History of Summit County,
with an outline sketch of Ohio
Edited by William Henry Perrin.
Chicago: Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers,
186 Dearborn Street
Twp. -
WILLIAM JOHNSTON, farmer; P. O. Akron;
was born in Green Township, Summit Co., Ohio, Aug. 3, 1815,
and his birth was the second or third in the township.
Mr. Johnston is a son of Cornelius and Elizabeth (Willhelm)
Johnston, who were parents of the following family:
Mary, Alexander, Abram (deceased), John
(deceased), William, Cornelius, Nancy and Eliza.
The father was born Feb. 17, 1782, in New Jersey.
When a young man he moved to Center Co., Penn., where he
remained until he came to Ohio. He died in June, 1871,
at the advanced age of 89. Of the children,
Alexander still resides in Green Township. He was
the first Recorder of Summit Co., and afterward served as a
member of the Legislature. John was also a
member of the State Legislature, serving at one time in the
very distinguished position of Speaker of the House.
Cornelius is a retired merchant of Akron.
Nancy is the wife of Hon. N. W. Goodhue.
William, the subject of this sketch, has held various
township offices, and at one time was Director of the County
Infirmary. This family came to Green Township from
Center Co., Penn., in 1814. The first few years after
their arrival they had difficulty in earning the wherewithal
to supply their wants. The children received the most
of their education by the light of the hickory bark blazing
in the great fireplace. William Johnston
remained with his parents until he was 29 years of age.
He married Elizabeth G. Moore, daughter of John
Moore, April, 22, 1841, and by her had two sons -
Cornelius A., born July 16, 1842, and John M.,
born Aug. 13, 1844, the former of whom married Sarah
Swartz. John married Miss A. Dales, who
bore him two children, viz., Jessie and Marcia.
In April, 1844, Mr. Johnston came to Copley Township,
locating on Lot 15, where he has ever since resided.
He is a Republican in politics, and has been a subscriber
fro and read the New York Tribune for forty years.
History of Summit County, with an outline sketch of Ohio - Edited
by William Henry Perrin. - Illustrated. - Chicago: Baskin &
Battey, Historical Publishers, 186 Dearborn Street - 1881 -
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