JACKSON was born in Bloom township, near Bloom
Furnace, Scioto county, Ohio, in 1836. His father, Evan
Jackson, came from Fayette county, Pennsylvania, to Ohio, in
1815. After living in Adams county about four years, he
removed to Scioto Furnace and then to Bloom Furnace. His
mother's maiden name was Rebecca Whuey, a native of Kentucky.
Her parents both died in Louisville, Kentucky. Our subject
received a common school education and when nine years of age,
removed to Kentucky and remained there until he enlisted in the 14th
Kentucky Infantry, Company E, Oct. 15, 1861. He was
discharged Jan. 31, 1865. After his return from the army, he
came to Scioto county and has been a farmer in Madison township
since. He was elected a Justice of the Peace in Madison
township in 1898 and was re-elected and is now serving on his second
term. He was a whig until 1854 and then became a republican.
On Oct. 29, 1859 he was married to Josephine Smith, daughter
of David and Rebecca Smith, natives of Virginia and Kentucky.
They have six children: Emily, the wife of Andrew
McWilliams of Rush township; Caroline, late wife of
William Allen; Charlotte, wife of Monroe Lambert
of Lawrence county; Ella, deceased, wife of P. K. Martin;
John of Jackson county; and Albert at home.
Source: History of Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ. 1903 - Page 1012 |