle of acquaintances.
     On Nov. 1, 1850, Mr. Smith was united in marriage with Miss Ellen Bowland, who was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1831, and is a daughter of Hugh and Susan (Becker) Bowland, who came to Sandusky County from Fairfield County.  Four children were born to bless this union: Susan, Frank P., Amanda and George B.   Susan Smith was married to Judge Malcolm Kelley of Sandusky City and they have three children, Amy, Bessie and DonaldFrank P. Smith, who attended college at Ada, Ohio, is now superintendent of the Sandusky County Infirmary.  He married Laura Spade and they have two sons, Homer and Gay.  Amanda Smith, who attended college at Cleveland, married Frank Thomas of that city, and they have had four children: Addie, deceased: Jessie, who married Harry Lanabaugh; Esther, who is the wife of Ralph Hunsinger of Fremont and has three children — Harry, Paul and Eleanor; and Eva, who is the wife of Harry CloneGeorge B. Smith, D. D. S., who graduated from a dental college in Philadelphia, is engaged in the practice of his profession at Fremont.  He married Miss Iva Fitch and they have two sons, Robert and John.  In religious attachment John C. Smith and his wife have long been devout and active members of the United Brethren Church, of which he is one of the directors.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 476


JONAS SMITH.     Among the earliest settlers of the central part of Ballville Township was Jonas Smith.  He was born in Seneca County, New York, Nov. 27, 1807, a son of Mr. Stelphen Smith.  He married Feb. 19, 1829, Miss Mary Gilmore, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Bailey) Gilmore in Pennsylvania.
     On the 6th day of June, 1833, he came to Lower Sandusky, on his way to Fort Seneca, to locate a home for himself and family.  On the 22nd of June he entered a tract of government land, since known as the Slope place.  On this he built a log cabin and moved into it on the 9th of July.  Here the family lived and shared the usual hardships of pioneer life for fifteen years.  In the fall of 1847 they moved upon the southeast quarter of Section 10, Ballville Township, where they established a permanent home.  Among their first neighbors were the families of John Dawson, Peter Strohl, and Henry Robinson  A plank road passed their home a few years later.
     Mr. Jonas Smith was a public spirited citizen.  He helped build the first Duesler schoolhouse.  There were only five householders in the district when they met to elect directors, and the majority of them got office.
     The first religious services held in the townships were conducted by a Methodist minister, Rev. Pietzel Mr. Smith became a member of his little pioneer society, and served several years as class leader.  Meetings were held in private houses, schoolhouses, and in the summer time in the woods in the shade of forest trees.
     A new Lutheran minister, named Livingood, had his home with the family of Mr. Smith, held meetings, and formed a society which prospered for a few year, but disbanded after he went away.
     Jonas Smith was a county commissioner when they built the first court house at Lower Sandusky, and he helped select the site.  Mr. Smith had previously been elected justice of the peace of Ballville Township in 1835, and held the office  nineteen years.  He served as commissioner six years and as sheriff four years.
     While justice of the peace he performed marriage services for about one hundred pioneer couples.  As most of the settlers were poor, his business consisted chiefly in the settlement of disputes and the collection of debts.  The Yankee clock and fanning mill peddlers gave him lots of business.  The sold their wares on time and took notes of the farmers.  When pay day came and there was a default in payment the peddlers would sue, take judgment, and the farmer would of course take as long a stay of execution as they could, and sometimes when the articles would be re-taken and offered for sale there were no bidders.
     When Mr. Smith first began to serve as justice, it was lawful to put a man to prison for non-payment of a debt.  He issued some executions which read, "If no property is found, take the body of defendant."  But the defendant usually planned some compromise to keep; out of jail.  During the first ten or twelve years there were no jury trials held before a justice of the peace.  He thinks people were more honest in pioneer days than later.  He never had a collection of a forged note.
     While sheriff he took about twenty persons to the penitentiary, usually in lots of three or four at a time.  Among these was a man named Rose, who killed a man (in Washington Township).  Another time he took down some thieves and counterfeiters.  He never had serious trouble with them.  One culprit was the man who robbed the jewelry store of L. Leppelman, which some of you remember.  He with an accomplice, had unlocked the store and had carried the show-case from the counter, bodily, up towards the court house, where they took what they wanted.  They were speedily apprehended, tried, convicted, sentenced and landed in the pen.
     During the first years of his pioneer life, Mr. Smith said he never rode a horse to mill, for the reason that he hadn't any.  He drove oxen.  He sometimes went to mill at Venice, taking two or three days to make the trip.  The roads were so bad at times that he had to let his oxen stop to rest every ten rods.
     The dense forests shaded the ground so that water did not run off or evaporate, and there were miry swales where the water stood all the year round, where now, since the country is ditched and undrained, there is solid ground, and one would not suppose a swale ever existed.  Sometimes the water of a swale was dammed back by a large log two or three feet thick, the removal of which would almost drain the swale.  Mr. Smith sometimes cut down trees in the woods in a line with the path on which the children went to school so that they could walk the logs and keep out of water.
     A stranger once came near Lower Sandusky, and seeing some men digging a ditch, asked them how far it was down to town.  They said about four feet.
     Mr. Smith remembered the building of Stems' and Hedges' mills, near Green Spring, and he sometimes patronized the Parmeter mill two miles north of the Springs.
     He was here when there was but one brick house in Lower Sandusky.  That was the old Beaugrand house, where later Jacob Strohl had a "tinker shop," for the repair of guns; and stood near where the Wheeling & Lake Erie depot now stands. 
     Mr. and Mrs. Smith celebrated their golden wedding, Feb. 19, 1879, and during this period of their married life, 52 years, death had never visited their family.  Their children all became heads of families.

Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - From Page 108 in Chapter VII


SAMUEL SMITH, a well known citizen and general farmer in York Township, where
he owns sixty acres of valuable land, lying on the Gardner Street Road, about one mile west of Bellevue, Ohio, was born at Bellevue, Nov. 24. 1859, and is a son of David and Julia (Knauss) Smith.

     DAVID SMITH and wife were both born in Pennsylvania. The former came to Ohio in boyhood, accompanying his father, John Smith, who settled on a farm in York Township.  Julia Knauss was in her girlhood when her parents came to Sandusky County.  After David Smith married he moved with his wife to Bellevue and later to the old Smith farm on the Maumee Turnpike Road, where his death occurred in 1899.  In earlier years he had worked as a carpenter, but later gave his attention to farming and to acquiring property, at the time of his death owning four farms, one in Huron County and three in York Township.  One of the latter he gave to his son, Samuel, by will.  The widow of David Smith still survives and bears well her weight of eighty-four years.  To David Smith and wife were born five children, namely: George, who is engaged in the lumber business at Bellevue; Charles, who is a carpenter residing at Coldwater, Michigan; Samuel, subject of this sketch; Sarah, who is the wife of David Barnhart, of Bellevue; and Lizzie, who is the wife of Jerry Barnhart and resides on the old homestead on the Maumee Turnpike Road.
     Samuel Smith was fourteen years old when his parents settled on the farm and he completed his education in the country, having previously attended school in Bellevue.  His business has been farming; for a number of years he gave his father assistance and in 1907 came to his present place, known as the old Gardner farm.  It is well improved, the fine brick residence being particularly attractive.  Mr. Smith married Miss Jennie Heal.  He has never been active in politics, preferring the quiet life of an agriculturist, and finds his best pleasure in his home and in the developing and improving of his heritage.  He is a member of the Royal Arcanum.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 793


SAMUEL D. SMITH, one of Sandusky County's representative men and substantial farmers, owns 256 acres of fine land which is divided into three separate farms, the one on which he lives being located on the South Ridge road, six miles northeast of Clyde, Ohio.  He was born in York Township on a farm one mile south of his present home, Mar. 3, 1850, and is a son of Frederick and Mary A. (Box) Smith.
     Mr. Smith comes of German ancestry, his grandparents, George Frederick and Dorothea (Maumann) Smith, coming from Germany to America in 1816.  In 1836 the family, then a large one, left Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, for Ohio and on reaching Sandusky County settled in York Township and there spent the remaining years of their lives.  They were among the pioneers and hence were forced to face many hardships now unknown to their descendants.
     Frederick Smith, father of Samuel D., was born in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Dec. 10, 1818.  He was the third of his parent's children and was then eighteen years of age and being the eldest son, was his father's chief helper.  He possessed the same sturdy qualities as his parents, thrift, prudence and industry, and by the time he reached full manhood, had acquired a competence.  He purchased a farm adjoining the old homestead and to his first purchase added other tracts and at one time owned 640 acres.  He was a man of progressive ideas and as he acquired land he improved it and in 1866 erected the fine brick residence which continued to be his home until his death, on Apr. 1, 1879.  In politics he was a Democrat and took interest in the success of his party.  For many years he was a pillar in the Reformed Church.  Frederick Smith married Mary A. Box, who was born in what is now Carbon County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 13, 1816, a daughter of Nicholas and Eve Margaret (Mehrcome) Box.  Her father served in the War of 1812 and returned to Pennsylvania with the intention of bringing his family back to the rich lands of Sandusky County, over which he had traveled, but years passed before he was prepared to make the journey and on its eve he died, Dec. 2, 1835.  Following out his instructions, his widow completed the arrangements and brought her children to Ohio, settling in Washington Township, Sandusky County, in 1836, where she died in 1857.  To Frederick and Mary A. Smith were born seven children, namely: William F., who is deceased; Amelia, who is the widow of George F. Wilt, of Toledo; Samuel D.; Henry F., who resides at Bellevue; Margaret E., who is the wife of Charles Edward Darling, of Toledo; Sarah C., who is the wife of Charles Emery, of Toledo; and Dora E., now deceased, who was the wife of W. O. Bailey.  The mother of the above mentioned family survived her husband for many years, dying at Toledo, where some of her children have comfortable homes, in August, 1908, when aged eighty-two years.
     Samuel D. Smith has devoted himself to agricultural pursuits. In early manhood he taught four terms—one term in Ballville Township, one in Riley Township and two in York Township.  Mar. 26, 1874, he went to Placer County, California, and taught one term.  July 3, 1875, he returned to York Township and taught three terms after his return.  He has a good working knowledge of carpentering and blacksmithing, inheriting the handy use of tools from his father, and this skill often proves useful to him in the operation and management of his large estate.  He has never married.  In politics he is a Democrat, but has never sought office.  He served some twelve or fifteen years on the board of education.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 810


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 599


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 476


WILLIAM J. SMITH, a representative citizen of Rice Township and one of its board of trustees, whose excellent farm is situated in Section 3. was born in Rice Township, Sandusky County, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1862, and is a son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Kiser) Smith.  The venerable parents of Mr. Smith are among the most highly esteemed residents of Sandusky Township.
     Frederick Smith was born in Germany and was small when he was brought to America by his parents, his father, John Smith, being one of the earliest settlers in Rice Township, where he lived until his death.  Frederick Smith remained in Rice Township until after his marriage, moving in the seventies to Sandusky Township.  He has always been a useful citizen and in both townships has served in the office of treasurer.  The surviving children of Frederick Smith and wife are the following: Frederick, Jr., residing in Los Angeles. California; William J., residing in Rice Township; Edward F., living at Erie, Pennsylvania: Carrie, wife of Louis Nickel, of Rice Township; Elizabeth, residing in Sandusky Township; Clara, wife of E. H. Ganz, a county commissioner of Sandusky County, from Riley Township; and Amelia, living in Sandusky Township.  In politics Frederick Smith is a stanch Democrat.
     William J. Smith was reared in Sandusky Township.  He attended the public schools at Fremont and later took a commercial course at Milan, Ohio, after which he settled on his grandfather's old farm in Rice Township, where he has carried on farming and stockraising ever since and is recognized as one of the capable agriculturists of this section.  Mr. Smith was married Feb. 12, 1895, to Miss Maude Kinman, who was born in White Pigeon, Michigan.  Her father died there, but her mother survives and resides at Otsego, in that state.  To Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been born five children, namely: Mildred L., Verna A., Harold F., Ralph W. and Helen Hannah Elizabeth.  As his children have reached school age, Mr. Smith has given them good educational opportunities which will enable them to acceptably fill any position in life.  In politics he is a Democrat, and in November, 1907, he was elected township trustee and is now serving in that capacity.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 546

Mr. & Mrs John Sommers

George E. Sommers


Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909
Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page 840

FRANK W. SWEDERSKY, ex-sheriff of Sandusky County, Ohio, who served two terms in that important office, to the satisfaction of his fellow citizens, was born in Cuyahoga County, Mar. 23, 1858, a son of. Frank Joseph and Mary E. (Myers) Swedersky.
     Frank Joseph Swedersky was born in Meince, Germany and came from his native land to America in 1846, settling first at Cleveland.  There he followed the stonemason's trade until the fall of 1860, when he came to Sandusky County and settled on a farm in Riley Township, where he died in 1898.  His children were four in number.
     Frank W. Swedersky was eight years old when his parents came to Sandusky County, and he completed his school attendance in Riley Township.  He then engaged in farming and also became interested in township affairs, through this interest becoming well and favorably known alt through the county and a leading factor in the ranks of the Democratic party.  On Jan. 4, 1904, he was first elected sheriff of Sandusky County and his excellent administration of the office brought about his re-election in 1906.  He retired with the well earned reputation of an able and conscientious public official. 
     Mr. Swedersky was married to Miss Amelia L. Martin, a daughter of Jacob Martin, and they have three children, Estella, Minnie and Lester.  The family belong to the Grace Lutheran Church.  Mr. Swedersky is a member of the order of Odd Fellows.
Source: History of Sandusky - Publ. 1909 Source:  Twentieth Century History of Sandusky County, Ohio & Representative Citizens - Publ. Richmond - Arnold Publishing Co. - Chicago - 1909 - Page





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