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History of Seneca County, Ohio
containing a History of the County, It's Townships, Towns,
Villages, Schools, Churches, Industries, etc.;
Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men;
Biographies; History of the Northwest Territory;
History of Ohio; Statistical and Miscellaneous Matter, Etc., Etc.
- Illustrated -
Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co.
Bloom Twp. - FRANK ALBERT FALTER, merchant, Bloomville, was born Mar. 29, 1855, in Venice Twp., this county, son of Philip and Elizabeth (Houck) Falter. He received his education in the schools of the district and at St. Stephen's Academy. At his parents' decease he began life for himself, establishing a business house at St. Stephen's in March, 1879, and erecting an entirely new building, which he stocked completely. In 1881 he was appointed postmaster of that place and held the commission until September, 1884, when he sold out his business, moved to Bloomville, and here purchased the grocery and provision store of Bevington & Farnsworth, which he now carries on. Mr. Falter married, Sept. 30, 1879, Miss Rosa Phillips, and their children are Flora, Charles and William. He and his wife are members of St. Stephen's Catholic Church. Mr. Falter is an enterprising successful business man. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 737 |
Bloom Twp. - PHILIP FALTER (deceased) was born on mid-ocean in 1823, while his parents were making the voyage from Germany to the United States. They located in Stark Co., Ohio (where Philip was reared), and spent their last days in Venice Twp., this county. Our subject married Miss Elizabeth Houck, a resident of Stark Co. at the time. They came to Venice Township, this county, with their entire earthly possessions, $50, and began making a home for themselves, and were very successful, acquiring a farm of 120 acres. The children born to this union are Henry, Mrs. Christina Phillips, Frank A., Joseph, Mrs. Anna Thomma, John, and four deceased. Mr. Falter died Apr. 21, 1872, his wife having preceded him Mar. 12, of that year. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 736 |
Jackson Twp. - JOHN FEASEL, farmer, P. O. Fostoria, born in Fairfield County, Ohio, Feb. 12, 1828, is a son of George and Jane (Anderson) Feasel, natives of Pennsylvania, the former of Dutch, and the latter of Irish descent. George Feasel was a farmer all his life, and an early settler in Seneca County, Ohio. He reared a family of eleven children, John being third. Our subject received his education in the common schools, has been engaged in farming all his life, and is now the owner of a well improved farm. He was married, in 1860, to Rebecca Stahl, daughter of Henry Stahl, and their children are Clara Alize, Charlie Elsworth, Willie Franklin, Ester Ann, John Leroy and Irvin Larue. Mr. Feasel as served twelve years as justice of the peace, three years as school director, and eleven years as township treasurer; was land appraiser in Jackson Township in 1880, the last time the land was appraised in the State; was also supervisor of roads. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 871 |
London Twp. - Fostoria City - ELI FEBLES, clergyman and teacher, Fostoria, was born in Pennsylvania Sept. 9, 1831, son of Frederick and Christiana (Kempher) Febles, who settled in Perry township, Wood Co., Ohio, in 1839, where they resided six years and then removed to Jackson Township, this county, where they remained until their death, the mother dying in 1863 and the father in 1876. They endured many of the hardships and trials of pioneer life, and had a family of twelve children, seven of whom survive; Eli, George, Sophia, Frances, Ann, Sarah and Louisa, Frederick Febles had served as township trustee of Jackson Township for several terms, and was respected by all who knew him. Eli Febles was reared on a farm, received a good English education, and was for a time a student of Heidelberg College and of the Delaware University. He was a teacher in the common schools of Seneca County for many years, and taught one term in Texas, and for seven or eight years in Kansas. In 1856 Mr. Febles was licensed to preach by Presiding Elder Wesley J. Wells, of the Findlay District Central Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was ordained a deacon by Bishop Morris at the conference held at Findlay, Ohio, in 1869. He has served as clerk and trustee of Jackson Township, this county, and in 1860 was one of the land appraisers. Mr. Febles was married, Dec. 30, 1862, to Sarah J., daughter of Peter Singer, of Near Lockport, N. Y. The issue of this union was two children: Libbie E. born July 2, 1864, and Cora B., born Oct. 17, 1866. Mr. Febles removed to Garnett, Kas., in 1872, where he resided until 1883, when he returned to his old home in Ohio, and now resides in Fostoria. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 898 |
Clinton Twp. & Tiffin City - HENRY FIEGE, of the firm Fiege Bros., furniture dealers, Tiffin, is the eldest living son of John and Louisa (Von Blon) Fiege, Lutherans and worthy pioneers of Tiffin, who settled here in 1833-34, the former of whom, a native of Oedelsheim, electorate of Hesse, born July 3, 1811, lost his life, Mar. 31, 1869, by drowning in his mill-race in Tiffin. Mrs. Fiege, born in Waldmohr, Bavarian Palatinate, Dec. 8, 1813, died Dec. 29, 1874. Of their ten children but three sons survive: Henry, John L. and George W.; the last named retired from the firm in 1879, and is married to Alice Stroliper by whom he has one son - Charles. Henry Fiege was reared to his present industry in Tiffin, and has been prominently identified with it. He married, in 1864. Hannah M. Kaup, daughter of Benjamin Kaup, and niece of Solomon Kaup, and by her has one son and five daughters: Mary L., Carrie E., John B., Maud, Jennie and Cora. Mr. Fiege has always contributed liberally to the support of Tiffin's social and industrial interests, and has reared and educated his family well. He is a worthy F. & A. M., and is a member of Clinton Council No. 47, R. & S. M.; is also a member of the I. O. O. F. The family attend the services of the German Reformed Church. John L. Fiege, the junior member of the firm, is an excellent citizen and clever business man, and although of prepossessing appearance is still treading the rugged paths of single blessedness. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 772 |
Bloom Twp. - DANIEL LEWIS and DAVID W. FISHER, farmers, P. O. Bloomville, are the sons of John and Barbara (Myers) Fisher, of Carroll Co., Md., who located here in 1835, and who were the parents of seven children, of whom three are now living: Daniel L., Mrs. Hannah Foncannon and David W. John Fisher died in 1879, his wife having preceded him in 1859. DANIEL L. FISHER, devoted five months, in 1864, to the service of his country, enlisting in the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He married Miss Paulina Munsell Nov. 5, 1864, by whom he had four children: John W., Fred L., Mary Ninnette and Blanche L. Mrs. Fisher died Aug. 12, 1882. Daniel L. Fisher owns a farm of 100 acres on Stoner Creek, on which is located one of the bets blue-limestone quarries in the State. He is a F. & A. M., and a member of the K. of P., and G. A. R. DAVID W. FISHER was born Apr. 16, 1838, in Bloom Township, this county. In his youth he spent three years traveling through California and the West. He then returned home and took a course at Heidelberg College, Ohio. He was one of the first citizens of Bloom Twp. to enlist in April, 1861, but the number desired being already made up he was honorably discharged after one month's service. He married June 21, 1861, Miss Elizabeth C. Andrews, of Bettsville, Ohio. He re-enlisted in August, 1861, in the Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, taking the position of sergeant. He received a wound near Corinth, Miss., June 4, 1862, necessitating his discharge in September of that year. He carried on a sutler's store from 1863 until the close of the war. After living some time in Michigan, and owning and operating the steamer "Lizzie May" on Lake Michigan three yeas, he returned to Bloomville. During 1874, 1875 and 1876 he edited the Bloomville Banner, and also in 1876 conducted a campaign paper in Paulding Co., Ohio, and made Republican speeches. At the election following, the county was changed from a Democratic to a Republican majority. In 1877 he settled on his farm one mile and one-half east of Bloomville. Mr. Fisher does an extensive business in connection with the pension department. To him and his wife have been born four children: Charles D., a successful teacher, of this county; Louis F., Emma E. and Jennie A. Mr. Fisher is a member in high standing of the I. O. O. F., the K. of P. and the G. A. R. He has led a varied and useful life, and is a highly respected citizen of this community. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 737 |
Big Spring Twp. - WILLIAM H. FOCHT, M. S., M. D., Riegel, was born in Lehigh County, Penn., Jan. 18, 1858. His parents, James F. and Polly A. Focht, were also native of Pennsylvania, where they were married and remained until Nov. 10, 1870, when they moved to Seneca County, Ohio, where they have since resided. They are the parents of three children: William H., James D. and Charles E. Our Subject, who is the eldest, pursued a scientific course of study at Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, graduating June 17, 1880. He then read medicine with Dr. A. B. Hovey (now deceased), and, Mar. 1, 1883, graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Baltimore, Md. and located Mar. 9, same year, at New Riegel, this county, where he has since been following his profession, having now the best practice of any physician in Big Spring Township. On the 21st of June, 1883, the trustees of Heidelberg College entered upon him the degree of Master of Science,. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 718 |
London Twp. & Fostoria City - CHARLES W. FOSTER, deceased, was born in North Braintree, Worcester Co., Mass., Nov. 21, 1800, and at the age of eighteen years removed with his parents, William and Elizabeth (Nichols) Foster, to Monroe County, N. Y. in 1826 our subject came to Seneca County, Ohio, where he remained a short time. June 7, 1827, he married Laura, daughter of John and Lucy (Bartlett) Crocker who settled in Seneca Township, this county, in 1823. After his marriage Mr. Foster was engaged in business in Seneca Township for two years. He then removed to Hopewell Township, where he had 160 acres of land, which he sold in a few years, and, with the proceeds, in 1832, he and his father-in-law (who had more means) embarked in mercantile business in a cabin where the "Foster Block" now stands (then known as Rome), under the firm name of Crocker & Foster This partnership existed for ten years, when Mr. Foster became sole proprietor, and continued alone up to 1848, when his son Charles became associated with him, under the firm name of Charles W. Foster & Son, and in 1856 Mr. Olmsted & Co. when the firm of Crocker & Foster started in business, their combined capital did not exceed $2,000, but at the time of Mr. Foster's death the business of the house in their various lines of trade exceeded $1,000,000 annually. Mr. Foster had six children, of whom three grew to maturity: Charles, John W. (deceased) and Emily (deceased). Mr. Foster was a man of character, and his method of doing business won him thousands of friends. The house of Foster & Co. contributed largely to every enterprise that tended to build up the town and county. Mr. Foster served his township as justice of the peace for several years. He was postmaster under the administration of President Polk. In politics he was as stanch Republican. He died Apr. 26, 1883, in his eighty-third year. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 900 |
London Twp. & Fostoria City - EX-GOV. CHARLES FOSTER, Fostoria, son of Charles W. and Laura (Crocker) Foster, was born at his grandfather's house on the old Crocker place, in Seneca Township, this county, April 12, 1828. After a course of educational training at the common schools and the academy at Norwalk, Ohio, he early in life engaged in mercantile pursuits, becoming associated with his father in business at Fostoria, in 1848. As a member of the firm of Foster & Co., who made banking a special department of their business, he became prominently identified with the financial interests of Fostoria and surrounding country; and the banking house of Foster & Co. has since enjoyed a widespread and enviable reputation. Mr. Foster never held any public office until he was elected in 1870 a representative from Ohio in the Forty-second Congress, receiving 13,274 votes, against 12,498 votes for Edward F. Dickinson Democrat; was re-elected to the Forty-third Congress in 1872, receiving 14,997 votes, against 14,271 votes for R. R. Sloane, Liberal Republican; was re-elected in 1874 to the Forty-fourth Congress, receiving 13,778 votes, against 13,619 votes for George E. Seney, Democrat, and 289 votes for Mead, Temperance candidate; and was re-elected in 1876 to the Forty-fifth Congress, receiving 17,324 votes, against 17,053 votes for Hudson, Democrat. He was again nominated in 1878, but, the district having been changed and made so overwhelmingly Democratic, he sustained a defeat. In 1879 Mr. Foster was nominated by the Republicans and elected governor of the State, being re-elected in 1881. He served both terms with such marked ability and discretion as to win the esteem of all political parties. In 1854 the subject of our sketch was married to Annie, daughter of Judge Olmstead, of Fremont, Ohio, and to this union were born two daughters: Jessie and Annie. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 900 |
Jackson Twp. - JONAS FOSTER, farmer and breeder of fine stock, P. O. Fostoria, was born in Perry County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1826, son of Christian and Mary (Groves) Foster the former of German, and the latter of English extraction. Christian Foster followed farming all his life. He reared ten children, Jonas, being fourth. Our subject was reared on a farm, receiving a common school education in Jackson Township, this county, and at the age of fifteen years he began learning the carpenter's trade, which he followed for sixteen years, but farming has been his main business. He has been a resident of this county since he was three years old. His father gave him forty acres of wild land, and he is now the owner of 200 acres of well-improved land. He married. Sept. 4, 1849, Elizabeth Stahl, daughter of Michael Stahl, and to this union ten children have been born, six of whom are now living: W. H. S. (an attorney in Fostoria, Ohio), O. L., Louisa E., Maria E., Ida I. and Charles W. The family are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Foster enlisted, in 1861, in the Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving his time; then enlisted in the Forty-ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was a lieutenant, and afterward was promoted captain. He was wounded at Mission Ridge, and in 1864 he resigned. In politics he is a Republican. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 871 |
Bloom Twp. - T. J. FOSTER, physician and surgeon, Bloomville, was born Oct. 2, 1860, in Attica, this county. His father, John Foster, a native of Huron Co., Ohio, married Miss Sarah Pollinger, a native of Cumberland Co., Penn., and soon afterward settled in Attica, where he carried on a shoe shop until a few years before his death in 1871. The subject of this sketch received his literary education in the schools of his native township. At twenty-one years of age he entered upon the study of medicine under Dr. J. M. Fackler, of Plymouth, Ohio, and Feb. 27, 1884, graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, Ill. Apr. 7, of the same year, the Doctor opened his office in Bloomville, this county, since which time he has devoted himself energetically to the practice of his chosen profession. He is the only physician of he homoeopathic school in Bloom Twp., and has already built up a large and lucrative practice, being recognized as a skillful and scientific physician. He is a charter member of Procles Lodge No. 192, K. of P. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 738 |
Hopewell Twp. - MICHAEL FREDERETZE, farmer, P. O. Bascom, was born in October, 1814, in Alsace, France, son of Matthew and Barbara Frederetze, parents of four children, and who came to America in 1828, and, after residing five years in Pennsylvania, settled in Seneca County, Ohio, in 1832, and here purchased a farm on which Mr. Frederetze lived for many years. He died in 1841, at the home of his son, Michael. Our subject was married in 1851, to Christine Ruse, and to this union were born six children: Frederick, married to Sarah Hoot; Joseph; Andy; Henry; Theresa and Ann. Michael Frederetze has lived fifty-two years on his present farm which he has improved; he has been an eye-witness to the growth and improvement of this county. Since of his children live with him and help to manage the farm which is located near Bascom. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 858 |
Reed Twp. - HOWARD S. FREE, farmer and sheep-breeder, P. O. Attica, was born July 21, 1860, in Reed Township, this county, son of John and Eliza (Wolf) Free. He was married, Dec. 11, 1884, to Cora Neikirk, born in Venice Township, this county, Aug. 24, 1863, daughter of D. J. Neikirk. Mr. Free takes great interest in breeding and selling fine sheep. His flock is composed of seventy-five head of thorough bred merinos of the most popular strains, and from some of the best blooded sheep in the State. His breeding points are: size, constitution, length of staple, and compact and fine fleece. Mr. Free, tough a young man, is very successful in his line, and aims to become one of the most extensive sheep-breeders in this county. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 957 |
Big Spring Twp. - THEODORE M. FRINK, retired farmer, P. O. New Riegel, is one of the pioneers of Seneca County, Ohio, and was born in West Springfield, Hampden Co., Mass., Nov. 2, 1804, a son of Luther and Phoebe Frank, also natives of Massachusetts, where they were married and there remained until death. Our subject was united in marriage in his native State, Apr. 25, 1832, with Sabrina Torrey, born in Hampshire County, Mass., Jul. 22, 1808, and to this union were born four children: Ellen, wife of Henry Pepper; Elvira, wife of William Ames; James and Henry. Mrs. Frink departed this life Feb. 3, 1855. Our subject was married on second occasion, July 3, 1862, with Frederica Kopp, born in Wurtemburg, Germany, Feb. 28, 1831, daughter of Jacob and Frederica Kopp, who both died in Wurtemberg, and by this marriage there was born Apr. 3, 1866, one child, Sophia L. Mr. Frink owns eighty acres of fine land, whereon he and his family reside. He filled the office of trustee eight years and has been one of the justices of the peace of Big Spring Township for thirty-one years. Mrs. Frink is a member of the Lutheran Church. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 718 |
London Twp. & Fostoria City - ABRAHAM FRUTH, clothier, Fostoria, was born in Bavaria, Germany, Nov. 8, 1848; son of Jacob and Civilla (Shardon) Fruth, who came to America in 1854, and in 1856 settled in London Township, this county, where Jacob Fruth cleared a farm of 124 acres, on which he resided until his death; he died, in 1872, in his sixty-second year. Their children, five in number, were Civilla, wife of Conrad Herbert; Susannah, wife of David Peter; Abraham; John and Augustus, all born in Germany, except Augustus. Our subject was reared in Loudon Township, this county, from eight years of age, was educated in the common schools, and remained on the old homestead until twenty-three years of age. He was married, Aug. 22, 1871, to Charlotte, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Vesper) Peter, of Fostoria. After his marriage he purchased eighty acres of land of his father, and engaged in farming till 1876, when he came to Fostoria. Here he served as clerk in a grocery store for four years. In the fall of 1880, in company with Abraham Peter, he embarked in the business in which he is now engaged; this firm existed up to February, 1885, when Mr. Fruth purchased Mr. Peter's interest, and is now conducting the business alone, carrying a full line of clothing, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, and has a large and growing trade. Mr. and Mrs. Fruth are members of the United Lutheran Church. He is a F. & A. M.; politically he is a Democrat. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 901 |
London Twp. & Fostoria City - FREDERICK FRUTH, liquor dealer, Fostoria, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1824; son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Peter) Fruth, who came to Seneca County, Ohio, in 1833, and settled in London Township, where they cleared and improved a farm of 160 acres, on which they lived and died. They reared a family of six children: Margaret (Mrs. E. Vischer), Jacob, Elizabeth (Mrs. A. Reinbold), Frederick, Abraham, and Matthias. Our subject was reared and educated in Loudon Township, this county, from nine years of age. He followed farming up to 1852, in which year he went to California, where he engaged in mining for a time. He then embarked in business for himself, as a manufacturer of and dealer in wines, in El Dorado County, Cal., where he resided till 1874, where he returned to Fostoria, Ohio and established his present business. Mr. Fruth married, Jan. 14, 1879, Martha, daughter of Philip Heck, by whom he has three children: William F., George W. and Nellie J. Mr. Fruth is one of the substantial citizens of Fostoria. In politics, he is a Democrat. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 902 |
London Twp. & Fostoria City - FREDERICK M. FRUTH, farmer, P. O. Fostoria, was born in Loudon Township, this county, July 17, 1848; son of Jacob and Sarah (Stevens) Fruth, the former a native of Germany, the latter of Pennsylvania. His paternal grandfather, Benjamin Stevens, a native of Washington County, Penn., both settled in Loudon Township, this county, in 1832. Benjamin Stevens, a prominent man in the township, was of the first trustees elected, and held the office of justice of the peace, and many other official positions. Jacob Fruth, father of our subject, was a resident of Loudon Township from 1832, until his death; he died December 15, 1861, at the age of forty-six. He, Jacob Fruth, had a family of six children: Frederick M., Herchel, Mary (Mrs. David Price), David, Albert and Elmer. Our subject, who has always resided in Loudon Township, was educated in the common schools. Dec. 12, 1872, he married Angeline, daughter of Nathan and Angeline (McMann) Hatfield, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and by her he has one child - Gracie. Mr. Fruth now owns had occupies the old homestead purchased by his father in 18252. He is a pushing and enterprising young farmer. In politics he is a Republican. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 902 |
Big Spring Twp. - ALBERT FUCHS, farmer, P. O. Adrian, an enterprising young man, was born in Sandusky City, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1855, his parents being Sebastian and Agatha Fuchs, natives of Baden, Germany. Sebastian Fuchs is from the village of Gindlingen, Baden Co., Old Breisach. Mrs. Agatha Fuchs, former name Agatha Kraus, wife of Sebstian Fuchs, was from the village Eshbach, Baden Co. Staufen. They immigrated to Ohio, settling in Big Spring Township, Seneca County, about 1854, where they remained until the death of Mrs. Fuchs, Apr. 12, 1875; Mr. Fuchsonw resides with his son Albert. Our subject was united in marriage, June 12, 1877, with Catherine Kin, born in the village of Hachy, County D'Etalle, Province de Luxemburg, Belgium, Aug. 28, 1855, daughter of John and Mary Kin, former a resident of Kirby, Wyandot Co., Ohio; latter deceased. to our subject and wife were born four children: Mary L., born June 29, 1878, died Aug. 29, 1878; John S., born Oct. 11, 1879; Margarette, born Oct. 30, 1881, and John H., born Sept. 11, 1883. Mr. Fuchs has met with good success, and now owns 120 acres of land, mostly improved, whereupon he resides. He and his family are members of the St. Nicholas Catholic Church. Mr. Fuchs is serving on the school board of Big Spring Township. SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 718 |
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