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Seneca County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Seneca County, Ohio
containing a History of the County, It's Townships, Towns,
Villages, Schools, Churches, Industries, etc.;
Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men;
Biographies; History of the Northwest Territory;
History of Ohio; Statistical and Miscellaneous Matter, Etc., Etc.
- Illustrated -
Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co.



  Pleasant Twp. -
FRANCIS ABBOTT, farmer, P. O. Old Fort, is a native of Oneida Co., N. Y., born in 1816, son of Moses and Sarah P. (Snow) Abbott (both deceased,) natives of Massachusetts, of English descent, and who moved first to New York State and thence to Ohio, in 1818, settling in Huron County; four years later they came to Clinton Township, this county, purchased land at the Government sales and cleared and improved same; they reared a family of six children: Theodocia, Lorenzo, Jonathan, Eliza, Henry and Francis.  Our subject was married in Clinton Township, this county, to Miss Lydia M.  Ingraham, a native of that township, daughter of Agreen and Lydia Ingraham (both now deceased), early settlers in this county, and who had a family of six children of whom only two now survive.  Mr. and Mrs. Abbott are the parents of six children, four living: Abraham L., Aurenia M., Francis E., and Ida A.; Florence A. and Emma E. are deceased.  Mr. Abbott began at the bottom round of the ladder of wealth, having but small means.  He has improved many broad acres of land, and by industry and economy has accumulated, and now owns nearly 600 acres of the best lands the State affords.  He was an old time Whig; is now a stanch Republican.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  REV. RUDOLPH ABBREDERIS, Catholic priest, New Riegel, was born in the old country, Sept. 18, 1850.  His parents, John G. and Mary A. (Matt) Abbrederis,were natives of Germany, where they were married and remained until death.  They were the parents of five children, of whom our subject is the youngest.  After acquiring a classical education in Feldkirch our subject immigrated to Mercer County, Ohio, in Jan. 1870, and there pursued a theological course in college at Carthagena.  After his ordination, Aug. 15, 1873, he took charge of a congregation in Mercer County, and then was transferred to Pulaski County, Ind., thence to Putnam County, Ohio, and finally, in October, 1883, to New Riegel, this county, where he is pastor of St. Peter's Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 716  
  Clinton Twp. & Tiffin City -
PERRY M. ADAMS, attorney at law, Tiffin, and prosecuting attorney for Seneca County, was born in Wood County, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1850, and is the eldest son and second child (of a family of three sons and five daughters), of Harvey and Susannah A. (Phelps) Adams, and is of lineal descent, on his father's side, from an old New England family.  His great-great grandfather, Alexander Adams, was of Revolutionary times and a native of New Jersey.  His great-grandfather, David Adams, settled in Beaver (now Lawrence) County,  Ohio, with his family, when Harvey was twelve years of age, and raised a family of seven sons and seven daughters, who (with the exception of three members) reared large families in Wood County.  Mrs. Susannah A. (Phelps) Adams, a native of Pennsylvania, was a daughter of Ralph D. Phelps, a farmer of Wood County, Ohio, and a native of Connecticut, and Nancy (Parson) Phelps, a native of Kentucky.  The subject of our sketch received a good education in the public schools of his native county and engaged in teaching, in which profession he excelled.  He, however, applied himself to further his literary accomplishments, and, being self-dependent, taught while he read law.  He attended literary and scientific courses at Fostoria, Ohio, and afterward at Republic, same State.  Feeling an "itching palm" for the knowledge of law, he eventually came to Tiffin, this county, and entered the office of the Hon. W. P. Noble (his present partner), Mar. 18, 1874, and on Apr. 13, 1876, was admitted to the bar of Ohio.  He immediately accepted a partnership with his worthy preceptor, which has continued without interruption since.  In April, 1879, he was chosen solicitor for the city, and re-elected in 1881, resigning, however, in March, 1882, to accept his present incumbency to which he had been elected the preceding October, and to which he was honorably re-elected in October, 1884.  Mr. Adams married, in Washington, D. C., April 26, 1881, Miss Annie E. Kiskadden, of that city, a lady of excellent literary and musical attainments, and a graduate of Mrs. Willard's College, New York.  She is the only daughter of William and Mary E. (Campbell) Kiskadden, the former a native of Ohio, and prominent contractor, now of Denver, Col.; the latter a daughter of Alexander Campbell, a pioneer of Seneca County.  Mr. and Mrs. Adams have two children: Eugenia K. and Harey M.  Mr. Adams has taken a prominent place in his profession here for so young a man, and bids fair to be heard from in the councils of the nation in the near future.  He is of fine physique, of tall and commanding presence, and eminently fitted, as becomes his character, to dictate rather than accept.  He is a worthy member of the Masonic fraternity.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Loudon Twp. & Fostoria City -
THOMAS D. ADAMS, merchant, Fostoria, was born in Washington Township, Hancock Co., Ohio, Feb. 27, 1848, son of Jonathan and Margery (Dillon) Adams, the former a native of Jefferson County, Ohio, and the latter of Virginia.  Jonathan Adams was a pioneer of Washington Township, Hancock County, first entering and clearing a tract of eighty acres of land, and he afterward purchased the farm he now occupies, most of whih he also improved.  He had a family of five children, of whom two survive:  Emma (Mrs. W. W. Earnest) and Thomas D.  Our subject was reared and educated in his native county and lived on the home farm until 1874.  In 1875 he located in Fostoria and embarked in dry goods business in partnership with Alpheus Weaver, which existed up to March, 1885, when the firm dissolved and Mr. Adams  entered the boot and shoe trade, having one of the finest stores in Northern Ohio, where he carries a stock of goods unequaled in the State.  Mr. Adams was married, Nov. 9, 1878, to Minnie, daughter of Andrew Bucher, of Fostoria, and by her he has one child - Verda L.  Mrs. Adams  is a member of the Presbyterian Church.  Mr. Adams is a stockholder in the First National Bank of Fostoria, and was elected one of its directors in January, 1884.  Politically he is a Democrat.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 - Page 887
  Clinton Twp. -
MART. L. ALBRECHT. dealer in groceries and provisions, Tiffin, was born in Tiffin, this county, August 2, 1850.  His parents, Philip and Minnie (Kreeger) Albrecht, were natives of Baden, the former born in Eppingen, and the latter in Sultzfeldt: they were married here in 1849.  Philip Albrecht came to this country in 1832, and learned the trade of mason and builder from his father, Andrew Albrecht. who had three sons and one daughter, all of whom reared families here.  Philip Albrecht reared two sons and two daughters.  Mart. L. Albrecht learned the trade of his father, and was actively connected with it here for several years. In 1879 he embarked in his present business and is one of the successful young men of the city. He is an active member of the Turner's Society, K. of P. and Bruderbund.  He has given considerable attention to his musical training, and has been a member of Boos' Band and Orchestra since 1875. He is an excellent gentleman, of fine physique and noble bearing.  He has lived in this city all his life, and his reputation is second to none.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 753
  Scipio Township -
JOHN ALBRIGHT, farmer, P. O. Republic, was born in Lancaster County, Penn., Oct. 20, 1835, and the following spring hsi parents removed to Seneca County, Ohio, locating in Adams Twp., where our subject grew to maturity and received the best benefits of a common school education.  Charles Albright, father of our subject, a carpenter by trade, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1810, and Mollly (Smith) Albright, our subject's mother, was born in 1808, died in 1877; they were parents of four children: John, Jacob, David (deceased and Isaac.  John Albright removed to his present farm in 1862, and in 1875 erected his fine residence.  He is a self made man; considered one of the substantial as well as practical farmers of Scipio Township.  He has always dealt more or less extensively in stock; is also a prominent apiarist.  He has served the people of his township as trustee, and is an active member of the Democratic party.  He is a F. & A. M.  Our subject married, Dec. 1, 1863, Miss Mary Huddle, born in Lykens Twp., Crawforde Co., Ohio, July 22, 1836, daughter of Benjamin and Annie (Seitz) Huddle, the former of Shenandoah County, Va., and the latter, of Fairfield Co., Ohio; were parents of ten sons and eight daughters:  Rebecca, Noah (deceased), Lydia, Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel (deceased), Lewis, Abraham (deceased), Rachael (deceased), Mary, Ann, Catharine, John, Peter, Elizabeth, an infant (deceased), Jacob and Lovina (latter deceased)Fourteen of these children grew to maturity and married.  The union of our subject and wife ahs been blessed with four children: Freeman, Orsina (deceased), Upton and Orren.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Clinton Twp. -
LOUIS ANGENE. harness manufacturer and proprietor of livery stable, Tiffin, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1847. His parents, Adam and Barbara (Shearer) Angene, also natives of Bavaria, came to America in 1847 and settled in Crawford County, Ohio, where the former carried on farming (his original business was flour-milling), and where they reared four sons and seven daughters.  The subject of our sketch carried on farming in Crawford County, and did considerable in the way of auctioneering.  In 1875 he came to Tiffin, and has been an important factor in the development of many industrial enterprises; first in buggy and carriage trade; next in harness manufacturing, and, latterly, in the lively and feed business, all of which he still carries on.  He has in the meantime also done an important part in crying sales in the county, and his ability in this direction has gained for him the sobriquet of "the affable auctioneer of Tiffin.  Mr. Angene was married in Crawford County, Ohio, in 1874, to Barbara E., daughter of John Feighner, Esq., a pioneer there from Pennsylvania, and by this union there is one daughter, Anna Laura.  In November, 1877, Mrs. Angene passed away from this life in full communion with the First Presbyterian Church, and is laid to rest in Maple Grove Cemetery.  Mr. Angene is an able business man and a worthy citizen, and, although holding aloof from public office, has served efficiently in his party (Democratic ) as an active worker.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 753
  NICHOLAS AREND, farmer, P. O. Berwick, was born in Belgium, Nov. 6, 1814.  His parents, Nicholas and Mary A. Arend, were also natives of Belgium, where they married and lived and died.  Our subject married, May 4, 1857.  Anna Pethe, who was born in Belgium in Nov., 1832, daughter of Andrew and Margaret Pethe, of same nativity and who remained in their native land until death.  Our subject and wife immigrated to America, coming direct to Big Spring Township, this county, in 1857, where they have remained ever since.  They are the parents of eight children, seven now living: Nicholas, John, Anna (wife of Peter M. Reinhart), Dominic, Peter, Mary and Andrew; Nicholas is deceased.  Our subject now owns eighty acres of fine land, whereon he and his family reside.  They are all faithful members of the Catholic Church at St. Nicholas.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page


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