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Seneca County, Ohio
History & Genealogy


History of Seneca County, Ohio
containing a History of the County, It's Townships, Towns,
Villages, Schools, Churches, Industries, etc.;
Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men;
Biographies; History of the Northwest Territory;
History of Ohio; Statistical and Miscellaneous Matter, Etc., Etc.
- Illustrated -
Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co.



  Clinton Twp. -
DR. JOHN FRANKLIN WAGNER, dentist, Tiffin, was born in Liberty Township, this county, Aug. 1, 1857.  His father, Edmund Carpenter Wagner, was a native of Franklin County, Penn., and settled in Liberty Township in 1843.  His mother, Catherine Berkey, was born in this county.  They were married Apr. 18, 1850, and resided in Liberty Township, where they reared a family of eight sons and one daughter: Levi J., Byron A., Edmund Berkey (deceased), John F., George W., W. Scott, Rose B., William B., and Elmer E., all except John F. and W. Scott residing in Arkansas City, Kas.  W. Scott resides in this county.  The subject of our sketch completed a good common school education, and at twenty-one entered the Cincinnati Dental College, and after two years passed a very creditable examination before the Ohio State Board of Dentistry.  He then located here, and has been very favorably connected with his professional work here since.  He is a member of the K. of P., and P. O. of A. Societies.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Seneca Twp. -
THEOBALD WAGNER (deceased) was born in Germany, Mar. 19, 1821.  His parents, Theobald and Catharine Wagner, immigrated to America, coming direct to Seneca County, Ohio, about 1833, and here remained until the death of Theobald Wagner, Sr., which occurred in 1847; his widow survives him.  The subject of this sketch was united in marriage, Dec. 3, 1848, with Margaret Diehl, born in Germany, Dec. 20, 1829, a daughter of Abraham and Catharine Diehl, also natives of Germany, and who immigrated to Hancock County, Ohio, about 1833, where they remained until death, the former dying in 1871, the latter in 1878.  To Mr. and Mrs. Wagner were born nine children, of whom six are now living: Alpheus, Josephine, George F., John A., Charles T. and Franklin D.  The deceased are Mary, Catharine, and an infant.  Our subject and wife, after they were married, first settled in Hancock County, Ohio, and there remained until 1860, when they came to Seneca Township, this county, and here resided until his death which occurred July 17, 1884.  At the time of his death he owned 193 acres of good land where his widow and family now reside.  He was a consistent member of the Reformed Church, to which his widow also belongs.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page

Adams Twp -
JOHN WALES, 2d, farmer, P. O. Clyde, Sandusky Co., was born in Thompson Twp.., this county, Mar. 7, 1835, son of Jacob and Catharine (Raus) Wales, natives of Pennsylvania, of Welsh and German descent.  On coming to Ohio they settled first in Wayne Co., and in 1828 came to this county, where they both died.  Their family consisted of five children, three of whom are now living:  Elizabeth, in Wood Co., Ohio; Jemima Ann D., in Huron Co., Ohio, and John.  The subject of this sketch resided on his father’s farm until he was eighteen years of age and then removed to McHenry Co., Ill., and entered the employ of his uncle in an extensive merchandising business.  He remained about six years during which time he manifested more than ordinary business tact and ability.  In 1858 he returned to his native county, where he purchased land and a saw-mill, which he operated for about four years.  He then disposed of these interests and purchased a farm in Section 14, Adams Twp., this county, which he has improved and upon which he now resides.  He now has 190 acres in all.  He was married, Mar. 29, 1860, to Miss Sarah J. Guisbert, a native of Adams Twp., born in July, 1835, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Whiteman) Guisbert, both of whom are now deceased; they were natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania, respectively, and of German descent.  They were among the first settlers in this county and were the parents of a large family of children, of whom six survive:  Andrew, Elizabeth, Daniel, John E., Sarah J., and Lilly.  Mr. and Mrs. Wales 2d are the parents of seven children: Marcellus W., Libbie C., Leno L. and Lena L., John E., Roscoe A. and Waldo V.  (the two latter are twins).  John Wales 2d is a prominent and ardent advocate of the principles of the Republican aprty.  He has tilled several of the township offices.  He served under the 100 days’ call in the late war in Company K, One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.  He is a liberal contributor to all benevolent enterprises, a man of good moral principles, although not particularly indentified with any denomination or sect.  He is a prominent and worthy member of the order of F. & A. M.  His wife is a member of the United Brethren Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.
- Page 712

  Eden Twp. -
JOSEPH WALTER, P. O. Tiffin, a well to do farmer of Eden Township, was born Sept. 4, 1832, in Northumerland County, Penn., only child of David and Nancy (Huntsicker) Walter, who came to Ohio in the fall of 1851, purchasing a farm and settling in Richland County.  David Walter died in Mansfield, Ohio, in 1864; his widow now makes her home with her son.  Our Mansfield, Ohio, in 1864; his widow now makes her home with her son.  Our subject received his education in his native State.  He was a farmer in his earlier days, but later entered the drug business at Mansfield, in which he continued for ten years.  He was married, in 1855, to Susan, daughter of Joel Keller, of Pennsylvania, and who came to Ohio in an early day, settling near Mansfield.  Of their children, eight in number, four are now living: Anna E., David K.; Amos J., married to Sophia Kerschner (have one child, Grace), and Albert C.  Mr. Walter came to this county in the spring of 1880, and purchased of Samuel J. Seed, the farm of 157 acres, with fine improvements, located on the Mohawk road, where he now resides.  HE is proprietor of the hack lines of Tiffin.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 853
  Clinton Twp. -
AURELIUS C. WARNER, druggist, Tiffin, was born at Congress, Wayne Co., Ohio, Feb. 28, 1860, and comes of honorable pioneer stock there.  His father, Dr. C. J. Warner, stands among the most prominent men of the medical profession of that locality as well as of the State, being present member of the board of censors of the medical department of the University of Wooster, at Cleveland, Ohio; his mother was Mary Ellen (Pancoast) Warner, and both were of Pennsylvanian ancestry.  Aurelius C. Warner, the eldest in a family of two sons, was reared to medical studies, and completed a regular pharmaceutical study at the College of Pharmacy in Cincinnati, Ohio.  In 1883 he came to Tiffin, and, in company with Mr. Winkler, purchased his present extensive drug business, which he has successfully conducted since.  He is an active and progressive business man and citizen, a clever gentleman, and altogether eminently fitted to fill no small position in the growth of the lively, commercial interests of Tiffin.  He is a member of the K. of P.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 839
  Bloom Twp. -
ENOCH B. WATSON, farmer, P. O. Carrothers, was born Sept. 24, 1843, in Bloom Township, this county.  He grew up on his father's farm in Bloom Township and attended the schools of the home district.  During the late war of the Rebellion he enlisted, September, 1861, in the Fifty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry; served in the Army of the Potomac, participating in the historic battles of Virginia until his regiments was transferred to the Army of the Cumberland, in 1863.  He was severely wounded in the head by a piece of shell at the second battle of Bull Run, and in the right hand at Resaca, Ga.  (The last wound resulted in his losing his fore finger.)  He re-enlisted in his regiment, in 1864, and served until the close of the war.  He left an honorable record as a brave and faithful soldier.  He was married, Mar. 13, 1866, to Miss Marilda A. Dellinger, a native of Lykens Township, Crawford Co., Ohio, and to this union was born a daughter, Estella E.  Mr. Watson is a Republican in politics, taking a deep interest in public affairs.  He resided some years in Bloomville and held the position of constable two years during that time.  He has been a member of the school board of Bloom Township for several years.  Mr. and Mrs. Watson are members of the Protestant Methodist Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Big Spring Twp. -
AUGUST WEINANDY, Adrian, one of the enterprising young teachers of Seneca County, was born in Big Spring Township, this county, Sept. 30, 1861, son of Michael and Philomena Weinandy, former of whom, born in Holland, Sept. 14, 1828, immigrated to America in 1857; latter born in Belgium, Sept. 16, 1839, came to America in 1840.  This couple were united in marriage Aug. 30, 1859, in Seneca County, Ohio, and settled in Big Spring Township, where they have ever since remained.  They are the parents of four children: August, Frank J., John P. and Jacob.  Our subject was reared on a farm and acquired his education in the common school and at Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio; he also took a course in the commercial schools of Dayton, Ohio.  He is now teaching his first term in the schools of his native township and is meeting with splendid success.  He and the rest of the family are faithful members of the Catholic Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 729
  Seneca Twp. -
JOSEPH C. WEHRLE, P. O. Berwick, one of the industrious young farmers of Seneca County, Ohio, was born in Big Spring Township, this county, July 5, 1861; a son of George and Elizabeth (Long) Wehrle, former born in Riegel, Germany, Mar. 4, 1820, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth Wehrle, both natives of Germany; latter born in Bairon, Germany, June 6, 1827, daughter of David and Margaret Long, also natives of Germany, the former of whom was born in 1791, died in 1857, the latter born May 1, 1801, died Nov. 22, 1866.  George Wehrle, and Elizabeth Long were united in marriage in New Riegel, Seneca Co., Ohio, June 14, 1847, and were the parents of fourteen children, of whom seven are now living: Mary, wife of George Emerine, born Feb. 1, 1849; Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Feck, born Sept. 8, 1851; Agatha, wife of William Beilhartz, born Feb. 6, 1858; John J., born Apr. 6, 1859; Joseph C.; Frank E., born Nov. 9, 1863, and George E., born Mar. 3, 1870.  Our subject was reared on a farm and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life.  He has been a resident of Seneca Township for five years.  He is a member of the Catholic Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Adams Twp. -
JOSEPH WEIKER, farmer, P. O. Green Spring, was born in Union County, Penn., in 1807, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Deal) Weiker, who came to this county in 1834, where they both died several years later.  Our subject also came to this county about six years after.  He was married in his native county to Nancy Hawkin, a native of Virginia, daughter of George and Hannay (Long) Hawkin.  To Mr. and Mrs. Weiker have been born eleven children: John, Sarah, Jacob, David, Isaac, Emanuel, Levi, George, Jonas, Hannah and Valentine.  All the boys vote the Democratic ticket, which is a source of great satisfaction to their father.  His sons-in-law also vote the same ticket.  Mr. Weiker has more than forty grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.  On coming into this county he purchased land of Asa Crockett, one of the first pioneers of this county, long since gone to his final resting place.  Mr. Weiker suffered many of the hardships of the early days in this county, and has cleared and improved many acres with his own hands.  He has now 140 acres of land, after having divided liberally with his sons and daughters, also assisting them in many ways.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 713
  Seneca Twp. -
ADAM WEIKERT, farmer, P.  O. Berwick, is a native of Seneca Township, this county, born Apr. 3, 1836, son of Peter and Susan Weikert, natives of Ohio; they were married in Wyandot County, that State, subsequently, in 1876, locating hear Tiffin, Ohio, where they reside at present.  Our subject was united in marriage, Dec. 1, 1870, with Sarah A. Dice, born in Stark County, Ohio, July 16, 1843, where her parents Jacob and Maria Dice, natives of Pennsylvania, were united in marriage, and where they first settled; they afterward moved to this county, where Mrs. Dice died Mar. 16, 1879; her husband survives her.  To Mr. and Mrs. Weikert has been born one child, Charles O.  Our subject was reared on a farm and has followed agricultural pursuits the greater portion of his life; he owns eight acres of land, on which there is a beautiful residence where he and his family reside.  Mr. Weikert, during his younger days, engaged in teaching school for a few years.  He has filled the offices of assessor and trustee of this township.  He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Seneca Twp. -
JOSEPH WEISENBERGER, farmer, P. O. New Riegel, was born in France, Mar. 17, 1826, son of Matthias and Josephine Weisenberger, who immigrated to Seneca Township, this county, in 1833, and here lived and died, the former in 1846, the latter in 1836.  Our subject was united in marriage, Aug. 16, 1848, with Elizabeth Young, also a native of France, and who came with her people to this county in 1846, where they lived the residue of their lives; Mrs. Weisenberger died July 12, 1878.  She was a member of the Catholic Church.  Mr. Weisenberger on second occasion, Nov. 28, 1882, was married to Mary Long, a native of this county, born Sept. 21, 1837, a daughter of John F. and Elizabeth Long, natives of Switzerland, who immigrated to this county, in a very early day, and have here remained ever since.  Our subject was the father of seven children, of whom four are now living: Margaret, wife of Frederick Hoffer; Joseph P.; Mary, wife of Joseph Plance; and Magdalene.  Mr. Weisenberger owns 242 acres of improved land where he resides.  He and his wife and family are faithful members of the Catholic Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Clinton Twp. -
HENRY J. WELLER, attorney at law, Tiffin, was born in Thompson Township, this county, Jan. 21, 1856.  His parents, John and Christina (Orner) Weller, were natives of Pennsylvania, the former of whom settled here in 1843, from Snyder County, Penn.; the latter is a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Orner, pioneers in this county.  The subject of our sketch (the eldest of a family of five sons and three daughters) obtained a good common school education in his native township, and developed such ability that at the age of fourteen he received a teacher's certificate.  He, however, completed a normal education at Republic, this county, and at seventeen engaged in teaching, continuing in very reputable connection with the profession for five successive terms.  In April, 1878, he commenced to read law in the office of Messrs. Noble & Adams, and June 2, 1880, was admitted to the bar of the State, at Columbus, being the first from the county to receive his license form the Supreme Court of Ohio under the new law.  He continued in the office of his worthy preceptors, till in March of the following year, he opened an office for himself, and may be found in professional dignity over the Commercial Bank.  Mr. Weller has always been an ardent aspirant for the highest honors in his different professions, and while attaining them in teaching he is (since leaving that profession) rapidly gaining the golden promises of his present calling.  June 10, 1885, Mr. Weller associated himself with Hon. John McCauley, ex-judge of the Ohio Supreme Court, and now composes the law firm of McCauley & Weller, with office over Commercial Bank, Tiffin, Ohio.  Our subject married, in Tiffin, Dec. 30, 1884, Miss Julia M. Paynter, a lady of estimable attainments, daughter of Martin  S. and Sarah L. (Koller) Paynter, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania respectively.  Mr. Weller has taken an active part in the development of the social and industrial life of his native county.  He has been a member of the Seneca County Agricultural Society for several years; has been its secretary for the past five years, and is its present treasurer; is now a member of the city council of Tiffin, having been elected from the Fourth Ward of said city (a Republican ward) by the Democrats, by a majority of thirty-eight votes.  He is a F. & A. M., and is Past Grand of the I. O. O. F.  He speaks German fluently, and is a popular man with the German element in this county.  A peculiar characteristic of Mr. Weller is that while busy in his different professional pursuits he has never missed an entry in his diary, which he has continued since his eighteenth year, and which contains not only the events of his locality but his personal monetary receipts and disbursements.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 839
  Big Spring Twp. -
J. WELLY, farmer, P. O. Alvada, was born in Seneca County, Ohio, Oct 30, 1846; son of Michael and Theresa (Rinehart) Welly, natives of Germany, who immigrated to Seneca County, Ohio, where they were untied in marriage, locating in Big Spring Twp. and there remained until their death, Michael Welly dying in August, 1860, his widow in 1862.  Our subject was married, Jan. 19, 1875, to Miss Helena Nye, born in1852, daughter of Frederick and Catharine Nye, also natives of Germany, who immigrated to this county and settled in Big Spring Township, where they resided till their death, Mr. Nye dying in August, 1868, and Mrs. Nye in June, 18843.  To Mr. and Mrs. Welly were born six children, five now living:  Frank S., Frederick J., Catharine, Daniel S. and Susan; Lovina is deceased.  Our subject was reared on a farm and has always followed agricultural pursuits.  He now owns 284 acres of land, nearly all of which is improved, and whereon he resides.  He and his family are members of the Catholic Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 730
  Clinton Twp. -
BERNARD WELTER, cigar manufacturer, Tiffin, born in Echternach, in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, Mar. 10, 1828, is a son of Henry and Elizabeth Schomer Welter.  In 1851 he came to America and located where his brother Valentine had preceded him in 1849.  Here he carried on the cigar manufacturing and tobacconist business.  He married, in 1861, Agnes Riley, who bore him two daughters: Annie (deceased), and Elizabeth.  Mrs. Welter died in September, 1864, and in 1868 Mr. Welter married Mary Kerch, daughter of Nicholas Kerch, a native of Greivelding, Luxemburg, and to this union were born nine children:  Mary, Henry, Lucinda, Bernard, Florence, Blanche, Elsie and Pearl living; and Henry the eldest son (deceased).  Mr. Welter and family are communicants of St. Joseph's congregation of the Roman Catholic Church.  He is a member of the Bruderbund.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 841
  Seneca Twp. -
WILLIAM WENNER, farmer, P. O. Tiffin, was born in Lehigh County, Penn., Sept. 5, 1824, son of William and Elizabeth Wenner, natives of Pennsylvania, where they remained until their death.  Our subject was united in marriage, in Pennsylvania, Feb. 7, 1865, with Mary Stopp, born in Lehigh County, Penn., Mar. 22, 1840.  In 1867 they moved to Seneca County, Ohio, settling on the farm where they now reside and which consists of 120 acres of fine land.  To this union were born six children, of whom only two survive: Ellen S., born July 27, 1871, and Mary A., born Sept. 16, 1880.  Our subject has been a farmer all his life.  He and his wife are members of the German Reformed Church, and are considered among the best people of the county.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. 
Page 1000
  Big Spring Twp. -
ANDREW WERLEY, retired merchant, mayor of New Riegel, was born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 22, 1825; son of Francis Joseph and Agatha Werley, also natives of Baden, where they married, lived and died, former Sept. 23, 1848, latter Oct. 15, same year.  Our subject immigrated to America, coming direct to Delaware County, Ohio, June 29, 1846, where he remained for a short time, and then went to Columbus, Ohio.  Here he was united in marriage, Aug. 27, 1851, with Catharine Smith, born in Baden, Germany, Aug. 26, 1848, daughter of Philip and Anna Smith.  Mr. Smith died in 1853; his wife in 1836.  To Mr. and Mrs. Werley were born twelve children nine living: Rosa, wife of C. H. Klein; Stephen A.; Philomena M.; Clotilda T.; Sophia T.; Victor M.; Loretta E.; Isabella M.; and Albinus.  In 856 our subject, with his family, moved to New Riegel, this county, where they have since resided.  Mr. Werley is a clock-maker by trade, and after coming to this country first engaged in peddling clocks; then was employed by the Ohio Tool Company, at Columbus, Ohio.  After coming to New Riegel he embarked in merchandising, in which he continued for about twenty years, since when he has engaged in the grain trade to some extent.  He filled the office of township treasurer for nineteen years; was the first postmaster of New Riegel, and after the town was incorporated was elected to the office of mayor, a position he is filling at the present time.  He and his family are members of the Catholic Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 730
  Seneca Twp. -
MARTIN WERLING, farmer, P. O. Tiffin, was born in Stark County, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1832, son of Nicholas and Susan Werling, natives of Belgium, where they were married; thence they emigrated to America and to Stark County, Ohio, in 1831, and after remaining there five years they moved to Seneca County6 and then to Indiana in 1867, where Mr. Werling lost his wife by death in 1873, he remaining until 1880, when he came to this county and made his home with his son until 1881, when he, too, died.  Our subject was united in marriage, Sept. 10, 1861, with Mary Lonsway, born in Seneca County, Ohio, May 14, 1843, a daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. Lonsway, the former living, latter now deceased.  To our subject and wife have been born eleven children, ten of whom are now living: Joseph A., Sarah A., Emma E., Rosa A., Susan K., Lewis S., Leander M., George E., Leo A. and Mary M.  Emily  is deceased.  Our subject acquired the means to make a start in life in the mines of California, and now owns 173 acres of land, mostly improved, where he and his family reside.  They are members of the Catholic Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Bloom Twp. -
THOMAS WEST (deceased) was born Apr. 15, 1800, near Binghampton, N. Y., and moved to Bloom Township, this county, in 1823.  Here he was married, in 1835, to Miss Margaret C. Donnell, who was born Jan. 10, 1804, in Centre County, Penn., and came to Bloom Township with her parents, John and Mary (Boyd) Donnell in 1822.  Mr. and Mrs. West resided on their farm, five miles west of Bloomville, for several years and there Mrs. West died Sept. 10, 1836, leaving six children: Henry and Franklin residents of Barry County, Mich; Mrs. Martha Turner; Alexander, fatally injured by a premature blast in the France Stone Quarry, Bloom Township this county, Nov. 10, 1884, and died on the 13th of the same month; John A.; and Dr. Thomas J., of Tiffin, Ohio.  Mr. West was married, on the second occasion, June 5, 1837, to Mrs. Eve Schultz, who died about 1841.  He afterward married, Nov. 21, 1844, Miss Nancy B. Boyd, who was born in Centre County, Penn., May 14, 1806, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hughes) Boyd, who located on Honey Creek in 1822, being the first permanent settlers in Bloom Township and resided on their farm until their death; Mrs. Boyd dying Aug. 30, 1834.  Mr. Boyd, Nov. 27, 1847.  Their children were Capt. James Boyd (deceased); Mrs. Nancy 'B. West; Jesse, a resident of Clark County, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Munsel (deceased); Samuel, a soldier of the Mexican war and who died in California; T. Jefferson (deceased); and Mrs. Ann Eliza Pettit, of Benzonia, Mich.  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas West located in Bloomville in 1861, and here Mr. West died, Apr. 2, 1879; his widow, who still resides at the family homestead, is the only representative of her father's family in this county and the second oldest pioneer in the township.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 751
  Clinton Twp. -
THOMAS JEFFERSON WEST, M. D., Tiffin, comes of hardy pioneer descent in this county and State.  His parents, Thomas and Margaret (Donnell) West (the former of English pioneer ancestry in New York State, and the latter of Scotch Irish ancestry, of Pennsylvania), were married here, and reared five sons and one daughter.  Thomas West came to this county in 1820, and located land in Eden Township in 1822.  The subject of our sketch received a liberal literary training in the Academy at Republic, and taught school.  On the breaking out of the late war of the Rebellion, he enlisted in Company C, Eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry and did active and honorable service for over three years, and upon the expiration of term of service of his regiment he was honorably discharged.  He was wounded in the battles of Antietam and Gettysburg.  After the war, Mr. West taught school and engaged in the study of Medicine.  In 1866-67 he attended Charity Hospital Medical College for Cleveland, from which he graduated.  He located in the practice of his profession at Melmore, this county, where he remained in creditable professional work till the spring of 1884, when he came to Tiffin.  The Doctor is a member of the State.  Northwestern and County Medical Societies, and has contributed in no small degree to the advancement of his profession in this locality.  He was married in 1871, to Mary Horner, a native of Darlington, England, who bore him two sons and one daughter: Nettie May, and Freddie and Eddie (twins).  Mrs. West passed from life in 1881, in full communion with the Presbyterian Church, and is buried in Rock Creek Cemetery.  Our subject was married on second occasion to Mrs. E. Steele, daughter of R. C. Steele, of Eden Township, this county, and by her he has one son - Robert Karl.  Mrs. West is a worthy member of the Presbyterian Church, to which the Doctor is a liberal contributor and respectful attendant of.  He is a worthy member of the Masonic order, in which he has attained the degree of K. T. in De Molay Commandery.  He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and of Isaac Rule, G. A. R., and of the Pioneers' Society of Eden Township.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 842
  Bloom Twp. -
JOHN A. WEST, auctioneer and stock dealer, Bloomville, son of Thomas and Margaret C. (Donnell) West, was born Apr. 22, 1834, in Venice Township, this county, and has resided in Bloom Township since he was six years of age.  He finished his education under Prof. Schuyler at Republic, Ohio.  He early engaged as an auctioneer, which employment he has followed continuously till the present time.  He also does a good insurance business, representing a few standard companies, including Coopers and Firemens, of Dayton, Ohio.  John A. West was married, Dec. 4, 1862, to Miss Maria Smeltz, of Venice Township, this county, and by her has two sons: Martin Bernard and Frank Turner Mr. West is an upright worthy citizen, highly respected by the entire community.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 751
  Big Spring Twp. -
MARTIN WETZEL, harness-maker, New Riegel, was born in Baden, Germany, Nov. 11, 1832; son of Jacob and Anna Wetzel, natives of Baden, where they married, lived and died.  Our subject came to America and to Huron County, Ohio, in 1855, where he remained a short time; came to Seneca County, in 1859, and in 1860 moved to Kansas, thence returned to Seneca County; from here he went to Canada, where he remained until 1862, when he took a trip to Detroit, Mich., and on his return came to this county, locating in New Reigel, where he has since remained.  He was united in marriage, May 21, 1867, with Catharine Gase, born Sept. 29, 1842, daughter of George and Catharine Gase, who are both living.  To our subject and wife have been born eight children: Joseph, George, Jacob, John, Charles, Elizabeth, Edward and Anna.  Mr. Wetzel has followed the occupation of saddler about twenty-eight years.  He owns nice property in New Riegel, where he resides, and by industrious habits and economical management has accumulated a competence.  He has an enviable reputation for honesty and integrity. He and his family are consistent members of the Catholic Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 730
  Clinton Twp. -
R. H. WHITLOCK (See Manufacturing Interests in History of Tiffin, page 530)
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 842
  Clinton Twp. -
GEORGE PARKER WILLIARD, M. D., was born in Huntington, Penn., July 1, 1845, son of Rev. G. W. Williard, D.D. (president of Heidelberg College) and Louisa C. Williard, daughter of Dr. P. W. Little, of Mercersburg, Franklin Co., Penn.  The subject of this sketch received a liberal literary training in the schools of Dayton, Ohio, and at the age of eighteen years began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. John Davis, of Dayton.  He attended his first and second collegiate courses, at the Ohio Medical College in Cincinnati, and completed his professional studies at the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Penn., graduating from this honored institution March 9, 1867. In the following June he came to Seneca County, Ohio, locating at Fort Seneca, and carried on an active practice till 1874, when he went to California and located at San Buena Ventura, Ventura County, entering into partnership with Dr. Cephas L. Bard, a prominent physician of that place.  He returned to Tiffin, this county, in 1876, and soon afterward entered into partnership with the late Dr. A. B. Hovey, with whom he remained two years.  Retiring from that partnership, he established himself independently, and has carried on an active practice ever since.  He has been prominently nominated, and has served as examining surgeon for many life insurance corporations; is a member of the Ohio State Medical Society, and of the Seneca County Medical Society.  He has always given a cordial support to all measures calculated to elevate the character and standing of his chosen profession, and is ever ready and willing to lend his assistance in matters pertaining to the social and industrial development of Tiffin. During the war, and upon the organization of the One Hundred and Thirty-first Ohio National Guards, he enlisted as a private in Company A, of that regiment, and was shortly afterward promoted to the position of hospital steward.  During its term of service, and while the regiment was stationed at Baltimore, Md., garrisoning Forts Marshall and Federal Hill, he was appointed post-steward of Fort Federal Hill Hospital. Although broken in health from close confinement at the hospital, and the arduous duties of his position, he remained in the service until the term of his enlistment had expired, and he was honorably discharged with his regiment.  In February, 1881, he was married to Miss Electa A. Stout, of Dayton, Ohio, a lady of estimable attainments, cultured and refined and of high Christian character.  She is a daughter of Elias Stout. Esq., of Dayton, a merchant and native Ohioan.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 844
  Clinton Twp. -
GEORGE W. WILLIARD, D. D., president of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, was born in Burkettsville, Frederick Co., Md., June 10, 1818, and is the fourth son and fifth child in the family of five sons and two daughters of John and Mary (Shaffer) Williard, natives of Frederick County, Md.  Elias Williard, father of John Williard and a native of Germany, reared a large family in Maryland.   John Shaffer, father of the mother of our subject, also a native of Germany, reared his family in Maryland.  The subject of our sketch received a good rudimentary education in teh common schools, and at sixteen went to the high school at York, Penn., and after its removal to Mercersburg (where it was merged in Marshall College) he pursued and completed a thorough literary and classical training in that institution, graduating at the age of twenty-one.  He then pursued a theological course of study with his alma mater, and after about a year entered the ministry of the Reformed Church, and was ordained at Jefferson (in his native county) at twenty-two years of age.  He continued in charge there for over four years, when he removed to Huntingdon, Penn., where he had charge of an academy in connection with his pastoral work.  He afterward removed to Winchester, Va., and after laboring there three years he came to Columbus, Ohio, in the spring of 1850, where he carried on church work for about five years, during which time he took charge of the Western Missionary (1853), which paper he conducted for thirteen years thereafter.  During his stay in Columbus, he translated from the original Latin and published the Commentary of Dr. Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism (the confessional book of the Reformed Church) into the English language.  In 1855 he removed to Dayton, Ohio, where he edited and published the Western Missionary, in connection with his pastoral work, till his call to the presidency of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, in 1866.  During the first four years of his residence in Dayton he had charge of the First Reformed Church there, and subsequently served congregations in the vicinity of Dayton.  In 1866 he accepted his present incumbency from the Board of Trustees of Heidelberg College, and has also performed ministerial work in a variety of forms.  Dr. Williard married, in Mercersburg, Penn., in 1842, Louisa Catharine Little, fourth daughter in the family of two sons and five daughters of Dr. P. W. Little, a prominent physician of that place, a native of Maryland and of German ancestry.   To this union four sons and one daughter were born, of whom three sons survive:  John Newton and Dr. George P., of Tiffin, and the Rev. E. R. Willard, of Germantown, Ohio.  In September, 1863, Mr. Williard departed this life, and is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, at Dayton, beside her son and daughter, Cephas L., who died at the age of twenty-six, and Mary Louisa, who died at the age of six months.  In 1866 our subject was marred again; on this occasion in Xenia, Ohio, to Emma Jane Hivling, a lady of estimable attainments, and a daughter of Col. John Hivling, banker, of Xenia, and a prominent pioneer of Greene County.  Dr. Williard while busy with his professional work has always taken a prominent part in the various benevolent enterprises of the day, and has contributed liberally thereto.  He is the author of several books and a regular contributor to the periodicals of the Reformed Church.  He is apparently as active as ever in his professional work and has the gratification of seeing many of his students occupying important positions in the various professions of life.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 842
  Bloom Twp. -
J. D. WILSEY, manufacturer, Bloomville, was born Nov. 9, 1828, in Broome County, N. Y., son of Tunis and Nancy A. Wilsey, the former died at Le Roy, Minn., in 1870.  The latter is now living with her son, J. D.   Our subject's boyhood was spent principally in Wayne County, Penn., and there he began the manufacture of boat oars, which he has made his life occupation.  At twenty-two years of age he moved to Erie County, Penn., where he established and carried on a manufactory of oars at Pageville for eleven years.  There he was married, July 23, 1853, to Miss Calfunia Otis, by whom he has six children: Jay F. and F. D., engaged as partners in the oar business: Ora T.; John H.; Blanche; and Glades.  Mr. Wilsey located at Riceville, Penn., in 1862, thence moved to Ohio, in 1864, and here carried on his manufactory in Defiance County, until 1874, when he located in Bloomville, this county, which he has made his home, moving his factory, however, to suit the lumber supply, and it is now located in Wood County, Ohio, with headquarters at office 69 West Street, New York City, where our subject spends a considerable portion of his time.  The firm is known there as the New York Boat Oar Company, and does a business aggregating from $75,000 to $125,000 per year, shipping their goods to almost every civilized nation on the globe.  The firm in Ohio is known as J. D. Wilsey & Son.  Besides his manufacturing, Mr. Wilsey manages extensive farming interests in this county and in Kansas.  He also operates a stone quarry on his farm in Bloom Township.  He is one of the leading business men of Bloomfield, and has done much toward building it up and securing its prosperity.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 752
  Reed Twp. -
JACOB WINDNAGLE, miller, P. O. West Lodi, is a native of Erie County, N. Y.; born May 24, 1839; son of John and Annie (Ritter) Windnagle, the former of whom died Jan. 4, 1884, aged eighty-seven years; the latter, who is still living, is a daughter of Simeon and Annie Ritter, also natives of Pennsylvania.  John and Annie Windnagle had eleven children: Eliza, wife of Jacob Fatty, a farmer in Erie County, N. Y.; Susan, wife of Levi Zook, foreman in a large warehouse in Buffalo, N. Y.; Frederick, a mechanic in Niagara County, N. Y.; Simeon (deceased, leaving family in Erie County, where he had engaged in farming); John, farming near Detroit, Mich.; Henry, in same neighborhood; Sarah (deceased wife of Jacob Shettler, of Erie County, N. Y.); Catharine, widow of David Blocker, in Erie County, N. Y.; Jacob; Franklin, a carriage manufacturer at Bockport, N. Y.; and Fannie, married and living in Buffalo, N. Y.  Our subject received a limited education, remaining with his father until eighteen years of age, when he began learning the blacksmith trade, at which he worked about ten years in New York, thence came to this county, where he was engaged in saw milling for a time, then for three years was in mercantile business.  In 1877 he owned the Lodi Mills, which he disposed of to Kern & Son in 1879, since which time he has been the miller, a trade he learned here.  Mr. Windnagle was commissioned justice of the peace by Gov. Noyes April 14, 1872, and by Gov. Hayes May 25, 1876.  He was married May 22, 1864, to Catharine Breyman, a native of Weaverstown, Berks Co., Penn., and a daughter of John C. and CAtharine (Auman) Breyman; and by her has had two children; Frank A.  and Clara S. (latter died aged eleven months).  Mr. Windnagleis a member of Hildreth Lodge F. & A. M., at Republic, Ohio.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Clinton Twp. -
FEEDERICK WOLF, dealer in boots and shoes. Tiffin, was born in Eppingen, Baden, April 14, 1834. son of Ludwig and Catharine (Heiser) Wolf.  the former of whom died in that country in 1845, and the latter in Tiffin, in October, 1856; the names of their children are as follows: Frederick; Elizabeth, widow of Christian Bloom, of Mexico; Christina, widow of Joseph Schoertschinger and Jacob (deceased).  The subject of our sketch learned shoe-making in his native city, and at nineteen came to this country, locating in Tiffin June 8, 1853, and in 1862 embarked in business with which he has been successfully connected since.  He was married in Tiffin, in 1857, to Catharine Baker, born in Detwiler, Rhenish Bavaria, November 18, 1835, and who came to this country in 1853.  To this union four sons and one daughter, were born: Henry, a merchant; Frederick, a harness-maker; Caroline; Louis Ludwig, a grocer, and William DietrichMr. Wolf is a member of the Sangerbund and Bruderbund societies.  He and his family are members of the German Lutheran Church. Jacob Wolf learned his trade here and united with Frederick in business, continuing with him until his death, August 8, 1884; he left five children.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 844
  Big Spring Twp. -
GEORGE WONDER, farmer, P. O. Adrian, was born in Mifflin County, Penn., June 19, 1819.  His parents, Daniel and Catharine Wonder, were born and married and lived in Pennsylvania until 1823, when they moved to Wayne County, Ohio, and in 1830 moved to Thompson Township, this county, and from there to Wyandot County, where Mrs. Wonder died.  Daniel Wonder is now ninety-four years of age, and resides with his son George.  Our subject was united in marriage, May 22, 1845, with Nancy Henney born in Wayne County, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1823, daughter of Adam and Catharine Henney (both deceased).  Mr. and Mrs. Wonder are the parents of twelve children, of whom six are now living: Cynthia, Agnes, Emma, Henry E., Hattie and Lucy V.  Our subject owns 379 acres of good land.  He has filled the office of trustee of Crawford Township, Wyandot County.  He and his wife are members of the Evangelical Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 731
  Adams Twp. -
CHARLES WRIGHT, farmer, P. O. Clyde, Sandusky County, is a native of Adams Township, Seneca Co., Ohio, and son of Cyrenus and Diana (Cole) Wright; the former a native of New York State and the latter of Montreal, Canada.  They settled in this county in 1827 and reared a family of nine children, of whom seven are now living, our subject alone remaining in this county.  Cyrenus Wright died in 1872, and his widow in 1880.  Charles Wright was married, in 1868, to Olivia Cooper.  Four children have been born Mrs. Wright departed this life Feb. 9, 1874, and Mr. Wright then married, in 1875, Elvina Kistler, of Adams Township, this county.  He is engaged in general farming.  In politics he is a Republican.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page  714
  Big Spring Twp. -
B. G. WULLENSCHNEIDER, hotel keeper, New Riegel, was born in Big Spring Township, this county, Jan. 25, 1845.  His parents were John and Elizabeth Wullenschneider, natives of Germany, the former of whom immigrated to Licking County, the latter to Seneca County, Ohio.  They were married in Licking County, and settled in Big Spring Township, this county, remaining here until Mr. Wullenschneider's death, which occurred in 1860.  His widow is still living.  Our subject was united in marriage, in 1871, with Josephine Zender, born in Big Spring Township, this county, and to this union were born three children: Mary, Anna and Ida.  Our subject's wife dying in 1875, he then married, Nov. 24, 1879, Theresa Klaus, born in Big Spring Township, this county, Oct. 21, 1860, daughter of Peter (deceased) and Catharine Klaus, and to this marriage were born three children: Joseph, Ellen and Clara V.  Our subject since starting out for himself has engaged in farming and saw-milling, but is now proprietor of the Empire Hotel in New Riegel.  He and his wife are members of the Catholic Church.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 731


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