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Seneca County, Ohio
History & Genealogy





  Clinton Twp. -
JOHN FREDERICK ZELLER, coal merchant, Tiffin, was born at Canal Fulton, Stark Co.. Ohio, May 4, 1842. His parents, John and Doretha (Jacobs) Zeller, were natives of Germany, the former born in Weiden, in the kingdom of "Wurtemberg, and the latter in Kaiser Lantern, in the kingdom of Bavaria. They came to America in 1834 and settled in Stark County where John Zeller carried on contracting and building for many years, rearing a family of one son (John Frederick) and two daughters.  The subject of this sketch was reared to building with his father. November 12, 1801 , when nineteen years of age. he enlisted his services in defense of the Union, in Company K, Seventy- sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and veteranized in Jackson County, Ala., in 1864, serving in all three years and eight months, receiving an honorable discharge at Camp Chase, Ohio, July 2, 1805. He served in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh.  Siege of Corinth, Chickasaw Bayou. Arkansas Post. Jackson, Miss, Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, Taylor' s Ridge and Missionary Ridge, and was in the engagements at Lovejoy, Atlanta, Marietta, Kenesaw Mountain, Pumpkin Vine Creek and Sugar Creek Gap; was with Sherman in his march to the sea.  February 26, 1805, he was captured by Gen. Hampton's cavalry at Cheraw, S. C. , and spent four days in Libby prison, after which he was paroled.  Our subject marched and traveled by rail and water over 11,000 miles, and after his capture, as just related, he was marched over 500 miles barefooted and half naked over rough and often frozen ground.  After the war he spent several years in the drug business in his native place and in 1873 embarked in the coal business, in Norwalk, Ohio, which he retired from there, and opened up in Tiffin, in 1878.  Mr. Zeller was married in Canal Fulton, Ohio, in 1867, to Margaret Jane Porter, a lady of estimable attainments, daughter of Alexander and Nancy (Stotler) Porter, the former a native of Beaver County, Penn., the latter of Wayne County. Ohio, and by this union there are three sons living: Clarence Porter. William Newton and John Logan; two deceased, Carl Frederick and James GarfieldMr. Zeller is an active member of the F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F., has served his ward in the city councils.  Politically he is a stanch Republican and has been an active worker for his party.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 845
  Big Spring Twp. -
JOSEPH ZENDER, butcher, New Riegel, was born in Big Spring Township, this county, May 28, 1835, son of Nimrod and Mary Zender, the former a native of Switzerland, the latter of Luxemburg, who immigrated to America after they were married, and located in Big Spring Township, where they remained until their death.  Nimrod Zender died Jan. 10, 1866, and his widow Oct. 31, 1876.  Our subject was married, Oct. 15, 1872, to Margaret Erford, born in Big Spring Township, this county, Jan. 28, 1852, daughter of Peter and Catharine Erford, residents of that township.  This union has been blessed with six children, four living: Peter, Kate M., Lucy L. and Mary E., and two deceased:  Frank W. and Theresa S.  Our subject was reared on a farm and followed agricultural pursuits until December, 1881, when he moved to New Riegel, where he owns good property, and is engaged in butchering, enjoying a good patronage.  He has filled the offices of constable and marshal of New Riegel with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents.  He and his family are consistent members of the Catholic Church.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 731
  Clinton Twp. -
L. W. ZIMMER. bookseller and stationer. Tiffin, was born in Tiffin, this county, November 25. 1850; son of Jacob and Caroline (Von Blon) Zimmer, the former a native of Windesheim, Prussia, and the latter of Waldmohr, in Rhenish Bavaria.  They were married in Tiffin, and reared two sons and a daughter: L. W., Caroline Louisa and Jacob, latter a clerk with L. W.   Mr. Zimmer was reared to bookbinding, and followed the drug business for a few years.  In 1880 he joined Mr. Emich in the book and stationery business, from which he retired in 1883, and established his present business.  He was united in marriage, in 1881, with Emma, daughter of John and Susan (Gross) Laux, natives of Bavaria. He and his wife are members of the Second Reformed Church.  Mr. Zimmer is a member of the U. A. O. D. and Turnverein Societies.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page
  Adams Twp. -
BARNEY ZIMMERMAN, farmer, P. O. Fort Seneca, was born in Washington County, Md., Nov. 15, 1804, son of David and Sarah (Swope) Zimmerman, the latter of whom died in Martinsburg, Va., in 1812.  she was the mother of three children: Elizabeth, deceased wife of William Baugher (she left a family in Seneca County, Ohio); Sarah, deceased, wife of George W. Sager (she left a family near Olney, Ill.); and Barney, the subject of this sketch.  David Zimmerman had four children by his second marriage; Jane E., wife of John Knipe, of Hainesville, W. Va.; Susan, deceased wife of William Wegley, (she left a family in Berkeley County, w. Va.); John W. (deceased, leaving a family in Berkeley County, W. Va.); and Mary, wife of Joseph F. Poole, living near Harper's Ferry, Va.  Barney Zimmerman located on his present farm in May, 1836, and endured all the hardships and trials of pioneer life, assisting in the construction of the early churches, school buildings, roads, bridges, etc.  He served six years as county commissioner, also six years as county infirmary director, and has filled various township offices; has always taken an active part in public affairs and in the advancement and welfare of the people of the county.  He has been a member of the Reformed Church nearly sixty years, and is one of its pillars.  He was married, Dec. 2, 1827, to Miss Sarah Sager, who was born in Washington County, Md., March 7, 1810, daughter of Jacob and Barbara (Fifogle) Sager, and by her he has had six children: Jacob, in Pleasant township, this county; David, deceased, leaving a family in Williams County, Ohio), Solomon, in De Kalb County, Mich.; Margaret, whose first marriage was with David B. Rosenberger (deceased), her second marriage being with David Sherrick, residing in Pleasant township, this county; John B., residing on the homestead; and Sophia, wife of Levi Repp, in Allen County, Ind.   Mr. Zimmerman is a public spirited, enterprising man, and much esteemed by the citizens of his county.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886 - Page
  Bloom Twp. -
FREDERICK ZIMMERMAN, grocer, Bloomville, was born Feb. 27, 1822, in Baden, Germany.  After receiving his education in his native land, he immigrated to America, and located in Canal Dover, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, in 1843, where he followed his trade, that of a painter.  There he was married Aug. 1, 1844, to Miss Mary A. Oswald.  They settled in Bloomville, this county, in June 1847.  Here Mr. Zimmerman followed his trade for ten years, and established a grocery and provision store, which he has carried on ever since, and which is one of the oldest business houses in Bloomville.  His several partners have been as follows:  Dr. J. R. Buckingham, Henry Dittenhafer, Squire James Turner, James Ayres, and lastly, George W. Moore, who, in February, 1883, entered the firm, which is now known as Zimmerman & Moore.  They carry a full line of groceries, provisions, queensware etc., and by strict attention to business have built up a large trade with the surrounding community.  Mr. Zimmerman is a leading and influential citizen.  For twenty-seven years he and his worthy wife have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a steward.
History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 752
  Pleasant Twp. -
JACOB ZIMMERMAN, farmer, P. O. Fort Seneca, a native of Frederick County, Md., was born in 1829, son of Barney and Sarah (Sager) Zimmerman, who came from Maryland to this county in 1836, and who still reside in Liberty Township, this county.  They are the parents of six children: Jacob, David, Solomon, Margaret, John and Sopia, all living but David.  Our subject was married, Mar. 20, 1851, to Miss Catharine Repp of Pleasant Township, this county, who bore him three children:  Hiram, Sarah and JennieMr. Zimmerman dying in October, 1866, our subject married, June 20, 1868, Mrs. Mary A. Cookerly, of Tiffin, this county.  Mr. Zimmerman began business with $100; followed farming for seven years, and saw-milling for sever acres.  He has served his township as trustee, and is at present a member of the county board of directors of the agricultural society.  He is an active Democrat.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 952
  Adams Twp. -
JOSIAH ZIMMERMAN, farmer, P. O. Clyde, Sandusky Co., is a native of Adams Township, Seneca Co., Ohio, born Oct. 20, 1847; son of John and Rebecca (Fisher) Zimmerman, who emigrated from Pennsylvania to this State and county more than forty years ago, and here remained until their death.  Our subject was reared on a farm, has followed farming all his life, and purchased land in Adams Township, this county, in 1880.  He was married, Jan. 1, 1873, to Miss Harriet E. Shallhammer, who is also a native of Adams Township, born Dec. 14, 1848.  To this union have been born four children: Clara J., Lena M., Jesse W. and Vinnie E. (deceased).  Mrs. Zimmerman is a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Whiteman) Shellhammer, natives of Pennsylvania.  They both came to Ohio in an early day, she in 1835, and he in 1842.  They were married here and have reared a family of four children: Sarah J., Harriet E., William C. and Viola, all of whom are now married.  In politics Mr. Zimmerman has identified himself with the Democrat party.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 715
  Clinton Twp. -
JOHN BURGERT ZINT, of the firm of Zint & Kreader, plumbers and gas-fitters, Tiffin, was born in Paris, Stark Co.. Ohio, July 31, 1842; son of Joseph and Julia Ann (Burgert) Zint, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Pennsylvanian German ancestry.  The subject of our sketch was reared in Adrian, Ohio, and in 1861 came to Tiffin and began the trade of harness-making.  August 12, 1802, he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and First Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and did honorable service till the end of the war; was honorably discharged as drummer from the Eighth Veteran Reserve Corps, to which he had been transferred.  Returning to Tiffin, Ohio, he engaged in the woolen-mills, where he spent fifteen years, the last eight of which he was engineer. Upon the dissolution of that company, in 1881, he embarked in his present industry. Mr. Zint was married in Tiffin. Ohio, to Ellen Lowe, by whom he has two daughters: Laura Bell and Myrtie May.  He and his wife are members of the M. P. Church. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.. and of Leander Stem Post No. 31., G. A. R.
SOURCE: History of Seneca County, Ohio containing a History of the County, Publ. Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886. - Page 845


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