BENNETT NICHOLS was born at Port Isaac,
Cornwall county, England, in February, 1822. His father' name
was Thomas Nichols, and his mother's maiden name was Mary
Ivey. His father was a merchant. There were six
children in the family: William, Thomas, John B., Samuel,
Elijah, James, all sons, and all have lived in Portsmouth.
Thomas Nichols the father brought his family to the United
States in 1832 and located in Honesdale, Pa., where he tried
farming. Our subject came to Portsmouth in 1844, before his
father. He went into the furniture business as a maker of
furniture. Riggs & Wilcox furnished the lumber and
helped him. He learned to make furniture in Honesdale.
He was in the business of making furniture forty yeas.
Wm. E. Williams went in with him soon after he opened out in
Portsmouth. Mr. Williams made chairs, and Mr.
Nichols made furniture. He began undertaking at the same
time; but all coffins were made by hand and were never made until
some one was dead and needed one. They were made chiefly of
walnut boards. Ready made coffins and caskets were not used
until about 1856. Our subject was in the undertaking business
until he sold out to the Fullers, but afterwards continued
the furniture business.
In 1871, he was selected Cemetery Trustee for a period
of three years. Jan. 31 1871, the Presbyterian church
presented Mr. Nichols with a silver service and a family
Bible in Consequence of his having been chorister for twenty-eight
yeas previous. The Bible cost $22, and the silver service
$500. Mr. Nichols was a leader of the choir of the
First Presbyterian church for forty years.
He was married Feb. 13, 1851 to Maria Merrill,
only daughter of John Merrill. The following are the
children: Charles M., engaged in the lithograph business in
Columbus; John Belden, a farmer in Scioto county, Ohio,
married Charlie Davis who is deceased, and left one child,
Charlie; Louis Moore is business with his brother,
Charles M., at Columbus. Mr. Nichols retired from
business about 1898, and since then has lived a life of retirement
and leisure.
Source: History of Scioto Co., Ohio - Publ.
1903 - Page 1087 |