OAKES. Joshua Oakes
was born at Haverhill, Scioto County, Ohio, Jan. 11, 1826. His
father, Ephraim Oakes, was born at Long Island, Feb. 1, 1796,
and came to Ohio when about twenty-one years of age, being one of
the early settlers, suffering the hardships incident to pioneer
life, and in the course of time amassed a considerable fortune.
He lived to see a large family of children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren bear his name, dying at the ripe age of
ninety-two. Joshua Oakes, his eldest son, soon after
attaining his majority, went to Illinois, where he operated a saw
mill for three years. Returning to Ohio, he purchased the
ferry at Haverhill, running it for seven years, when in 1857 he
bought a farm of two hundred acres in Green Township, on a portion
of which he now resides. On this land, in 1877, he erected the
tile factory which has since grown to extensive proportions, and is
one of the thriving enterprises of the county.
Jan. 10, 1850, he was married to Temperance,
daughter of Jesse Marshall and Mary Gervais Serot Marshall,
who was born June 21, 1791, at the French Settlement at Gallipolis,
and who has always been claimed by her relatives and descendants to
have been the first white child born in that settlement. Her
parents, Marie Avaligne and Peter Serot, were married
in Christ church, Alexandria, Va., just after landing in America.
In token of her being the first white child born, she was given two
town lots and a half dozen solid silver teaspoons and table spoons,
each inscribed with her baptismal name, "Mary Gervais," by
the members of the French colony.
Joshua Oaks and Temperance M. Oakes were
the parents of eight children, all of whom are living: Mary C.,
the wife of Charles W. Austin, residing in Lawrence County,
Ohio; A. Davis, Oscar F. and Frank E., residing on the
home farm; Ella T., the wife of Samuel Matheson,
residing at Charleston, West Virginia; Elona O., the wife of
Filmore Musser, and A. Elmore, residing at Portsmouth,
Ohio; and C. Henry residing at Yazoo city, Mississippi.
The mother passed to her reward, at the age of seventy-two years, on
Mar. 10, 1901, after having celebrated with her husband, the
fifty-first anniversary of their marriage. Joshua Oakes
is still vigorous in mind and body, is a practical farmer, a
prosperous manufacturer, a good citizen and a kind parent.
Source: History of Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ.
1903 - Page 797 |